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A Woman`s Response

I was asked: II we want an equal society, then why should there be laws protecting the rights
oI and giving privileges to women, and not men?

These laws place women to where they are supposed to be - Side by side with men, on equal
Iooting with men, at the same level as men. Equal with men. Because history tells us how
women were treated - as men's subordinates.

Had there been no abuse and deprivation that stemmed Irom Its-A-Man's-World" way oI
thinking, then there is no need to inIorm about and give emphasis on Women's Human
Rights. These rights are supposed to be "automatic", these are rather common sense and no
need Ior special emphasis because most, iI not all, are inherent rights. These are basic Human
Rights, equally the same as those oI men's.

You may admit it or not- in some way or some time in your life, you are violated. Either. As
a woman, or As a person fust BECAUSE You are a Woman. Either way, it should stop.

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