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Cfflce of AssessmenL rogram AccounLablllLy and AssessmenL

Crade 3 PollsLlc WrlLlng 8ubrlc

1hls paper exceeds grade level sLandards and ls
above average lL exhlblLs A|| Ck MCS1 of Lhe
followlng characLerlsLlcs
O lnslghLfully develops Lhe Loplc and
purposefully shapes ldeas wlLh relevanL
O upporLs an oplnlon conveylng depLh of
undersLandlng (oplnlon lLems only)
O ellberaLely llnks ldeas uslng approprlaLe
and smooLh LranslLlons Lo supporL Lhe
organlzaLlonal sLrucLure and purpose
O Ilvld and expresslve language connecLs Lhe
audlence Lo Lhe lnLended purpose
O onLrols Landard Lngllsh grammar/usage
mechanlcs and senLence sLrucLures for
1hls paper meeLs grade level sLandards and ls
adequaLe lL exhlblLs ALL Ck MCS1 of Lhe
followlng characLerlsLlcs
O ocuses and develops Lhe Loplc conveys
ldeas wlLh deLalls and/or facLs
O evelops an oplnlon uslng reasons
supporLed by deLalls and facLs (oplnlon
lLems only)
O eglns wlLh a clear lnLroducLlon organlzes
and llnks ldeas loglcally wlLh LranslLlons and
provldes a concluslon approprlaLe Lo LexL
O Dses concreLe words and phrases preclse
language and/or sensory deLalls approprlaLe
Lo audlence and purpose
O emonsLraLes command of Landard Lngllsh
grammar/usage and mechanlcs uses varlous
senLence sLrucLures LhaL flow smooLhly
1hls paper approaches grade level sLandards and
ls lnadequaLe lL exhlblLs ALL Ck MCS1 of Lhe
followlng characLerlsLlcs
O ocuses and beglns Lo develop Lhe Loplc wlLh
few relevanL deLalls and facLs
O Lxpresses an oplnlon buL reasons may noL
be sufflclenL or supporLed by deLalls and
facLs (oplnlon lLems only)
O emonsLraLes some organlzaLlon may
dlgress and/or lack loglc and coherence
lnLroducLlon LranslLlons and concluslon
may be presenL
O Dses words phrases and language LhaL may
be slmpllsLlc lmpreclse or lnapproprlaLe Lo
audlence and purpose
O emonsLraLes lnconslsLenL use of Landard
Lngllsh grammar/usage mechanlcs and/or
senLence sLrucLures
1hls paper ls below grade level sLandards and
lnadequaLe lL exhlblLs ALL Ck MCS1 of Lhe
followlng characLerlsLlcs
O ,enLlons Lhe Loplc supporLed by unclear or
lrrelevanL deLalls and facLs
O ,ay have an oplnlon wlLh llLLle or no
supporL (oplnlon lLems only)
O Pas llLLle or no organlzaLlon reads as a llsL of
random LhoughLs no LranslLlons
O Dses unclear and/or repeLlLlve word cholce
wlLh llLLle or no connecLlon Lo audlence and
O onslsLenL mlsuse of Landard Lngllsh
grammar/usage and mechanlcs whlch
lmpedes meanlng uses slmpllsLlc and/or
lncompleLe senLences

1he prlmary purpose of Lhls rubrlc ls Lo score Lhe Crade 3 nevada WrlLlng roflclency Lxams Powever classroom
Leachers should use Lhe rubrlc Lo ensure LhaL sLudenLs are famlllar wlLh Lhe evaluaLlon crlLerla used on Lhe exams
and Lo lmprove sLudenL wrlLlng

AugusL 12 2011

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