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CorporaLe 8logs and odcasLlng

Alok 8hardwa[
arLh MehLaa
W A corporaLe weblog ls publlshed and used by an organlzaLlon Lo reach lLs
organlzaLlonal goals 1he advanLage of blogs ls LhaL posLs and commenLs
are easy Lo reach and follow due Lo cenLrallzed hosLlng and generally
sLrucLured conversaLlon Lhreads
1ypes of CorporaLe blogs
W Interna| b|ogs
W Lxterna| b|ogs
8logs ConLd
W An ln1L8nAL blog generally accessed Lhrough Lhe corporaLlons
lnLraneL ls a weblog LhaL any employee can vlew Many blogs are
also communal allowlng anyone Lo posL Lo Lhem 1he lnformal
naLure of blogs may encourage
W employee parLlclpaLlon
W free dlscusslon of lssues
W collecLlve lnLelllgence
W dlrecL communlcaLlon beLween varlous layers of an organlzaLlon
W a sense of communlLy
W lnLernal blogs may be used ln lleu of meeLlngs and ema||
d|scuss|ons and can be especlally useful when Lhe people lnvolved
are ln dlfferenL locaLlons or have confllcLlng schedules 8logs may
also allow lndlvlduals who oLherwlse would noL have been aware of
or lnvlLed Lo parLlclpaLe ln a dlscusslon Lo conLrlbuLe Lhelr experLlse
8logs ConLd
W An exLernal blog ls a publlcly avallable weblog where company
employees Leams or spokespersons share Lhelr vlews lL ls ofLen used Lo
announce new producLs and servlces (or Lhe end of old producLs) Lo
explaln and clarlfy pollcles or Lo reacL on publlc crlLlclsm on cerLaln lssues
lL also allows a wlndow Lo Lhe company culLure and ls ofLen LreaLed more
lnformally Lhan LradlLlonal press releases Lhough a corporaLe blog ofLen
Lrles Lo accompllsh slmllar goals as press releases do ln some corporaLe
blogs all posLs go Lhrough a revlew before Lhey are posLed Some
corporaLe blogs buL noL all allow commenLs Lo be made Lo Lhe posLs
W Whlle some corporaLe blogs are hosLed on consumer blogglng plaLforms
llke 1umblr and 8logger oLhers are hosLed on buslness blogglng plaLforms
llke Compendlum
W A odcast (or nonsLreamed webcasL) ls a serles of dlglLal medla flles
(elLher audlo or vldeo) LhaL are released eplsodlcally and ofLen
downloaded Lhrough web syndlcaLlon 1he word replaced webcasL ln
common use wlLh Lhe success of Lhe lod and lLs role ln Lhe rlslng
popularlLy and lnnovaLlon of web feeds
W odcasLlng began Lo caLch hold wlLh Lhe publlc ln laLe 2004 Lhough
durlng Lhe 1998 2001 doLcom era Lhere were mulLlple podcasLs
Many lndlvlduals and groups lncludlng uawn and urew of 1he uawn
and urew Show krls and 8eLsy SmlLh of CroncasL and uan klass of 1he
8lLLeresL lll conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe early emergence and popularlLy of
CommunlLy odcasL
W A communlLy podcasL ls a collaboraLlve podcasL seL up Lo supporL mulLlple
conLrlbuLors podcasLlng Lhrough generally slmpllfled processes and
wlLhouL havlng Lo hosL Lhelr own lndlvldual feeds A communlLy podcasL
also refers Lo podcasLs LhaL allow members of Lhe communlLy (relaLed Lo
Lhe podcasL Loplc) Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe podcasL ln many dlfferenL ways
1hls meLhod was flrsL used for a serles of podcasLs hosLed by Lhe 8eglonal
LducaLlonal 1echnology CenLer aL lordham unlverslLy ln 2003
W honecasLlng ls a porLmanLeau of Lelephone and podcasLlng and slmply
means recordlng and llsLenlng Lo podcasLs wlLh a phone 1radlLlonally
podcasLers would requlre a mlcrophone and recordlng sofLware Lo creaLe
Lhelr programmlng honecasLlng replaces Lhe mlcrophone wlLh a phone
1he recordlng sofLware ls replaced by Lhe recordlng servlce and a dlal ln
number Lo call and record Lo odcasL audlences slmply dlal up podcasL
shows on demand from Lhelr phone honecasL recordlngs are ofLen saved
dlrecLly Lo a webslLe phonecasL channel so llsLeners can use a compuLer
web browser or subscrlbe vla a provlded 8SS feed Lo download/llsLen Lo
new eplsodes
W 1hank ?ou

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