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Control is the process to find out whether actions are being taken as planned & taking corrective actions to make them confirm to plans & then taking necessary steps to prevent the variations in future.

Control is an important function and an essential feature of scientific management. It is a guiding force for the management in the achievement of pre determined objective by means of predetermined policies and decisions. It helps the management in verifying whether all the activities are in adherence to standard set & to sight deviations or variations from standard set.

It prevents wrong and faulty operations and smoothens


the operations in future & helps in taking sound decisions. Control system helps in identifying the deviations & take necessary steps to rectify such deviations & also take up follow up actions. Control system provides excellent opportunity for decentralisation of authority. Control brings about coordination in all activities. Control helps in achieving operational efficiency by disciplining the work force towards a planned activity.

Control process can be controlling only the functions

within the organisation but there are other external factors which are uncontrollable by the firm such as government policies, consumer behaviour, political unrest, change in technology, market behaviour, which may affect the organisational efficiency, if proper strategies are not adopted from time to time. Control systems, which are advanced are expensive & cannot be implemented by the new firms. Certain aspects like employee morale cannot be quantified and hence control operations are not possible, mental agitation of employees may also affect control system

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