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Select the first link below for the name of your Senator at the State level, followed by second

link for the Senator at the Federal level. Send one letter per recipient. Do not include both names on each letter. Simply cut and past the body of this letter into the comment field on your Senators contact websites. The Honorable, [Senator (State Level) ] [Senator (Federal Level) I urge you to support S.B 213, which asks that Fraking ventures in Ohio be halted until a comprehensive study by the US EPA be concluded. I also ask you to back any similar current and future bill(s) which will halt or set a moratorium of Fracking and continued drilling of injection wells for the purpose of toxic waste storage within the state of Ohio, until a conclusive and peer-reviewed research is completed on the topic and a White Paper released. Permitting, or in any way supporting, Fracking or the continuation of injecting toxic and radioactive waste into Ohio lands until a conclusive and peer-review white paper is produced on the subject by the responsible, state and federal agencies, would be irresponsible at best. 90% of rural Ohioans rely on Ground water for their water need. While a total of 42% of all Ohioans rely on Ground Water for their water needs. The remaining 48% of Ohioans do rely on Surface water for their needs. Fracking poses a serious and known risk to both of these sources. The damage is irreversible once a compromise of these sources has occurred either directly by a faulty Gas Well, a Toxic Injection Well, or due to earthquakes were these wells exist. The threats to the health of Ohios citizens introduced by Fracking operations and their by-products are known and recognized. Ohio borders and takes part in the largest active fresh water fishery in the world today. Ohio's watersheds are home to the most productive fresh water species nurseries in the world today. The risks posed by fracking to our health, water supply and ecology are high. The risks posed by incompletely tested or reviewed fracking operations and toxic injection wells are simply too high to be acceptable. Knowing your stance on the topic of Fracking and Toxic Injection Wells in our region is important to me as a representative of your constituents. I look forward to your reply and thank you for your time. Sincerely,

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