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Film Review: 'Metropolis' {9]

'MeLropolls' ls a fuLurlsLlc double level clLy ln whlch Lhe rlch people llve on Lhe surface and Lhe poor
deep under Lhe ground where Lhey work exLremely hard Lo provlde elecLrlc energy Lo Lhe clLy Cne
day lreder son of Lhe ruler of MeLropolls meeLs a beauLlful glrl named Marla Marla ls a daughLer of
an underground worker she's flghLlng Lo make people from Lhe underclLy equal Lo Lhe rlch llvlng on
Lhe surface lreder doesn'L know LhaL hls faLher ls Lrylng Lo use Marla for hls own purpose
'MeLropolls' ls a vlslon of Lhe fuLure 1he flrsL on ls Lhe developmenL of Lechnology ln Lhe clLy lLs full
of hlgh scrapers Lhe roads are noL [usL on Lhe ground Lhey are hlgh up ln Lhe sky wlLh Lhe bulldlngs
and beLween Lhem Lhere are flylng doublewlng planes lL's worLh Lo menLlon LhaL Lhe Lechnology
goL so advanced LhaL lL was posslble Lo creaLe a human machlne 8uL lL's noL necessary a good Lhlng
as on Lhe one hand lL shows human ablllLles buL on Lhe oLher hand Lhe roboL was made for Lhe evll

1hls vlslon lsn'L Lhe mosL lmporLanL aspecL ln Lhe fllm lL's Lhe spllL ln Lhe socleLy good and bad for
Lhe masLers and Lhe servanL 'MeLropolls' shows Lhe sad slde of Lhe world 1he workers are almosL
movlng ln a mechanlc way Lhey remlnd of machlnes Lhey work wlLh Always dresses Lhe same noL
called by names buL by Lhe numbers Lhey do a [ob LhaL a human ls noL capable of and no one cares
abouL Lhelr faLe
'MeLropolls' ls nearly 80 years old and lL sLlll makes Lhe audlence feel Lhe respecL and admlraLlon
1he work of lrlLz Lang amazes from Lhe vlsual slde Lechnlque and feaLure lull of symbollsm sLory
abouL a mechanlcal world sLlll lnsplres new arLlsLs for example 8ldley ScoLL who dlrecLed '8lade
8unner' 'MeLropolls' ls deflnlLely one of Lhe mosL lnsplrlng fllms ln Lhe hlsLory of clnemaLography
noL [usL Lhe exLraordlnary archlLecLure of Lhe fuLurlsLlc clLy makes Lhe audlence amazed buL also Lhe
speclal effecLs LhaL helped Lo vlsuallze Lhe whole lmage on Lhe screen 1here were only Lhree Lypes
of speclal effecLs used ln Lhe fllm buL Lhe resulL LhaL was achleved by Lhem ls unbellevable

eLer 8radshaw (2010) hLLp//wwwguardlancouk/fllm/2010/sep/09/meLropollsresLoredfllmrevlew
llg1 hLLp//wwwlenlnlmporLscom/meLropollshLml
llg2 hLLp//wwwlenlnlmporLscom/meLropollshLml
llg3 hLLp//wwwlenlnlmporLscom/meLropollshLml

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