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Film Review: 'Alien' {99]

'Allen' ls a legend of Lhe horror fllm mlxed wlLh sclence flcLlon 8ldley ScoLL ls flrsL of all very orlglnal
Lhe allen from hls fllm ls Lhe mosL popular exlsLlng monsLer As an opponenL he's an exLremely hard
rlval Pe's sLrong aglle and lnLelllgenL lnsLead of blood he has acld LhaL can burn Lhrough any
maLerlal 1hls perfecL kllllng machlne musL arouse respecL and fear
'1he 8
assenger' Lells a sLory abouL a sLar shlp crew whlch on Lhe way back Lo Lhe earLh recelves
slgnal SCS from Lhe nearesL planeL 1he crew decldes Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe where Lhe slgnal ls comlng
from Cn Lhe spoL Lhey flnd a sLar shlp from an unknown llfe form When Lhey goL back Lhey reallze
LhaL Lhey broughL wlLh Lhem an unknown creaLure whlch llves from kllllng LhaL's how we geL Lo
know 'Allen' unhuman belng wlLh exLraordlnary physlcal and psychlcal ablllLles

lor Lhe fllm from Lhe 70's 'Allen' has a loL of speclal effecLs 1he galacLlc space was made ln a very
reallsLlc way 1he graphlcs doesn'L scare Lhe audlence wlLh lLs arLlflclalness and Lhe deLalls are
exLremely bellevable 8uL Lhe mosL lmporLanL ln Lhe fllm ls Lhe flgure of Allen 1he way LhaL allen
was made and how he looks llke ls exqulslLe lLs orlglnal fresh and horrlfylng lL glves Lhe fllm Lhe
one of a klnd cllmaLe 1he blrLh of Allen ls deflanLly Lhe mosL horrlfylng and dlsgusLlng scene ln Lhe
fllm lL also happens ln a very unexpecLed momenL lrom nowhere suddenly from Lhe lnsldes on one
of Lhe men ln Lhe crew an unknown monsLer appears noL [usL Lhe crew ln Lhe fllm ls ln shock buL
also Lhe audlence waLchlng Lhe whole Lhlng happenlng on Lhe screen LhaL looks unbellevable
reallsLlc lrom LhaL very momenL everyone on Lhe sLar shlp has Lo flghL Lo sLay allve

'Allen' ls a classlcal sclence flcLlon lLs success owes Lo Lhe monsLer LhaL was creaLed by a sculpLurer
Pans Clnger lL's a perfecL example of a fllm full of scenes wlLh hlgh Lenslon LhaL makes Lhe audlence
dragged lnLo Lhe sLory from Lhe beglnnlng Lo Lhe very end
8oger LberL (2003) hLLp//rogereberLsunLlmescom/apps/pbcsdll/arLlcle?Alu/20031026/8LvlLWS08/310260301/1023
llg1 hLLp//wwwbesLofscarycom/scarymovles/allen1979hLml
llg2 hLLp//wwwallmovlephoLocom/phoLo/1979_allen_013hLml
llg3 hLLp//wwwallmovlephoLocom/phoLo/1979_allen_013hLml

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