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The Akhkharu Society Constitution

The constitution herein shall be used as, where allowed or
required by law, Iounding document oI the heretoIore
mentioned shall contain the below Organization`s:
Statements oI Principles, Articles oI Faith and Articles oI
Association. None oI the articles within it shall be
repealed or inIringed in any way.

Article I:
Name, symbol, and Purpose
Section 1 (Name): the name under which this constitution
is to be ratiIied shall be known as 'The Akhkharu
Society, but shall in this constitution, Irom this point on,
shall also be reIerred to as 'the Society or 'TAS
Section 2 (Symbol): TAS`s symbol is subdivided into
three parts: The Iirst being the Dragon Ouroboros (this
represents our Eternal Nature within) a symbol oI Eternity
and natural cycles. The second is the Octogram oI Innana
(this represents the eight elements and eight in
Numerology represents power) a representation oI Power
and Energy. The third is the 'Sanguine Ankh
representing liIe and prosperity.
Section 3 (Mission and Purpose): The purpose oI this
organization (i.e. The Akhkharu Society) is to a) provide
a Haven and eventually Havens Ior real vampires and
those oI Alternative LiIestyles (I.e. Goth, Emo, Punk,
Rocker, etc.) and Personal Religious or Philosophical
BelieIs (so long as they are not harassing or disruptive)
and Political views (same as beIore), b) to teach the
elementary principles oI Traditional Real Vampirism,
power meditation, etc., and c) to promote tolerance, good
will, and selI-balance and empowerment.

Article II
embership and Elections
Section 1 (Active Membership): all active members
shall be oI sound mind (i.e able to illingly partake oI his
or her own membership), not prone to criminal activity,
and actively participating to the best oI their ability in
their advancement
Section 2 (Vacancy Elections): there shall be upon
vacancy oI oIIice in one oI the residing councils an
election oI oIIicer(s) by all 'members in good standing.
Section 3 (Good Standing): Members in good standing
shall be deIined as thus: a member oI the Akhkharu
Society or the Akhkharu Temple Network that has been
cooperative in learning, training, etc. Ior at least Iour

Article III
11ice o1 Grand aster
Section 1: There shall be a Grand Master over all the
aIIairs oI the Akhkharu Society who shall appoint new
Grand Council Member(s) or Masters or Mistresses as
previous vacancies arise within it.
Section 2: Along with this council the Grand Master or
Mistress shall delegate according to the powers given him
or her: the actions, policies, doctrines, etc. oI the
Akhkharu Society.
Section 3: ThereIore the Grand Council shall be the
highest decision making party within the Akhkharu

Article IV
%he Grand Council
Section 1: the Masters or Mistresses in the Grand Council
shall retain their position until death, proven unIitness, or
willing resignation oI the duties oI a Grand Council
Section 2: upon permanent impairment or impeachment a
Master or Mistress shall, iI possible, present a letter oI
resignation upon such time as he or she or the council
shall Ieel it necessary.
Section 3: thereaIter a nomination oI new master(s) or
mistress(es) by the Grand Master shall take place and a
vote shall be held to conIirm the nomination(s).

Article V
ranch Lodges
Section 1: the Society shall have Regional Branch Lodges
that are to be called Temples; each Temple shall be
independent but subject to the commands and policies oI
the Society as a whole. Also each Temple shall have a
Council which is also appointed by the Master (Mistress)
or Administrator oI the Temple.
Section 2: the Administrator or each temple must have
attained the approval oI the Grand Council and be within
the ranks oI the Society, and each Temple shall be made
up oI Iour to six Covens or local groups
Section 3: Also each new Coven must agree and vote
upon the Coven`s name with the word 'Coven beIore it
and a sigil with the ankh in it in some Iorm. Likewise no
Coven shall have any less than thirteen and no more than
thirty members; including the Coven Council. The Coven
Council shall have a minimum oI seven members
including the Coven Administrator or High Priest.

Article VI
#ights o1 embers
Section 1: All members oI the Society shall Ireely
exercise rights oI Ireewill, liIe, belieIs, liIestyle, speech,
and peaceIul assembly.
Section 2: in no manner shall any member or non-
member deny or impose upon those rights unless they
deprive the moral codes and/or disrupt the peaceIul
processes oI learning by other Disciples (students) oI the
Akhkharu Faith.

Article VII
ddressing Problems
Section 1: An issue or problem may be, Ior terms oI
resolution, deIined as a moral, religious, hierarchal, or
other communicable discrepancy between two or more
individuals within the Akhkharu Society or its subjective
Temples and Havens which results in either disciplinary
action or other resolution.
Section 2: there shall be a diIIerence in disciplinary
actions and resolutions within diIIerent hierarchal levels.
Thus a member oI lower level will be given a diIIerent
disciplinary action than a higher-level member.
Section 3: This action shall be given by said members
superior. The superior in question may ask either a
counseling member oI equal or greater rank to act as
counselor between said conIlictions.
Section 4: iI any Elders and/or Primus are to be held
accountable Ior his or her actions there must be a council
or hearing oI impeachment. This must be held by council
oI the remaining elders and including, unless in deIense
him or herselI, the current Primus.
Section 5: He or she, the Elder in question, will be
deIended by the counsel, within the Akhkharu Order
membership, oI his choosing in exception to the Elders a
Primus themselves. This includes Iormer retired Elders
and Primii.
Section 6: The Founding Elders shall be immune to this
charge as long as the oIIending Founding Elder(s) does
not cause signiIicant striIe within his or her position in the
Akhkharu Order hierarchy or the peace therein.
Section 7: any member oI the Akhkharu Order that has
been accused oI violation oI the Akhkharu Society`s Laws
stated within the Akhkharu Code the right to a Iormal
hearing oI the selective Haven Council wherein the
oIIender(s) reside, and then within the Akhkharu Society
Grand Council itselI.
Section 8: All Members have a right to Iair treatment
while being in the accusation proceedings. This also
includes the keeping oI all private inIormation and
matters between only those within the proceedings.
Section 9: The oIIence(s) shall be treated with due
process as will allow. Likewise the action posed upon
them shall not be unjustiIied, overbearing, or over-

Article VIII
iscrimination and Correction
Section 1: Ior the purpose oI correction and reprimanding
oI such violation by any member oI the Akhkharu society
we must deIine discrimination:
Section 2: this being deIined as undue racial (other than
in path-choosing, or other related exercises by mode oI
deIining non-vampires Irom true vampires),
religious/moral (unless it, the morals or religion deIies
entirely the purpose and goals oI the Akhkharu Society),
wealth/housing, or dress/grooming capability (unless it
interIeres with the Society's: instruction, peace,
organization, etc.)
Section 3: The Member or potential Member
discriminated against unduly has a right to: Haven
Council proceeding (when and where applicable), and
then Akhkharu Society Grand Council proceeding.

Section 4: II no agreement is reached; the Society's
authority over such matter shall be nulliIied and sent to
the appropriate Civil Jurisdiction where in the persons in
question reside to take appropriate actions against the
oIIending member(s) Ior themselves.

Section 5; We (the Akhkharu Society) will not deIend,
support, or resist in any way against actions civil court
based upon a discrimination suit, nor is the Akhkharu
Society liable in any way Ior discriminatory actions oI its
members or lower clergy.

Article IX
Equal %reatment
Section 1: All Members deserve to be treated with respect
and Iairness. No ally or Member oI a Coven deserves or
should be used, abused, or subjected to harassment oI any
kind. A leader is only as good as his treatment oI his
Section 2: No Coven Member or Coven shall break the
laws oI the states or country wherein they reside. The
actions oI members oI a coven are the sole responsibility
oI its leader (the High Priest/ess).
Section 3: The Akhkharu Society will not assume any
responsibility Ior any lawbreaking oI any individual or
Coven. However we will be open and cooperative yet
discreet on matters oI law breaking on an Individual,
Coven, or Haven level criminal proceedings.
Section 4: also to deIine Iurther 'open and cooperative
yet discreet meaning only the matters involving criminal
or alleged criminal activity and oI the individuals
involved shall be presented iI asked Ior by authorities by
court-granted warrant.
Section 5: Everyone deserves basic respect no matter
whom or what he or she is: Vampyre, liIestyler, Pagan,
Satanist, Christian, etc. Everyone deserves respect. But
respect also must be earned and given back. You shouldn't
have to blindly respect people who abuse you, though. II
someone continually disrespects or harasses you bring it
to the attention to the High Priest/ess, the Haven
Overseer, or us.

Article X
Clergy embership
Section 1: any members oI the Akhkharu Society based
upon quality oI character, readiness, and manner oI
temperament shall enjoy the right to join the second circle
the Akhkharu Society and upon the same terms (and only
those) proceed possibly to third based upon the Ireewill oI
the individual.
Section 2: thus no member may compel by Iorce or
otherwise to unwillingly join the clergy and also no clergy
may compel or harass a non-member to join or member to
become clergy.

Article XI
aking mendments
Section 1: All amendments oI this constitution shall be
ratiIied by grand council hearing aIter the amendments
Section 2: Likewise the right to amend this constitution
shall be enjoyed by any and all members oI the Akhkharu
Society Temple Network.

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