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M|crosoft Dynam|cs Ak Data M|grat|on kequ|rements

Instruct|ons by Co|umn
A) 1he Data M|grat|on kequ|rements tab |s organ|zed by 8us|ness ko|e
1here ls a fllLer on LhaL column so LhaL an lndlvldual of LhaL role can look only aL Lhe speclflc daLa mlgraLlons for whlch Lhey are responslble
8) An |dent|f|er |s prov|ded |n the second co|umn for reference
1he ldenLlflers are ordered Lo provlde a sequence for Lhe daLa mlgraLlon process wlLhln Lhe role buL noL across roles ?eL Lhere are dependencles drlvlng Lhe
order of daLa mlgraLlon beLween roles
noLe for example LhaL Lhe l1 Manager role musL compleLe mosL of Lhe mlgraLlons asslgned Lo hlm/her prlor Lo oLher roles beglnnlng Lhelr work
Where Lhere are oLher daLa dependencles Lhe Scope(query) column provldes lnformaLlon abouL crossrole daLa
C) 1he type of data to be m|grated |s named |n the Iunct|ona| Descr|pt|on co|umn
D) 1h|s co|umn spec|f|es whether the data |s transact|ona| or nontransact|ona| (Master)
noLe Lhe reason for Lhls deslgnaLlon 1ransacLlonal daLa ls Lyplcally volumlnous and daLespeclflc
1herefore all LransacLlonal daLa (and some MasLer daLa) musL be mlgraLed aL gollve A prlsLlne envlronmenL of MasLer daLa can be malnLalned whlle
LransacLlonal scrlpLs are developed and LesLed well ahead of gollve Lo lmprove Lhelr performance
L) 1he approach for m|grat|ng data |nd|cates on|y a recommendat|on (scr|pts can a|ways be used |f there |s a |ot of data) Cpt|ons are
Manual LnLry (whlch lncludes uslng MlcrosofL Cfflce Lxcel LemplaLes) 1hls lndlcaLes Lyplcally smaller quanLlLles of daLa where lL may noL be pracLlcal Lo
wrlLe cusLom load scrlpLs
Manual and/or ScrlpLs lndlcaLes LhaL scrlpLs should be consldered as Lhe opLlon for mlgraLlng a large volume of daLa and for Lhe daLa LhaL wlll be loaded
mulLlple Llmes whlle preparlng for gollve
I) 1he target co|umn prov|des the menu path |n M|crosoft Dynam|cs Ak 2009 for manua| data entry
1echnlcal consulLanLs can use Lhe rlghLcllck SeLup opLlon Lo flnd ouL whaL Lables musL be loaded lf scrlpLs wlll be used for mlgraLlng Lhls Lype of daLa
WrlLers of daLa load scrlpLs should conslder uslng Lhe Ax1able classes ln Lhelr scrlpLs 1hese classes help wlLh daLa lnLegrlLy ln much Lhe same way as Lhe
form seLLlng defaulLs and provldlng easy access Lo [olned Lables
1he asLerlsk ls used Lo lndlcaLe mulLlple menu lLems wlLhln a seLup folder noL all of Lhe seLups of Lhe folder need Lo be populaLed many are used for fllLerlng
or grouplng and may noL be needed by Lhe cusLomer
G) 1he Source(s) co|umn |s a p|ace to enter the |ocat|on of the data that |s to be m|grated |nto M|crosoft Dynam|cs Ak 2009
n) 1he Scope(t|me) co|umn a||ows the user to make |n|t|a| est|mates of the t|me requ|red for m|grat|ng th|s type of data (manua| or automated)
I) 1he Scope(query) co|umn |s used to prov|de comments about the scope for th|s type of data
Also daLa ofLen has mulLldlsclplanary lmpllcaLlons 1hls column noLes some crossrole lnLeresL ln Lhe daLa where mlgraLlon should be a [olnL efforL Lhe same
Lype of daLa (and LargeL) appears under Lhe mulLlple roles
I) 1he Actua| kun 1|me co|umn may be usefu| to track the most recent actua| t|me to run automated data |oad scr|pts 1h|s |s usefu| for p|ann|ng the t|me requ|red to |oad data at go||ve t|me
M|grat|on Date co|umns
k L) 1hese co|umns |nd|cate the date and method that was used for m|grat|ng the data |nto a Deve|opment (DLV) env|ronment
M N) 1hese co|umns |nd|cate the date and method that was used for m|grat|ng the data |nto an env|ronment for System Integrat|on 1est|ng (SI1)
C ) 1hese co|umns |nd|cate the date and method that was used for m|grat|ng the data |nto an env|ronment for Data Acceptance 1est|ng (DA1)
k) 1hese co|umns |nd|cate the date and method that was used for m|grat|ng the data |nto an env|ronment for User Acceptance 1est|ng (UA1)
S 1) 1hese co|umns |nd|cate the date and method that was used for m|grat|ng the data |nto the roduct|on Lnv|ronment (kCD)
Data Acceptance 1est Date co|umns
U V) 1hese co|umns |nd|cate the date and status for acceptance of the data |n the DA1 env|ronment
W k) 1hese co|umns |nd|cate the date and status for acceptance of the data |n the kCD env|ronment
kM|crosoft Dynam|cs Ak Data M|grat|on kequ|rements
Iunct|ona| Descr|pt|on Master or 1ransact|ona| Approach 1arget Source(s) Status
Company lnformaLlon MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup Company lnformaLlon
Lxchange 8aLes MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs Ceneral Ledger SeLup Lxchange raLes
Ledger Workflow ConflguraLlons MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup Workflow conflguraLlons
Ledger AccounL CaLegorles MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup Ledger accounL caLegorles
8eason Codes MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup 8easons (use Ledger 8ank and AsseL Llck boxes as approprlaLe)
Ledger arameLers MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup arameLers
llnanclal ulmenslon seLup MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup ulmenslons *
llnanclal ulmenslons MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger Common lorms ulmenslons
llnanclal erlods MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup erlods *
CharL of AccounLs MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs Ceneral Ledger Common lorms CharL of AccounL ueLalls
llnanclal !ournals seLup MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup !ournals *
Cpenlng ledger balances 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Ceneral Ledger !ournals Ceneral !ournal
lnLer company accounLlng MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup osLlng lnLercompany accounLlng
CLher llnanclal osLlng seLup MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup osLlng *
Sales 1ax seLup MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup Sales Lax *
WlLhholdlng Lax seLup MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup WlLhholdlng Lax *
llnanclal SLaLemenLs seLup MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup llnanclal sLaLemenL *
Ledger budgeL seLup MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup 8udgeL *
Ledger budgeLs 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Ceneral Ledger Common lorms Ledger 8udgeL
ConsolldaLlon company MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon Common lorms Company accounLs
8ank Croups MasLer Manual LnLry 8ank SeLup 8ank groups
8ank 1ransacLlon 1ypes MasLer Manual LnLry 8ank SeLup 8ank LransacLlon Lype
8ank 1ransacLlon Croups MasLer Manual LnLry 8ank SeLup 8ank LransacLlon groups
aymenL urpose Codes MasLer Manual LnLry 8ank SeLup aymenL urpose Codes
8ank arameLers MasLer Manual LnLry 8ank SeLup arameLers
8ank AccounLs MasLer Manual LnLry 8ank Common lorms 8ank AccounL ueLalls
8ank 8lll of exchange hlsLory 1ransacLlonal Manual LnLry 8ank Common lorms 8lll of Lxchange
8ank romlssory noLe hlsLory 1ransacLlonal Manual LnLry 8ank Common lorms romlssory noLe
llxed AsseL seLup MasLer Manual LnLry Ceneral Ledger SeLup llxed AsseLs *
llxed AsseL daLa 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Ceneral Ledger llxed AsseL ueLalls and/or load acqulslLlons lnLo Ceneral Ledger
!ournals llxed asseLs and posL
uepreclaLlon daLa 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Ceneral Ledger !ournals uepreclaLlon books
Ledger movemenLs 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Load daLa lnLo Ceneral Ledger !ournals Ceneral [ournal and posL
Cpen Lxpense 8eporLs 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Lxpense ManagemenL Common lorms Lxpense 8eporL ueLalls
Checks 1ransacLlonal Manual LnLry 8ank Common lorms Checks
A osLlng roflles MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup osLlng proflles
vendor rlce 1olerances MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup rlce/ulscounL vendor rlce Lolerance groups
AccounLs ayable SeLup rlce/ulscounL rlce Lolerance seLup
Cpen vendor lnvolces 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Load daLa lnLo AccounLs ayable !ournals lnvolces (Lype of lnvolce [ournal) and
A Cash ulscounL seLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup aymenL Cash dlscounL
CLher A aymenL SeLup (Lerms meLhods schedules) MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup aymenLs *
Cpen vendor romlssory noLes 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs ayable !ournals romlssory noLes * (sLages of negoLlaLlon)
A aymenLs 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Load daLa lnLo AccounLs ayable !ournals aymenLs aymenL [ournal and posL
SLaLlsLlcs seLup (for reporLs regardlng A paymenLs) MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup SLaLlsLlcs *
ueposlL Sllps 1ransacLlonal Manual LnLry 8ank Common lorms ueposlL sllp
uaLa AccepLance 1esL uaLe
A8 osLlng roflles MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup osLlng roflles
Cpen cusLomer lnvolces 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Load Ceneral Ledger !ournals Ceneral !ournal
A8 Cash ulscounL SeLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup aymenL Cash dlscounLs
CLher A8 aymenL SeLup (Lerms meLhods schedules) MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup aymenL *
Cpen 8llls of exchange 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs 8ecelvable !ournals 8lll of exchange *
A8 CollecLlon LeLLer SeLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup lnLeresL and collecLlon leLLer CollecLlon leLLer
A8 lnLeresL CalculaLlon SeLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup lnLeresL and collecLlon leLLer lnLeresL
A8 aymenLs 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs 8ecelvable !ournals aymenLs aymenL [ournal
SLaLlsLlcs seLup (for reporLs regardlng A8 paymenLs) MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup SLaLlsLlcs *
roducLlon lLems lnvolved ln lnLercompany LransacLlons MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL SeLup Company lLem
lLem Croups for roducLlon lLems MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory managemenL SeLup lLem groups
lnvenLory Model Croups for roducLlon lLems MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory managemenL SeLup lnvenLory lnvenLory model groups
lnvenLory dlmenslon groups for roducLlon lLems MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup ulmenslons ulmenslon groups
lLems MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL Common lorms lLem ueLalls
roducLlon lLem ulmenslons and Lhelr comblnaLlons MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL SeLup ulmenslons lLem dlmenslons *
lnvenLory osLlng roflles MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory managemenL SeLup osLlng osLlng
CosLlng verslons for roducLlon lLems 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL SeLup CosLlng verslons
uefaulL order seLLlngs for lLems MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL lLems SeLup buLLon uefaulL order seLLlngs
SlLe speclflc order seLLlngs MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL lLems SeLup buLLon SlLe speclflc order seLLlngs
CounLlng Croups MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL SeLup lnvenLory CounLlng groups
8uyer Croups MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory managemenL SeLup lnvenLory 8uyer groups
unlLs of Measure and converslons MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup unlLs *
SLock on hand 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Load lnvenLory managemenL !ournals lLem counLlng counLlng and posL
AcLlve CuaranLlne Crders 1ransacLlonal Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL erlodlc CuallLy managemenL CuaranLlne orders
CusLomer Croups MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup CusLomer groups
CusLomer ClasslflcaLlon groups MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup CusLomer classlflcaLlon groups
CusLomer 8eason Codes MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup CusLomer reasons
CusLomers MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs 8ecelvable Common forms CusLomer deLalls
AccounLs 8ecelvable Common forms Clobal Address 8ook deLalls
CusLomer rlce/ulscounL AgreemenL seLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup rlce/ulscounL *
CusLomer rlce/ulscounL AgreemenLs 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs Load lnLo AccounLs 8ecelvable !ournals rlce/ulscounL rlce/dlscounL
agreemenL [ournals and posL
Sales Mlscellaneous Charge seLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup Mlsc charges *
Sales SupplemenLary lLem SeLup MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup SupplemenLary lLems *
Sales LxLernal lLem seLup MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup LxLernal lLem descrlpLlon lLem CusLomer groups
Sales ulsLrlbuLlon seLup (dellvery modes and Lerms) MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup ulsLrlbuLlon *
Sales lorm seLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup lorms *
Sales orders and 8eLurns seLup (ools orlglns reasons eLc) MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup Sales order *
Sales Commlsslon seLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup Commlsslon *
A8 arameLers MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup arameLers
Sales CuoLaLlon seLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup CuoLaLlons *
Cpen Sales CuoLaLlons 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs 8ecelvable Common lorms Sales CuoLaLlon ueLalls or
C8M Common lorms Sales CuoLaLlon ueLalls lf C8M ls lmplemenLed
Cpen Sales orders 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs 8ecelvable Common lorms Sales Crder ueLalls
AccounLs 8ecelvable !ournals Sales Crder *(Lype)
Cpen 8eLurn orders 1ransacLlonal Manual AccounLs 8ecelvable Common lorms 8eLurn orders
A8 arameLers MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs 8ecelvable SeLup arameLers
AllocaLlon keys (lLem / perlod) MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lorecasL lLem allocaLlon keys and
lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lorecasL erlod allocaLlon keys
vendor Croups MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup vendor reasons
A Workflow ConflguraLlons MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup Workflow conflguraLlons
vendor 8easons MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup vendor groups
vendors MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs ayable Common lorms vendor ueLalls and
AccounLs ayable Common lorms Clobal Address 8ook ueLalls
vendor rlce/ulscounL AgreemenL seLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup rlce/ulscounL vendor prlce/dlscounL groups
AccounLs ayable SeLup rlce/ulscounL lLem dlscounL groups
AccounLs ayable SeLup rlce/ulscounL 1rade AgreemenL !ournal names
AccounLs ayable SeLup rlce/ulscounL AcLlvaLe prlce/dlscounL
vendor rlce/ulscounL AgreemenLs MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs Load daLa lnLo AccounLs ayable !ournals rlce/ulscounL rlce/dlscounL
agreemenL [ournals and posL
urchased lLems lnvolved ln lnLercompany LransacLlons MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL SeLup Company lLem
lLem Croups for urchased lLems MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory managemenL SeLup lLem groups
lnvenLory Model Croups for urchased lLems MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory managemenL SeLup lnvenLory lnvenLory model groups
urchased lLems roducLs MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL Common lorms lLem ueLalls
8uyer Croups MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory managemenL SeLup lnvenLory 8uyer groups
urchased lLem ulmenslons and Lhelr comblnaLlons MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL SeLup ulmenslons lLem dlmenslons *
CosLlng verslons for urchased lLems 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL SeLup CosLlng verslons
urchaslng Mlscellaneous Charge seLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup Mlsc charges *
urchase SupplemenLary lLem SeLup MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs ayable SeLup SupplemenLary lLems *
urchase LxLernal lLem seLup MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs ayable SeLup LxLernal lLem descrlpLlon lLem vendor groups
urchase ulsLrlbuLlon seLup (dellvery modes and Lerms) MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup ulsLrlbuLlon *
urchase lorm seLup MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup lorms *
urchase Crder SeLup (ools and reLurn acLlons) MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup urchase Crder *
urchaslng roducL Croups MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup urchase CaLalog roducL groups
A arameLers MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup arameLers
Cpen urchase 8equlslLlons 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs ayable Common lorms urchase 8equlslLlon deLalls
Cpen urchase Crders 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs ayable Common lorms urchase Crder ueLalls
AccounLs ayable !ournals urchase Crders * (Lype)
8equesL for CuoLe 8easons MasLer Manual LnLry AccounLs ayable SeLup 8equesL for quoLe 8eason codes
Cpen 8equesL for CuoLes 1ransacLlonal Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs ayable Common lorms 8equesL for CuoLe deLalls
Work CenLers and Work CenLer Croups MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs 8aslc Common lorms Work cenLer groups (also use Lhe buLLons of Lhls form)
CuallLy ConLrol uaLa seLup MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup CuallLy ConLrol *
CuallLy ManagemenL seLup MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup arameLers CuallLy managemenL Lab check
use quallLy managemenL
CreaLe users for approval AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup user and AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup
user 8elaLlons
CuallLy ManagemenL seLup MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup CuallLy ManagemenL *
lnvenLory !ournal seLup MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup !ournal *
arameLers MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup arameLers
SlLes MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lnvenLory 8reakdown SLorage ulmenslons SlLe
Warehouses MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lnvenLory 8reakdown Warehouse
Warehouse lnvenLory Alsles MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lnvenLory 8reakdown lnvenLory Alsles or creaLe
wlLh locaLlons uslng
lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lnvenLory 8reakdown Warehouse LocaLlon
Wlzard of luncLlons buLLon
SLore areas MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lnvenLory 8reakdown SLore areas
SLore zones MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lnvenLory 8reakdown SLore zones
LocaLlons MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lnvenLory 8reakdown LocaLlons or use
lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lnvenLory 8reakdown Warehouse LocaLlon
Wlzard of luncLlons buLLon
lnvenLory equlpmenL (forkllfLs and palleLs) MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup lnvenLory equlpmenL *
8llu Server seLup MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup 8llu 8llu servers
acklng MaLerlal seLup MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup acklng maLerlal *
Shlpplng Carrler seLup MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup Shlpplng carrler *
ulsLrlbuLlon seLup MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup ulsLrlbuLlon *
lnprocess shlpmenLs 1ransacLlonal Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL Common lorms ShlpmenLs
lnvenLory ManagemenL Common lorms Sales plckup for wlllcall orders
SysLem SeLup MasLer Manual LnLry CheckllsL lnlLlally LhereafLer go Lo AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup SysLem *
Company AccounLs MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon Common lorms Company accounLs
vlrLual Company AccounLs MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup vlrLual company accounLs
user Croups MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup user Croups (for each company)
users MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon Common lorms users lmporL buLLon
user roflles MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup user roflles
uomalns MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup uomalns
SeLup Clobal Address 8ook for oLher roles Lo use MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup Clobal Address 8ook *
8aLch Croups MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup 8aLch Croups
SeLup Lmall parameLers MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup Lmall parameLers
SeLup Lmall LemplaLes MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup Lmall LemplaLes
Conflgure 8ole CenLers MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup 8ole CenLers
SeLup lnlLlal number Sequences MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup number Sequences number Sequences Wlzard buLLon
Conflgure Address lormaLs LhaL oLher roles wlll use MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup Addresses *
SeLup uaLa Crawler for global searches MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup uaLa Crawler *
Conflgure AlerL seLup so oLher roles can creaLe Lhem MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup AlerLs *
SeLup uocumenL ManagemenL for oLhers Lo aLLach docs MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup uocumenL managemenL
SeLup CLA (8uslness Analysls) MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup 8uslness Analysls CLA *
SeLup 8eporLlng Servlces (8uslness Analysls) MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup 8uslness Analysls 8eporLlng Servlces
SeLup Workflow lnfrasLrucLure MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup SeLLlngs for workflow and
AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup Workflow lnfrasLrucLure ConflguraLlon Wlzard
SeLup AppllcaLlon lnLegraLlon lramework (All) MasLer Manual LnLry 8aslc SeLup AppllcaLlon lnLegraLlon lramework *
Conflgure Lhe LnLerprlse orLal SeLup MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup lnLerneL *
SeLup SynchronlzaLlon for exLernal lnLegraLlons MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup SynchronlzaLlon servlce arameLers
SeLup SecurlLy MasLer Manual LnLry AdmlnlsLraLlon SeLup SecurlLy *
8ebaLe rogram MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs AccounLs 8ecelvableSeLup8ebaLe rogram
lormula lLems lnvolved ln lnLercompany LransacLlons MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL SeLup Company lLem
lLem Croups for lormula lLems and Co/8yroducLs MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory managemenL SeLup lLem groups
lnvenLory Model Croups for lormula lLems and CC/8?
MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory managemenL SeLup lnvenLory lnvenLory model groups
lnvenLory dlmenslon groups for lormula lLems and CC/8?
MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory ManagemenL SeLup ulmenslons ulmenslon groups
8aLch lLems co/8yroducLs MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL Common lorms lLem ueLalls
lormula and Co/8y lLem ulmenslons and Lhelr comblnaLlons MasLer Manual and/or ScrlpLs lnvenLory managemenL SeLup ulmenslons lLem dlmenslons *
lnvenLory osLlng roflles MasLer Manual LnLry lnvenLory managemenL SeLup osLlng osLlng
Lmployee ueLalls MasLer Manual LnLry and/or ScrlpLs Puman 8esources Common lorms Lmployee ueLalls and
Puman 8esources Common lorms Clobal Address 8ook ueLalls

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