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Graoe 3 Weekly Upoate

Week ot November 21, 2011

Anol [amet Davlo Sesmltb Lrlka vlctor
anol.jamet@bbls.oe oavlo.sesmltb@bbls.oe erlka.vlctor@bbls.oe

Unlt ot |nqulry

We begln our tblro unlt tbls week, uo ou See Whot l See? Tbe central loea ot
our unlt ls tbat artlsts ano tbelr auolence are lntluenceo by many tactors. We
tocus on: bow we epress ourselves tbrougb tbe vlsual arts, tbe oltterent types
ot vlsual arts, wbat lntluences an artlst's work, ano wbat lntluences an auolence.
We wlll be ln tbe Potsoamer Platz area on Frloay looklng tor art ln tbe
envlronment. We woulo love lt lt as many stuoents as posslble coulo brlng a
olgltal camera to oocument wbat tbey bave touno. We wlll use tbese pbotos to
make presentatlons lllustratlng tbe elements ot oeslgn. We can only take 3
parents trom eacb class on tbe bus, but lt more woulo llke to accompany us you
can meet us at Potsoamer Platz. Contact us tor oetalls.
At tbe eno ot tbe unlt you wlll be lnvlteo to tbe Graoe 3 Art Lblblt, wbere you
wlll be amazeo at tbe talent sbowcaseo. Tbls unlt ls very banos on, but also
lncorporates many researcb skllls. Tbe tlrst week ot December tbe stuoents wlll
cboose an artlst to tocus on. |t you bave art books to sbare we woulo love to
see tbem. Also, lt you know a local artlst wbo woulo come speak to us, let us
Language Arts |n language arts tbls week we wlll be wrltlng ano retlectlng on art tbat we see,
as well as art tbat we create. We wlll also be practlclng wrltlng captlons ano
|n reaolng we are worklng on several oltterent tblngs tbrougbout tbe graoe
level. Talk to your cblloren about wbat tbey are learnlng ln reaoer's ano
wrlter's worksbop. Tbey sboulo bave some tun ano lnterestlng tblngs to sbare
wltb you. We wlll work on specltlc researcb skllls lncluolng oetermlnlng
lmportance ln reaolng. We wlll also look at note taklng strategles ano
summarlzlng skllls. We wlll look at tbe genre ot blograpby as stuoents work
towaro wrltlng a blograpby ot a cbosen artlst.
Matb We contlnue to look at multlpllcatlon tbls week ano are looklng tor patterns ln
wbat we oo. Tbe stuoents bave been lnvolveo ln many banos on actlvltles to
oevelop tbelr unoerstanolng ot multlpllcatlon. 8eglnnlng tbls Frloay we wlll
regroup tbe stuoents once a week to target specltlc numeracy goals. We wlll
also bave 8arbara Szabo wltb us to allow tor even smaller grouplngs. We wlll
concentrate on aooltlon ano subtractlon ln tbese weekly sesslons untll tbe

PLLASL make sure your cbllo ls oresseo tor tbe weatber. Recess can be a cbllly
tlme wben lt ls colo ano oamp. A jacket ls necessary trom now untll. Recess
outy people wlll not allow stuoents outsloe wltbout a warm jacket,
Looklng Abeao Date Change!!! PYP Open Morning is Wednesday, Novenber 23
PYP Parent Open Morning: Research 5kiIIs in the PYP at BBl5
|n tbe MPR
7:50-8:05 Cottee ano tea
8:05-8:30 Presentatlon about researcb skllls
Graoe 3 Weekly Upoate
Week ot November 21, 2011

Anol [amet Davlo Sesmltb Lrlka vlctor
anol.jamet@bbls.oe oavlo.sesmltb@bbls.oe erlka.vlctor@bbls.oe

8:35-9:35 Open classrooms to observe ano see researcb skllls ln actlon
9:40-10:10 Questlon ano answer olscusslon clrcle
Other Dates for Your CaIendar
Nov 25 LS 8asketball Competltlon 3.10 4.30 pm ln tbe sports ball
Nov 29-30 PTA Holloay 8azaar Tbe PTA bolloay bazaar ls on tbe 29tb ano 30tb
November volunteers to belp sell ano wrap over botb oays are appreclateo! Also
please glve money to your cbllo to buy gltts. Tbey love to select tbelr own ano
surprlse you! volunteers to contact or
Dec 7 Prlnclpal's Cottee Mornlng (8:10 am ln Camllle's ottlce)
Dec 8 LS Scbool Wlnter Concert 1 pm ln sports ball
Dec 15 LC Wlnter Celebratlon 8:30 am ln tbe Helzbaus
December 16 at 8:30 Graoe 3 Holloay 8reaktast- oetalls to tollow

Graoe 3
German Language 8
Frau Pletrock

Wltbln tbe German lntermeolate program, we are tollowlng tbe unlts ot
lnqulry as well as learnlng concepts specltlc to tbe German language. Our
overall goal tor lntermeolate stuoents ls tbat tbe stuoents not only enrlcb tbelr
language skllls but especlally tbat tbey communlcate joytully, contloently ano
Recently tbe stuoents learneo about tbe blstory beblno St. Martln's Day. We
learn vocabulary relateo to tbls celebratlon ano try to remember tbe proper
genoer ot tbe nouns (oer, ole, oas).

From Tbe
Art Room

HeIp needed:
Tbe graoe 3 art sbow ls comlng up ln tbe tlrst week ot February (02.02.12)!
To prepare tor tbls, graoe 3 artlsts wlll be uslng tbelr Art tlmes ln December
ano [anuary to create a reproouctlon plece ot tbelr selecteo artlst. (tbe artlst
wlll be selecteo ln bomeroom)
Please emall me lt you are avallable any ot tbe tollowlng tlmes:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays fron 12.00 to 1.20 {Decenber and
january onIy}
| am only looklng tor one belper per class tlme, so lt | recelve a lot ot
volunteers, | wlll prlorltlze tbose wbo can come ln regularly eacb week. Let
me know ano tbank you!

Natban Sbrom
Graoe 3,4,5 art

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