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(1he 1heory of 8eauLy)

lormulaLlng Lhls Lheory ls lndeed a
hard Lask lL Lakes a loL of courage
and deLermlnaLlon Lo formaL Lhls
klnd of Lheory Lruly lL ls a labor of
8haffy 8 8apacon 8n
W 8haffy 8 8apacon was born on
CcLober 29 1987 ln uerLo rlncesa
ClLy alawan
WPe graduaLed hls prlmary educaLlon ln
uerLo rlncesa lloL LlemenLary
W And flnlshes hls secondary educaLlon
ln alawan naLlonal Plgh School
Wln Aprll 3 2009 he recelved hls
8achelors uegree ln nurslng aL llollo
uocLor's College
W CurrenLly he ls enrolled ln CenLral
hlllpplne unlverslLy llollo for hls
MasLer's uegree ln nurslng
W 1o eaL ls Lo please ourselves Lo
dress ls Lo please oLhers
W1eeLh are noL [usL LeeLh
W 8lack wanLs Lo be whlLe and whlLe
wanLs Lo be black
W1o be more physlcally aLLracLlve means LhaL
you are more accepLable Lo Lhe socleLy
W1haL people are dlsagreelng wlLh Lhe naLural
process of changlng
W1haL humanlLy as a whole acL opposlLe Lo Lhe
law of creaLlon or naLural law
W1he more powerful and popular you are Lhe
more you need Lo seek and pracLlce abouL
physlcal appearance
Whyslcal appearance can make lndlvldual Lo
look professlonal
W 1he concepL of morallLy was auLomaLlcally
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe presence of beauLy
W1he physlcal appearance of human belng ls
lmporLanL aspecL Lo funcLlon well ln socleLy and
ln worklng area
1haL physlcal appearance can affecL our
WLvery one of us has a concern ln physlcal
appearance whaLever our sLaLus ln llfe ls
WAnyLhlng aLLracLlve ls a [oy for oLhers Lo waLch
W1he Lrue beauLy ls noL ouLslde buL lL can be
seen lnslde
W1haL beauLy ls Lhe essence of all LhaL exlsLs
1hls Lheory can be applled Lo descrlbe why a
person seeks more aLLenLlon Lo Lhelr physlcal
appearance Lhan Lo Lhelr healLh 1haL each
person has lLs own deslre wlLh regards Lo
hls/her physlcal appearance
lndlvldual's behavlor ls lnfluenced by all Lhe
evenLs ln envlronmenL LnvlronmenL plays a
blggesL role why lndlvlduals vlew whaL physlcal
appearance ls lmporLanL Lo adapL ln
envlronmenL Lhey have eer pressure ls one of
Lhe aspecLs why an lndlvldual seeks more on
physlcal appearance and Lo cope wlLh Lhe
envlronmenL Lhey have
PealLh ls a purposeful adapLlve response
physlcally menLally emoLlonally and soclally Lo
lnLernal and exLernal sLlmull ln order Lo malnLaln
sLablllLy and comporL Cood physlcal appearance
means LhaL you are healLhy 1haL lndlvldual's
goal ls Lo malnLaln LhaL good appearance
AesLheLlc 1heory can be applled ln nurslng
nurses need Lo undersLand each lndlvldual's
aLLlLude pracLlces and rouLlnes ln physlcal
appearance ln order Lo dellver necessary
servlces LhaL could flL Lhe paLlenL needs
nurslng racLlce
Wnurses need Lo undersLand LhaL Lhey need Lo
provlde care LhaL can help/ malnLaln physlcal
WlL provldes lnformaLlon ln Lhe role of Lhe nurse
wlLh regard Lo physlcal appearance pracLlces of
Lhe paLlenL Lo lmprove nurslng pracLlce
WlL can provlde new roles for nurslng pracLlce
WCan gulde nurses Lo perform beLLer
lnLervenLlons wlLh regard Lo physlcal
appearance pracLlces of Lhe lndlvldual
nurslng LducaLlon
WLducaLe nurses LhaL Lhe physlcal appearance
aspecL ls needed Lo provlde nurslng care
Wuse Lo develop and gulde nurslng educaLlon
ln Lerms of paLlenL care and ensure adequaLe
and quallLy nurslng dellvery and Lo clarlfy and
lmprove Lhe sLaLus of nurslng as a professlon
by undersLandlng on how physlcal appearance
pracLlces affecL Lhe lndlvlduals
nurslng research
WAsslsL ln dlscoverlng knowledge ln Lhe speclflc fleld
of sLudy
W8ullds new nurslng knowledge on how Lhe physlcal
appearance pracLlces conLrlbuLe Lo quallLy of llfe
and nurslng care
WLnhances undersLandlng of physlcal appearance
pracLlces and lL's lmporLanL Lo quallLy of llfe and
quallLy of nurslng pracLlce
A 1hlng of 8eauLy ls a !oy lorever
1PAnk ?Cu !!!!

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