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Word of mouth |n |uxury brands

Luxury lndusLry agalnsL Lhe crlsls
- 1he new slLuaLlon wlLh Lhe currenL crlsls ls LhaL Lhe rlch people are sufferlng
- 8lch people now seek new behavlours 1hey wanL luxury LhaL affecLs and
lnsplres Lheur llves
- Luxury brands should sLand for someLhlng and deflne someLhlng LhaL ls Lrue Lo
- WhaL we wlll see ls more luxury brands wlLh sense and values
- ln Lhe same momenL affluenL people from Chlna 8ussla and MlddleLasL are
becomlng Lhe fasLesL growlng populaLlon ln Lhe lndusLry
lnLerneL and luxury brands
- 1he lnLerneL medla ls able Lo mlx quallLy conLenL supporL and experlence 8y
creaLlng rlch conLenL and by broadcasLlng lL onllne a brand geLs Lo sLrech Lhe
consumpLlon Llme and lncreases Lhe consumer's sympaLhy
- lnLerneL enables creaLlvlLy and brand experlence lL now needs Lo push Lhe
seedlng CfLen luxury brands are afrald Lo be seen as mass medla and only rely
on 8 and a mere emalllng
1he lnformaLlon only Lransfers beLweeen happy few A beLLer seedlng can be
done by worklng wlLh lnfluenclng people (bloggers or oplnlon leaders) by
creaLlng a real onllne campalgn and by uslng vlral meLhods
Web and luxury brands
- When applled Lo Lhe very wealLhy web can offer a speclal and dedlcaLed
- lL means lmaglnlng lnLelllgenL unseen lnLeracLlons and havlng Lhe same quallLy
of supporL as ln Lhe physlcal ouLleLs
- 8lg luxury brands should become ploneers ln uslng web and offer Lo Lhelr
cllenLs nlce conversaLlons
A need of sLoryLelllng
- We are seelng a move Loward sLealLh wealLh
- Consumers wanL Lo have sLaLus sLorles as opposed Lo sLaLus
- Louls vulLLon's !ourneys campalgn ls a good example of Lhls
new Lrend
- lashlon
- LnvlronmenL
- AuLomoLlve
- lnLerneL
- ress
- roducLs
- LlfesLyle
- uark knlghL
- Crulse collecLlon
- uresslng reglsLry
- Lady ulor
- 1he arLorlallsL
- 1emporary luxury
- Marc !acobs
uark knlghL
- ln Lhe lasL 8aLman movle dlrecLor ChrlsLopher
nolan Lrled Lo add luxury elemenLs dlrecLly lnLo
Lhe screenplay
- 1he fashlon deslgner Clorglo Armanl deslgned
Lhe wardrobe of uark knlghL's characLer 8ruce
- ln a new form of producL placemenL LhaL makes
sense nolan and Armanl parLnered Lo lnLenslfy
Lhe brlghL slde of Lhe bllllonalre 8ruce
Crulse collecLlon
- lnce a few years we are seelng Lhe revlval of an old LradlLlon ln Lhe fashlon lndusLry
crulse collecLlon
- ln addlLlon Lo Lhe longesLabllshed wlnLer and sprlng collecLlons crulse fashlon shows
are becomlng all Lhe rage
- Lven wellknown deslgner houses such as ulor Chanel ?L or Cuccl are followlng Lhls
laLesL craze
- Crulse collecLlons are dlsplayed durlng Lhe november season Lo Lease cllenLs before
ChrlsLmas Llme
uresslng reglsLry
- Cbama lnauguraLlon was 1PL evenL of Lhe end of lasL year
- LoLs of people flew Lo WashlngLon Lo be a wlLness of hlsLory ln Lhe maklng
- 1he prlvlleged women who had Lhe chance Lo be lnvlLed Lo Lhe lnaugural 8all
could use Lhe webslLe dresslngreglsLrycom Lo be sure LhaL no one else wlll be
wearlng Lhe exacL same dress
- 8eglsLers would Lell whlch dress Lhere wlll be wearlng and would check LhaL
Lhey are Lhe only one who made Lhls cholce
- CLherwlse Lhey have Lhe posslbllLy Lo change Lhelr dress before Lhe nlghL and
noL be surprlsed havlng a Lwln slsLer durlng Lhe parLy
Lady ulor
- ulor called acLress Marlon CoLlllard Lo sLar ln lLs
lasL campalgn for Lady ulor
- 1he fllm was shoL on Lhe Llffel 1ower
- 1he facL LhaL lL was Marlon CoLlllard flrsL
parLnershlp slnce she won Lhe Academy Award
and Lhe specLacular aspecL of Lhe commerclal
creaLed a sLrong buzz
- ulor answered Lo LhaL frenzy by lauchlng a
dedlcaLed slLe for Lhls operaLlon whlch revealed
Lhe maklngof of Lhe movle
1he arLorlallsL
- lor lLs sprlngsummer !eans collecLlon ukn? called famous deslgn blogger 1he
arLorlallsL for Lhe shooLlng of Lhe models
1emporary luxury
- lf you can'L afford Lhe acqulslLlon of a luxury
producL you now have Lhe posslbllLy Lo own lL for
a llmlLed perlod of Llme
- WebslLes now offer a leaslng servlce Lo make you
Lhe Cueen of a nlghL
Marc !acobs
- Marc !acobs ls now deslgnlng a cloLhlng llne
dedlcaLed Lo chllden
- lL seems LhaL chlldrenswear ls
ouLperformlng womenswear ln Lhls
downLurn 1here ls of course less
compeLlLlon among deslgners
- ave your logo
LacosLe save your logo
- 1he World 8ank launched a campalgn
called ave your logo
- 1he fund asked famous brands Lo help
proLecL Lhe anlmal or Lhe plan Lhey are
uslng as a logo
- 1he flrsL brand Lo accepL Lhe challenge
was LacosLe wlLh lLs famous crocodlle
- LlecLrlc cars
LlecLrlc cars
- AL Lhe end of Lhls year we wlll see
elecLrlc cars on Lhe road
- 8uL noL regular cars made for Lhe
usual drlvers buL vehlcles produced
by Lop manufacLurers
- Ceneral MoLors wlll launch Lwo
elecLrlc models wlLh Lhe Cadlllac
Conver[ and Lhe ChevroleL volL
- ln Lhe same Llme we welll see Lhe
debuL of Lhe llsker karma (phoLo)
and Lhe longawalLed 1esla
- oclal neLwork
oclal neLwork
- 1he phere ls a soclal neLwork for happy few and
- Members can lnLeracL and meeL people wlLh a hlgh
llvlng sLandard
- 1he phere ls an excluslve webslLe for Lhe happy few
- lLs alm ls Lo make even nlcer and easler Lhe dally llfe
of Lhe well off
- lLs populaLlon Larger ls Lhe Lo Lop execuLlves
wlLh hlgh purchaslng power who can'L spare Lhe
Llme Lo flx up Lhelr soclal llfe
- lLs purpose ls Lo relaLe Lhe soclal uppercrusL Lhe
sLock markeL and buslness Lycoonns Lhe leadlng
characLers on Lhe arLs markeL famous deslgners Lop
models Lhe soughL afLer [eLseLLers ln oLher words
a cosmopollLan urban wealLhy populaLlon loklng for
excluslve servlces wlLhln Lhelr own selecL club
- L'offlclel
- uurlng lasL ChrlsLmas Lhe magazlne
L'Cfflclel creaLed an orlglnal
- 1hree dlamonds were hldden ln Lhree
coples of Lhe magazlnes ln a LoLal
value of 8 euros
- Clgars
- Luxury waLer
- AuLomaLlc vendor machlnes
- Lven durlng Lhe crlsls clgar sLores are Lrylng
Lo reLaln Lhelr cusLomers by offerlng shorLy
clgars called nubs ln sample packs
- nubs are noL [usL regular clgars hacked off
Lhey are especlally rolled Lo be a shorL
- Clgar sLore reLallers are selllng sampler
packages of nubs Lo allow clgar smokers Lo
sample new brands wlLhouL Lhe normal
expense of buylng a full box of full lengLh
Luxury waLer
- WaLer was once a commodlLy now lL ls producL
- 1he evoluLlon was enabled by manufacLers who launched expenslve waLLer boLLles and
creaLed a new markeL segmenL
- Among Lhose producLs 8llng P Lhe CrlsLal of boLLled waLers CreaLed ln lL ls a
frosLed glass boLLle decoraLed wlLh handapplled warovskl crysLal LhaL cosL $ Lhe
- ln Lhe same Llme Lrendy resLauranLs now presenL a waLer menuas Lhere do wlLh wlne
- WaLer sommeller ls now a noLable addlLlon ln a resLauranL sLaff
AuLomaLlc vendor machlnes
- 1he Morgans PoLel Croup's Mondrlan ouLh 8each hoLel
ln Mlaml has seL up an auLomaLlc vendor machlne ln lLs
- lL dlspenses a varleLy of luxury lLems such as karaL
gold handcuffs from klkl de MonLparnasse lred llare
hearL sunglasses or a karaL gold necklace by klel
- lus a lred egal bouLlque ln Los Angeles now offers Lhe
u*Llque machlne lL ls an lnLeracLlve LouchsenslLlve
auLomaLed luxury sLore LhaL offers an assorLmenL of
luxury and personalcare lLems such as gadgeLs makeup
sklncare and halrcare lLems by hlghend and nlche
- 8esL [ob ln Lhe world
8esL [ob ln Lhe world
- 1he 1ourlsm Cueensland ln AusLralla offered a [ob
boasLed Lhe besL ln Lhe world
- 1he [ob descrlpLlon lLself ls a dream sunbaLh
snorkelllng salllng buL also blogglng abouL Lhls Llrlng
- 1he salary ls u$ for a slx monLhs perlod
- AccomodaLlon a luxurlous vllla wlLh swlmmlng pool
and a golf
- 1hls campalgn ls almed Lo adverLlse Lhe beauLy of
Cueensland landscape
1he devll deflnlLely llves ln luxury
More on Lhls Loplc
- Luxe obllge vlncenL 8asLlen eL !eannoel kapferer
- 1endances du Luxe en 8ene uurlnger

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