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A Secret Meeting of the Alabama Legislature

By Elton Camp The legislators slipped into the capitol at night To hold a secret meeting they hadnt the right But there were many great wrongs in the state And they meant to take action before too late The first law enacted said if for defense or fun That every citizen was required to own a gun Next they ruled that any teacher would be jailed Who any fundamentalist church doctrine assailed Then said every event should open with prayer About Supreme Court ruling they didnt care A law they passed for anyone who might be gay That they all should be drowned in Mobile bay They decided that anyone who is a democrat Should be thrown into boiling oil in a big vat The law became that a white who married a black Be tied in front of a train to the railroad track The rule next became that illegals from Mexico Before a firing squad were required to go They demanded that, without any time lag Every building must fly the Confederate flag That no mans life or property is safe, they say If the Alabama legislature could have its way

Its our way or no way!

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