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Adding Mixed Numbers

A. B. C.

1. Do the fractions have the

same denominators? yes no yes no yes no

1a. If no, find a common

denominator and rewrite
the numerators.

2. Find the sum of the


2a. Can you simplify the sum

of the fractions? yes no yes no yes no

2b. If yes, write the fraction in

lowest terms.

3. Is the sum of the fractions

greater than or equal to 1? yes no yes no yes no

3a. Find the sum of all the

whole numbers and write it

4. Combine the sum of the

whole numbers with the
remaining fraction to find
the sum or the original
mixed numbers.

From Math Sense: Decimals, Fractions, Ratios, and Percents, © 2003, New Readers
Press, division of ProLiteracy Worldwide, Syracuse, NY. Used by permission.

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