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Tbe Attribute Approacb

W Tbe attribute approacb to performance management

focuses on tbe extent to wbicb individuals bave certain
attributes {cbaracteristics or traits] believed to be desirable
for tbe company's success
W Tbe tecbniques tbat use tbis approacb tend to define a set of
traits sucb as initiative, leadersbip and competitiveness, and
evaluate individuals on tbem
Tbe Attribute Approacb
W Crapbic Rating Scales
Most common form of tbe attribute approacb to
performance management
A list of traits is evaluated by a -point rating
Tbe manager considers one employee at a time,
circling tbe number tbat signifies bow mucb of
tbat trait tbat individual bas
Craphlc 8aLlng Scale
D|st|ngu|shed Lxce||ent Commendab|e Adequate oor
know|edge S 4 3 2 1
Commun|cat|on S 4 3 2 1
Iudgement S 4 3 2 1
Manager|a| Sk||| S 4 3 2 1
ua||ty erformance S 4 3 2 1
1eamwork S 4 3 2 1
Interpersona| Sk|||s S 4 3 2 1
In|t|at|ve S 4 3 2 1
Creat|ve S 4 3 2 1
rob|em So|v|ng S 4 3 2 1
Tbe Attribute Approacb
W Mixed Standard Scales
Developed as a means to address some of tbe
problems witb grapbic rating scales
Define relevant performance dimensions
Develop statements representing good, average,
and poor performance along eacb dimension.
uses sevetol
Jesctlbloq eocb
ttolt to ptoJoce o
flool scote fot
tbot ttolt
Tbe Attribute Approacb
W Evaluating tbe Attribute Approacb
W Moxt populur methoJx ln orgunlzutlonx
W Fuxy to Jevelop unJ generullzuble ucroxx u vurlety of
jobx, xtruteglex, unJ orgunlzutlonx
W Much uttentlon lx JevoteJ to lJentlfylng thoxe
uttrlbutex relevunt to the job performunce
Tbe Attribute Approacb
W Evaluating tbe Attribute Approacb
W ull xhort on xeverul crlterlu for effectlve performunce
W Uxuully huve vugue performunce xtunJurJx thut ure
open to Jlfferent lnterpretutlonx by Jlfferent ruterx
W Uxuully low vullJlty unJ rellublllty becuuxe of Jlfferent

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