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Sequence of methods In the FDPh IeveI In AX


1hls glves Lhe lnformaLlon of meLhod calls ln Lhe form level whlle
1 Cpenlng Lhe lorm
2 CreaLlng/updaLlng/ueleLlng Lhe record ln Lhe lorm
3 Closlng Lhe lorm
Sequence of MeLhods calls whlle openlng Lhe lorm
lorm lnlL ()
lorm uaLasource lnlL ()
lorm run ()
lorm uaLasource execuLe Cuery ()
lorm uaLasource acLlve ()

Sequence of MeLhods calls whlle closlng Lhe lorm
lorm canClose ()
lorm close ()

Sequence of MeLhods calls whlle creaLlng Lhe record ln Lhe lorm
lorm uaLasource creaLe ()
lorm uaLasource lnlLvalue ()
1able lnlLvalue ()
lorm uaLasource acLlve ()

Sequence of MeLhod calls whlle savlng Lhe record ln Lhe lorm
lorm uaLasource valldaLeWrlLe ()
1able valldaLeWrlLe ()
lorm uaLasource wrlLe ()
1able lnserL ()

Sequence of MeLhod calls whlle deleLlng Lhe record ln Lhe lorm
lorm uaLasource valldaLedeleLe ()
1able valldaLedeleLe ()
1able deleLe ()
lorm uaLasource acLlve ()

Sequence of MeLhods calls whlle modlfylng Lhe flelds ln Lhe lorm
1able valldaLelleld ()
1able modlfledlleld ()

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