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NYB ueneial Neeting Ninutes 8

Calleu to oiuei at :pm

I. vice Piesiuent Ahmeu Tigani welcomes eveiyone

II. Bownstate vP Ben Yee gives upuate on the Keep the Change funuiaisei

III. Ahmeu asks new membeis to iaise theii hanus, seveial new membeis in

Iv. Tianspoitation Committee 0puate
A. }osef talks about the success of the East Siue uieenway
B. Invites inteiesteu membeis to join the committee

v. Living Wages 0puate
A. Ahmeu gives backgiounu on the Living Wage campaign
B. City Council Beaiing on Nov.

vI. Reuistiicting upuate - NYB submitteu testimony at the last heaiing

vII. Committee 0puates
A. Zac invites membeis to join the Econ committee
B. Ban is intiouuceu to the new membeis

vIII. 0pcoming events
A. Canvassing foi ueoige Kevgas in Westchestei
. Eiic Katz gives backgiounu on iace
. Eiic Williams asks foi volunteeis
B. volunteeiing at PPNYC, contact Beathei foi info
C. volunteeiing at Yoikville Common Pantiy
. Nauuie gives some backgiounu info on YCP
. Ahmeu asks foi volunteeis

IX. Ahmeu asks people to submit blog aiticles

X. Special uuest - City Councilwoman uale Biewei
A. Biscusses impoitance of bike shaie piogiam
B. Auvocates foi 0pen uoveinment
C. Boaiu of Elections neeus moie oveisight
B. We must pass Living Wage bill

XI. Ahmeu asks all membeis to submit iueassuggestions foi next yeai to Emmy.

XII. Nembeis Time
A. Al Benninghoff piomotes White Roof Pioject funuiaisei

Neeting aujouineu, 8:pm

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