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How to shift the Tides One needs to know: the Moons perihelion & apogee, & the time

of the Moons transit of the local Meridian. The number of days in a lunar month is ( ) arcsine , which is 29.53 days [A], whilst the

anomalistic month is 27.55461 days [d] . The

aphelion & perigee coincided at UT 3h 36, 6th May 2012. A twelfth of 29.53d = 2d 11h; 360~90 & 180~270: M + 4 sine Moons Age in degrees[12.2A] + F = High; High + 5h 5m m = Low. 90~180 & 270~360: M + 4 sine Moons Age in degrees + F -5h 5m = High; High + 6h 55m= Low. / A + Noon Time of Meridian Transit {M} Apsidal Adjustment 40 minutes plus days since apogee or 58 minutes less days since perigee = Adjustment [Y]. F=YD/135, or YD/225 where D minutes = A-x, where x = 5h 05 &7h 20 [subtract F]; 7h 20 & 9h 35; 9h 35 & 1h 20 & 5h 05 [add F } , Add 12 hours to these times for the rest]. The portion between zero & maximum (add) or minimum (subtract) value, is either 2.25h or 3.75h. Strike adjustment: 1 hour for each 15 degrees that coastline declines from True North. Change HH M HL LH LL [Perihelion] Quarter H M L H L Full LH M LL HH HL [Aphelion] The quation of Time: Local Solar Noon:Where N is the day in the year, First of January being N=1. & where

Solar Longitude =360(N-81)/365: 11h 60+arctan{[sincos secant]-tan } th Take Noon, the 29 of February to be 12h 13, local solar time.

Aptitude De ign MMXII

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