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NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including question No.8 which is Compulsory. All questions
carry equal marks.

1. The Philosophers exposed the French Society in such a way that the Revolution (1789) became
inevitable. Discuss.

2. What factors brought England face to face with France in the War of 1793 and 1803’? Why Britain was
unable to win?

3. Describe the progress and development of British Industry and Agriculture during the early 19th

4. How Europe witnessed the rise of Nationalism and Liberalism in the 19th Century?

5. The ambitious foreign policy of Napoleon III labeled him Un-Napoleonic Napoleon. Comment.

6. Why Alliances and Counter-Alliances caused International tension after 1878? Elucidate.

7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

(a) Third Partition of Poland. (b) Holy Alliance.

(c) Greek War of Independence (d) Anglo-French Control in Egypt.


8. Write only the correct answers in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

(A) Identify the following in short statements:

(1) Old Regime. (2) Josephine. (3) Waterloo.

(4) Pan-Slavisrn. (5) Mazzini. (6) The Young Turks.

(B) Fill in the Blanks:

(7) Cordelier Club in France was led by _______

(8) Robes Pierre died in ______

(9) ______ was the Foreign Secretary of England in 1815.

(10) The Treaty of Unkiar-Skelessi was signed between Turkey and ______

(11) The first volume of Das Kapital was published in ______

(12) Bismarck resigned in _______

(C) Who made the following statements?

(13) "Men must be led by an iron hand in a velvet glove".

(14) "I have called a new world into existence to reduce the balance of the old".

(15) "We shall finish the Piedmontese affairs as we did the Neapolitan".

(16) "Out of mud (of Crimea) Italy will be made".

(17) "Many paths led to my goal. I had to try all of them one after the other, the most dangerous at the

(D) Name the authors of the following books:

(18) An intellectual History of Modern Europe.

(19) The Age of Progress.

(20) The World Crisis.


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