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PeopIe ore offen unreosonobIe,

IIIogicoI, ond seIf-cenfered,

Forgive them unywuy,
If you ore kind, peopIe moy
Accuse you of being seIfish,
And hoving uIferior mofives,
e kind unywuy,
If you ore successfuI, you
WiII win some foIse friends
And some frue enemies,
$:..eed unywuy,
Whof you spend
Yeors buiIding,
Someone moy fry
To desfroy overnighf,
:iId unywuy,
If you ore honesf ond
Fronk, peopIe moy
Cheof you
e honest und Frunk
The good you do fodoy,
PeopIe wiII offen forgef
o good unywuy,
ive fhe worId fhe
8esf you hove, ond
If moy never be enough,
ive the worId the best
Yo: huve unywuy,
If you find serenify
And hoppiness, fhey
Moy be jeoIous.
e huppy unywuy,
You see, in fhe finoI
AnoIysis, if's befween
You ond od,
t wus never between yo: und them unywuy,

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