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7, 2008

Alex Salinas
Assistant Professor
Miami Dade College, InterAmerican Campus
627 SW 27 Avenue
Room 1371
Miami, Florida 33145

To Whom it May Concern:

I agree to serve as a consultant for the proposed After School Curriculum

Production Company for the fee of $12,500. I will meet with students and staff
one day a week to carry out the following duties:

*Facilitate journalism workshops for students focusing on information gathering,

effective writing for mass audiences and publication design.
*Facilitate student reflection sessions focusing on several central project themes,
including environmentalism and sustainability; and social justice issues in
education and media.
*Facilitate workshops for students on educational strategies, so that older
students can effectively work with younger students
*Assist students in completion of media projects.
*Assist in the planting and maintenance of organic gardens.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at (305)237-6358



Alex Salinas

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