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Eduardo A.

Septcmher 14. fll 1
Senator Deputy Mnority Leacler

Honorahie Erie [lolder \ttorne cra1 fS Departrnent ot Justicc \\ ahiugtoit T)( Dear \ttome, Gencral I1ldr:
a re\ult of last eeks comprehenie DOJ Repon on (i. il Right ioLrtion\ h\ ihe Puerto Ricn Poliee 1)epartment. (iosernor 1 uis Fortuno has made sesera! decisions that shou!d be of concern to you and DOJs (ix u Rights T)is ision.
ro oscrce ihe ncces\ary stcp to correci the juega! heha ior of the Puerto Rico Policc Depaitment. ihe Goseinor has appomted Mr, Marcos Rodrgue, Ema, bis (hieL ot Staff. Vhat concerns me and hundreds o! communitie% throughout Puerto Rico i\ that Mr. Rodrigue, Ema. himself. is part of ihe prohlern.

Mr. Rodrguei Ema has on more than one occasion pub1ic1 called for the use of brute force h the police, at times during shich order and tespece diould pre ail. 1 hat i precisels (he culture of oppre\sion aud ci\ u ri2hts iolations that the [ .S. Dcpartmenl of Jutice has just denotmced. ith this first step ni response lo the DOJ Report. it is clear that Gosernor Fortuo has not understood the it\ of the iuatinn. It v ould cem that ou ha e both a moral and a legal dui to ad ise G ernor Fortuno that his ehice to o ersce thc chances necesarv ar he Puerto Rico Police I)cpartment is unacceptaNe.
gra n enod people u Pueri Rie thai can hep ihe P li Department mcnd to make Ihose ood ek ctious 1 bis a as rut un

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P ,3r, La Pt Phore J87 72a 4U Fax ieP T2 981

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