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Assignment No.

(Paper Assignment) Operating System 1. What is an Operating System and what are the main functions of an Operating System? 2. What is Interprocess Communication and explain Race condition and Critical Region in brief? 3. What are Semaphores, explain with example. Operating system? 4. List some differences between personal computer OS and mainframe OS 5. What are processes and What are the events that cause processes to be created? 6. Explain the different process states in detail? 7. What are threads and how they are useful? 8. What is scheduling and Explain what are different scheduling algorithms. 9. What is Deadlock and how they occur? 10. What is difference between Blocking and Deadlocks? 11. How the deadlocks can be detected and recovered? 12. What are the different methodologies used in Deadlock Avoidance, Explain in brief each of them? 13. What is two phases locking? 14. What is Starvation? 15. What is Swapping? 16. What is Virtual memory? 17. What is Paging, Explain in brief.

Assignment No. 6
1. Create a new process from within a program using fork() system call Take two numbers using command line arguments. Calculate addition of two numbers in child process Calculate Subtraction of two numbers in Parent process 2.Create a Zombie state for multiplication of two numbers. Take two numbers using command line arguments 3.Write a C program which create threads for following operations. Take two numbers using command line arguments 1.First thread : addition of two numbers 2.Second thread : subtraction of two numbers 3.Thrid thread: multiplication of two numbers 4. Write a C program which create 3 threads for 3*3 matrix multiplication. Take two numbers using command line arguments Create single thread for multiplication between single row and single column.

Assignment No. 7
1.Write C program for Scheduling Alogorithum First come First Serve(FCFS) 2. Write C program for Scheduling Alogorithum Round robin 3. Write C program for Replacement Alogorithum Least recently used(LRU) 4. Write C program for Replacement Alogorithum First in first out(FIFO)

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