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WORDLIST Year I THE RETURN (See word search worksheet) 1. resonant deep in sound; resounding; causing echoes 2.

. sinuous- supple and graceful; winding and snake-like 3. vague- unclear; indefinite; ambiguous 4. aroma a pleasant smell 5. misty-covered in mist; dim and indistinct 6. feat- notable act 7. querulous- tending to complain; whining 8. formidable- awe-inspiring; frightening 9. puny small and weak 10. solicitous- expressing concern and consideration; meticulous 11. cleave-to split; to cut into; to cling or bind faithfully to something 12. dexterity- physical skill especially in using the hands or manipulating objects. 13. derision- contempt and mockery 14. spindle- a long thin piece of wood used for holding fiber strands 15. ludicrous-absurdly ridiculous

WORDLIST Year I THE RETURN (See word search worksheet) 1. resonant deep in sound; resounding; causing echoes 2. sinuous- supple and graceful; winding and snake-like 3. vague- unclear; indefinite; ambiguous 4. aroma a pleasant smell 5. misty-covered in mist; dim and indistinct 6. feat- notable act 7. querulous- tending to complain; whining 8. formidable- awe-inspiring; frightening 9. puny small and weak 10. solicitous- expressing concern and consideration; meticulous 11. cleave-to split; to cut into; to cling or bind faithfully to something 12. dexterity- physical skill especially in using the hands or manipulating objects. 13. derision- contempt and mockery 14. spindle- a long thin piece of wood used for holding fiber strands 15. ludicrous-absurdly ridiculous

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