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[A slice of the Philippine History] Marcelo H.

del Pilar wrote a withering satire, Dasalan at Toksohan a brilliant parody of the Prayer Book, it was written: Amain Namin Our uncle who art in the convent, cursed be the name, May we be delivered from thy greed, may thy throat be slit here on earth as it is in heaven. Give back this day our daily rice thou hast stolen from us And draw our laughter by thy lowing as thou laughest when thou stealest our money; And deliver us from thine temptation And save us from thine foul mouth. Amen Del Pilar also parodied the ten Commandments to ridicule the friars, the most potent single group in the Philippines at that time. eTen Commandments of the Friarsf 1. Thou shalt worship and love the friars above all. 2. Thou shalt not cheat them of their stipends. 3. Thou shalt sanctify the friar, Sundays and holidays. 4. Thou shalt pawn thyself to pay for the burial of thy father and mother. 5. Thou shouldst not die if thou hast not the money to pay for thine interment. 6. Thou shalt not covet his wife. 7. Thou shalt not steal with him. 8. Thou shalt not accuse him even if thou be called a liar. 9. Thou shalt not refuse him your wife. 10. Thou shalt not deny him your property. The Ten Commandments of the Friars boil down to two things: First, worship the friar above all, and second, offer him thy honor and wealth.

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