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(Read Hebrews Ch 9:24-28) Kariel was riding home from a children's program at church with her neighbor fri ends. Admiring the sunset, she said to Gini, the driver, "That sunset is so beau tiful, it looks like heaven !" So Gini asked her, "Do you know how to get to hea ven?" Kariel, who was only 5, answered confidently, "You have to have Jesus as y our Savior - and I do!"Then she began to ask her friends in the van if they knew Jesus too. That same evening, Kariel's 13-year-old sister Chantel was at another church, wh ere someone asked her if she knew Jesus as her Savior. She told the person that she did. Early the next morning, fire swept through Kariel and Chantel's home, and tragic ally they both died. Their work on earth was done, and they reached the other sh ore, where Jesus had been waiting for them.. What Joy and what peace ruled.. Pra ise God..!! No one has the promise of tomorrow. The crucial question is: Have we admitted ou r need for God's forgiveness of our sin and trusted Jesus as our Savior? (Romans 3:23; John 1:12). It was our sin that took us far away from our Creator, our Go d.. And the wages of sin is death.. But, Jesus gave His Precious Life in Our pl ace.. that we may live.. (John 3:16, Hebrews 9: 27-28). Make sure you have the same confidence like two kids.. Then, when your time on e arth is done.. You will there on the other shore, to be with your Loving Savior Jesus.. Its just like.. Sunset in one land is sunrise in another.. (article by- Anne Cetas) "When I shall come to the end of my way, When I shall rest at the close of life's day, When "Welcome Home" I shall hear Jesus say, O that will be sunrise for me! (- Poole)

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