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GA9 Unit 4 Structures Verb + to-infinitive & ing-form (TB p.108-110) Verb + to Infinitive (p.

109) examples: Our teacher agreed to give us less homework today. We chose to study hard for the last written test. We cant afford to write bad marks in the test. Mr. Young really expects us to learn our words. after certain verbs: zustimmen agree sich leisten knnen can afford beschlieen choose sich entschlieen decide erwarten expect es nicht schaffen fail vergessen forget hoffen hope lernen learn schaffen manage anbieten offer planen plan versprechen promise sich weigern refuse scheinen seem versuchen try wollen want would like/love mchte gern Verb + ing-form(p.110) examples: Some students avoid meeting their teachers in their spare time. They sometimes give up studying too early although they really should keep working hard. Dont miss studying this sheet here! Practice using all these verbs and their combinations. I suggest starting today! Do you mind starting? after certain verbs:
avoid dislike enjoy finish give up go on imagine keep mention miss practise suggest mind vermeiden ungern tun gern tun aufhren aufgeben weitermachen sich vorstellen weitermachen erwhnen verpassen ben vorschlagen etw. dagegenhaben

Infinitive or ing-form(p.113)
after certain verbs:

The following words can be used with the ing-form and the to-infinitve. The meaning almost stays the same! anfangen start beginnen begin continue weitermachen lieben love vorziehen prefer hassen hate The following word combinations have different meanings whether they use the ing-form or the toinfinitive afterwards: He stopped smoking. vs. He stopped to smoke a cigar.
Aufhren zu rauchen vs. Stehen bleiben um eine zu rauchen.

Alex forgot to buy flowers for his girl. Vs. Alex never forgets dating her for the first time.
Vergessen etwas zu tun vs. Vergessen, dass man etwa getan hat

He has to remember to buy the flowers today! Vs. He still remembers writing the first love letter!
Daran denken etwas zu tun vs. Sich erinnern, dass man etwas getan hat

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