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Aexio GE Converter Quick Reference Guide

Import Cel File Format Description

The import file must be in cel file format. The cel file is a text which contains following information: 1st row - Cel file header. This row is optional 2nd row - Field titles separated by tab character 3rd row onward [Field values separated by tab character The title row must contain the following fields in any order: Field Names CELL UARFCN SC ARFCN BSIC LAT LON ANT_ORIENTATION or ANT_DIRECTION ANT_BEAM_WIDTH Description Cell Name. UARFCN (WCDMA only). Scrambling Code (WCDMA only) BCCH (GSM only). BSIC (GSM only) Latitude in decimal format e.g. 30.1232422 Longitude in decimal format e.g. -101.23242 Antenna direction in degree (Range 0 to 360) Antenna beam-width in degree (Range 1 to 360). If empty or zero, default value 60 will be used. This field value is used to set the angle of the sector [3]. For an omni cell, set this field to 360 to draw a circle object. Antenna height in meters. If empty or zero, default value 100m will be used. This field value is used to set the sector altitude from the ground [4]

Object Label 1. Site Label

2. Cell Label

Description The site label is made of the cell name without the last character. Each cell record will have on Site label however if the preceding cell record belongs to the same site, no site label will be created. Cell label consists of two parts [Cell suffix] : [Carrier Info] - Cell suffix is the last character of the cell name - Carrier Info is SC (for WCDMA cell) or BCCH [BSIC] (for GSM cell)

Clicking on the cell label will show the cell record information.


The mandatory fields are used to draw the cell object in the GE map layer.

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