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Word glossary

Acreduc Cuin Diada Meam Diada vefa Griivo Famehi Iya Meme Nada voka sunt! very graceful) Nadvaka Pannak Peri Pete Pete navalak Tant Tier Toteral Totiva Tunt Trosmarou Vidka Witca Yvapunaki. Yuminu Yvapunaki be quiet/shut up warrior cousin. formal way to say Grandmother. formal way to say Grandfather. a predator. informal way to say Grandfather. the Earth Mother. informal way to say Grandmother. a phrases to indicate someone is clumsy. (not the Unveiling World. Spirit World. the warrior chief. informal way to say Father. tamed parasaurolophus. rider of parasaurolophus. formal way to say Aunt. formal way to say Father. Gift of Commune. Gift of Control. informal way to say Aunt. Consort of the Witca. Mortal Flesh. Physical World. a word meaning witchthe matriarch of the a shaman. nomadic tribe. Travelers of the sun.

FAMILY MEMBERS Hopi youngest of the parents. Is a pete navalak. Have two children. Mohavi eldest son of Hopi. Third oldest of the eleven children. Suiun main character, eldest son of Sunda. Sunda second oldest with three children.

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