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Detailed Lesson Plan in English III Date: August 23, 2010 I.

Objectives: At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to: 1. read and understand the short story entitled A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner; 2. identify the psychological crisis of the main character and; 3. create your own quotation based on how you understand the selection. II. Subject Matter: Main topic: English American Literature Sub Topic: A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner Reference: English American textbooks Instructional Material: Powerpoint and Video Presentation III. a. 1. 2. 3. 4. Instructional Procedure: Inductive Daily Routine Prayer Greetings Checking of Attendance Inspecting the classroom and physical condition

b. Motivation: Teachers Activity Okay, before we start with our new lesson, I would like to group you into two groups and we will have this mini debate. I will give you 2 min to discuss about our topic Deprivation of love can lead to destruction of oneself and others Those on the agree side will stay here and the disagree party will stay on this side. Are you done? Okay so lets start with the agree party Very well said now let us hear from the other team Okay Maam Yes Maam ( a representative will give their side ) ( a representative will give their side ) Students Activity

c. Presentation of the Lesson Very good! As I can see every one of you has your own perspective when it comes to love. Now, let us move on to our real topic for today which I assumed I asked you to read yesterday? Great! That would help us to have a good discussion for today. Before that, let me present our learning objectives. Who wants to read? At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to: 4. read and understand the short story entitled A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner; 5. identify the psychological crisis of the main character and; 6. create your own quotation based on how you understand the selection. Yes maam

Thank you! Now, I know that all of you had already read and understand a story, i will show you a short video presentation about William Faulkners A Rose for Emily. But before that, I want you to remember that this video is actually an interpretation video and I hope with this, you can understand the story better. Yes Maam

d. Comparison and Abstraction Did you enjoy watching the short video? Now I hope you can answer our points to ponder ( will present the questions and let the students to answer it ) Very good! I am glad to know that you understand the story. Yes Maam

e. Generalization So as wrapping up, who can give the short summary of the story? ( A student will give her summary of the story )


f. Application As a follow up of our discussion, I would like you to get a piece of paper and follow the instructions I will flash on the screen Yes Maam Is the instruction understood? Very good! I will give you 10 minutes to finish the activity.

g. Evaluation

Are you done? Yes maam Okay, I will collect your work and I will ask each one of you tomorrow to present your work

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