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EE 214

PRE-REPORT Due May 20th

Görkem Polat

Mustafa Tufan



In this project frequency selective VU meter will be designed. We, mainly, required to design
three fitler circuits , one pre-amplifier circuit and LED circuits. Their design and cut-off
frequencies are in the following order.


Firstly we designed a circuit with transistor BC547B to amplify signal gained from microphone

Here is the result (Vout);

We amplified it 30 times higher.

Circuit design of low-pass filter,

Magnitude and phase response of the circuit analysed by Multisim;

MATLAB analysis of the phase and magnitude response;

Circuit design of the high-pass filter;

Magnitude and phase response of the circuit analysed by Multisim;

MATLAB result of the magnitude and phase response;

Circuit design of the band-pass fitler;

Magnitude and frequency response analysed by Multisim

Magnitude and phase response analysed by MATLAB;

Circuit design of LEDs,

Calculations for Low-pass fitler;

H(s) = (R3+R4)./((R1*R2*R4*C1*C2*s.^2)+s*(R4*C1*(R1+R2)-R1*R3*C2)+R4

A=Low pass cut-off frequency =284 hz

A= 1/(2*pi*(R1*R2*C1*C2)^-(1/2))

We take R1=R2=R, C1=C2=10n

for A=284; R=568 it is second order R should me greater than this value

Calculations for High-pass filter;

A= (C1+C2)/R2/C1/C2

B= 1/R1/R2/C1/C2

H(s)= ((R3+R4)/R4)*s.^2 ./(s.^2+s.*A+B)

We keep capacitors at 100nF and changed R2 and R3 values according to each other so,

For cut-off frequency=3384 R3=890 R2=30k

Calculations for Band-pass fitler;

B= 1/R1/C1+1/R2/C1+1/R2/C2-Rb/Ra/Rf/C1;
C= (R1+Rf)/R1/Rf/R2/C1/C2;
H_f= A*s ./(s.^2+B*s+C)

For center frequency=1084 in order to get that frequency we changed the values of R1 Rf and
R2. Ra and Rb does not effect the center frequency, they help us to change gain.

R1=39k R2=10.5k Rf=4.9k



So far, we have designed main circuits. Theoretically they ,almost, give us results that we
want.. These values of resistors and capacitors are ideal values, hence they can be changed due
to experimental work. After the experimental procedure, real experimental values will be given
in final report.

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