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Simple Tutorial for MATLAB

MAE 107 Spring

Professor: William M. McEneaney
TA: J.J. Gao
 Overview

 Software Layout / Interfaces

 Useful commands and structures

 Examples (hints to homework)

• Short for: Matrix Laboratory
• A numerical computing environment
• Non pre-compiled programming language
• It allows:
• matrix manipulations
• plotting of functions and data
• implementation of algorithms
• Creation of user interfaces
Interface 1 – Main Window
Interface 2 –Editor
Interface 3 – Help
Interface 4 – Figures
Syntax and Variables
 Two ways to input command:
 at the prompt >> in the Command Windows
 Matlab Editor

 Varible
 matlab is a weakly typed language.
 variables can be assigned without declaring their
 Vectors / Matrices
 allvariables are treated as vectors/matrices.
 It provides many convenient ways for creating
vectors, matrices, and multi-dimenstional arrays.
Useful Commands & Structures (1)
 Basic:
 help
 clc (clear command window)
 clear (clear all variables)
 close all (close all figures windows)

 Operators:
 ‘ (matrx transpose)
 * (matrix multiplication )
 .* (array multiplication (element-wise))
 the same for other operations, like ^ (power),
/ (divide)
Useful Commands & Structures (2)
 Vector/Matrix
: (colon, create vectors, array subscripting, and
for-loop iterators )
c = 1:10; d =1:3:10;
a = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8;3 4 5 6];
 zeros, ones; rand;
 max, min, sum, mean, std, var, round, floor, ceil

 size, cat(concatenate),
Useful Commands & Structures (3)
 exp, log, log10, sqrt, abs, conj, i (j), real,
 figure, plot, subplot
 grid, hold, legend
 xlabel, ylabel, title, xlim, ylim
 meshgrid (Generate X and Y arrays for
3-D plots)
 poly, roots,
Loops/Conditional Statement
 for loop  while loop
for i= 1:2:11 while i < 11
<execute stuff> <execute stuff>
end i= i+ 2;

 if statement
if i < 11
<execute stuff>
else if i > 11
<execute other stuff>
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3 (Taylor polynomial)
Example 4
(textbook page40 algorithm 2.1)
• Evaluate this polynomial using Horner’s rule.
Example 5 (1)
(textbook page45 example 2.1)
Example 5 (2)
(textbook page40 algorithm 2.1)

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