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Radio Transcript

Life Transitions #1: Purpose and Promises

Philippians 2:13

Welcome to Life Transitions with E. R. Reid – Helping you to fulfill your purpose
through each area of life including Faith, Health, Relationships, Career and Finances.

Many ask, What exactly is purpose? Purpose is the impact your life is meant to have on
the world. You were perfectly designed and planted by God to have His desired impact.
Yet, the choices we make on a daily basis can drive us closer to or farther away from our
ordained purpose.

Many of us get caught in the cycle of pursuing our promises instead of our purposes. The
key to staying on track is in Matthew 6:33, “First Seek the kingdom of God and all of His
righteousness, and all these things will be given unto you as well.” Seeking
God and His righteousness first, is not only seeking a right relationship with Him but it is
seeking His motivation and desire in everything you do. As you seek to do things for
God’s reasons, you will reap benefits in your life that far exceed your expectations.

So, as you plan to pursue your purpose in God, don’t get pulled away into making
choices that pursue your promises. For your God-given promises will only be found
along the path of your God-given purpose.

For more information and tools that can help you achieve your purpose, visit my website
at that’s e-r-r-e-i-d dot com. I’m E. R. Reid for Life Transitions.

By Author, E. R. Reid, © Copyright, 2002, 2008 – All Rights Reserved.

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