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Aberration; deviation from what is normal, expected, or usual; a disorder in one's

mental state

Abject;  utterly wretched(in a very unhappy or unfortunate state) or hopeless;

completely without proud and dignity

Aboriginal; primitive(having existed from the beginning);native

Abortive; fruitless( failing to achieve a purpose);unsuccessful

Abrasive; causing abrasion(the action or process of abrading(scrape or wear away

by friction or erosion) or being abraded); Harsh and rough in manner: an
unpleasant, abrasive personality
Abstain;  refrain(choose not to consume); withhold from participation(refrain
from voting)

Abstract; theoretical(Not applied or practical); not concrete(existing in a material

or physical form); nonrepresentational( not representing or imitating external

reality or the objects of nature; "a large abstract painting")

Abusive; coarsely insulting(Using or containing insulting or coarse language);

physically harmful(Causing physical injury to another)

Accessible; easy to approach (capable of being reached); obtainable (easily


Acclaim; applaud (To praise enthusiastically and often publicly); announce with

great approval( to acknowledge publicly the excellence of (a person, act, etc.));

Accommodate;      oblige or help someone (to oblige or do a favour for); adjust or

bring into harmony(to bring into harmony; reconcile); adapt(make fit for, or

change to suit a new purpose)

Acerbic; bitter or sour in nature(sour or bitter in taste); sharp and cutting( harsh

or corrosive in tone)

Acidulous; slightly sour ( being sour to the taste); sharp; caustic( sharp or sour in

speech, manner, etc)

Acoustics; science of sound ( the scientific study of sound and sound waves);

quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in(the characteristics of a room,

auditorium, etc., that determine the fidelity with which sound can be heard

within it)

Acrid;  sharp(Caustic in language or tone); bitterly pungent(Unpleasantly sharp,

pungent, or bitter to the taste or smell)

Acute; ( extremely sharp or intense; "acute pain") sharp; quickly perceptive;

keen(sensitive to details); brief and severe(of disease)( Having a rapid onset and

following a short but severe course)( of relatively short duration)

Addendum;  addition light(something added); appendix to book(a supplement or

appendix to a book, magazine, etc);

Addle; muddle(mix up or confuse); drive crazy; become rotten ( become rotten;

"addled eggs")

Adjutant; staff officer assisting the commander(A staff officer who helps a

commanding officer with administrative affairs.); an assistant

Admonish;  warn(to advise to do or against doing something); reprove( to reprove

firmly but not harshly)

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