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ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION How To Perform Short-Circuit Calculations — Part 2 Performing short-circuit calculations requires an understanding of various system components and their interaction. Dr Frank J, Mercede, Dr. Bank Merced, PF. isa Consulting Power Enginzer from Rosemont Pa..who provide maiming ad engineering services to tity ana industrial clients. nPart 1 ofthisarticle, which was featured in the June 1995 issue, we discussed the types of networks to calculate short- circuit current (ie,, symmetrical rms current). In Parts 2 and 3, we'll describe the per-unit method of performing short-circuitcalculations in accordance with ANSVIEEE 141-1998, TEER Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants {the Red Book), We'lluseasimpleexample fof an industrial power system to show the data preparation steps necessary in dete ‘mining the appropriate per-unirreactanc and esistances of power system equipment for first-cycle (momentary) and contact- parting (interrupting) networks. ‘Overview ofperunitanalysis Per-unitanalysisis based on “normalized” representations of the electrical quantities voltage, current impedance,et.). The nit equivalent of any eleczcal uan- Sty is dimensionless and is defined as the ratio of the actual quantity in writs volts, amperes, ohms, ete) fo an appropri. ate base value of the electrical quantity. This is expressed by the following equa- tion perunit value=scwal valuebase value (ea 1) ‘The actual value can be a phasor or complex number (is, mageitude and phase} in units, whereas che base value is simply areal number in units. key factor ofa per-unit normaliza- tion procedure isthe seletion of the base values ofthe electrical quantities. In prac- tice, the base valucs of 3-phase apparent power in MVA (ie. base MVA) and line- tortne voltage in kV (ie. base KV) are as- signed on each side of every 3-phase power transformerin accordance with the follow 36 ECAMDecomber 1995 ing simple rules, First, convenient base MVAis chosen (eg, base MVA=1, 10, or 100) and is ‘common throughout the entice power sys- tem. Second, base kV on any side of a 3- phase power transformer is designated to >beequal to the nominal, line-to-linename- plate kV rating of the transformer. ‘Tae base values of per-phase base im pedancein ohms (ie., base Z) and line cur rent in kiloamperes(ie., base kA) are then. derived from base MVA and base kV, ac~ cording to the following equations. ‘base Z= (base KV! + base MVA (eg. 2} base kA=base MVA ++ (V3 xbase kV) (ea.3) ‘You gain an important advantage by assigning the base values per the above se lection rules and using them so normalize (ie, "per-unitize”theclectrical quantities ‘Thisadvantagecan beseen in the per phase equivalent circuit model of any 3-phase transformer connection: Iris simply a per- sunit series impedance that accounts for the conductor losses and leakage fluxes. The following equation is often used in Unagjsted Transformer z % lperini (peri Ti: 7 SA 0065 0.00867 72: 1.SNA 005s 03607 aanet 0.055 Table 1. Adjusted per-unit reactance and resistance data of transformers. the data preparation stageto adjust the per- unit impedance of power system appara tus whenever the 3-phase nameplate cat ings are different than the power system's 3-phase base quant adjusted Z,,= unadjusted Zi, X (base MVA+MVAvrating) x (KV rating + base KVH(eq. 4) Data preparation forasimplfed example Intheabsence of nameplate informationor data from equipment manufacturers, typ- cal data can be referenced from tables and figuresincludedinthe IEEE Red Book. The dlata preparation steps to determine the appropriate per-unit reacrances and ress tances for frst cycle (momentary) andcon: tacting parting (intexrupting) networks for the simplified industrial power system shown in ig. areas follows. Base values of voltage, The base values ofline-to line voltage ae simply the nomi- nal nameplate, line-to-line voltage ratings of the 3-phase transformers, Base MVA is chosen to be 10 MVA and is constant throughout the system. Uilty. Tae per-phase equivalent circuit model of the utility tea the plant is avol- «age source in series with an impedance. ‘This source s the nominal per-unit line to: reutralvoltageatthe service entrance point. ‘The per-unit impedance is the same for both frst-eyele and interrupting networks; thus, no superscript “for "I" is necessary for its symbol. In the equations that fol- low, superscripts“ and “I” referto the per- unit reactance and resistance, respectively, forthefirstcyleandinterruptingnetworks,) ‘Te magnitude ofthe impedance (Z, ~ 0.01 per unit) is calculated by using the following equation Z, = base MVA + (SCA MVA\(eq. 5} Here, SCA MVA is equal to 1000 and. represents the available short-circuit ae, x a (3) Lber-uni) ——(per-ni ny a 00864 0.0066 7 0363 © 0.0519 2 0363000519 E apparentpower delivered bythe utilityfrom allsousces outside the plant To resolve Z. into ceactive (X,) and r= sistive(R,] components, chefollowingeaua tions are used. X= Zein (tan X/R)(eq. 6a) R=Z.cos (tare X/R(eq. 6) Inthisevent,a conservative assumption istoletX,=Z, = 0.01 per unitand R,=0. Im our example, as shown in Fig. 1, the shoet circuit X/R ratio at the utility tie is unavailable. Thus, we assume X, = 0.01 perunitand R, = 0. ‘Transformers. The per-phase equivalent cizcuit model of any 3-phase transformer 3- Phos Fos: SCA iT 1500 HP o 0.8 5 Xe 2 X4=0.15 ps Grogpal smal HP 260 Wirdieton Mots Range less en 80H 13) G2) Frstydo X=0.28 py on ring ip edi X78 30 HF 2604, 150K? Freche tng Ibert. 6 Typ. men X/R How To Perform ShortCi com an RICAL DISTRIBUTION connection is simply a per-unit series im- pedance. This impedance is the samme for both frst cycle and interrupting networks; thus, no superscript "for "I" isnecessary for its symbol The unadjusted impedanceofthetrans former is provided on its wameplace and is expressed as a percentage of rated imped- ance. In other words, you simply divide it bby 100% to arrive at its unadjusted per unit value, This per-unie impedance is ad justed with espectto che system base quan: tities per Equation 4, and the adjusted per-unitimpedance (Z, is resolved into active (X) and resistive (Rj) components e160 Ss yva 72 05% 7a) 13.84 Bs 100% a 1c Te 7 aww RR Og : OO aw, 1000? icin eos XQ O17 ps Fig. ¥. Simplified industrial power system used to lustrate the data preparation steps required in conducting a short-circuit study. Table 2. Adjusted per-unit reactance and resistance data of large ma ‘Typical Large . Mim, Rothng kya Xx XR Mochine Rating Rating (permit (X) —perunt (pera G.2MvA 24 20 007 25 045.0018 045,018, MMI:TSOOHP-SIN 122 15 01S 28. 0.9149,00398 1.372,00597 MM 1000HPIND_24_1.0__O17_25_—1,.561,00624 _7.342,00937, data of large machinery. Colculations—Part 2 perEquations 6aandb.(Thetypicalshore Cigcuit 3UR ratios of the teansformers in Fig, 1 are taken from Fig. 44-1 of the 1983 EEE Red Book.) The results forthe trans formers in Fig. 1 are shown in Table ‘Cable. The per-phase equivalent circuit model of the cable in Fig. 1issimply a per- nt series impedance. This impedance of the cable isthe same for both first cycle and intecrupting networks; thus, no super scripe*?" or “I” isnecessaryforitssymbol To find the cable's per-unit reactance QC andresstance(R)thefllowingena- X= [(K ohms per 10008) x length of run in f}] [number of parallel conduc- tors per phase x base Zin ols] (eq 7a} R.=[(R obs per 10008) x (length of unin ft] + [n0. of parallel conductors per phase base Zin ohms] (eq. 7b) Usingthe above equations, 0.0030 per unit and R,= 0.0043 per unit, (The approximate reactance and resis. tancedatainohmsper 1000‘) noredalong. side the cable in Fig. 1aretaken from Table 44-7 inthe 1993 IEEE Red Book.) Turbine generator. In general, the per phase equivalent circuit model of rota ing machine is a voltage source in series with an impedance that varies with time dluringthe fault Based on Table 4 1, Chap- terd ofthe 1993 IEEE Red Book, the unad- ‘ustedper-unitreactanceoftheturbine-gen- erator for both the firstcycle and interrupting networks is 1.0 X", where Xs"isthe saturated directaxissubtransient reactance ofthe generator in per-unit. You adjust this reactance with respoct to the system base quantities by using Equation 9, withthe corcesponding adjusted resis tance caleulated by using Equation 8 adjusted R-=adjusted X= short-circuit XR cq, 8) XI=(10._Xy")x (base MVA+ _MVA rating) (kV rating base KVP (eq. 9) ‘The calculation results are shown in Table 2. (The typical machine reactance and short-circuit XR data are from Table 44-1 and Figs, 44-2 and 44-3 of the 1993 IERE Red Book. Incidentally, there isa ty- pographicalerorin Table4A-1 ofthe first printing ofthis book: the left-most column ‘of Table 4-1 should be labeled X,” and the right-most column X,') largemotors.Basedon Table41,Chap- cerdotthe 199SIEEERed Book be unad- justed per unitreactancesfor the first-cyele and interrupring networks are 1.0X," and 1.5 X," respectively. Equation 9 is used to adjust the fist- cycle reactance, where the 3-phase kVA ratings approximately equa 0 the horse ‘power (hp) rating for induction motorsand December 995 EC&M 37

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