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Georgia Exemplary Media Program Scoring Rubric ____Matilda Harris Elementary___________ School Evaluator___MHES Media Committee - 2010-11

Number Category Basic Proficient Exemplary Evidence of compliance Evidence of need

Student Achievement and Instruction

1 Information Literacy Standards X Encourages good books - Research skills Need to use more lessons to increase use of research skills
Provides assistance with resources during planning
2 Collaborative planning X+ meetings each week. In action plan to use AFL results to plan activities with different classes.

3 Active teaching role X Storytime and Lessons taught by LMS

4 Encourage and support reading X AR Program/Incentives - HRRB

5 Meet diverse learning needs X Lexia Training/AR program

6 Student learning assessed X In action plan to use AFL results to plan activities with different classes.

7 Less than base size, staffing whole day X Media Specialist and Clerk on staff

7 Base size + full time media specialist X Full Staff available each day.
Facilities, Access, and Resources

8 Flexible schedule, accessibility/need X Flexible scheduling maintained

9 Square footage/FTE X Approval based on SACS standards
10 Central distribution system X Closed circuit TV along with Internet and Cable
11 Print, non-print, online and network resources X Galileo
OPAC, 3 year technology plan, efficient
12 management of library resources X Destiny(OPAC)/ 5 year Media Resource Plan
13 Promotion and use of GALILEO X Galileo classes for 4-5 grades
Administrative Support
14 SMCP X Dr. Strickland
Administrative staff support at school/system
15 level X Administration encourages LMS participation

16 Library media committee X Active Media Committee

17 Board approved library policy X Media Center Policy Manual

100% funds designated for library media center
18 costs X All media funds are spent each year
Staff Development
For media specialists and provided by media
19 specialists X LMS attends conferences in Liberty Co.
20 Media specialist supports technology. X School Dude

21 Media specialist supports PR of school. X Weekly email newsletters to parents/Newspaper

22 Media specialist engages parents in program. X Bookfair Family Nights/ Email Newsletters
Media specialist leads in creation and
23 maintenance of school website. X MHES and Media Center Website

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