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AMERICAN HIS TOR Y SECTION l Time-l hour "rid l:5 minutes 100 Questions

Dir~c::tions: Each of the questions Or incompjere statements below is followed by five suggested answers or comptetions. Select the one rhat i.s best in each ease and then black-en the correspondin& space on the answer sheer,

I. The: wealthiest people In pre-Revolurionary S, AU of lhe following occurred during the Second
America ..... ere primarily World War EXCEPT
fA} la wyers, doctors, and other professionals :A) a dra rna tic i ncrease of rna rried wo me n
i 6) northern merchants and southern planters enttrins the paid work force
(C) inland farmers :S) the forced relocation of Japanese-Americans
(0) i nd ustriali s ts from the West Coast to camps in the
( E) T ocal go\' ern me nt officials interior
(C) the prohibilion of interstate travel without
2. The Kan:s.a.s~Nebra$ka Act (1854) heightened the· 10 vernment pennislion
to) t be federal rationing of psc li ne and 5 upr
seen 0 na i crisis because- It (E) an increase in Black rniau, ti on to urba n
(A) repea led the M issoun Comprorruse areas
(B) repealed th,= Fugitive Slave ACt
~C) made Ka n sas and ?'-l e b ras lea free sates 6_ In 19S4 the Supreme Court ruled in the case of
(D) stirn 1J I ate d So u thern e rnigra u 0 n to the-
territories taken from Mexico Browl! v, Board 0/ Educa.zlon oj Topek« that
{ E) signaled acceptance of the principle of the {A) bus. ng to ac hieve racial balance L n pu blic
W il mot Pro vi so schools was cnnstinnionally acceptable
(B) local sc hool boa rds had no ri &h t to ce ns or
3. Duri n i Rec 0 nst ructi 0 n, Southern Blac In read \ ng rna terials i D school libra ri es
typically did which of the follol,l,ling? (C) p ra ye r in t he pub li~ schec 1$ WS5 co nt rat)' LO
the principle of separation of church and
(A) Workerl a5 day lahoren in rowns and cities. nate
(B) Migrated northward. exerci5ing their new (D) racial segregation in publ ic sc hoo Is was a. "
freedom. denial of the equal protection of lhe la~
(C) Owned and worked ~maU farms. tE) scnects could teach the l he 0 ry of evol uti 0 n
{D) Work-ed in mines and factories. wi th 0 U I abo leac:hina the creat i 0 m s t
(E) Tilled farms as renter! and sharecroppers. account of the origi n of ! if e 4-. The pub he's res ponse to U]:Il on S L ro::J.air·~ no ve 1

The Jungi« helped bring about

A) anutrust legsslation

B} the Pure Food and Drug ACI

C) the ~anl1 Act

D) a s tre ngtheni ns of the powe r of urba n pol i tic:.a l mac hi nes

. E} the Panic of 1907


. \ &

7 _. The Ordinances of 17SS and l i81 were notable lccompiisoments because tney

A} uta bl is hoed the principle [hit we!tern lands

. are [he joint property of.n the stales

( B} mrria ted a. ~-=rritorial policy tba t provided for the orde rly crea tion of ne.... ~ta tell.

( C) mad e: pO!lli ble a polM:Y of Sa tive A menan ( l ndian) rclaliorl$ that ena bled new western areas tc be settled peacefully

( D) put la nd into the hancb of the actual 5enler ratber than the speculator

,E} were the basis for the future settlement of the dispuEe wlth Britain ever the

north west pon.!

. ..-......

8 _ Th e A merican T ra nsce nd en~a1i![$ rna y best be characterized as which of the foHowinS?

( A) A ilOUP of :'II orihern inte llecruals who

s hared a belief in the value of h uma n rntui tion. the p resence of di Vtnity in nature> and all emotional c;omprencMion of God

.: B) A re tiaiolU sect that be lieved in the c c ncept of lin and th.e necessity for for-giveoess from God a nd from (ellow won h ippers (C) A number of loosely organiud communitaria ns w no enpaed j n sexua I e xperiments outside the confines of marriage (D) A sect of former Unitarian ministers. who

C" X ~cte:d C hrisr to descend to ea rth within their !ifeLime-s

{E} A persecuted band who had to nee to the W est beca use a f their un po pular idea s about polygamy and other unccnvenrional practices

9, Of the followins. which was the most important ;::a use of agrarian discontent in the t.: nited StatU in th e last qua rte r of lhe ru nereent h cent ury:

(A) The end of free homesteads

{B). The end of Republican ~rty efforts to woo the farm vote

(C) The exha us tion of t he soH by poor fa nni ns methods

(D) The that the raiiroads were exploiting the f arrne 1"$

t E) The increase in the n umbe r of im m i irants

l 0, The fi rst Grea t A wake nin g W1U

(A) a religious revival that occurred throughout the ,,\ rnencan colonies

{B} a slave rebellion in colonial Sourh Carolina { C) an ei gh teem n -cen t ury rel i gi 0 us rno ve men ~ among N:uive: Americans {Indians}

d ed ica ted to reaffi rmi ng t radi li 0 nal values

to) the n owen nj of Enli gh te n me nt poiL tical thought in colonia! America

( E) an earl y colonial pretest a po 11m En glish i m pena I pol icy

l l . "Let me , , . warn you in the mO~L solemn manner apiost the ruinous effeetS of lhe- spirit of party, . , _ The- anernare domination of one fact i o n OV~ r I not he-r. s harpe ned by the s pi rit of re ... enge natural to piny dissension , . - is uself a frightful desperism."

This siatemeru reflected which of the faHo .... ini "Iolit ica! p OSlUOn!?

A) Abnilham l.incoln's reaeuon to the Southern thmus of secession

8) Vi~$e~ s. Gram's reaction to th.e disclosures of corruption in the: Republican party

C) And re w J 0 hJl.!lon >5 dis pa ragement of theAnti-Masonic party

0) John C. Calhoun's explanation of [bereasons far hi~ wlthdrawal from the presidenual campaign of 1824

t E} George Washington 's concern about the development of pclirical parties during his administration

t 2. Which of the following best characterizes the response of Grear Britain and Fra nee to the American ci-u War?

(A) They saw advantages in a. divided Union, but pursued cautious policies Toward both sides.

t B) They favored restoration of the Union and actively worked to arbitrate the conflict. ~ C) Th ey fa vo red puma neru sepa ra ti on 0 f t h ~ U nion and open~y supported the Sout h. (D) They fa v ored restoration of the C nicn and openly supported the ~ orth.

l E} They had no interest in the conflict and remained aloof from u.

13. Which of the ioHowing accurately describes the Ku Klux Klan in lhe lnO's?

[A) its acrivuies wert limited to the South.

( B) It fa vored i mmian tion restriction as we-U as W h i re su prtmacy.

(C) II repudiated fl.lndan'lenlaH$1 Protestantism. ~ D) \oi a ny of i rs me m ben were elected to Congress.

E} It "ppeared for the fi not time during ~h.i$ decade.

. ~ ...... -)...:


14, Franklin D, Roosevelt's farm policy was prirna ril y d esigned to

(A) reduce farm prices to make food cheaper for the consumer

~ B) increase- production by opening new la nds to farmeu

(C) reduce: production in order 10 boost farm prices

D) UH price and wage controls to stabilize

fa.rm pric:n

: E) end federal conrrols c ... er agriculture




(in percentages)
Second Second
Poorest Poorest Middle Wealthic!u Wealthiest
Year Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth
~947 ].5 lO,6 16,7 23,0 45,6
]950 3.l 10 . .5 l7.3 24,1 4:5.0
196D 3.2 10.6 17.6 24.7 44,0
1970 3.6 lO.3 17.2 ::4.7 44,1 The data in the table support which of rhe [ollowing conclusions? (A) Many families carne to depend on lWO incomes by 19"70.

(B) The living standards of most Americans rose between 1947

and 1970.

- (C) There was linle redistribunon of income among Americans between 1947 and 1970.

(D) Sew Deal and Falf Oe:al reforms shifted the distribution of income in fa VOT of tow-tncomc A me ri ca ns.

(E) The nation's gross national product was much :ligh~r in 1970 [han in 1947,



~ 6. r-:

Franc: 's support for the U nited Stares during

t he American Revolutionary War was mou",ued prrmarily by

(,4, 1 eruh ustasm for the revoluticnary principles

e s po used by t h( Americans

(e) a desire to weaken it! rival. Greal Britain {O a. desire to terrain Ca.nada and the Florida! f D} pressures from its ally, Spain

; E) tne nope of con v ~rtj:n& lhe United Slates i n ~ 0 a F rene h depend>:

I f. Thomas Jeffersen opposed some of Alexander Ha mihon 's programs because Jefferson believed thar

(AJ [he common bond of a substantial national debt would serve to unify the different stares

f B) the F rene h aU iance t hrea te ned to s pread the violence of the French Revclution toAmerica

(C) the federal iO"'~rnmel'u should encourage manufacturing and industry

(D} Hamilton's program! were weakil!:nina the military strength of the nation

(E) Hamilton's programs favored wealthy financial inrerests

._ 8 - W h l~h of t he foil owi ng did NaT co ntri b ute t Q the II nired States decision to declare war against Great Britain iII l812 ':'

(A} A me ri can mili ta ry and eco nomic pre-

pa red ness for \.10' ar

(8) American concern for national honor (C} The impressment of American seamen (D) British interference with t:'!ltled Stares


l. E) American fear~ of Briusb ard to Native A merrcans ~ I ndians) on the frontier


19. Which of t he following provided sources of revenue for the federal government In the period from l800 to l860"l

I, Income tax

IJ . Sa Jes tax

I II, C ustorns duties I V, La Ild sa!et

V Real estate taxes

~) l and 11 only

r B) I and HI only tEt I [ and V only 'D) m and IV only

.E) Ill, JV. and V oniy

20 _ The horizo ntal L n ~gra ti 0 n of American i nd us I ry (i.e, one firm acquiring control of other firms that I'roduce the same product) that occurred at the end of the ni nete-emh century was prima ril y a respo n5e to

( A) econo mic C ompe ti uc n (B) high tariffs

( C) po we rful labor unions (D) federal monetary policy

(E) federal reil,dation of business

21_ The J a pa nese a Hac k 0 n Pear! H arbor occurred after

(A) diplomatic negotiations with the United

States reached a stalemate

(B} the U nited States declared war on Japan (C) Japan in v aded the Philippines

(D) Japanese-Americans ..... ere forcefully e v acuated from the West Coast

(E) Germany declared war on the United States


22. Which of the followitli most accurately describes the: aturude of seventeenth-century Pur i ra ns t award re ~iaious liberty?

t A) Havini suffered persecution iF.l England. lhey extended roterarion ro everyone. ( B) They to lera ted no one w hose ex pressed religious views varied from their own views.

( C) Th ey tole rated a tl Pro restan l seeu, but not Carholies.

{D) They tolerated Calhohcs, but Dot Quakers. ( E) Th cy h ad no coheren l views 0 n reHilQ U$ liberty,

23- In part. Presldent Lincoln refrained from tikin, action to emancipate slaves until the Clvll War had been in prOSI'eSI for aJmost two years because

(A) he sought to retain the loyalty of the border states

1ij s la very still existed inmost ~ crt hem sta tn ,C) Congrest had not granted him the

a. L1 thority

~ D) he wU preparing a plall to send all of the

s la ves to liberia .

( E} he rea red a hostile reaction 0 n the pa rt 0 f the British and French


24., Whl,h of the following would ha v e been most likely to support the pre!iden~La! campaign of William Jennings Bryan in I gQ6 1

(A) A Kansas farmer

. B) A Chicago industnal worker : C) A Philadelphia merchant

'D) A university professor of economics

(E) A New York Republican party member


25, T Ile pri nci pa I f orei I" polll:Y issue c c n fro 1'1 Ling tile- W. lso n ad m..i ninrat ion bet ween t he out brea k of the Fif'5t World War in 19 t4 and Unued Slates involvem=nt in the conflict in 1911

was the

(A) future of U nited SlatU o ... erseas posses-


(B) territorial and political inlegrity of Poiand ( C) freedom of the SC35

( D) q uesti 0 n of a Pan- America n C Q lleeti ve sef;ur"ily organization

(E) issue of \Io'ar debt repaymeat by the AHic5





26, The pourical cartoonist who drew this picture probably believed that

- (A) Euro pea n nations were pleased with aid gi ve n !h~m by the Cool idge adrnirustrari on

{8) governmental agencies were recei ving 100 muc h financial support from (he Coolidge adrmnistratron

f C) American ind ustrial and commercial leaders approved of the Ccolrdge adrnirustrauo n 's busi ness pol icies

~ D~ consumers had benefited from the Federal Reserve Boa rd 's tL!!J:ht rnonev policy :-rom 1925 through 1928

(E) Congress was pleased by President Coolidge's accornmodaring stante- toward per k barrel :egl~lallcl1


2~. An .rnoortant fal;;tot contriburing to the Grell!

Depression in the- United State! III the 1930 '5 was the

( A) 1 a rge m i 11 tar)' ex pe ndi ture in l he 1920's

- (B) dechne in farm prospe-rity durini the ~ 920'$ (C) rapid depletion of the nation's minerai

reso urces

t D) increased irnportarion of foreign goods (E) increase In population due to rmrnigrarion

2S. ··l believe that it mUSE be lhe policy of the

Un L ted S ia tes to 5U pport free peoples who art res\$ting anempted 5ubjulluion by armed minoriries or b.y oueside pressures. ~ bdie-vc that we must .3.!I5\st lree peoples to work out the,r own destini.e~ in. their own way. [ belie-ve lhat our help should be- primarily throuah economic and financial aid whicb is essenual to economic $tabihtya.nd orderly political processes."

The statemern above is taken from

( A) Woodrow WHSOll', request r or a. deelararion of war I1pinst Germany (1911) (B) Herbert Hocver's natemen~ on Japane-se aggte'5sion in China (l93l)

(C) • :1 j 0 i m sta tement by the U aned S ta tes, Gr!!:;.U Britain, and. France with regard to tile Spani5h Civil War ( 1916)

(D) Franklin D_ Roosevelt's request for a. deciararicn of war agaill!lt Japan { 1941) - {E} Harry S. T reman's request rorfund~ to support Greece and Turkey against communism (1947)

29. Whl~h of the Icllowing statements is true about immigration to the Unued States during the last ~wo decades of the nineteernh century?

( A) L· ni led S ta tes ~ mmi ara tion la W$ s ha rpl y reduced the: number of eliJibie immigrants.

{B) Irish llllmigranu came: in larger numbers tha n earlier in the ce ntury.

{C) Sativist iIIptation brought about a decline in im migr.ulon.

(D) The Vnit~ States government entered into a ~gent1c:ntan's aarc:entenl~ to ban immigrams from certain countries.

(E) Scuihern and EUlern Europeans came- in la r ier n urn bers than earlie r in the century.

30- By the time of the Revolution. the American cclorusrs bad generally come to believe thaI creation of a republic would solve the problems of monarchical rule because a republic would establish

(A) a hilhly centralized government led by a social e lite

( B) a strong chid executi ve

- .. (C) a small. limited governmeru responsible to the people

(D) unlimited male- !uffrage-

( El a. 5OClc:t)' L n w bic: h l here we re nod i ff e rences of rank. ·and status

3l. AU of the toUe wi ng condit\ont i nflue need the development of American aa:ricultl.1.r1! during the fint ul! of the nmeteenth century EXCEPT

- ( A) a lovemn\£nt po hey fa lion OJ rapid seu lement of the public domaie

(B) a. widespread interest in cOllsenlng soil and na t ura I resourc es

( C) lhe- trend toward regional economic S pC'CiaJiuti on

(D) the enthusiasm for land speculation

(E) irnprovcmenu in transpertauon by water

.32. President J ackso n's N alive A meriea n (1 nd ia n) policy resulted in wh~h of the following?

(A) Jackson's loss of popularity in the country (B). The fin.t efforts to &ran( citizenship to

:-.l a ri ve Arne rica ns

(C) The division of mbal lands into small units and their allorrnent to heads of families ill each tribe

(D) Widespread upri5lns~ among the Sioux in the Dakota Ternrory

(E) The removal of the Cherokee from the Southeast to settlements across the \t: ississi p pi

33. " ... the descendants of Africans who were importe-d into this coumry. and sold :15 slaves _ .. .A. are- nor i net ud ed, a nd were- not i ruended 10 be .. included. IJnde-r the word 'citizens' in the- Constiruuon. and can tnerefore clalm none of the

ri g h t s and p ri vile-Ie, w hi~h that i nstrument .

P f ovid es for. and secu rtS to citize ns of the U nned Stares ...

The pusage above is from which of the foJlowi.n&?

(A~ Marbur v, Madison

(B) The- Liberty party platform (C) ,\fcCuiloch v, MQ,yla1td

.- (0) Drld Scott II. Sanford

( E) Th e F reedmen's Bun:a u act 0 f 1865

j4, "In I gOO schoolchildren (ages S-19) speru an average of oniy fo u rteen days in school each .year. By (8S0 this figure had nearly doubted. goi ng to tWemy·~lx days, and by 1860 it had men to forty days per year. almost triple the fjaure for l800. By 1860 the lill!racy rate at age t we III v had anained modern levels. exceedi ng ninety percent a.mong Whites, H·

This pusaae describe! results brouiht about c hie fl y thr ough

(A) stare and local effons in behalf of public schoots

.-...--..., {Bl the work of private philanrhrcpists

..._, C) the extension of federally supported school systems

(D) the increasing ability of families to afford tutors

(E) the esta blishment of church-supported schools

J 5, in which year would the population of an Atlantic seacoast city most likely have: appeared 4~ t'.:)jJows?

Categories (selected fffoups of total population)

BOTn in tJ nited States of parents born in United Slues (White)


2.0J 7
., "'1'"
_.J •. Born in lreland (While)

Born iTl U nired Stares of parents born in 1 reland l White)

Born in R ussia (Whi[l!)

Born in L nited States of parents born In Russia (White)


~ on-White born in U nited Stales

(A) t7900 (B) 1820 (C) 18S0

(D) l890 (E) [930

. J~_ All of the following were considered legitimate: functions of the f!!'deral government in .he late nineteenth century EXCE PT

(A) promoting industria! growth by means of a. protective tariff

(B) gnnlin& subsidies to encourage the constructicn of railroads

(C) regularing immigfillEon

(D) assuring the welfare of the poor and IJ nem pi 0 ycci

( E) regula linA; the !la lion >5 currency

. 37. r n t he hi~tory 0 f A mencan t raas pOrta lion. the canal era occurred during waich of rhe following periods?

(A) l600~ 162S (B) 1750-177~ (C} 1790~1810 (D) 1820-18~O

-( E) 186.5-1890

38. All of the roUcwing wert facton in the failure of the U Ilited Slate! to join th.e lH.8Ue of Nations a.fter the First World War EXCE PT

(A) fear of furtner involvement in (orelgn wars (B) personal and p.oHtlcal rivalries betwe-en

Presid en t Woodrow Wi 1 son a nd Sen at 0 r Henry Cabot Lodge

(C) Presid en t Wood rO W W ils 0 n's i 1.1 ness

(D) a group of United States senators who opposed American participation on an]' terms

. __ (E) the influence of the Soviet U nio n wuhin the League

J9. Whll::h of the fallowing celebrated trials best illustrates the cultural conflict in t he 1920\ between fundamentalism and modernism?

{A) The Scottsboro mal

(B) The Leopold-Loeb tria!

.{ C) The J oh n T _ Sec pes trial

(D) The Albert B, FaU trial

(E) The Sacco- Vanzetti trial


.:" ." ~ •• .:::-: -: ••••••• .e ~~=: . .e .:: •••••• ~~.~""'7"' •• ~ "::::: --:~. ": :.~ ••••••• ~-..e-:.: .. ~.x:: -:-,..~. ~ -, ~~ .'; r: :: : .. ~ . .:..~.:. ".: .~":.". -~: ~. : : .. " ~ -:-- ~ ~ ". ~:.:.:.:;:.: :~ .. :": ~~: ', -..; :..·.~:~...:·3·:~- .. ~.~.: :~-.. :.: .. ~} . .:.:.: '; :-:. "-;-.:: -, :~~; ";_..;..::..:. .. :...~ ~." ~ .~.~: ~;,: ~ r-. ·:·r.~ .:~~ .. ~ ~~:.,.. ·--;-h".· "."-"::

· 40, W hich or the follow-ina l$ true about the concept of isoiaticmsm?

(A) it emphasiz.ed the avoidance cf binding politica.l commitme-nts to other nations. (B) It uSUAlly m~ssl!:d the avoidance of commeTeial as well" pchuca] tie-s to olhcr natiolls.

(e) h had almost no influence on United Slain forei&n policy a(ler 1m.

(D) 11 wu generally applied to Europe- and Latin America. but not to As~.

- {E} It became obsclete with the formulation of the ~onroe Doctrine.

41. Which of the following is a correct ~talement about the- use of slave labor in colonial Virginia?

{A) h wu forced on reluctant White Virainiall$ by profit-minded English merchants and lh.e mercatllilist officials of the Crown. (B) It was lhe firSt case in which Europeans

enslaved Blackl.

'C) It fulfilled the original plalls of the- Vir8in~ Company.

( D} It fi m occu rreel after l he i nvennon of Eli Whitney's colton gin, which veady

s II mu la led the demand for I OW-C ost labor.

~ (E) h spresd rapldly in the lale seventeenth century. as Blacks displaced White indentured servants in the tobacco fields.

42. The French and Indian War was a pivotal point in America's retauonship to Great Britain eecause it l~d Great Bruain 10

(" A) encourage colonial manufactures

-( B) impose revenue taxes on the colonies (C) resrric: emigration from England

(D) ignore the colonies

{E) grant increased. colonial seif·a.overnmefH

4,3, Deists of the late eighteenth and early nine- 1 ee nt h cenru ries be-Ue ved ~ ba t

.- ( A 1 natural laws. set by the Creator. govern the operation of the universe

(8) prayer ha$ lhe- power to make ~.gnificant chanl~ in a person's life

(C) the idea of God is merely the childish imagining of ~imple minds

(D) rhe universe was created by a natural.

.. spontaneous combining of elements (E) intuition rather than reason .eads human bemgs to 8.1'1 awareness ct the divine

r _

44, .l.farbury",_ Madison (1803) is famous for eSlablishing the principle of

(A) the sanctity of contracts

(B) the supremacy of the execuu lie over the

legislative- branch (0 judicial review

{D) due- process of law

(E) equal access by any citizen to f~deral courts

4S. A proposa1 (or the uncompensated emancipation of American slavcs was advanced by

( A 1 Th OmA5 Jefferson in the ['II ort h wen

Ordinance of I '787

(B) James Madi5DD in Th« FedtrtJiisl in 1788 (C) the American Colonization SocietY in 1817

(0) WiUiam Lloyd Garrison in The Vber-aror

in 1831

(E) ~be Republican party platform of 1860

46, The "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" iUUed by the Seneca Falls Convention demanded

(A) Ircater nahts fer women

(8) the immediat-c termination of slavery (C) enliahtened treatment of thl!: insane

(D} a new role fQt women in the antislavery movement

t E) impro ... ement Ln priscn conditions

47, In the pre-Ci ... il War era, the rai~road'$ most important impact on the economy was the

(A) creation of a huge new market for rail"",,}, equipment

(B} creauon of the basis for greater cooperation between Southern planters and

~ ortnem rexule manufacturers

(C) generation of new employment cpporrunities for unskilled urban work-en

(D} participation oi the federal government in the financing of a nationwIde transporialion network

- (E) accessibility to Eastern urban markets provided to Midweilern fanners

48_ The North's advantages over the South at the outbreak. of the Civ;1 Wa.r included all of the follow; ng EXCE PT

~(A) greater agreerne nt over war aims

(B} more substantia! industrial resources te) 11 more extenswe railroad network (D) d ornmance in foreign trade

I E) naval supremacy

.Q_ue~~ions 49·50 refer to the followlna historical o brern.

1 t L~ populady believed that Patrick H~ntY. in his speec n ala rnst the S tam p Act of J 7 6S 1 implied t nat George lIt would be a5:S,usinatcd, and then concluded wi th the p n rase, "I f t his be treason. ma k.e lhe most ?f it. '. F Out differing rl:pom or this speech, two of WhlCh omit th,= con(:luding phrase, are found In the 50urC~5: lhe diary of a Frenchman \Io'bo was an eyewitness and described the event the same day~ a letter p ri rued in iii Lo ndo n new~ pa per a bout ! ix Wet k.s. I ater: a h ism ry of Virgin ia writ ten III 1805 ~ aod 3. no re written in [817 '0)' Thomas Jefferson, who also was an eyewi t ness,


The main issue ra ised for h i$t Q ria ns by the differing reports of Henry's spc~h i$ the

- (A) formation of nypothese-s about historical causauon

( B) va lidi ty of h I$t oneal metaphor -t. C) c red i bili ty of hi5torltaJ e .... idenee ( D) use of a nac h ro ni mtt

( E) form of h lsro rica] e itatio n


Which of the followini facts casts the greatest doubt on the accuracy or Jeff~tson's note

co nfirmin& th.e concluding phrase in Henry's speech?

(A) Jefferson and Henry had each served as governor or" Virginia-

(B) Jefferson was only twenty-two rn 1765. (C) Jefferson's note was written (0 a man who was writing a biography of Henry.

(D) Jefferson was not actually! member of the House of Burgesses in 1765,

(E) Jeff e rson's noie was w ri tte n fift y-two years after the ~:p«i:h was delivered .


S! - The mercantilist system in rhe eighteen: h ce ru Uty led to

l A) t he res rncri on 0 f govern me [J ta lin te rvenu 0 n III the economy

(B) the protection of Native Americans (Indians) from Eutopean economic ex p I 0 L tat ion

'{ C) the expansion of colonial manufa.cturing (0) the subordinauon of the- colonial economy to that of the mother country

(E) nonecmpeunve commercral relations among nations

52. The rrrbes of the Iroquois Confederacy wer! dis u nc ti ve in [nat ~hey

{A} were less militam than other Native A merican (Indian' tribn

t B) all allied themselves with the American colonists against Great Britain during the Revolutionary War

(C) successfully resisted incorporauon into lhe En glis n. f ur-trading syste m

( D) were converted te A nglica ni srn

- (E) formed the most important Native American political organization to confront the colonists

53, A major defect in the nauonal lovernrnent established by the ,.to, rticles of Confederation .... as thal it lacked

(A) a means of amending the Arueses

- (B) the authority to tax

{C) the power to declare war

(D) the authority to make treaties {E} a legislative bran-cit

. ~ ~.~-=:~:-::-:-:-~:-:: .. :....~:.:.:":=..:::.: ..... ::.~ .::.. "::.::::::..: ....... ~.:...:~~-:- ..', ~~. ~ ~~.~-:-: .. ~::--~.~::: .' :~/::~ -, :.;.:: .' : -v , ~ . ..;....~ .~.~~ .. ~ .. ;:.~. ~~2"::-':"~: ~.:.:~ : .. : . ..:;~:.=:.--:-:~.:: I.~' :0' ......... :':~~ ~)~.'.~ .. :: .. :."/ :~...::.;::~~ ", :.:-:-: v: ... ~I.~. " •• -:: ".:' -, =-:.(~~.~:. ·.:.:0~::·-:,~: ... :~:/:;'.~;--::: »~:. : ~;::.~ I.:-'~ .:~'::-:-: :~::~~:.::.::.::.: ;~:...;:;.~ •• ~. ~»"N':;.:~."':; .~:;: -. : .t: ~~.-"1 ...... ;o:. <v», : -, : : ~~. ~. ~.

.~ ..
1~ PE:,,";";SYLVA~lA STATE CONVE~TtOI'i, li87 ._.--......_,.
Federalists Anu-Federahsts
~erchanu " 2
Large M anufacturers 3 1
Lawyer!. 9 1
Large Landowners 3 0
Doctors 2 0
M trusters :2 I
S ubrcrat 25 54% $ 2Z%
Innkeepers 2
Millers 8 4
Artisans 1 0
\ot isc ~ Ila ne 0 us 4- 2
S ubtoral lS 33% 7 30%
Farmers 6 13% 11 48%
TOTAL 46 lOO% 23 100% All of the following starernerns about the delegates to the Pennsylvania stare convention to ratify the United Stales Consrituticn are supported by the data in the table above EXCEPT:

~. ,~) A majority of the farmers opposed rarificaticn,

t Bl 'Federalists outnumbered Anti-Federalists by two to one.

l C) The SIze of each occupational group was probably prcpornonate to us size in the Pennsylvania population.

t-fJ) The majoruy of the supporters of the Constitution were drawn from the upper social and economic classes,

_, (E} The- Federalists probably won the rarificauon vote.

55. Early American diplomat:'> to European naucns Q ft e n ga med ad va nra ges for the 0 ni led S ia tes by

(A) sending America's strong military and naval force! apinst those of the European po ..... ers

l8} convincing lhe- people of European nations to exert pre-uun: on their government! (C} using confidential information effectively --t 0) exploiting European rivalries

I (E) using America's \last wealth in order to obtain favorable diplomaric scu~emenl$

56, The hostility of the Know-Nothing party was directed pn rnari Iy a ga ins t

(A) the growth of cities and industrial manufacturing

__ (8) tnsh and German Catholic immigrants

(e) Free Ma.son~ and members of other fraternal orders

(D} abolitionists

(E) slaveholders

The term "cull of domesticity" refers to

( A) an. as ~ecE of the Sa le m witchcraft trials of 1692, in which mai rI!y mldd le-a ged

ma tro ns were ilCCwl!d of praClicinl evil magic

(B) the Shaken, ;, reiigiuus ~t founded by Mot her A nn Lee in the e iSh reenrh century

_ (q the idea.liu lion of wo me n in [heir ro les i13 wives and mothers dUflns the early nineteenth century

(D) the c:!efen!C liven by antebellum apologi5t! for slavery, who argued that bondage was a. f orm of benevo le nt pa ternalis m

{ E) the Puri ta ns' i nsistence 0 n t he imp(! rta nee of the fami1y as ~M cornerstone of their 5 oc ia! 0 rder

Sr. 0·

58. An important reason for the prClCiamation of the Monroe Doctrine was to

( A~ ( B)


I!'nd the t: nued S [a EI!S alliance with f fa nee diJpl.a.(:e EnJ,land a..s the chid creditor of the La ti n-A meriea n C ountries

cou mer Bri tis h obje<:ti 0 ns lhat would arise in any future United Stares effcrt to

3 naex the W!st I nd in 0 r Canada protect republican il'l:sdlution! of governme n tin I he W es tern H I:ml:S phere

preve n t F re nc h in terf erence in l h e internal affairs of. Mexico

- (D)

,"""""" (E)


59, Whl(;h of the following most lik.ely increased Me xican sus pic ion 0 f U nued S la res re rri tori al objectives in the: 1 8JO's and 1840's"

lA) Abotitionisr agitation in the North

{B) Jackson's policy toward the anne x arion of Texas. ( 1836-37)

{C} The Webster-Ashburton Treaty

(D) Clay's speeches in the campaign of 1844 - (E) Rhetoric 00 "manifest destiny" in the Ame rica n P~$S

60- Which of the fonow-ina would mo~t likely have

said. u children 'should o.e children as long as

they can"?

f-A) A ;-.iew Eng!and Puritan (B) A Southern slaveholder

(C) A mid-nmeteenth-century educational reformer

(D) An irish immigrant in the Lowell mills (E) A parent of a pioneer family ill the Wesl

e t. In the presidennal campai;n of [860, which of [h~ following posuions was as5ert.ed by the Republican party platform with respect to

slavery? A

{A) Slavery snourd be abolished immed.Lately by the federal government

(B) The extension of .slavery to ether counrries snou ld be pre hi bi [ed.

(C) The M i.5$.O uri Comp romise !i ne (J6~ 30')

s hou Id be extended tot he Paci fie Ocea 1'1. a nd ~la very sh 0 uld be prohl bited in [emlOtlet above t h. t 1 i ne,

{D) The gradual emanc:ipation of the slaves should begin. and the federal go .... e rnment s h01.lld co mpe:nsa te slave ow ners for I he

J css of sla ve property.

. (E) The exrension of sla very to United Stales rerrito ric! sh 0 uld be pro hi bued by the federaJ government, bUI ~Ia\lery should be protectl!:d in the Itates where it aJrudy existed,

62_ AU of the foUowinJ elements of the Radica.l Republican prorram were implemented during Reecnstrucue n EX C E PT

-( A) provision of 40 acres to each freedm.n

( B) enactme nt of the F ou rteenth Amendment { C) mi Ihary OCCLL pat io n 0 f the South

( D) pun ish me n t of the Co nf ed erate leaders (E) restrictions on the power of the President

6J. The second Sioux War (l87 S-1876). which. sa.w the defeat of Custer ai the Battle of the Little Big Horn. was caused by aU or the fotlowi ng EXCEPT

{A} (he: extension of the route of the: ~ Ort hem Pac.fLc Railroad

{B) the gold rush in th.e Black Hills

(C) a concentrated effort on the pan of the major Protestant denominations to convert the S iou x to Christian ny

... ( D) corruption within the Department of [he 1 nrerior

( E) over la nd migration 0 f se nlers 10 the P!C I [ic Northwest


.~~-;:.; .. : ... ':.-:-:: .. .-:: .. :.:.-:~:.':'::::-.:~: .: .. <: .... ~ .:..:.~---.:.::.:.~ =. :.: .:~ .. s: .. ~ ..... : ...... : ... ;p.:.: ..... :: r-, . .:....:.:: ...... ~~::.-;:<:~.~~ .. \. ::::-~:::.:.~~.\~~~.::-. ~.~.'. ~::~.~:::?/.: ~~-::-..:. .. ::~::=. -: ~:.~.: -, ~.:::::::::. :··~··::.-";-::::=.s·~\ .:."::"=-.;\.:: ~:~ ... :: .. :::~. :.~: -, t: -.~: .. :.:}j;.".;;' -, ::.~=::::=:.~:.:~."~.:~~:'::-~:~.:; ... :." : :-"(" .... :~:: -, ::::.~:.~:: -r ::-:~.: .: : ~: ........ -r -,

64. " ... the policy of the governmeDJ. of the

L'n.ittd States is to s«k a solution which may brinj a.bout permanent safety· and pea'::e" to China. pre$etvt Chinese territotia1 and lClmini· ~tra.uve entity, protcct all riJhts guaranteed to friendly powen by treal}' and international law, and weauard for the world the principle of equa1 and imparti.l trade w\th all p.,m o( the

C hinese !:m pire. ~

This quotation is part of the {A) BurJinptne Treaty

. (a) Open Door note"5 (C) Bo:«r Protocol

(OJ KeUol&-8riand Pa.ct (£) Stimson Doctrine

trS. Whic.h of the foUow\na accurately describe{$) the Harlem R.enai5SAnO!?

L _ it flounshed durin, the 1920t~.

H. It wu cenrered among Blacks in the South.

H1. It consisted of a period. of dramatlc Black intellectual and artistic creauviiv.

IV_ It brouiht about $lgnificant gains in civil r\lhlS ...

{A) 10·nly (B)! and III only

(C) 11 and IV only (D) 1. II. and tv only

(E) 1, Ill. and IV only


66. The main purpose of the Wagner Labor Relations Act of 1935 wa.~ 10

(A) end the sir-down mike in Flint. ~ ichigan {B} settle the mu"~e between the A FL and the!


guarantee workers a. minimum wage ensure workers' right to oriamze and co1!cctively

exempt orill.nizecl1abor from the Sherman Antitru5t Act

67. The principal 'reason for the economic boom in the United State! after the Second World

War was

(Al full employment. because the UI'ILl~d Slates kept ten mulion men in the armed services as a precautionary measure

(Bl the conrinued prooucucn of war materials on a r ound-ihe-clock basis

- (C) a shortage of consumer goods combined w~th a reserve of purcnasmg power in the form of accumulated sa vings

(D) the continuance of tne f!:dera! go ... ernmeru's operation of sorne basi" industries. such as ra i lr oads

{E) strong action hy the federal government .n behalf of organized labor

68_ Whi(h of the fol1ow~nl is correct about United State! Involvement in the Viernam I,Var?

(A} It was justified by an a.):1p~aI10 the Open Door policy.

"tat It was the exclusive respcnsrbuiry of the Johnson and Sixon adml nistrauons. (C) It came about only after a formal deciaraLion of war.

--- [D) It was primarily a_nti.Soviet in purpose, (E) It grew out of polley cornmuments and assumpuons since the Second World War.

69. Wbic:h of the follo'oVina was a. widcly h~ld behef, thr: FOUnding Fathers of the Unned States?

(A) ~(B) (-e, ra,

D\~t democracy is superior to represenrauve governms-nE.

WidC!lJ'rcad ownenhL~ of property is a bUlwark of rcpublic:a.n government.

Poiitical parties arc an inevttabte outgrowth of n:pubHcao government.

U Divcrsa.llDannolXi suCfnr.;e 15 essemia! to a free IQ\'crnment,

The HpBTaticn of lc-giJ1ative. executive, and judicial functions leads to governrnerual chaos.



70. Whu~h of the following. is correct about the tariffs passed during the period 18l6-18:8 ~

(A) They reduced barriers U) free trade.

(B) They were supported by all sections of the nation.

(C) Thei r constitutionality was sested ;,n the courts.

j D) They were primarily intended as reven ueraising measures.

----{ E) They WCf!!: the fim tariffs w hose major purpose was prceecuon.

7L Which of the foUowing had rhe greatest impact on the imtilution of ~Ia\l!!:ry m the L .. ned States in the first quarter of the nineteenth century?

h~ Demands of Southern textile manufac-

iurers for ccucn

"( 8} 1 ntroducncn of crop rotation and f.ertilLzers (C) Use of more stringent techniques of ~la ... ~ control

tot Invention of the cotton gin (E) The "three-fifths" compromise

72. The rJulljfLcAlion controversy of I Son·; 8JJ was 5illoificant. in pan. because it

e ( A) ,sj ana led th e t ri u Ill. ph of pro ta ri ff (orces

"' (B) strengthened support for the Mi.ucuri


_. ( C) \oW ea k ened the Whli p. ny th rOU ghout the So-uth

(D) enhanced Andrew Jackson's reputation as a 'i t ron II Pr~~j d em

(E1- cemc n ted t he alliance bet ween Andrew Jackson and John C, Calhoun

7). The e5tabllsh.ment of Brook Farm and the Oneida Community in the antebellum U nited S ta res reflected

t A} the influence of Socia! Darwimsm on American thin ke n

{B} the continued impact of Calvinist ideas on

American thouiht

( C) the b I ossom i ns of perfectionist iUpi ration, (0) auempts to foSter racialintctnlion

f E) the implernernanon of Masonlc schemes for social improvement

7'4. "From the bcginnioB of lhe seulement of America. the: frontier re-aion! have exercised a steady influence toward democracy ... , Americaa democracy i5 fundamentaUy the outcome of

r---.. t he ex pe rience of l he America n people in dealing Wilh the W~t. . , ."

These statements an part of a historical cheery xnown as

{A) manifest destiny

(B) Jeffersonian democracy - ( C) the T urner t hesis

r D) Jacksonian democracy (E) liberal republicanism

'S, The Reconstruction ACtS of l86i provided for ~ (A) temporary Union military supe~i$ion of t he ex-C onf ederacy

~ B) :·ederal monetary support of the resenleme nt of America n B lack5 I D Africa (C) denial of Bla~k property-holding and voting righu

(DJ implementation of ilnti-Btal:k. vagrancy laws in the South

(E) lenient readmission of the ex-Confederate states to the Union

/ 76_ 1 n the tal! nmeteenth-century conrroversy over the social and religious rmplications of Darwinian theory. all of rhe followJni pOl'ulat beliefs were felt ro be threatened by Darwin EXCEPT the:

( A) [heoioiical doctrine of "design ft (8) accuracy of the Old Testament

- ( C) rea!i ty of c hanae in t he world +9) u niq ue ness 0 f man in na tu rII!! TI) co ncept 0 f the d eservi ni P GO r

77 AU 0 f lhe f ollowi ng he I p toe x plain the prese n ce of lata= nu meers of ex pi tria te Arnn1ca n intellectuals ill Europe' during lhe 1920's EXCEPT the

( A) rep ressi ve eff eels of Pro nib i non and the resurgence of conservansm in the U nited Stalt'$

~ altra(;tion of European cities, e:l-pe-ci.Uy Pa ris, as ce nters of in nova ti 0 nand

c reari .. L ty

f-C} tradition amont American writers of laking up te mpora ry res ide nee in E ere pe

t-B) claims of young American writers and

C r! ncs tha( America n C ul ture was rna te rialistic and hostile to the development of their out

-{ E) European rraduion of wealthy patrons

s u pport: nil stru ggli ng America n a rtisrs and writers

7S_ Which of lhe following immigrants were often forced to return to their country of origin'?

(AJ Irish during the 1850's

--( B) Germans during the First World War (C) italians during the 1920'~

(D) MexjcJ.[J5 during the 1930's

(E) Japanese duri ng the Second World War


Which of the foilowing is true about the Kellcgg-Briann Pact of 1928 ?

(A) h created an alliance 'c-etw«n the L' nired Stares and F ranee.

~l It was a bilateral pact for naval drsarrnarnent.

[ C) It was rejected by the Senate.

{D} Il was a multilateral pact condemning recourse to war:

(E} it contained provisions (~teeth") for enforcernent of peace,


_ W_ Followina the Second World War. President Truman ..... as unable to expand significantly his predecessor's ~ew Deal programs primarily because of

(A) the domination of Congress by Rep u hiicans and conservative Democrats

- (B) the need to mamlain it larg,= military force in Asia

(C) budget expe-nditures required to rebuild Europe

( D) contro vers Y $UrTOU nding [he T ruma n Doctrine

I;-i1 the ccntinuaricn of the Great Depressron

S 1. The Whig5 of the 1830'10 a.nd 1840's differed from. the- Jacksonian Democrats in that the Whigs

(A} won the support. of Irish immigrants

{B} secured the removal of Native Americans (Indians) to lands 'Nut of the Miuissippi {C) supported the American Syuem of Henry Clay

- (0) favored economy l E) urged ~he annexaticn of Texas

82. AU of lhe following statements about pre-Civil War American. slavery are true EXCEPT:

(A} l~hhoulh experience varied frcrn one plan. ia uo n to a nether. rn ves t menrs in sta ves generally yielded rates of return equal to or better than orher forms of invesrments of comparable nsk. in ~hc: pre-Civil War American economy.

- (BI AI[hough Southern legal code'S did not uniformly provide for the le-p,lil:ation and stabiliw of slave marriage. slaves were senerally able to marry. ana. the insrirution of marriaae was common on Southern pia,ntations.

(C) Ahhouah 51aves were mainly ,=mployed in agriculture. by the 1830's they also were: employed as construction workers and industrial 'aborer!!._

(0' Bc.::a.use ot the relative ease: wirh which ~lavcs could ,ain their freedom oy manumission or by purchase, the proporrion of freedmen to sla ... es was almost equal in many areas of the South.

(E) Despite the geographical diffusion of

slavery throughout the South, at no lime), did the rnajoritv of Whitt families .n the. Sou~h own slaves.

....... ,

83. The annccmbination laws passed by numerous

states in the late I S80t~ were a response to w hieh " of the following organila[ional innovations"

{A) The creation and growth of international


( B) T he- develop ment of ind ustry- wid e t fad e a ssOcia.lions

(C) The joining of skilled and unskilled worsers in industrial unions

(O) The- formation of agricultural mar"-eting cooperatives

--( E) The US! of stockholding rrusu to create business oligopolie:s.

84. The cartoon above concerns President Fr ankiin D. Rooseveus plan. to

(A) submu all senatorial legistaricn to the SU prerne Court for an oeinioo 01'1 It~ consriumonanry

~-- (B) increase the number of justices on. the S uprerne Court

(. C) _10m the S uprerne C ourt and the Senate" ro tne .- Ro oseveh coah tron '

(D) abandon the ~UH() m of senarona I courtesy in the matter of iedera: court apI'''1 ne-

rnenrs /-:---.,

(E) seek a. favorable decision from the SUPf Court to break ~h~ togjarn of b,ils awaiung acuon by the Senate


H. Which of the followlI'!i is correct ab-out the (I. Washington ~aval Conference of 192I-l922"

. ~ (A) It ..... :15 convened to equalize navaJ strength among the fi...-e major powe-n-

- -~ B) I tim posed ! pccific li mitati 0 ns on the number of bauluhlP' aUowed to the ~ignalory naucns.

(C) It o1.ulawed the use of submarines in warfare.

(D} I t confirmed the isclaucnist nature of

U n i ted Stale! f ore-i ill po Ii~y during the 1920's.

( E) It u nd ersc ored the H arding admlnUtralion's indifference to Japanese expansion in the Far East.

86. Whic:h of the following ccntributed the LEAST to t he growth of McCartnyism in the e-arly 1950's.:

_.:,. (A) Fears over So ... ieE development of an .H 0 mic wea pon

(B) Revelation! about Soviet spies in Great B ri ta ina nd the U ni led 5 lU~5

{ C) Pres ident Truman '5 use 0 f antic 0 m m un ism to build support for his foreign policy (D) A large influx of immigrants foJlowing the Se-cond World War

( E) Political reeriminarions over the ~lJ.Cc:e55 of

/"> the Chinese Communist revolution


87, "The problem with hatred and violence: is thar

they intensify the rears of the While majority. and lea ve them less ashamed of their prej udices reward ~~grocs, I n the guilt and confusion confronting our society, violence only adds to chaos. It deepens the brutality of the oppressor a TId mcrease s t he ~ itt erness of the 0 p pressed, Violence is the anrithesis of creativity and wholeness, It destroys ccmmunuy and makes brotherhood .mpossible."

Dun ng ~ he J 960'~ aU t he foil OWl ng Blac k. leaden would probably nave supported this vjew EXCEPT

(A} S tokely Carmichael

or; Martin Luther Klng. Jr. (C) James Farmer

- (D) Roy Wilkins

( E) Whitney \1:. Young. Jr.

~8, Whicb of the foHewing is a COrreCE Slatement about the Gilded Aie-?

(A) The il;veraie real wap$ of blue-collar workers declined,

__- t B) The average number of hours people worked increased.

( C) P ri CI!$ of farm prod ucts rose sharp! y, causing the CO~l of living to rise st~ply, (D) BU!lineu aeti .... iry expanded and Contracted f req ucnt Iy ,

(E) The federal debt from the Chlil War req uired n.ea vy federal taxes.

89, During the Ne .... Oul. President Franklin D.

R oosevelt reeo rnmended tesi5Ja li 0 n to ac hit: ve all of lhe foUowini EXCEPT

- { A) na nona lizatio n of the 'oa nl( s

( B) legal pro [ec:ti on f Of .... Or ken wh 0 sough t c 0 Ilecti .... e ba rpi ni ng

fQ- ,overnme:nt payments to f armers who p~owed up [heir crops

~ the develop mcnt of p ubLic ~o wer-gene ra li ng facilities

_' (E) go .... e m ment --busineu, co 0 perati 0 n in f onn u[alinK "codes" of fair competition

00. President Eise:nhower's economic pohcy can be best charact~ri!ed as

(AJ the adoption of deficit financing to promote econormc growth. but the repudiation of the progressive income tax

(B} the rejection of t he New Deal and an

attempt to restore laissez-farre pchcies

(C) the acceptance of the ~ew Deal, but moderation in the ex pa nsion of gover nmenta I social programs

rO') a vigorous effort to .ncrease defense spendmg and federal funds for heatt b ';01 re

tf.) a conunuation of hrs predecessors efforts to expand the Tole of the f~deral government

The Only Way We Can Save Her

. ·e

. ...

\ ~

.____ - -_ ...

\. ---

\ ~ -

~ .


') l. ... .this cartoon from the 1930'~ suggests that the _- - cartOomst

t ~ wished to see Europe destroyed

( sr--- believed tha t J a pa n. was a i!lr~a let t h rea I to the U nited Stares rha n Germany was

(C) did not dj~tin!!uish among the European belligerents In terms of war alms or forms of government

Ul) believed thou the United States must enter rhe war to make !he world sa fe for democracy

(E) believed that Europe was doomed to comrnumsrn


92. He Employmem Act of 1946 did wluch of the _ foUowlng?

(A) G uaranle-ed the right of collective baraamina for labor Ilnlons.

~ Provided for tetrain.iDI of \le-[eran! of the armed f 0 rces,

_ (C) Declared itt he 0 bjecti \l'e of the f ede ra I iovernroent to foster fuH ernplcyrnem. (D) Provided for lar&e-5-Cale public works to I' reven l a ~05t \lila r dep ress ion.

( E} C rea ted goa Is for the hiri na of women and minorities by the federal government

9 J_ .. The prcd ucti 'Ie methods and facdi lie! of mode rn ind USt ry ha ve been comp Ictely transformed .... Skilled artisan! make up only a

s mall pro portion of the wor kers. Obvi c U5ly the ba rial ni ng stre n8th of employc-el. under t hHe CO nditi ens, no lonler re-stJ in orga niza ti 0 ns 0 r skilled crafumen. lt is dependent upon a

na tl 0 na l union represen tina a II em pi cyees=whet h er 5 k.illed or uns kiJ kd, or whether worki.n g by brain or brawil-in each basic industry. ~

This statement bestrepresents the views of

(A) Samuel Gompers

(B) John L Lewis

{C) Green

( D) Bernard M. Baruc h ~Et Henry ford

. 94_ After l763. changes In the British imperial system threatened the interests of which of the [ollcwmg groups of American colonists:

L Land speculators with interests west of rhe Appalachia ns

IL ~ ewspaper editors and lawyers

iIl. Farmers WI$hHtg to settle i.n the Ohio River valley

IV. - Boston smugglers

( al-llLQfl!Y

-·{B) [V only {C}-l l-fld,.. ~

(D) I. Ill. and [V only CE) l. H. 11 t"·ali1JTV'"


95. Which of the following has ;-.iOT been offered by historians as an explanation for [he L'nlted States ..wtry into lhe war with Spain In 1898 .~

{A) President \icK i nley was lOO WMk. to

Wit hsta nd the m uh it ude 0 f press UTes {orcinl him toward a. decision for war.

( B) Yeilow j 0 urna Is ereated an j rresi Stl b le wa r fever by pu.biicizi ng a trocitie:s. alleged 1 y beina committed by the Spanish in Cuba. (C) American bt.lsineumen wanll!d to protect their inVC'Stments in Cuba and assure a

C ... ba n market for their p rod ucts,

(D) By the late ] 890's [he- U nited Stares had ass umed a warid role that mad I! it seem ne.::eSsa ry to domiNte the Car: b bel. n.

- (E) Spain was blatantly interfering with li nited S ta te! rna ri time righ IS as a no n bell i gere n t power.

96·. Which of the following statements was SOT .3. part a f the pragmanc phi l oso p h y as form ula ted by WilHam James?'

( A} Beliefs are i nst rumen ls to be te S led by e x peri ence,

(B) Ide:aJ an: true to rhe extent that they a re useful,

(C) The ultimate test of IrULh is the conduct it inspires,

(D) Absolute truth exists, and we can know LL {E) Ideas are best understood in therr etfects.

Q7. 1 rl the early rwennerh century the large5~ Arnerican cities were eharacterized by all of the follow.og EXCEPT

( Ali; 0 rru pt atlia nces bet ween machi ne poli ticia 01 and lramit and utili t y i nterests (B) n.eiihborhooos thou ~re increasingly mixed in their eCCl no m i.e com PO$ iticn

{ C) trans porta non s ys tems lhal ell panded the dis Ea, nee people could li ve from their wor-k

f D) ~ettlement houses and i051itullOnaJ

c h u rc hH that add ressed the prob Ie:mt of lhe urban poor

~ E) municipa! re-form movements based on ~ scie ntifle" gOlle rnment

98 _ The i d eas a nd ideals of ProjI'essi ve- reformers. were NOT represented in which of thefollowin;i?

fA) The K.eating-Owen Child Labor Act

-~- ( B) The F ourtee n P 0\ nts (C) The v olm:ad· Act

( D) The N a tional 0 ri lIins Act {E} The Taft·Hartky ACI


99, Duri ng the Maner.urian crisis of 19J 1·19.)2. th~

H cover admrrustrauon did which of the /-..._,


(A) Levied an embargo on Japanese goods. (B) Banned the sale of arms to either srde,

( C) 0 rd ered U ni ted Slates gro u nd forces to Mukden.

(D) Wirhdrew diplomatic representaucn from Tok.yo,

(E) Reft.L~ed to recognize Japan's new conquests,

100. All of lhe following depicted social conditions in the U nited Stales durina the Great Depr!!:$Sion of the 1930's EXCEPT

tAt John Sleiobeck.'$ The Grapes of WrlJrh (8) John 005 Passes" U.S.A,

(C) James T, Farretl's Studs Lonlgan - (D) Er$k.ine CaldweU's Tobacco Road

( E} Theodore 0 reiser '$ An A mtrican Tragtd y



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