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m The Hindu Kush

m Pamir Mountains
The Kabul
m ÷end-e Amir
m Dary ache-ye sistan
m Hamun-e halmand
m Lake Zareh
m Zorhul
m Dashti margo
m Pakistan desert
EXPORTS: opium, fruits and nuts, handwoven
carpets, wool, cotton, hides and pelts,
precious and semi-precious gems
IMPORTS:Capital goods, food and petroleum
products, and most consumer goods.
m Afghanistan, according to the Human
Development Index (HDI) is the 181 country
in the world.

m Afghanistan is a less economically develop

country (LEDC)
Pashtun: 41%
Tajik: 38%
Hazara: 10%
Uzbek: 6%
Turkmen: 2%
Kurds: 1,2%
Nuristami: 1%
÷alock: 1%
Other: 1%
m ISLAM : 99%

m MUSLIM : 1%
MALE : 44.47 years

FEMALE: 44.81 years

0-14: 44,15%

15-64: 53%

64+: 2,4%
'OMENS : ÷etween 9-18%

MENS : 81 %
The political situation of Afghanistan is confuse and unstable
but we can say that is a republic.
 The country has been governed by nearly every system of
government over the past century, including a monarchy,
republic, theocracy and communist state.
 In 1973 when there was a monarchy, a coup d·etat happened
and they establish the republic.
· Afghanistan was a colony of ÷ritain and get the independence
in 1919 when the country attack against the ÷ritish and
finally they recognized their independence after a little and
short war.
!  " 
 Now the troops of Unites States are staying in Afghanistan
but the president Obama is doing a plan to pull out all the
Afghanistan is now a protectorate of Unites States, the
OTAN and Unites Nations. Is receiving help and economic
support from this people to rebuild the country and re-
organize the internal order and the politic situation.

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