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Chapter 11 Testing and Individual Differences

Standardized Tests - Test has been brought upon a similar population

compared to those who are meant to take the test and that norms
have been established as results for the test.





Reliability and Validity

Reliability refers tot he consistency of the results of the test. If

the results are consistent throught multiple examinations of the test
then the test is reliable.

A test can also be subject to split half reliability by splitting the

test in two and comparing both halves to the each other after the test
has been taken

A test is valid if it is actually measuring what it is designed to


To be valid it must have content validity

Content validity is how well a measure reflects the

entire range of material it is supposed to be

Types of Tests

Aptitutude tests - Measure ability or potential

Some people have an aptitude to taking the test and even

though they may have the same knowledge capabilities but
one is not good at taking tests.

Achievement tests - Measure what one has learned or


Speed Tests - Generally consist of large numbers of question

which are asked in a shortened period of time.
Made to measure how fast and accuratly someone can
answer a test.

Power Tests - Difficult tests which test the knowledge of a

particular individual

Theories of Intelligence

Fluid Intelligence - Our ability to solve abstract problems and

pick up new information and skills

Decreases with age, generally

Crystallized Intelligence - Using knowledge that has been

accumalated over time

Increases with age


Charles Spearman

Argued that intelligence is expressed as a single factor

L.L. Thurstone and J.P. Guilford

Intelligence is compromised of 7 main components

Reasoning, verbal comprehension and memory to

name a few

Guilford stated there are well over 100

Howard Gardner

Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Comprises of Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, and

spatial possibly more

Daniel Goleman

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

States that EQ and IQ are both needed to succeed

Robert Sternberg
Sternberg defines his triarchic theory

Nature VS. Nurture: Intelligence

A topic of great debate in psychology.

Talks about Heritablity and how nature can pass down traits or
whether the environment dictates how people act.

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