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Medical education on one hand is not only demanding and stressful but also

long and costly. Medical students had more rates of depression than other
university graduates. Burden of information and minimal opportunities to
relax and recreate sometimes lead to serious mental health problem.
Prevalence of stress in three British universities was 31.2%, 41.9% and
61.4% ,in Thai 51% while in India it was 73%. Greatest stress occur during
later year of medical education while Guthru found that psychological
morbidity is similar in year 1 and 4. This difference is mainly due to
different educational system, curriculum and socio-cultural environment.
Stress that develops in undergraduate period continues later in internship,
post graduate and later in physician practical life. Psychological makeups
develop during this first three year likely to continue in future. Help seeking
behavior for mental problem have been reported to be low in medical
student who either self prescribe or make informal consultation with
colleagues resulting in poor incomplete treatment where no none take formal
responsibility. Self prescription may also be a road to abusive behavior.
Medical students are the prestigious students during their school life and
after entering the medical college when they fail to achieve same they get
vulnerable to depression and burnout. Students’ encounters multiple
stressors in transformation from student to knowledgeable physician.This
are mainly the academic, uncertain future, non supportive climate, financial
and peer pressure to enter in this profession. Only when type of stress be
recognize we can find the way for creating new coping strategies. So further
study was carried out to shed the light on stressors and assess the level of
exposure in different academic year.

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