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Partial molar volumes can be measured by the dependence of the volume on the composition and

to fit the observed volume to a function of the mole fraction xA by using a computer curve-fitting
problem (i.e., by finding the parameters that give a best fit of a particular function to the
experimental data). Once the function has been found, its slope can be determined at any
composition of interest by differentiation. V =a+bx +c ( x 2 −1)
m A A

With particular values of the parameters a, b, c, and with

n A =x A n ∂V m
V A=
( )
∂ xA P,T
=b+2 cx A

The total volume of an ethanol solution at 25 oC containing 1.000 kg of water is found to be given by
the expression

V / mL  1002.93  54.6664( m / m 0 )  0.36394( m / m 0 ) 2

 0.028256( m / m 0 ) 3

where m is the molarity and m0 = 1 mol kg-1.

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