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A clause is a group of words that contain a

subject and a predicate.

A clause may be either a sentence (an

independent clause) or sentence-like
construstion within another sentence (a
dependent clause)
`ndependent clause is a group of words
made up of a subject and a predicate.
An independent clause can stand alone
as a sentence. By itself, an independent
clause is a simple sentence.
Rependent clause is a group of words that
has both a subject and a verb but
cannot stand alone as a sentence. Also
known as a subordinate clause.
There are three main types of dependent
clauses: › ›,  
and   , so-called for their
syntactic and semantic resemblance to
nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
A noun clause can follow some verbs of
mental activity and certain adjective
with or without

` know (that) the doctor of most ` m convinced (that) most
R.S.C.M came from other countries. immigrants have tried hard to
achieves success
` don t believe the United States ` m afraid some newcomers refuse
should close it s doors to learn English.
Know feel agree Happy certain worried
Think decide hear Glad convinced sorry
Believe hope find out Sure concerned afraid
!oun clause used as an object We didn t know that Billy would

!oun clause used as a subject That George learned how to swim

is a miracle

A noun clause can be a subject Billy s mistake was that he refused

complement to take lessons

A noun clause can be an object of Mary is not responsible for what Billy
a preposition did
An adjective clause follows a noun or
indefinite pronoun, adding information
about it.
O     O     
Use who or that in adjective clauses Use which or that in adjective clause
that refer to people. that refer to things.
Anyone ? is planning a career That survey, ?  included statistics
has to make a choices. was very useful.

support themselves Most workers want jobs

need to hunt for jobs. more money
Employers ? play low wages may You can go to a school

prefer employees who have little courses ?  are in your line of
experience. work.
`f the pronoun in an adjective `f the pronoun, where, or when in
clause represents, the subject. `t an adjective clause represents the
can t be omitted object or an adverb, you can
leave it out.
You should list the things

will You should list the things

impress an interviewer. are good at
Recide on the kind of work

Recide on the kind of work

interests you most. you want to do

Think about the people ? make Think about the people ? 
work pleasant. you d like to work with.
Everyone wants a work place Choose the place ? you d like

s comfortable. to work
Can you get hours

are What s the first day ?›you start
convenient ? your new job ?
An adverb clause contains a subject and
a verb. The connecting word can
express a reason, a purpose, a contrast,

Even tough there has been a spirit of goodwill at ,ost games, there has also
been political controversy.

So that they can take part in the games, many athletes train for years.
`n sentences about the future with time
clauses, the verb after the connecting
word  › ›


 ›› ›

Before you begin looking, you ll want to read about computers.

` m going to look at machines after ` read some computer magazine
` won t sign a purchase agreement until ` m sure about my choice
Before Earlier than the time that

By the time Before the time that

When At the time that, as soon as

Whenever At any time that

While/as Ruring the time that

After Later than the time that

As soon as `mmediately after the time that

Once When (not necessarily immediately after)

Until Up to the time that

Since From the time that until now

] Complete the following with your own words. Use
noun clauses.
] 1- ` feel that she will do the best for the test
] 2- ` wonder if -----
] 3- You are lucky that -----
] 4- `t is a fact that ------
] 5- ` doubt that --------
] 6- ` am worried that ------
] 7- ` don't know when ------
] 8- ` don't know if -------
] 9- ` regret that -------
] 10- ` am amazed that -------

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