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The Australian Centre lirr E,glptologr,:

S t u d i c sI

A Stud)'o1'thcRcprcsentation
ol-thcFamilvin PrivatcTorrbs


rvith linc drarvings by

Pctcr(i ildcrdrle

AustralirnCentrclirr Esyptolog),
S y d n c y l,9 f i 9
mv husband .lohn

\ l t r l t l l l t r t l t 'l t ) , \ t ) \ l l t i 4 h r , ;t , t t t L t l
i.\/lV /l ,\.t,!.j7 67, 1,

Pttltlirlu,tl ltt l-ltt Att.ttrrtlirtnCttittt j,n /rqryrlr,lr1r

\l ttt tltrtrriL,l.'rllr,r rilr . \ r'r/rrr,r
. ,\ I lI . ) lt)()...\tr,tt rtiiLt

lit intrl h\'. ,\rttltt l't iliitt: I't.t I tLi

l - l ( l t n t t t r t t , \ t r , t t t r t ,l ,l t l L t t t , t t n . , \ \ l l l l / l / ) , . 1 1 \ t f , / l i r l

l ) i ' , r t i l u t t c l I t , , . \ t i t t t i t Lll) l i i i l u t r t . i t t
( l t u t l t : ;t t ( 11, , l | t tr t t itr ts tt r , I i i , / r r ./ - r rl l l r r i
PREI:ACIIAN I) ;\C'KNO\\'l.lllXiE\l[N IS

s t u r l l * x s o r i ! l i o i L l l )s u l ) n r i l l . di L sa r l o c l o f u ld i : s e r - l u t i o1no l h c l J r l i \ e f \ i l )
o l A u c k l a n c l ,N c $ , Z c a l a n d i n 1 9 S 6 . l d p r c p l r i | g t h c D r x n L r s c f i pl il) r t h i s b o o k o n l \
minor altcfalions havc been rrdc il]corlol1ilil]g \ornc o1 1h(' lilc(rlllfc lhilt
afpearcd on dre subjecl rt r subs.qLrcnldril('.
I \ \ i s h t o c x p r c s s r ) S f l i l i t u ( l cl o l l r r ' l o l l o , , r i l ] gl i r r t l r c i rr l l l L l c Jl l \ \ i \ t . u r ! r :
N l v s u p c r v i s o rl \ 1 r R . C o * l i n 1 - o h r i s e n c o u r a t c r r c n lu r ) ( lr r l l r \ ' \ i t l L l l l ) 1 . \ r - ' - r ' l , , r r \
l n d f o r l h c u s c o f h i s c x l c n s i v el i l . r l r r .
N 1 rl ' . ( , . l , l . r . l ., r r , ' r r l r ,l i l | . , r r . r \ \ . n l .n l ' 1 .l . . ' ' I I .
D r Y . l l a r y r u ru h o ! \ i l l i r g l l g l L r c ' o lh r ' f l i n r c 1 ( Ji l \ \ i s l n ) c i n O r l i r r J u r r i ll o \ r ' r r dn l c
copics of aniclcs ll]d hnnd dr'rr$n aopi('s(rl lortlb sccrtcs.
P r o l ' c s s o\r. K a l ] l r $ ! i 1 i \ \ h o s u ! r S c \ 1 . (t h l c l o l i c i l l r dg u v e r l ] c L r c l h t c l p l i r ll d r i c c o n
lhe rlctho(lolog! 1(.) bc usr'(1.
D r J . \ { a l e k l n d t h e s t r r l lo l l h c ( l r i 1 1 i 1 hI n s l i t u l . l i r r | ( r V i r l i I ] - ll t c c r . : :lr( Ju n p L r l ) l i s h c d
n r r l c r i r l i n t h e r \ r c h i v c s u n r l p c r I l r i l l i r t gl h c u s c o l 1 h . l o n l b f l l l n s l i o n t P o r [ ' r t n d
D r A . S p l l i n g e r l i r r h i s h c l p l i r l s u g ! c s t i o n si r n ( lt l l r n L l r l e r o u si u l i c l c \ l n ( l b o o L sh c
nra(lc avirilahlc 1o nre lt]ld llso lirr his pclnrission tLrusi' tlr(' Photogflfh I)lilic 5ll.
I a l s o u i s h t o l h a n k t h c ( ' ( J n l r ) i l t c co l l h c I i S \ ' l t I l r I l o i r l i o n S o c i c t l l i r r p e n r r i l l i n g
n l c 1 o u s c t h e i l l u s l r i l l i o n \l ' l l l c s l . \ 5 ; \ l r ! n r t h c i r p L t b l i c a t i o r s .
\ ' l ; d c e p c s tg r r l i t L r ( l cg o c s t o r r ) ' l i l l l l i l ) l i r r l h c i r p u t i c n c cl l n ( l . n c o i l r i i s ( ' n t ! ' r t l
' . o \ ' e r l h c v c a r sa n r l e s p e c i a l l ll o r ) l v h I s b i l r ] ( .l l o h n \ \ i l h o t r l\ \ l l o s c t L r t d c r s l l t n ( l iinl n! ( l
h c l p * i t h t h c p r c f l f a l i o n o l l h c n l i r r L r s c r i Dnlr Y l h q s i s a n L lt h i s b o o k \ \ ' o u l d r r c \ ' ! ' r
hlvc bcen complctccl.

Abb. Abbildung (figure).

A SA E Annales du Servicetles Antiquittlsde I'igr'1ttt,.
BES Bulletin of the Eg;'ptololical Seminar.
BIFAO Bulletin de I'lnstittttJi ant:aisd'ort:hlologic orientolt,.
BM BritishMuseum.
BMTTT B r i t i s hM u s c u mI I i c r o u lpl h i r .l L . r r s .
BMMA Bulletin of the,M etropoliLanMuscum of Art, Ncu, York
C.lE Chroniqued'Eglptc..
CGMC C l t a l o g u cG c n e r r ld c . A n r i q u i t ( rI.l g r p r i c r r r r er l, u M u . , . c, l r r
C a i r e . l 8 9 6 .-
COI ChicagoOrientalInsrirute.
lasc. fascicle.
F.C. Funerary Cone.
FS Father'ssistcr.
GM Gdttinger Miszellt:n.
IFAO lnstitutfrancaisd'arch6ologic orientalc.
J I':A Journal of Eg;-ptittnAr<:hucologr-.
JNES .lournal of Near East Sttuli(s.
LA Lexikon der Agypnlogic.
LD Lepsius,R. Denkniler ausAegyptenund Aethiopien.
._I_D1' Lcpsius,R. Text.
MDAIK M i t t e i l u n g e n t l e s D e u t s t h c n A r ( h l i o l o g i s c h e nI n . \ t i t u t , i
Abteilung Kairo.
Mim. Miss. M6moirespubli6spar lesmembrcsde la Missiond'archiologie
liancaiseau Caire.
MIFAO M6moircs publids par lcs nrembrcsde l'lnstitut frangais
d'arch6ologie orientaledu Caire.
MMA MctropolitanMuseumof Art, Ncw York.
PSBA Proccetlingsof the Socicq of An heobgt.
RdT' Revue d'Egyptolc'gie.
RPN Ranhe,I L Die AgyptischcnPersonennamcn.
RT Recut:il de Truvatx relutifs d la phiktbgie ct Li I'aft lkloloqie
Egy'ptiennc s et A s syric nncs.
sAK St tuli cn zur A ltiigl p t i st:hcn K uI tur.
SSLA St',itn !r tlr'I I ttt,rian Anti4triti,,.
Taf Tafel (l'latc).
t'Dt Vestnik Drevnei Istorii. (Moskau - Leningrad).
ZAS Zcitschrift Jnr tigl"ptisthc Sprat:ht:nttl Al tertumskunde.

Prefaccand Acknow ledgcmcnls l

Contenls iii
t-isrof CaseStudies lv
AlphabeticaL list of tomb owners vll
Lisl of Plates X
Introduction I
Partl: CascsI 93 5
Pan ll: Study 231
Kinship l'erminology 239
Family Relatiurships 210
Man andWile 210
(a) Sorts 255
(b) Daughters 25'7
Parents 259
(a) Fathcr 260
(b) Mothcr 261
Wile's Parents 261
Brothers 266
Sisters 261
Grandparcnts 269
Grandchildren 210
Conclusion 211
Nolcs 2',76
AppendicesI 291
II )96
III 291
tV 299
Bibliography 301


I Tti-ky 1 T . I5 Ahmose 1
2 l.lrt TT.12 Ahmose AmenhotcpI (11
3 Dltxrl -nfr ]'f.A10 Earlv DynastyXVIII l3
4 Iclt ms El-Kab5 'luthmosis
Ahmosc- I tl
5 S-l-t3in1 Edfu Ahffx)se AmenholcpI 1.5
6 Rnni E l - K a b7 AmenhotcpI
1 ]T.{:iI AmenhotepI - 'l'uthmosislll 20
d ZJ,r 1-t'.3.19 Earlv DynastyXVIII ll
9 Hpw-snh 1T.67 Hatshepsut 25
t0 Sn-n-mwt TTs.71& 3.51I Iatsircpsut 27
II Dw-1.*,ynlll T'1.12.5 I Iatshepsut 30
12 TT.179 Ilatshepsut 36
13 TT.I I flalshepsut 37
1,1 Inti-htp (?) 1T.73 Hatshepsut 39
l5 lt:b-ms (3-mllt 1-r'.83 F l a t s h c p s u t ' l ' u t h n r oI sI Ii s :10
l6 Db"'tt T T . 11 0 I Iatshepsut - TuthnrosisIII '13
17 Sn-m-i(11 T|.121 Ilatshepsur ,1.1
I8 Ilni3- P3-hLl mn 'tT.343 - Tuthntosislll
l9 't-f.39
I l a f s h c p s u t ' l i r t h n r o s[ ]i sl 50
20 Wsr or I nn wsr TTs.6& 1 I3l I latshcpsut- TLrtlurosis III 5-5
)t 'l-t
INfrl hLt) .122 Ilatshcpsut'u l t h m o s iIsI I 58
22 lun nrlLl I TT.82 TuthmosisIII o0
2l TT.l5.5 I latshcpsut - 'futhrnosisIll bx
)1 P.) 1r.,. El Kab
25 Imn-m.t 'm.3 3 llatshepsut-Tuthmosis lll 10
l8 I Iatshcpsut ('l) TulhmosisIII 75
26 Nh imn Tf .24 TuthmosisII - TuthmosisIII 16
21 Mntv'-hr bpll TT.2O Tuthrlosislll ('l) 7lt
zlr B.tki Tr'.r1,1 TuthmosisIII 80
29 lcfi-ms 1T.241 Iiarly l ulhnosis III 82
30 It fi-n1.s-l7e - 771c
1 Tf .221 TuthnrosisIII E3
I I lVsr TT.2I TuthmosisIII 85
12 lnn htp 1-T.3,15 TuthniosisIII u7
l3 M nu'-nljr TT.87 TulhlnosisIll tE
.1.1 Sn(.i)-nJr TT.99 'l
I Iatshcpsut uthmosisIII 9I
15 lln 'l
1-t'.59 uthnrosisIII 92
16 W.llt 't-f.22 'l'uthn)osis
III (:))
l7 Inn n-lt.]t 'tT.53
l'Lrthmosis III 97
13 Mn-[t1tr'-l-snlt T T s . l i 2& 8 6 TuthmosisIll r00
19 Mnu TT.109 'futhmosis
III 10,1
.10 lmn n-l]t 't-t'.t23 '[
uthnrosisIII 107
't-I.r45 'l\rthnosis
III 1{)u
4l 'l'uthnosis (?)
12 Ii.i 1-T.l 54 tII 109
'l-f T u t h m o s i lsl l ( ? ) I l1
43 lljsr .26() 'Iirthmosis
11 Dl;llltl:'ms TT.3:12 lll 112
1-r.'130 T u t h n r o s iIsl l ( ? ) t l3
'l 115
4o I3mw nllt TT.84 u t h m o s i IsI I
11 Imn-ms 1T.:12 Tuthmosislll - Amenhotepll 120
't-f Tulhnosis lll - AmenhotcpIl (?) 122
48 Mn-ltpr er Mn ;7I
't-r"85 TuthmosisIII AnrenhotcpII 123
lmn m-lrb called
Mt:-hw' 'l'uthmosisIII - Anenhotep ll
50 Pl su,-!r TT.lJ8 l2ti
5l K3 m Ltr; 1-t.9ti lll AmcDhotepII ('l) ll0
'fLLthmosis III - AmenhotcPII 13l
52 R['mi-YL TT.l00 'futhmosis -
53 NJr-rnpt TT.110 III AmenhotcPII I35
't-l.112 Turhnrosislll AmcnhotepII ('l) 136
5'+ 5J-zryr 'l'ulhnosis
55 Mutw-iJ.v')' Tf .112 III AmcnhotcpII (?) 137
'futhmosisIII - AmenhotepII 13E
.56 Dtli TT,2OO
'l'uthmosisIII - AmenholcpII l'10
51 NJi-11tp TT.A5
't-l'.256 Arncnhotepll lil l
58 'r-f.367
59 P.l-.v' AmcnhorepIl 1.12
60 Sn nJi 1-r'.96 Anlenhotcpll l4:1
6l lmn-m-ipt P3-i1' Tf .29 AmenhorepII 151
62 ihln 1-l'.9 3 A m e n h o t c lpl l5l
trn 'rf .95
63 Mr) AneirhotcpII 158
DL*rr" TT.45 AinenholepII 1(
't'T.,11 ArncnhotcpIl (?) 16:l
6.5 Nfr'rnpt
TT.17 AmenhotcpII (')) 16'1
6'1 ll sr-lL3t 1T..56 Amenhotcpll 167
6ti Qllt*4"-ntt TTs.10,1 & 80 AmcnhorepII 170
b9 Su-lt-rrlnt TT,92 Amcnhorepll 175
7 0 R'-ns 1-f.9,1 A m c h o t e pl l ( l ) 17q
'71 TT.97 A m c n h o t e lpl ( l ) lEo
12 U t-t"8 Amenholcpll AmcnhotepIll 1ltl
1 3 $n-imn TT.162 Amenholepll - I'uthmosisIV 183
'fT.75 .l.urhmosis lE6
1 1 lnm lltp-s-1-s lv
7 5 Nbt l-f.5 2 T u t h n r o s l sV ( l )
i 18E
'r1'.3IJ 't'uthmosis 190
1 6 Dsr-k3-rt snlt 'futhrnosis
11 T3 .n)r-n\ TT.7,+ IV 192
't-1 'I'uthnrosis IV 19'1
7 8 Tnw,-n3 .76
'r-f T u t h m o s ilsV ( ? ) 195
19 . 108
E0 Nfm-'r-l_t 1'f.165 uthnrosisIV (l) 197
8 l Sbk fitp TT.6] Tuthrrosis lV 191J
8 2 I.lN3-rnlll TT.64 TuthmosislV 201
'futhmosis IV 202
8 3 llpw 1T.66
81 H3t 4' T T . I5 1 TuthrrosisIV 203
85 Hnt 1T.54 TuthmosisIV - Amcnhoteplll(?) 205
86 Mnn3 TT.69 uthmosisIV 206
't-t'.7lJ Tuthmosisltl - AmenhotepIII 210
87 llr'm-fb
88 Nb-imn ]-f.90 TuthrrosistV Anre hot€pIII 211
89 D|w4^-ms TT.29.5 urhnosisIV Amenhotcplll(?) 2l 8
90 Imn'mlpt TT.216 TuthmosisIV (l) 226
91 IJc-m-w3st TT.26l DynastyXVIII 22E
92 Nbt 6r
1-t'.1 AmenhotepIII ('l) 229
'l'f.139 212
93 P3-irv Amcnhoteptll


I3mu-ndh 46 TT.t34 ll5

Icl-ms 4 El Kab5 13
Icl ms-c3-m1w 15 TT.83 ,10
I(l-ns-lJw-mcy 30 Tf .221 83
lt:h-ms 29 Tf .241 132
Imn-m-ipt-P3-iry 6l .29 151
Imn m ipt 90 1-r'.2'/6 226
Imn m lfit 37 TT.53 91
Inn-m-lt3t 22 TT-82 60
't-1 1E0
Imn m !3t 7l .91
Imn'm-h3t 40 TT.123 107
Inn-m-lth 49 TT.85 123
Imt ms 4'7 120
'r-1 15
Imn-ms 25 .3l8
Imn-lttp ? 14 TT.73 39
Imn-ltp 32 TT.3.15 Il7
Irnn lltp s-)s 71 TT.75 lE6
In-itJ 23 t5-5 6lt
Inni T1"ut 20
w3b 36 Tf .22 !J4
l4/sr 3l TT.2] 85
Wsr 20 T T s . 1 3&16 1 55
lVsr 43 TT.260 lll
Wsr-h3t 67 TT.56 t61
BSki 28 TT.I8 80
Bni3 calledP3 l1N)-nn 18 TT.343 19
P3-iry- 93 TT.139 212
P3'h,l 24 U I K a b3 70
P3-sr 59 1'r'.367 t42
Pw-im-r'Ilpw-mrc 19 TT.39 50
Pl.tsw-lr 50 1-r'.E8 128
M', '15 TT.130 113
Mn-fiprlMnlpr l:-snh 48 TT,19 122
Mn !1pr'{-snb 38 TTs.l 2 & E6 100
Mnu' 39 TT,109 10,1
M \\, nbt 3l 1-1.87 88
lllnn3 E6 1-r'.69 206
Mngt-it.tty 55 Tr .112 137
Mnlw ly lpiJ 2'7 TT.2O 78
Mry 63 TT.95 158
't-f.17 t64
Nb-imn 66
Dhwt:" 6,1 TT..15 160
16 1 T . ll 0 .11
Dlur,^'ms 89 1-r.'295 2l fl
Ql.twt;--ms 4,+ TT.342 112
Db|t)"-nli 68 T'I's.80& 104 tlo
Dl.n\-rtfr 3 TT.AlO l3
I)sr LJ rc- snlt 16 TT.3lt 190


1A Shrine15Gcbelel Silsila Hpw-snlt

lB Shrinc15GebelclSilsila l-lpu,-.rnb
2A El-Kab3 p3,lr1-
2ts El-Kab3 p.i t]ry-
3A T.ll2 lll tt-hpr rt: srtlt
38 1'.,15 Dt.t\tt)
4A 1'.55 R( rns
48 T.162 Kn-irLtt
5A lmt htp-s.i-s
58 T.216 Inn-m-ipt





8 XI - XVI


Bccauseof drepaucityof textualcvidencein this pedod,any studyof the family

in the Eighteenth Dynasty must, of necessity,rcly hcavily on the pictorirl
reprcsentationof the family in the tomb. Howcver, I must cmphasizethat I an nol
adopting an art historical approach. Documcntationwith rcgard to nrarri'r!c
contractsand propertyscltlementsaboundsin the PtolemaicPeriod and hasbeen
siudiedin depth(Ltiddeckcns1960and Pestman1961),but this is not the in lhc
EightccnthDynasty.The presentstudyendswitb the reignofTuthmosisIV.
In the tomb, thc man,his wife or wivcs and their children,togethcrwilh other
relatives are portrayed in sccnesol everyday life as wcll as funerary scenes.
Unfbduna|elybrnquetscenes,in which relativcsother than the nuclearfamily are
often reprcscnted, are frequentlynot inscribedor thc inscriptionsare damagedand
it is difficult to tell which relativesarc represented irl the tomb.
Becauseof thc limits prescribcdby the usc of the decoratcdloinb as r 5r)urcc, il
is the families of thc upperclasscs,lhe noblesi|Ird olTicials.drat are the tubject of thjs
study. The royal lamily is not considered asthc preceptsgovcminglhe relatiorlships
within the royll tamily are liablc to differ fron thosegovemingthe relationships ol
thc familiesof commoners. ho*cver highly placed.
The majority of the decoratcdprivatc tombs of this period are at Thebcswillr a
few in thc provinces. The tombs at El-Kab are studicdbecauseo1 the interesting
pointsraiscdby the depicrionof extendcdfamiliesin thcsetombs. shrinesat
. Gcbelel Silsilaarc not actuallytontbs,they havcbeenusedonly when they supply
'llreban 'I'ilc
informationaboutlhe family not availablein thc tomb of an official.
N{ernphitetombs of this period have not sufficient materialto be useful
Somcproblemsarisinglront the uscof tornbsas sourcematerialarc:
(1) The number of unlinished tombs, including both those nol
completcly dug out in ancienttimes and those which, though
completcdin a structuralsense.were nevcrcompletelydccorated.
(.2) The number of damrgcd tonrbsand
(3) Thc nunrberof unpublished lornbs.
By an unpublishedtomb, I mean a tomb for which no comprchcnsive
single publicationexists. However, somc scenesand tcxts from thc
iomb might havebccnpublishcdand will bc rcferredto *llcn relevant.
This thesisconsistsof two parts:
Part I embodicscasestudicsof nincty-threetonbs which, fbr lhc purfo\c ul'
this study,arc arrangedirl chronologicalorderas 1aras this is possible Tombsin
rvhich tliere arc few or no representations of the f'amily. or which have so littlc
information as to be of no use, have been ignorcd ln cach case sludy. lhe
relationships within that panicularfamily are exarnined.
PartII consislsof an analysisof thc fanily rclationships and family struclurein
EighteenthDyrasty Eg),pt,
based on these casc studics. Beforeernbarkingon such
an analysis,oDe nlust consider lhe problens arising irom the ovcrsimplified
tcrminology of the kinship systcm. IIowcver. I do not intcnclengaPtngtn an
in-dcpthdiicussionof kinshiptemls,asthis qucstionllasbeenadcquaielyexamined
in thc rcccnt litcraturcon thc subjcct(Matie 195,1,Robins 1979, Bicrbricr 1980,
Willems 1983and Franke1983and 1986).
The positionof eachmemberof thc family is cxamincclin orclerto assess thcir
relativeimportancewithin the family stnlcturc. positionof thc tomb orvncris
not all othcr membersof the fanlily alc consiclcrccl in
relationto him, as well asto onc arlothcr.
Onc of thc objectsof lhis study is to try and rsccrtainwhelherthe prontincrtcc
of the mother in the tomb of hcr son, at this tjme, implies a matriarchalsocietyin
rvhich the influenceof thc mothcr ir pilranount in lhe houscholdo[ hcr son. or
whcthcrthereare otherexplanations lirr thc role sheplaysin somctorrbs.
Within the context of topics such as monoglnry, polygarD\'.thc
licqucncyof n.rultiplentarriage.the degrccof kirtshipu'ilhin mlrriagc. ancldivorcc
'rnt./ 'ralircr '
will bc cxanjned, as well as the cvolving rLseof lhan .l tt)
'l'he 'narriage'
signify wife. tcnn is usedfor cascof rclcrcnce.The celcbration,rrl
manilge as suchis not represcntcd in luryof thetombs. Thc trvttntainlcmrsusedb)
the Ancient Egyptiansto describethe institutionof rrarriagewerc fr.'. to
' i r r ' , ' t o
l b u n d a h o u s e ' ( R e d f o r d1 9 6 7 , . 1 7&, n . 9 9 ) i r n d m l.tntt takeawifc'.
Othcr tcmrsare givenby Pestnlrn( l96l . 9 l0 & n.1).
A detailedexamination of nltrriagein AncicntEgyptis outsidethe scopeol this
*!rk. It hasalrcadybeenconsidcrcdin clctailby Pestnran ( 1961,3-79).
nrainsourcefbr any infonlalion on lhe n(Dumcntsof Ancicntlig),ptis lhc
"TopographitnlBiblktgrophl ol Anticnt Eglptitu llicntghpltit l t'.tts,Rclit{: anl
'Paintings" by B.Porterand R.L.B.lVIoss.All rclerences1oPortcrand N'loss(l'Nl)
arc to volume I, pan I , 2nd edition1960unlcssolhcr* ise slatcd.
As a detailcdbibliographyfor eachtonrbis supplicdby I'Nl, pagerefercnces to
that work alone are given for individual tonrbs undcr the heading
'BIBI-IOGRAPIIY'. Howevermore recentpublications,which arc not includcdin
PM, are named.
To avoid confusion I intend to disregardthe orienlationof thc tomb wittr
respcctto the four cardinalpointsof drc conrpassand to re-qlrdthc tomb ralheras
an entity in the way in which the ligyptiansdid: that is, lhc main axis of thc tonrb
being on an cast-wcstaxis proceedingfrom the enlrarcein thc eastthroughto the
''lhe West'. Rcfcrcnccs
iuncr room or shrine,rvhoscback uall will thus rcprcscrtl
will be to sccnenurnbersin PM andto thc platenumbcrsol it pLrblicitliolt. oot to wall
positionsas specifiedin publicalions or on plates.
I n d e s c r i b i n sg c e n e st ,h c d i r c c t i o r t s r c l t r l o t h ew r y i n r v h i c h
thc sceneis viewedi.c. tllc vicwcr'sleii or riglrt.
B e c a u s eo f i h c d i f f i c u l l i e se x p c r i c n c c db y l h c l r g - v p t i a nisD t r a n s l a l r r r - s
thrcc-dimensioiral figurcson to thc t\\o diniensionalsurfitceof a rvall,probLcms ol
i n t c r p r c t a t i o n o f s c e n c s s o I r r c t i l n e so c c u r . F r o t n t l i c c a r l i e s t t i r r r e \ .
three-dimensional statuegroupsdepictthe rvilc standingor sittingon lhe lelt hilnd
sidc of her husband(i.c. on thc right ls !icrvcdl. Iifon theseslatucgroupswe call
decluccthal in any groupof martlnd wile depictedon a wall relief or pair)ting,lhe
couplcare meantto be vicwcd as stanclirtg or sittingshouldcr10 shouldcrwith the
man on the leti rvhcn viewed frorn the iront (Schiilcr l9'74, 112-1). is not

al$,aysobviouswherea coupleare represcnted tacingrjght, sincethe man,as chief

pcrson, must be representedin fronl and thus the wife appcarsto be on his
right-handside. (ibicl.,figs. 166 & 167).
Tlre husbandand wilt rvcre reprcseDred in a number of differcnt posiLions
which are illustratedand numberedin Roman numerals, Thcse posiiion" arc
rclerredto in the tcxt as PositionI, position IX etc. The positionsillustratethc
orientationofone ligure with respectro rheothcrandcxamplesmight diffcr slighrlv
lrom one anotbere.g.a differentarticlehcld in the handetc.
A row of peopleslandingncxt to onc anothcrareshownin exactlythe sameway
as a row standingonc behind the other. Wherc the wilt standsor sits bchindhcr
husbandin an 'openrroup', i.c. ll ith no contactbctweenthcm, we must accordinqlv
understand that they arercrlly sranciing or sirtingsideby sitie(ibid., 172).
The positionin which a malc or lentalefigurc is depictcdkneelingbut siuing
back_ on their heelsor siting backwirh onc leg riisctl andihc foot flat orirhegroundi
will bc describcdas squatring, following Schlifcr(lig. 26fla).
The followingconventions will be adoptedin this thesis:
Porlerand Moss sceneswill be reprcsented as plvl(1). Ronlannunlcrals
following the sccnenumbcrswill indicalcrcgisters.c.g. plU(2)I-III = pM sccnc2,
rcgistersI to IIL
I rcalisethat tltc MetropolitanMuscurnphotographs havebccn renumbered, but
I will follou,thePM nurlberingto avoidconfusion.
For theJramcsof placcs,e.g. locationsof tonrbs.t will follow thc examplcof
.Porlcr lLndMoss.
For thc namesof privateindividualsI will usc rhe transliteratcd form, becausc
of the nonconformityof thc anglicisedformsof personalnantcs.
For the nanrcsof kimgsanddeitiesI will usethe commonfbmrsol'the namcs.
Only the main tille of a man is given in the caseheadings,referencesbcing
given fbr his othcrtitles.
Wherea man hasmore than one wife, the wives will be rcfenedto as Wile (a)
and Wit'c (b). Wife ( I ) and Wife (2) could imply chronologicalorder,whereasin
m o s lc i \ e s t h i ci s d i t f i c u l r o d e r c n n i n e .
_ Platenumbersin bold typc and rvithoutrefercnces indicateplatcsin this thesis
asdistinctfrom plalesbclongingto publications.
G., followed by a paragraphor page nunber, iudicatesa reterelcc ro a
paragraphor pageof Gardiner'sClantnar. (GardincrI957).
GS[ ., followcd by a number,indicatesa rcfcrenceto Carclincr,s Sign List.
Rclerencesto Faulkncr'sDiclionary (Faulkner 1962) will bc oflhe fomr F.
fbllou,edby thc pagenumbcr.
* in genealogics indicates a femalc.
----, brokenlines,il gcnealogies showunccrtainrelationships.
l / m r I i n d i c a t e sr c s t o r a t i o n o f n l [ e r o o w l o s t i n l h c o r i g i n a lb u t * t o s c
rcstoralionis certain.
[ -- ] indicatesloss,or nattcr uhose rcstorationis uncertain.
To facilitateproductionof this thesis.I will follow,the most recentconvenuons
and introduce' 1 ' as 'i ' and ''71' as '/ '.


Fuc- t' chs(9 l'29

f,nccS 1- 10

Tti-kJ s3-nswt
I.t3tJ-'n niwt rs:-t

TI'fLES: Hclck i958,-522(1)

DAl'[: PNI = Early Dynasty XVIII. Must be before year 22 of
Ahnose as the name /ci-rtJ' is written in thc culicr form tri'ice
in the tomb (Davies 1925a,Pls.IV & V). fbrm rvasnot
uscdaftcr vear22 of Ahnose.l
LOCA'I'ION: DracAbrl c]-NasacTT. l5
B I B L I O G R A PIIY : PN,I26 27
I I e l c kl 9 5 l i , 5 2 2 ( 1 )

This tomb consisisoi a singlevaulted

chirmbcr.It wasiully decorated but rs tn
a very damagedcondition.
Nlany members of the family are
r e p r e s e n t e di n l h e t o n b b u t t h e l r
r c l r l r o | l \ h i pt o t h e t o n b o u ' ] . ' i .
d i i f i . u i t t o d c f i r t cb e c r u s ,c l ' f i . f J u j i r )
of kinshiptermsin the inscriptions.

PM 20

wt_FE.: Snb lLmt.fnbt-pr P M ( 1 ) r ( l )( 5 )

SON*S: 2t(1) ( D a v i e s1 9 2 5 a1, 8 )
DAUGIITERS: 20(?) ( i b i d . ,1 8 )
FATT]ER; Rc-filp inry-r ljnttw i n Imn Prvl(6)
N{OTHER: Sn-snb nbrpr
BROTHERS: Tti-cn; ( D a v i e s1 9 2 5 a1. 8 )
(GRAND?)DAUGFITER: s3t.f Jr s3tSwrt PM(5)
the figure of thc wife appearstwicc and possiblythreetimes with that of her
husbandin this tomb.
PM(5) On thc nonl wall, sheand her husbandarerepresented. seatedon a widc
couch,facing right. Her ieft handgraspsthe top of his left arm and hcr ri..hth.rnLl
appcars to lie flat on his right forearrn in PositiorrI (Davics 1925a, Pl.iV).
However,it is possiblethat she ,likc her reachingoul for something
o f f e r e db y t h es m a l lg i r l f a c i n gt h e m . A b o v e h e r h c a d i s h e r p e r s o n a l ' l t t p d i n t w t '
form a: "htp di nswt ... n k3 n |,tmt.fnbt-pr Snhrn3ctltrw,"
PM(4)l Zt-k-l is representedsitting under a tree overse€ingagricultural
work, A fenralefigure standsbehind him, Hcr arms appearto reachout to his
shouldcrs,but her handsare obscurcdby his wig. It is difficult to tell rvhethershcis
his wifc or a serving maid as there is no inscription(ibjd., PI.IV). Her $'ic or
hcaddressis not of the t)?e wom by the female members of thc famii1,. She also
lacks the necklaceand braceletswom by them. I would assune her to bc a
maid-scrvant.Ilowevcr, the figure is largelyreconstructed and it woujd be un*isc
to be too dogmaticon this point. A smallchild standsar Zi-t-r-t knce and an oldcr
woman faccs them offering refreshmcnt. She is Snb <>rSnb,w.r?accordingto
Davics(1925a,l6). Her figure alsois largelyrcconstructed so tlltr it is difficult tir
asccrtainher status. ller name suggeststhat shemight be thc eldestdaughterof
Tti ky and,Snb, but she mighr possiblybe Szb herself. offcring her husbrnd
refreshment as he overseesthe work oI lhc estute. 'fhis interprctarronrs
strengthened by a comparisonwith the figuresnr IrM(5). Here lhe largerfemalc
figure standingbeforethe scatedcouplc,possiblya grand-daughter, is on a much
smaller scalethan the seatedpair, whereasthc lloman Stlb, oftering a drink to the
seated7tl-t_1,.is his equalin size. Thcrcfore,sheis nrorelikell r0 he his uifc than
his daughteror a servant.If this is the cascrhcn.rhe womirnrurndirrtbchindltl h,
is proll!11 3
On the lower registerof the southwall, not mentionedin pM, the lomb owner
and his wife are represented in a banquetsccne(Davies1925a,l7-18). The lorver
part of the southwall was damagedand whitewashcdover. Thcrc areno depictions
ol thc scenesextant.
Thc problem of the sonsol Tri-t) is complcx: the only occasionon which
filiation is attributcdto Trl,x,yL is on the damagedlower registerof the southuall.
Ilere arc representcdtwenty,onc(?)sons and below thent. tweDty(?)daughters
(ibid., 18). As it is unlikely thar Tri-t) had forry-onechildrcn.and as most af the
- men, where their namesare still lcgible,seemto be called'l'ti-nJi (ibid.. l8) ir is
possiblethat someof the men were grandsonsand/orsons-in-taw.2Thc five men
survivlDgin the banquetsceneon the nofih wall (PM(5), ibid.. PI.IV) are sonsof
TLi-snb3, Tti-cnh, Tll-rs andRr. Davies(I925a. I 8) is of the opiniontharthescfour
men arc the sons of 71i-k) rathe. than his brothcrs. The son of Tli-snb is
represl]ntedfirst, taking precedenccover the others,which implies that I1l,.rnb was
the eldestson. Howevcr,it is'lii-cnh, whosesonsappearnext. who inheritedthe
title of s-t-a-rwr.a It is possiblethat ?ti-szb predeceascdhis fatler and that ld-.n!
was the eldcstsurviving son.
The sccneon the west *all (ibid., Pl.tll,l4-l5) showsa small figure of Trr-l)
o l l e r i n gr o h i \ p , r r e n l oi ,n t h e r i t h l o f r h c r t e l l a n d i n I . i m i l a r s c e n eo n r h e l c f l
showss-l'r-rwtf ft li - [. ]nf pouringa libarionfora couple,int;--r.sl3wryw'lii-snh
and his wift /1.i.
Thereare thrccpossibleintcrpretations of this scene:
(t) Tti (nh, as the eldestsurviving son, pours a libation for his deceascd
eldcr brother.thus supportinglhe possibilitythat Tli-.rrl, was a son of
Tti sab's son Trl-cr (Legrain 1912, 15) might have bccn too
young to pcrfbrm the rite.
(b) TII-.rrb was the dcccasedbrorherof Tri-t1 , and 7il-,t1t eldest son
perfomted the rite for him.
Two problcms lrise from this inte.pretation:
(i) Why would Tti-cnfu ratherthan his o!r,n son ftl,c, pcrform
the rite for lti-,llb ?

(ii) Why would the son of Tlr'-k-r',tbrolher take prccederlce in the

banquetscencon the north wall (Davies 1925a,Pl lV) when
his orvnsonswerenot reprcscntccl al all?
(c) 'llrat Ili snb and ItJ are the parcnlsof 7ii ll'.r rvilc Sab and that hcr
cldcst surviving son. l ti cn!1,perti)rmstlrc libation tbr thenr' Allhough
Davics (1925a, 15) thinks lhis is thc sccneone \\,ould cxpectto find in
this position,he also thinks it lhe least likcly inlerpretation,bccruseit
would requirethc'7li elemcntin the namesofbolh familics.
The fbllowing genealogy.demonstratcs thal this intcryrctationis possible
andmight cvenbe the nlostprobablcurc.

r --l

= 'r.lnrsrb Tti\ = * IlJ *Ttithmt 5


If Tti-snb was the brother of Tti-,{-r's mother and Td-&1 married his
daughter,the classiccaseof cross-cousin marriagcu'ould rcsult. This rclationship
' '
would accountlbr the appearance of thc ftl elemcntin Lhenamcsof both fanlilies
'srrb' in thc namesof both fanrilies.
and alsofor the commonelementof
I favour this interpretationof the-fti sccnc. The irrl-r J4l-Jttl)wT/l J/lll was
probablythe uncleand fatherin-law of lt, who namedhis eldestson.lter him
That is why Ttl-'r, son of Tti-snb lakesprcccclence in thc line up of grandsons at
the b rquelon the north wall.
are no extant sccneswhich show a son or sonsperfbrnlingany burial
ritcs for Tti-,ty.
The problcm of thc daughtersol 7il 11 is no Iesscomplex. Although the
's-lt' ',
kinshipterm is usedmore often than its mitlc counierpart'.tJ it is no nore
cxplicit in detiningthe rclationshipit indicates.The twent)'daughtersrcpreseirted
o r l t h e l o w e r r e g i s t c ro n t h e s o u l h * a l l ( i b i d , 1 8 ) a r e p r o b a b l y d a u g h t e r s ,
grand-daughters, and possibly,daughtcrs-inlaw.
In thtbanquct scine on the north wall (ibid., Pl.lV), Tll-,t-I is receivingfruit
or food from a snall femalcfigurestandingfaciDghjm. Thc nameand rclationship
are lost,but a largerfemalcfigure also slandingfacinghim 1s s-lt.fTLi-nfrs-ltS)rrt-
She could either be the daughterof Tli-lq by anothcrwoinan Swrl: his grand
daughterbya daughtcrStl,r/: or Slt,., shouldpossiblyrcad,tl'r.! (Davies1925a,1'1
n.4). This lvould make her the daugthcrof anotherpossibleson of fll-Ny- called
5llrr, thc man who appearswith him in tlle rilual sccneon thc west wall (ibid..
Pl.III). Ilt rrlr is depiciedwith a foldcd cloth in hcr lefr hand and a f'laskin her
riglrt hand.
I think it unlikely that she would be Tti-t1's daughterby anoth{rrwiie or

concubine,becauscshe occupiesa favouredposition in tllc btnquet sccnebelbrc andSnb and it would, mosl likely, bc .Sr?D'r drughtcr oi grand-daughlcr
who would occupythis position. Therefore.possiblyfli-tr and ,!rrDeirherjnci a
daughtercalledSwrl or a soncalleclSlrr.r or perhapsboth.
Behindthe fivc seatedmalc figuresat the bantluctare rcprcscnted nir)cstanding
Ienalc figuresdiminishingin sizJtorvartir thc blik. Trvoirl thenr,?ri-frnt lnd
ll. [--], rre daughtcrsof l tir:nb and onc, Trl tlfr is rhe ciaughtcrof 7?i-aliirl,.
probablyanothcrson of 7il-l-r. Thus threeof thcnral leasrarc grand daughrcrs.ll
is impossibleto derermincthc relationshipof thc other wonrcn ro Tti ,(1.. lhey
rnighl bc daughtcrs,grand-daughters or rone of thc leadingliuurcsntightbc wive.s
of d)e scatedmen. Tti lnt daughterof 7li trrh and probabLcgrand daughtcro1'
7rl-lr is too yeung and of thc wrong gcltcrltion lo be the nursc ol eueen
Ahnrosc-Nefertari depictedbchind the qLrcenon thc cast rvall (ibid., I'l.ll). 'l'hc
nurse,Ttr-frnt. might havebccn the sistcrof ,1ltsrrb and 7ti rirl anil lhcrcforcthc
aunt ol Tli-I_r,. young Iti-fmt *ould have bccn nrnred aftcr thc itunt ol hcf
grandfather, who Iinkedthc farnilyso closelyto thc royal family.
parentsof the tomb owner.R'-fitp and,ll-.irrD,lppear on the right hand
sideof thc stelaon thc westwall. 'llley are scated.facinglcli. on a couch. jhe rvife
hasher right amt roundthe shouldcrsof her husbandanclclaspsher ritht $,ristwith
her lctl hand, complerelycmbracingher husbanclin posirionll (ibiil., pl.lll). A
snrallfigure of T/i-h, standsbcforethem,with his lcll hancloutslrctchcci, olleri g
to lhem. On thc lcft of thc stelathe parcntsof his wili are probxbly represcnlcd
.-beingollcredto by hcr eldeslson.
A number of funerary statuenesin model sarcophagiwerc foutrd in lhe
enlranceto lhe mummy shaftand in four nichesin the tvall ot] lhc wcst of the coutt
(Newberry 1912. 19 20). No relarionshipsarc spccified,but as rhey includc rhc
namesof ftl,,{1,1 parentsand mosl ol the namcsincludeI hc c lemcn!' Trl ,, itcan
be assumedthat they weremembersof Tti tr'.r l'amily. Irunhcrfiguresanclmotlcl
sarcophagi were discovered latcr (Davies1925a,l2 I 3) ard fronrthcscwc k ow thc
namesol two of Iii-b s brothcrs,Ttl .r/r and Tti nf andpossiblya thircl,?i rrlrlr
( i b i d . l, 2 t 3 ) .
Part of r stelafound in the dcbris(ibid., 12) posesinrriguingqueslionsabour
the limily life of Tlr-lr. Il showsfti lr oflcrin-qto a deity.fbllowerlby r \\.on]lrn,
Ttl n|it.t.l(t) \'. Was she,pcrhaps.a sccondwife? lf so. shewas probrbl],tlso a
rclrlive, bccauseof the 'li ' elcmentin her name. Perhapsshewts a cousin. She
ntitht. a daughtcrby a concubinebccauscof the itrlale fomr of lhe
nntlc common to his sons. A small boy standsbchinclTll lr,, t,luching his
shouldcrs.lle is TLi-ttfrlt Nb-ln-px,. Ishc, pcrhaps.a son of 7ll-li_rbyaservarrr
or slavel, crll bc translaledas 'lle is our lor.d'. The lact thxt thc siDall
boy is reprcsented in closecontactwirh Trl Ar sccmsto inrply lhat hc is probrblya
son.cspeciallyas lli tl is cngagedin pcdorming a ritual offerinc bcforea deiry.
Abl)vc the hcad of 7li ,(r, arc threenlen, frl-aJi. s-l ltJ, ni!n r-i namc missing,
'Iti Ins-l
P 3 - n - L lf r ( ) ) . P e r h a prsh c s ct h r e e l.i k c t h c s n r a lbl o y , a r c s o n s o ff r l 4 1 .
ir1 concubines.llelow Ttl-,(-rarc four unnamedwomen.possiblythc mothersoflhe
thr!-cnrcnancllhesmall boy. If theselirur wcre sonsof Tli-Ar it is interestingthar

trvo of thcn are caliedTti nfr it vierv ot the t$'enty-one south$all,
nost of \!hom wcrc c led'l ti-rtJi (ibid., 1!l).
The four unnarncdwomcn on the stcla,one of lvhorn might be /t/. mi.lht
possibly be represertedin thc banquetsceneon the nofth rvall of the tomb. The first
fbur women,jn the linc of nine, are slightlylargcrthanthe five grand-drughtcrs 'lhc
the rear. They havc no kinship terms appcndedto their names. namc of the
seconclwoman in the line is 1t/. None ofthese women are callcd N6-rw pr', but the
n a m c o f t h c f o u r l l t r v o m a n i s T a w e b a y t ( ? ) ( i b i d . , 1 6 )w h i c h m c a n s " t h e
maiclservant"- So it is possiblethat thescarc favouredmaidservallsand concubines,
the mothcrs of sonle of Tti-q(J sons.
The lack of specifickinship temrs makes idcntificationof the rclxtionships
within thc family of Ttr-f difficult, but intcrcsting,becauseof the broadbasc1or
speculation dratresults.
is a possibilitythat Tli-b had rnorethan one u ifc andhe p robabiyhed
childrenby a numbcr of concubincs.His family rvasprobablycloselyconncctcd
with thc royal family at thc end of tbe SeventcenthDynasty and drc bcginning of the
EighteenthpossiblythroughQueenTetisheriand hc probrbly had thc wcrlth and
power to suppo.ta largefamily.
Ilorvcver, Snb is the only woman reierrcdto in the tomb, or elscwhere,as
'firnr'f.' 'htp '
She alsohad tle rare distinctionof her own di nsttt formula. Shc
was important in hcr own right, probably becauseof her b lood-relationsh ip to
Ttl-k-r and to the branchof the farnily that had closc connectionsu ith fi. ro) rl

tlrt- m)tt nswt lclt-lltp
im;-r\nw,t1 kmt ns)r.L

TITI,I]S: as above
DA'I'E: Ahmose - AmenltotepI (?)
LOCATION: Drac Abd el Nagac TT.12

This tonlb is unpublishcd.Verl little remains

;' L r lt h c l o m b . P V r c l c r sl o t h eo n l \ . u n I \ I n - p . l r 1
li,' as the hall, but from its shapcit is more likcly to be
as the funeralprocession is
thc passage, espcciall-v
depictedon onewiill.

PM 20
WIFE: not namcd Plvl(3-.1)
SONS: lc ft-rns,Imn-ms PIVI(3,1)
DAUGHTFRS: l t i n r n l , u ,B J A r n n , N t - t , l ' ' .
MOTIIER: lcly-ms nbt-pr lyu'-nswt
Becauseof the danagedstateof this is impossiblcto say rvhetherlhe
wile is rcpresented in the tomb or not.
PM(3-,1)flry is depictedseatedon a low-backedchrir, facingleft. Facinghirn
is the damagedfigure of a woman,kncclingand sitiing back on hcr fcm , on a lorv
stool. Both thc skroland the chairare on a mat. womu holdsa foldedcloth in
her right hand,her lefi arm is raisedto flr.r . Bccauseof the danragcdstalcol thc
',vall,her handis ntissingand alsoher name(SchottPhoto.867-5).
Betweenthesetwo llgurcsis thatofa smallrualc,standingfucingf1^, $ ith his
right handat his sideandhis left handraisedto touch{1n t knee.
It is possiblethat the woman is his wile and the imall ntalc figure.his son. If
this is so, it is a very unusualmethodof rcpresenting husbandancirvii'c(Position
III). Behind/1rrt chairstandsa snlalifcmalcfigure. Shedocsnot standr)nthe mat.
Her left hand hangsat hcr side and sheholds a lotusbud in her richt hand.(Schott
Photo.8677). Shc is probablya daughteror sisterof the tomb owner. Facingthis
group,a rnalefigurestandsbcfbrean offeringtable. His right handis at his side.his
lcli hand exteodstowardsthe offerings. He is I,t3f I nrJ /.r-4r (Schott l)holo.
.-8679).Probablythe eldestsonashe leaclsa numberof relatives,arnongthemthrcL-
daughtcrsandanothersonof fln (LD'l' iii. 23ll).
It is impossible1o lell if flr)',r parentsare represenredin lhc romb. IIis
mother'sname appearsin thc fricze text (ibid.,238). Shc ts nbt-ytt !yu,-rttnt
Icl ns. lJr1- probably attributesfiliation to his mothcr rathcr than to his father,
becauseofher links with the royal family. Shc is'lr"r,-xJu,/ ' royal relativc'.
I Iowever,as so littlc of thc tomb survives,il is possiblethathis flitherwasmentioncd
or reprcscntcdin thc tomb as r,,ell.
PM(3-4) Elevensistersand thrccbrothersare amongthe rclativcsrcprcsented
in this sceneJlepsius 18.14, ,122-3).One of the womcn dcscribcdasrrtf .l7r/,li is
ms n nbt-pr Srl. Although callcdhis sistcr,shedoesnot have thc samcmothcras
H r - r ' . S h e m u s t b e a h a l f - s i s t e rs,i s t c r - i n - l a w
o r p o s s i b l l ' a c o u s i no l f l r l . I l a
half-sisterthen either11l-l'Jfatherhad two $ives"orSnI iry'. was thc daushtcrofa
fcmaleser.rantor slave. Ilowever,as the womaoSri rvascallcd' irbt-7rr' '. 'mistress
of tlle house',shewasunlikell'to havebeena concubincor r shvc.
If fln's fatherhad childrcnby rrrorcthanonc wonan, this couldhavebeenthc
reasonwhy {1r1 attributes filiationto his mother. He would wish to bc distin8uishcd
fronr the childrenof lateror lesscrwivcs or concubines.


Dlylty nfr s.i-nsnr

TI I LES: I I e l c k1 9 5 8 5
, 10(5)
DA'['E: Early DynastyXVIII
LOCATION: Drac Ab0 el Nagac,at foot oI Flill,TT.A10
H e l c k1 9 5 E , 5 1 0 ( 5 )
PLAN: No plan cxists and the cxact localion is unccftain.
The lintcl and doorj.lmbsareaLlthatsurlivc ofthis tomb.

WIFE: fJ liJ l 1 n r . l m t f n s t - i h . [ n h !t ' r

SON: wcb n Imn
FA'I'HER: KJ ms s3b
MOTI IER: Sn-l.ttp nbtpr
Ai both endsof the lintel thereis a sceneof the son 1ii presentinga libation
vase to his parents,who are seatedbefore an offering table (Berend 1882' 77,
No.2576).They are seatedon a couchin PositionV (Ali-nariPhoto.43846)
The parentsofthe deceased are mcntionedon thejambs. DbwtJ-nfr isirzs-i6
KJ-ms and ms n nbt Sn-l1tp-


Icf-mss3 Ib3n3 hry funyt

TITLES: asabove
DATE: Ahmose-TuthmosisI

This is a single chamber tonb with a

niche in the North Wall. It is unpublishcd
and there are few representationsof the
scenes.It is mainly the textsthat havebeen

P M v . 5 ,1 7 8 .

Y]ff. tt)\ hul nh!-pt. pMr3lr

DALCI|fER: Sit-ini p N t , 2 ], tt / t l
SON-INLAW: Itf-rri mncr n s3.nswt W3dms pViZif ililr
FATHER: B3h3 pM(3)r
MOTIIER: Ib3n3 pM(3)l
GRANDSONS: p3 ttry sl ktwt n Imn pN4(2) (3)t & II (.1-5)
Hri-irv st ktlwrn Imn pM(2)t & Il
-. aretheonlv members of thefamilyof /.f ns whoscnamcssurvlvclil
his tomb. flowever,otherpossiblemcmbers of his farnilyare reprcsentcd in thc
tombof flln-. l?Nrb P3-1ry, El-Kab.T.3.
SONS(?): My; Ms3u,
GRANDSONS: P3-luy ttlty cl' A!6 and orhcrs
Griflith (Tylor and Griffirh 189:1,-5), was undecidcdwhctherir was the LJtr .
P3-11ry,owner of lil Kab T.3 or his brorher,the s.ip.t / .,- (ibid., pts.l & Vli,
who constructed thc tomb of 1cf-nrs. For a discuss ion ot:this questionanda rcvised
gencalogyof the family of 1.1 nrs, seeAppenciixI
lcfr ns and his wife 1pw are only representcdonce in the tomb.
PY-(.3XThey are seatcdrogetheron a couchfacing lcft in positionV (LD iji,
.^ .
l2a). Icfi-ms hashis right handoursrrcrched probablyio a tableof offerings.'lhe
was neve.complered.. Their grandson,.iJ n s-)t.J p3-ttn-. offersto thJcouple.
supcnr'i\ed the consrrucrion und dccoralionofthc tomb (Sethe1927,I2lJ (49j8).
This accountsfor his promincncein the lomb and fi)r the lact that hc. ratltcrthanone
oftheir sons,offersto /.f-ms and 1pw.
O n l y o n ed a u g t h e r o tI ( l 1 , n s i s r e p r c \ e n t er{nl h i s r o m b . H , , ! ! e \ c r ,s h ei s n o t
sfeciflcrlly calledi3r.,f in the tomb. Thc only nrcnrionof the word 'daughter'in
thc tomb is the claim of P3-rry thathe is 's-ln sJl.7 '. .lhc problemtharansesrs to
detemrinewhich P.i,hry is reprcsenterl rn Lhet ntb lnrl. lnorc intloflilntly,who his
mother was.'ltrisquestionis discussedat lengthin Appcndix I aird thc conclusion
reachedis that it was the sJ P3-1,2ry, who constructedlhc tomb of 1.h nrs and that his
parentswere 1y'-rrl (RPN. 51. 1) and ,!.lr lnrn. Thcrctore..Sj/-i,ra was thc
daughterof Ich-ms ancllpn.
PM(2)l Their son flrl-ir1 appcarsbeforchis parcnrslrf rri all S-Jt,ittn.
P M i . l ' l l P J - l r n o f f c r st , ' h i s p r r e r r : ,/ y ' - r r i i n . l h i , u i i e .
It is also probablc that Icf-ms had a seconddaughter,Krn, who was the
motherof the h3t-t-.nNllh P.1-|n. ownerof El-KabT.3. Sheis known only front
lhc tomb of lter son_
No sonsof /(rfi,z.r appearin any of the extantscenesin the tomb. Thev arc
klown only from the romb of the hJn-. p-i,hry (El-Kab T.3) (Tylor .rndCriuirh
1894,PI.VII). They arc eachtlescribedas'sn mrrt.f ', the,brotherofhis mother,.
The nrotherof the &-1ry-c P3-hry, Km, was probably rhc daughtcrof,
althoughshe is neverspccificallyrcferredto as such. As the brithers of Kri, Mt
and M.r. r werc probably thc sonsof 1.1-zs. lf they werc the sons of /,1 ais, ri

is possiblethat lhey predeceascdthcir father 7 antl so did nol fiLlfil thcir filial
obligationsof complctinghis lornb and pcrforntingthe funcraryrilualsfor him.
parentsol Icl,r-nLsare represcntcdamong the relativcsbchind P.l /ir-t,
whcn he offersto Iclt-ns and /px (PM(ll)I,LD'l' iv, -51).
The patcrnal grandmother of lt:ft-ms is mentioncd by name in the
autobiographical inscription,as the nrotlrerof his fathcr (Sethe1927,2.11).
mothcr of his mother is not menlioired. Both r{r ms and his fathcr attritrule
filiation to their mothers.
grandsonsol Icl ms are pronincnl in the tomb. thc mosl lronlincnt
bcing thc si {dwr z Inrn P3-lr)-.
P1\'1(2)ll P-i-irr-r-with three sonsanclclaughtersbelbrc llri in and his witc.
P1\{(3)l P-l-ftry' offers to tonb owner and rvi1c.
I'\4(3)ll P.l-l.rrf offersto his parcrtts.
Pl\4(4-5)P-l fry and thc autobiographical text ol lclrms.
PM(2)l flri lry appearsbcforehis parents.Itf rri and S-lt'inn-
PM(2)II Hri-ir-y- and his wifc rvith P-i fr1 bclbre them.
Five gcnerations*ere rcpresented in this tornb. Apart titlm /rl1 ,rs, his rvilc
and his parents,it is his daughter5-lt'imn .ncl her ianrily onl), lllal are reprcscntcd
in the torrb. Despitethe grcatcrirnportanceof thc ft-il-\ n Nltb P-1llr-r', nonc ol
his branchof the family are representcd iu thc tomb. tcndsto suppoltthc ider
thathe was not involved in any rvaywilh lhe constructiort of the tomb.
tomb is unusual,possiblyuniquc.becauseit rvastbe grandsonP-l ftr,r.
possibLywith thc help of his brothcr,|1rt ilt alsoa rr: Nrlxl, *ho constructed thc
the mcnbers of thc family who are prominentin this tonlb. might
not havebecn asprominentin thc tomb underdiflcrcntcircumstxllccs.


.t.l-r.lin ln hht sI
lTl-llS: t hn-hht ) 2-nw n IJr Blltlt
Dr!l'E: Ahmose AmcnirotepI
LOCA'I lON: lldfu. Not numbercd
: a b r a1 9 7 7 . 2 1 o2 2
B I B I - I O C R A P F I YG


T h i s i s a s i n g l cc h a m b e r
tonlb with a rtichcon the west
wall. It js vcry damagedancl
not fully clearcd. Only I
preliminary accountof thc
t o m b i s a v a i l a b l c . I r er v
i n " s c 1 1 O 1 l osnurrv i v e a n d n o
names ol the fantily. apari
from the name of thc tomb

WIFE: nor narned ftnt.f nhr-pr sc.B,D

DALIGH'|ER: nor nanred sc.B,L)
On the eastwall sc.B,the wifc and daughteraccompanythe tomb owncr as hc
fishes. 1}e wife standsbehind him while ihe daughreiis in front of hin (Gabra
1 9 1 1, 2 1 2 ) .
. On tie nonh wall sc.D (Gabra19jj,216. fig.5), rhc tonb o$.nerand hrs witc
sit on a sofafacingright. Becauseof darnage it is irnpossible
to telLin whichposition
.- tJreyare represented.Sonc of thcir childrenarc siandingat the wife s sirlcantl a
' nudc
chjld standsbehindhcr chair. Assrnall fcmaleligurc standsfacing SJ r-ilnr
offering flowers, probablyhis daughter(ibid., 21-5). A largcr male fisure faces
them, probably a son or a priesr offering ro rhc couple anj their family.
fig.5). Relativesor guestsat thc brnqucrare rcprescnted on rhe re!i\ter belowdre
tomb owner and his wifc and two fudher ro$s ol gucsrsbchrndthc mlle figure,Iacc
the couple.
The daughter-appears to play a prominentrcrlein the tomb. A ciaughteris
rcpresented in thc fishingscenewith her parenrsanda daughterstandsclosc,facing
tlie seatedcouple,offering florversto her farhcr. Ir is inrfossibleto rell if ir is tlre
This tomb is too damagedto yield any specifjcinfonnationaboutrhefanilv of
S-t-t-ltnxexcept to dcmonstnte fie closenessof ille nuclearfamilv group.


Rnni h3tJ c imJ-r hm\N-n!t'

TITLES: SethcI927, 75 1,1

DATD: AmenhotepI

I.OCATION: F-l-Kab T.7

B I B L I O G R A P I I YP: M v . 5 ,1 8 3 - 4

tomb embodiesa m0in vaulted
chamberwith a niche on lhe west wali
. , n Jr 5 n r , r pl l l r i n . l r r m h c r .u i t h . r p i t
opening off the nofth wall. lt rvasfully
d e c o r a t c db u t i s i n a v e r y d a m a g c d
condition. A badly damlged statueol
the tomb o$ner occupicslhe bxck wsll
of the niche.

PN'lv.5. I78

WIFE: NlTi l1nt.f I PM(9)(10)

SONS: Sn-rlhwt!, lwni, Icft-ms, N;fr'L.Ltp.3P M ( 1 3 )r,(1 )
^"b(.i)'ms, Blyty-iri, Iclt'ms,
P3 ftwry,N&-sny, | - lr'Nt,
Ql.v4- rfr, M3t, Sbk-htp.
DAUGHTERS: 83b3. Icb-htp P\(9X10)
FATHER: Sbk-fitpII e iry'p't h3rJ-' PM(9X10)
1r'IOTltEt{: Icl.t ms nbtpr PN{(9)(10)(13)(11)
BROTIIERS: Qlpt'4ms sI sfntn lwt n1r PN{(9)(10)
Sbkhtp, Sbklrr2wr andpossibly PIvl(9X10)
SISIERS: Nfr'pw , Rnni and possiblyothers PM(g)(10)
GRANDPARENTS(?). Shkhtp I i,t p't h3rt Pl\{(5X6)
Ill' lirntf nbrPr
According lo the genealogyof Tylor (1900, 3)' Sbk'fitp/ had ten daughters
and one son,aisumitrgtltlt 5611'lttp II wlLshis son. Hc alsohad threebrothersand
L r c ' i . t e r , . H i s m , ) L h e! !r l \ / l - t ' r \ .
The rviie of Rrnr plays a very insignificantrole in his tomb, apperringonec
only as a moumer in the tuncral procession.(PM(9-10) ibid ' Pl Xl) Howevcr'
theie is indepcnclentevidencefor her as the rvife of ,Rnrl and the mother of NJi'l1rp'
one oI the sonsof R,,ul. (Wenrc198'1,19)
Tylor (ibid., 3) atlributcsthirteensonsto Rrni. Theseall appearnficrin! to
R;rnl and his mother II:11ms on the north and south walls of the shrine'

(PM(13X14)ibid., Pl. XVI). lr is probablethat Nb

srr_rwas thc elocsrron as he
pcrforms the openingof the moutir cercnony, drcsscil
as ^ pri".t,',ll rnc towcsl
rcgistcr of rhe sourh rvall and he probably icaclstfr. *.or.frlp1i...i
rn rhc Lrppcf
register(ibid., Pl. xvl).
n'"j,.fi.,:q irlhe rontb.Likerheirmorhcr.
n e I u n e r i lpl r o c . ! \ r o { r h i r l .P , 1 .\ l t .
Thc parcntsofRnri, Sbkhtp II antl l(:l.t_ns,are rcprescntedrlr
a Danquet
sceneon the nonh wall.
_--, ..PY(9)(l0) are scatedon a couch.tacing rilrhr in posirionV (ibid.. pl.
XIV). In what remainsof thc sccne,thc p"."nt, ,i.. irl.f.cred
a haunchol.mcat bl
their .son AluD-rr.r. a brothcrof Rrar. wlto slandson frr," f i*
,rlr u i.u"l r",,i,
thc offcring table. "
n notherson?robablystoodon the lloor lcvcl alsool.l.crinq to his parcnls.On il
brver registerunderthe scatedcorrple,facingthe sanreway. isi ntan
5./rt-lit1r ancla
i s . l , ) : r .F r o b a b t ya s o n a n d a c l a u g h r corf. S b k l t t pt t a r ( l
)/ ':fl-Tm. 1Jl. :Il nl te. .r"c"rrsc
a l J p r n t h c s c c n eb. u t s o n t eo f t h e c h i l d r c no l , \ h k - l . t tI pI a | , d
/ I t 4 r a r c r e p r e { e n t e d ,t ,hnc b o , , m f t . F i \ t (o. rl p l . \ l l l . l l r c r . r
i t\\,,\,.DI rJ
two daughters,seatedone bchindthe rrthir. frcing Ieli. -l.hclc.rding
firure is .i-ll.
sm.rtr,&-i4-. R,tni (ibid., l6). Behinil him are r-li1.Ali_1rn,,r.lI
Sh-[ttqt,,r.r uttd
sJtJRnni; lt is possiblethar four children,,on, .l^ugh,"rr,-rilsoiace righr ina
rcciprocalscenc. Thcre are tracesof thc namc "u,l Tn_llx, iri(t)'t.tirl." rr,"" nt
Rarri (ibid., 16).
n)otheJ-of/ian1 pluys u morc promincntrole on thc lomb lhan
i s . r e p r e : e n t ewdi t h h c r s o n ,s c a t e du n d e ra u a n o p yo n a
iD1l,rl!l et :.l8l ,n! )r ]n 3.t $ r t e . , S h e
o a n d r c r u m i n ! f r , r n A b y c l o s( i b i d . , p l s . l X , X ) . O n b o r ht h c l l o r . r h
and south *alls of the niche. she is represcnted wilh Rrl,l scalcdnn a couch trr
P o s i t i o nV . ( P M ( 1 3 ) ( 1 . 1 i b) i d . , p l . X V I ) .
.._.-lf9 -rglqlionship of the principrl couplcin rhc bancluelsccneon thc southwall
!]lltltSlf0l i b i d . , P I . V I I I ) t o R r ? r i i s n o r c e r l a i n . T h e r n a ni s i t . \ . _ t ) t t . J t \ . t .
lbk [tp(l) ms n Iclj rns and his wilc i: ltnt.f ttl,tlr /,ir. AlLlrou3hthc n]othersof
Sbk-l.Lrp Ltnd I?nfi borc rhe sarncnamc.T),lor (ibid., f) tl"uglriir *,,i inrprobrblc
that they were brolhcrs,bccauscof the nanrcsol rhe otherrclliiorl\. IIe posrularr(I.
Si,t-llrp / $ rr rhe grandfarherof Rxrr and lhe frlhcr o1.' Sttkttp tt
on thc norlh :]1", qall. Thir would nr.rkcthe.motherol Shk-|1tp
/. 1r'li_rr,i.the giear
grandmotherof Rnlri ard placeher rvcll back in the ScveniccnthIiynasty.
I think
this is too carly,consideringthatthe narne /./1 zrr diclnot becontepirpular
l::y^-.,11:1.]h: leylnLecntnDynrsry orrhc.beginningot rhc ltirl;re;nth D).nasl\..
r ) l , , r j m a n . o h j e c t r o nt o , l h l - l / 4 ,/ a s t h c b r o r h c ro f R a a r , w a . st h c
corrclatingthe names of thc othcr rclations. Ilowe\,cr. I do not sec this
.Li .r'
insurmounlable obstacle.
Rarl is shown u,ith a brothcrSbt-lltp v.r ald lwo sisrers,\',D.yrrrand llrrrr
a n d . p o s s i b l yf o u r o t h e r s i b l i n g s ,t u o o f u l 1 r , n 1\ \ . r s p r o b . r b l l - r b t
4rp and
Tt -hw-Iri(t). ShklLtpI, son of 1(.f m.i, h.rd rhruchrorhcn eaLLcd'"S1,/r
ttp and.,\1
]_ga-s1_-i9111,.sisterq callcd 7 n-lu+,.(ri(t), Nft.-ptt., Rnnt and,,a. tit,itt..
PI.VII VIII). I think Sbk,htpt wasthe cklesibiorherol Rnrti,possiblySbt_l;ryr

(Pl\{(13X11)ibid.. Pl. XVI). lt is probablerhal Al-srrr. \\,asthe cldcsrson as he

pellomls the Openingof the mouth ccrcnt0ny.drcrseclus u
lficsl. In the towcst
registcr of thc south wall and hc probably leaclsthc worshippersiu the uppcr
rcgister(ibid.. Pl. XVI).
Two daughtersare depictedin rhetomb. [-ike thcir mother.they appcaronl)'in
Lhcfuneralprocession(ibid..Pl. XI1.
parentsof Rnni, Sbkhqt II a]od,1.1/-rl.!,arc rcpresentedin a bilnquet
sceneon tbe north witll.
PM(9)(10)'l'hey are scatedon a couch,t'acincright in posirionV (ibid.. pl.
XIV). ID what remainsof the scene,thc parentsarc offerccla haunchof nteatby
thcir son 2&wlr nrs. a brolhcrofRrri. who standson a bascline on a level rvirh
the offtring tablc.
. Anothersonprobabtystoodon the tloor lcvel alsooflcring to his pltrcnts.On a
lowcr registcrunderthc seatedcouple. lacingthe samcwav. is a man,fbt-ll4r a cia
woman, whosc name is lost, probably a son and a dausirlcrof Shk lttltII t\ttl
Ir.lj-ms. is a gap in thc scenc,but sontcof rhe chilcircnof,!6t-lr4r // anti
Itl.t-nts arc representcd on thc bottom registerof pl.XIII. 'lhcy ere lu,o sonslncl
two daughters,scatedone behind rllc other, facing leli. 'l'hc lcaclingfigure is r-j./
snr.iwt-Jn . Rlni (ibid.. I6). Behindhim are r-lr / NJi pu., r-l / ,!bt {rrpu.r. anci
:-it.f Rnni. It is possiblerharfour children.sonsand daughrcrs.also lirccriglrt in l
reciprocalsccnc. Therc are lraccsof lhe nanteTnt l:,-iri(L) belirrc thc itblc ol-
R r t l ( i b i d . .l 6 ) .
'. 'lhe
mother of Rrlll plays a norc pronrinentrole on thc tonrb than doeshis
fathcr or his tvife. Shc is reprcscnted,,r'ithhcr s,ln, scatedunilcr il cillopv on ir
bargc,going to and returningfrom Abydos (ibid.. Irls.lX.X). On borh thc norlh
and south walls of the nichc, she is rcprcsentedwith Rrrrrl scltcd on r collch ln
P o s i t i o nV . ( P M ( 1 3 ) ( 1 . 1 i b) i d . , P I . X V I ) .
Thc relationshipof the principalcouplein thc banquelsccneon thc soulhwall
( P M ( - 5 ) ( 6 )i b i d . , P l . V l l l ) t o R r r i i s n o l c c r r a i n . T h e m a n i s i r l (:
f t lt-lt\
Shk-lttp(l)msn Itll ms and his witt is lLnr.lnl,t.1,rt.'.]. AlrhoughLhcmolhc$ ot
Sbklyp I and Rnni bore rhe sarnenamc.'l'ylor(ibid..3) thoughtir nas irnprobrblc
tllat drey wcre brothcrs,becluscof the nan)csof the othcr relations.I Ie posrurateo.
thcrefore,thL\tSbk-btp1 rvasthe grandiatherof Rrr/ and thc lathcr of Jrt-l//) //
on tlre north wall. This would makc the mothcr ttf Shkl.xp /. /.rll-rrr. lhe great
grandmotherof Rnrri and placehcr lvell back in the SevcntccIIlh Dynast1,.I thi k
this is too early,considcringthaLthc nanre /.!-ra,r did not beconrcpopularuntil the
very end of the SevcntcenthDynastyor lhc bcginninsof thc IrirhtecnthDynastv.
Tylor's nain objectioDto Shk-ltpI as thc brothcr of ,{arl. $'as thc dillicihy ;l'
correlatingthe nanes of thc other rclations. Ilowcvcr. I clo not see lltis as an
rnsurmountable obstacle.
Rnrr is shown with a brother,\hk-ltp wr and trvo sislersAli 2r| and Rrrar
and possibly four other siblings, two of whom werc probably .\bk-l,tt1ttltcl
Tn k,n-!ri(t). Sbkl1tpI, son of 1./,r-rr.i,had rhrccbrotheiscallcJ.trli firp and at
l c a s t f o u r s i s t e r sc a l l e d I m - l . t n - . ( r i ( t ) , N l ' r - p x . I l n n i a n d 5 . l r i . ! . ( i b i L i . .
P l . V l l - V I I I ) . I t h i : / K S b k - h r p I w a s l h c e l d c s t b r o l h c r o f R n lpl lo. s s i b l y S , tl r r p1 1 r . .

hlving engendered tcn daughlers but no sonto succccdhim. IIe wasnol lhe fatherof
,\hk btp ll but his son. Rlrri becamegovclnorin succession to his broth!'r. IIe is at
prins to poiirt olrt that hc is the eldestson,.iJ.f'nsx l.1n I Rnn (ibid.. I'l.XIll).
Ilc bccrme the so[' alier the derth of his elder brothcr.!rA frrp wr. This is
the only exalnpleiD a privatetonb in the wholeof lhc EiglllcenthDynastyoi lhe use
of this tenn to dcsignateirneldcstson.which nrightindicrtelhat Rrrri fi'lt thc l)ced
l o ; l s s c nl l i s r i g h l t o t h e o f l i c c o f g o v e n l o r .N o s o n o f R r r r t l i s r e l c r r t ' dt o a s ' J . i f
.1rr,rx so the epilhetmust havc had a sp.cial sigrtilicancetir n/?/ri ratller than
signilying a relum to pxst cuslonl in this lanrily. l-hecuslotliol dcsignatingthc
cldcstsonx5 connnoninthc Old Kingdon (Kanawatil976lt).
Although hc haclten daughtcrs,561 irt7.r 1 might ltilc beenrclativcly loung
rvhenhc diccl.It appearsfronr thc rcpresentation o1'hishouschol(llhal he hld irlorc
thln oire wile (ibid.. 2, I'l.XV). possiblythreeothcrsas well as /r1-i thrcc
' . I I e m i g h t h a v ct a k en o l h c r$ i v c s i o a n l t l l c n l plto
w o m e n \ { c r c a l lc a l l e d ' l r , n l . l
bcgct sors. This. I thiuk. could possiblybe a cascol polygruuy. If Sr('/rrf dicd
t)clirrcolrl is unlikcly that the ii)ur wivcs followedonc aller lhe otherduc lo
thc dcrth oI or divorcc fiotn thc previous$i1t. It i: also unlikcly that divorced
w i v c s u o u l c lb e r e p r e s c n t codn t h e l o n r bw a l l . a s S i n t p s o t(r1 9 7 ' 11, 0 1 )o b s c r v c s .
could bc onc ol the rarecascsoi polygamyin thc Eightccnthl)ynasty.'' Both
K a n a r v a t(i1 9 7 6 b ,1 5 9 )a n c lS i m p s o n( 1 q 7 4 .l 0 l ) c o n c l u d et h a ta l t h o t r g h it is not
inpossiblelhat cascsof nrultiplenrlrriagcsintlictlcdconseculivcLlnions. thc nalurc
of thc cvidc ce could$ell suggcsllhrt rrrc cxscsol-polygernllllitht havccxistcdin
Aircientligypt. /r1r' wrs obviouslythe chief rvilc of Sltkl,ttp/ but not rlece\sarily
thc r)rolherofall his drughters. It is inpossiblcto tcll lor ccrtainif it sls lis his first
\\'itc or lastwilc that shettxrkprcccilcnccovcr his olhcr wives.l2
Thc fact that Rrni is not mcntionedamongtllc brolhersof.Slrl &t/1/ is not
significant.Rnnr decoratecl tltc tonrb lls his oun tonib. Ilc representi:rl his fathcr
and his brotherand thcir familiesbccauscil was l.ronlthem lhat hc inherileda titlc
Lhathe would not, ordinarily,haveexpectcd10posscs\. Ilc is rcprcscrlted wi{h his
b r o t h eS r D t l . t l pu r a s a n r c r n b e r ohf i s l a t h e r ' is' i t n r i l (yi b i d . ,1 6 .P I . X I I I ) a n dr t * i n s
unnecessary lbr hinr to be rcprcscnted as a nlcnlbetof his brolher'slarnily. I:]ythis
time he, not his brother. was the head ol thc famil). fact llll1 Sltk-l,ttpI
a l t r i b u t c fsi l i a t i o nt o l t i s m o t h e rn h t ' p r l l l l n r s ( i b i d . , P IV I I I ) l l n h c r s l r c n s l h c l s
lhis intcrlrclalioir.It is the only exan)plcof iiliationlo lhc motllcrin thc tonbrl and
links him to his brothcrRrtrrl.
Sllt-lirp / and his rvilt 1r1r arc seatedon a couch.Ilcing leli' in l)ositionIV
(ibid.. Pl.Vlll). In liont of ,tbii {tl2'.r leg stancls thc rcnrailsol a strrallmale ligurc.
p o s s i b l y t h c o n l ys o no f S b t - l r 4 r b y / r h . w l t o d i e da s a c h i l d g u e s l sl l t h c
blnquct are oflicials, priests. brolhers, liicncls.ll nrinor rvives and sisl!'rs ol SltL'lttp
t a c i n gh i m i n f o u r r e g i s t c r s .I I i s d a u g h t c rs t l n c li n a r o w i l l t h c l o * c s l r c g i r l c r
un(lcfthe seatcdllguresof thcir parents.lacingthe gucsts
It is difficult 1()undcrslilrld why RrrDl'ru'iic is not reprcscrlled scatcdwilh hinr
in thc lomb in thc same!vx)ras lhe *ivcs ol his fatherand brolherarc sr:lttcdwith
t h e i rh u s b a n d s( i b i d . ,P l s . X I V& V l l l ) . I n t h c s h r i n ei.l i s h i s m o t h t ' r v h oi s s c a t c d

with him in PositionV. ttrcpositionusuallyassociated rvithLhewifc (ibid.,PI.XVII).

She docsnoLhold any titlcs in the tomb to accounlfor her proninence. His rvile
doesnot appearto haveprcdcccasecl ltim as sltcis one of thenloumcrsat his funerll
(ibid., Pl.xr).
tt is possibletllat therewas somc connectionto the royal houselhroughhit
ruother$hich might havc accountedfor her undoubtedpromincnce,conlparedto
his rvife. in thc tonb.15or it night merell'have bcen thc fact that as her son.the
brothcr of Sbk l.ttpI, he inheritcdthc govemorshiprathcr than other sons \\'ho
n t i : h t h . - r vh. c -t t l h e r , , n .o f n ' i n o rr r i r , . .
The propcnsitytowardslargefamilicson tlle part oi the thrccmen nriphrimplr'
t h a t a l l t h r e e ,n o t j u s t S b t - l t ? 1 , h a c l m o r ct h a n o n e* i f c l 6 o r t h r t s o o r eo f t h c i r
childrenrverethc offspringof concubinesor scning meids.ll
'l 'sons',might have bccn sons-irt-law, the husblnclsof his t*rl
wo of Rrrri's


Inni in)- r :vt\r t '- n

TITI-ES: S c t h e1 9 2 7 , 6 7 - 6 9
llelck 1958,52.1(4)
DATE: AmenhotcpI TuthmosisIII
LOCATION: SheikhcAbd el Qurna'l'f.81
IIelck 1958,52,1(.1)

T h s r . n r h i s v c r r J . . n t l : e di n I
u'rs inadequatclypublishcd b1'
Boussrcin IE96.


wltru: Ith hrp fu\|t1n.sfu iu, PM(sX13)()(17)

( 18x20)(21)(22)
FATI IER: Inni s-lh PNl(9)
MO1 HER: S-lt-Dlj\.,t\ fkrr nsu,t') PN4( 9)
BROTIIERS: P3-hrl imr-r pr n hnt-t1rtpl-n Imn PM(16X17)(lE)(21)
lln Ltntntr n Mu,t PM(16)(18)(21)
Bl,tu't'^-ms s!; P M (1 6 X 2 0 ) ( 2)1
Wsr-ltlt v'L:hn Inn PM(16X21)
Imn-tu, sI PM(9)(r6X21)
Imn-fit1t s',r P[.{(9X2 r)
li/sr h-lr si PM(16X21)
P-) iynn PM(16X21)
fwri. P M (l 6 X 2t )
Intf lrp cprw PM(20)
'l PM(9X20)
ti-cnlJ PM(20)
Tn3 PM(20)
N.JlJ PN{(20)
B.lki PM(2())
Fourncn PM(5)
SI S T E R : Icfi-ms PM(2rX5)?
Wltrts'S SIS'l'tsRS:/.lr /x.t P M ( 9 X r2)
, Sn.isnb PM(20)
Ich-htP PM(5)(20)
I J nt- I \rw (20)
N.r-rrrt PM(21)
Sr.r-rs PM(21)
3 women (5)?
- The wifc pliiys a prominentrole in thc tomb, appcaringin cight sccncsand in
lhc statuegroupitl the shrine.
PM(5) llle wife is reprcsented seatedon a couch\\,ithhcr husband,facins lcli.
i n l ' , ' \ r t i nV n . r B o u s i t (l x u b ,P j . 5 ) .
PM(8) iemalefigure sittingback on hcr heelsbctwccnthe stridinglecsol
1xnr, in thc lishing sccnc, is problbly his wilc. No othcr figure sccms to bc
. i t p i Lt c d . ' i b i J . .P l . 7 r .T h , . r cr { n o p h ) \ i ( , r lc o r r c rw i r h r h eh u . h . r ; d .
PM(9) Inni is seatedon a chair alonc. A smallcrfigure of his wile sitson a
c h a i rb c h i n dh i m . ( i b i d . .P l . 6 ) . I n u i s d c p i u r e di n a p i r r n i n e npr o \ i r i o na s h c
appcarsin his ofTicialcapacityas ovcrsccrol the ficlcisand granariesof Amun.
Althouehdepictcdbehindhin, his q ifc-is prol..rblyserrcclb} hii sictchur slighllvro
the rear. llowever, in a similar official scene(PN{(5))sheis scatedwith hirn arxi is
olequai size. Thesesccnesaresymnctricalsccncson eachsidcof lhe doonr,avrnto
thc passage.PM(5). the reccptionof NubiansanclSyriansand their
norc ceremonialoccasionas shownbv the ntorcluxurirlusdrcssol the lilurcs in thc
s c e n e( c . f . P l . 5 a n d P l . 6 ) w h i c h c o u l c la c c o u n tf o r t h c 1 l r c ll h a r / i r i r i w a s
f l c c , , r n p i l n iheydh i : u i l e i n t h r r. c c n c .
' b-v
danragelo lhe sccnc it is impo\siblc'to
i,, ",i[ll,.?.,,'i,iir']:'$,fiii''l:.::::"lti,sidc
p,,r;,;nr,rr-'"r'u."ri",",!tttt"t "' rr"ll
,,,",1"Y',11,: sidcbr siiicin pc,silio,r
?;:,ili'. l;i ,:li:,:ll:.,.:1'"'1 v bcri,rc
,'^.,t r.""r i;y..i"r'i,I i$li!,t" in a shrine "tuu'n,i"' un t'ut,.snj,t.q'i,,
""d ltlq "

laai is scated
brnqu., o,,,,,,,..?,i,i,,il:T,]ii
il li:ll,iiF:!:il; iitli,,,J liil
:;.ll lt,;:i;itiilt.i;ii*l*ilil'l
i rrLrtr"r'

*:::ii i*
pi\.I(21) Ilis
J;:lii*r,x*till w i t e a n c ih c
li,u, -i1,.,,,
''"lll,;,a;,'*m;i.:i::iii''l:'li l':JJ:"''
Ihr \hrirlc.ucrclhc st.lrrcsol /aar.
p,,*"o. No'"r.";ilri'Jiilll hisq'ilean.i

?,Xii]lll':ii:'i,,jll:l .."\ !',',!,'nrcprc\c',e(r
' oncorrher,i"r,J',,-'"p..,",rt.,i'i;i"iiiii;i:"lofhinr(l'M(17)(18)(2
,o',b rris
r w o p o s s i b i l i t i cesx i s r :
( l) /ati andhis wil.cri.crc
(2) Ajl his childrcnprcrlcccascri
,/tr?t. hirn.
must tlave ljvel:lto a g

".,mtil }I"j,,,,i,I
As thcre is n0 eviclenccliorir an_r.othcr
nlust.concludc Aua,,nr",,t,that 1r1ll ltad childrcn
lhal he waschildless. unc
I u , t i , t t .r ( . t r c \ ( . r , r !, ,\ li j ( .i l r t r . .
,il:.ll,i',,tf ron,h.
*,,,#'),/1, i::,,i:.,:.1,':;il.::,j,;c'atcd pkcecr
onr nllt in t,osirion
,, u,::i.u::t
;;;il;,;,i;;;;;H",".):Jl:l,jiii,l.,-he] \\e'cprobi,br)
iil:;,';"1'l:'J;;l,l:i,lf,?irr"""t /"'t i',ir ' \,r. ,,,',.rrr
c l , u \ l n \ -. I r , , e . g y . 1
i';,:;ii:i.i".il,lll: lr:l:,,;"1:iili,,T,.;,,
s r. . l r t t t . y1. ttnt r l n r t l r r 7 r . nL , ; , , , i ;
i ; , ' , , t*.i 1 , 1 , . . , , " u r . , . u , n .

ii'l*;ll :::
;;, fi;::'.,
i ;il;l
:u*: *.-;ii"tilT ;t$lll: ii1,,;i';i,'."'l:;;':i":.."
n"ttt;ii?di';'t. rnJ is
thc tle:rgnrrtion''thcrr',-'rlth"Lrgh
rlDl'l I r'r'-r'

;yl.'j,,,"f Jii{'
t,f;ffi r*l;tjltilxil:m:tllit'Jll'l
c J i h . i , l , o l l l l c , l o ( ' r $ l )l o l l t ' f : r " : t "
siil. ir" it p.r,"uly a tnrcbrotherof
j,l",r'"n 'r'he
tn aru ro\\,ssir beforc 1rrri.
,;:';;,,"*",..i.,,r,"r,11, as'sr./'
t B o u s . s 1a 8c 9 6P. l - . 1)5

--"iyili-i,',t"'*:, il:i'ri:'s:1.',iill.,rl,'1",i":'il:""1";
is dc-scribcci
"'*i':l;':5l:il,i;sible tQtell onlvoncwoman "
Jt'f-.,:l; :iil:
i*iif*i lrilf iiiiiix;"ii:
Hiir;l:t,f l{il
rrr '
jjl.: rii,i::::iil
;$in ; :'i,;:'*'l!:';llt :{i' :i';l
rliri,: i:;:l
\ \ ' h c t h e rt h i t r ' ' c r r b r l t i ; " ' ; . , ; i t ' i ' )
; . , p )i r r gi t i i i r r r p ' r : ' r h lrcn l c l l

n:ll*#i#ti*ilH;$ :'i,llL ;:illr"'Ti

i;"'iTil';,oXlil;J''ill':ilJ',ff]i rvife. standittg
bchindher ch'rirt B"uss'rc18'ro' sccnc'
r mats bchincisingersitl. the blnquct 'r,ts ' hcr
:i;:::,::."U1;:"'/;;:il';J ij",, /iin' a,'d
liil iHti';'::
)*i*l*;nilIruiiT.:iii;:'i.;1nild ;it':ltfi
#iiil si,:?ffi
iillJ#"T ii;*'T"-'lq:tli"llIsi':'"ll'J
.l,li;lnl il:*l:,T',,|'l'n,i,":':'";
ni;,::",,;Tilffi o l h i s* i l c
n'i.rin* ft.'utUfl heittl:tstcr'

AlthoLrghno chiidrenare represented in the tomb and the probabilitl,,

lnni was childless,the wish that hc might passon his officcs to his childrcnrvas
expressedin the biographicalinscriptionin his tomb.lSethe1927,66.,1).This was
obviouslya setfonnula ard wasnot always adapiedto the indivjdualcircumstaccs
in cach tomb.


f3y imy-r h3rmw

t'l'LES: as abovc
DATE: Early DvnastvXVIII
I,OCATION: Sheili cAbd e1Quma fi.349
BIBLIOGRAPFIY:P M 4 1 5 , 4 1 7

tomb is badlydanagedard unpublished.
No represerltations
of the scenescxist,apartfronl
a photographof the slatucgr0upin the niche.


WIF'E: Imn-btp PM(2)(6X8)

SONS: l;l/.ir-ir-lr andothers PM(2)?(8)
DAUGH'fERS: Trvourrramed PNr(8)
IVIOTIIER: Ipw nbtpr PM(8)NIMAT.1521
The wile is reprcsented with her husbandin two damagedscenesin this tomb
Pl\'1(2X6), and in the statuegroup in the nichePM(8). As no reprcscnrations of rhe
sccnesexist,it is impossibleto determinein whichpositionthey weredepicted.
Sonsarc rcpresented on the side walls of thc niche PM(8), and.possibly,thc
nranwho offcrs to thc tomb ownerandhis wife PM(2).is alsoa son.
The painted figures of two male children,probablysons of rhe couplc, are
dcpictedon the bxck (west)wall of the nichePM(8) (MN{,AT.1524). A smallfigure
standsbctweenZJ,) and his mothcrand a slightlylargcrfigure standson the left of
l-l-r''s wife.
Two snrrll fenale figures are also reprcsented.probably daughters. ltrc
snrallerone standsbctwccnljl and his wife and a slightiylargerone standson thc

right ofhis mother. All four figuresarc holdinga lotusbloom befbrc-their f'aces
'ltle with her son and his wife in a
mothcr of thc tomb owner is represented
statuegroupin the shrine.TJr! wife sitson thc left. i.e on his right hand Shehas
her left arm aroundhis waist. IIis nlother sits on lhc right' i.c. on his lcli hand
(MMA T.152.1).
The wife thereforelakesprccedenccover thc mother,as she sits on the right
handsideoI her husband.
in thc mnlb or rot lle
It is impossiblcto tell whctherthc fatheris rcpresentcd
is not reprcsented in the statucgroupin the shrine.

After the thesiswas completeda publicatjonof this tomb canleto nl) rloticc
(Nasr 1985,75-100,Tafcln 6-19). Apirrtfrom suggcsting thatthe tomb belongcdto
the rcign of Tuthmosis Ill and that the full title of IJr.. was i/x)-r h3rmu n imt r
pr r /,1r,,r,it doesnot add any other rclevantinlomration to thc above.


I.lpw-snb hm n1r tPt n Imn

u'tt.Es: S e t h e1 9 2 74, 7 1 - 8 9
l . e f c b v r e1 9 2 9 , 2 3 0 - l
LOCATION: SheikhcAbd cl-Quma
Gebelcl Silsila,Shrine15
Helck 1958,434-5
C a m i n o s1 9 6 3 . 4 2 - 5 2P.l s . 3 63 8
PLAN: ( Seenextpage).

As there are rcmainsof sccneson pillars and in the passage,th(rlomb was

probablyfully clccorated.Very few scenessurviveand the tomb is not published'
iln*"u"t, uI;ie*t, of th" parcnlssurvivein the passage(PN1(4)l-D'f iii, 262)' thcy
werc probably represent;don the walls' unlcssit was mercly a caseof thc lomb
ownei attribuiing-filiation to his father and mothcr' Aparl from the namesof his
yiclds no information 9b91t q'fanjly lt is
farents, the Theb"antomb of{pw-snb
io his single-chambcr shrineor cenotslrhrt Cchelel Silsila-No15 tCaminos1963'
4 2 - 5 2 ,P l ; . 3 6 - 3 8 )t,h a to n e m u s t t u m f o r r c p r e s e n t a t i oonfsh i s t J n r i l y A l t h o u g h
damaged,it doesprovidevaluableinfotmation
fr- I

- - u x l n . trrr -l
PM 121 J l l r l n r ' I)

WIF'E: I lnn )-htyt Nofth \Vall

SONS: (3-hprk3,rt:-snbl,tn
Lr tp\ tl t . t J l L p r - L lr - l S u u r h\ \ ' r l l
!pr-k3-rc-nfr fury-ltbt2 rw t:f lt:r-jJ t I N,rrth\\r.rTl
DIw'4-msrn-3hr Nonh Wall
Wsrp|.u1^ No(h Wall
I)AUGH'|IIRS: Sn snh tlw3t n1r lnt Inn)2\ SouthWall
. '13-nt
rsft? !mc.-tnt Imn South\\rall
I.lnwt-t.lx.y-lmctt nt I Inu ).1 LvorlhWall
I,lntrL-nf-L .lmt y-tnt I Imn l] Norrh Wall
ITATIIEII: |.lpw l1n-l,tbt 3-nw nlmn Southwall
N{O'I'FI|R: Icl1,lltp l- I nsx,t Nonh Wall
SISIER: I.l!-ms Norrh Wall
Nonh Wall: In the upperrcgistcr,thc remainsoi a slia]l fentalefiqurc stancls
above iLsmall figurc of flpw snb's son. 'l'hcy face a ttble piicd hish wilh food,
belorervhich sit l.lp\r-snb and his mothcr,(Caminos1963,I'1.37;.Ti," *nn,an ,,
ntrt.f llrnnl,|lp m3ct [rw, '. She is not ci'lled'hmt.f ,, but 1.roman
ostrakonfrorn Deir el Rahri (Winlock 192,1.20, fig.20) Inn-hip i.sknown as rhe
r'"ifc of fl2w-.vrD. lhis is ttle onlv reprcsentationof rvife in tie shrine
Four sons are rcpresentedin tlte shrine.
North Wall: A son pcdonns an offering belorehis fathcr and gratidntolhcr
ard in the lower rcgister, two sons stand, facinit right. alrernatiic with tu.o
drughters. un-derrhe searedfisuresof IJpw,snb andhls nither (ibiA.,pll3l).
South Wall: One son and tno dlughtcr: stancl,licing left, undcr the seatel:l
lirures of {/pr,.rrb andhis fathcr(ibid., pl.38). All rhe oftiprinr:have rhcirhxnds
rl their sides,$c men arc srridingand the womenhavethcir ieet ioeethcr.
diftercncein the reprcsentatiolof the two groupsof olTsiringcouldhavc
somc'si!nificancc.Sonsarc usuallyrepreseoted togethcrfolloweclLy d-au-thrcrs in a
ro$.lr lact that fie order on the North Wali is son, daughter,son. daughtor
l'l.l A. ,,*rulds.'cmto indicatethar [hescrre two sonsof
{2w-irb ancltheir wives.

'-r-Jr' here meaningdaughtcrin-law. On the Southwall a son and two daughters

are rcpresentcd.Pj.lR. Thc namcsof ihcse daughtersdilfer lrom those on the
\ o n l r W l l l : t l r c l a r cp r ' b a h l ; t r u ed l u l h t c r so f / / / t h v h . . .
On the SouihWall, Hpw-srD and his llther rrc serte(lsideb1 sideon a couch'
lacing left in PositionV (ibid.,PI.38)
6n the Nonh Wall. i/pn srrb and his mothc. are scaledon a couch,facing
richt. also in PositionV (ibid.,P1.37).
" In the lowcr registeron the samcwall. a sistcrof 1//h' rxb is reprcscrlted in a
position i; ftont of thc standing ligurcs oftis sons and thcir wives('l)'
TrJ wifc apperrsto play a subordinate role in this shrine.possiblybecauscol
the cxalled statu.sof the mothlr <:tfIJpw-snh who was probably a lltrll-rrsnv (Scthe
1927,485.9 ). IJpw'snlt'strigh oiTicemight havc beendue to the infhcnce of llis
mother. Horvevt'i.despiLe hei imponance'thc mothcris no morehonouredthanthe
la$er, who appcars wiih his sonin a rcciprocalscencon thc oppositcrvall
A brothci of {/pl' .tnb, s.(s49w nlr tPr Inot, 'SJ-lntn. is known lrom a stalue
of his father.flpn , ('t urin statue3061: Scthe 1927' 470' 17) and lrnorherbrother
whosenameis iost wasprobablythc owncr of T1'.227(PM 327) Thistomhisncxt
to l,ll\r-snb's, and thc fithcr of ihc ownerof TT.227had the samenamr:rnd titlc as
I,lpw-rn1;tlather. It is alsopossible thatlysr ('l-f.21) wasasonofHpl snb'

C A S E1 O

Sn n-ntwt imy-r Pr vr

.I'ITLES: S e t h e1 9 2 7 . 3 9 54 1 7
H e l c k1 9 5 8 4. 7 5 7
DAl'L,: Ilatshepsut
LOCA'I'ION: SheikhcAbd cl Quma Tl .7l
Deir cl Bahri TT.353
PLAN: (Seencxtpage).

Sn-nm*l wts the ownerof t*o tombs The carlierone' No T l' consisted of a
,r"nru.rr" hall and passage Thc later one' rt Deir cl Ilahri, was nlerel)'a burial
arc not
chambcr. Thus thi t\!o tombs conlplcntetlttilch ')ther' The--tLrnlbs
p"lf,tfr"a. l'hc earlicrtonb.althoughcomPlclel)tlecoratcdi' ro bldl-vdamagcdlhat
in thc hall only fragmcnisof scencsin onecomerremaiuPNl(l) & 13) However
remainsof somc scencsand slelacslill sun ivc in thc passage'

P M1 1 6


FATIIER: Rc-nrs s-Jb T T . 7 lP L { ( 1 ) (11)

N{O'I}IER: H3L-nfrt nbt-pr T T . 7 rP N . l ( 1 ) ( 1 1 )
BROTUIlRS: 'r'r'.71
Mnw-fitp wcb PNr(1)
Sn.i-mn im1-rpr n s3t nst+t TT.7r PM(9)
Imn m l.t3t l,tnrnt_rwi3 n Inrt PM(4)(8)
P3 -iry imt, r k3w rT.353 PM(E)
SISl'ERS?: Ich-htp TT.7l PM(1r)l
]-f.353 PNl(8)'l
NJ'rt-lLr 1-i.353 PM(8)
WIFE:Sa-zr-l'ft TT.71 PN{(9)
There is no evidencein eithertomb to show that.ft-n-n{,t q'as married,but
one must keep in mind the damagednature of the earLiertomb. Opinions differ on
the questionofSn-n-mnrt maritalstatus.llelck (1958,'17E) attfibutest\\o \\ivesto
Sn-n-mwt,Icfi-htp andNjlt-hr. Winlock (1928.50)believesthathe had two rvives
"one of whom was calledNolrethor". Mcyer (1982,8) doesnot believeS.,r-r-rirwt
was cver malTled.
The only representations that suryive of Icfi-ltp are t$'o woodenstatuettes
(Lansingand Hayes 1937,fig.50) and a damagedfragmentfrom the south*all of
'l'f.71 (ibid.,
tltenichc of f i g . 5 1 ) . H a y e s( 1 9 5 9 , 1lI) r e c o n s t r u c t sh e d a m a g c d
inscriptionas "his belovedsisterAch hotpe.thejustified". Llayesassumesshewas
Sn-n-mwt's sisterard not his wife as he refersio "her brother'sgreaf tonb' and
Lansingand Hayes(1937,36) refer to her as "one of his relatives".At this period.
'snt.,f' 'being
did not seemto havethe connotationof wiie,'!mt.,f uscdto designate
a w i f e u n r i lt h es l r d o t t h ei n L l e l c o d crncli 8 no l l u l h m o s iIsl l r r - e 6 i l ' 1 5I . 2 b r . '
Thc falsc door stela frorn TT.353 (PM(S), Winlock 1928,fig.4i: Winlock I 942,
PI.65)must be the sourcefrom which Helck andWinlock derivedtheir infomatioD.
Ho,,vcver,the two female figures, one of whom is erased,who appearwith Sn-rm*rt

',srl./ '
at the baseof thc stclaarc both rcfcrrcdto as and thus must have beenhis
sistcrs,aDdnot his wives- There is no mcntioncf a wife or childrenon any of lhe
nunrcrousdocumcntsol Sn-n-mwt.His brothcrsappcarto fulfil dre funcrirryroles
customarilyplayedby sons(TT.71 PM(1), Winlock 1921i,3ll fig.37). I must rgrec
with Mcycr that Sn-n-mwl was not maricd. Hc is accompanicdat the baseof the
stclaby threebrothersand two sisters.
The parentsof Srr-/l-nn'f arc rcprcscntcd twicc iD thc carlicrtomb.
PM( I ) lnncr linteI of entrancc:On fic lcft hanil sidc, .ln-x-mwt'.r brothcr
Mrlr-&tp offersto the seatedfiguresof Sn-n-mt\t and his mother{1"it-ny't(llayes
1 9 4 2 . l 0 & n . 2 3 . P l . l . 6 ) . O n t h e r i g h t h a n d s i d e .a d e s t r o y e d
f i g u r e o f f e r st o
5' lt nl't anclhis fatherRc-mi. In the drawing, is seatcdwith hcr son,on
a couchfacing left in I'ositionV. This is the customaryposcofa husbanditntiwifc
in thc EightccnthDynasty.
tt is impossibleto lell how Slr , rilr, andhis faiherare represenied exceptthat
thcy arc seatedsidc b)' sidc.
PM(l l) Statucnichcimd stcla(Bcrlin \4useum2066,t-l) iii.25 bis a). A small
sccncon thc lalsc door panel showsSr-r-rln, seatedwilh his parentson a couch.
Sn-n-mwt tntdhis fathcr arc scatcdtogcthcrlacing righl. the father'slefLhand on
his son'slcft shouldcr,his right handgraspshis son'sright upperamr, lhe usualpose
of a man and wife (PositionV) and therefirrethe methodof representing tirc cbscst
andmost lovingrelationship.Thc mothcrtaces the two men andiroldsa lotusbefore
lhe face of Sn-'amvl with her right hand. Although Sn-n-mv't rvas probably
qrmarricd,his motherdoesnot play the role of a surrogatcwilc in thc tomb. Onthc
lintcl. shc appearsonly as one of the parentsin onc of thc rcciprocalsccncs.the
father being representedir the othcr. On thc talse cloor,it is Sn n rnnt's lhther rvhcr
appelrsin a closeanclaffcctionate proximityto his son. It is thc fatheranclson$'ho
touch rnd enlbracc. molher seatedoppositethen, seems10be in a subsidiary
In the burial chamberat Dcir cl Bahri, there is a similar false door (PM(8).
Winlock 19,12.PI.65). Sa-rr-nrwtand his parenlsare represenled in the samcstylc
as in his Thebantomb, exceplthat they are scatcdon individualchairs.Whereasthe
motheris ,rrflf AJl-l/rI, his iatheris lt.,fnrf_r')l R'-ms .'l-he evidencelronr lhe
talscdoorsof thc tomb and burial chanbcr woulclseenllo indicatethat if .Sr?-/?-mrl
honourcclonc parent more than thc othcr, it was his father who u'as especially
lavoured. tends to conflict with the impressiongivcn by thc burial 01
Sn n-mwt's parcnts(Lansingand Ilayes 1937,12-3,1).This is a complicittcdmrtter
andwill be dealtwith in AppendixIII.
Four brothersof Sn-n-mwt are representcd in his lonlbs.
TT.7l PM(1) His brotherMny,-f4r ollers to Sr-/r-mnt andhisparents.
TT.71 PM(g)l His brolherSn.r-arr and his witc Sn-miI:I are seatedbefore
ofTcringswith an offering list. Sr.t-nn was lhe rnost importantof Sn-/|-nwt'r
brodrers, possiblythe eldcst.and lhusoccupicsa privilegedpositionin his tomb.
T1-.353 PM(4) Sn-n-mwt is purifictl by a sma)l figurc of his brother
Imn m-111tand a secondrcpresentation ol lmn m ofTcrscloth to Sn-a-mut
(Winbck 1928,fig.37).
TT.353 PM(8) At thc baseof thc false door stcla.Sn n mwt is representcd

\\,ithcach of threebrothcrs.P3 iry, lnn-n-l;t3t andMnv-fitp. IIis brolhersstand

behind Sn-n-nnrl with one hand on his shoulderand thc othcr graspinghis upper
amt. Mttr+,-l1tpis the only mcnber of the lamily to be mentionedin thc burirl oi
Sn-n-mwt'sparcnts(Lansingand Hayes1937.2.1).
It is possiblethat S - -mvl had anothcrbrerher Nb,r?r (Haycs 19,12,Pl.lX
no.,+7).His nanledoesnot sul.,/ivein eithertomb and it could be that hc $as nol a
lirll brotherof Sl -mut. A potsherd(ibid.. PI.XXIV no.134)raiscsthe inrrigurnl
questionof whetherthe falher of .ft-,-zrr4.rhad more than one wil'c.:(' I lhink it
possible that R(r-rt.! had norc than one rvi1t, drus N/) ,1.r coulcl havc been a
Aburialof achild, Inn l.ttp,1nthe vicjnityof thc tonrbof S/i ri rrlil (Lansing
and Hayes 193?.36),night be drat of a voung brotherof Sn rr-rin1. It was not lhc
burial of a poor child and althoughthcrc is no directconncctionllith rhe lamilr, ol-
Sn-n-mwt,the positionof thc tomb and its conlcntsnakes it probablclhatthct(]rvas
a conncction.The coffin containeda fine pair of Icd leathcrsandalsandthc tomb of
Rr-rrr and /.1Jr,r4r containcda bolsterof rccllcathcrand a pajr of rcd aDda lair of
vcllo* leathersanclals. child Intn |.ttp witsthe possessor of a l-itrcushabtitvith
an off'cringby stf scnllrn.f Sn-nw. AlthoughSn-nx' is nor known lts a brothcrol
Sn-n-mrrt,[,ansingand Haycsthink thatthereis a slisbt possibilitylhat Srrnl. was
a nicknamefor St n n|'t or even for,Sf?.i-rrr?.
Two women are rcprciicnted rvith Sri rr rrn l on thc falsedoor stelaof'l"l'.353.
Onc *oman standsbehindhim at the baseof the panello thc lcft of the centralone.
and Sz n uvt arc facing right, her lcft hand qraspshis left shoulderandhcr
right hand,his right upperaml. This is the samepositionin rvhichSa r url and
his brothersare rcprcsented.I Ier nameis illceiblc.only rar.l canbe rea.l.
Thc figure of the womanaccompanyingSn'n-ntrt on the panelright of ccntrc
hasbeen erased. She was sr?l./Ai?l-tr.
u e r e p r o b a b i yI h ei i \ t c r \ n t S r - r l r ? r rB.


Dw3.w,--nhh wl4rnw
tpyimt r gs-prn Imn
' 'I
LES: Sethe1927,452 4
H c l c k 1 9 5 5 ,1 3 7 9 - E 0
DATE: Ilatshepsut
LOCATION: ShcikhcAbd cl-Qurna TT.125
B I B I - I O G R A P I I Y :P M 2 3 7 ' , 1 I
I I e l c k ) 9 5 t t ;, 1 9 51( )

T h i s i m p o . i r r lco r ) , b$ J < ( o r n p l e r c l )

iltl decorated,but has not bccn publishccl.

The damagedstateof the tomb and the
paucityof inscriptit)nalmeterialmakc rt
diificult to detcrmincq,hichmcmbcrsol

/ il thc famiLyare represented in the tomb.


N,l()'t'HEit: rwrt P M 5 ) r( i 3 ) r r(?2 i )
tsRO1'FtERS(?): Nb.i ms wcb PM 5 ) r( 1 1 ) ( 1 9 ) r
rl.i PN{ 3)r
ll sr ic11 PN'I l)r
Bi P M 3)r
llsr p3 vr P M 3)i
Rc-[.--] P1\{ 3)r( l9)r
Sn.iftltwo-l .si PN{ 3)r?( 19)rrr
Biki wcb P M 9)r
["-]i3 nt PN{ 9)r
,\'!r sJ PN{ 9)III
srSl-!,RS(?): V pt-rnpt P\{ 3)r
,53t mrtw' PN{ 3)r
In.i PN{ 3 ) l
Ic|1'ms PN,I 3 ) r
3WO\IEN: ! S n l . i - s n bn b t - p r PN,I 9)ir
Sn.t-nfr Pl\''I 9)rl
Namemissing.!r11---l P\4(19)rr
1N{AN: /w ri PN4(19)lll
It is in.rpossibleto tcll from the tomb whetherDx,3.wv-'nll1 was nlrrried or
not. No lvoman in the tomb is callcd and thcre is no finn evidcncclor

The only femalefigure represented wirh the tomb owncr rppearsto be his mother,
allhoughon two of the occasions on which a coupleare reprcscntcd. it is impossiblc
t o i d c D t i f yt h e m . ( P M ( - 5 ) I I& ( 1 3 ) l l ) . S c c n e si n w h i c h h i s f a r n i l y i s s a i , :rl o
acconpanyhim, (PM(z) & (3)) are so badly danragcdrhat lirrle survjvcs. It is nol
possiblcto determinewhcthcra wife waseverpart of the family group. Insccncsin
which one would expect his wifc to irccompallyhim, he is represenledalonc
(PM(13)l (17)(18),or clsewith his mothcr(PN4(5)l).One coulil arguc,llratbecaLrse
of the damagedstatcof the tonb and thc is possiblcthata wjlc
might havc beenrepresented with hcr husbaodsonervhcrcin thc tonrb. Ilou,evcr.
thc strongestgroundsfor bclicving that no wife was rcpresented is thc prcscnccol'
threestatuesin thc niche (PM(21)). statucs,two men and a u'orran lr (lvlN4A
T.3521),must rcprcscntD|'-J.vt] nfli and his'lhc numcsarc illcgible.
but it is unlikcly that,'ln.l.ny nltk wouldbc accompanied by his farher andhis wili.
completelyignoringhis mothcr,who appearsr,r'ithhim clscwherein the tonrb. If hc
had beenrranied, one would expcctto find eithertrlo or lbur statucsin the nicheor
possiblythreeif he wcrc represeirted * ith his wift and his nrolhcr(c[. Cascsll and
2,1).I Iowever,thereis no questionthal lhc slatucsin this tomb ltreof lwo malcsrnd
one lemale.
It would appear,lhen, that Dr,-i.r_ralrlr did not rcprcscnra wile i his tomb
and thc probrbility is lhat hc was unmarried. 'l'his is supponeclby lhe lacl thar
no one. who can be describedwith cc linty as an offspring of Dn,.i.x'r.air{r,is
'.represenlcd in thc tomb. In the ol'fcringsccnc(l,lVI(s)l),il is I ltrothcrwho offcrsto
l)v -1.wy-nlltand his nlolhcr,rathcrthan dre sononc would cxpect. 'lhe only Iimc
thal a filial rclationshipis expresscd, thc man.r.i.,fr.i /lr. is rcprcscnted on lhe third
registerof thc banquetafier the brothcrsud sistersof thc tontb-o$ncr. IIe is
probablythe son of the tomb-owncr'sbrother(?)Sn.iy! whom ire sils
0\,tMA T.3519).
The motheris certainlyrcpresented twice in thc tomb andpossiblvtbur times.
PM(5)l A brother,with male guests,offcrs to Dn-J.lrt ,1, and his Imothcr]
(N'll\,1A T.3,197).The figureof the mothcrhasbeendestroyedso ir is nol possiblcro
tell in u,hichpositionthe pair \r'ereseated.
P M ( 5 ) l l F e r r a l eg u e s t sa n d o f l t r i n g b r i n g c r sa p p e a rb e f o r e a l c o u p l c l .
Damagepreventsthe identificationof this couplc. who lvere probablythc tontb
owner and his mother.
P M ( l 3 1 l l l r u n e r a r ys c e n ca n d I m a n ] w i t h o f l e r i r g sb e l o r ea c o u p l c . T h i s
coupleare,oncemore,probablyDu 3.*'t-nftl.tand his ntothcr.
I ' M ( 2 1 ) N i c h c c o n t a i n i n gi h r e e s t a l u e sl,r v o n t a l c a n d o n c f e m a l e( M N l A
T . 3 5 2 1 ) . T h c f i g u r e o n t h e l e f t i s m t l c a n d i s a l m o s tc c r t a i n l l t h c l a t h e ro l '
D*-1.w,' nl|ft. centrcfigurc is the tomb ovrnerreprcscnlcdas Osiris anclthc
femalefigurc on thc right,firr undoubtcdlyhis molher.
The father <tfDwl .u,,--nhlrsccmsonly to be represented in iltc triple statuc
group in the niche. Horvever.thcrc arc two unnamcdcouplcsin the tomb, one of
\\,hon might be the parentsof the tomb orvncr.
The small paintedfiguresbetwccnthc statucswcrc probablybrothersand a
sisterof Du,.l.wyl,jil,r.
'lhe is amplyconrpcnsated for by thc presence of
absenceof sonsand daughtcrs
n u m c r o u s ' b r o t h e rasD' d ' s i s i e r s ' .
The omissionof kiltshiptermsand the gencralnatureoi thoseuscdgive rjseto
the problems so oftgn encountered whcn attemptingto analysefamily rclationships
in Ancicnt Egypt.
P M ( 2 ) s c . l . A s m a l l f e m a l c f i g u r e s q u a t sb c l w e e nt h e s t r i d i n gl e g s o f
Dw3.wy-nftl1 in the fishing sccnc. She is unnamcdbut is probably a sistcr of
Dw,3.w,- nhh (MMA T.3.192).In the fowling sccne,a small male figLrrestands
behindthc tonb o$'ner.He is rn.f Sn[---] (MMA T.3492).
PM(5)l A brother,srf nrr.,fn st'ibJ vl b Nh.i n.i, otfcrs b DnJ.x'-r-f?lrllalld
his mother (MMA T.3497). He is also rcprcsentedfirst in both bancluclscenes,
though only called w'b A?.i-ras (PN'l(i3)l (19)l). IIe must lhereforebc a truc
brotherof Dnj.wt llff and alsothe eldestbrolher.
The problemsariseovcr the two blnquct scenes:PM(l3)1,on thc nonh wall of
thc passage and PN{(19),on thc wcst wall, southof the innerchamber.
PM(13)I consistsof lwo rows ofguests.sevcrlmen on the top row all describcd
'srr ' brother(PIU(5)I),
as / exceptthc first, the wt:h Nbi ms u4ro is known to bc a'1.3509)
and lbur lvomcnon the lower row all described as
PM(19) consistsofthrce rows ofgucsts.lacingthc statuesin thc niche. Apaft
from the third figure on the bottom row, who is .iJ fsI, nonc of thesefigurcshave
kinship temrsattachedto thcir names. Ilowcver the lcading figure is. once more.
rr..6Nb.l-ms, the eldestbrolhcrof Dx3.nv'nl1l7(l\'ll\4A l9).
.- Bccauseof theirpositionin thc lonlb.I think the men and womenin tllc banquel
PN{(19)are morc likely to be thosentostclosclyrelatedto thc lomb owner. Kinship
termsmighl have beenconsideredunnecessary bccauselhe rclationshipto thc lhree
figurcsin the nichewas self evidcntto thoseconccnled Thc problemsfill remains
of rcconcilingthc namesand rclationships of the t$'o groupsof peoplc. Ii they arc
all consideredbrothers and sisters. then tcn brothcrs and sevcn sistcrs lirc
rcpresentedin the tomb. Only two, possiblythree,nanlesare conlmon to both
groups.Becauseof the damagedconditionof PM( l9), it is difflcull to sa)'how maoy
pcoplewere originallyreprescnted in this sccne.In what renririns'lour male gucsts
arc rcprcsented on the lop row, three wolrcn on the sccorldrolv and threemcn on
thc thirclrow. The implicationis that thc men on thc third rorv are of a clifferent
familial slatusfrom thoseon thc lop ro\\'bccausedlcy are separated from thcm by a
row o1 wolnen.
PN{(19) The first man on tlle top rou' is w(/r Nb.i-nrs, the brothcrof
Du-i.w-r'll1fi. The fourth mrn R'r1 J is also one of thc men called'srr'/ in the
othcr banqLrctscene. llowever, there,hc is represcnted as sixth in a row of sevcn
and thcrcforeonc of thoscleastlikely to be a irue brothcr.if tirc sevenmcn called
in thc sceneincludehalf brothcrs.brothcrsin law and/orcousins Thc olher
trvo mcn depictcdbetq'ccnNl.l-ms and R'r1 / arc nol mcntionedin lhe othcr
barrquetsccrle.IIos'cver.becauseof thcir positionon this wall andbecauscthcy are
reprcscntedimmediatcll' behind Nb.r-nrs one can only surmisethilt thL) arc
brothersalso. 'I'he
In the seconclrow. at leastthrecwomenare rcprcsenled. namc of lhe last
' '
woman is missinc.unlcss .trt: is onc ol the clcnents of her namc rirtherthan a

kinshiptenrr. Thc othertwo womcnare nltpr Sn i-jnh antlSa.r-rrli.As theyboth

have thc clement',!r.i ' in their nanlcs,it is possiblcthat they lr.e sistcrs,prissiblv
lhe lrue sislersof Du'3.wy-tthh.Howevcr,their namcsdo nrtrappearantoitclltosc
ol llle four women describedas'Jl/.f in Pl\'l 3)1. .!a.l ra6. who is reprcsentcd
first and is calleda/rt-2r. mightbe the cldcsrsistcrof D x.l.w..r-nl1t1 wlro supervisecl
his houschold.
T$o otherpossibiliries exist.
(i) 'fhesethrcewomcn are lhe $,ivesof thc mcn uncjerrvhorl thc1,sit.nbt-pr
5a.l-srb beingthe wilc of the eldcstbrothcrNl./ ns. and lhal thcsc[rcr]
narried sistcrs. If this were the case.why shoukl thc sisters_inlar.vbc
reprcsented in a more prcstigiouspositionir1thc tontb thxn the si\tcfs of
the tomb owner'i
( 1 1 )n b t - p t S a . l s a D , t h e s i s t c r o f 1 J r 1 , - l . r ' 1 . r h rl rv,a sn r a u i c dr o t h c ,s i N / r l
r r h , ri r r e r t e dh r ' 1 " *h e r
If s.I .5'/l.ilftwt_v was thc husbandof Sn.i-nfr. lhcn it is probablethat shc
marneda cousinbccauseof the contnlonclemcnt'S/t.i ' in thcir namcs. Ilor,"
Sn.i'lfi.wn is not scateddircclly benearh.Srr.lnfi anclsheis not callcilnltt pr, sctit
would bc unwiselo speculatcon thercbcing any rnarilltlrclttionshipbctwec lhcsc

The thrcc male gucstson lhc botlonlro\\ allhavc the litlc'.!I lhcy ntightbc
colleagucsor retainersol'the tomb owncr bul bccauscol thcir positionon lttc wcsl
rvall of the inner chamber,they arc rrore likcly to bc rncmbersol his llnti11,..l'hc
'.liist iran. sJl si /x,, is probablythe son ,\
01 n.i-tll,txtt. bchind whom hc sits.
.\n.i-Ql.rx,nis possiblyidenricalwith snJ Sn!- I lhc scvenrhman in t)M0 3)1. IIc
too hasthe element'Sn./ ' in his namcas do lhc wontenolt thc ro\\ above. Iltc two
meDNrt and Sn.i-1ll1wtlare unlikclv to bc brolhcrsol'l)u.J.}1.rrfr{r as lhcv arc
scparated fiom the ntcn on ths lop row by a row of u,orncn. lhcy mu.sfbc.,,uri,r.u,
brothers-in-lawof Ihc tomb otvncr. If lhcv are thc husbandsol lhe $.ontcnon lhc
row abovethent,why are thc $'ivesol thc brothcrson the lop rorvnot rcprcsenlcd in
the tomb?
PM(13)l A rorv of sevcnmen tnd I lorverrow o1-fbur*,omcn i.trcrcpfescnled
in a banquetsccncbelbrethe tomb owncr in lllc passa-qe. 'l'llc
lcadinglirn is |i/r
N b . i m s w i t h n o k i n s h i pd e s i g n a t i o tnh. c o t h c rs i x a r ea l l c a l l e dr a f ' . l l - l h c s cs i x
ncn are all truc brothers,why is Nb.r-nls. rvho is knorvnto bc a brolhcr.not tlso
dcsignated'sr.,fand why do lhc othcrsix brothersuol appcarin lhc innerroo rl Ij
rl was a nratterol only sullicientl1rontlbr iirur brilthers.onc would cxpectthc lour
cldcstto be rcprcscnted, rvhcrcasND.r,t.!. the cl( followedby trvopreviousll.
ullnamedmen and a man r,"ltoir nuntbcrsi)i in lhc ro$ ol hrolhcrs'in lhe biul(lucl
scencPN'l(I 3)1.
The four wonren in lhc sccondrorv arc all callccl'.rlt.r/ bul tllclr nitmestll
dilfer from thosc of the rvorlcn in thc inner roonl. Il thcy are lhe truc sistersol
Du3.wy-nbll, whv arc drcy nol rcplcscntedin lhc inncr roonrl Pcrhups'.r.rirf'
heremcanssisterin law. Thcsewontcnnight be thc $ ivcs of lhe rtcn Llll(lcr\!nolrl
thcy arc represented.
Nlanyquestionsrcltrlitrunresolvcdin thc tontb.
It *,ould appcarthat Dr-i.r ].-/?ril rvasunmarricdlncl thlr his nrolhcrpla)cd
thcrolcof ir surrogate $ifc in sonre scencs. IIis true brdhcr Nr.i,rn,r pcrlitmtecl t)te
luncrarr ol-ferings in place of ! son rnd I nunrbcr ol mcn irnd \\'omcn. somc tt1'
w l t o m l r c c a l l e d s , / ' a n c i ' . i n l . / ' a r c r e p r c s c n t e di n t h c t o m b . T h e I - i , r i l i a l
rclalionship ofthese nren llcj uorncn to 1)rr'-llt a/rl,r is uncerllil. although sontc ol
lllcm rrc probablv true brothers ancl sislcts whilc others \!erc possitrly brolhers itn(i
sistcls-in law and/or cousins.
A cianaged stela rc uscd as building )alcfial itr the ntorluary tcntplc ol'
Arncnhotcp II nlighl throw sornc light on the problcnt of thc brothcfs and sistcrs ol'
l)vl vl-ntLlt rvhile raisin! sor:reIurthcr problelts.
Thc stela (L.lC' 1,1.161.Stcwlirt 197(r. 25-(r. Irl.l5) is lhtl of t)rc rriri r 7r lr
l ) n ' . l . w t - r - n l | l t . I I e i s s e a t c db c ' l o r ca n o l l e r i n q t a b l c w i r h h i s l l l h e r 8 r i - i i r n . lh i s
rr)olhe r M . $ r . / i . T h e y a r e l h c r e c i p i c n t so l - o l - f e ' r gi s l r o n t a m a n \ \ h o s e l i g u r c a n c l
namc are destroycd. In a rcgistcr bt'low arc lltc 1illurcs of six *onrcn llcinl thrce'
rlcn. Thc lvomcn are ,tu-nlr lot .\nt.l NJiI ). .\rr./ .!/?-.r?r, ,vtt.JRu h , lltl),
Int, nid It l.t nrs. first thrcc arc probably thc sxnte won)crl rvho appclr in lltc
bancluctsccne in lhc i:rncr rooDr (Pl\1tl9)ll) ol the tonth. Ihc lasl thrcc $ome arc
rcprcscntcdin lhc banquct sccnc in the plssage (Pl\{(11)l).
lhree rnen (D lhc stcll arc lrrb Nll.r-lrr, llrl lrrl? ld li. all ol whorn
appeltr il lhc banquct scene in thc passagcand 1\\o o1 rr,l)orrtappcar in whal re'rnains
ol the baDqLlctsccnc in thc inncr roor .
S t e w a r l ( 1 9 7 6 . 1 6 )r p p e a r s l o l g r e c r v i t h P e t r i e 1 1 8 9 7 . 5 . 2 8 P . 1 . 1 5 )w h o
d i s c o v c r c i lt h e s t c l a l h r t a l t h o u g i r1 ) l - l . r i t r . r r l r l t o l t h c s t c l el n d / J l - l . r r - r r { r l r o l
. 1 2 5 n r i g h t t l c r e ' l n t c r il .h e y c t n n o t b c i d c n t i c l l s i l c i ' t l r e l , h a v c d i l l i r c n l f i l r e n l \ .
I I c l c k u ' o u l d s c c n rt o l g r e c l s h c d i s t i n g u i s h e b ' sc l \ ! ! ' e l l t c l \ ' , o n t c n ( 1 9 5 t . , 1 8 I ( f i )
r n d , 1 t ) 5 ( l ) ) . / ) v r ' - i . r r -rrr' { r { ro f T ' 1 . 1 2 5 h t ' p l r c c s i n t h c l . c i ! : n o l l l r r t s h c l s u t( i b i d . .
. 1 9 5 ( 1 ) )n n d 1 ) u - J . x . rr r r l r f r o l t ) r c s t c l a h c p l l c e s i n t h c r c i g r l o l A n r c n h o l c l I I
I b e l i e v c , d c s p i t c P c t r i c a n c l I l c l c k , t h i . Llth c t \ \ ' o r D c l l a r c i d c n t i c e l . P c t r i c
suggcstcd that both men have the sanrL'titlcsbllt htvc riillircnl parcnts. is ot
allogclhcr correcl. Apart fr-omthc usual honorilic titles. llre only othcr 1i1lc
l) ofthe stelt holds is lllll o[rrll r 7rr']1). x litle lvhiclt docs nol
a p p c r f i n t h e t o n r bo f l ) { - i . r ' t n r r . l l o w c v c r l h i s i s n o g r c u l p f o b l c n l . I h c t i t l c o l
i n L t - t ' 1 t r v r r n r i g h t h l v e b e c ' r ra r r a r t l e dD x . l . r ' , - u h l . L l l t c i n l i l c . l n l l r c t o r u b .
lirllor)g othcr titlcs. 1)rr'.j.r|r''alrlj was nrtrtri //rl rr,l) t-Jrrr. /rrl./ o1 l l.l5-5 rvas
rlli/rx 4rr'/i.!rl'r and hc be'canrcint.t t ltt wr so thcrc is no rcasortrvhl' Drr:l l i-rrirl
n r i g h t n o t h a v c a t l r i n e dl l l i s o l l i c c t o o .
Thc parcntsof Dx-l.wr-rlrl.r do prcscntmorc ol a problcnr. llthcr ol
Dr,-J.rlr -a{rlr ol TT.ll-5 is unknown so thcrc is no rcrson rvhy /lrri-l ol lhc \telir
s h o u l dn o l b e h i s I a t h e r . I I o \ \ ' e v c r .t h c r a r r c s o l t h c n r o t h e f so l l h e t $ o n r c n d i l l i r .
olothcr 01 thc loulb o\\llcr vvas 7-J'rnlrl and thc nrolhcr ot lhc o!,vncrol thr
stcla $as Ml,'r'./1.This seenrsrn insunnoulablc obslacl!'but whcn lhc evitlencc rrl the
b r o l h e r s a n c l s i s l c r s i s c o I ] s i c l c r e c l a. l ] c x p l a n a t i o r ) l l r u s l b c I o L l r r d . l h e
corresponde ce between the ni.Inresol the siblings ol lhc l$o nrcn ard lhc or(l.r o1'
scoiority \\'hich is identical apa lronr 5a.i rair anci5rr rr/il who arc tho olhr. wx)
round on the stela, nlust indicatc thlt thc lrv(Jrren afc idcnticlil. llcrtlorc 7li ri rl'.ti arc possibl) lhe srnre wonriln. M\x.ti pcrhills bcing a pct n:in)c (rr u

doublcnamc lor T-l-rwnt, or vice vcrsa. thc only refercnccior the narneMs}
rn Rankcis this stela(RPN 165.15)and thc only referencefor dre nanie?-l r.l.rrr is
T T . 1 2 5( R P N 3 6 . 1 . 1 E I)f.t h e y a r en o t l h c s a r n cw o m a nt h c no n co f r h e n i m i q l r t bee
. l c p m o l l l er .
Unlbrtruutelyro tilles are accorclccl thc flther Bai-l on thc stela,*hich mdics
it difficult 10idcntii)'him. Rankeqivcs two refcrcncesfor thc namc Arr-l (RPN
9 7 . 9 ) . O n c f o r t h c s t c l aa n d t h e o t h e r f o r t h c u * r c r o f 1 ' 1 . 3 1 1 E . rri-l called
PJ-1.k3-mn. The possibility of a t'amilial relationshipbclleen lhis lJrrl-l and
D*3.v y-nhl car not bc discountcd.lheir tombsarc closeto one anotharand th.
slatucgroupsin the tonbs arepracticallyidcntical.It $ ould be tcmptingto seelllrij
as the father of Dl, nfr{r cxccpt i'or drc lact lhat Bni-j of TT.3.13cLocsnot
appcrr to hevebecn married- Therc is no cvidcnceiirr a !r'ilc or a son in his tonrb.
Dw3 .yt,y"- nl.tlt rrighi hlve beeoa brothcror a cousinof llrrij called P-l lJk-lntn.
The ioreign namc of R/liJ'.r mothcr,Ti-rw Lit, nrighthavc beenEgyptirnizcdro
I-l-rx,lt, the nane of Dl-l.wr'-lhh'.i motherin his torrlb.Br]-l'.r faiherrvascellcd
lrlx,ln-i in'l-1.3.13but hc might alsohevebeencalLcdB,ri.l like his son.
The fact that ficlck dlrcs the srclato the reign oi Anrenhotcpll is irrclcvlnr.
t , n l r r c f c r c n c ch e r i v e s i s t h e s l c l a i t s c l f ( 1 U l ( E ) )a n d t h i s i s u n d a t e d .I l c
probably datcs it to this rcign becauseit was found in the funcrary tenrpleo[
Ancnhotcp II, but ar it was reusc'das building nrateritl in rhc temple (Srcrvan
1 9 7 6 , 2 5 )i t m u s t h a v c b e e ne a r l i c r . A s ' 1 " f . 1 2 5o f D w J . } 1 y - n h / rl i e s i n c l o s e
proximity to the funerarytemplcof Anrenhnreplt. rl is p,,,,,,ible rlrir nlttcritl fronr
. t h c t o m b ,e s p e c i a l l a y s t e l au h i c h w i l s n e v e rc o n p l c t c da n c p l e r h a pn s c v c rl u r i n
placcin the tomb.shouldbc uscdas brLildingntatcriaifor rh. lemplc.

C A S E1 2

Nb-imn si hsbv,itralncltp-nlr n Intl

TI'I'LES: PN.l285
DATI]: Ilatshepsut
LOCA'I'ION: Kh6kha TT.l79
: 285-6

T h i s s n r a l l s i n ! i c - c h a m b e rt o n l b i s
darnagedand unpublishc,:l. A Nineteenth
D)nastytoorbopensout of rhenonh *lll.

PM 282

WIFE: Snt-nJrt. Pr.,r(2x,1)

SON: [iune mlssxrg PN,I(2)(1)',]
MOTHER: Itft-ms
FATHER: Itf imt-r pr n Nb T3wy
wifc is representedwiLhher husbandin two scenesand possiblyin the
PM(2) Nb lmz and his wife are seatedon a couch facing lcft in PositionVI. ln
her left handsheholds a folded clorhinstcadof lotusblooms.(SchotrPhoro.8519).
A Ison]offersto then.
PM(4) Nb-imn and his wifc are scatedfacing righr rvirh a man ofiering to
drem. This man is probably a son,eithcr the sameson as abovcor irnodrerson.
The parentsol Nh-inn arc namedio the tomb but becauseof the conditionof
the tonb iL is clifficult to tcll il rhcy are representedin thc banquetscene.

C A S E1 3

D[twty imy r pr-hQ

TITT,ES: Sethei927,4,+8 9
I I e l c kI 9 5 E5, 0 8 ( 2 )
DA'fE: Hatshepsut
LOCA'I'ION: DracAbii el Nagac'l'1'.11
PNl2i -2.1
H c l c ki 9 5 8 , 5 ( 1 8 ( 2 )

ilt This was an imposingtomb. Eitherit

was incompletelydecorated or maoy scenes
j,i have disappeared.The rcmaining sccncs

are badly damaged. Thc tomb is
unpublishcdwhich addsto thc diificulty of
determiningrvhichmembersof the larnily
_____l u'ererepresenied
in the ton)b.

PM 20


w ,!: Nanrc unknorr n P N l (I ( l )l ( l 5 ) l S l r r i n lc

Ir4()'t'HER: D Llx P N l l( 0 ) l ( l - 5 l l
FA'I'TIER: N a n r eu n k n o w n \ - l l )I I t ! | P \ 1 ( 6) (l 0 ) ' l
Bccausc of lfrc ruinc(l stirtc of thc lonrh. it is inrpossihlc lo 1cll \\Jrclhcr 2/l11t\
hncla rvilt or not.
PN4(10) On the east rlrll north ol the hell. llrrrrr is sertcd on r couch rr'ith a
\\'onlan and a man (Slivc-Sijdcrbcrgh lt)511.182.Abb.2). worrar cnrbrlccs hirn
i n P o s i l i o n V , t h c p o s i t i o n u s u r l l v r r l o p l c d b l t h c h u s b a n da n d * i 1 c . b r r t a l s o o n
occasion by thc mothcr rnd son. . I)orlcr und Nloss clcscribcthc lrio as : dc'cc'lrsc'cl.
is vcry danraged bLlt thc last colunrn. no.ll. fcads " ri\ n nht-pr Drlt nt-l(t r\nr "
led to tllc assurrplion that lhc \\'onlan fcprcscrlcd is llre nrotllef. 11coLrlclNcll
b c t h c c l l s e .b u t i s n o t n e c e s s l r i l ys o . l h e ' p r c r i o r r s c o l u m n . n o . 1 2 . r c x ( l"sr / r 1 ,.i'
rvhich obviously rc'ltrs to lhe lllhcr. Colunlns I lo I I givc lhc litlc\ lLndcpilhcts ol'
llilrr. A s t h c o r d c r o l p c o p l e r c p r c s e n t c dl .r o m l h c r i s h l . i s p f r l t r . * , o n r a n .n t r n
a : r d l l t c o r c i c ro l p c o p l c m c n l i o n c c li n t h c i n s c r i p t i o r irs l { r r r l r . l a t l r c rl n ( l r ) r o l h c r .
l h c i n s c r i p l i o n i s n o t c l c s c r i p t i v co l t h c g r o u p . h u l n r c r ( ' l \ l e u l o g y o l D l r r 1 t r
including his prrcntagc. Siivc-Sixlcrbcrgh { l95fi.2fi0) rs\unr!rd lhrt lhc'\\,onriirl\\l-\
thc ivife of Blrwl-r and the nrrn \\'a\ possiblj'his lulhcr and I agree *itfr this
a s s c s s m c n l - l nt o n r b s i D w h i c h l h c l o n r b o w n c r i s \ c l l e d w i l h l h c f a r c n l s . r l r s
invitriably lhc lathcr \\'ho sits nexl to thc lomb'owncf ilnd thc Drolhcr \\h(J sits in thc
r c x r .c n r b r r c i n gh e r h L r s L r a n d . l ' ) s c e n r sl o i n L l i c a t ct.h u i n t h i : s c c n c .Q { r r | l I i s
'probablv acconrpanicdb1' his * ilc a d his Inlh!'r (ither lhirn br his
larcnts. llthough
o n e * o u l d h a v c c x p c c l c dI l i s \ \ ' i l i ' l o h l r r . cb c e n n a r r r c d .l l e l o * l h c l r i o r l r el \ \ o r l ) c r r
and three rvonien sclui.!tli|gon nlals. LJ lorlLlni!l!'l)'lhcir rllnics hx!!'bL-eD cfrscd
a n c lt h c r t ' i s n o r v a v o f c l et c r m i n i n ! w h c t h c r t h c v i l r e o l l s f r i n ! o r s i b l i n g so 1 ! / r r r l r .
P M ( l - 5 ) l l - l l l I n t h c r c p r c s c n t a t i o no f t h c A b l r l o s P i l g r i m a g c t i b i d . . A b b . 6 )
trvo figures are shown scitlcd ir l kio\k orr ir boirl. Iltc nilnlc\ ol lhc corrplc hlrc
lten crescd bul Slive Sijderilergh acccpls thll it is gcnc(rlll lhc dcc.lscd ilnd his
rvilt rvlto sit untJcrlhc canopv- (ibid., llt9). IIo*ever. lhe rroll)cr hls bccr kno\\r1 1o
occupy this position cvcn \\,hcn lhc lonrb ,urvncrhlLsl * ilc ('l l .I27. l\'ll\1A l.ll0l).
I f i t i r l h e c a s el h a t 2 { r x t r " . r \ \ ' i l e i s f c p r c s c l l c ' d$ i l h h i r r i n l ' \ 1 ( 1 0 ) r n d ( 1 5 )
t h c n i l i s p o s s i b i ct h i l th i s n l o l h c r j s n o l r c p r e \ c n l c di n t h c l o n r b l l a l l . l l o $ c v c r t h c
tonrtl is so danlagcd thrt lnv e'r'idcrce'o1 hc'r clcpiction in thc tomb couLd huvc
disrppcarcd. fact thiil. liccorcliugto lhc plun. thcrc rppcur 1o be the rcnrains ol
o n l y t u o s l a l u c si n t h e s l r r i n c 'w . o u [ 1 s u p p o r l t h ( ' c o n l c n l i o nt h l t i t i s h i s r i i l t $ h o
appcarsu ith hiDr rathcr than his molhcf. Whcn [:ightcerl]t l)\'d|\1\ lonrb\ hlvc l\\ o
s l r i l u c si r r t h c i r s h r i D c st.h c ) ' a r c .* i t h o u t c r c c p t i o n .l h o s eo l l h c 1 o n l bo u n c r u n d h i s
pfill]. does attriLrLrlc fililllion lo his nrothcr on thc slclx (rDtire l]onh \\irll ol tlle
Ilall (Sethe 1917. .1-11.9) and hcr nuurc sun ivc\ ir lh!' hilrLlucl sccn!-.
]'he futher ol lllrl1 rI problrbl) xlfcilfs 1\\ic(- in thc lorub.
PN.1((r)On thc lcli lhickncss of thc cnt|lincc lo lhe hrll r snrrll ligLrrcol ll nrin i\
r c p r e s e n t c ds t a n c l i n gi n f r o r r t o l Q { r r r t r . I I c h u s b o l h h a r L l sr a i s c r li n i l n l d o r i d !
p o s i t i o n l i k e Q l l l r - r ' , b L r th c o r l l r i : l c h e sl o 2 l x l r ' . \ \\llisl.rl irrscrillrorl
abovc his hcad is dalnaged bttl lrom ruhat rctrlrins. it sc.'rrr\ lhitt he' *lts it / .r.l/r

I' I m-t---l (ibid.,Abb.4).

PNIll0) llc is rcprescntcd bchindllrrtr andhis rvifein thebalcluersccnc.
Hclck (195E,397) statcsthar it is doublful\'lie0rcr drc ftmily of !fx,n helcl
hi-sho11iccltcause he ncvernamcshis lathcr. This is rrotthe casc. plrr.t"- nanlcd
I r i . t . r l r r er nt J r r . p r , . r c n thei dr r i n t h , . h ; r l , l u.e. li r r Lr ' , , 1r . . . , , p , i r e , , t , irJn , in : , r n c . r
him on ilne of the thickncsscsof the entrxnce. Unii)ttuniltelvthc nartc has not
surr,ived.Therc is rro rvly of knowirr,..t uhlt trrler2lrl n r tlthcr hcLtlls lte'js onlv
referredto as ' ' lnlt this c]ocsnot necesslrilymean that hc rvasa comrnoner
w i t h o u iI i l l e s .
questionu,ill bc cxaminedin PartII of thc thcsis.
lact that it is inrpossiblcto lcll Nhelltcr'thc male and lcmrlc figurcs
rcprcsentcdin Pl!{(l0) are tltc childrcnor thc siblinssof lllix..l_r,doesnothelpin
the analysisof dre family strucrurcof Dliwtl.. 'lhc absence. too. of the fo\\,linga d
lishins scene(P\'l(13)l) ivhcrc thc q'ife and children are oftcn rcpresentcdis I


I1nnlltp (.1):r inn r Llwt lv n3 n thnt* l.r(wt) n pr lrnn

TITI-ES: Sethc1927,45-563
I)_{1'E: Ilatshepsut
LOCA'I'ION: Sheikhc.\bd eI Quma TT.73
: t.+3I
I Ielck 1958,47lJ(.1)

l - h e t o r r , b r , .r . l r . , l - r r l . , n c t < .
completed. Onl)r thc hitll remaios.
coo 1 a l cu r . 1 1t , r n . r i r . i r 5
decorating the nonh bay of the hall
t li e r r ( i A ' c l n r . .

--__l and theseare damaged.

PM 136

\VIFE: Imn m ipt 33 P N { ( 1s) c . 3 ?

SON: Nameunknown P N { ( 1s) c . 1
FATHER: Tti PN{(2)Nameonly no
N,lOTHER: Plvl(2)Namt-missing
no repr..ct,t,.lion
BROTHERi wcb imy-r k3wimt-r Pi\,I(l)sc.2
inwty n Hry-i.f
It is possiblethat the wife of the tornborvneris representcd rvirhhint receiring
thc produce of the Delra PM(l) sc.3 (Siive-Siiderberqh 1957. 8). There is no
i l l u ' t r r t i o no f t h i i : c e n c .o r r l yS a r c . s d d e r l ' c r g
PM(l) sc.1 A man,probablya son,offcrs a bouquctto rhe tomb o$,ner(ibid.,
PI.VI ). Apartfrom this no representation of childrensuNive in the tomb.
Neitherof the parentsof the tomb ownerarereprescnted in wh;rtremainsof tfrc
scenesln the tomb. Howcver, in an inscriptionaccompanyingpN{(2) rhe tonb
ownerdoesmentionhis parents.He is ir a 1 -l tti ns n [---]. (ibid.,pl.VI).
PM(1) sc.2 The fowling and fishingsceneis badly damaged.Apan fionr tht,
tomb owner, the only memberof the family whosercpresentation survives,is the
brothcr whose snall figure holding a sparespearis shown behind rhe tonib orvner.


\dw n.f c3-m1r imt-r niwt13tr


TITLES: Sethc1927,489-9.1
DATE: Hatshepsut- TutlLmosisIII
LOCA'I'ION: SheiktrcAbd el-Quma 1T.83
IIelck 1958,435(4)
tomb is not published. Ir was
either not completedor verv badly
damaged.Only onc sceneof ritesbefore
the mummiessecmsto havesurvived.No
scenesof the family remain,if indeedthey
were ever there. Horvever, soinc
membersof the firmily are reprcscntedor
mentionedin the cenotaphwhich 1cft-ns
shared with his son lVrr, ar Cebel el
S i l s i l a( C a n i n o s1 9 6 3 ,5 7 6 3 , P l s . 4 5 - 4 7 )
andln Theblu rombs61, 131,82, 100,228
& 122.
PM 160

WIFI]: T1-'-J-ntw:ta
SONS: \lsr inr-,--rniv t |-it y-
Imn-m-h-lt imy r hntl
Nf htp imy-r lttc rt ! Intnl lvn-n1r2 nw n Imn
Nfr-vthn wtb n Intrtl
Nht .,r(1,n M$1
li r t h l : t . t - l t h4t' . 1/ r r ' . r t j ' , F - , " - l
lmrtms sltpr haln lwr(l')
t3-hltr Ll r' lutt-r:4r Mnlw (l)
NJit iry (l)
I\-LAW: Tuiu lot '3f
B-ikt lmt s3.l
MO'fIJER: It:l htp t { e l c k( 1 9 5 84, 1 5B )
On the north wall of Shrine l7 at Gebcl cl Silsila (ibid., Pl.'16)'r-l-/rI{' was
represcntcdscatedwith his wife f'acingright. The figureshavc bcen completely
erLsed.Thcir son. tlre vizier llli| anclthrce rcgistersof altcndxntsoffer lo thenr.
Bclow the seatedcouplc,thc stridingfiguresof fivc sonsare represented.Bcloq
llisl arc rcpresented the s.l-rrr*,tlwrl followedby a row of scvenstandingwomen.
'l a womanrlho is
he leadingthreearc daughters, follou'cdby two daughters-in-law.
possiblyanotherdrughrcr-inlaw or a grand-daughter airda wontann'hosenamehas
On the north end wall of thc hall in lhe tomb of his grandsonR/r-ml-rt
(TT.100), cJ-mllr and his u'ife arc rcpresenledscatcdon a couch in PositionV.
Bchind them squat six sons on lhe top rcgistcrand three dallshtcrson the next
register.(Davics 19,13, Pl.lX).
As the latertomb dcpictsonly six sonsantlthreeclaughtcrs, as doeslhe sluincat
extentof thc larnily of (rJ-nrln and
Gcbcl el Silsila,it is probablethat this was lhe 'l-1.228.
T3 c3-m1w. Imn ms s! pr-l.tln /mrt, ownerof who claimsto lravebeenir
nim)--t nivt lJ4' 'J-m4r' in thc ccilingtext of his tomb (DavicsandGarcijner1915'
thc childrenof'J-nln and 7-i-rr-J-zrlx.Gardincrdoesnot rnakciL clear $'hctllcr
the attribufionof filiation to the mothcrhad beenomiLLccl or destroycclc3-ltprL1 rt
hnt nlr n Mrtw who follows !'.! sonMrl n-)t:t in ollering to lV.v in'l-1 122
and p,homGardiner(ibid.. 33) takesb bc thc brothcrof IVsr rnd rhusthe son ot
.,j-r?l1r, is actuallydescribedas 'rrrw/ ' rvhichcould indicatca relationshipother
'lhe '
than that of full brother(F.230). only othcrpossiblentcntionof this brother'
of !/.rr is in the lower destrol'cdregislerin PM(3) TT.lt2 (ibid. ll) where he is
' lor
describedas "A brother,name lost. lJtrt- 0 ln Mnlr . A,s the lcmrinolog) '.tr?',
brotheris not tiven. it is impossible to tcll whethcrthc more usllal or'Jrtrl

wasused. [t is possiblcthal {,1-,t4rr Lj I was a son-in-lilrvor sonoi a ntinorn.ilc or

concubineof.-i-nr4r,'.ror evenan tdoptcdson.
other person whose relationshiplo /r-i ,ill1 is Alir-irr..
'.J nln and his wife are usuallydcpictedwith
threedlu-qhtcrs,lt I,t-ns, l(:lt lttp
and Srrn-,4tp.Ilowcvcr in'l-1.82 rniong thc laruil_r, of ll'rr is rcprcscnlcda q.irnrln
clcscribedas .rrr./ NTit-i^ (ibid., Pl.lll). the sisrcr ol ancl thcrcli)re lhc
daughterof.3-m1rl. Shc is depictcdbchindrhc sonslnil c]aughlcrs oi ll,rr. It sccnrs
co incidentalthat in a rcpresentation ol-the lantily ol the lontb o$,ncrol l"f.g2,
Inn n-18t, a fenraleJrt.,f^fil-il1 alsoafltearsirl thc cnd of a row ol lntn nt h-lt'r
s o n sa n d d a u g l r t e rosn l h c s o u t hr v a l lo f L h es h r i n e( i b i c l . p . I . X V I I I ) . ( o u l , . jl r c l
appearance in the lanrily of li,rr, in thc sanletorrb. havebccn a scribulcrror.l lI ir
is not a scribalcrror and r/lr.rf,\pr ir.l, doer havc a pllct' in rhc fanrilvol il,v. ir is
possiblethat sheis a half sistcrof Wsr. lting a daui:htcrol ,-l-arlrri bv a rvonlirn
otherthan TJr:-l m1r and lhus not shownwith thcntand thcir lrnrily. Iicr.positi,ln
afler ly.rrt daughterssccns to favour this inlcrprclaliolt. On tltc olhcr ha d shc
might bc a concubineof W'sr.
Of the dar.rghtcrs-in larv of i.l n1r,. the llrst one,l-l,ll,. is obviouslvthe u.ilc
ol his eldestson lVrr (ibid.,I,1.lll)and lhc secold onc B-ilr is possibl,v- tlir w irc L,f
his secondsolr l-it. The kinship tcfit) fi)r lhe c'xl wonlu) lJ-Jtt is ciantagcd,
so it is impossiblcto delcmtineif sheis a dauehterin,larvor a eranddaughtcrl,
.!i/ This scemsthc mostprobablercaclingasthc '^ " rvhichis prcscntabovclhc
'.i-l '
sign is not prescntin thc writing ol' liltfl) J-l/ in lltc prcvioLls llvo clrscs.
, l ) n e p r o b l c mr e m a i n st:h c q u e s t i o no l l h e p l r c n t so l - ( - l - r r l | 1 , .I l c l c k d 9 5 g .
Ilesondcres Blatt von s.435)namcs It \ htp as lhe norhcr ol .-i-nr1l arrdlcave,s his
i a t h c ru n n a m e t l .D a v i e s( 1 9 , 1 31, 0 1 )s u g g c s tfsx r i r - J - / r r ri1r tA - r h t r | r r r r t a s a
p o s s i b l ec a n d i d a t c . l w r l i s r e p r c s c n t e dl c a d i n g t h c f i l c o l i i a u g h t e r sa n d
d a u g h t c r isn - l a w i n r h c s h r i n er t G e b e le l S i l s i l a( ( i a m i n o s1 9 6 1 ,l , l . j 6 ) . e l c k
( 1958,290) thinksthis unlikelyud I asrcc$ ith him. 1hc clrrcnologyis *.ronq.roo
largc a trme gap exislsbctrveer.Ii1.r.iiiitd.r-lnI[, Also it is unlikcll,thxt suchiln
irllponairlnlxn as fxtt, beingthc falherof r.j rltlx,,would bc clcpictcdil suchan
i n l e r i o rp o s i t i o n c. q u l l i n s i z et o t h c s o n sa D dd a u g h l c r .asn d l e a d i n st h c f i l c o l '
wornen. Ncvcrthelcss, as he was not a collcagueof.-i-rr1}1. hc rnustI vc sloodin
closclamily rchtionship1()him 10bc rcprescnted wilh his lamily
Anothcrpossiblccontendcris Tti imt-r fih.tvn itl ntv nh W3 st. rvhohad a son
st l' lrns with a wife called T-1(-l ntt_tr.. This couplchacla sonsI tntn-n ltlt (Stdlr
rn lhc lfood collcction.Ncwbcrry 1902,2,16).lhis coulclbc I(:h nts(-l-n1r. clrly
in his career. Ilc and his wife f-i ili rrr,r ltutl r ron crrllcrl /nrr nr IIowcver..
thc wili ol Tri and motire'rol It lJ nrr ol the \tcl.r rr c.rlle'rl 1r ll. q hich causcsa
problcnrirs,accordingto IIelck, the nolhcr of I( t:-l-nyw rvascallcd/.1
I i o u c v c r I I e l c k ( i 1 3 - 5 8g)i v c sT T . 8 3a s r h eo n l v s o u r c eo f t h c l n o t h e r ' ns i r m c .A s I
ciln lird no rclerenccto the nao)cof the ntothersun ivins in thc tomb (p\l I (r7)one
nrLrsltrcat tire'ntme $ith cautionitnd it is possblclhal thc ntotheroI r'-i-ral|1,wiis
callc'd bl lnolher n.nle. It would bc temptingto sce tl}l,Il as an altemauveor pcl
ItiuDcIor /(r-r4) if Lhiswas the nantcof r-J zr1w.'.r molher.or as a scribalcrror lor
f r i r r w h i c h i s t v e l l c j o c u m e n l cat sl a n a l t e m l t i v eo r p c t n a n l et o t I L t t - t l p l c l .

'I'l-.81 to bc any ljnk betweenTtl of the FloodStelaand

et al). ltlere doesnot appcar
thc lamily of lcfi-ms lwri. had a grandsonTli who would beve ltcn a
contcmporaryof 'J-nir,'s. His titlesand his wile nanie(B NIHT v.5 Pl 25) bcarno
rclation to thoseof 7, of the llood Stela LIc could not have becn the fllthcr ol
ci nU,. It is. nevertheless, possiblethat c-l m1t was a grandsonofflrr, possibly
anorhcrson ot lt:fi ms P3 nlrsy @r P-1'1nl?) the only known son oflrrri. (ibid '
PI.25). PJ nlls-r'.rrvife's nanteis unknorvn.
flowevir, uniil nrore evidencc is discovercdthe problem is incapablcoI
solutionthoughftl of thc Hood Stclanlustbe a strongpossibilit).

C A S E1 6

Dh* ty lr,b3-a.tlr'lwl.tmw-nswt

TITLES: D a v i e s1 9 3 2 P
, ls.39-'1'1
DA'l E: Hatshepsut TuthmosisIII
LOCATION: SheikhcAbd ei-Quma TT 110

This tomb vas nol completed,ihe jnner

room beinguninscribed.It is veil'danraged.


Pt!{ 220

WIFE: 83kt llmt.f nht pr PN{(6)rV

FATIIER: Psd iry(?I s3b PN{(6)rXI
NjO.fFIItR: Kr*+ nbt-pr PM(6)l lil
Thc oDly represcntationof mcmbers of the family b this tomb is in nvo banquet
sceneson the eastu,all nor*r of the hall.
P.N,I(6)IVNo depictionofthis sceneexjsts, but Davies(1932,2U5)clescribes ir
thus: " The lower sccDeshuwsagaiDa marricdpair seatecl bchincla formal table".
l h c p f , r ra r e/ ) r u t . r r n d | r u . [ m r t ,1 t n h t - p rB J k t r i b i d . .f l . J 3 c y .
PM(6)I-Ill Two men and a woman sit belbrc an oi'fcringlablc. A man itncj
wonan sit on low back chairs,facint right the mun hd\ his hanrlon the shoulderof
anotherman seatedin front of him. Thcy are Bfwl1, his fatheranclmothcr(ibid..
2134, Pl.44e). A man dressedas a s,r?-priest oflbrs to thcm anii three re[istersof
g u c r l \a r er e p r e . e n t ebde h i n dh i m .
scene in which [lwr_"- appearswith his parents is ]argcr and more
p r o n i n e n tt h a n t h a t i n w h i c h h e a p p c a r sw i t h h i , $ i i c . l r i s i m p i s s i b l ct o r e l l
whetherthe importanceof his parentsaccouDtcd fbr this promincnce. His fathcrs
sole title is 'sJD ', but this docs not neccssarilyimply that he held no othcr titles.
The fact thathis motherrvassinply 'nbr-2r ' doesnot iulc out the factthatshcmicllt
r l r o h . l v eb c c ua ' f k r t - n s u t .. "
plrn 4,t officcs of 'wb3-nswt' arul'v,bmw-nsv,t '
indicatca closcand intintate
relationshipwith the king and it is possiblethat he owed this relaljonshiplo the
inportance of his mother or fathcr. This would seem thc only reasonlirr the
pre-cminencc ofthe parentalgroupo\cr rhalof B&wn and his u,ifi in his tomb.
It is probablc that the Jm priest performing the offering to D/rrt_r. anrj his
parcntsis his son. Probablyhis only son,if wc canqivc credenceto lhc stelaon tlte
soutllwall ofthe hall (ibid., PI.40lrnc12t. is rhc d.rntcrof reading
a Iiteralmeaninginto what is merelya conventionalfonnula. .lhc r.iishlbr Drun
, is " nl-r.lrrn.k s3 mrr.k smrt fir irt......". " May therebc narshallctjior you- you.
belovedson and lricnds......".If it was mercly a convcntionalfbrmula,one would
expect son'alsoto be in the plural.

C A S E1 7

Sn nricl7 si- nswtimy-rpr-ll

TIl'LES: Scthe1927.49,1516
H e l c k1 9 5 8 , 5 0 8 ( 3 )
DATE: Hatshepsut %
LOCATION: SheikhcAbd el Quma T1.127
t l e l c k1 9 5 8 , 5 0 8 ( 3 )
Pt-AN: (Seenextpagc).
This tomb was almostfully decorated
but is badlyda,naged.It is unprLblished.
wasusurpedin Ramesside times.

PM 238

\V]VES: (a131I'ti-snb hmt.f snt.fnbt pl PN{(3)r(1)(5)(8)?

( 11 X1 5 )1( 6 ) (r2)
(b) Sn-.rnb hntJ nbt'1tr PNl(18)
FAl'HF]R: W3Q-nts s3b PNr(5X10)(16)
MOI'HER: Icl.rms nbt-pr P N l ( 5 X 7s) lc . 2 ( 1 3 )
BROTIIER: Icl ms P N { ( 1 s )( ?
Sn m-ich ts represented with two wivcs in the tomb. This appearsto be the
carlicsttomb in which the tomb owner appearswith eachof tqo wives in his tomb.
Tti-snh is depictedwith him sevenor possiblyei-qhttimes,whereasSn,snb appcars
once only with hinr on thc south wall of thc inner roorn.
PM(18) Sr-ri-ic& and Sr-szD are seated,facingleft, in PositionV. they are
thc rccipicntsof offeringsfrom lectors. Sheis hmt.flbt pr (MNIA T.3207).
PM(3)I sc.2. fri'snD and Sn-m-icl7 are thc recipientsof offeringsfrom a
priest. They are seatedfacirg left. The sceneis danagedbut thcy arc probably
seatedin PositionV. Sheis snt.,frbr-pr (l\'lMA T.3174).
PM(4) Ttt snb andSnmic.! are seatedonacouch.facinglelt in PositionV, in
a paneiat the top of the falscdoor. Shc is srt./nbr-pr.(\IMA T.3176).
PM(5)I Sn-n-lch and wi1'e(namemissing) are sertedfacing his parents(N'IMA
PN{(5)ll Sn-n-lcf ar.d[Tt]i-snb are seatedon a couch facing right in Position
II except that Sn-m-ich is holding a staff in his left hand (MN{i\ T.3177 8).
PM(8)I Sa-ra-lch and,snt.fnbt-pr, nrme missing, but probably lri-snD
receivingofferings(MMA T.3168).
PM(11) Sn-nr-lcl and Tti-snb fishing and fowling. In both scenesa small
figure of the rvife kneels.with one knee up, betweenthe striding legs of her husband.
Orre hand graspshis calf and the other holds a lotus bloom. She is ,.vrrl rrrll
n b r - 2 r ' . ( M M A 1 . 1 I8 2 - 3 ) .
PM(15) A son (?) offers tn Sn tulh urd l'ti-snh seatedon a couch l.ircin.q
right. in PositionV. Six femalcrelativcssquatbclon,. She is'srtr.Jntrt.f nbt pr ,
(MMA T.3196).
PM(16) A brother offers t(t Sn n-i( ll ind.l.ti_.rnb scateclfacing right in
Position V. It is impossiblelo rell if fri szD is dcscribccl&s .tnt.f ,;t,int.l.
because of damagero rhc linrcl(M\4A T.3197).
I'jM(21)_Sll-nr-icir and T:.-snh. 'lhe sccnc is verv clarnagcd,but over thc
rcnrainsof thc figurc of 'l ti-snb is thc inrcriprionltit.f sntJ:7 ti-snb (N1NlA
_ This rs the nnly sLrnivingoccasion '.
in the tonb tltat Tti snb is rcferrctlto as
4 r r l . / , c l s e $ h r r er h c i s ' r a r r f T h e f a c tt h a t s h ei s c a l l e d ' l r n r l . s , r . f c o u l d
imply that she was his wife and his sisterand could be used1oalTimrrnal pnvale
i n d i ri J u a l si n r h e E i g h t e c n r lh) l n a s t yc l i dn 1 a r r yt h e i rs i s l c r s . h c r ei s n o d o u b t .
Dc(JUse uJ.theJlumbcr utd tlpe of scenessheappcarsin , thal ftl sal t\'asthc wilc
o r , \ u - m - t ' h . t l t J l l o t t l ) c \ es c c n e sh. o w e v c r ,e x c c p lo n L , s, h e i s c a l i c c ,l r a t . l , .
'Ilrereforc'.rrr.l '
is usedin this tonb as an lltemativi lor.'lnt I . possiblvin this
cascit alsohasthe widcr connotationof someson of kinshiplcrm. Ihc quesl]onor
the u-scof '4n1.,f'and 'rrrf ' will be trcatedin depthin part II ol.thc studv.
When rnorelhan one wife is depictcdin a tomb it is usuallyimpo::iblc to tcll
r.vhichwas thc first wife and evcn to delelnine rvhether'uliot they rver.,
fiis tontb,Sr?-ir, is represcntecl only in the inncr roorn,lhc last paft ()1thc
lomb 1()be dccorated.Thc temptiitionis to scc Ttl .ii?/, as the jirst rvifc, rvho is
rcprescntedin most scencsbecauseshc sharcd,nost of hjs life. When shc ciiecl
Sn-rr-/.1 marriedSr-srb who is rcpresenled in thc latcr part ol.the lomb. lf this
rnterpretalron ls acceptedand thcreis no casc of scribalerror, thc|n'll, .l.JnL.J,
mrrst.signiiythat Sr-m rcl marricdhis sister,half sistcror possibly.nuii,t ull ,
alsohasthis connotation. "ri
The altemaliveinterpretation. which I favour.i\ tlut.Sr_.rr, washis lirst wifc
rrho dicrl premlturell. Sn n-i h lhcn nlarricdher sister7ll-rrrbr,rwho sharedhis
l l l c a n d - l \r e p r c s e n t et h J r o u g h , r ut hl e t o n b . I l o w c v c r .a s a s i g Do f r e s p c c t1 o r h i s
first wifc, sheis represented rvith him on thc sourh$,all of the-inncrroonl wrth thc
dcsignation'hmtJ'. His seconclrvile and sistcr-inllw flr rcpresenled on
the opposite(north) rvall of the inncr roornas 'fnrt.,/sll ,. the onli placc in the
bmb where she is called'hml.rf '. Elservhcrein the tomb she is iailecl 'srr.r',
lndicatingthtt sheis his sistcr-in-laru.
As it is probablcthat the decorationof this tomb was comnteDccd cluringthe
rcign of Hatshcpsut and as fu-srrD is called''rrl 'r\.,hcnrcprcscnted wirh Jrr ri-i,.lr
as his wif'ein thc hall, the earlicstpafl of the rombro be deiorarcd.this couldbc rhc
earliest.known example of the use of '.rrt ' ltl indicale a rvifc, dcspite dem!,s
c o n l c l l l i ot nh a lt l ) i 5l r . l c t i Cd. i ( l I \ , , r r l m c n .uer r t rt ll r c , n l ck , i r r ro l l l r t l r n r , , .l rl l.
( C e r n i 1 q 5 4 .2 8 ) .
As this tomb belongsb the transitionalperiod wten thc terns'.rnt.,f and

irlrtl becameinterchangeablc. confusionwi r regardto thcir usc night havc
arisenand both temrsmight havebeenusedunnecessarily when describing7ir ,rll
'srl.,f '
in the inncr room. If this was the clrscthen the useof rvith 'frnrrl ' rvould
n o t n c c e s s a r i l yi n r p l y a n y p r e v i o u sr e l a t i o n s h i po i ^ l l - z - r ' r l r w i t h 1 1 i - . r r r .
',rrlf '
Howevcr,I believcthat $'itsusedthroughoullhe tonrblo ildicatc that thcrc
u,asa relltionship,lhat 7ii Jrb was thc sistcr-in-lawol Sn-nt'i(l,tbeforebec,tming
Iris secondwife. It $as not l'cltDcccssarJ to Lrscthe tern'l.tnt.f to show she\\,as
alsohis wili, ar the sceler in which sheappeared with him madcthis sclf-evident.In
lhc inncr room. horvcver,where.Sa-sab was called.'ltmt.f il r,"asncccssarvto
designateTtl ,wb as'ftrrr./
No childrcn arc namcd anyuhcrc in thc tomb, nor are any knorln front otltcr
sources.The brotherof the deceascd rathcrthrD a sonollcrs to him and ?/ J/1, on
t h e l i n t e lb e t w e e nl h e p a s s a g a e n d t h c i n n c r r o o m ( P N { ( 1 6l)t 4 N { AT . 3 1 9 7 ) . l h i s
rvoulclsccn to imply that despitehis two marriages..!az had nL,\ur'\r\ln3
children,perhapscvcn no children at lll. Ilorveverlhe danragecl statcol thc lomb
and the usurpationnakes it dilllculr to draw any finn conclusionon this poinl and
someof the unnamedmcn antl womcn rvho arc cicpictcriofltring to S/r ,r r'.1 might
be sonsand dauglltcrs.Thc migtrt have usLrrped the posili,lnof a lruc
Pl\'l(-5)ll wo l'igurcs,onc malc xnd one icmale ollcr 1<lSn m [(lt a:odTtisnh
and anothermale figurc pouls a libation. first two ligureshave beenusurped
and the namcsof all threeare missingso it is impossiblct0 tcll u,hcthcrthey rvcrc
chi]circnor siblingso[ Sn n itfi (l\'lM.,\ 1.3177).
P l \ 4 ( 1 5W ) h c r c t h c ' s o n ' P i - h o t f c r st o . ! r r t l ( f l a n d T t i i l r b , l h c u \ L r T , c d
ligure was possiblvthat of Sn-n-itb's brother /.ll'rtr. It is also intpossiblcto tcll
whetherthe row of $1)meDdepicicdundcrthe couplc in this sceneare daughtcrsor
s i s t e r s( .N { A A T . 31 9 6 ) .
The repeatedclaims of the Rrmessicle usurpcr/'l-i} to bc thc sonol .\'r-r?-i',
rvereprobablvin juslil'icationof his usurT)ation and rrc irrclcvantto this stLldv.
parentsof Sn n i( l1tarepromincntin his tonib.
I'N4(5) lhey are represenled scalcdon a colrcilin Positio:rVI, lacing.1/r-/i?-iilr
andhis *,ife (N'lMAT.3 177ll).
I'N{(10) father of Sr / is fcpfcscntcdwilh his son inspculin! mcn
b r i n g i n gc a t t l ca n d f o $ l ( N ' l L l A ' l . l l 8 l ) . r r e s c a l c dl o g c l h e rl a c i n Er i e h ti r l
PositionV, thc positiorrin rvhichrnarricdct)upLcs ar-cmost coDrmonllclcpictcd.
It is unusuaL for the fathcrto acconrplnyhis son in his could
be thrt it is the ever)da) rvork of thc cstatcthtt is reprcsentcd in this sccncbut as
Srrni i'rlr was ri ll.ibx Lil n lmtt. it is morc probablyhis official dulieslhal arc
dcpictcd.His lathcrnrightacconrpany,!rr rr l'h becausehe had previouslyheld the
postwhich Sa nr l'{r norvholds. Thc frct thrrthc is onll knou,nas r.l/r in his son's
tornbdocsnot prccludchim fronrholdingothertitles.
P N I ( 1 6 ) S a n i ( l l ' J f a t h e ra n d h i s f a t h c r ' sm o t h c r r c r . c p r e s c n t cads t h c
rccipientsof offcringslilm.!l-lr-rrl. is the reciprocalsceneto thllt in which
thc brothcr of Srr-/|r-l'rfroflers lt).S/lrr ich and his r,'ife. One $olLld r\lrct lhr
couplcto bc thc parentsof Srr,i i( fi as I'l\{ slate(p2-1i).but P\'l arc incorrcct.Thc

coupleareseatcdon a couchfacinglefl jn positionV, the custontarv poscof ntanand

wife. womanis called.Sjr-i.lrand the ntanis .iJ.,rzrl,ri.s.ljir tiil m.i. In this
scenethc motherot tlte tomb ownef is Ieplaccdby his patentalgrandmolhcr.
The motherof .ln-a i., is possiblyreprcscnred in two scincs\,ith hcr son as
rvellas in the scenewith her husband.
-icf andhis motltcr,sealcd.rcceivcgifts fron Nubia.
fM(7)l sc.2. Sa-rn
If this is the casethenir is the only occasionin thc EichlccnthDlnasty Tleban
tombs in which a motheraccompanics her son as he carrGsout his;flicial dulics.
I l o r r c v c rl , M s i n t e r p r e t r t i nortrl h i \ s c e c l \ , , n e I , , q u c \ l i , r n .
The scencdepictsSn-a l.ft and a u,ontanscatedon a couch facrrroriohr in
P o s i t i o nV . ( M M A T . 3 1 6 9 ) . T h e i n s c r i p t i o no v e r r h c i r l r . r , l . . . f ; ; . ' r , , i " . . i ; ; ;
Sn.-nrit:fi and givcs the nanlcsof his parents: "ir n s3bW.)f-ns nts n nbt-pr
I'lt-nts . As thrccpeopiearc mentioneda d only two pcoplearc rcprescntccl in ihc
scene,the inscriptionis not necessarily indicativeof thc pcoplcrcpieseDtcd bclori,.
evcn if,_fortuituosly thc two columnswith ns n nhtltr /r'lr-lrs artj situatecl clircctly
abovethc rvoman'shead. 'l'he woman who is seatecl with Sl, ntight be hii
ntother,thoughthc fact thal in no otltcr tonth d,,c\ il ntothcr,aan,rrp"nyhcr rcrnon
official duties would tend to makc it less likcly. lt is possiblcihal thc rvonran
accompanying.Sa zi-rrrft is his wife. 'lhc scencis damagcdandhcr namernightbc
missing. I Iowevcr one must keep in nlind thc facl that .t, /r-ir',//,,! flith;r loo
a p p e a r sw i t h h i m w h e n h e i s f u l f i l l i n e o f f i c i a l d u r i c s ,u , h i c hn r i g h tj u s r i l l , h i n r
representing his motherin a similarrole.
.. PM( 13) Sa nr-i.rhand mv'tI It bn.t are shownsealcdin ll kiosk on a boatin
thc AbydosPilgrimagescenc.
_ . One would expcct him to be acconpanicdby his wift on lhc pilgrirn.rrc.
Perhaps,as he had two wives, his mother was e comprontise,which savcdhim
havingto choosebctweenthc two wlvcs.
Sn m i( b's mothcris cenainlynot prc-crninent in his romb rr the expcnscol hit
wivcs- Nor is shemorc importanlthiin his father. Ho\\,cver.shc doesaccontpany
him on the Abydos Pilgrimageanclpossiblywhcn he rcccivesthe tribule oi Nrrbij.
would sccmto indicatcthatshchad somcinrponanccin her on.nright.
The rcpresentation of the mothcrof his latherin an unexpectcdconlexlsccnrr
to indicatelhat somcdegreeof inlportalccmusl bc accordeci hcr too.
The lack of any titlcs artribulablcto eilhcr women,howcver.mlkcs it diiljcuh
to detcrminewhethcrtheir impodance\las due to thcir posilion in thc lanrill as
matriarcirs,their possibleposition r.r.iri r.,lsthc king, as nursc or falourite.or Lo
their socialpositionas membcrsof importantandpowerfullamilics.
J'J1-lct, the patemalgrandmotherof Sn nr,r.ll must hrve livcd during thc
carliestycarsof the Eigltteenthl)vnasty. Hcr nante.u,hichinco+)orates lhat of the
moon god 1cl could indicatecloscconncctions with lhc royal lantill of the per.iod,
whoscnamesalsoincorporated the nantcof the rnoongod.a0,ll-m-1cl hirnsclf.his
brotherand his motherall havenamcsassocintccl w th /irl. lhc imporlanccof his
mother /.fr ms and his grandmotherS-31-/.rft. il conjunctionwith their namcs.
might indicatethatthey werc dcscended liom the samcimponantlamily. possiblv
W3! ras marriedhis cross-cousin. his mother'sbrotllcr'sdaushler.

? +s3t'ich ,i
7 * I'ltmt
W3d-ns 7

= sn-n ich = *'Iti snb

his gencalogyconflicrsrvith thatof Hclck (195E,508(3)).Lleickseemsto have
ignoredthc cvjdencein lhe tomb compl(rlelyalrdto haverclicd for his informarlon
on stelaCCG 34008 (Lacau 1909,15, Pl.VI). This stclabelongsto a men wrrhout
ritlescallcd5n ,n-l'11.He is sho\\rlseatedwifi his \\'iie 1ch-l.irp
kam s3.fDhu,tyms. The carloucheat tlle rop of the stelais that of AmenhotcpI
lhis placesSa m-lch of rhe stclain a much earlierpcriodthiin the ownerof TT 127
ald alsothe nameof his wife is difierent. Horvever,thc emphasison tie moon god
ir the nanes of the fanily representcdon thc stelaindicatesthat lhcy could bclong to
rhe samelarnily and wcrc probablyancestors of Sn-nr-lcl.rofl-1.127.
Sn.l-mn the brotherol Sn-n-mwthad a wile celledSl ra-i'f i it is possiblethat
strgrvasrclatedin someway to Srt-m-icf.eithcra sisteror a cousinof his

C A S E1 8

Rni3 ldw n.f P-|'hL3-mn lrtl n L3p imy r L3ul inty r l.tmwt

Tl'tt_uS: Helck 1955,1468-72.

DATE: Hatshepsut- TuilunosisIll ur
I-OCATION: Shcikh cAbd el Quma TT.343
: '+10-12
B I B L I O G R A P H YPtvl

This tomb was comitletcd and

complctel) decorated.

Pl\{ 100
NIOTIIER: 'li-rv'-kik
t , N { ( . 5 () tl l )
FA'I'tIEIt: Ir-t ntLJ Pt\I(-5 )t ( I .1)
- Neithcr wife nor chilclrenare rcpresenledtn the tontb. An anonyntousnrarr
oflers to B/?d (PlU(5)),rather than the son one w o u l d
e x p c c l . l l t e r e l i r r ei t i s
probablethat Bll.i was unmarried.
His parentsare reprcsented twice ln rnc tontD.
PM(5)l_Thc parcntsof B/rl.t are seatcdoD separalcchairs.
^ ficing right. in
PositionV (Guksch1978,Taf.t 3).
Pl\1(.14)B/,Li andhis parentsarereprcsentc(l rn a statuegroupin' a nichcon the
, .
brck wall of rhe inner room (ibid..t-af.2-5).Iris farhersirr
ai8l,r.ljtr iqhr siac rna
l l t . n t o t h e r s i l ri r r rh i r I e l t . R o l hh 1 \ e J n i r r mi r r . . u n d hir h.,,.1li,ir i,',,.1,r"..;;,:.i
as rn Osiris ljgurc. (c.1.sinlilarstatucgroup in T'1..125).
scencr Pi\tr5 rtI r (ibid.,.iat. I 3 ). fivc nrrtc suesrsarc deficrc(t
,,.^ .]:..1", lli9r.t bLrl
r o r : r c c o m p : r n i chd) . L r r 1
i n . . r i p r i , , n , , , i r i , i n , f , , . , r ) , t , . r , , . . rsrt r : r r
lrlc: .l :] r] e
l r:or :n) ."hll :tl lf e \ h e a rl n B r i I . T l e l n i r l .t i . l r t r \e\ 1 1n, ,l t ( . r ,
I , , l r l 1 , , t h i , .l l . , l . l , l
is alsounnamed.As he is not dressctlrs l piicsr.hc ,r,,, pr,,f.,,,t,t1
bri,iht,rot drr-i
,^-.:)l'1?"in :'_T1l.l lrtelrrhl Bai.( ur, u,rnr,,,.i.i. lrir , "
,,,rl,c;,io... rnrfr.,\
rne role ot !l surrogitte \vtte in the t,rrnb..Shc is not rcprescntcLl alonc rvith heisoit
ilt any of thc scenes.
Front thc namesof Btl.i and his parcrrts,it rvoulclappclrr
that thcy w!,rc
l " r e i ; n e r r .l . i r i . { h c i r r g ; i v e nr n I p r p t i u l l : r r r r c .
l l I \ p u \ \ i b l c t h r t t l l c r ei r s o m c l ' l r n i l i l l r c l a t i o n s h i p
b e t r v c c nB l r . J a n d
Dw3.wy-nhh of 'l-f. 125.12

cAslt 19
Pxi m-rc or lpvt'-m-r.r(RPN 130.23) ltnt-nlr 2-nv, n lttn
S c r h e1 9 2 7 , 5 2 27
DAl'E: tlatshcpsul- TuthmosisIII
I-OCAl'ION: Kh6kha TT.39
B I B I - I O G R A P I I Y :P M 7 t 7 5
P[-AN: (Seencxr page).

Thc tomb uas contpletedtnd conrpletely.dccoratcd.

It is badlv clanragcd.
sccncsarc malnly rcconstructed
by l)avics0923a).

WIVES: (.a)7 3-nfrr lLnLt.f

nht-pr t'Nl(E-9)lsc.1(15)
(b) Sn-sab l.tntJ dv3t rqr.'rnrcrt I'N'1(7)l(8 9)I sc.2.JI
t tm (10)l ( 1,1)(
(22)ll sc.2.(25)
SONS: Nanresmissing PN'l(7)( 10)l(1.1)(21)ll
I(Lnsl P N l ( i i - 9s) lc . 3(.2 3 )
Mn!1pr(r(1[ ] 6t triai._) Pr\'r(
r.1)(21 )
[ ]ni [ ] nswt P M ( 2 )r
r)AL]GIl'fllRS:LI'''t-"1 t'\{(E 9)l sc.3.
Namcsmissing- probeblyonc or more.PNl(l'1)
FA'I-HER: l'wl-l s.lDsi P\{(10)r
MO'I'HF]R: Nfr-i(11 mnctwrt rtslt P\,r(10)r
SIS'I'ER: Icl [ ]snt PN(89)lsc.3.
GRANDDAUGIITER: Nf l'f -r-irr-lr, PNr(11)
GIIANDSON or SMAI-I. SON: s.l -1---l I ,1)
There arc tqo wives represe ted in the torlb. T-i r?r't and Sr-.rrr.
T3-nfrt is rcpresented with Pu / n r'i lirur timcsin ll1ctonlb.
P M ( S 9 ) I s c . 1 . I n t h i s s c c n c , ' 1 Jn f r t r s s e a t e df .a c i n gr i g h t o n a c o u c hw i t h
Pv,i m r( irr PositionV, inspcctingproduceof the Dcltt (Davics1923a,t'l.lX). As
this sccnc,rvhcn iL occurs,usually accompanies iishing and forvling sccncs'1'onc
would expcct T3-nfrt ta be prescntin thcscsceres. Horvever,itis l.tntJ S -snh
who is represcntcdin the hippopotamusspcaringscene(ibll. Pl.lX) und .tr/i l,
1'rh-1---/rvhois the promincnli'emalefigurein thefishingscene. forvlingsccne
is destroycd.
PNt(15) Ll-llit is seatedon a couchllith Pl'i nrrli facingright in l)osition\'.
registersof offeringbearcrsfacc them. A small child slantlsunderthe chltil
( i b i d . ,P I . L X I I I ) .
PN4(16)Doublescene:On the lcft, Pw,i-mI and'9-,rrb arc seiltedfa(ringlr)li

in Position V; on the right. Pn,i-,r-r'lr nd l-) nli t arc sealeclfacing right in

P o s i t i o nV ( i b i d . ,P I . l - X I l ) .
PM(25) andPwi m-r( arc seatedon a couchin PositionV bctbrcan
offeringtab)cand offeringlist (ibid.. Pl.l.VIIl).
Sn srb is representecl ninc timcswith /\r,r l7ll in thc tontb.
PN'1(7)lS/r-.v?,and Pnr nl /r' are lcatcclon a collch.faci r right, in Position
VI (ibid., Pl.lX). A man.probablya son,ofiers a bouquctto theor.
P M ( s 9 ) l s c . 2 . P w i ' n r t s p e a r sa h i p p o p o t a n r u sA. s n t r l l l c m a l c l i g u r e
crouchcsbctweenhis lcgs,hcr right hlnd graspshis lorvcr right lcc and in her leli
hrnd sheholdsa lotLtsbloon. Shc is lirurl ^lrr.vrb.
P M ( 8 - 9 ) ls c . 3 . O n c w o u l de x p e c t h c p r o m l n c n l e r r r l e f i s u r ci n t h c i i i h i n g
scencto bc Sa s'b or f.l rr/il. but thc figure seemslo rcprcscnta sister,!rtf.,
I(:lt-[ ] m-1Lt ltw.
PN{(U-9)ll Srr-srb standswilh lict togcrhcrrrms ilt hcr sidesbehind thc
stridingfigureol'Pwi-rn-ri: in PositionXII. whcn hc inspcctsthe \rork ofthe cstatc
P M ( 1 0 ) l P n , i - n r - r 'a n d , ! n - s r r bs.e a t c do n a c o u c hi a c i n gr i g h ti n l , o s i r i o n V.
are the recipicntsof offeringsillm a man whosefigurc has becn dcslrovcd. Hc is
probablythcirson.(ln a reciprocalsccncthc parc ls io|'P)!i-nt-rtare lh!'rccipicnts
o l ' o f l c r i n g f r o n r a m a n ( d c s t r o y e d ) p r o b l b l v P l r - n rhr .i m s c l f l( i b i d . . I r l . V I ) .
PM(14) ,!n-sribandPl'l ni r{ arc searcdon a couch.lncing lcli ir PositionV
rvith a snall granddaughtcrstandingbesidc,!l Sonsand daLlghtcfs oilcr k)
. -t h e m( i b i d . ,P I . L X I V ) .
PN{(16)l'nr-rn,y' and5rr slb arc scatcdon a couch,iacirrgIcii in PositionV.
in a doLrblesccnewith Prlr-rr tt l\t\dl'.1-tiit (ibi(1..Pl.l.XIl).
I)M(20) Pwl zr /r andSa,.ill arc sealedllcin! rilht in PositionV il lhc prnel
o f t h c t a l s ed o o rs t c l a( i b i d . . P I . X I . V I I I ) .
PM(22lII Ptli-m rir anclSl-rnl. sealcdon a couchlacing Iefl in l)ositirlrrV.
rcccive ofl'cringsfrom lh!' srnall fi{urc of a pric\t unnrrrred.bul problblv a son
( i b i d . ,P r . L r v ) .
I'M(25) Pwi m,y' andSl Jr/l are seilrcdon a PositionV
i n l i o n t o f a n o l f c r i n gt a b l ea n do l l c r i n gi i s t( i b i d . , P l . l . V I I I ) .
Sr .rrb borc the titlesol''r^1-Jt-r1r' antl'irr.rt rrl Inn |.l1tx'sn,:, unt lr q)\
n Inn had a daughtcr,Srr-.rnD rvho was i/l'-Jr-l1r' ' (Case9 & notc 22). As
Pv:t-m-rcwas his subordinate t n d c o - o p c r a f c (u1' i t h h i n r i n t h c b u i l d i n g o l '
I l a t s h e p s u t 'tse m p l ea t D e i r c l B a h r i , i l i s r e a s o n a b l cl c r t r i n l h a t h c n r a r r i c d
{17rn-snD'r daughtcr.
Sr-srb is much more prominentin thc tomb thanT.i /rrl
Therecouldbe lwo reasonsfor her pronrincnce:
( i ) h c r t i t l c sa n dh e r p o s i l i o n
a sd a L r g h loelr t h e I I i g h l ) r i c s t o Af mun,
(ii) and possibllbccausethe $as Pili-n-rr"r consorliitr mostofhis Iifc.
The questionto bc dccidedis uhether,!/l .rr, wirsthc first wiic or the second
wife. or rvhetherT-1nl'rt anLl^lrr-rll q'erecontcntporarywivcs. Ilthisrvcrcthe
cascthentllis would be an examplcof pol)'gan)yin thc L,ighteenth D)nastv.
'm-1ct '
Thc use of lyv to indicalc that a pcrson is dead does nol hclp to
clucidatcthc problem. hr the hall.'f.1-nJitts' PNl(89) q,hilc,tr-rrrir is

not (PM(10)l). Ilowever,in the southchapelwherethcy appcarin reciprocalscenes

o r ro p p o s i t cw a l l sa n d o n t h e w e s tw a l l ,n e i t h e a
r re'm3ch t rw
is nol'zr.i'r ' (P1\{(20)).On thc southwall of
On the f'alsedoor stela,Sr-.rrb
'(PM(22)). frN,
centralchapclshc is'mj(il &rw [n lhe shrinewhercboth u,ircs apperr
'nt)t:t '. 'mjct '
on oppositewalls they are both lrw Therefore lrw cannot bc uscd
asa ncans of dccidingwhich waslhe first wife.
arc two possibilitiesto be considered:
(.1)Pwi m-rt manicd again on the deathof, or divorcefrorn, his first wife.
Divorcc is unlikely as both wives appearthrouglloutthe tomb and espccially
in the shrincof thc centralchapel;
(ii) Ptt'i-m-r('s first wife was brrrcn possiblyas the resultof a difticult binh
andhc took a sccondwife in a polygamousmarriage.
Although I citnnotaltogethcrrule out lhe secondaltemativc,I tcnd to lavour
the first possibilitywithT3rtrt as the llrst wife andSr-s4b asthc sccondwife.
Pwi-m-r(: and TJ-ny'.r never appearwith childrcn offering to them. The only
child who is reprcscntcdwith them is a small child, undcr,or at the side of their
couchon thc north wall of lhe southchapel(PM(15),ibkl., Pl.[-XIII). Becausco1
damlge it is inpossiblcto tell whetherit wlLsthcir child,or as Daviessurmiscs.thcir
grandchild(ibid.,40). I think it possiblcth'r,t'13-fit died in childbirthand thatthc
baby ciicdtoo. Babiesrverenot represented as inf{nts in EighteenlhDynastytonrbs
but ratheras srnallchildrcnusuallyplacedunderthe seatof thc parcnts.If Daviesis
correct.then Pvti-m-rt .r'nrfTJ-rfrt must havehad a child who rcachedadulthood
aqciwho, in turn, produceda child. If this had bccn lhe case,one rvould havc
cxpcctedthe sonor daughterto havc bccn shownofleringto thcm. Wheneversons
anddaughtersoifer to 1'wl-m-1, he is alwaysaccompanied by,.
Thcrcforc I considerit doubtful that thc child survived. Ll a/il might havc
survived the birth but have bccn barren thereafterat:,dPwt-m-rc might have
marricdthc daughterof his superioras a sccondrvife.
A granddaughter is reprcscnlcdat the side of Pwi-n-rc and Sll sr/l on thc
southwall ofthc souLhem chapel(ibid.,Pl.LXIV). I'wi n'l: atd Sn 'rtt& probably
had a numberof childrcn.a long rnarriagcand grew old togethcr.Although7li ly't
ancl S,-snb are representedtwice in reciprocitl sccnes in the south chapel
(Pi\4(1,1)(15X16)) and on oppositewalls ofthe shrine(PN{(25)),it is S/1.!/?balonc
who is rcprcsenledwith Pwr rn ri on thc flLlsedoor stelaon lhe west wall of thc
Nonhem chapel. I think. thcrcfore,tlut shewas the su.vivingwifc. lf T-i rry'l was
tlrc lirst wife and if shc died prematurely,Ptt'i-m rt cenainly accordedhcr grcal
honourin his tomb. SIle is represented to suchan extentespcciallyin the southcnl
chapclalld the shrincof thc centralchapcl,thata postulatiorl that shetoo survivcdlo
old rgc must be considcrcdscriously. In this casePx'1 m r'r vould have hacltrvo
contemporarywives. cf. Case l7 whcrc one of lhe two wives is rcprcscnled
throughoutthc tomb.the otherbcing representcd only in the inncr room.
Although somc occurrenccsof the wives' nanles are damaged and il is
impossibleto dctcnninewhethcrthey werc cullcd ot'tall other oLc.rsit,ns
'. 'Sn ' not of eilher wifc in this tootb
both wives arc rcfcned to as'kmtJ ll is used
damagedstateof the tomb posesproblcrnswith regtrd to the sonsand
daughtersof Pwi ,?-r'.
P \ l ( 7 ) A n r a nw h o w a s p r o b a b l va s o n o l l c r s n b o u q u e tl o P r 1 . / - rrt ( a 1 d
- S l - s a b( i b i d . . P l . l X ) .
I ' M ( E - 9 ) ls c . 3 . h r t h e f i s h i n gs c c n ca s m a l ln r a l cf i l u r c \ l a r r d so n a b a s cl i n c
; r h n v s 1 1O1rsn t , ' l r l r . . . k i i l . l r n l d i rr i' -l ' . r r c . t c : r r . l r \ . i \ // / r - , r / , l l , c r , . r r\ . , , . l l
a b o v et h c n a m ef o r ' s - i . / ' ( i b i d . , P l . l X ) .
P l t ' l ( 1 0 ) lD o u b l es c c n c A : n r a n .d e s r r o y c do.l l i r r st o t h L p . a r c l l so f p x i r r r i .
'fhel 'rr.,/ '
are and'Inrvl.l] ', so lhc ntan nrustbe Pr1.t-rrr. himsclf. In tltc
r c c l p r o c asl c c n ea m a n d e s t r o y codl l c r sl c tP r i - r i r - r ( a n c Jj a r a b ( i b i d . .P I . V I ) .s o
t h i sm a nj s p r o b a b l yt h c i rs o n a m cn r i s \ i n g( i b i d . .l r l . V I )
P M ( 1 , 1 ) lA t l c e s tl * o s o n s t. h e l c a d i n go n eM l t l ) r - t t :o. l f c r t 0 P r r i - , r r . a n r l
.tr .vrb (ibiil.. Pl.l-XIV).
P l \ 1 ( 2 1M ) a , p r - 1 r r / i s a l s or c p r c s c n r c$di t h I b o i l L l u coln l h c s o u t ht h i c k n c s s
ol lhc cnlrancelo thc ccnlralchapcl(ibid.. PI.XXX). ,\nolhcr sor is rcfrcsL,nl!,d on
lhe north thickncss:only Iaint tracesol the nltnrcrcmain(ibid.. l(,).
P 1 \ { ( 2 2 ) l l A p r i c s to t l c r s t o P x i - n t r . r ' a n d S r r . r r r b( i b i t l . .l ) l . L I V ) . I l j s
possiblcthatlhis pricstis a son.
P M ( 2 3 ) l l s c . 1 . r \ p r i c s to l f c r ss a c r c do i l s ( i b i d . .I ) l . l . l l l ) . I I c ,i s r h el r l r / r b r
/'l-ar.r. it is possiblelhatltc is olc of thc sous.
Daughlcrsof I'.'''im-/ tre rcprescnle'd in nuo sce:rc's.
I ) l \ 4 ( 8 - 9 )slc . 3 . A s n r a l fl i g u r es q u r r sb c l \ \ ! ' c nI ' v i m r t ' t l e g si n r h c l i s h i r r l
scenetshc is. l.lll. 1 /. Shc -rtrilsps hcr falhcr'slclt lcg willt hcr lcll hl d (ibid..
Plt'l(1.1)llOnc daughlcr.anclprobabl).ntore.ollers to pxi nr ri and Jrr rrrl
( i b i d . , P l . l - X I V ) . A l t h o u g ht h e n l m c a n d f i l i r l i o r ra r . cm i s s i n l \l \ ' c k n o \ , "l n l l l l n .
c o u p l ch a d a l I c i r sot n e c i i t u g h r c[ rre c r r u .lch c i r ! r : r n r l r l l U r h t cr :r r . ] ri - t r / ( 0 r s - l t . r )
( i b i d . .1 0 ) .
P x i - m r t ' s p a r c n t sa r c r c p r c s c n l codn c ei n t h c t o m b .i n a ( l o L t b l\cc e n c\ \ i t l l
I'n'i'n rL and,l/r .rlr. Thel arc sI Pr.i-i I and nr(t \\.tt lls)\.tl Ali (ibid..
P l . vr ) .
P N l ( 1 0 ) l T h c y a r c s e r t c d o n I c o u c h . l u c i l g l c l r . i n l ) o s i l i o nV . r \ n r r r r r v h o i s
probably P|l,l zi rt. olftrs to thcm. Allhough thc rlrolhcr ol P'l i ,i rr berfs thc
rmporlant ti!le'ofrr,rrl \rrt l s\\.tl shc is ol accordctl a Y ntofc pfontilterrcc in lhL-
lornb thrn his llther wllo bcars thc ntodcsl titlc ol rrt Sltc is not rcprcscntcd llonc
with hcr son.
C o i n c i d c n t l y b o t h / ' j r r / - n r1 1 a u d h i s s u p c r i o l f / l ) x - J / r l ) h . r v e I l t h c r s * i t l r
rnodest litlcs and nrothcrs with itnponllnl titl.s. rvhich iDdicatelhcir closcncsslo lltc
king.;5 l3crth\!ontcn have nanrcs rvilh lhc cicrlrcnr 'lttJ \Nr-ith i\t\d Itl.t-l,ttpt.
Although these wcre conlmon narr)csat lhc bcgi nins ot thc Ilighlccnlh D}nlst1,. it is
possiblc there \!as sontc degrcc ol bloo(i rclation\hip bct\\.!'cDlllc t\\1) \\ontc . ll'
l h e y w c r c s i s t e r s l, h c u P l i - n r r { w o u l d p o s s i b l yh l t v c m u r r i e d h i : p u f t l l c l c o L r s i l .
i.e. his Inother's sistcr's dltughter.
A s i s t c ro l P x i r t , " l s c e n t st o b c r c p r c s c n t c di r r l h e l i s h i n g s c c n c ' ( 1 , \ l i f i - 9 t l
sc.3.). A femalc ligure. smallcr lhan Pti-n r( . \tit .ls bchirl(i hinr o tlre skiii. Shc'
r c a c l l e st o h i s a n n p i t , b u t i s l a r f e r d l a n t i l c s n t a l l n t i l l c l - i r u r c / t l p l . ! l i l d t l l l n t h c
daLlshtersquatting betrvecn his legs. IIcr lcll anu cncircles his rvaist anclhcr right
h a n d t o u c h e sh i s b a c k ( i b i d . . P l . l X ) .

T h c w i t t r v o u l c iu s u a l L yb e r e p r e s e n t e idn t h i s p o s i i i o n . q (b' u t h e r c t h e
inscriptionreads.irilIJl !(b-l---] nLl(|hrvr'.It is possiblclhat shewrs l concubincor
nrinorrvilc ol P\r'i-nt/ .
At leastonc grandchilcl is rcprcscnted in the tonrb.
PNl(14) A small nakcclchiltl stanclsal the sidc of thc couchol Pr r rr rr ancl
5r-rrD (ibicl..PL.LXIV). Sheis r.i/.r.11 /l or.i),$i-irrlr. Shcbcarsthe samenanre
as her!' nlolherof Pwt-rr-rr. It is impossiblc1olell *helhcr
thc snall child by the couchof Pui-n-r( aru1l-l nlit is a grudchild or not (ibid.,
Pl.LXIll). is probably'amalc child as lhcrc are no ankletson it asthcfc
lre on lhe femalcchild on thc oppositewall.ll
are lbur generations rcprcsentecl in the tomb of Pri-r ,". bul we know
t h a tt h c ya r c n o t a l l b u r i e dt h c r c . T h c c o f l i no l ' / ' l ri - l , l h e f a l h c r o i P x r - r n - r ' . u a s
fi)undin a pit at the foot of cliffs bchindSheikhcAbd cl-Qurna(N'loDd1905.ll0 8l ).
Tlrc coffin $,asof very goodclualitt-. Ptti-nt rL seenredlo haveburicclhis liLthcrin
stylc but neglcclcdto providea tomb iirl hiru. unlcssthe lomb hadbccuviolatedatrci
the falher reburicdin a pil.'lhere is evidcnccthal thc burial *as robbedal somc
t i m c ( i b i d . , 8 l ) . T h e r ei s n o m c n t i o no [ t h c c o l l i no f h i s m o t h c r .

c sE20
lfsr or /nrn-usr itt\-r niv t L.J\'
H e l c kl 9 5 l l .4 3 6 ( 5 )
DA'I'E: llatshepsut - TuthII)osis Ill rii
cAbd 'l"f's. & l3 I
LOCATION: Sheikh cl-Qurna 61
BIBI,IOC;RAI'HY:P N {1 2 3 . 1 2 5 . 2 . 1 5 - 7
I I c l c k1 9 5 8. .1 3 6 ( 5 )
PI.ANS: (Seenextpagc).

'l was thc o\lrer of two tombs al Thebcs: l .l3l being the cilrlierof thc
t r v o . l ' h e t o m b sc o m p l i i n e nct a c l to t h e ri n t h c i r c l c n t e n t s .l " l ' l 3 l c o n s i s t o
dccoralcdtransvcrsc hall and T'l'.61of a passirgc anclinnerroon. Ncilhcrtombsarc
publishcd. Fortunricl)'representations ol W.rr',rlamily arc to bc lbund in TT 82
i D a v i e sa n dG a r d i m e1r 9 1 5 ,P l . l I I )a n d1 - l ' . 1 0 0( D a v i c s1 9 ' 1 3P, I . I X )a n di n S h r i n c
l7 at Gcbelel Silsila(CaminosI963, 57 63, Pl.'15-'17).


PM I24

WIFL]: T\tiw hmt.f nbt-pr TT.131Plv{(4)llII TT.61

TT. 100andcrenoblcSlela
SONS: Mry-m3ct wcb n Imn T1'.61PNI(5)II- hn nrr
TT.82 Grenoble
S3-mnl1t s,i s&lwt'ntr n Imn TT.82'l-T.100 Grenoble
wcb n Imn Stela
Mry fim-n1rn Imn m Dsr-DsnY
lmn-m-Pt wcb n Imn 1-r.82
\lsr hJt TT.82
DAUCTI]'ERS: Ich-nts PM(4)II(5)ITT.82
TT.100 ShrinelT
I Imn'n]-ws']t T'r"61PM(5)lrr.82
Ich-ms TT.E2
TT.6l PN'l(5)I
TT.l00 Shrinc17
I Inn] -m-hb TT.61PM(5)ITT.82
83kt imclt nt I Imn] TT.82TT.100Shrine17
IJnrrt Shrinc17
Sr.i srb Shrinc17

( in\"-t TT.r3l PM(s)(8X9)ll

FATHER: Icbms dd',r n.f -1-ttl\r'
Diwt lih Sirrine17 Grenoblc'Stela
'IT.131 S)h r i n e1 7
\,IOTHE,R: T-lJ 3-ntw I'jN'l(.5
SISTER: Nfrt- ir.r" 'fT.61
BROTIIER: IJt l-!n hht tp\ n PNr(2)
Nfr-l1tp inn-t\n(: n I lmrtl f.61 PN'l{'1)l
SISTER-lN LAW?: lrlr-ns TT,61 PM(,1)I
Thc wift of lir| is represcntcdonly once on t h e w a l l s o f h i s e a r l i c ft o m b
(' T T .l 3 1) . 'lhe
PMi4)t III Shc is represenlcd with ll'rr in thc banquctscenc sccncis
unpublished md lhe figureshavebeenclcslroy-.cci.
I l t h e G f c n o b l eM u s e u mS L e l aN o 1 0 ( T r c s s o n1 9 3 3 ,P l l ) c o m c sf r o m t h i s
tomb. then sheis clcpictedwith lVrr on his tonb stcla. Thc couplcrrc seatcdon a
couch.facing lcft. iir PositionV Thcy are the recipicrltsof olltrings iiom onc of
thelr sons.
I n ' l ' I . 6 1 , l l ' s r a n c ih i s w i f c , b o t h d c s t r o y c dr.e c c i v eo f f c r i n g sf r o m t h e i r
d a u g h t c (r P M ( 4 ) l l ) .
PI\{(6) Wsr and!r,il. arethc recipicntsof oflcringsin a damagedsccne'
PM(7) DaughtcrsofTcrclothto Wrt andlx'if in a damagedsccne
wiii is callcdlntJ nht pr throughoutthe tonbs.
.- 'lhe two tombsof Wsr providclittle infomrationabouthis sonsand daugblers'
Fion'l'f.ll2 and Shrinc l7 ai Gebelcl Silsila,it seenslhat It'1r had live sons,only
threeof whom are depictedin T'l' 100.
TT.131 P1\4(2)lA man oflcrs to W\r, whoscligurc is eritsccl As w\r had a
numberof sons,this wasprobxblyone ol them.
GrenobleStcla. Oni of Wir's sonsoffersto his parcntsand anotheroffcrs lo
grandparcrlts,(3-rrtw and 7-i-'r-i rn4r' He is dcscribecias s'i r-il
his '1T.61
PM(5)ll Sonsbring oirltnent. lherc is no rcprescntalion ol lhis sccne'
but accordingto Clardjner(l)avics and Gardiner 1915.33) thcrc werc three sons'
one of whom \\as l,tn nlr Mn nlitl niunesofthe othcrsarc lost'
Seven daughiersof 'l-f.100. ll'sr are reprcsentedin Shrine 17 whilc iive only arc
reprcsented in TT.E2 and
1T.131 Pi\'l(5) Two rvomcttrvith bouquctsofter to lljjr'r parcDts'dcstroyed
were probablydaughtcrsof ll'.rr'
'1T.61 'PNf(4)li DrLrghter 1'l.inrs oflers lo !l'rr and lulw, ciestroyed'
/cf-ms always leads thc file of daughtcrs and was ccrlainly the clclest drughter'
Therewere,however.two daughtcrswith this namc
PN{(5)t Four daughters. named.bring oils.
pfUifj 't'wo girlsiolferingcloth to !i/sr and his u'iie arc probablydaughtcrs.
The'daughter'--s of Wsr plilveda proninc rolc in his tombs'cspeciallydrc later
tomb wherc they scen nlore promincnl than his sons'
1he parcnisof lVsr are rcpresented in tbe earliertomb ol lV'ir in rvhichthc
sccnesof his publiclife prcdominale
TT.131 iN{(5) Two womenwith a bouquctbeforcWrr't parcnls'cr:rsed

::lr 4


wl|L,: \-o meniioilsurvivcsin thc tonrb.

SON?: Inltl n|-lLJt lm\-t snr n lm PNI 6)(.1)
S O N ' Sl W I F E : Ar rbw P\,'I 6)(.1)
FATIIER: .J -mtr irll"-r ni)rt 131.)" P\{ 5)rr
MOTIIER: T3-c3 -mtw P M 5)rr
BRO'I'HEIt: ll sr in! | niwt !3r)* P\{ 5)r
BRO'I'HL,Ii: c-1-!pr-Ll-rL P M 5)r
lrn n1r n lvlrtlw
NEPHEW: Mry-n8ct lrm nlr 2 nw n Inn PM(5)r
No representation sun,ivcsofN/r-ftlp andhis wifc, as a the tomb.
PM(4) dcpictsoffcrine bringersbeforea womanand child and it is possiblc
that this $'oman is the wife ot Nfr btp. Possibly,Ny' .!rp and his wii'e rvere
rcprcsentedin other sceneswhich no longcr sunive. Ilis wife's namt'does not
survivein the tomb but in TT.6l oi lfsr a coupleare depicredwho arc snJ i.n.,--r
3n{:nI Imn] Nfr.]1tpand snt.f Ich-ms (DaviesandGardiner19J5,33). might
rntimatc that they were the brother and sister-in-lawof ll'.ir. it is
possiblethat Nt ftry s wife was cailed 1cf-zr.
\ o s o n "a r t dd r u g h t e r o
s l l t - [ r l l t p a r c r e p r c . . n l c Ji n t h c r c r n . r i r r i r r g : c e ni .cr .
the main body of the tomb apartfrom the child in Plt'1(4).
Plvl(5)I The man who follows Nfr'fitp it offering to lfrr and rvho is called
s3.f lLm-n1r 2-nw n Imn Mry-m3rt is the son of l!.rr and thus the nephervol
owner of the side chapels A and B, lnrl r inc n I Imn] Imn n l.8t was
probably ftc son ol Nli-4tp rarher than ol Rl.1mi rc as Gilrdirer (ibid., 3i)
PM(6)L Imn-m-131 is the recipicntof ollerirlgs lrom women, possiblyhis
daughters,on the westwall of chapelA.
PM(6)I| Imn-m-lt1r and his wife Nr-nbn, receiveofferings from a man.
possiblya son.
PM(7) sc.2 Imn-m-111t andhis *ife arc puriliedby a priestin chapelB.

1he only inscriptionsin this chapel arc thc cciling texrs which lre almosr
illcgible. They do, however,nanle ammNJr-htp withouta titlc (ibid..3,1).'r1risis
probablydre remainsof Inn n ltlt's attributionof fiiiation to hjs llllhcr,Vi-/,rlp.
The parentsolNf frrp arercprescntcd in thc tonrbo the$estendofthcnonh
wall of fic passagc.
PIV{(5)[ They are the recipientsof offclin-gsfrom /ra,r.r irrrir I --l,
A 7 ' r ? ( i b i d . ,3 3 ) .
17? lltlrt brothcr ll'sr and his wifc are also representedin the rqrper register.
P\4(5)I They receiveofferings ftafi\ NJr-l.xpand their son Mrr,rr3.l and
f'rom anofher brother 'J fipr k3 rc. \1
imponanccol c3-m|w and !1,sr as viziersas wcll as thcir re)ationship to
rvt. &rp accountsfor their prominenccin his tomb.
Thc rcason tbr the appearanccof lJm ntr 2 nv' n I lnn] Mr_r'-n-ir,is not
s .c e s( 1 9 - 5 3 , 2 3s)u g g c s ttsh i i tM r y n r l c t $ t s t h c n . p h e $n f
i r n m e d i a t e l l ' o b v i o uK
L\1cl,tm- Lt 2-nv, n Imn N/r-lrlp whose title he inhcritcd. If rhis qas the caseit
raisesthe questionof why,\f f tp'.r orvnsondid not inherirthe tille. Ir is possibic
that,Vi-&rp diccl childlcssand that his nephew inheritedhis pricsthood. The
woman and child who are portraycdwith offcrinc b ngers(PN{(:1)) could rcpresent
dre deceased rvife and child of N|r-htp. Inrt m fi3t $ho borc thc samctitlc. inrl r
irtcn Imn asNfr-fitp might havebeena youngcolleaguc whon he acloptcd iuldwho
sharedbis tomb. As far as we cantell Inn-m-lt3t docsnot appcarin fie nititi bod\
of the tomb, onl! in the chapelswhich \!ere latcr additions(Daviesand Gardiner
Howcvcr althoughAF-l1pt q if'c is not represented wilh him in lhe tombnof
is any son depictedoflering to him, too nuch imponancccan not hr attachcdto thcsc
omissionsasaLlthe scencsdo not sruvrve.
The problem of the orvnershipof this tonb is I thiDk, resolr'cd. tomb
bclongsto N/r-lap son of c3-mth' and brotherof li'sr. Howcvcr, the problem of
the identity of lmn-m-llt is not so easil) detennined.Ilirher /ml n {r-lt rvasdre
son of Nlr-ltp or he $'as a yolulg colleagucto whon the tille im;-'r-ln' t Imn
passedon thc dcathof NJ'r-hAard uho rvishcdto bc buriedclose10his lirtron. I scc
no reasonwhy he shouldnot be the sonof Nr-ll? cspcciallyas thc nurc ofAy'. fp
survivesin the ceiling textsof Imn-nbh3t'-r chapel. The trLctthat thc titlc ,r1-nli.
2-nw n Imn passedto tiresonof ll'sr doesnot necessarily imply thatNy''ltp hadno
son to passit to. cf. ltlsr's titlc of vizier which passedto his nephewalthoughll/-rr
had five sons. Nfr-l,xp, thc son of a vizier was hm nLr2 nw n 1rua and after his
deaththe priestlytitle went to his ncphcwMr1-nr3'1, the son of thc cuncni viricr
I!-rr, who would have been senior in thc family to r\t-lJrp'.r son.


Imn-m pt tm!-r pr n !3r* s! hsbwit n Inn

TITLES: S e t h c1 9 1 7 ,l 0 4 l 6 ' 1

DATE: TuthmosisIII
LOCATION: SheikhcAbd el Qurna TT.ll2

The tomb l,as conipletedand

fully decoratedbut is considcrably


WIVES: (a) Mryt-lmn Imcytnt Imn B e r l i nS t a t uN eo.2316

(b) 83kt-imn nbt-pr P N , r ( s ) ( 7 ) (19)X( 1 2Xl1)
( 1 5 ) r( l 6 ) ( 1 7 ) ( 2 0 X 2 2 )
SONS: Imn nr l;tit .ti Pr\,r(,r)rr 16)rI(22)
Imn fitp si P N , 1 ( 5 ) ( 1 I ) ( 1( 6
2 )2[)
Imn-m-wsllt P M ( - 5 () 1r 2 ) n r( 1 6 ) l l( 1 7 )
Wsr imn Plvl(16)ll(22)
Imn-ms PM(22)
c3-l1pra ms Onlyon Gebclel Silsila
stela,possiblya sonin-la*
DAUCHTI:RS: Sit'imn P N ( 1 2 ) n , n(r1 6 ) I (I 1 7 )
Imn mJlh PM(12)rr,IIr (16)II( I 7)
an,J.Iw1 nfrt,InrJ and BJtt Only on theGebclel
Siisilastela- possibly
daughtcrs-in law.
FATHER: Dh-o-ms imy r fibsrt s3b PM(4)r(16)tr(21)
MOTI{I]R: I ntf nbtpr called 7J-wrr PM(4)r(16)lI(22)

BROTIII]RS: I Imn] ns s! ytIn*t nr nyrhtp PL{(s)l (12)l

I Inn]-[.-] si n 1.]t1 PM(5)l ( l2)l
li'.!, -l-lr r.i PN{(5)l ( 17)
Icltms PM( 12)l
Wsr cnh ln\ n tm n Inut PM( l2)I
(r.t- imn PNI(l2)lll
Srr P M (l 2 ) l l l
Imn-ltp si PM( l2)II
SISl'ERS: ILl.tnts nbt-pr. alsohis PN(1)l
2 woncn calledsat.,{namcslost PM(5)l
N l i t - i r' " P l \ 4 ( 5 )(l1 2 ) l l l ( 1 6 ) l l
fwix-nJit PN4(5)l
I Imn] m *'sli.t PM( I 2)ll
1wr PN4(l2)II
B3kt P l \ l (l 2 ) l l
BRO1I IER-IN-I-AW . Icfi ns flrniv int-,--r pr n 1-)t-\, PN{(,l)l
FATIIIIR'S IjA'I'HER:KJ) ( or Km\) imy r fib.rl hlt Pl\{(4)l
N.'IOTIIER'S FA'I HER:/rf P1\{(1)I
MOTIIER'S MOTHER:/cf-lrp Pl\l(4)l
Dl,tu,ty-ttts ln1 mrw n Inxt PM(.1)r
lwiw-nJrt nhtpr PM('1)t
Dltttt--ms iml r pr s.i PNr(.+)r
Dhtrt)-ms snt.f\|t t PM(.r)l
NIECE: NJit-i'r s3tsn| P M (r 7 )
Althoughonly one wife, 83kt-imn is represenled il lhc tomb, ir is possiblethat
Inurm-lt3t had two wives. A slaluettcof thc si hsirl ll m\nwt n Inn Inn-n-[t.]t
r B c r l i n 2 . t 1 6 .S e t h e l q 2 ? . l f l J Q rp r ' , r h . r h lh1e l o r r g i r r1. -, , l n n . n - | , t . t t , , 1 l - f . i . ' .
nlcntionsa woman,l;tmt.fmrt.f ftntcllt nt Intl Mr\1,1nrr. Gardiner(Davicsand
Gardiner1915,2) doubtsLhatit is thc samcman becausethe namcof his rvile diflers
fron that of thc wiie in the tomb. Ilowevcr, thc lact that onll one rvile is
rcpresenlcd in thc tomb,doesnot precludethe fact thathc night havehadlrvo * ives.
The title attributedlo Imtl n f-lt on thc statuette\\rasthe only one he did not
inhcrit. Il is logical,therefore,lo supposcthat the strtucttewils an early one.rnadc
beforehe inheriteclLheothcr titlcs. Mr-rt rnrrr woulcl.thus, hitvc irccn his first
lvife.51IIis secondwife BJkt-inn, calledB.ilt for short,was tht'cinuglrtcrof his
sister, 1cl.r-ns,nr\d lch-nts-Hniw. Shc was ofthc ncxl generaiionand was nlorc
likely to be the secondratherthanthc first wifc.
PM(5) lmn-rcl,t3t and BJlt are sertedon a couchfacing right. Becauseof
the damageto the figure of B-itt, it is irnpossibleto delenrlire il uhich posititxr
tlrcy arc rcprcscnted.Shc is not referrcdte Lrs' hmtJ but is'sJl snt.f nrt.f n
' (ibid..
srib f nbrpr Pl.lV).

PM(7) figurcs have disappeared, but the inscriptiollnrakesil plain that
Inutn-1.1t was accorrpanicdby his wife wte!r huntingin thc dese(. From what
rcmains,it sccns a smaller figure of thc $ift standsbehind her husband(ibid.,
Pl.lX). In tlris sceneshets l1nrtJnrtJ n sl-ih.fnbt pr B-lktinn.
PNI(9) Right thickness:Onccmorc the figuresofthe tonb owlcrandhis *ife
havc clisappeared, but the fragmcntaryinscriptionindicatesthat Intn-m l.tJt was
acconpaniedby his wilt (ibid..PI.XXXI). 'lhis
PM(l I ) A son oflers to thc tonrb ou,nerand his q'ife. sccnero longer
exists.but the suniving inscriptionindicatcsthat lnn n t t,;lt.3t:;rtt.fnlttpr
83kt-[imn] were seatedlacinglcft (ibid..PI.XXXI).
PN'l(12) The figures are very damaged. Inm m [3t and s3t sntJ nltt pr
83kt[-itDl are seatedfacing right. tlcr left hand isonhii lcft shoulcler but itis
impossibleto determinethc positionof her right hand(ibid.. I'l.XIV).
Pl\,{(14-1-5)l l)ouble scene: Inn-ntly)t and B-itt are scatcdin PositionV at
' ' (lbitl.,
each cnd of the register. Shc is'l;Lnt.fnht-pr a'ltl'htnt.f ntrt.f nbt pr
PNI(16) A son offcrs to the tomb owncr and his u'ile. All the figurcs itrc
I'M(17) In a rcciprocalsceneto the abovc. lntr nt l-1t aod B.lil arc scatcd
lacing right. Fronrwlrat rcmainsof the figures,thcy are in I'osilionV. Sheis lrtl.l
nrtJ BJ kt[-imn] (ibid., PI.XXII).
Pl\4(2{))Statucsof lnn n ir-lt and B-ill from lhc back rvell of thc nicltchave
L-cenilestroyed.On thc side\!alls ol'the niche.a son ollcrs to the lomb o$'ncrand
h i i w i f e ( i b i d . ,1 0 2 ) .
PN{(22) Burial chambernichc,southwall: Childrcnofltr Io Inu n [t1l aw)
B-llt u4roare seatcdon a couch,fitcinglefi. in PositiooXII (ibid.. PI.XXXV).
B.Jll's closc blood relationshipto Imn-n-fi-)t and the fact that hc owcd his
chicf officc of imy-r pr, llry to his fathcr / brother-in-law,accottntsfor her
prominencei the tomb, possiblyat the expenseof his first *'ilt. althoughthcrc
might havebeenotherreasonsfbr hcr completeexclusionfronrthe tomb.(sccn.54).
In the inner roonr and in thc burial chamber,B-llt is relerredto ns ltntJ
w h i l c i n t h c h a l la n d p a s s a g c
s h ci s r e f e n e d
t o m c r c l ya s ' . r . i t
i r l . / , c x c c p I
t o r t w o
dLrbious occurrenccs.
( l ) N o n h w a l l o f h a l l : l n t h e h u n t i n gs c c n cs h ei s l . t n Jn n u r l d r . . ' ( i b i d . .
Pl.lX). hicroglyphsof this inscriptiortare differcnt Ironl thoseof lhc main
inscriptionand might havcbeena lateradditiorl,cspeciaLly asthc nilnle/t,r? hl\ not
h c c r er r l ' e d : r ri r h r ' h c e ni t t t h et n : r i ni t t . ,n p t i o t t .
(2) Right thickncss of iloorrvay bctu'een hall anc)passage: In I vcrl'
'lilt woulclappearthat thc sign (GSL N.'11)was rscd
lo indicateihc prcsenceoi the wili'.
In gcneral.ho\lcvcr. the term {tnt.l for B-lt/ is collfined to thc inncr
Five sonsare rcprcscntedinthc tomb. Oneof thcm. lnn-nts ts rcpresented.
p o s i t i v e l yo. n l y i n t h e b u r i a l c h a m b e r (. i b i d . . P I . X X X V ) . T h e r ea r e . h o w c v c r ,
numerousplacesrvhcrethe namesof the he
might havc beenreprcscnted elscwhcrcin the tornb.
crasureof the uamcsof rons,bccauseol thc ' /r1ll ' clenlentin all of lhen.
makcs it difficult to idcntify individualsat times. 1r1r-rl ldr scemsthc mosl
pronrDent and is represcntedfirsL in line in pMO6) (ibid. pl.Xvlll) and on thc
Gcbel el Silsila stela (Griffirh 181J9,97). Hc offers 10 his parenlsthrce limcs,
PNI(5)(12)(22). and mustbc considered the eldest.On the sourhrvallofthc a
uniquesccne,the tomb ownergivesa feastfor thoscwho madehis tomb (Dlvics and
Gardiner1915,PI.VIII). 'Ihe leadingfigure is his son. who directeclrhe work on
the_tomb.1m, rr-{Llr accordingto Gardincr(ibid.. 37),,Itrttt-l,tt1t accordinslo
Sethe(1927, 10-56.2).Unfortunatelythe nanc has been compleielycrascd.but
Imn-m-lLlt as eldestson,probablvsupcnisedthc work.
Im -lttp was probably thc next eldcst. In thc passaqeand in thc burial
chamber,hc offers lo his parentson the ualls opposiie lin-n l.L.tls olfeitgs
P N ' l ( 1 1()D a v i c sa n dG a r d i n c r1 9 1 5 ,P l . X )a n d I , M ( 2 2 )( i b i d . ,p l . X X X V ) . T ' h c r e l s
no conformity in the rcpresentationof thesc sons. In thc passagc,1na /i4r is
representcd on the south wail and in the burial chanlbcr.he is rcprcsenledon the
north wall. In the nichc of the inncr room, pM(20). thc brotherslrc probablv
rcprcsented. oncenroreoffcring to thcir parentson oppositcwalls (ibid.. I02).
othcr brothers,lil.illan ut<l Imtnr-r'r!1. oflcr to lheir larenrs on
o p p o s i t ew a l l s o f t h e i n n e r r o o m P M ( 1 6 ) ( i b i d . . p I . X V I I I ) a n d p N 4 a t 7 )( i b i d . .
As well as offering b their pirrcnts.sons are reprcscnledas quesli at thc
b a n q u e tP M ( I 6 ) l l l ( i b i d . , P l . X V l l l ) . F o u r s o n s i L r Jr e p r . s c n r e ( 1' .l '-h c y w e r c
rcpresentcd on the oppositewall, too. but lhc sceneis badly danagcd. On
the $cst wall of the hall (PM(s)I). Inn-n !:s!l 56is seatcdamong his farher's
brothersand sisters(ibid., I,l.Vl) and on thc row beneatha couplc dcscribedas s-i./
mr.,fs,i, namemissing,and s3tJ nrt.f, namemissing,are sealcdin positionV and
irrethcreforealmostcertainlyhusbandrnrl uiie tihrd.. pl V) They nrustbe a son
and daughter-inlaw or a daughtcrand son-in-lawof Intn nt ldt. 5l Unfortunatelv
as the namesarc missingit is impossibleto detcnniDewhich is the casc. Sonsaiu
also rcpresented as offeringbringersPM( I 2)IIl (ibid., pls.XV & XVI).
Only two daughtcrsare namedin thc tonrb. Exccpt for one instanceln thc
b u r i a l c h a m b c rn i c h e , l v h c r e 5 . l r - l a r r i r r c p r c \ c n t e Ao n t h c : o u t h w a l l a n d
l u n - m l b o n t h e n o r t hw a l l . ( i b i d . .l U x . P I . X X X V ) .r h e ) l l w J - \ \ r l p e a r t o g c t h e r .
S-ll-rmr alwavs prccceds Irnn-m-l|b and is, therefore.probablythe cldcr. In thc
banquctsceneon thc northwall of the pa:sagc(PNI(I 2)ll) thcy are scatcdbchindthc
sistersof 1m[-m-fi-]1.In the registcrbclow, lhcy are amongthe offeringbringers
(ibid,. PI.XV). Thc tlrreewomcn describedas'r-lr.f ' on thc Gebelcl Silsilaslclii
(Criffiths 1889.97) are nevcr represenlcd wirh lhe daughtcrsol tmn,rn-l7lt in thc
l o n l b a n d I t h i n k i r i s p r o b a b l et h a t t h c ) a r e a c t u a l l y d a u g h t e r si D - l a w o f
lmn-n-173t.lf this is the case.Iwy-nfrt might havebeenthe daughterol llis sister
1w1,jE(Daviesand (iardiner 1915.Pl.XVl). 'fhercfbrc.a son ol. /zin-ri ir-ir coultl
havemarriedhis fathcr'ssister'sdaughter.a cascof cross-cousin narrirge_
It is alsoprobablethatthe .!J/ t.)-[prx' nts wasI son-in law rlthcr thana son.
11is significantthat all the known childrenreprcscntcdin the iomb. bolh nalc and
f c n r a l e h, a v e n a m c st h a t i n c l u d ct h e e l c m r ' l i r r l r ' . , " , " h c r c .ni :o n eo [ l h c f o u r
' ' ' '
personsdesignated .i3l and in thc secondregistcr' /.r ' of the stclahave
fiis elementin theirnames.
parcntsof Imn-n &-t1arc representcdtogethcrtwice in the lomh
PM(1)t I mn-m hi, offtrs to his ancestors, in two registcrs'facinglcl't(Davics
and Gardiner1915,PI.VX). Each rcgisterconsistsof threccouplesrepresentcd in
PositionV. The figures are very damaged. Thc parentsol lmn-m-lt3t are lhc
lcading couplc on the bottom registcr' FIispatcmal graldparentsarc the second
couplc and his matemal grandparcntsbring up the rear.
PM(16)lt Imn m-tt3t's parentsare seatedtogetheron a couch'facingright in
PositionV (ibid..Pl.XVlll). Behindthemknccl his sonsand chughtcrs
I'Mf22) On the north wall of the nichc in the burial chamber'some of the
childrcn of Imn-m h3t offer to him and his nrother (ibid., PI.XXXV). In a
reciprocalsceneonthe southwall, thc offeringis tohim andhis wife. His mothcris
onl-"-refcrcclto as' mwt.f mrt.f nbt pr Shedoesnol bearany titlesu'hich imply
socialdistinctionan<lwhich could accountIor her presencein the burial chamberin
rhe absenccof his father. IIowcver, on thc autobiographical stcla PM(15) (ibid..
PI.XXV line 2), his mothcris referrcdto as /nf-c3 and on the Gebclcl Silsilaslcla
(Griffiths 1889,96) trs lntf [ddt n.]r T-l-wrt.5e The cpithel and altemittirc name
could inclicate"grcafress"or might mcrcly suggcst$at shc was the cldcstdaughtcr
in a family or the elder of two daughtcrswith thc samename. It is possiblethlt
/r?d, thc motherof Inn'm'l.t3t, as wcll as being thc rvife of pfir'l,r'-mr' rvasalso
reiatcdto him by blood. name ht' was commonto the parentso[ Q!wt1-ms
and to the parcntsof 1nd.

K3r (or Km\') . * lhtl' I\tl = * It:h ltt,

BlytY-nts Int

Imn-m ltl t and others

It is possiblethat the motherof B&w4 ms andthe fatherof his wife lrrf werc
sister and brothcr. Thus, DIM't)^ms might have marricd his crosscousin' his
This blood rclarionshipcouldbe the rcasonrvh)'both the patemalalrdlrlatemal
- arc reptescnted with tbe parcntsof Inn ntllt.,
A numbcrof brothcrsof Imn-nrl.tlt are teprcseirted in his torrb
PN'l(5)l In the barquetscene,threecouplesarc rcpresentcd seatcdon couches'
facinglcli (Davics andGardiner 1915. Pls.V & VI). Although the sccneis damaged'
it is o'bviousthatthe couplesarc rcpresentcd asmarriedcouplesin PositionV' ' f h c
' a n d ' s i t . f ' , i n t h i s c a s e .h i s b r o t h e ra n d h i s s i s t c ri n l a w
a r ec a l l e d ' s r . f
,rltcmatire is alsoa possibiliry,bul unlikclyir this illstiuceiir tvuoof the cases Two
o t t h c m e n , n . f m t t . f i r r i n r l a h t p - L r I I m n ] - t t l t a n dv t . f r r ' r t 1 3 4 [ I n n ]
appearpronrineirtlyi; thc banquctscenc(PNl(12)1, ibid., PI.XV) andmust surelybe
'brothir' t!.tr is reprcscnted in a ritual scene(PM(17)'
tiue t.ottrers. ltre third fdt
ibid., Pl.XXllI) anrifor this reasonGardiner(ibid , 5) ihinks hc uas probablya tnLc
brother. flo*cver. thcre arc seven trlen pcrforrning this ritual. all probably

ancestors(ibid., Pl.Vll). His wife's parcnrs.patenralgrandparents and patcrnul

unclc and aunt are seatcdon couchcs,facing left. on thc top registcrabolc thL'
ancestorsof lmn-m l.t.1t (PN,l(.l)l). The iigurcs of the wolrtcn are 1oo biL(ll\
dura-qedto indicatcthe positionsin which they sit, blrt as the thrct'couplcs,,nrlri
lower rcgistcrare representcd in I,osilionV. it is logical lo assuntethal the
couplcsin the upperregistcrarc represented in the santemalncr. The third couplc.
sn.Jim-'--rpr s'.tQhu4-ms a:ndsnt.f wrt Ql,tu.t,-tts. arc probably lhc brothcr
in law and sisterof Hmiw ratherthanbrother airdsislcr-in-lau,because thc \r1)ntirn
i s c a l l e d ' h i s c l d e s ts i s t e r ' a n di r i s u n l i k c l yt h a t h i s s i s t c r - i n - l a w
$ould bc s(J
The only knou,n offspring of IcI mt and It:h ns ].lmIu is their dlLrchtcr
B-ltr, wifcandnieceo[ Imn-m-lt]t. trs Irnn-nrfi-|t inheritcci {,'r titlcrrrJrh.rr
ofhis is probablethatthcrewcreno surliving sonsof this couplc.
I belicvcthat it is possiblcthat therewas sontckinshipconncctionbetwcc'nlhc
familiesof Imn-m-ltlt antl I(:LmsI.tmiw, othcrthanlhe obviousone. It is possiblc
that /'li-m.r, thc sisterof Inn-m-h3t marricclher crosscousin. Icl-tns l,tn(r.
PossiblyB/rn n-ns, f her of l mn-mJ.t-] t at\d! \\'iv-nli.t. molhcr of 1rl-n.r //rrir1,
were brothcr and sistcr. Dl,N,r,--mshad a daughter'l_w.-nlrt probabll nantcri
afterhcr aunt. I(h ms Hmit might havc marricdhis nlolhcr'sbrother'sdrlrghlcr.
lhis could bc anotherreasonfor Imn-n r-ll inheritinglitlcs fiom Itl ns I.!nir.,t
sidcof the family. This couldbc the third possiblccaseof cross-cousin rr.trnrrf ll
t h i sl a m i l y .

K-)r -1 alnf

Dhutrms = * Intf +Tr,i,\ rifrt - Dlrqi rnr

f a' -
others *T\rivi-nfrt * It:h ms = l|ltnts lln.i*
Imn m ltlt R-lkr

F o u r g e n e r a t i o n sa r c r c p r c s c n t c di n t h i s t o m b . d c m o n s l [ L l cl h c
i n l r i c a c i eosf a n c i c n E
t g y p t i a nt l m i l y r e l a t i o n s h i pasn d l h c d i l l i c u t i c si n v o l v r Liln
interpretingthembecauseofthe erasurcofniurcs and thc over-simplificiilionol tllc
Imn-m'ltlt bore the title of Stewardof thc Vizicr *tich he inhcritcdfronrhis
father-in-law(and brothcr-in-law)l(h-mi I.lmi\'. T)teint-r pr I,lnIx appcnrsus
oneof the officialsbehindlVsr, offering10tJ-rrlr"f andhis wilc in a sccncin Shrinc
17 (icbcl cl Silsila(Ciurinos1963,PI..16).
Ich-msflmlv was probablythc stcwardol thc vizicr(-J-ntw Ltld Inn n htl

was probably the steward and contemporaryof ty.rr. Thereforc,pcrhlps,the tomb

of Imn-m-b3t should be morc correctly datcd to t h e r c i g n so f 0 a t s h e p s u-t


In-it.f u'hmw tp,t n nswt

LES: Sethe1927,963-75
H e l c k1 9 5 E4. 9 5 ( 2 )
DATE: llatshepsut TuthmosisIll
LOCATION: DracAbOel Narac TT.1-55
I I e l c k1 o 5 8 , - l q 5 ( 2 )

The tornbis in a very damaged

conditionandonlv pansof a fcrv

PM 26.1

WIFE: namelost Pr.{(1X5)r

SON: Tti wcb sI hwt-ntr Pl\{(3)(5)I
Imn.w PN{(.5
BROTHER: Itf-ms si PNl(3)('1)
urd Louvrc
Becauseof the damagednatureof the tomb and thc f'cw sun iving scenes,it is
difficult to determinetlre importanceof the wifc in this tomb.
PM(4) In-itf accompaniedby his wife and brotherinspectthe deliveryof

taxes. 1,,r-ir.fis seatedon a chair facinglefi ancla smalleri.igurc

of his wif-estands
bchindhim lSirc Sdderbcrth t95?, pl.ltA). In_it!,s seatii
fL.",i'on n,rt. tu,
rnc smillr rrgure')t hr\ wiic stan(lsdircclly on the |r00r. The refr
ann of" thc wir.c
h a n g sa t h c r s i c l e b . u t f r o m t h c a n g l eu l h e r r i l h t J m t i r i r p o r r i h l et h a l s h e
t , ' u i h i n gh e r h u s b r n d{ P o j i l i , u \ l l )
/ n . i r . / i s r i r h i n t .f o u l i n gr n J < p c r r r i n. 5 r h i p p o p n 1 . 1 n 11u..n , . , 1 1
r" c m Jl \t1eI1t c5 u, r ( ' u h , r _ pr sr o b r r b lhr i { $ t f e . . t c ( or l : l n i c r5 ; , , ,
; n e t c l lJ c \ \ . l l l r
I r \ n r n ! \ c C | l eh a \ d t 5 i l p l ( . . l r ebdu. l a n c r r ] i c r d e , , . . r i p t r ,p, rl ur c c s
herr llti \,cne
fol ling rttne a small l.cmaletigu." .r'"nJii,r,rit . prow of rhc
f!]:l ,..-,
11" 1,: .," lhc
n o a l ^ r nt r , ) n to t . i t t r g e I i g u r c , , f / , - i t l T h c r ci s n o c o n t a c t
b e l w e e nt l e p a i r a n < i
thc figure could be that of a daughter. In which casc ttrc witc
wouta not bc
rcprcscnted (ibid.. PI.XIVA). ID rhe hippoporamus spearingsccne(ibid.. pl.XIVll).
a smalllemalefigurekneelsbetweenthe legsof /a lr.l.grisping his
lcft anklewith
hcr lcft hand- In hcr right hand shc holdia lotus bloo-mancliucjsot
She is not
n : l r n e ( l .d r rc \ i l n J r e d tn t . l i - J n y o l I l l c. c c n ( \ r r ru l l , l r . h c l p f e : r r r .
It rr probrhlethdt ln1r.l hlJ rw sonr.
PNI(3) A -smailfigureof a sonstandsbehirtdthc srandingl.igures oi 1r_ill and
, .
his.hrorhcr /./r-rrr rs lhcy in\peetforci-qners;ng p.ojucE. iiis nanc is fi;
l i h r d . .l 5 ) .
I'N'[(5)I Thc sane son! fri standsholding a sparespearin the hippoporanrus
s c c n e( i b i d . .P i . X I V B ) .
.smatlfigureof anothcrson /raa-[t_1.)
holds3 lhro$ jng \rick in ttreI owling
sc.ene PI.XM). In boththis andrhc hippopotxrnur r.",,! t*n.n,"ll
malc figures are dcpicted,onc abovertrc ornci. ii is only thc 1,,;".-fl!,,;.,rh;:; "iif,.,ugl,
namessun,ivc. In both scencs.thc t\\o \on\ of 1rr_1./might be rcprcscnled:
n . r r r roef / n r r r . ub e i n gm i . , i r r gr t l l el r i p l , , p o l r m u\\p c : r r i n \sc c n ( . . r r i j , , t
rhrr 7rl rrr
Ine Io\\ rrng\ccne. Houcver, Ihe unnamcdfigurescould bc olhcr
sonsor brothcrs.
of i\
?. .tl: _to:):.11r. dcpiclcd offcring ti his farhcr on the f_ouvrcSrcfaC2O
,1i9. t t.x V.). I te_wJ\probabJl'thc eldcsrson as hc appcarsrwice wirh
i:1y., his
I : r t t r carl l dh l \ l h e r ' ,,b r o t l r r . r/.. l r r y . , . r p V r I r . r r r dL r , u r r .S t ; l a( 2 6 ) .
1.lj ni.i playsa promincntroic in thc tomb ofhis brother.
PM(3) 1c,-a_sstandsin front ofa largcstandingl.igureo1./n_lr/ and a small
figurc of hi.sson 7ri. They rcceivcforcignirs brin-riiig
lnrtlucc (Siivc_sdderbcrgh
1 9 5 7 r, 4 - 1 5 ) .
tlM(1) A small figure ol I.l1 ms srandsin front of a lar-qescaredl.igurcof
l::!,tr a small figurc of his wife -stantlingbchind his chair. inspcctingraxcs
(ibid..:i:\ PI.XIA). IIe alsooffcrsto ln it.f oi rhit_ouvreSrcla(Cjayctt'gXO,t,t.XVI)
in a rcciprocalsccneto thatofthe son77r offcringto his fathei.
- n ithough,rrrl1rrlled,,cribe ol the stela,hc borc the titles of l,rrr r th )rhntt
r r r t , a t . , nat n d . r i l r r h u t n S m t l , l t l t ' i h i J . . l l . X l A , l r i { p , , . , i h l cr l r r rl r i . r j r r j i c .
nradchim a closecolleagueofhis brother'sor thal the youti of the sonsof /a
nrade it neccssaryfor him to involve his brother in liis alflirs. Ijither ol thcsc
reasonscouldaccountfor the promincnceof the brotherin thir lomb.
Becauseof the damagednatureof rhe tomb, it is impossiblcro rcll whcthcr
olhcr membersof the family wcrc represented in the tomb.


P3-ltty 13t\'-cn N[h ltl r^-t n ]A,ryL

TITI-I.]S: S e l h c1 9 2 7 ,1 1 1 - 2 7
DATE: PN{= DynastyXVIII, but probably
'l'uthntosis 6l
Ilalshcpsut- IIT
I-OCATION: El-KabTomb 3
BIBI.IOGRAPHY: PN{v.5 177,179

This is a sin-{lc chanibcr tontb
with a vaultedceiling. llte siderooms
are latcr additions. It is fully

' - Jl

a'r P M v . 5 ,1 7 8

WIFE: I,lnvt-r-nhfi fimt.f nbt-pr PM(7t)(12-r

SONS: Imn-nrs,flc-m w3st. Rc-l1tp PNl(12-1lXt6)(17)
DAUGIITERS: T3 tllt.s s3t.f wrt P l \ r ( 7 - El 6) (X1 7 )
T3 -l"tnrnst PNr(7
Nbt-t3wy PN{(17)
C R A \ D C H l l D RF . N : \ an e sn r i s r i r r p PN{(78)
FA'I'FII]R: If rri mncy n s3 nswtll31! ms PNl(i1-15)(18)
MOTHER: Knt P r \ ' r{ .(11- 5 )l(8 ) ( 1 9 )
BROTHERS: Pj-fir-y s-l PM(s,6)(r2-13)
l.lrl-iry s! P1\,1(1,1-15)
Icl ms,P3-mivt,Sn-ms s3wn lrnn
Qhwn m-18t, Imn-fitp v,cw n lmr.f P N {1( . 11 5 ) (ri )
SISTERS: lwpw, Nbw m-l.tb,53t- lnn P M ( i . 1 - 1 5t 8) ()
GRANDFATHER:Ich ms s3 Ib38 l,rryfiry;t PM(11,15)r-rI
GRANDMOTHER:Ipvt, !.mt.f nbt pr P\,1(1.1- 15)r


Frc^e-2: c|slg 24- t16

f,^q6.< - (l+


P3-ltry ltl ry-cn Nhbh3ty'cn lu,nyt

TITl-ES: S e d r e1 9 2 7 ,1 1 1 - 2 7
DATE: PM = DynastyXVIII, but probably
llatshepsut-'l'udrmosisIU .,2
LOCATION: El-Kab Tonb 3
BIBI.IOGRAPHY; PM v.5 177,179,EI

This is a single chamber torub
with a vaultcdcciling. siderooms
are latcr additions. lt is fully

V':.::.:: l
v1 I
it ll r
PN,lv.5, 178

WIFII: I,lnwt r nl1[ finx.f nbt pr P r v r (t7) ( 1 2 1 3 X1 6 )

SONS: Inn-ms, flc-m w3st, P N {1( 2 1 - 3 X1 6 X1 7 )
DAUGIITERS: T3 &Lt.s s3t.fwrt Plvl(7'8Xl6Xl7)
T3 hnmst P\.{(78)(t7)
Nbt t3wy Pr.{(17)
GRANDCIIILDREN:Narncs missing P M ( 78 )
FATHER: Itf'rri mncyn.d-nswt ll,.3l ms PM(1.1-1-5)(18)
MOTHER: Knl P N l1( 4 - 1 - 51)8()1( e )
BROTHERS: P-i'.!z-r' s.f P1\4(5-6)( 12-r 3)
LIri iry sl PNr(11-1s)
IclTns, P-i miw, Sn-ms s3u'n Imn
Dlt\^)t* m- lLlt, Imn ltp wcw n hm.f P M ( r . 1l 5 ) ( 1 8 )
SISTERS: fwpw, Nbw-m-l.rb,S3t-Imn PM(1'1-1sX18)
GRANDFATIIER:Icfi-ms s3 lb3n3 hry fonyt PI,1(
CRANDMOTIIER:Ipw ltmt.f nbt-pr PNl(1,1-15)l-ll

GRANDMOTIIERr S-lt-itnn, Dit*-.Li PM(1.+
s , r n ' . l r t do r t cJ J U d h l e ro f r . i \ t \ ' r
ol his grandmother P M (1 4 r 5 )
Threedaughters of Dr' PN4(r4 15)tV
MOTHER'SBRO'I'HERS:M:-,Ms.iw P M ( 1 4l 5 ) r
W I F ES F A l H E R : R ^ r u h r t k \ ' , r PM(7,8)
WIFE'S MO'['HER: 7.1-ldr PM(7-8)
WIFE S BRO'lllERS'.Tti w(w n llm.f PM(7E)
Se urd two othcrs PM(78)
WIFE'S SISTERS: W srt,I;tnwt-t.i -mlLw,rwolthers and PM(7-8)
tt ntrt-hn
WIFE'S COUSIN: Sn-nfr Llv,4'
The wile appcarswith her husbandfive timesin this tomb.
PM(7-8) P-t fu y- ar.dHnwt-r nl.rlJarc scatedon a couchin a kiosk, facinglcft
in PositionIX ('l'ylor & Griffith 189,1,Pl.lV).
PM(1213) PJ-lrr1 and Hnwt-r-nhh are searedon a couch,facing right in
Position V, rcceiving offerings from a son, with a banquetfacing rhcm (ibid.,
PM(16) The wife standsbchindher husbandashe offerson brazicrs.Sheis of
cqual size and standswith handsat hcr sidesin PositionX. There is no conracr
betweenthcm (ibid. Pl.VIll). Bchind them stand small figures of rheir cldesr
dlughterandtwo of their sons.
PM(17) On the southwall of the shrine,PJ-lrry and his wjfe are scatcdon a
couch facing lcft in PositionV (ibid., Pl.X). A small malc child with the lock of
youthstandsat her sidewith a handraisedto touchhcr lcfi arm.
PM(19) The wife is scatedon her husband'sright hand in rhe rriplc statue
group on the west wali of thc shrine (ibid., Pl.lX). Hcr lcft arm embraceshcr
husbandand hcr right hand restson her kncc.
sons are representedin thc tomb, the most promincnt of whom is

PM(12-13) Their son lzur-ms, drcssedas a priest,pedormsthe offeringfor

his parents(ibid. Pl.VI).
PM(16) Small figuresof two sonsaccompanytheir parentsin the ritual sccnc
(ibid.,Pl.VlX). 'I\ey are Imn-ms andRc-htJi.
PM(17) Imn-ms, onceagain,offersto his parents(ibid,. Pl.X).
On the lower register,threcmen describedas',r'-3.,f rcprcscntcdas well as
'-r3r.f', "six
threc womcn dcscribcdas sons and daughtersof Paheri,including
Amenmes"accordingto lylor (1ti9.1,32).Thesesix figuresarc squrrting,facing
right, which indicatesthat they were facing their parcnts,probably behind the
standingfigure of Inn ms. I will leavea discussionof this group until the end of
the next paragraph.
Three daughtersare rcprcscntcdin the tomb.
PM(7-8) The children and grandchildrenot P3-lry are dcpictcd bringing
offerings,in two registers,io PJ-&? with the s3-nswtll Jd-ms on his knee (ibid.,
PI.IV). Among thcm arc thrcc daughtcrsof P-l-hrJ. The sceneis badly damaged
and oDlyonc smallunnamedgrandchildcanslill be sccn.
PNt(16) -r3l.,fwrt mn.f T3-drlr.r. togetherwith lwo brolhcrs, follorvs her
parcntsin the ritual scenc(ibid.,pl.VIII). In Lhisscenssheis thc ,elclest daushtcr".
PM(17)-.Of the thrcc daughtersrcpresentcdin this scenc.rhe lcrdin!' onr i\
_- ,
T3-llnrnstm3ct-ljnr (ibtd., Pl.X). She was obviously rhe cldesrdaughteras she
leads.thechildren and grandchildrenin pl\,1(7-8).She must have tlied. leaving
T3-ddr.i rhc is in this capacityrhal shejoins her r*,o
brothersin the ritual scenePM( 16)
Thc offspringof P3-lin and his rvife,rcpresentcd in rhisscene(pM( l7)) raise
a numbcrof questions,the first being rhe idcntity of the snrll malc chilclwirh thc
lock of- y_outhwho standslxsidc llntrtr-nt-tt1 and rcachesup a hand to touch her
ann. Pl.2A, He might be a small son or granclsonalthoug-hchil<Jren of privatc
cilizenswerenot usuallydepictedwith the lock of yourhat tltis rimc. On thc other
hand he might be the young prince W-l4l-nrs.whose tutor /'-i_lrr_r,tvas. llthough if
thir wa: onc uould cxpecthim to bc touchingp-i /7n rithcr thanhis wife.
I nrs sn)lI ttgurc doesnot hrve lhe plaitcdlock of youth and thc amuletaroundlhe
neck that the young princehasin pM(7-8)(ibid.,pl.lV) so perhaDs he wrs a snall
r o r ro r g r a r r d s oonf P J - | 1 r y .
th.":.11 in which the off'.spring are rcprcsentcdin lhc rorv unclcrthe couple
makesit difficult to determinetheir exactrclationshipto thc tomb owner. Usuilly
when sonsand daughtersare represcnted. all the soni are dcpictedlogclherin lronl
a n d t h e _ d l u p h t e tro. g e l h eer i t h c rh e h i n Jt h e i rb r n r l r e r,s. r l . r c i n gt h e ' nut t . i l i r r o u
. below them (c.1.TTs.l5, 81, 82, 100 etc.) In rhis ronlb the leadingfigure is rhc
'daughter T3
llnmst dcceased.ibllowcd by s3.J!.lt:-rtu,-ist,;.)1
Inn-ms, s-)J.Rclttp ard s-ltf Nht-t-iny. The lcading ,son,
fl.-m-1,-isr rvould
appcarto bc the eldestson.but hc is not rcpresentcd elscwherei;the tonlb. Intn,nr
who pcrformsthe offeringritualsis the most prominentson in thc tomb.
is not describedas m3(:-l1rwas 7.3finmst is, so thereis no reasonto bclievethat
lnrr-rzs succccded his deceased eldcstbrothcr.It is possiblethat//.-rl B,-J.r/ waslhc
husbandof the deccased73-|lnr,rr hehinti uhom h. \qurt\ r-,rthc husbandof
T-l dLlt.s itt front of whom hc is depicted.From thc ritual .sccne, pM(16), il would
appearthat Imn-ms a:ndRc-ltp were thc true childrenof p.l,lrry and
IJnwt r nftft. facl that two daughtersand possiblya son in law are reprcsentecl
bcforeth.esonsis confusing. Thc womanat thc rcar describedas s-lt.,,r
w a s . p r o b a b l ye i t h e r a y o u n g e rd a u g h t c ro r t h e w i f e o f R . _ f t l p a n d t h u s a
F r o m t h e c v i d e n c co f t w o s c e n e sp, M ( 1 6 ) a n d p M ( 1 7 ) ,l h c c l d e s td a u g h t e r
sccmsto talieprccederccover someof thc sonsin this familv.
The parentsof t'3-ttr,', ll-rn tn'J Knr, Jrc togeth.irt$i(e rn the lonlb. ln
t h c b l n q u e ts c e n eP, M (l 4 - 1 5 )( i b i d . .P l . VI I I r n d i n r t r cr h r i n e p . M ( I 8 ) ( i b i d . ,p l . X ) .
In both casesthey are seatedin PositionV. [n neithersccneare thcy referrcdto as
it.f andmut.f. but Krz is the llmr.f ot lu-tn anrj in rhe \trtue Aroupin the shrine
s h ei s . d c s i g n a t c"dm v t . f m \ t . f " d P 3 - l , L r ;T' .h c m , r t h e r . c c d r , n n . cp r i v i l e g e d
lhrn the lathcr. who is not reprcsenled in the statucgroup. Thc fact th;t she ;as
probablythe daughterof It:fi-ns s-) Ib3nJ couldaccountfor her promincnce.
Ich ms s3 lb3nJ and his wifc 1pw are reprcsenredon thc registerabove
Itf rri and,Km (ibid., PI.VII). No rclationshipof Ich ms to P3-lv1 or to Irf-rri
and l(m is shown in this tomb. Tylor (ibid., 5) assumcsthar 1cr-ms was thc
matcmalgrandfatherof P3-hry, Knr being his daughter.(For a discussionof thc
tamily relationships of the familiesof Ich-ms (EI Kab 5) and P-3ftry (El-Kab3)
Of the brothcrs of the h3r-t P3-kr!-, Ihe one who is reprcscntedmosi ofien in
his tomb is the si P-i,hry. He is depicrcLi four timesin rhc lgiiculturalsccnesnowrng
lhc work of the estate(PM(5 6), ibid., Pl.Ifl). He also leadsthc 'jnsx, ' in the
lowcr registerof the offeringscene(PM(12 l3), ibid., PI.VI). Ir is noteworlhyrhar
he appcarsonly in his professional capacityas a scribcand is not rcprcsented in thc
b a n q u est c e n ea s i s h i s b r o t h e lrl r i - i r - r ,( i b i d . . P i . . V l l l , n o r i s h e r e p i e s e n t e d a m o n g
the sonsand daughtersof Itf-rri andKm in the shrine(ibid., Pl.X). This is nor
altogethcrsurprisingas he was probably the half brothcr of the h3t!-( p3-hr\-,
being the son of ltf-rri and.his first wife S3r-irzr. I.lri iry, who is designated
'.rn./ ',
was also a half brother of lhe lljr)-c P3-hry He is representcdin a
prominentpositionbehindhis grandfather, in thc banquetscenc,asbefitsthe cldesr
grandson,but hc too is missingfrom the sonsrcpresented with thcir parentsin thc
shrinefor the samereasonas the .r.fP3-lll-!.
ln the banquetscenc,five men arc designated'sn.l' and threewomen'J/l/.f'
(ibid.. PI.VII). ln the shrinea srandingfigure of P3-ftry offersro two princesand
his purents,who are seatedfacingright. Two rows of smallersquartingfiguresare
tpresentcd under them, facing left. Pl.2B. Ir is signilicantrhat they arc called
's-l.s' 'sjr.s'
and indicatingthat they arc the offspringof Km and not of thc earlier
marriageof ltf-rri to 53rimn. Thereis one exception,sn.f lmn-htp who squats
b e h i n dP 3 - h r 1 a t t h ee n do f t h cr o w . H e i s d c s c r i b e d n o t a s t h c ' s . l . s ' o f ( mb u t a s
the'sn.f P3-hry indicatingthathe is probablynot the sonof K/r and thcrefbre
not a lull brotherof P3-hry. As 11ri-iry andP3-hr7, the other half-brothersof
P3-lzry arc not representedin the shrine,it is unlikely that he bcars this relationship
to P3-hr!. The use of 'sn.,f in this casemight indicatea scribalerror,but it is
possiblethat Imn-htp w as a cousinor an adopledbrotheror a brother-in-law.
It is impossibleto tell whether P3-ftn offcrs to his parentsas thc eldestson or
as the owner of the tomb. He is represented a secondtime in the scene,in the
penu)timate position. Howeverthis doesnot necessarily indicatea lowly statusin the
order of the offspring as he already appearsin the premier position. In the
reciprocalsceneon the oppositewall of thc shrinein which the eldcstson 1mams
offers to PJ-&ry and his wife, //lln ms also is rcprcsenteda secondtime amonghis
brothcrsand sisters.
ln the banquetscene,a number of women, in two registcrs,squatbehind /4r:rrl
and r(m. Becauseof damage,the kinshipdesignationand part of tlle nameof thc
leadingwomanon the top of thesetwo registersis missing. I Ioweverwhat remains
of her name indicatesthat she was s3t.slwpw, the leading woman among the
offspring representedin the shrine. following two women were,r-ir.s
Nbw-m-l:rb and .rjt..r S3r-imr, possibly named after Km's sisteror Knr'.r aunt, .r/?t
nwt nwtIJ] S-tr-izur(ibid., PI.VII, Becauseof the positionsheoccupicd
in the row of the offspring in the shrine, i.e. bchind .rJ.s lch-ms ar.din front of .rJ.r-
PJ -miu,, s3.s Sn-ms and s-l.r 2frwl_r-r?_r, it is possiblcthat .r-ir.s tll?w was the wife
Ich-ms. ll this was not the casc,then shc musl b...rhe elde\r druthrer imd rhis is
anotherexampleof thc eldestdaughtertel,rnqprecedcn.c,rte, rnn,eof thc sonsio
dris family (c.f. thc childrenof P3-\ry' ). Behind t(fi-ms anJ!t,1ln,, who mighr
be a married couple.thrcc sonsand then two dtuehtersarc representcr].p-i,ftn
hinrself and sal Imn-fttp bing up the rear.
... ..T!" l{9. extendcdlamiiy ol P3 lrt are represcntcdin thc banquersccnc
(ibid., Pl.VIl) most of thcnl being rclativesof his mothcr. Iwo matenraluncles'sn
tnhtJ'arc represcntcdas are t\{'o sistcrsof his matcrnalgrandntotherand their
sonsand daughtcrs.Threc women Jrc \c.llerlbchindone,,f thc trerr auntsin lhe
'lhe1 '
I b u n hr e g i s t c r . a r cd e s c r r b erds , . 1 /\
lamily of fllilt-r nlft are also rcprcsenledin thc tomb. Thcy are seatcdin
front of P-l l.rry andHny't-r-nh& (PM(7-8),jbid.. pl.lV). Hcr parenlsarc seated
sjdeby sideon separate chairsandseatcdbesitlcthcm ofequal sizeis.ij.s rt'1,n lJm,/
Zl, probablytheir eldestson. Othersonsand daughtcrsare scatcdbehindthcm in
two registers. sceneis damagedbut .,ix figurcr sun ivc \\ rrhproblbly room for
one or two more in elch row.
PM(l6) On the |ower registeris a man clcscribed as rl _rrtm\+rnt bmtf ' .
thc sonof the sisterof the ntothcrof his wifc. i.e.his wife'scousinnot as.l.ylorslys
|p.26)P3-fuy's uncleby marriage(ibid., Pl.VIlt).
Also includedamongthe gucstsat thc banquetarc threewomen describecl as
'rnnrtl '
i . c . n u r s e so r g o v e m c s s e(si b r d . .P L V i l . R e q . l l l ) . 1 1 c 1 ,* e r c p r o b a b l y
. n u r s c sf o r t h c w h o l e f a m i l y a n d n o t j u s t f o r p - l - l r r _ r . H i s c l d e s ti i s t c r 1 o r
sistcr-inlaw'l) who takcsprecedcnceovcr the other sistersbearsthe sanrcname.
flpw , as one of thc nurses.
A m o n g t h c m a l e g u e s t sa r e t w o m e n d e s c r i b e da s ' b n l s J ' ( j b i d . , p i . V l l .
Reg.l). This term has beendiscussed elscwhere(Casc6 n.l4) and the conclusion
reachcdthat the term implieskinshipof somcdegree,ratherthanmcrcly friendship.
This conclusion is bome out by rhe lact thar ifl thc tomb of p-i-lrr_!, rtese nten are
dclicted trctweentwo of P-i,1,1'.r matemaluncles.It is significantroo perhapsthat
P-l lint eldestdaughterwas called7-i-!
The temr appearsomlyto havc beenusedin the l;-ightccnrhDynastvat Ul Kab in
t l r cl , ) l n b .o f R a r l u . r dP 3 - f u t
Five gcneratiols of the family ol P-l-ltrt are rcpresentedin his tomb.
(icmonslratilgthe intportiurce of the cxtendedfarrily groupin Eeyptiansociallifc in
the early L,ighteenth Dynasry.
A lurthertwo gcnerations are known fiom the lomb ofhis grandfather./rf,ns
r-l //r.irr-i . Irl Kab T.-5.

Imn-ns l! rt--ntrn Imn

TITI,F-S: Champollion18,1,1 79, v.i, 8,15

DATE: llatshepsut(?)'Tuthnosislll
I,OCATION: SheikhcAbd el-Quma TT.318

i t:dl
/- This small tomb was complctcdand
/ 11r
'f--._t fully decorated.It is unpublished.

P M3 8 2

WIFE: Hnwt lmt.f nbt pr (e)(10)

SON: 3b PM(e)
COUPLE: Ipw furryny n Imn P\{(r0)
c3 ntc nht pr P\,1(10)
The wi1'eplays a prominent role in the tomb.
PM\2\ Imn-ms and f1lrr,1adoreOsirisandthe Westcrngoddcss.
PM(l) Inn ms andIJrtwt, krteeling,adoreAnubisand the Westemgoddess
m<lAnubisurd the Eastcmgoddessin a doublcsccne.
The tomb o'wrcr and his uife are reprcsentedon the left inner thickness.
PM(8) Banquctbeforetomb owncrandhis wile.
PM(9) Banquctbeforetomb owncr,wifc ard soo.
PM(l0) l omb ownerandwilc in statuegroup.
Becauscthe tomb is unpublishedit is impossiblcto tell ho$'dre figurcs are
The wife is cspeciallyfavourcd being associatcdwith her husbandin his
adorationof the gods of the dead. is the earliestknown occurreDce of this
From the informationavailable(PM 391),the family of the tomb owner does
not appearto have accompiiniedhim in his fishing and fowling pursurls
One son only is represented in the tomb. Hc doesnot ofler to his parent\,as is
custonary, but is representedwith thcm before the offering table and banquet
(PN{(9)).Il is possiblethat this could indicatea differencein statusof the sonfrom
the usualrepresentalion of thc son as offcrer. He is reprcscnted as co-recipientof
thc oflerings with his parentsatd as such might also bc dcceased.
A group of four statucsoccupy the west $'all of lhc inner roon. They are thc
tomb owner and his wife and anothercouple (PM(10)) No kinship terns are
available,so it is impossibleto tc1lpositivelyif they *ere the parentsof the tonb
owner. or his brother and his wife. The man bears the sametitle as lraa ms and

was probably his father. Therefore, Ipw. atdc3-m'sc were probablv ile parentsol
Inn ms.
cJ nric is an unusualnane for a woman.


Nb-inn imy-r pr n hmt-nswt (-Nbtw-l

TITLES: Sethe1927,1.15-53
DATE: TuthnosisII - TuthmosisIll6l
LOCATION: Drac Abfi c]-Naea TT.2,1

The tomb is a silrglechambcrtomb

which is badly damaged.Only the texts
h a v e b e e np u b l i s h e d( B o u r i a n t 1 8 8 7 ,
q5 qq\

PM 30

WIFE: Rs-ti hmt.f nbt -pr (dnd snt.f) P M( 2 )( 3- 1 )( s)( E)

SONS: namesmlssmg Pt\{(3-,1)
FATIJER: ti-rs
PM(2)'lhe tonb ownerandhis wile wcrercpresented on the thjcknesses of the
eDtraoce, but havenow disappeared. Only the namcsrcmain.
PM(3 .1) Nb imn ard his wifc are seatedbeforea tableof offcrings.which a
small figure, probablythsir son, offers to fiem (ibid., 98). Bcfore them are four
registersof funerary rites and agriculture.
PM(3 4)l His wife accompanies Nb-imn on the voyageto Abydos. She is
ilesignated snr.,fzbr-prRs-rr (ibid.,97).
PM(5) 1'omb owner and his wife with wrestlersb€low.
PM(8)I Mhe first registerwith family fishing and ibwling is complcrcly
II lil Nb'imn and Rr-ti with son otJlring to them and banquet(Schott Photo.
IY Nb-imn and Rs-rr receiveproduceof the delta. Rr-ri is snt.fmrt.f nbtpr
The wife is representedrvith her husbard in a number of scenes, She is


Imn ms Lrty--nlr n Imrt

I lll,l-S: C h r m p n l l i , , r rI b / 4 r q . v i . l j J s
r r . qr f : H J r . l r c l . l t t {. , r l u l l l n r o : i rl l l
I oCAl tON; S h c i k ,hA b dc l e u n r r ] T . J i u
t s l B t - I O G R A P H yp:M i 9 l

I l r i : s m r l l t u r n h \ \ . r . ( o n r p l e t ( . J, in . l
_ .
I u l J y d e c , ' r J r c d .l t i . , u n p u b l i s h c c i .

WTFE: f l r r r r h n t . ft tbt
Pr PM(2)(7)(s)
suN: ''ipw
coupls, !1rq,;rt1r
n rnn irllli?l,
" nbt pr
c3 mlc
P V rl 0 r
t h eu i r i .p r r l . o r " , n ' " " ' " i i " i .i .n d r cr o m h
( . v t t t t l m D m ," t n l l . l t l u t
ld.rre O : r r i sl n , l t l t c W ( \ l ( m . u d . l . . \ \
The_tombo*ner tnrj hi.swife are represented
on the left innerthickrress.
PN{(8) Banquet before tomb o\mer and
his wife.
PM(9) B3nquetbeforetomb owner,uife
and son.
PM(10) Tomb ownerand wilc rn smruegroup.
rhe romb is unpublishedit is i-mpoisiblc
represented. ro rell how the tisures are
wit'e is cspeciallv favoured.being associated
adorarionof the gods of rhe clead. This lr-trr" with hcr 'o..u".i"n."
husbandin his
."r]i.iitr"*, oi ,rri,
From the informationavailable.(pM391),
rie famil_rot the tomb owner does
r t o la p p e r r o h r v e r c c o m p , n i e Jh i m i n h i .
f i s h i n gl n r Jt b w l i n eo u r s . i L r
une son onlv is represented in rhe tonb. ff! Ao", nor oi? t,ir"p"r"n,r,
customary,but is represenredwirh.rhem u, ,,
before the ;;;i; lnd banqucr
(P1\{(9)).It is possiblerharrhis coula ;na;cate "*
i diC;";;;'ri";;;;e sonfrom
the usuatrepresentarion of rhc son as olferer. H; ;r.p;;;;:. ".'oi..ipi.nt
Lht'ofterings wirh-hisparenr.anLlt.5uch miShraj:o l-,e oi
A group of four statuesoccuov the weit wall
of the i_.. .ooln. They are the
tomb orvncr and his wilt and another.""pr.
iprlit i^d j.''^-aol]nilio ,.. , ur.
available,so it is impossiblero tell positivclyif
'Thc rhcy u,eie,fi" pui".rr^ii rl. ,o,nf,
owner,or his brotherand his wife. -on U"u.r'ttr" ,o_"-ti.,f!'lr'l)n rrr,

referredto rs ,b1-2r"(ibjd.. 95), hmt.fnht-pt (ibid.,97) and on two occasions, vtt./

nrt.f nht pr (ibid., 97) (SetheI 927, 153,17), once in the fitg di-nsrrr fonnula and
oncein the AbydosPilgrimage,both in a funerarycontcxt. Cem! (19-5'1.2i1) claims
this is the earlicstdatedtomb in which rrtl.,fis usedol a witb. (Thisquestionrvill bc
discussed in Pan lI of the thcsis).
tt is impossibleto tell how many sonsNb inn h'td. 'lhis
PM(3-.1) A son *ith offeringlist shnds befbrehis parents. scerteis nol
PM(3-'1)ltlsc.l. {)nc of the sons of Nh inn prcscnlsa vaseio thc nummy ol
hir farhcr(Bouriantlll87, 9ll).
As ncitherof thescsonsis namcd,it is irnpossiblcto tell rvhcthcrthey are thc
samc,or clifferent,sons.
parentsol Nb inn do Dot appearto havc bcen reprcscntedin this tomb
However.their namessurviveon his stela(PM(9): ibid.,96, lincs'1 5) Thc lather
and the wife of Nb-im , bolh have nameswith thc clcment'rJ Iti-rs and Rr-ti
It is possible that thcy were relatcd by blood and thitt N} irl, married his
cross-cousin, his fathcr'ssister'sduughtcr.

14nu-mntr,-!,lwn.f St( 1l-r't:' * ll.1''tt yl,hn.f I"t

Ttiri .,r"'

Anothcr possibilityis thal he marricdhis parallelcousir. his fathcr'sbrothcr's

l)avies (1913,6 n.3) suggestsa possiblefantily connectionbetwecnNb ir,/,
'.tncl 'lhe
Mntw hr b)"s.f of Tf )0. finding of funerarycolcs ot thc High Priestol
A n r u n .M a w - n r l w c a l l e d. ! r ( . i ) r s a n d o l N D - l n a i n - 1 T 2 0 ( D a v i e s1 9 1 3 .5 )
'rr' elclnentin thc allentativt:nlmc of
might acldwcighl 10 this contcntion. The
Mi*- mnLw iJcertainll' significant. It is llossiblcthat he was the grartcllather ol
Nl-iarr and his wile .
l'hcrc is also a possibleconncclionwith the lamily ol Ttr-,(-r'(Case1),'/ii
and bcing comrrlonelementsin the nlnlcs of that family Tli-t-r hrrclI son
ftl-rs (Davics l925, I E) *'ho could possiblyhavebecn lirc lathertll Nll i'1'. ll is
possiblc thal Tlt-tr and .Snb werc the grandpareirtsol Nlt-inttt ralher than
Mn\r-mtrlrr and Allwl-f .

Tti_kt *Sab

I I L-r.r - 'lDtr *FS./Fts.


Nb-imn n

CASI] 27

MnSv hr-hpi.f Liw-hw h3t)*r: n lhw

TITLI]S: Davies1913, Pls.IV-XIII

DA'I'E: TullxnosisIII (?)
LOCA'I'ION: Drac Abrl el,Nagac 'fT.20

The tornb is very badlv damased

and was probably nevcr iomplciely
finishedor decorated.

PM 30
N{OTHER: .T3y.i-snt nbt-pr PM('1-s)
FATHER?: nameunknown PM(E)
BROTIIER?: nameunhown PM(8)
As far as one can tcli, there is no recordof a rvife in wbat remainsof this tomb.
The mother of the tomb owncr is representedtwice with hcr son.
PM(4)-(5)I The morheraccompanies her son ir his inspectionof rhe funcrary
ntes (Davies 1913, PI.VIID. A small figure of T3y.i-snt stanclsbehind her son
facingleft. Shebarelyreachcshis shouldcr,hcr amrsare at hcr sidcandher leetarc
logcther.Thereis no contactbetwecnthe couple.
PM(4)-(5) Sub sccnc: The seatedfigurcs oi Mnlw fir ltplf an<lhis molhcr
occupvthe full heightofthe wall. Thcy arc scatedon a couchfacinsleli in Position
V (ibid., Pl.lV). The sub-scene which exrcndsthe whole lencrhof rhc u,all on the
bottom regjster,is the funeraryprocessioD which approachcsMn1t,,lLrhp!;f antl
his notllcr. It is led by thrcc largerfigures,who arc not nantedbut who must be
closc rclativesof the tomb owner. Davics suggcststhitt the lcaclingfigure is thc
eldeslson.but he could as well bc a brotherif. as sccmspossible,Mnlu-ltr-1.1p!.J
was unmarned.
As tl-rcrcis no meirtionoI a tvile or childrenin thc sur.rivingscenesin lhc tomb
and as thc mothcrplays a promincntrolc in the is possiblclhiit
Mnlw hr hplif \,,,asnot married. His mothcr appeilrs10havc actedas ll surrogale
wife in the tomb and is representedin thc customaryposc of the rvife. lhc
inscriptionaboveher headwhcn she is seatedwith hcr son seemsto conlirm this_
Shc is "mr{,t./aryl.f irtt ib.[ n lyrt hr'],nt rt nh". (ibid., Pl.lV) "[lis morhcr
whom hc loveswho doesthc plcasureof his heartdlily'. This seemsto inply rhat
shc looksafter his daily nccds. Ll-r'.t,rrl docsnot bcar any titlesin thc tomb other
than thal of zbt-pr; howeverM4lh.rr-17r.1.,/ doesclaim to bc s-l ri/t llrs rr ipsfr).
(ibid., Pl.lV) so it would seemthat his mother.or his larhcr'smother.u as a noblc
wonan. lf it washis mothcr,onervouldhavecxpcctcdthe filiationto readlr I srlr
m.r,l j7r-rt,thcrcforeit wasprobablyiris tather'smother$,howasdre noblervoman.
.- It is possiblcthat his patenralgrandlatherwas ,L/rIl, callcd Sa/.il rr rvhosc
coneswerc found in the tomb (ibid., 5 no.l:1). I)avicscallshim rhe "chiel pricstof
Amon l\ljn", but hc is probablyidenticalwith the chief priestof Amon Mr{-m Ir.
callcdSal.l)-rs.(Lefebvre1929,221$3 ) whosewife uas probablyirrt-1tctQhv'r1
Itlt n.s hl,t (ibid., 227 & n.l ).. This princcsscould be rhe noblc womanwho was
lhe grandmoiherof ll4nlw-hr-hplJ. Davies (1913.6) suggcstsrharMr4ri mighr
havc been the son of,"r1 t-efebvreand Lrgrain date Mrn r?r111,to thc
rcign of Ahmose (1bt(1.,221)much earlier than thc dare of the tonrb. Hc was
unlikelyto be a sot\ol M tt\rhr-1ry5f rvhorvasprobablyunntarricd.
'lhe q,ith hirn in an ollcring
lathcr of\Jis probablyreprescnted
s c c n c( D a v i e s1 9 1 3 P
. l.Xl).
P1\4(8)The two nrerrarc scalcd,facing right. on a couch,thc tomb owner in
front. Thereis no contactbetwccnthc pair. Unfortunately. rto inscriptiLrn sun,ires
to idcntify thc man and Davies(ibid.,7) lcavcsit an openqueslionwhcthcrir is thc
latheror thc brothcrof thc tomb o\\'ner. I think it is morc likclv to be the lathcr. If
ivIn t-tt-trr- ttplJ had no children,a hrothcr \\rrultl m"re lil eli be perlonning thc
olftrings than bcing a co-recipienl. I assumcthc figurc to be that oi lhe
fathercspccially as the pair are on the $ est end of thc orth wall dircctlyopposite
the figuresof the tomb ownerandhis nother on thc wcstcnd of the soulhwall.
A b r o t h e r o r b r o t h c r so f M t t 4 t - l , t t - l . t p i . l u o u l d p r o b . r b l l h a v c b c c n
rcprcsentedin the tomb. perfbrmingthe offering tist ritual (Pl\{(8)) ar leasl. A
liagnrcnt(ibid,. PI.XIV.3) seens to rend ".tn.J[n sr-] ibJ T-r-l I possiblythc
f,.]-rli of find No.26 tibid., 6), althoughthe damagcdst|rc of rhc fragmenrcould
alsorllo$, a readingof sni/tl.l

Davics (ibid., 6 n.3) suggcststhe possibilityof a family connectionbet\reeD

Mngt-hr hp!.f of 1T.20 andNb-lmn of TT.24 becauseof rhcir proximity and the
common elcment ',.,r ' in the namesof Nb-ima's wife and lathcr and Sr(.j/,rJ
alwaysassumingthat Sril.i)r..rwas relatedto Mny-rr,bp'sf. lf Mnw mntw ddu,
n.f Sn(.i)-r's was the grandfarherof ^"b-imn (1T.2,1)and Mnlw hr hplf rhqo this
would bc the family connectionbetwccnthe two men.
Davies (ibid., 2 n.2) dates thc tonlb of Nb imn as larcr than rhar of
Mnlw-l1r-lplJ b u t c o n t r a d i c t sr h i s t o s o r r l ec x t e n t b y s u g g e s l i D gr h 3 t
Mn6' hr-!p.\.f married the daughtcrof Nb inlr.
However,I think it unlikelv t\at Mnlw-hr hps.,fwas narricd. so thc quesliurl
ol who his wife wasdoesnot arise.


B3ki sQm-c\tpy!8w llQnbwn pr |mnl

TI'I'LI]S: as above from tomb

DATI,: TuthmosisIII or earlicr
LOCATION: DracAbo el Nagac TT.l8

This tomb is badly darnagedand onlv

the hall seemsto have beendecorateil.

PM 20

WIFE: M s hmt.ftbt pr PN,r(1X4)r(6)r& n

SONS: cb(! )[---]rpr Pr!,r(6)I
Itf Plvl(6)l
H nmrv-nfr
'l'wo PM(6)r
unnamedsons Pt!{(1)r
DAUGHTERS: Sp n|i Pr\,{(6)I

Nb t- r,,) PNI(4)I
FAl'HER: namemissing.rI1,/rshwl
kln'n hnx-n1r PM(4)I
(U1lill':trt )
MOTIIER: M.t P1\,{(.r)
PM(l) A numberofcouples are represented bclbrc an ollcring lisr. Gauthier
(1908. 170,Pl.XIIl) saysthey represenlthe dcccascdaDdhis wite. seventimcs. lf
this wcrc so, the scenewould be uniquciD the Thcbannecropolis.'lhc couplcsare
more likely to be relativcspresentat the banqucl. 'lhc tomb owner and his *,ifc
were probablydcpictcdon the damagedright handpan of rbc wall facingthe other
couples.Their figureswould bc largc,probablyspanningthe threercgistcrs.
PM(4)I No representation of this sceneexists, only thc accountof Gauthier
(ibid,. 168). R3ki arLd, his wifc are seatedbeforean ollering tablc and their son.
standing,offers to them. At thcir siclcis a small daughter,also the recipientof the
I'M(6)l His wifc accompanies BJtl in his fishin{ and firr,"ling activities.Sheis
lmt.f nht pr Ms. On both occassions the snall figurc of M.i, rcachingonly to his
armpits,standsbehindB.jtl. With hcr inncr hanclsheholdshis waist and her outer
hand,in raisedto touchhis raisedarm (ibid..Pl.Xl).
PN,I(6)lIThis registeris very danlagcdand no reprcscntarion of it cxistsonly'
Gauthier's description (ibid.. 170). B.l,{i and his wife arc scatcd in a kiosk
inspectingthc prodLrcc of the marshesand lhe vintage.
Trvo,or possiblythrcc,sonsarc rcpresented in the tomb.
PM(,1)l A standingmale figure.probablya son. off'crsto B-l(i anclhis $iic
(ibid.. 168). A secondmale tigure standsbehindthe first one,eithcranothcrsonor
a brothcro f B-lll. Asthe squattirlgfemaleligurc bchindhin is B.l,{l's sistcr.snt./
73-r (Pctric 1909,PI.XXXVII), it is quite possiblcthat thc sccondmalc figurc is a
brother. However,as two sonsarc rcprcsented in the fishingand io$lins sceires. the
two malc figurescouldbothbe his sons.
PM(6)l hr the fishing scenc(Gauthicr 1908.PI.XI) twtr small malc figurcs
stand,one abovethe othcr,abovcthc pro!\"of thc ski11,\!hich holdsB-ili, his rvifi
ln thc fowling scene.two sonsstandbehindB.lhi and M.s. The figure in iront
of B.lti, this time. appearsto be a standingmale figure c led s-1(?).fttutJ'
f l n m w - n f r ( W r e s z i n s k1i 9 1 5 - ,v . i T a l t l 1 1 7 ) . T h c ' s - l s i g ni s d o u b t l i rrl n d t h c
epithet'rr/t.,f is femininebut despiteRanke(P),{275.19)rlho makcsthc namcthat
of a f'cmalc,thc figureappearsto bc nalc. lt hasno whitedressand is striding.
mustbc a third sonof BJli.
B3li had trvo or possiblythreedaughters.
I'M(,l)l Membersof the family offer to B.Jti. his wife and a small drughter
ND t.iw1(l/. As this smali daughtcris thc rccipicntof oflclings with hcl
is possiblethat sheis deceased.
PN{(6)I hr the fishing scene,t$o daughtcrsare represented kneeling. C)ne
kncclsbrtween the stridinglegsof hcr lrther. one handholdingher father'\lee. thc
othcr holding Iotusbuds. Thc othcr daughterkneelson thc front of the skifi, one
handrcachingback to touchhcr lathcr'sleg. the otherholdinga lotusbud (Gauthier

190E,Pl.Xl). Only thc nameof one daughteris presencd,so it is irnpossible to rcll

whetherthe otherdaughteris Nb r-iw,r or a third daughter.
In thc fow)ing sccneon)y one daughteris represcnted on fic skifT. Sheknccls
betweenthe legsof hcr father,holdshis leg with onehandand a lorusbud rvirhthc
othcr. I ler namc doesnot su.vive.
Tbe parcntsof tbe tonb owncr appearoncc in the tomb.
PN'l(4)lI tomb owncr offersto his parents.No reprcscnlation of drissccnc
exists,only the figurc ofB.ilr, himsclf (Petric1909,PI.XXXIV).
It i! possibletlat a sisterof B-ill is represcnred in Lhctomb.
PM(4)I A squatting\r'oman,who is depictedbehindthe two mcn, oifcring to
B J l l a n d h i s w i f e , i s p o s s i b l ya s i s t e ro f B - l & 1 . S h c i s s r r . , f? 3 - r ( i b i d . .
PI.XXXVII). It is alsopossiblcthatshernightbe a rninorwife or concubrne.
Both the \\'ilt and mother of B.lti bcar the samc nerne,4.Is Although a
common nanle for a man in thc New Kingdom, it was not a comnlo nlmc ibr a
*,oman. Thebantomb No.18 is lhc onlv refercnceRankc(pN 164.l8) eivesfor thc
femalenamc. Thereforeit is possiblefiat the two women werc rclated. possiltlv
BJki marriedhis mothcr'sbrother'sdaugbter,who had beencalledalicr hcr.runi.
This would thenbe a classiccaseof crosscousinmariage.

..cAsE 29

Icl ms hn; sit3 m pr-dw3lt65 s'snsut fordn k3p 6

TITLDS: shorrer1930,Pls.XVI& XVll

DATE: IiarlyTuthmosis
III (l)
LOCATION: Kh6kha TT.2,11
, r)!r1 . , Or y thc hall ol this tomb hasb€en
l, : " sl excavatcdand the sun'ivingsccncsarc
b t t l l v d . r m r ; e d . l . c u r e p r c \ n( t . i o l l \
I I N of themexist.
( zar) t
WIFE: Ic l7-rnslmt.f nbt-pr PM(I )sc.2(2X3X1)(5)(6)'l
SONS: raniesmissing PM(1)sc.2(3)'l('1)'i(6)l
DAUGIITERS: nruresmissing PM(6)?
The wife of 1cft-ms,with the samcnameasher husband,is very Dromrnenr rn
w h a t : u n i \ c . , , f f i e t o m b .r p p c r n n ; i r re r e l l s . c n e .
PM(1) sc.2 lch ms andhis wife arescated,facingleft. they arethe recipicnts
of ofleringsfrom a man dressedin the priestlyleopardskin (Shorrer1930,55).
PM(2) l'omb owner and his wife adoreOsiris. 1.h-ms and his wifc srand

Nb /-lw,- PM(4)l
FATIIt,R: namemissings-i1/rsbwl k3wn htnt nlr PNI(4)I
't3-r P[.r(,1)rr
SIS'I'EIt: PM(,1)I
PM(1) A numbcrof couplesare reprcsented beforean olfering list. Gaurhier
(1908, 170,Pl.XIll) saysdrey reprcscntthe deceascd and his wife, scvcnrinres. lf
tllis were so, thc scenewould bc uniquein the'lhcban necropolis.Tl.recouplesarc
more likely to be relativespreseltlat thc banquet. 'lhc tomb ou'nerand ltis wife
u,creprobablydepictedon the damagcdright handpan of thc wall tacingtltc othcr
couples.Thcir figureswould be large,probablyspanninglhe lhrcc rcgisters.
PM(,1)I No representation of this scenccxists , only Lhcaccountof Cauthicr.
(ibid.. 168). B-lti and his wife are seatcdbcfore an olfering table and their son,
standjng,o1lersto them. At their sideis a small dauglrrer, also thc rccipientof rhe
PM(6)l IIis wilc accompanies B-iti in his fishingand forvlinitactiviries.Shcis
l;tmt.fnbt-pr Ms. On both occassior'ts rhc small figure of M.i, rcachinsonly to his
annpits.slanclsbehindB-ili. With her innerhandshcholdshis waist and hcr outer
hand,in eacircase,is raisedto touchhis raiscdamr (jbid..PI.XI).
PNl(6)ll This registeris vcry darnagcdanclno rcprcscnration of it existsoDlv
G a u t h i e r ' sd e s c r i p t i o n( i b i d . . I 7 0 ) . B - i t l a n d h i s w i l e a r c s c a t c di n . r l i o s i
inspcctingthe produccof the rnarshes andthc vinrage.
.-. Two, or possiblythrcc.sonsarc representcd in thc tomb.
PM(4)I A standingmale figurc, probablya ron. off'crsto B-lti and his uitl
(ibid., 168). A secondmalc figure standsbehindtllc first one.eilhcr anothcrsonor
a brotherof tsJli. As the squattinglcmalc figure behindhin is B.l(l'r sister,sar.f
7-t-l (Petrie1909.PI.XXXVII), it is cluitcpossible$ar rhe sccondrnalefigureis a
brothcr. However,as two sonsarc represented in thc fishingand forvlingsccncs,thc
two malefiglrrcscouldbothbe his sons.
PM(6)l In the fishing sccnc (Gauthier1908,PI.XI) two smilll male figures
stand,one abovethe othcr.abovethe prow of the skiff. which his $ife
and daughters.
In the fowling sccnc!two sonsstandbehind/l-itl andM.i. The figurein iront
of B-tli, this time, appearsto be a standingnralc figurc called s.}('l).f nrtJ
flnmw-nfr (Wreszinski1915-,v.i Tafel l17). The's-l sign is &rubtlirl and rhe
epilhet'rrr1.l is fcmininebut despiteRanke(PN 275.19)who makesthe namelhal
of a female.the figureappearsto bc male. It hasno while dressanclis striding.This
mustbe a third sonof B-iti.
BJ,ti had two or possiblythreedaughtcrs.
PM(,1)I Membersol the fanrily oifcr to B-lli. his u ifc and I small daLrghtcr
N b t 3 : * ) " 1 ? )A. s t h i s s m a l ld a u g h t e r i tsh er e c i p i e nol f o f f e r i n g sr v i t hh e r p r r c n t si.t
is possiblcthatshcis dcccased.
P1\{(6)l In the fishing scene,two daughtersare represented kneelrng. One
kneelsbetweenthe stridinglegsof her father,one handholdingher fatherr leg.Lhe
othcr holding lotus buds. The othcr daughterkneelson tbe front ol-the skiff, one
handreachingback te touchhcr lathcr'slcg. thc othcrholclinga lotusbud (Gauthier

of offerings. hefbrc rhe gocl. The sccne

9^1,,0 , OOt"
represcntation is damagcd and no
exists(ibid., 56).
I'M(3) A n.ranstandsbcforc an offiring labjc,
'lhc olfering lo /.1 zrr and his u,il.e,
\\llo ilre.cill.(l litctn-t riihl.
:iertL. t\\er) \ , . l l : t t c L it i b i d . . 5 b J .
$ilh ofteringsbefore /'lr nir and his *:ile
'.i*r,,',I'Jj,r*llt;l ",.t''.. seatecl
l ) M r , 1r 5 q . 2 p r i c s rJ , u r i t i ecso u p [ . .\ e i i t e Jt i ( . i n .
r i ! h l t i h i , l. 5 \ J .
PM(5) Remainsof' Ith nt: anJtri, r,unri,r-q-,,,r
... 'lhe ,i,"i Hili $.rletollows
1rl-as. scencis rlmost torallvdestroyctl. ",f" Il
'rhc i, ;,;r;;,,1';,;'r""';hc *.ii.ehunrhg
on.foot. onry olher romtrin wlich thii sccne,r.,-,,rii.-ii.,,,i
ol' i,,,-n-. trrt. rl .
Shorlcrr dercriptrouoj.lhisscenconlv
. " , , " J ; ; i ^ ' : l Y , : t , ; , / r a r , , r i r r l l r i . t i i , , u t ) i r r rntentions/r.l-r,.i (p-5g)but
rvro)se.j / ' { r n j\ u n d h i r w i l e a r c s c a t e dl a c i n gr i q h t
l a b l e . . As t a n d i n ng r a no f ' t ' e rt so t h e n ( i b i d . . 5 7 ) . bel;rc an ol.fering
No meution of thc nantesof sonsan<iclaughters
sun,jve in the inscnplions.
whooficrsto r(:|tnts h;;;ii; trr'..,,r,u
Sinilarly in P1\4(3)and (.1)sc.2 a son or"",1 ii u" . ,r,
diff.ercnrli""., .r"fj-t-J.ii.nnr lo the
parentsand purifyingthen. hl pM(.1)sc.l it possible
. is rt.,"tn,r" ,r. ,,,,,r"sonscout(l
bc aqlongthe prieslswith olfurincs.
a n d f i s h i n g i s c c r e( P M ( 6 ) ) i r i s n o l c e r r a i ni f
, . . . . , l ] ^ i harc
oaughters : . , 1prcsent.
*lits a r r y s o : r so r .
f\t{6) sc.2 A man who couldbc a sonol.ttrslo / wilc.
A l t h o u g hi r i s i m p o s s i b l rco r e l l d e , l . i n i r cilfy l , l ,
, r,, frlil,,,-,o,,r. rt,",nut"
trgures offcringto the tonb owneran(lhis wilc arc ,r"^ffy.,r,r.
nlale progcny,brothers. ut,,"n"aui

I(:l,t ms tltlu n.f fl*' nt t itl, r gs pt n ltiltI ntt.

TIl'LI]S: I l c l c k1 9 5 5I.. 1 3 23
Ilclck 19-58. ,13 9
P|]i, TulhnrosisIII or Ilatshepsul
lg-cll'loN shcikhcAbder-eunrr,'iT.22t
PLAN: (Seenext p|Lgc).
As^wcll as bcing orienredin lhe oppositedirecticn from
, lhe usual ronlb.the
orderof re roonrsis djfferent. Insteaclirfrransvers"lr,,ll,
this lonlb consistsof Dassage. ;,,r.,ig; ,i,,1,uu.. r,,,,,,,,
tran.\\.erse hall an,j inncr ruoni. titr" p"rrug" ,,,
r e f e r e d r o i n p L t ( 3 2 i ) a s - a v e s t i b u l c ,l u r r r r " , . " i , " . r ; , , ' ; i ,
;,,iir rr" 1,,,.,.1
customarilyfound on lhc walls of thc passagc.lhc inner
roonris ,,.1 clcc.rrtcr!..r
the scencshaveall disappeared anclrlretomb-isunpublished.
P N {3 1 8

WIF'E: Nhw llkrt n,*rt P\l(5)lV nanrcknorvn onlr

fronrlonrbs29 xnd 96. tltc
tonibsol her sons
i]ATIIIR: Jll r! !r-1 Pi\1(6 )
tr'I(.)'fI IIiR: Ill tn l3-ilL P N (l 6 )
SONS: Innrnript r'rtl r ni\\ t !.1t,. o\\rer ol l-1.29
Sn-fii h3 n^ c n nt\\'t I s1t
o* cr ol .96

P\{(5)lV ,\ ntenanLle priestoffer to nrs andhis rvilc.

Pl\'1(6)Bmquet scene,gucstsincludingparcnts.
mcn ofleringto It:lt,ntsandhis riiie (PI!{(5)lV)*ere prolreblyhis sons.
coun of this tontbcontainstwo stelae.
P \ { ( l ) S t e i ao f I m n - f i r p o f 1 T . 3 6 8 . / r l l - h r y r b e l o n g st o t h c e n d o f r h c
E i g h t c e n t hD v n a s t v( P \ l ' l 3 l ) . F - i d r e r1 r r l ? - r { )r l a s a d c s c e n d n notf 1 ( l - n r s .
though neilhcr hc nor his fathcr havc any titlcs in comnlon witir the itmilv oi
I c l . tm s . o r t h e s l c l i ri s a n i n r r u s i v cs t e l aw i t h n o c o n n e c l i o n , , v i t h e l u n r i l i o f
P\,1(2) 1'hesccondstclais that of 1.{l-rn.!hirnself. It me tiLrlsHrI,-.?r.\rlo
bearsa similartitle to 1cftrns and waspossiblya collcagucor rclarionof his.
The r,,ili of 1ch-mr wasat inrpontntwomanin her o\!n ri{ht. beldng thc tillr
lkrt rtsttt (sccn.20). Sheis not aspronrinentin the tonlb as onc \\ould expccl,but
possiblvthe inconrplclcr and problbl;-dantagcdstlie oI thc tontb could lccount lor
lc|.tnts anclNlr.L held rhc highcsrofficesol thc lxnd, which lhcv
probablyowcd k) thc closcpcrsonalrclationships ol thcir parcntsanclthcrrrr ir es Lo
thc royal trLmilv.

CASI] 31

llsr im,--rpr wr n CJ.[r-LT:t )

TII'LIS: Flelcki 95-5,1.1979
DA'fE: I)M = TurhmosisI but possiblyshouldbe dared
to thc_reign
of TudrmosisIII (SeeAppcndixIV)
I-OCATION: SheikhcAbd el-Quma T-1.21
BIBI-IOGRAI)HY: Pt\,t35 37

T l r r .t o n r b* r , . , , i 1 ) l ' ( l e dJ d I t . . )
O (C O r r l e Jh U l t t t : ! ( t \ J J n t : r : e d .M . l n )
oI the sccnesare rvholl,v'' or partial)y iost.


I_lF!, I)3kr nbt-pr t)\,r(2)(9x

l4)( i 5 lN)
Iory:Sl possibry
trvoor.three pruiiijfqjiizrrtr:l:
PIIf!!I.RS w34tinpwt,ttw,t-,frt i,riiiitiiliirst
PAR[l,"fS: \amc. mi..ini: t , \ 4 .t R ]
The wife of lt v is reprcsenrcd standingbehindf,ii i""r"A trgurc. She
," ^,iY,?l
A snrall.mrle f i g u r ep r o b a b i va s o n ,h o l d i n ga l o t u sf l i r w c r l, e a l
l : ? ,oud.
ano ,.rT',.rsrue,
5tandsf'el$een them No representation of this scenesurvivcs(Dlvics
1 9 t 3 ,2 L - 2 ) .
PM(9) !I/sr ;rndhis wif'eare thc recipientsof ofi.eringsfrom two .lhe
sceneis,dcstrol-cd, only frlgmentsremain(
PNf(l'1) Wir and his wiie are seatedon a couch.facing lcft in posirurn
P N ( 1 5 ) A s i m i l a r s c e n et o p N { ( 1 , 1*), i r h t } r e c o u p l e f a c i n g n g h t ( i h i d .
PM(1E) On rhe rvesrwall ofthe
w . t hh . . r . h r r . b . uar nd dJ n o r i e rc i , u p l c,illl" l1]. l,il9 is represcnted in a starutgroup
i \ i . 1 . l. L . X l X r
l . nI . n (\ u r v l v t n . _I n 5 c f l p t t o\ B . ? { r i s n , , t. r c t - . r l l r c f e l r c dt , , . . l . , r / s l . .
.. I
c a l , l endb t p r n . t r D , f ( i b i d . ,P l . X X V I l . D . r r i r : s1 1 6 n , . 4 l r h i n k sr h e r cr s r o n r eo o u n r
abouther rclationshipto lt/-rr.Thc tcm 'snt.[J]' 1sstill legib)eon thc pxsslgc
urd Daviesequatesthis with his wilc', however,if Dauicsis conectabr]Lrr rh. diLrinq
of ihe tomb. ',ra, would not havc meant 'wife at this carly datc. On thc other
hancl,if as I think.the tonrbbclongsto thc rcisn of Tuthmosislll, then.!rr1.l7 could
u ' e l l h a v e r e l ' c r c dt o h i s w i f e - l h e r e i s l i t t l e d o u b t t h a t t h c w o m i u r \ ! h o i s
rcpresented with fi'rr irt five sccucsand who is calledrrlrt2r r rt il /B-i,(t ills his
l!,v probablyhad two or thrccsons.
PN,l(2)A smallmale figureis depictcdbclwccnltr.e/ancihis wile.
PNl(9) The sceneis very dlnagcd and only lrasrncntsrcrnain.It rvouldrppcar
thal two sons.rcprcscntcd standingone abovethe olher.ollcr 1()lyrr and his rvill.
'lhc 'l'hc
lowcr iigure is dressedas a.rnt pricst. namcsof thc sonsare lost. Ihc
srnallfigurein Pl\'l(2)might be one of lhcscsonsor ntiglttbe a third son.
If the couplerepresentecl in AppcndixIV) is li'rr andhis rvife,thcn
trneof thc sonsmigtrtbc l.tntny qtt [ ] ,l-lst ll,.ir who is shorvnotlcring to his
P\t(12) & (I3) A man in bolh lhescscenes.rvhosefigurc is dcstro),cd. olfcrsa
bouquctto ll'sr. It is probablethat thescare the sonswho oilcr to lhcir nirrent\irl
the daughtcrsol' il sr farcdbctlcrlhan his sons.
PM(11) A standinr$,omanofcqual sizc 10ly.\r' a d B.ilr offerslhcm a dish
rvithhcr right hand. Althoughro irameor rclatioilsllipsurvivcs,shc wasproblbll r
d a u g h t eor f t h c c o u p l c( i b i d . .P I . X X V I ) .
I']Nl(15) Thc above sceneis repeatedon the opposilc$all, wtcrc rhc sxmc
.-daLrghle r or anothcrolli'rs a distrto rhc coLrplc(ibid.,Pl.XXV).
P I \ ' lI(6 ) a n d ( 1 7 ) O n t h c b a c kw a l l o l t h e s h r i n et w o s m a l lf c r r a l c ' l i g u r casr c
rcprcscntcd on eachsideol lhe slalucgroup (ibid., I'l.XIX). ]-hcy arc J.ltJ /1.!t ih./
ll'-)slr-rnpu'tald r-lt.l n sLih f Mvr-nlit.
It is probablethal lhcsc arc thc t!!1) ciaughters ofltring to thc coLrpleon the
nonh and souilrwalls of the shrine.
parcntsof wclc probably represenlccj in lhe staluegroup of IbuI
p e o p l eo n t h c w c s t $ a l l o i t h c s h r i n c( P l \ { ( 1 8 )ilb i d . . I ' l . X l X ) . - l h c t \ , " oc c n l f r l
ligurcs are male, lhe one on thc right, as vicwcd froln thc front. possibll,wcari .r
thc robcof i! vizier (ibid.,2l ). As ltv wasnol a vizicr.his is probabll the leti hand
f i g u r e .t h e l c n a l c f i g u l c o n h i s l e f t b e i n gt h a to f h i s u i f e . I h c n r l l c l i g u r co n h i s
r i g h t w a s p r o b r b l ye i t h e rl h a t o l h i s f a t h c ro r b r o t h c rr v i t h] r i s u i l c o n h i s r i g h l
As the tonlb is so drmascdit is impossibieto tell $tcthcr the fatheror broth!'r
rre represcnlcd clscwhcrein thc k)mb.
Becauseof the dressof thc right h nd malc ligulc in thc slaruegroup.ll'.rr \\'as
p r o b a b l ya s o n o r b r o t h c r o l a v i z i c r . ( s c c A p p c n d i \ I V l i r r p o s s i b l cl a m i l r


Itvl-lttp wth s3 ns)\'ttpr n ( .j Ft;r k-4-

TITI-F,S : as above
DATI]: PM. - Tutimosjs I but shouldprobablybc datedto thc reignol
TuthmosisIlJ. itle refersto funcrarycult of l irthnrosisI 68,
c f . C a s e3 1 .
I-OCATION: ShcikhcAbd el Quna
BIBLIOGRAPIiY:P N l4 1 3 , t

This tomb is unpublishedand o11l\tllc

hall seemsto havebeendecorated.

I (315)
PM ,100

WIFE: Rr3y lntt.f nbrpr imcyt nt Intn PM(l)(2)(3)(1X5)(7)

SONS: c3 hpr-k3-rc-snb wtb m t\lt (statu.)
DAUGHTERS: T u o d . u g h t e r '- n r m c . u r r l n o w n l'\l(j't{.r.5/.1.r
FATHER: Sn.i-Qltwry P\,r(6)
MOTIIER: 73-firtl lnt.f nbt-pr P\{(6)
BROTHER: NJt-l.ttp lm-n1r I nv and i/'nll l-l? , PiU(6)

BROTHIIR'S \\lFE: I Inn] btp hmt.f nbt'pr PM(6)

The wile appearswith her husburdir six out of cightsccnesin this tomb.
PM(I) Right thickness: Rrril standsbehind Imn'l.rrp in Position VII as hc
poursa libation. Only the top ofthc figuresremainbut it is clearthatshc is strurcling
with bolh handsat her sideand that thereis no cont.rctbetweenthe couple(LD iii,
PM(2) Inn-|tp and Rri3_r are seatedsideby siclc,facingright, in PositionV
(LD iii ,9a). Thereare no representations of ihe couplcin sccncs(3) & (1). ln Plt{
(5) the couplearedepictedas in scene(2) but facingleft. (ibid .,9b).
PM(.1) Inn-htp and his family are shownfishing and forvling. The forvling
scenealone is illustrated(LD iii,9e). Imn-lLtp rs the dominantfigure.the fernale
figure standingbchind him is smallerand is probiiblyhis wifc. Hcr lcft hand is
raisedto touch his waist and hcr right hand probablygraspshis leg. Betrvcenhis
legs a small female figure, probablya daughter,squats. h front of hinr. turning
back towards 1a4-4? standsa smallmale iigure probablya son. No namesarc

attachedto any of the figuresotherthan /rr, ,ryr , thereforeit is possiblclhal lhi\

group mercly represents the typical nuclearfanril,v,the wife bcing rcprcscnlcdand
the sonsand daughtcrs bcingrcpresentcd by oneof eachkinci.
From the evidenceof the tomb. one would !ssLrmcthat hiri-lt7r had no
sur.r'ivingsons. only occasionon rvhicha malc ligure ollcrs to /rrl-irrlr and
his wife, (P\'l(,l)l). it is a priestwho ccnsesto them thoughit is possiblethar rhis
priestis a son. [n any casc.statucsof the plir *ere firunddeclicated bv their sonthe
t'b n l3t C-T.Wl-Ll-i' l ,-l-!ryr-Li r! rab (Pl\{,11,1). \o they musthrvr:hadut
leaslone \on.
Daughtersare shownolleringto thc couplc.
PM(2) A girl, probablya daughtcr.ollcrs lLmcnrl to lhcn.
P M ( 3 ) l l T w o d a u g h t e ros f f c r t o t h e c o u p l e . A g i r l a l s o o f f e r s1 o t h e m i n
daughtcrs seemmuch moreprominentin the tomb thanthc son.
The parentsare represented oncein the tomb.
PM(6) In a doublescenelmn-|xp of itrs to his parcntson thc right andto his
brothcrand his wife on the left. The parentsare depictedin lhe samcmanneras thc
tomb owner and his wife (t-D iii , 9f right and 9b). bul Ai& lrTr and his u'i[c are
porlrayeddifl'ercntly(LD iii. 9f lefi). The) are seatedon a couch.lacing right in
PositionVIIL HcTleft arm is aroundhis neck and Ay' frtp holdsher wrist in his
lefi hand
Imn-lttp's of[crrng to his parentsis to ill ,tri llu t-r and llnLJ T.] lrtL ll,D
'.iii . 91)ratherthanto the more usual 'i./ ' and 'rrr'r.l ' . lt is possiblcthat thcrc
$as not cnoughroom for 'mx'/.,f ' at lhe bollom of llre colunrDol irscliption or
possibly l-i-!rd wasnothisrerl motherbuta step-mother.Ilor,vever. he doescall
hintself rJ..vr, so pcrhapsthe firstexpianation is the nrorelcasible.


Mnu-nhr imt r ".snwrl

n Smcu'T-|-mhv,si nsut

TITI,L,S: Sel}Ic1927. 1177-90

I Ielck 19-58,,197-8
DA'I'E: TuthmosisIII
I-OCATION: SheikhcAbd el Qunra TT.ll7
Gebelel Silsila Shrine23
l l l l l L I O G R A I ' lI Y : P M 1 7 89
I Ielck l95tt,,1978 (.1)
P t . A N : ( S e en e x tp a g e ) .
tomb is very damagedandonly the remainsof a fcw sccncssun i\ e.
WIFE: Mr'-t ltnLtJnbt-pr PNl(9)?CairoSrlrue613
SONS: Mn-hpr sI htp-n1r[n Imn] nt P N { ( 1I) ( 7 ) ( s )
ltt*t_c h
Namernissing wrb n [lmn] PN,l(7)
I Inn]-htp i n,rwthry wdlu cn (l,ale1lcB\I t 27li6)
m []mnl
D,,\UGHTI]Ii: LIr.t P\{(6)
F,ATIiER: Sn llu,rl- s3b imy r lnwLrn []k1nl C a i r oS r a r u e , 1 2 l 2 3
imy-rpr nllnurl
N,IOTHER: J r-nw,

PM(9) Upperpan of dcceascd and wife ('l) seated(unfinishcd).

Becruse of the \crv dcmtged stateof the to-b, ihis
\ u r v l ! l n : ' r e p r e \ c n l d torlo nM 4 M n l l ' i \ \ t t , . r n d e , , e n l h"pp"ur, ,n bc thc onLv
i \ i . d , r L t b l fl lucl r. n x m ,
is known.from a staruegroup of thi couple(Borchardrlslf_:;,-'ii.'No.Ol:1.
r m p o s s i b l et o d e t e r m i n ch o w o f t e l a n d i n * h i c h , a " n " r , t a ' r u " r . " p r c s e n t e dis.
Howcver,-i[is possibleto ioJerthat shedid tot plai, a p.o-ln"nt.,ri"
,n ,,," ronro,
bccauscof her absence from certainsceoes.
Pl\{(,l) A man.with offeringsand offcring list beforcthe figure
of the tonrb
owner, seated,and the renains of a banquet. ;fhc rvifc usuallv
h u s b r n Ji n r , h i s . c c n e .
PN{(6) It is possible.!hata daughteraccomp:niedthe tomb o\\.ncr
in this scene
now lost, rather than rhc wil'e.
PM(8) tomb owner is once morc representcdalone, but as thrs is
funeraryscenc,one mighrnot necessarily expcctthe ,"1t" to t",.fr.r.nt.a.
, !4ltu _wirers nor rcprescnred in liis shrine(No.23)at b"t.i"t Sitritr. fn
L i e b c le t 5 , i l s i l Jr.h e ^ p r r e nol ri r h eo ! 1 n e r\ e e n rl o h ( .m o r cp r n m i n c n r
:rln: _ ' T l * ' ' \ . : '
r nt h ew r t e .c . t . S l r n n Ie5 ( C a r e0 r r n d S h r i n cI 7 r C . r , cJ U ] .
At leasttwo sonswere representedin the tomb.
PY,lt ,\.man. now missing.with offering list anciofferings,standsbcfore
,..v t n \ r . n l t r . I n l \ w , t sp r o b a h l yf , s o n , b u t i t i s i m p o s s i b l teo d i s c e m
r v h i c ho n e .

Probtrbly Mn-|ryr, if he wasthe eldcst.

PM(7) Lintel with doublcscene:,&In,/ipr o1lersto his lutheron lhc lcft and
irnotherson offcrs to his fatheron the right. IIe is s3J nrr I xLlt n I lnn] . is
n a i n ea n da n yo t h e rr i r l c sa r em i s s i n g(.V i r c 1 l, 8 9 1 c , 3 1 7l,i g . 2 . ) l l c l c k ( I 9 5 8 . , 1 9 S )
in his genealogyof the lamily, idcntifieshim with I lnn-ltrpl , a sonof ,tIirr*rrlrl
k n o r v n f r o m a s c r i b e ' sp a l c t t ei n t h e l l r j t i s h l \ { u s e u m .( G l a n v i l l c l q t l . 5 j ) .
Ilowcver. 11ml lpl de€snot hold lhc title l.rDn /rll bul is .ri rliu,rlrr. n.r//rl.
tn nt ltlt lmn on the palcttc. [t is p0ssiblc
tltathc war also ,1r]r/i /irrr , hut thcrc
is no proof thatthe two sonsare identical.All that is cenrin is rhat Mn[. rrll had
at lcastlwo sons.Mn-hpr :rtd I Imn-lnp] andlhat possiblyrhcrervasalsoa rhirtl
son. The fact can not be ignoredlhat he rnitht havc hail othcr so s, who \\.ct-c
represented in scencswhich hlve sinccdisappcared.
A fiagmentwasfoundwith rhenameof a dlughter Mi..r (Virc}, Ig91c,317).
PM(6) Ilecauseof this fragmenlwith the nameot'his daug)rtcr, it is assunrccl
thatshcaccompanied him as thc recipicntof offeringsalthoughtlie ligureshltvcnorv
parcntsof Mmr-nbt arcnet rcprcscntcd in rvhatsurvivcsofthc sccncsin
thc tontb, althoughhis father'sname occursin thc buriai chlnrbcr. (Scthe 1927.
1 ) 79 . 2 ) .
T h e y a r c r e p r e s e n t e dh,o w e v c r .i n h i s s h r i n c N o 2 3 a t C c b c l e l S i l s i l a ,
( C a m i n o s1 9 6 3 7, 4 - 7 7 ,I , l s .5 8 5 9 ) .
Nonh Wall:6e Mau'nft and his motherare scatedon a couchin positionVI.
.-.tacingright (ibid.. Pl.-5lJ).Shc is mw'l.rImrrt.f nrr(t) ry. I sr-r|.f
'inscription Sri-ru, 1.his
expresses the closc relationslipbctweeniother and son. The cloLrblc
affimrationof affcctionis uniquc.
\N trll.: Mnu'-nlt and his father arc scrtecloD a couch facing lcft.
,. .South ,
Sn-fl.]/,4*'sright handgrapshis son'sright shoulderand in his lcft hand hc ljolclsa
fold of clorh(?)(ibid., P1.59).
West Wall: A group of threcbadly damaredstatuesarc sitlralcdon rhc cld
wall. middlc statueis Mnv,-nbt . On his righl hiLndsitsa malc ligure.who is
probablyhis fathcr,i.e. on the lefr tacin{ thc onlookcr. On his lefl hand.sirshis
mothcr.(ibid..76) Both pareltsenjoy cqualsratusin thc shrine. Mnl, rrlt,s father
is ntcrelvcallcd sJb, in the shrine,but his othcrtitlesof ir?-r/.$rr,1l n
linttl .rnd
i n t r p r n [ ! n n ] a r ek n o u n f r o m r s r i n u c( l . e g r . l i rI1. r n n .l . N , r . l 2 l 2 3 )w h i c h
probablybclongedto him. The namc is parrlv destroycd.but Sethc( I 927, 1207.,1)
sugtcststhc rcading .ft llwn.
FronrShrine23 and the tomb of his sott Mrt-lt1tr (TT.79),lour generrlions
ol the family areknown. (Hclck I958, .198).
It is possiblcthat Mzw-rrfr wasalsorhcownerof ShrincI2atGebcl el Sjlsila
(Caminos 1961,3-536. PI.28,29). 'I'he name and rhe tirlcs fir. bur other Iigurcs
reprcscnted rn thc shrincare unnamed,so it is irnpossible lo confimr this theory. Il
rt wcre lhc citse. tr1t1\-nbt would be thc only pcrsonto havctrvo shrinesat Gcbcl
cl Silsila.


Sn(.i)-nJi imy r sQ3wtw,hmwnsut

t't LEs: Sethc1927,-529,48
H e l c k1 9 5 8 , 4 6 7(-58)
DATI]: llatshepsut - 'futhmosisIII
LOCATION: SheikhcAbdel Quma. TT.99

This tomb is unpublished.

It is badly damagedand,in most
cases,only the texts have been

WIFE: T3 -in3w lmt.f nbt-pr PM(15) Pillar Aa

CHILDREN: Namesmissirg Pillar Aa
SON: Gebelel Silsila Shrine
N o .1 3
DAUGHTER: Rnn3 namekrown iiom tombof herhusband TT.C3
SON-lrl-LAW: Imn ltp idnwn imy-r sd3wt fromhis tomb 'l-l'.C3
FATHER: Dbt+,tl-hi.i imr-r st m wSwrHr PillarB andtsM Statue48
\{OTHER: 53t-Qltwty fikrt nswt Blvl48
This tomb supplieslittle information aboutthc family of Sn(./)-ni. Fron the
descriptionof the scenes(PN{20,1-6),thcy do not appearto have beenrepresentcdin
the majority of them.
The wife is only representedtwice in the extantscenes.
PM(15) Two priestswith offeringlist offer to Sn(.i)-nfr andhis wif€. It is
impossibleto tell in which position they were seated.

P i l l . r r A l T h e r r i l c r n J h m r l y g i v c N e * y e r r ; , i r r , 1 r , \ a , i , _ 7 7 7 )\ l. 1 p L
I . t n t t .t l t n J a l \ t - l t r f . a . i n t 3 h r S c r h c l r ) 2 r . 5 . 1 . r . 2 rw. h t l e t h c . t t . c o n r f i r r r
irri J.rrrtrl-,.
are.simply labelled 'rt.irr,l ' and '.\rr, / '. hrs children rnd hi,, brrrrhers.(ibid..
5 3 8I.1 )
N : 5 o n .o r J . , u g h r cdrr. cr c p r e \ c n t oe rdr u m c Ji r r . l i r. l u , l l 5. u l c . . l ! ! ^
w ,t ' r o o l l c r r o\ n ( . t ) frie\r\
n l a a n d L i . l n r j u . r p M , l 5 i , a r e . o r i \ . 1 h .n n l ) 5 f e c i l i ! .
mentionofa sonis in the Gebelel Silsilashrincof S,(.1/rif, No. 13.(Carninos
1963,P1.31.).Lirrlc remainsof the decorarionin the shrini. Onl),a fraclionof lhc
n . l l n co f r h c s o n . N i . r / - - - / s u r v j t q r
A daughterof Sn(.i)-nJi.,Rnn-1. is knowr fron the tomb ofhcrhusba,rcl
lnn-lLtp ('I'T.C3).IIe wasprobablyherfalhcr's<iepury.;0
reprcsentations oI the parcntsof Sn(.lJ/?/i il thc1,rvercprescntin tllc
tomb,havenot survived.'lhc farheris namcclotr pillar B. ivherc 5jr1.i.t_ryi
attributesfiliation to thc .r-ib2t 'o.ld.l (Scrhe1927, Ho\\,evcr, rhe
ilthel gd rnothcrol Srr(.1)-nf areknown from a statueof Srf.il_rli (B\,I Sraruc
.+8)(ibid.,5,17,1& 5). His larhcrbearsrhe lillc of irr!-r
r/ ,/ l.-jl.,rl/r audhis
mothcrthat of llbt ns.,.t.
It is impossibleto tell whetherthe motherwasaccord.rd anypromincncein lhe
lomb on accountof her title.
Thc common elementof llllr.n, ' '
in thc namcsof his father anclmolher
ctuld.imply a blood relationshjp.It is possiblelhat Arx,n,r-l.i marricdhis cousirl
.-. Namcswith commonclcnlentswouldalro
lcadto thc conclusionof a possiblc
family connection_with/-itnw tl, of T1'.8,1. throughhisparcnls. I3n/.r._nsllit
llther was callcd S-i-drwn lt is alsopossiblcthrt ltis $,ifeivasrelalcclin sonrc$ uv
tct l3mw nLh, her narnebcing 7-i-inr-iw(or 1Jnr,L ). This couldbc a firrthcr
cxampleoI narriagewithin the fanilv groupwhich scens lit be commoDilt thrs
n lunherpos\iblerclntion\hipcanbe secnrvilh Mirx, rlr o*,ncrof .l-1..t7and
C c h e lc l S i l s i l aS h r i n e2 l a n dp r r s r i b lS l h r i n cI l . r su c l l . t y ' a r- ,r r l r, t u r l r cir.
called, Sn-lftn.o andShrine12 adjoins Sn.i rlii Shrinclj in-whicha ctoorwas
cut to givc accessto Shrinc12,possiblyimplyinga closerclarionship betwccnthe
nlo families.
. ._._^M^r." ,lb_r--yot alsoa colleagueof Sr.r-rli. (paplrusLouvrc 3126.l]mssch


lln hm-rt1rt1t,-
n Mwt nbt lirw

TITLE: D a v i c sa n dM a c a d a r1n9 5 7 .N o s . 5 3 8 , 5 3 9
'Iuthmosis rr
LOCA'I'ION: Sheikl cAbd el-Quma TT.59
IY: PN'l120-1

This tomb consistsonly of a pirssage,

inner roon and shrinc. No scenesarc
rccordedin the inncr room. Thc tonb is

PM 106

WIFE: Mr)"t l.tmt.f PM(1)(3)r(1X6)(7)(8)

FATIIER: l--- lt1 tn.t"-ts wry Pr\{(3)u(6)?
NlO'I'FIER: lwil hkrt ns\rt (6)l
BltO'flll:RS: tYJl J.t r l7lr' /.!r[r_r PM(3)'r
$n-imn imy-r nwbYwscrthn lmn PNr(3)?
Imn m-lf t u,cbn Inn PNl(3)?
Dlyry-ms chw+ n Imn Pr,1(3)?
lmn m hl) PN{(3) SchoftPhoto.
Sn'rfr PNl(3)?
Ir{ Pi\,1(3
SIS'IERS(?): Nfrt-iry PN{(3)1
r b-ltP PN,I(3)?
No of
representations the sccnesexist exccpllor detailswtich are irrelevantto
&is study.
Thc wife is rcpresented incluclingritualscenes.
in most of t}c scenes,
PI4(l) {n and his rvife and
adorirrg hymn to Rc }.tr'3114
PM(3)I Pricstofiersto fn anclwife.
PN{(,l) Kn and *'ifc adoring.
I'it'1(6) {n and wile scated.
PN{(?) Snr pricstandscatedrelativcsoffer to (n andwile
PM(S) As above.
The parentsof F/l are representedin one or possibLytwo scenesin *le lomb'
PM(3)I PriestotTersto faihcr andmother'
PM(6) Thc patentsmight be one ofthe unnamedcouplesin this scene.

, Jn. ,I*,ji,,1.::j::...i:-orT,1q"d,au.,rhar is knownis rharhewas imyr inwrl

L-- +n.r ntornerwt\ 4kr.rnswtlwiw. ,.(a can not be identifiedivith thi
l1m-n!r n Mwt Fn who was thc brother of lnril (Case
7) astt e Inott e. uf frrl *ns
the nswt S3tDrwry and rhe namcsofthe brothersof f;n;
.fokrt o;;"'Kn rn rhc two
tombs-d-o nor correspond. IJowever,Helck (l9SS, SZS),r!g*ir-,haitre
rniglrrte a
son of /azi. lnnlir wife was lcll_ltp fu1tn.s
fwiw Uu, cio-", noi ,o rr.",
the title of_ lkrt nrwt. fhis coupte<iri,iinrtrefact that
lrri a-*l; no, "no.", aii,", r,r",
in his romb,whereasif Kz sonhe musthave "r1, his
hrO ^fr""t '4rr_n11.makes
parentagedoubtful. On the othcr hand Inni has
a brother"lgni#r, , Mrrt 6,
gfler.wh_o1a son of his might have beennamecland whosetiile he
might havc
inherited. The question of rtie parenrageof Ka musr
,";;l; ;;;;;; quesrronal
this slage.
Nociildren appcrr ro be reprcsented in this tomb unlessthe pricstsofferingto
( n a n dh i s r , , i f e _ iPl M r l r l & r i r & r 8 r u c r e s u n . o r ;
r;; ri;i;;r;^.
^ n , r T o " . o l b r o h e h r n d p o s s i b i ;I w o s i \ t c r st r e r c p r e \ c n t ( . d
. . . i n t h eb a r q u e r rs not cefiainwherherthey appearin pN{(3)or (7j (g).
Helck (ibid.,52-5)believesrhetwo women sm.fIcll htp
and sntJ Nfrt-iry ro
be the wives of ti,q.' and thereforesistersinlaw of Fa '


W3h wb3nswtrfbcury -t2

TITLES: As above
DATE: 1'uthmosisItI (?)
LOCATION: Sheikh cAbd el-Quma TT.22

The tomb is d."'n.rged ard unpublisheJ.The

o n r y e x l t n t s c e n e sa r e r l t o s ci n l l t e l r r r l l . A s n o
descriptionof the tonb exists,it is impossibleto
tell whether the rest of the tomb was ever
_ M o sor f r , h er n : c r i p r i o na. r e i l l e g i h l e
and ne tomb wasusurped.
PM 30

WIFE: Namemissirglswt nt pM(I )(2X3X.1X5)I (6)

SONS: Names
missing ptr{(1)?(2)?(3 ?
DAUGH'I'tsRS: Namesmissing P M (l ) ( ; 1 ) ( s )
PARENI'S: Namcsmissing Pr\,1(2)
UnforLunatcly thenamesof ll-il.r's wife andfunily areall missing.
PN4(l)sc.1. l43f rr accompanied by his wife and childrenoffers orr braziers
(MI\,lA T.3012) W-if stridesin iiont nhilc his rvilc standsin the rear. She is of
eqLral sizeand strndswith feettogcthcrandhandsaLhcrsicles in PositionX. Thereis
lro conlact betweellthe couple.
PM(l)2 W3ft andhis wife are seatcdon scparate chairs.facingleft, in Position
V. Two smallfernalcfigurcssquatal lhe sideot the wift's chairand a man offcrsttr
t h e m .( M M A . 3 0 1 3 ) .
I'NI(2) Two couplcsarc scatcdin lrvo rcgislerson eachsideof thc stcla,all in
PositionVL (NIMA T.3014). At leaslone of them.possiblymorc. must be lt-llr
and his wife. On the top registcr lcft and right, although thc names havc
disappeared, rnostof the irrscriptionsun'ives.It is obviousthatthe irameshavebeen
c.ascd.cithcr by an enemy or by the usurpcr,althoughbis name has not bccn
superinrposed.Similarly in PM(3) whcrc. howevcr,sufficienttracesof thc namc
il,Jlt rcmain. lt is probable,therefore,that drc couplcson thc top rcgistcrarc bolh
llSh andhis wife.
coupleon the left sidelower rcgistcrarc probablythe parentsof ll,'-llt, as
c.\nstill bc rcadabovcthc figurc of the rvoman.
It is inrpossible to identifythe lowcr right hanclcouplc.
PM(3) A man offirs to WJI andhis wife. are seatedon a couchlacing
ldti in PositionVL Both thcir namcshavc besn eraseclbut sufficientremainsof
l!-lfr'.r nanrclor him to be identified. IIis wife is sntJ nrt.l n(t)
I.l\r- hr hkrt ns)\'tnht-pr [ - -]. (IUMA'l'.3016).
PNI(.1)I& ll On both registersa man offers to a scatcdcouplewith a female
figure standingbehind them. (MMA T.3008). The inscriptionsover both groups
arc practically illegible but. in registerI traces of thc names Mrl rm, and
H3t-ipswr can be seen(MN{A T.300lt). It is dilficult to detemrine$hethcr an
existingscenewas usurpedby inscription,il indeed Mn-1nrn was thc usurper,or
rvhetherMr1 inrrr had a blank rvall dccoratedfor himself. Pcrhapstllc Iatteris the
case,as the family group in this scenediffers liom that in PM(l) scenesI and 2.
Insleadof lrvo snrallfcmalc figuresaccompanyingll"-llr and his wifc, in I'Nl('i)l
ard ll one largerlenalc figurc standsbehindthe chair ol '{/r'r htir and //l/-(1,,\x/
illry-inn's $i[e alsowearsa shoftslccvcdgamrentof rippledcloth underhertight
fitting dress*hich the rlilc ol ll,'-ilr doesnot rvear. Llnfonunltelythis is no helpin
dating thc tomb or garncnls of rippled cloth appcarin the'lheban
tombs from thc reign of Ilaishcpsutto that of Amcnhotcpll.rr M|r-trarl ancihis
wife are seatedfacingright in PositionVl.
Plll(5) In rhe fowling and fishing scenea small iigure oi the u ifc, reacltinglcr
her hLrsband's amrpit. stanclsbehind hcr husband. Shc graspshis u'aist rvilh onc
hand. (lv{ivlA'l'.1007).Tracesofdrc tillcs of llll{r in thc top right hrnd comcr
confirnlsthal the scencoriginallydepictcd ll'-lli and his larrily. blrt traccsof thc
'.r.1 '
tille fi.rxT sho\\'san rttcmptto ursurp te sccllc.
PNl(6) A couplearc represented scalcdon a corLchfacingright in PositionV.
It is impossible t o t c l l l r o m t h e i n s c r i p l i o nw h e t h c ri l i s l f - i l i a n d h i r $ i 1 e o r

Mrtlmn and his wifc.

Becauseof the_illegibility
of rhe is dil.ficultto bc cerrainwl.rethcr
sonsarercpresentcd in thc tomb or not.but assumplions car be ma(jc.
Pl\{(l) sc.l In the scencof.ofleringon bra)icrs,
J" i",.ii'r,"1" l.igurestlcc
Lj{:^ih"y coutd be atendanrs.but it is also p"irlirf" J",,'f.1'"ri sons. 1tr,l t\,lA
P M ( l ) s c . 2 A n l a ns t a n d sb c l i r r qt h s r r t f e r i n gt J h l c
n d o l t i , r i n ! I r s t .o l l c r i n !
to ly3, andhis famiry. He is prob.rbl)! so,. A snralr
,akcd chircrslan(rs undcrthc
tabiefacing ttf.4 . thc figureis striclingso i, n uf.. iiir-i.
ii fr,*i"i,a,1-qs nr h:. si.:i".
his righr hand oflcrs a lorusbloom ro il,-lr. fl.
i. p,,,fr,itiy,,,"rair son. fl.t l.t,,f
PN4(2)llcft: The flgure offering to W-)l nd his
, wife js nrissrns.bur ir is
probably that oI a son.
PN{(2)ll right: A man offcrs to a couple. It is irnpossiblc
to starcwho lhc
couplcare or who the man is olfenng ro tncm.
P)\,1(3)A man offersto ty-llr ;d his wite with a
banquctbchinclhrrn. tf llJ/r
i t ; , Lrlo n r .t l r i :u o u l d h c J s r l t .
PM,4,1,.5ll Ir is pnrbrhlerhatthescsccnesreprcscnt
_, thc lamill,ol ,t/rr.irrr.
I hc n)iln oflerin! to the (,)Lrplein thcse scenes*oufa
lln-rntn. ,fr"r"Jir.",fr" tnc son ol
A-lrhough this is thc fowlinganrlfishingsccneof ,|.i, rhcreis
. r r . ,.P11(5).
r l l, i m l l c f r ; u r cr r t h e tr h . r nr h c , t u o onlv onc
rhan " r1 , . u , , r r l , l c r f c . r r , , l , . , , , r , . n . , .r '' jl ]' i f
.- and his wife..Incach sccne,a snlrl_lmllc figure sr.rndt
'. trtirf" p,,,r, lhc boal iln(l
t$o sm_all ntalefigurcsstandbehincl.Thcse'arep<rrriirfyifr."" i""r',rf"f
, o nl n ( i l ! \ , , r l h . | d t n t \ . ll,-ilr or one
PN,l(6) man ofl'eringto the couplcin thebanquelscenc\\,asprobitbly
The questionof rhc daughten of lr,.,r i, 'r";;il;; ";; a son.
;"'t. lipc"., ru r,r,,"
had tr,r,'o daughters.
.- PN'l(l) sc.i Two snrallfemalefiguresaccompany -J/r and hrs \\.rlc in lhc
olfering scene.One girl srandsbcrrvceirU!lr unj
frii ruii.. sti"'i,i;rana,,rg.
l n d e t h c r .r d r c , r c h er\t , t h c r i ; l r t h ; r r r r, ,l r r l r c , " r t c .t i c r . " f , i f , . i , , i f r , , , , " . : r r I.e"r
' t r ' l ( l r n l:, ' l u .h J n o n r . t r c r\ r . l c
J n dh e r l ( , t th i l n ( il \ r i i t \ c Jr n J s h r . h o l , la. b r r J . \ r r c u c . r r s
usualstraighlwhite dressand is probablyrhc elac.,laugfrie..ittic trrt
figurestandsar the $'ife'sleft hani. Shei. ,"cnn,l Ic,nal"
rr.,l"rrirt rr,,tri-r,ihcr sicrcanrl
wirh her richt handsheholdsher nrorhcr,s ""r"a.
lcg. "i
Shc i, dr. ),,;i,;ig;;:;,;hlcr ir\ shcjs
' l w o s m l l l
- PM(l) sc.2 l c m a l cl i g u r c ss q u a a t t t h c s i d co f t h c c h t i r o f l l - j / r , r
u,ilc. 'lheyareborhclorhed.Although
probably reprcsentcdsiije bv side. 'l.lic filri onc
depicre.:t o,,,,r,,"iri,,,i il" l'iii",. ,rr.i jr.
holclsfr.. ,u,,ifr..l, r"g *.irfl 1,.,
right hand the orherhordshcr sister'st;grrrrrr""ra".
*;irr'"rr..'.l*iu'rr,,"a. ci,",..,
beingctfecredlhraughthe morhcr,ro thtfalhcr.
P\1(2)il lcft: A_fcmalcfigureoflers ro thc parcnts
o1.,l:tr. Sh.-rs possibll,I
J,. i D . l r l e r . f l t i , ( ' f f ,r i l t f t r )h c r
f r J r ) d'rcrs
o):iil.1.r.l:,Ll of a menarro a couplc.
r r r'.,,
,." l / ^ a n o n r t w r l c . 1Il"T1i: ligLrre
lhegrlnr{ht be a pricsless o f H a l h o ro r a d a u g h l e r o . r Dol).
rl\t(+) t n e l e n t i r t el l ! u r c ! \ l t o s t a n d sb e h i n d t h e c h l i r o f
t h e i c a t e c ic o u p l c i n

both registersis probablythe daughteror sisterol Mrt imn.

P M ( 5 ) , I r rt h c f o w l i n gs c e n ea s m a j l f c n r l l ef i g u r es q u r t rb e r * c c nt h el e g so f a
l : r r r em l l c f i g u r e . H c r l e f r h e n dg r a . p sh i s f o r c l e 3 .l r a c e so f i n s c r i p r i n:nc c r nl o
*as 'snt.fnbt-pt '. his sJsreror perhips sistcrin_].rw. (Nlackay
1917, Pl.XVll.5) One would have expcctedthc figure ro have representctii
daughter.Possiblythc 'snt.fnbt-pr ' was part of thc usurpationof the sccneor ir
indicatesa minor wife or concubineof lV-ili.(c.f. Casc19).
Thc parentsof 113,4 are ouly represcntedonce ir the tonrb.
PM(2) They are reprcsentedscatedon a couch facing leh in position VI, on the
secondregisteron rhc lefr of thc stela (\fl!,lA T.301.1).
The wife of ll6f plays a proninent role in the tomb. She rvasa pcrsonof
some importanccin her orln .ight. She bore a pricstlytitlc ilnd $,ilsa llkrt ns||t.
Shc_rvas-represented with rich jc*e]1eryand wore a l'loralfjllct on hcr heacl.(N{iUA
T . 3 0 1 2& 3 0 1 6 ) .
Unfonunately,it is impossibleto tell how much of drc decorationof the tomb
rvasduc to ll,3,,t and how much to Mry-imn. lt is possiblethar Mn_rm, took
over an unfinishedtomb. His namedoesnot seemto be prcscntin the southend of
the hall. Even in sceneswherethc nameof lVJl has becn erased(pNi(2) l\,ll{A
T.301,1 and PNI(3) lvli\'IA T.3016), the name of M^_lmlr has nor been
superimposed.Mry inn dtd not convcrt rie whole tomb to his o\\rl use to thg
clcgradation of llJ l.r.

CASrr 37

Intn-m-h3t imt- stJ:n Imtl

S e t h e1 9 2 7 ,1 2 1 7 - 2 - 5
Di\TE: Tutlinosis III
LOCATION: ShcikhcAbd el-Quma TT.53
IY: PNI 102 ,1

This tomb uas conpleted and fully

decorated. is unpublishedand
badly damaged.


WII]E: Sbk-nltt fint.J nht pr PL{(2)lII (5)l&ll (7rt

( 1 1& r 2 ) r r r & 1(1v1 ) r
SONS: [mn-[---] wt:bn lun PM(6)
Namesnissing P N l ( 4 )(?1 , 1 ) r & r r ' l
DAUCHTERS: Nrmcsnrrssing P M ( 2 X 5 ) I & I(I7 )I
FAl'HER: It.f-nfr iml'-stcnImn P M ( 2 ) 1lrVr ( 1 4 ) r
I!{OTHER: 'f 'smcyt
ti-m-n1r nt Imn PN,r(2)r-rV 0 4)t
BROTHER: Namenissing P\r( I 3)tV
The wif'eof lmn-m 13t appearswith hinr in a numberofsccncs.
Plt{(2)l Il. In the banquetscene,Imn nr 13t an(l Shk
! are seatcdrogether
on a coucbfacing left in PositionVI. A girl ofltrs a bowl to lhem and girl
standsbehindtheir couch.(COI Phoro.6.121) ",n,,iil
PM(5)l sc.2 Imn-m-hlt and, Shknfu rre scarcdon a coucll lacing right in
PositionVI. A tcmaleligure squatsin lront of therr.
PM(,5)ll Intn-m l3t and SltknlLt are scatedon a couch lucing right in
PositionXll. A girl standsbchindrheirscar. (COI photo.(r.131).
PM(7)l In the fishing scenc,the wifc standsbehindher husbandwrth one anr
aroundhim and the otherhandtouchinghin. (Ml\tA T.322g). The fowling sccncis
too dxmagcdto be of use.(MMA 1'.3229).
PM(l l-12)lII lV This sceneis very damlgecl. Intn ald his wilc arc
seatcdfacinglcft in PosirionVL Borhhokl a fblclof clorhin thcir lefr hlnd. (schotr
PM(l'l)l Imn-n-Llt and Sb,(-IIt are \eirlcd.on a couch,lacing risht in
'Position VI. In his lcfi hantJItnn m-t?Jt holds a lrtus to his nose.anti ,!bt_lllil
holds a folded cloth jn hcr right hand. A man ol'fersto lllem and to lnn nt-lt.lit
parcntswho rre seatcdbehindthem. (COl phorc.6,1.11).
Urfonunatcly,only one sonof Imn-m,lft js known u,ilh anv cenrilt).
P N ' l ( 6 ) . A - s m a lml a l e l i g u r e ,h o l d i n ga f c m a l es l a t L r c t tser,i n d si l l a s t r i d i r r g
positionbchind Imn-m-13t ashe ol'fcrsa containerof ointnrentto the claughrer arci
wife ol a king.r: the ligure is s-i.,Ihiirn Ifnrt] lllnr, 1---l. (Flcmrann19.10.
PM(1,1)Two men offcr to rhe tonb owncr on two is possiblethrt
llreyare sons.but as thc scenesdcpict Imn nt-lBt ovcrsecinglhe,work ofllis cslitle.
theymight be attendants.
PM( 14)l A man ofl'crsb Inn m-lL.l| . his wife and parents. As lhcrc is
evidcncefor at lcastone would expcctthis ntanto be a sono[ Inn-nt l.t]t
If, however, lmn,m l,rlt's son had predeccased him, the man mighl havc becn a
brothcr.As thc sceneis diunagedit is impossible to dctcmrincwhich is lltc casc.
PNt(1,1)II A Inranloflcrs to lwo couples.The nantcsoflhcsc couplessurvivc
in part, but kinship lenrs are nor specified.(COl l,horo.64,1,1).Ir is impossiblero
say \\,hetherthcy are relationsor colleagucsof the tomb owncr. The n)an who
offcrs to them mightbe Iwt m-h3t hinrscll.his son or brolher.
The dauehtersof Imn n-l,t-]t, althoughtheir namcsanclkinship designation
aremissing,appcarto havcplayeda prorninentrole in the lomb.
PM(2)l-ll A f'crnalefigurc offers a cup of uinc ro the scaredfigurcs of
InvrnrlT3t and Shk-nht.(COI Phoro.6,121).The cup is in her oursrrctcl;drighr

h a n d .I n h c r l c f t h a n d ,w h i c hh a n g sa t h c r s i d c s, h c h o l d sa f o l d e d c l o l h S . heismost
probablya dauglltcrol InLn-nrl.t3t.Bchindthc couchof the sealcdcouple.standsa
small female figure. Iler left hand is raised,holding a sandaland her right hrnd
hangsat her side.holdinga bag? Ilernanreis .S/r-r'.i, but it is impossiblcto tell ifshc
is a daughterol' Inn n ltit and Sbt alSt or a sislerofonc olthem.
PM(2)lll lV According to l)orler and l\{oss.a girl. erased.offers to thc
parcntsol lhe deceasedrvith daughter. A carefulexanrinationof thc sccnc((lOI
Pholo.6,122),ho*,cvcr,sstablishcs that it is tlrelomb o\!,lrer.himself,as one*ould
erpect. rvho offers to his parents. The figure is conrplctcly crascd. bLrtthc
inscriptionshowsthat it is s-il rrr.,rlnr-r'i ltn Intt Imn-ntlLJt who mlkcs thc
offcrin-q.Thc damagcdstatcof thc tomb makcsit inpossiblcto deternlinewho the
smallfemalefigure.behindthe seatedcouplenlighl be.
PN{(5)lsc.2. A smalliemalefiguresitsbackon hcr hcclsir l-rortol-lhcscllcd
figuresof Intn m l.t-it and his rvife (COI Photo.6,111). Onll'part ol the figure
sunivcs: as the namc and kinshiptcnr is can only sumriscthat it is a
daughterof the couple.
PNl(5)ll A fernalefigurc standsbchindthe scaledfiguresof lmn nrl.tlt antl
h i s u i i t . N o n a n r co r k i n s h i pt c n n s u r v i . " e s( .C O I P h o t o6. , 1 3 1 )A . safcmalcligure
scemsto accomparrylmn-m-l,t-)t and .16l-alrr on a numltr of occusi,, ir
probablya daughter.
PN{(7)l In thc fishing sccnca small Icmalcfigure.probablya daulrhtcr,stiutds
on thc frorlt of thc skiff. lookincback.$ith her right amt rliscd towardsher lrlhcr.
.(N{N4A Photo. 322E).
parcntsof lnn-m 13t appeartwice in thc tomb.
'lhcy -fhcir
PM(2)lll IV arc scatcdon a couchtacing leli in positionVL son.lhc
orvncrof lhe tomb,offersto thcm. (COI I']holo.6-122).
PN'l(1,1)lThe parentsol Inrtn-l,tlt arc scltcd on a couchlthincl lrrit-nr iril
trnJ Sbk-nltt. figures are so damagcclthitt it is impossibleto tcll in rvhiclt
positiontheyare dcpicted.(COI Phob.6'1.13).
A b r o l h c r o f I m n n - 1 . 1 t i s r c p r c s c n l eads a c h i : ! . i o t c c rP. M ( 1 3 ) l V ( S c h o l l
I ) h o t o sE. 2 4 l- 2 ) .
Becauseof the damagcto the lomb ancldrc lack of inscriptionsand kinship
lenns,it is impossiblcto tcll with certainty,whtt rchlivcs appelr in thc totrrb.
P l v J ( 1 1 ) l l .T u o c o u p l c sa r e s e a l e df a c i n gr i g h t . l h e y a r c t t t c r c c i p i c r l so l
offeringsfrorn a man as are the tomb owner.his uifc and parcnlsorl lhc rcllstcr
The first couple are irl-t ,' pr n sl3ul'- R( -ntr and ltnttI nu t.l nlt-pr
I(:11ms. Thc nantcsof the seconclcouplelre missing. ltrc rlliu is tttt\ | l)r n
(2.ff -E:frJ im) t pt l---1. (COl I'holo. 6,1'1-1). Although no kinshiplcnrrsirrc
given,thcsecouplesarc probablyrelativcsof lmn-n-[-1t orof hiswili
Another'relative'rnentioncd in lhe tonib is u.6ri ( c3-11prk-l rt lShk'n[t
( l l c l c k l 9 6 l b , I , 9 0 ; S c t h e1 9 2 1 , 1 2 2 5 . 1C 1 'h. r n r p o l l i o lnf i l ' : l7 9 . v i . l l ' 1 1 ) l l h c x r s
a relativcof Irnn m l7-1t, thcn it is probrblcthal the tanilics ol- //rr-lr-fLJt andhis
wifc Sb/fnirl wcrc rclatedby bkxtt].. lnrtm'l,t)t miglrt havcrrrarricdhi'.,,rr:irr
An unusualsccrtcin the ton)b is depictcdoI] lhe lop ol the stclaon the north
u'all. (tlemrann 1910,Abb.8.) lm m-l.r1tand his sorlare rcprcscrrtcd bclorc lhc

s-1tnswt IcLms-ltnwt t3 -nli:.r\,and hnt-nswt I(h ns-in l.{pt, accompanied b1 a

nurse.76It could bc thxt the nursc \las an anccstrcssof Inin-m llt and that he rvrs
honouring the roval wonren with whon shc *as so c)oscly con ectcd, or ii could be
lhat he himself was distantly reliltcd to the royal rvolrlen and was comntr-n]or!tin.l
the fact in his tunb.


\[tt r'-wl' 1 . , nu, t r t 1 ' t n l n ,

TIl'LES: S c r h c1 9 2 7 , 9 1366
DA'I'L,: T u t h n r o sI il sl
l-OCA'l'lON: S h e i k hc A b dc l - Q u n r r . & 86
BIBLIOGRAPIIY: Pl\,I175.177 E: 229-30
Lclcbvrc 1929, 233 .1

r.1, ti N

--i .ll'.

1\J--Ji -!.,.,,.1

(irr) (! 6 )

Pt\,t220 Pi\l 176

tr1rtlqtr-rc-snb wls thc orvnerof two tonlbsin thc Thcbal necropolis.firc

c e r l i c rt o m b ( T 1 . 1 1 2 )w a s u s u r p c di n t h c R a r l e s s i d p
e e r i o C .l r i s p r o b a b l ct h a t
neither tomb was complelcly dccoratcd. Thc earlier tonrb containsfamilv and
luncrarl sccncswhilc the latertomb ( l-l .t6) containsonlv sccncsof his ofTicirllite.
\4OTHER: nt nnt:t nstt t (l)(5)rur
ITAT]I]]R: lrntrnt lt3t? C r i r oS t r n r .e1 2 1 2 5
GRANDFAI IIiiR?: /lpr snnn l1mt.f 11 (5)rv
GIiANDNIO'l'l lERl: Nrt-l-l sntnttt r n ns\\,t P N l ( 3 ) r( r5 ) l V
SISIER/AUNI I: I3-ddr.s sJtlntmnct

Nowhcre in cither tomb, or on anv documeDtsis thcre

ncntion ol a wilc or
children. As neitherof M's 78 tombswerc complelclyclccorated,
it is possiblcrhat
havt hecndcpicretjol the blankwailshaj rf.,"yt."iia".o."tcd. Bulrhc
i i l ( r _ L r l r/ 2 r 1 1 ./ /J - l x 4 1 r s r c p r c s e n t cwdi t h h i m i n l h c
e x t a n rs c e n' .e_sran a k c st h i s
u n l i l c l l . D n v i e si D r r i c r & D r r i e s 1 9 3 3 ,Z f _ Z : 1. u g g " s r s '
;;ai'iie tt f.e,rrole
lrguJe--who i.sdcpicredtwicc underrhc scarol M atd 73-iwnr
1itria.. r,rs.xxvt a
XXVII| ) and onceunderrht:searof ,ll,r_r.; tifiicf.,'pii-iiVl is ,,au,if.e.
flpw ttr.tLl
\\,tromthc prcsenccof her mothcr-in_iawreducel alnrost
to a nonentity,,. Small
i c n l a l e _l i g u r c s d c p i c t c d u n d e r t h e s e a t o r c o u p l e sa r e
u . u a i i i j c r r i r a r " no ,
grandchildren.If this is rhe u,il'e,ir u,ill bc rhe firiL
occurcnccoiiire wite in tUs
.... fou or daughtcris acknowledgedas suchin eithertitmbbul an unnanlcdman bouquelro M and Z:l_ly?; (ibid., pl xXIV) ana piicsri,fters
a ro rtrc
couplc(l'N'l(g)).l]itheror bolh of thcsemcn coulclbe a son.
In the earlierlomb, M is accompaniecl in a numberof sccmes b_vhls mother.
who appearsb phy the role of a su..ogate*il.e.
PM(3)l M and an unnamedwoman.probably T-l iw,nL,tre
scatedon a couch
fncing lcli in PositionVI. M reccivesa boucluetuf lnln iinnr-"n
ui,,am"d n,"u.
(ibid., Pt.xxrv).
PM(3)II M iurda wonan cjescribedas. mu,t.fmnctn.twlT-1
iw?t aresc{ted on
a couch facinr lcft in posjtion VL l.his is probably the samc
woman rvho is
rcprcscnlcdwith hirl above. Behindlhcnl lre sc.rted.utother
c.tuplcwho arc lt.l
l : ! , . , t t t t , "r n , l r r r ' r . /n t t i i l , r . d . 5 , . . 1 ei .1t p , , r i r . , ,V I ; l , l e . . , h r . l . l.5 )
i,! tc coufle I,, he thc ntrtemalgrandparents ol M. .lhc problernsassociatetl
with the usc of kinship lerms in the tonbs ot V b" ,li.;il:";';;;cr. arrerthe
dcscriptions of thc scclcs. ",ill
. Pll(1, l.?-irraraccomprjliesM in his atlorationof Osiris. Shesrandsbehind
,nrnr r!tlh ner iln-nsJt hcr \idcs (ibid..pi.XXV). Therc is no contacl
bct$,ccnlhc parr.
PM(-5)l-lll M arul 'l'3-iuttt arc searcdon I couchfacingletl posrtion
in XII.
A, srnrLllrnn.rmrd lcrnrlc figure rquals unclcrthc seat (ibici, I)l.XXVl).
( l o t o . . . t t t\ u g : ( \ t \ t h J It h i . m i l h l h ( r h cb e l i l r l ( , d Davics
r rte.
PM(6)l-ll M ar\d7-3-iwntare scatedon a couch,facingrighl in posrtron
A snrallunnamecl femalcfiguresqualsunderthe coucf..fiUa., pi.XiViffl.
PM(9) A priesroffcrs-to M and his Drolher.No i"pr".",ii"iii,t uf
. ,ni, ,."n"
,\y''rfJlhcr. lnn-nt lBr, is nol
rcprescnted in any of thc sccnesin the tonlb IIc
r t K n o $ no n t J l r u n ra \ t . r r u ci n C r i r o ( L c g r a i n1 9 0 6 1 . . . 1 2 1 2 5 )W
. h e t h c rh e w o u l r l
jl:1,: b".^:,".1:t':t:"rcdon,unr,,,frhc undccoralcdwalts or menrionecl in lhc ceiting
l c r l \ . n r d U ) r . )h e e nr o n t l l e l e di.s i m l o . s i h l er , ,r L . l l .
Problenrsariscin both tonthswith rcgardlo thc parcnrageof llln-tt|r rt
'rvho .rnb.
ln the.carlicrtonb he is reprcsenlcdwith ?-l-lrnr is-clcscribcjas nrxr.l,
while in anothersccne(Pl\{(5)lV)hc ollcrs ro
Iir l] tnn tr l1nt.f pw ttto nnt.l
nrtJ nbt-pr lNrrl rJ. (Davies& Davies I,rf j. I'j.X\lVl. .l-hisJure couplc
seatedbchind M and T_l-iuttt in pM(l)ll. pt.3A. ancjare rel.errcd ro by Davics
ir5lhe.natenlalgrandparcnts of M. If {1/)r, and Nbtti arcrhc gran(lpitrcnl5 ol
M, this is the first tomb in which the tomb owner oll.crsto hii

\\'hercasthc tomb owncr oflcring to hls plrcnts ls verv coolnlon i:t Ei-qhtccnth
Dynaslytonrbs.l'lIf it wcre not foi thc l'rcclLrcnt appcuru,,"e uf n rr''/f li lr,l, with
M it..couldbe l.tpt and Nl]t-r-l wcrc lhc parcnls,jf M A. h" i.
d c i c r i b c da s n : n l . J - i ' / ' n t ( i b i d . .p l . X X I X ) ,i t n 0 u l c la p p i a rt h a r 7 . - j _ r r r r m r usr
bc his nrothcr.bul in rhe latcr rombt l'1 .86) he is alsoclciciitrctlits ms n snt ntnt(\.)
i ns\rt Nl)t t.l (ibid.. PI.XIV). Davics(ibici..l j n..1& l6) slrlrgcsts rhll t11\1tNb tj
in this instanccmeans "bont (of the daughtcr)"ol Nrl_r-j. ste p rvhichI do not
il.,fylriflcd in rukin;. -l'ircvcrtr ' ,rir,r.r, nrerns '.boin ro (morhcrl,
( L i u r d i n e1 r 9 7 3 -. 5 1 0 .1r n r lr h c r l e L c r m i n u l i G v eS l . B 3 ( i b i d . . . 1 : 1 g sp ) e i l k sj b r i t s e l f .
shorvinga child issuinglirrth l'ronrthc nrolller.I can un.lcrsl.tndirinr calling trvo
woncn ,lir.t.f ' as this could indicittetltal onc wls his ntothcrrnd thc otllcr his
grandmolllcr.ilnccstrcrtor evenstcpntother. bul this is the onll,occasionI kno* of
\\11erc a ntanis 'rt.f/l ' to 1\\'oscparitlr, wonrc .
Therc'seens to bc no consr:nsus of opinion antongscholars*,ith rcgaroto rne
i d e n t i t yo l M ' s m o l h c r . C a i r oS t l t u c, 1 2 1 2 a5 d d st o l - h cc o n f u s i o n 1. 1r s r n es r a t u c
L'l"it hy.r-/ tth- uho lrvcr hr\ parcntrgcls ir rr.i.i} rlrln lnrt-n |.tl| and rtr
n \ n t t t t n r u n u t l [ - / U n t o n u n . r t etl h y e i n s c r i p t i oins c h m a - q eatnl dl h c n a n t co f t h e
mother is missing. Davics1l)avics& I)avies1933.l(r) restoicslht,mJtcr's nartc as
r r ' r r t r. t i l e V i r c y ( l l i g t r . 2 1 . 1 )I,_ c l i ' b v r(cI 9 1 9 .l t 3 ) a n dS e l h c( I 9 j 7 . 9 3 6 )a l l
I r v o u r N r t / - J a s l h e r c s t o r e dn x n t e . N c i t h e ro. l l h c s cw o m c nb c a rl h c t i t l c
i t , t \ r t t tl l t ) t l . l r ) dI h c t i t l c \ t l ) ( - \b c a fi l l t h e l o n t b \a r c a b s r : nol . t h c s l a t u c .l l o t h
/ . 1 i r ' / l / : r n d , \ l ' r - l - i r r r ce l l [ ' r l n r r r . r fa n ( i M t l l r i b u t c sf i l i l i o n t o b o t h w o n t e n .
,ft]1f g1c]tapfcirrlo htvc eqLritlclailn to bc rhc nrothcrol ,l/. 1.1-ix t. ilppe.lfin!
i \ i t h , V i n a n u n t b c or f s c e n e st v. o u l ds c c n lt o h x v cl l t cs l r o r t ! c cr a s e .I l o u c v c r . t h c
. t L r t e . i nu h r i l r l y ' , ' c r \ t , r t r t I , l 1 , t . t n J n r t t . [ \ ' l , t - t . t
. . . , rrrr . r l , . . i l n , , r i , le r c r r
l l r n U i ll rr cl . o l . . , l l c , i \ . 1/ ' , , r . \ . r . . 4 .
In the sccnein which both couplcsappear(pl\.'I(3)ll).il.. as Dnvressuqtesrs
//7rrr',and.Nrl-t.i arc the ptrcnls of 7lJ-in,ni,one *.ould cxpcctlhL,mto bc cllleci
i t n r t . f . t t t t ln \ 1 , 1 n \ r , t . l a st h cl e n ; l l / x t / h a da l r e a ( i y
bccnusecito dcsigratc f-l an(]the] rle seatecj jn closcpr,lxintitl to hcr.
olhcr laclorsntustbe considefcd.
(i) Ni)t-l-J'.rlillc rr?trrl r ll r.$1?
(ii) N/)r /-i'.r daughtcr I-i-r1rlr..r.
(i) Nbt,t-i'j ljtlc is clcarI(rm thc lat.r tontbol- ,l,I anclfront lwo tL .lc[Lr!
( . . t . \ ' \ , 'l lr i t \r , ' i - l J \ ! l / L t , r l i r D , r rL . r r , .ll\ 1 . , . : r d .lt,rrr: r/ . r r , , . t. , r l i . , l l '
D . r ri r . s( D . r r c s& l ) . 1 \i e s l 9 - t - t . 1 & n . . 1i)n t c r p r e ltsh i st i l l c i l s, l i ) s t csr i s t c ro. l t l r c
k i n 3 . r n dp r o p r , r crrr nu n k r r o u rrtr , \ . 1n l r r r c . t rl t c r r n o t h c r l.3 r v a i l 9 7 9 . l 2 l - 1 1
r n l 1 r r l r etl h\ el r t l c . i \ s i \ t c r o l l l t ( jr o ] . i l n1 u r s c ' i n t p l \ ig l h x l N 1 ) tf . i , . ! \ i s r e r o f
b r o t h ew r r s a r o v t l n u r s eo r l u l o r . I l r t l n s u g { c s l s I i - r t t - t y n rt .r t h c \ \ . i l eo l l h c
l l j n J n L 1 r t , l . lq ) , l r r r 8 r a sa l i k c l vc l n c l i d a t et .t - l ) i r x . h e l do l l i c ed u r i n et h c
rcignol Ilatshcpsutsl so he ancihis \\ilc $cre contentporarics ol l/7rr.r. an(j Ab1,l-1.
(ii) Nrt /-i had I dxuilhter Li r/rlr..i kno$n ijont thc jutifirrv concsof hcr
hrrsbandl1[l rrfi on u'hichsheis crllcti r.?/rrr/rrrr,r r,\/r-r--'rlr,\ht-t.1. HL] nli
\ \ , a s .par i c s to f t h c l i u r e r a r tyc n t p l c( r t l i t t l t n t i , \ i sl l l u n r lr h L rrrL! r r I l r , l I | o r a r \o l , [ / .
If Nr1-t.l \,!asthe .!rilndnrolhcr oi M. thcn 7-J1lr/l.r*oul,i hln.ebcerithc.isrer,l

I-l-rnnl and thc aunt ol M and l,lk-l r/r uoLrld have been the unclc ol his
contemporaryM. It is possiblethat 7.1-r1r1l.,i was much voungcrtlun hcr sislcr
lj lvrrl as Davics (Davics& Davics 1933.16) proposcsbut it qrruld fit into the
chronologynuch bellcr if T-J-dLtt.s wustllcsistcrof M rathcrthrn his aunt and
{/Li r,n his brotherin law ratherthanhis uncle.
Anothcrpoint to bc considcrcdis dratsincc{/pn sctlcd undcrl latscpsut andM
s e r v e du n d e r ' l u t h m o s i sI I I . / t r u i s n r o r cl i k c l y t o b c t h e 'I a t h c 'or l ' l y ' l h r r ) h i s
Two possiblehypotheses canbe advancecl lbr thc rcncalory ctf lln ltpr rt ,srit
both of *4rich, unlbrtunalely,Ieavea nunrbcrof questionsunanswcred.
(1) That ofDavics,ntro corncsto thc conclusionthat M is acconrpanicd byhis
mothcr T.J-ii1nIilnd his matcmalgrandparcnts I.lp)r ^r1d Nht-t-Jin his tornb. Tlris
g i v e s r i s e t o l h e p r o b l e m so f t h e k i n s h i pt e r m s i n l ) l \ 1 ( 3 ) l l ,l h e a l t r i b u l i o no i
motherhoodto Nlr/ ll in the later tomb (ibid.. PI.XIV), the ccneraliongap lhrl
rvouldresultbet$eenM and I.lLl-nli, tirc hLrsbxnd ot ancithe uniquc
sceneof the tomb ou,nerofferinglo his granriparcnts.
(2) The hvpothesistbat l.lpu, anLj Nbl l-i were lire parenlsof t/ and thrt
7-i lx,rt was his matenralgrandmother.lf this rvcrc thc cascil rvoLrldbc thc orll
cascin which a grandmotherplaysthe role of a surrogatervite. A possiblereason
would bc that as this was his carlicr tonib liis mothcrq'ould havc bccn llristrcssof
her own householtl,so his grandnrothcfas lllc scnior and rlost irrporlant fcnralc
rclativc,bcing a royal nursc,would havc ruled thc householdof hcr-qranclson.lrr
the latertomb, when perhaps,his granclmother was dead, M mentionshis mothcr-
This does not account for the attribution of motherhoodto 7'.1-lrllr (ibid..
PI.XXIX) or 1brthe problernof thc rurrc of M's fathcr.
Ithas beenaccepted that Inrnnltlt wasthe nilmeofhistatherblsedsolclyon
C a i r oS t r t u e , 1 2 l 2 5( .D a v i c s& D a v i c s 1 9 3 3 ,1 6 ;L e l c b v r c1 9 2 9 I. i 3 ) . H o w c v c rt h c
inscriptionon the statueis so duuged that it is irnpossiblcto rcrd tllc titlcs o[
'ir,- p(t 11.|o' r,'tich
Mn-hp-rc-snb apafl fronr the inilial honorific titles lre
very common. As thc nunlc of thc motllcr is nissing lhcrc is r1onreansof cross
checking. l-egrain.Sethe.DavicsanclLcftbvrc havc no hcsitrtlionin assigninrthis
stiltueto Mx-ftlr-r.-snb oI'l-l's.ll2 & E6 but the rcliability of this altribulionis
open to qucstion. Mn-hpr rt lnb was a very common namc at this lillle (Rl'N
1-50.15).The only king namedon thc strLtuc ArrenholepIl. *hosc prcnonrcn
"vas ofthe statll.$lls lil) ofl-icialof
occursthrcctimes. It is possiblethat lvln-l.\1tr-l: rrrb
AncnhotepIl andnot our mlln at all

Genealogyof Mn-ltpr-f -snb accorcling

to Dlvics:

+nDI: t ns\\ | |

l l 1 - t t t1 * N h t t - l s l m t'-n ns.'t
'f-, ,!,tr., t.tLt t tt
lntn-nrl'Jt f . a - ; ^ t 4t ' t l t ! t r n l t


C e n e a l o g2y:

| = *l l-iwtlt nvtLt tlsrtt

Hptr = *h"ht-t-l eil mnt:) *Ti r)t iw'nr = S-l-tp-il.t--

Itln-t hr,-

Mn-hpr-r(:-snb +T3idt.s = H Ii".J


Both of thesegenealogies arepossiblebul borh presentmanyproblcms,lhe two

outstandingbeing the identityof the parentsol Mn hJn.-rt-snb anclrhe l'act thar
z is used of two wonlcn. I favour hypothesis(2) for the rcasonsalrcacly
only solution I can of'fcrfbr M seeminglvattributingfiliarion ro two
scparatewomen is that it might havcbeena clse of scribalenor. In the carlv tunb
a s 1 J - i n . l r w a s c a l l e d ' / . . w t ,. f t l l es c r i b cd e c o r a r i ntgh e s c c n c p
, M { 6 1( D . r \ i c s d .
Davies 1933, PI.XXIX) assuntingshe was his mother wrote ,rtr n 7'-l-iwnt'.A
difltrent scribedecoratinglhc latertonlb was instructedto artribuleliliation to tllc
nrothcrof M , Nbt t3. This would strengthcnthe rrgument that Nba r-l was lhe
rnolhcrof M an(l ll-ii,nt washis grandmo$er.
' Althoughno wife is rcpresentcd in thc tontbs,unlcssDavicsis correctltboutthc
snlall fcmale figure, it does not necessarilymean that irln-hnr-/ JDb was
unnrarried.Thc fact that the two unnamcdntenuho oticr to ly' and I-J-lr,rt coulcl
havebeensonsmakcsit unwiscto assumethat hc was. If thcy had becndcsignateci
therc would have been strooger groundsfor postulatin-q his unmarried
state,but it is of coursea possibility. 'l'herearc a nunbcr of reaso s rvhy a rvifc
night bc excludcdfrom thc tomb. Sherright hlve died vcry early in thc mrrriage,
her husbandmight have tired oI her and cast her ofl or she miqht havc been
divorccdfor adultcry.If trnyof thesehld becnthc c.r:e,onc uoul,l h.tic expcctcdM
10havemlrried again.but no sccondwifc is represcntcd in the lomb either. I-l-lh.rl
appcarsto takethe placeof a wif'e. Hcr positionas royal nurscwould accoluttiirr
hcr prominenccin the tomb be shc motheror grandmothcrol Mn ltJt rc-srtb.

CASI] ]9

llny ltltt t n fnt imz-r hmv:-n1r

n In-hrt
I)A'I U: TuthmosisIll
I -OCA'I'ION: SheikhcAbd cl-Qurna.1-1.109

B I B I - I O G R A P t I Y : P N l2 2 6 1

r {_,
badly damagcdtomb posr
s u n r .p r " , h l . n ra: , l l \ t s r r t ' l . . q u t l c)
p u b l r . l r Lr t, rl h ( c n J , f f i c l . . t . c n r u r 1
h ; V r r c l E '*.h u i . n o t. r l w r r rr c l i . ' b r.
f-r . 1
I t- l
('i:l I

N,IO'I'HER: SJ_r PN.{(r (6)'r(9)(1

X.1)rr 1)
SONS: Sbk-ns l.tmn1r n Nt (9)
5ru1(l)Qdw nJ Ix,ty Pi!{(3)
According to Vircy, Mnl.. was acconpaniedby his wife nol his motilcr in
s c e n e sP N l ( , l ) l la n d ( 9 ) ( V i r e y 1 8 8 7 , 3 0& 3 2 ; 1 8 9 i b , 3 6 6& 3 7 0 ) . V i r e y d o e sn o t
mention thc tishing and fb$,ling scene,whjch has completcly disappeared; but
accordirgto PorteraDdltloss(Pltl(Il) 221). lrlntt wasaccompanied by his mothcr,
rvho was named,and his farnily in this sccne. They do not spccify whetherthis
includedhis wife or not. 1'hefragmentarytcxt which survives(Sethe1927,i3-161
is ofno help asno namestemain. No rcprocluction ofthis sceneexists.
Mrrr had sonsso he must have beenmarried. lf Virey was wrong lnd thc
femalefigurc in scenesP\{(4)ll and (9) was thc motherarldnot the \\'ife of tlr}t,
then, as far as it is possible to tcll fion the extant sccnes,tlle wife was not
representedin thc tomb. lf Poficr and Moss are corrccl,dre mother of ,i|nw is
representedwith him in many scenesihroughout what remainsof the tomb.
PN{(1) A stclain the courtyardbearsthc rcmainsof a doublesccneof Ml rr''
ard his mothcrbelorea divinity,and ifuw ard possibl,v-' his motherasdrerecipicnts
'lhere horv Mnw and his mofher*'ere
of offerings. is no nreansof ascertaining
rcpresenledas no referencesare given for thc stela. Therc appcarsto be somc dottbt
whcther the \\,omanin thc scenebelow was the mother.
PM(4)II SDI-nrsoffersflowerslo Mrw andhis motheru4seatedon a couch
i n P o s i t i o nV I . ( S c h o t tP h o t o .5 7 6 6 ) . i n s c r i p t i o na b o v et h c w o n a n h a s
clisappeared so thereis no way of rcsolvingthis problcm
PN't(6)In a nichearethe remainsof lwo very damagedsarucs.They musthave
been those of Mnn, and his wife, if she rlas represcntcclin the tomb' or ,lfuw and
bis molher. No inscriptionalmaterial survivesso it is impossibleto delennine

which is the case.

PIVI(9) .lD,t-nr.iol'ltrs to Mrrl anrl his nrtrthcr ruuonrp nied r)y ornqucl
g u e s t s t. h c o n l y r e c o r d a s v a i l a b l ue f r h i r t S c h , , lIl ' h o l ^ ! r J l h r ) .d o n o r c i e p i c r
Mnw and his nothcr.85 lt is not possible "ccne
lo bc certainrv)roii r.cprescutcti rvith
Mnw or how thcy are dcpiclc:d.
I'M(11) According to Portcr ancl lvloss,his nrorher (nameci)anrl famill,
accompany Mnw in his foivling and fishing activities. Ilorvcver.rhc sccnch.r-r
c o r n p l e t e ldyi s a p p c a r eacnl dn o p i c t o r i t lr c c o r d s u r v i v e s . . f h e n a t n e o l . t h e m o t h e r
,l_!-t^t.r in the fragmenrary inscripriondescr.ibins thc scenc.(Serhc1927.
9E0(282)cl) on the only olhcr occasionwhcn thc rnothc.lssaidto lulDcarwrth hcr
son in.the fishing and fowling the romb ol' Kn ittn (.i..i..g3). it,uas
probablythe witt rvhoactuallyaccompanics him. dcspitcirorrerand Moss(pNl(10)
p.193).EbIf it r,,,as his mothcrwho acconrpanied his sportin lhis tonrbthcn
it was possib)ythe only occxsionon rvhichthis occurrcdin rhc IiightccnlhDynastv
Thcbanlombs. Unfbnunatel),it is not possiblcto cstablishrvhoacionrpanicd,t/n11
in lhis scenc.Thc factthatthe molherwasnancd clocsnot ncccssarily iirpl) lhat shc
wrs prcscnt. On the other hand,hcr abscncedocs not inrply the prcsince of thc
existenceoffour statucsin thc chapcl(pl\l(l-5)).onlv adclsto rheproblenr
ol assessinglhc posilion of the wilc and mothcr in this torn6. The stllues arc so
d a n r a g c d( V i r c y 1 8 9 1 b . 3 6 9 )t h a r o D ec a n n o r i d e n t i f yt h c l n . A s r h e r ea r c I o u l
stalucs,.onc would expectthemtobe thoseof Maw, his rvifc is
frisnrotheru,hois rcpresentcd with Max, in thc statueeroup,thci rhe oljtcrcouplc
lrre possiblyhis son SD,4nrs lnd his wilt as hc is thi oniy other pcrsonrvJtiiis
pronrincrlin the lomb.
O r t , j yo t t e . s r r n S
. l ' t - r a r i s r c p r e s e n t cpdc r f o m r i n gf u n c r a r vr i t e sf o r M r r u ,
3 | l r ] r ) u l na n r r t h e\ro n t s n . r m c df l n l o n go l h c r r e l a t i v e si n a r i l u a Js c e n c (. [ _ e p s i r r s
N'lS.18;l'1 29,1.No.22.)
PM(4)ll .Sbt,n.i offers llowers to Lf n\r an(lhi\ morher. (Scholt l,hoto.
Pl\,1(9).trt m.r ofl'crsto M/lr, ancl nother wirh banquet.(Scholt photo.
This is thc first cxamplc of a tonrb in rvhich the lomb owncr was cicfilitely
rnarriedbul thc molhcr would seemto havc usurpcdlhe \\,jlt's positionin rhe tomb.
As onl) thc nanrcof thc rnothcrsurviveswithout anv titlcs, it is irnpossiblcto say
whclhcrher socialpositionwas suchas to warranther prominencciir the tomb.or.
someolher rcason.suchas lhc exclusionof the tvifc iiom thc tontb.s,l accountcdfor
hcr prcse cc.
Ilorvcver.rhe damagedstateof the tomb and lhe lack of inscriptionalrnltcrial
n'rke it inrpassibleto deternlinewhctherthc wilt was reprcsenleci i,, tt,e tontt,o.
nol. Noneof thc unpublisheil mtterial,suchaspltotographs, wasof any usclll rrvrnq
lo rcsolvethe problcmsassociatcd with thistomb.

CASI] 40

Inn m h3t sl nswt iml--r inwtl

TITLF.S: Sethe1927,102b
DA'I'E: TuthmosisIII
LOCAI'ION: SheikhcAbd el'Quma TT.123

tomb is unpublished.It is
ve'y drmr3cd \\ilh no rccnc.
s u r ri r i n ! i n t h c i n n c r r o n r n r i
indeed,it waseverdccorated.


WIFII: llnw(t) ir:- PM(5)? ( 7 ) (1 2 ) ( 1 3 )

SONSI: Narnenissirg idnw w|tnLw PN'I(7) sc.3.
Namemissing P M ( 4 ) r( 5 ) r( 1 2 ) ?
DAUGIITER: Namemissing PM(5)?(7)
BROTHER: W'sr-lr-itsi PM(-5)rrr
Altlough the wife is representedin the tomb shedoesnot appearin many scenes
with her husband.
PM(5) Becauseof the damagednatureof the sceneit is impossibleto tell
tthether Imn-m-|8t was accompaniedby his wife or not.
PM(7) sc.1 Thc fishing scenehas beendestroyedbut in the fowling scenea
small female figure squatsbetweenthe striding legs of 1mr zr f-lt , her right hand
graspshis right leg. Sheis nbtpr [].lntrtl-iry. (l\4MA T.2719).
PN{(7)sc.2 Threemembcrsof thc family accompanyImn-n-l.r3tin speanng
rhe hippopotamus. They are unnamedbut probably representhis wife, daughtcrand
son. The damagedfigure of the wife standsbehindhim, probablygraspinghis
waist. small squattingfigure betwecnhis legs is probablya daughterand the
small male figure standingon the prow of thc boat is probably a son. (N{ivIA
T .2719).
PM(7) sc.3 lmn-m-ft3t and his wife are seatedon a couch.facing right. in
PositionVI receivingproduceof rhemarshlands. (MMA T.2718).

PM(12) Man with offering list oifers to Imn-n-ltlt and his wil'c (MMA
PN{(i3) Seatcdstar,rcs of Imn-m,pt iurdhis wife.
Bccauseof thc damageand the lack of inscriptional ntltcrial,it is impossibleto
be certair of the extcnt of 1zr rz-ft3rt family.
PN,I(4)f-III priesrswho pe:form thc ofl-eringlist ritua] belore Imn-nt h3t
couldbe sonsor could includea son.
PN,1(5) ltis scencis damagedand it is impossibleto tell whcther sons are
presenlor not.
PM(7) sc.2 A sma)lnalc figurestandsoo thc prow of thc boai,probiibl),a son.
(Nri\lA T.2719).
PN{(7)sc.3 A smallmalc figureoffcrsa bouquetro Inn-nrlBt andhis wife,
'idnw '
he 1s v,hmw but hjs namc is missing. IIe is probablya sonof Intrrn-lt3t
JrJ HrMr ir1
PN{(12)The man offcing to Imn-nr}.t3tandhis rviie is possiblva son.
Onc daughterat leastcould be rcpresentedin the tontb.
PM(5). It is possiblethatoneor more daughtcrs nighr havebeenincludedwirh
the familv in this damagedscene.
PM(7) sc.2 A small femalefigure holdinga lotus squatsbetqeenthc striding
legsol Imn-m-pt, shewasprobablya daughter.(N,l\,lA T.2719).
The only member of the family apart fiom lmn-rn Jrlt and his wifc, whose
name survives in the tomb is his brother si IVsr hlr
, PN,I(5)III sn.fslWsr-h3t receivescattlean'clfou.l. (MMA T.2731).

C A S E4 1

Nb hn Ddt

TITLES: as above,from the tomb

DATE: Tufimosis III eo
LOCATION: DracAbri ei-NagacTT.l45

This small singlechanber romb is partly
inaccessibleand the decoration \rrs never
---------> N con'lpietcd.

PM 256

WIFIi: I'h htp lrnt.f nht-pr PNl(1)rrr (2X3)

SON: P3-sr snnnftnrfl ( l)r rr(?)
DAUCIIITERS: Possiblythree,unnamed PM(2)
PN{(l)I A/b-ln,r antl lclt htp are seatedon a couchfacingleft jn PositionV.
They are the rccipicntsoI offeringsfrom thcir son.(Fakhry1943a,Pl.XIi).
PM(1)ll rVb-ina andhis wife are oncemote seatcdon a couch,facinglefi. in
PositionVl on this occasion.Thc sameson,or perhapsanotherson,offersflorvers
to his father(ibiii, PI.XII).
PM(2) Nb mn and wife rre sertcd on a couch,facing right in PositionV.
They are accompanicdby two daughtersand a third drughterofltrs to them (ibid.,
P I s . X I I I& X I V ) .
PN'l(3) tllc niche containsihe rcmainsof scatedstatuesof Nb lzrn and his
r v i l t . ( i b i d . ,3 7 1 & P I . X V ) .
Thc wifc is prominentin this small tornb,accoo'rpanying her husbandin cach
Two figures of sonsare represcntcdin thc tomb. Orrly one of them is ttamcd.
PM(1)l A son PJ-sr with offeringlist before Nb-tnta andhiswife (jbid,
PN{(l)ll A son offers a bouquctto his parcnts. He is umamed. IIe could bc
P.l s/ or a secondson (ibid , PI.XII). It is possiblethat was thc o\\,nerof
Thereare thrcedaughtersrepresented in the banquetsccnc.
.. 'l'rvo
PN'l(2 daughtcrsare scatedbesidetheir parenlswhile a third oficrs a borvl
to Nb illr. She standson thc other side ol the oflering table and is probablythc
eldestdaughtcr(ibid, PI.XIV). Of the two dlughtersseatcdbcsidetleir parents,dre
elder is rcprcscntedon a low chair and the youngersmallerfigurc is represented
scenesin the tomb creatcthc irnprcssionof a close knit loving family.

C A S E1 2
t.i wb3

TI'l LE: as abovefrom ceilingof tomb.(Davies1913,Pl. XXXX.)

LOCA'IION: DracAb0 el'Nagac TT.15'1
PLAtr*: .}
PM 256 I l! This tomb is a small singlechambertomb with
only a fragmcnt of the decorationsul ".-iving.
.- \ 1 -.

WIFE: Name missing PN,t(I)

SON(?): tNfr?l- hb.f PM(1)r
WIFE: I'h-h4, PNt(I )l
IN-I,AWS: Gr g't3wy P M (l ) r
Sn(.i)-l1tp PN,,I(
] )I
TWO WOMEN: HI bt]-iry PM(r)r
5 3 ti m n Pr\{(
l )r
PM(l) 7i.l and his wife are seatedon a couch fucing righr. Only their feer
remainso it is not possibleto sayin which positionthey wercseatcd.
It is possiblethat ft.r' and his wift did not have any sonsas it seemsthal a
woman,probablya daughter,is the most promincntfigurc ollLring to them (Davies
1913,PI.XXXIX top.) Oniy the feet of the two figurcs offcring to ?.i anil his
wife remain. forcmostfigurc is that of a woman,followeclby a man. If thc
man had beena son,hc would havetakenprecedence over lhc woman. Hc mightbc
l h c s r . r n - i n - l .or w
r l h eb r o t h eor f 1r.i.
PM(l )l Oi the guestsat thc banquct,two seatedcouplesand tu,o kneeling
women rcrrain.
The two couplesare each scatcdon a couch,facing left, in PositionVI.
first coupleare rcprcsented largerthanthe olhcr and must beara closerrelatiouship
to the tomb owner. A break in thc *,all makes it impossiblcto tcll whar ihat
relationship was. The man'snamewas [Nfr?]-ltb.f andhis rviie was /./; ,r2 (ibid.,
PLXXXIX). Becauseof his promincncein the scene.he could havc bccn a son.
brotheror the fathcref ?t./.
sccondcoupleappearto havcbccn rclatedby marriageto the tomb owncr.
man was im.f Grg t3wy andhiswifewas S (.i) htp. Scholarsel agrcethatthe
term a relationshipby rnarriage,but djffcr on whcrhcr thc
relationshipis that of 'fatherin-larv'or'brothcr-in-lar.
It is possiblethal thc first couple are the parentsof Tt.i el and thc second
couple,the parentsof his wifc. If the first couplehad bcenthe brothcrof T1.1and
his wifc ald thc secondcouple,the sisterof 7i.i andhcr husbirnd. onervouldexpect
thcm to be ofequal sizeand Srf.i.l frtlr to havcbccndcscribcdas '.r/?t./'.
However,it is also possiblethat I^"lr'll liD./ was the brotherof 7i.i and the
sccondcouplehis fatherand mothcr-in-law.ll this rvusthe caseone would expcct
thc parentsof Tt.l to be represented in a promincntporitionelservhere in the tomb.
A third possibilityis thal I(h-lttp was the daughterof Tr.i ancl tNrt'11hb,f
rvasher husband. might be identicalto the womanand man q'ho are oifuring
to Tr.l and his wile (ibid.,PI.XXXIX).
The fact that these various possibilitiesexist is typical of the problems
engendered by thc lack of spccifickinshiptcnns. Howevcr,I favourthe probabilit-v
that the first couplewere the parcntsof 7i.r and the seconcl couplewerethe parcnts
of his wife.
'im.f '
The term althoughnot very infbmrative,is uniqueto this tomb in thc
E i g h t e c n t hD y n a s t y . A l t h o u g h i t p o s c sa p r o b l c m i t d o c s c o n l c r r c c r t a i l l
importanceon this otherwiseinsignificanttomb.
The two fcmalc figurcsreprcscntcdbchindthc seatedcouples,are namedbut
bearno kinshipterms. might be daughters or sistersof Tr.l.

As oniy fragmentsof one scenesurr,ivcit is impossiblcro tell !!,hatother

members of the family were reprcscnted ill Iie tomb.


ll'sr s! imy-r 3l1wt n flmnl n fimnl


TITLES: Davics& Macadam1957,No 61

DATE: Tutimosis III(?) ea
LOCATION: DracAbi el-Nagac fi.260
tslBt-IOGRAPHY: PM 3.+3-,1

This is a small single-chambcred tomb u ith a

niche in the *cst wall. The tomb is unpublishedand


PM 33.1

WIFE: NDn.m- w,-ist stlt.fnbt pr PM(2X3)

SON?: Urulamcd PM(2)?
DAUGIITERS: Unna,ncd PM(2)
wife of lVsr appearsin both mirin scencs.
PN{(2) A priestofiers to lt.rr, his rvife anda smallgirl. tyrr anclhis wjt-eare
seatedon a couchfacing left in PositionV. A smallfemalcfigurestancis at rhc side
of the rvife,left arm at sideand right ann benton brclst. (SchoLtPhoto. 8646).
Sub scene. A girl offersto Wsr and his wife. The couplearc seatedin an
unusualposition,embracingeachother. They aresertcdfacingleft, her righraemis
around his shouldcrand he claspsher wrist *'ith his right hand. His left arm is
aroundher shoulderand sheclapshis wrist with her left hand. PosirionXIV (Schotr
Photo.E6.17).Sheis snr,fnbt-pr Nby,-nr,y.,Jsl.
PNI(3) Banquetbcforc Wsr and his wifc. Thereis no illustriitionofthis scene
so it is impossibleto dcrcrmincho$'tlev weredcpicted.
It is not certain whether !t'.rr had any sons.
Pi\{(2) A priestoffersto ty.e, his wife and smallgirl. It is possiblerharhc
\r'asa son.
Thcre is a good reasonto believc, however, that he did have ar least one
claughtcrand possiblymore.
PM(2) A snall t'cmalefigure standsat the sideof tl'.r/ and his *it'e. Shcnas

probablya daughterof Wsr.

Il thc sub sccnean adult fernalc figurc standsfacing U/sr and N}r, rir,w-lsr,
lclt aml at side,right amt acrossbody profcrringsontething(Scholtpholo. E6.j9).
Slrc*as nrnbablyt}leel,j...rdruihrL
Althoughrhistomb is small,it is interesringfor an unusualsceneol bcd ntlking
(PM_(1)Greenlees1923, PI.XXI) and for thc unusualiyaffecrionalepose
of ii,sr:
andhis rvifi.


D l : r v t -t m s u hmu |?Jtl/

TITLI]S: as abovc,from tontb

DATE: TuthmosisIII
I-OCA'HON: SheikhcAbd ct-Quma 1T.342

lhis tontb has not beenpublishcdor photogrephecl.

T h e r u m c . . u n i v e [ r o mn r r n r r . c r i pc tn p i e s .


WIFE: Tp ihw P1\4(7)r

SONS: I n . i tJ PNI 5 ] I I
S3-imn PI,1 5)rr
DAUGH'I'ERS: A'snbw PM 5)
IJ3t-!pswt P M 5)rr
RJ.' Pt\{ s)rr
Kt iryt P M 5)rr
Nfrw P M 5)rr
Unnamcddaughter PM(7)r
N{OTFIER: T3 hnrt
BROTIIERS: I cf i - m s PN,l(5)ir
R3j PN{(5)II
It is impossibleto tell how often the wife was rcpresented
in this tomb. Eithcr
lhe tomb was not completelydecorated,or the scencsfrom the north tvall of thc
passage and the innerroom,havcall disappeared.

PN{(7)l This is the only scencin *'ltich the wife is knorvnto be rcprcscntcJ
Shestandsbchindher husbandin tle fowling scenc$'ith her right handol his waist.
(Wilkinson 1878, v.ii, 10.1(363)). She is refencdto by Wilkinson as " his sister"
'.t/t.,f' mcming wjfe.
rvhichimpliesthat shcwasdescribedas
PM(5)ll ramcs of some of lhc gueslsat the biulquctwere recordedby
Wilkinson (l\4SSv, 182 Jtopl; 184ltopl. UnfortunateJy some of thc narneslack
'Iwo 's3.,f' ',f '- It is
kinship tenns. mcn are describedas and four u'omcn as
possiblgthat someof thc \\'omenarc thc *ivcs of sonreof the mcn as the men and
woflcn are seatedaitematelyrathcrthan all the sonstogether,foLlowcdby a]] the
tlaughters. (cf. Cases9 & 22).
Ar unnarlcd daughteraccompanies hcr parcntsin tjrc I'owlingscen. (PNI(7)l
Wilkinson 1878,v.ii, 10.1(363)). Thc smallfigureof the drughtcrstandsbesidctirc
front leg of Bltwty-ms. She tums back to look at her faficr an(l her l.1l h:rnd
reachcsup to tor.rchhis knee-
'l'\,uo in thc banquctscene. Onc ol fte daughtersof
brothersare reprcsenled
Dl,t\\'tl-ms is called aftcr one ofhcr uncles,RJ.l.
Anotherl,ornan s3t.JNfrw is rePrcscntcd after sn,fl?3.r.As sheis separatcd
from thc othersonsand daughters, it is possiblesheis thc daughterof RJ.i behind
whom she squatsrathcr than Dlltwt'1'nrs.
'lle (p. 409),but it is not clcrr
nameof the motheris given by Porter& Nlo-ss
*hcre the motherwas represcnted in the tomb.
From the plan, it rvouldseemthat thercwerefour statuesin a nichcon $e back
wall of the innerroom. Portera]ld ]\{ossdo not assigna scenenumbcrto the statr.lcs
oi mention thcm. As thcrc are four of thcm, they probabiyrepresentcd the tomb
o*'ner,his wife and parcnts.


M'j imy-r nrlt n nrrrl rsrlt)

l t |LES: As above,from tomb

DATE: TuthmosisIII(?)
LOCA'I'ION: SheikhcAbd el'Quma I'f.130
IY: PN{ 2.1.1-5

Although this tonb was publishcdby Scheil

( l E 9 1 a ) ,t h e s c e n e sw c r c o n l y d c s c r i b e da n d n o t
I l'1

WIFE.; Tt',- .snt.fnbt-pr PNl(I X2)(3)(1)(.5

SON: l---J-n-ptlt PM(rX3)t(t)
DAUGHTER: Mt:t PM(r)(3)r( r)(-5)rr
PM( 1) Mcr" ofl'erson brazicrsfollowed by his wite anil son and daughtcr.
( S c h e i 1l 8 9 1 a ,5 4 2 - 3 ) .
P M ( 2 ) S t c l aw i t h d o u b l cs c e n e M
. cy and ?iyt,adorcOsirisandAnubis.7nl
i l n d \ b c h i n J M r . h c r r i p h t I r a d r l i . t ' J . l r e r l e t i h . r r r ,hl n l d i r r rI. :t l , , r r c I i h i r i . .
5 4 3) .
Mirr. and fl.,r are reprcscntecl adoring,in threesmall sccncson eachsiclcof
thc stela(ibid., 544).
PM(3)t Mc) and his wile are seared, facinglcft in PosirionVI (ibid.,5.16). A
man and a womanolltr to rhem (ibid.,-546)althoughPN{(2,1.1) allcgcrharrwo n}cn
offcr. As lhe sccnehas disappcared,it is impossibleto tcll which is corrcc.
Horvever,Schcil is obviouslydcscribingan cxtalttsceneand thc man and wonlan
couldbe thc sonancldaughterwho appearwith ,\y'c-r and 7nl inPN,l(11.
PM(3)tl sc-l M] and Tx,_rare seatcd,lacingrighr,in PosirionIV.
PM(3)II sc.2 coupleare scatcd,lacing leli, in PositionVI (ibid.. 516).
PM(4) Tp_1 is reprcscntedwith M.r in sonre of thc ritcs before lhcir
nrumnics (ibid. , 517).
PM(5)l M(1 and 7\1,r offer beJbrerhc llathor-cow(ibid., 54lJ).
PM(5)ll Mii_rand fu.'r' sit, facingright,in PosilionIV. A
'. thenr,shc is s-it.fmrtJ and a banquetsccncfitccstheu (ibid..
PN'l(6) Right thickness: M.l' and Tu,-- cntcr the lomb. 'ltc sccnc is
unfinished(ibid., 550).
PN{(8)l Mcl and 7r.1 adoreOsirisand llathor. 71..r,standsbchind M.r.
holdinga largebouquet (ibid., 550).
Pl\'l(g)lM.) and fwr are seated,facingright,in lbsiti(rl VI (ibid., 552).
PM(g)ll flt]' accompanies Mr'I on the voyagcto Abydos(ibid., 5-52).
A featurcof this tomb is thc prominentpart playcdby rhe wile. Sllc appcarsin
most of the sccncswith her husband.cven thoseof a strictl! ritual nalurc suchts
adoring thc gods. As she docs not appear to hold any inrportant titlc, hcr
prominencemay reflcctthe closeand loving rclationshiplhrl existcdbctwccn r1l|r'
and his wife: shc is referredto as rn l.f throughout.
It is not cenainhow manychildren M'rr andhis wife hacl.
PIr4(l) A son and a daughtcrarc associatedwith thcm in rhe offerins o::
brazicrsritual (ibid., 5.13).
PM(3)l A nlaD and a woman offcr to the couple (lbirl.. -5,16).Thcy are
possiblythe sanc sonand daughterwho arc rcprcscnted i the lirst sccnc.
PM(5)ll A daughtcr,unnamed,ofl'crsto M._r anil 7 u.t Shc mighr bc thc
daughtcrMS or a seconddaughtcr(ibid.. 5.191.
Apart from thc nllclearfarnily, no othcr rclarionsappearto be nantedin thq

Fur- 3' cAset |Lk 6?



I-lnt*'-ntlh u,ltntw nswt tp;-

t l c l c k1 9 5 8 , 4 9 6 ( 3 )
DAl'E: uthnrosis III
LOCATION: ShcikhcAbdel-QumaTT.E,I
I l e l c k1 9 5 84, 9 6 ( 3 )
D a v i e& s D a v i e s1 9 1 1 . 9 6 - 9 8

This tomb rvas completedand all the

walLs decoratedthough sonrc sceneswerc
u n f i n i s h e d . I t w a s p a r t l y u s u r p c db y t h c /.ra Vn (TT o5\ in the rei:rr
o 1 A m c n h o t e pl l . I t r v a s i n a d e q u a t e l y
p u b l i s h e dw. i t h o u tp l a t e s b, y V i r e y i n i 8 E 6
a n d1 E 9 1 , eain di s b a d l yd a m a g e d . ' l h ipso s e s
problcms in idcntifying mcmbcrs of thc
f r m i l r a n J t h c m c t l r J, i i r . f r e r (r , l r n i ' r .m .
Theseproblemsare further compoundedby
thc N,larscillc Stcla(No 3-1)th of thc s.irr.rl.l
V n . r s o no l l J m " , n . l l t . r , . l ^ i . hc o n t u ir
n&res of personsnot represeDted in lhe lonrb.
IIow this affectsthe family represented in t1lc
( s,+.) tomb willbe discussed aftcrthc dcscliptionof
this familv.
PM 160
WIFE: [].lnwt-nfr lkrt-nswtl P N l ( 1 ) ( 1 1 X 1( 146) r)
SON: [s3.fl Dlt\rtr ms PM(3)
FATI{ER: S-l-dhin sjb P M ( l 0 ) (1r ( 1 , 1 () 1r r8 ) r r
]VlOTHER: Rsy nbt-pr P\1(10X1.1) rr
BROTIII]R: flt:-m-w3st fury,ftbtlnw,wcbn Pl\,I(3)'l(7X10)l(1,1)
(5triEEZ )^ Hw,t-Lnm-c tr (16)(lE)'l
Despiteher nunerous appearances with her husband,thc nlune of the wife docs
not survivcin the tomb. Ilou,evcr,shc is rcpresen|cd with irer husbandiD the tonlb
of llsr-113t (TT. 56) e7 and on the stela of the s.i rsl,l Mr-!. In thc tonrb of{ril, she is slr.,f 98 nryt.f nbt-pr hkrt nswtI.lnul-nfrt. On thc Nlarscillesteh,
sheis l,tmt.fnht-pr n st ib.f l.lrltNl-t1ft1.
PN'l(1)Entrancethicknesses /,lzw-ad'! andhis wife adoring,with a hl,mn on
cach thickness.

PN'l(ll) Right sideu,allo[North Chapel: lonib owllcland fathcr(unfinisheti)

rurda priestoffersto tonlb o\!ner and wilc.
PN{(1,1)lBrolheroffcrs bouquclttl I.lmw'ntlh and his rvife. l)aiiilge to thc
sccncmakcsit inrpossible k) tcll i:r *hich positionthcy \rerescrtcd.
l'\l(16) I.lrrtw-ntlh and his wilc iospectDcltii procluce.(Sccncusurpedby
M^ and his nrolhcr).
P N { ( 1 8 ) l I M a n l w i t h o f f c r i n gl i s t b e f o r c l . l n , r . n < 1 1 a . rn c lh i s r v i l e s e a t c d ,
irLcingright, in PositionVL (COI l)holo.6118). Br),rn ( l 9ll5. 20 2l t)') drarvsour
attentionto lhe scribalkit underlll!' chlir of {/rrxt-tlit . Shc rvasa l(rl-rl!|1'1 ar]d
as suchlvasprobablybroughlLlpanclL'(lucaled ai coun ri ith lhe fo)'alcllil(Lcowhere
shcrvoulilhaveaccprircd the skillsol rvritirtganil reading.
PM(20) 1-lnirl'. rlir and Inilcl, unlinishecj. anclol-lirings.
The onlv rcprcserllllionof childrcr in thc tonrb is a snrall ligur!' stxnding
bchindthe seatof /-3zrw.,lfi (PN{(l)) whosenameis pf&4 nrs (Vire} 1886.'12:
COlPhoto.6ll6). tlis right hanLiis raisedto louchlhc leli e'lbowof 1-lnrulll and
in his leti handhc holdsa lotuslloucr. IIe is probablythe sonof /-Jntl rtfl lncl as
oiltrings and an olfering list appcarbcl-orelhe lomb owrcr and lirc boy' who is
n3t:-[n . it is probabLe that thc child died carly arld lhal hc rvasthe only chilti ol
I-)nu' nll. would account lir lhc fact thrt thc brolher of /-lnr}l rrd{r
pcrfonnsthc funcraryrites rathcrthiln I son.
'll1e oncc ils it couplc in thc tonlb and
parentsol I3nt* nll arc rcprcscrlled
alsoindividuallywith /-lriu rtd{r.
. P N ' l ( 1 ' 1 ) l l l ( n r t . l s t , t h c b r o l h c fo l l l l c l o n r bo t v r l c r o. l l c r s a b o u ( l u eol l
AmLlnto his parenls.
Pl\{(10) f-inl ,d{l'.! motllcr is reprcsctltctl *ilh hcr sorto lhe soulh\\all of
'fhey l3cing lcll id PositiollVI (l\{N{A
the south chxpel. are sctled on a couch.
T.1873). In a rcciprocalsceneon thc norlh $'all. ll)c falhcr is scaleclrvith his son.
Thc father and son arc also reprcscilcd on thc north *all of the norlh cltitpel
(PN,I(1 I )), on the nonh wall. westcncl.ol lhe passrgc( l'l\1(I lt)l I ) and probrbly ott
the north wrll ofthc shritre(PN'l(21)).
brotherof I3rnv nlll plil)s a pronrincntrolc in thc t( thc irbscnce
of sonsor daughtcrsof lhe tomb owl]er.
PN'l(3)A Imarll ol-fersto /-Jztttrrdlr.Tiris uas problbll f/l nr x.i.rt
PNl(7) I/' //r--i.t,oficrs lo /.lrrx'r?dllr.
P l \ 1 ( 1 0 )A I m a : t l p , r o b r b l y { / r r r s . l , v .o l l c r sl i t / - i l r r r ' r r d f ra n . lh i \ n ) o l h e .
and to /-lrrrl irl{r andhis llther.
PN4(1,1)lU(-rr-x-lrt offcrsto 1-lrru adir andhis *itc
P \ l \ | I ) l l t l r n l l r . r , , l l c rl .' l r i \l : r r c r r l . .
Plvl(16)//( /n-w-1.!1 prcsentsprocluce ol Deltl lo I3nA rU.tandhis wile.
P M ( 1 8 ) l A m a t rp . r o b a b l yf f t t n u i t t o l l i r s r o t o n r bo * n e r l n d w r l c
l'N'l(l8)ll A man ollcrs to lontb o*'ncr andiLthcr'
From the inforntalion rccovcrableirolll lhe tonlb. the falnilv relationships
appcarcluitestraisittforrvxf{l. $i1e plals il pronrincntrole in lhc lonlb es lllc
co son ofhcr husband. only sonscclrlslo hlvc riiedprcnrllurely.perllilpseven
in infancv and rhc tomb o$llcr's brothcrpcdirrtls llie ofl'crillgstlsultll) pcrfomed
by the son or sons. nlotllcr is not as pronlincnlin lltc lonttras tllr lrrth'r Ihe
only titles.attribured to the parentsare .!.1D,u1d 'nbt-pr ', which is no help in
assessing their rclalive importance.'l'he fact that ,!-i-{iiwry is only called 'sJb ,
d o e s . n o tp r e c l u d e _ h i mh o l d i n g o l h c r h i g h e r t i t l e s . l 0 0H e p l a y s a n u n u s u a l l y
pronlmentrolc in thc tomb of his son. which inrplicsa prominenccof lantily or
oflicc or both.
(l,l\{(,1)), I3m*. nlti.r \\,jl'c bearsrhe tjtle ltkrt nsv.t,
. .ln thr tomb of lfsr,ft-ir
rvhichmakesher promincntin her own right. lt is possiblethat shc was lirt ,$r,
in hcr husband's tontbbut because of its damagcdstate,thc title is missingxlongwith
!91,]"-.a W.v lr-ir had a daughrer$,ho \\,as ftkrt nswrI.lnwt_n"[n.(pM12)) (ilclck
19-55.1,17tt.20 and 1479.6).h is unlikclv thar ti1v.tdr,.i daughtcrand tjm$,ndh'.t
wife fverc identical as Hrrr-&-lr held office during th-ereign oiAmenhotcp II ancliris
daughlerwould havc beenat lcasta gcncrationyoun-qer than /.illr-r1f;. Flowcver,
irs I-)nw-nQh was not a collcagueof Ll,sr!-lr, therenlust havc beerisomcblood
relationshipor rc)ationship throughmarriagcbetweenthe two ntcn for it.rr-lLil to
rcpresen I-1mn-nQlt and his wilc in his tomb.
Another source adds to our knowledge of the family, but challengcsthe
conclusions derivcdfiom &c studyofthe family as represcnted .lhis
in thc tomb. is
thc stclaof thc s.irswl Mrr, MarseilleStela No. 3,1.(Maspcro1g90.120-l: Nelson,
N'I.Cataloguedcs antiquit6s 6gypricnnes....N,larseilles (19711) 58 ). This
well as confbundingthe conclusionsrcachedaboutthe flmilv of /-lmx.rrrlh in the
l u n r h i. 5 a i . o( , , n f u \ i r )iSn i t s e l l .l l d o e ,n , , tS i r es u l f i L . i errrrrtl i , m r l t i or rnh , , ut h
t r.
fclationshipsof the pcoplereprcscDted on it. slclabelongsto the .r.ix.rr,lMr\
iarrwhonr the 'ltp '
tli nsx,t lbmula is ol'lered.
ln thc arch of thc stelatltere is a double scenc. On thc right 1Jmx,-rdft is
scafcdon a couch with l.rmt.fnbt-pr m^lt)J' st ib f t.ln,,rt,/rl, beforc tiem
stands,rJJ&ry-{r61 n Imn Mry. On rhc lefr I3nw-nll is scatedwith s t.f tfit_pt.
nr)-(t)J l.l3 and before them starlds r-i.,f nr_r.rrs.i nswt Mrj, thc owner ol thc
stela. According to the stcla, 13mw-nll had two wives. flnw.t nJrt, who is
describcd as '|mt.I ' was probably his first and chief wife. Shc was also
rcpreseotedwith him in the lomb of Wrr,Lll wherc they are thc recipicntsof
offeringsfrom Mryl, nhose title is resroredby IIelck (1955. 1.179.16) x5 | 11,r'6 n
/nrl possiblyfrom thjs stcla. No liliation is indicatcd. {13 who is callc<i,,vrll'
rvasprobablyhis seconclwife. Whcthcr /-llrrn,-n{lrtook hcr to wite alicr the death
of flnwtrtJit is impossibleto deteminc. It would appearthal hc had a soncalletl
Mr-r' by eachof thesewivcs, unlesslhc ri n,ru1,4./71, 116 ln-hlv Vrr wcrc rhe
samcman. However,it wls urrusuallbr Royal Scribcsto hold pricstly titles,rhc
othcr titlcs they hcld were nrainly administrativcand occasionallynrilirar.y.This
duplicationof wivcs raiscsthe problclr of his consoftin the lornb. Thenamcolthc
w i f e i s m i s s i n gi n t h e l o m b s o i t i s i m p o s s i b l el o t c l l w h e r h e rl \ f o \ \ ' r v e \a r c
r e p r e s c n t ci dn d r e t o m b o r o n l y o n e . l f o n l v o n e ,r v h i c ho n e ' l I f o n l l , o n e w i f c i s
representcd in the romb,shc wasprobably l.l wr-nJrLwho was a ltrl-aswr andas
such\\,asprominentin her own right. IIer posilionat court mighl have conlcrrcd
benefitson hcr is possiblethal HJ was dre sislerol /-Jrrr rrlfi rathcr
thanhis wifc, but as shc wa.s snt.Inbt pr, I think it unlikely. Shc might havebccn
his sistcr-in-law,the sislerol IJnut-nlrt, whom hc iook as his secondwili on rhc
dcathof his first wi[c.

Anotherproble'rlis poscdby the son of I-lnvt-nll a:ndHrtxt-nlit, ln-l tt

Mr'\'. assumption, fron thc sun,ivingeviclcnccin thc tontb.wasthtt thc couple
harlan only son 2tlyJ-rr.r, who clicdanclthe funerarvritcs wcre thus ped'ornrcd
by lhe brothcr <:l I-lnx r4ll.t. It is possiblelhat this intcrprelilliol)$,ls rDcorrecl.
aic lbur occasionsu'hcnan ullkno\vnnranoflerc'dto llte lontb owner andhis
wiic. motheror l'atherin the lor}rb(PN,l( 3X 10)( l l )( 18)l ). In P\lt l l ) lhe run \\'a\ ir
p r i c s t .I I e m i g h tl u v c b c e n l r r , i l l M ^ . o n s o m co r a l l o 1 - l h c sor c c a s i o nrsi r t l t c f
llliln fic brolher Ut-nru.lsL s previouslysrqtposcd.l1 is not clcar \\'hv lhe lonlt)
owncr'sbrolhcrshouldbc so promiocntin lhc ritualsil lhcre wts iLson to pcrlbnl
t h e m .u n l c s st h c s o n w a s t o o y o u n g . l l o w c v e r .l h c r c i s l n o t l t c rc x p l u n l t i o nt h l t
n r i g h tf i t t h c s i t u a t i o ni r l h e l o r n b . I l i s p o s s i b l ct h r r t h c . i i , . \ r l yM r r a n d l h e
lrr hhrMrt arc idcntical.lhc son of thc sccondLrnionrvith {/-i.. On his stcll hc
oliers to his plrcnts rnd to his lalher alrclhis lirst $ ili., r,"honti-ghtulsobc his aunt.
rvhercrshc is not represenled in tltc tontb as hc is llol thr-son ol 1-llrx.ldfr and
I,lnxt nlrt.
ln the first reeistcrof lhc stcla.t\o couplesarc rcprcscnlcdin a sintilardoublc
offcring scene. On the right. .i.l-rr.iilrRlrr-] lttttl ltntt.l nlt-pr 7-l-rrdrrt rcccivr
ofltrirtgs frorn s3J u(h n lwt l,ln . On thc lcli. ,ri Intt r [t-1t.1ancl vrr.,/1i.l,t
lcccives oflerings frorn .i-l-,/ut:h rt lnut,flrr. ['hcrc erc no kinship tcrmr Lr,
indicirlc{hc rclationshipof lmn-r-h.}rI or /llrr-i or thcir wivcs lo /-Jrr!1'/rdl or
ri rrrnl rllri. It could bc lbl\t Inm-rlLlt I rncl /J-lt ucrc thc pafentsof //-1, and
Rrrr.l and I3-nlnt, tlte pareolsof I.lnxt.nlit. lhis \lrruki nrcanlhilt
'.M| reprcscntcdthc parenlsol-his rnotheranclol his lalhcr'slirst wifc but did ol
r e p r c s e n t. l . i d f x r ] a n d R . r r , r h c p a r e l s o t - h i s l l t h c r . d c s p i l ! ' h i s I a l h c f s
promincntposilionon thc stclt and lhcir prontincllcein his tnther'stonlb. lt \\'ould
alsoprccludethe hvpothcsis thrt 1,1.1 utrl I,lnvt nlit \\'crcsistcrs.
Anothcr possibilityis tha1 lnn-r-l8t.l and B.l( *ere lhc parcntsof ,4r.i.i,
lhc wifc of thc sJ rrsrt Mr-r,, anclthat Rrra-j i\t1(l l-l-ndtll ucie Ihe parcntsof
l.lntrt-tlit :lnd H-1.
On the stclatherei:Lre lour occurctrccs of a soncalle'cl,l/r'r..
I | . i / , \ ' I 1 / , \ , , \ u l . r , ' tl l r \ t e . l
2) !YY'lJltrn Inu l'|n
3) t( lt n lnut llrt
1) vt:lt n lnLnMrt
FIclck(19-58..196(31) iclcntificslhcnr all as lhc .r'irrslrMrr,, r',lionrhc makes
t l r e s o n o I l 3 n t u - n a ] l .aLn d / / r r l t r t ) t r i t t h c tf h a n l . ] n t l -' n s l l ,at n d 4 / - 1 r. l l h o u g h i r
was thcir son uho rvascalled si rrsxl,tIr'r' on thc stcla. Il llelck is
cithcr the temr 's-1./' in cachcasccxpresscilfilialio lo l.ltnu nyll.trrthcr thun lo
thc nlcn lo whofirlh.'ollcrings ucre madc.or had un c\tcnde(ltnd dillcrenl
ntcaningin eachcase.e.g. if 1rr, ,. lritl \\'as Mn'r lethcr in law. thcn J-j.f in
thlt casenrcanthis Il Rrrrr-iwas his turlcrnalgrandiitthcrthen .r-if'
n r e a o th i s l i r a n d \ o n . 'I f I I e l c k i s n r i s t a k c 'unn c li t r v l s i r c e s co f l i l i r r i o n t o t h c
r c c i p i c not f l h e o l - f e r i n g lsh. c r l h c r ca r c t h r c ca n d p o s s i b l vl o u r i n d i v i d L u l cs a l l c r l
,tIn on thc stcla.
On lhc'scconclrL'gislcrof thc stclaa tloubleofliring scenervith a tiiflercnccis
r e p r c s e n t e dO. n t h e r i g h l s i d c ' l \ \ or l c n . / r / r r / i . r 'a n d t ! l t t n n - l . t b r r c s c a t c d

togclhcron a couch. A woman. r'.i/t)f HrnT-'rf;t ol-lcfs1o thcn. Shc \\'asthe

drughtcrof /r',-ns, unlessher Iiliation too. wasto 1-J,r}1 -rrdlr.rvhich*oulci nrakc
hcr thc sisierof Jl-/ilr t Mr'\'. Whicheveris the casc.problcmsarisc. If shc*as thc
claughtcr of/.li ars, .,rhy.,vas he dcpictcdwith Inxr nt f?/l nlthcrlhanrvithhis uiti.
the motherof thc girl. Who wtrs Inn-nrl.tb l Whcn nvo nrcnlrc depictcdseatcd
logclheo r n a c o u c h ,t h c y a r c u s u a l l yl n t h c ra n d s o n . I h e r ei s n o i n d i c i l l i o n other
tllirnthe faci thatthey are seatedtogetherto signily thi\t Intn n lrD rvasthc l;Ltherol
/rlr rrr. Who rvas /rrlrlll.ri2Thereis no indicationol his relalior\hipto rny ol thc
o t h c r p c o p l eo n t h e s t c l ac x c c p t t h c p o s s i b i l i t lt h a l h c h a d a c h L r g h t ccra l l c d
I.ln\\'t nlit who had thc slimc irrnrc as or)c ol-lhc \\'ivcs of /-Jnrrl rllr. li this
flnut-rtlrt was identicalwith the wilc ol ISntv-tkll.t.then /'fr r/.i u'asher lllhcr.
her mothcr is unknown and Rla-l'.i relltionship to thc o\\'ncr oi thc stcla ancl
l-lnx -nd|.t is a nrystcry.
On the leli sideof the secondrcgistcr,lhc owncr of lhc slch. ,ri rrrrrlMr.r', is
seatcdon a couchwith his wifc. snt nl)t'ptl?Ai-l rcccivingollcrings Iionr r-j I lr1
n k-ip lti. One would expectthe ou,nerof lhe slelato be rcprescntc(irn lt morc
p r o r n i n e n tp o s i t i o n i h a n h e i s . l ' h e p r o m i n c n c ca c c o r c l c chl i s p u r c n t s i s
understandlble if unusual.The rcasonrvhv tirctwo couplcson the lirst rcgislcrlxkc
prccc'dcncc over Mr) himscli is not so clerr. ll thc) wcrc ll)c parcDlsoi his rvili
and his matenralgrandparents, it could inclicatca rcmrrkablcclcgrccol rcspcctlbr
l h e o l d e r g e n c r a t i o n sa, s o r t o t f a n r i l yc u l l s l c l a . o n l y p r o b l c mw i t h t h i s
irttcrprctationwould bc thc abscnccofhis patcmalgrandparcnts..!-l lfrlr and
.-/1.1. coulclhave been a personll reasonfor lhis. sonrelanrily clrtirrclor
on thc part of Mn, thatcauscdlhcnrlo be exclu(lcd.
Becauseof the lirrm of thc slcla.thc tcmptationis k) vicw it as lwo separale
hrrlves,the peopleon the right sidc rclatingto I-lntv-nll1 rnd 1//rrt lrfi, and those
on thc lcli sldc rclatinglo Ilnt\r-ndl,t ard fl-1. I1 could wcll bc thrt this is ho$ it
s h o u l db e v i e w e d .I f t h i s i s t h ec a s et,h eo n l y i n t c r c stth c g r o u p \o n t l l c r i g l r ts i d co f
tlrc stclawould havchacllor si rrsyt,L/rr \\'oLrld be their relalionshipt() I,lnnt-nlrt
if shc was his aunt. i s a p o i n t i n f l v o u r o l t h c h y p o l h c s i st h a t l / - J a n d
tttt\\'t-nlrt were sisters.
Anuthcr puzzling aspcclis lhe nomencllturcoi thc uivcs on lllc slcla. Ihe
u,ivcs {/-i , B-it and Rn l-l on the lclt sidcol'lhc slclaare all calleci l', uhilc
I,lrtvt-nfrt ard T-l nllmt on the .ight sicic of thc stcla arc calle(l Il r11.
stclahad beennroreinfirrmativc,it nlight have madea valurblc contributiollto out
',v?t' 'wilc'.
insightiDtothc evolutionof the ternr to mcan Ihe slillusol lhe \\'omcn
(D thc lcft sidc must be dillerent from that ol thc \\onrcir orr thc right. 11-l was
probably thc sccondwilt and possibl)'thc sistcr-in-Lalv of /-Jrrn /rdlfl,thc lcrnl
being usedpossibl) to distinguishher from his li|st wlc l.tnu.ll.lnxt'ttJir.
'.!lr1 '
Horvcvcr.the rellsonlor ll-Jt ancl Rx l.i beingcallcd I rathcrlhrn llrrl /' is
'Jrllf '
I am surc that the pattern01 u\c of the lenr orl llle slelanlust havc
somesignificancc but al present it is incxplicablc.
It is possiblethat thcrc wls a family link bctrvccn /-lrt11ntfl.t .ttttl Sn.nlii,
Case34. (TT.99). .tr.r/ti'r mothcr was 'l-il 4lirr'lr and his rvilb rvas f.l'i.inrl"
bolh namcshaveelementsin commorlrvilh membcrsof thc fanrilvot l.intx n7]11


InLn-ms hrl pdt inry-rltl swtmhtt

DATE: Tuthmosis III AmenhotcD
LOCA'fION: SheikhcAhdet-euma'Tf.,tl

, tomb was never completcly
d,ccorJtc(1. ll ;, erlen.jvel\ d.irn.i:eJ.
K e p r e r c n t i t i o n ro t l h ( .I o n . b o \ \ n e , . l l : , u i t i .
a r ) Cl l m l l \ h . r r e h e c n c r p u n . r c d . r l m o c t
c v c r y q h c r e t . i I r e . , u l t, , f m . r l r ,e
1 D . r ri e s &
l J : r \ i e s l a 3 . r . ) 7 r . 1 11 1 , 1 h1 e r m p o , , i h l . ,
I n e r c t o r e .t o t e l l h o w t h c ( u u p j ( . J \ \ e l
r e pr e s e n t e d . F o r t u n a t c l y s o m e

survt vc.

PM 80

WIFE: llnwt t3w1^ Imctt nt Imn llsyt PM(1X2)r&rr

nI nbt lwnt ( E ) r & I(I 1 2 Xt 3 ) ?( 1 6 )
SoN: tmnm-hb wcb
rttmn lTolrl,,r1,,,rrn
DATJGII'fLR: Nameu'krowr
.l t l i..t stl" yif. 1,,,-;;;'"-;;;;; tro_h"ue playedn,","'lIl']jij ljt],t,..0
, h c r t i t l r s"i.S h ew r , a p n e . r e sosl A m u n
a r r do f"H a r h , , r . ",
r . v r (| r I n c t o m bo u l l c r J n J h i s w i f r .a r ea d r r i n g .
tt- offersbouquct
,,"....1.i1!?lt-. of Amunro i^,r'ir, ^a wifelandthree
PM(2)II lGid offersto Intn_msandhis wifeJ.
PM(?)l [Tomb oq.nerand wit'e].
PNI(t)l ['fomb otrneranclwife] adorcOsiris.

PM(8)ll Ilbmb ou'nerandwifel bcfirrcAnubis.

In PN,l(lt)lHn)tt-t-lw\ is standingbchind hcr husbrndand is scprlalc.llronl
h i m b y a c o l u m no f t e x l ( i b i d . ,P l . X l - V I A ) .
PN'l(12)Olieringsbeloretomb o$ncr anclrvi1c.unlirtishe'tl.
PIVI(13)A woman.possiblyhis wife. olicrs to hltr-ns.
PN'I(16)l.Snr- pricstoflcrs tct Inn ns and his uife.
PM(16)ll-lll Oflcrcrsand butchersbefirre 1ru-ars andhis rviie.
PM(l7)l Sz - pricstoffcrsto Imn tns and his *ifc.
PNl(17)ll Womanseated.This might bc his wifc or his ntother.
On the lbur occasionswhere the texls survivc (ibid., Pl. Xl-Vl A.D.F.Cl).the
'hmt.f ' 's/]r.,f ' once (A). Thc rcasottfor
wii'c is callcd thteetimcs (D.F.F])and
the distinctionis not clcaron social or rcligiousgroundt,l0l thc only patlcmlhal
e m e r g c si s t h a ts h ci s o i t h e s o L r t h s i d c ol fh e l o m b ( P l \ 1 ( l ) ( 2 ) l ( 1 6 ) ) . a n d
o n t h e n o r i h s i d e ( P M ( 8 ) ) .i . e . o n l h e o r i c n t a t i o nu s c d i n l l t i s l h e s i s ,o r
'hnrf '.exl.f
on the west sidelLnd on lhc castusingthe geographiclloricnlrtion.
I cannotseewhat possiblc signilicance this co-incidcncc coulclhlvc, especiallysincc
the danaged state of the tomb nlakcs it inrpossittlcto tcll how the wife *'as
dcsignltcdin somescenes.Everlthc onc pattcmto emcr-qc night bc sputious.
At leastonc son is represenled in lhc tomb and it is possiblethittrnorcthanonc
is rcpresented.
PN,I(2)IIA son. Imn-m-lh, offcrsto his parcnls](ibid., Pl. Xl.Vl. Ii).
PM(3)l lA son olicrs to tonb o\\'ncri. Thc rlane is nrissing,only pafl ol the
. title nrb IJ survives.Imn-m-l.tbwasa wt h tr Intn so it is possiblythc siurlcson.
I'M(7)TT llvlan betbre<lcccascdl.This is probablyalso a son but rs no namc
surr"ivcs, it is not possibleto dctcrminewhetherhc rs Intn-tn{r/t or anothcrson.
PM(16)l sru-pricstwho offersto thc lornbownerand his \r ilc night be a
PM(l7)l Snr priestoffcrsto tomb orvncrandwifc. lltis priestmight alsobe a
son. Quitc possiblya differentson front the one in PIVI(16)1, as lhe two sccncsarc
oppositeeachotherorrthc wallsof lhe passagc tnd in sinlilarcascstlilllrcnl sonsare
involvedin the scenesif the tomb ownerhasmorc thanone son.
At lcastone daughtcris probablyreprcscntctl in lhe tomb.
PM(2)X tA girl offcrs to lhc lonrb owncr and hir wifel . This gill is probably
fieir daughter.
PM(11) A womanoff.crsto the tonlb owncr.Shc is probablyeitherhis ll ifc or
his daughtcr.
Ofher membersof the famil)' ol Inn ns such as his parents.chilclrenand
brothersand sistcrsnright havc bcen repreijcntcdin the tomb, but becauseQf tllc
damagcir is impossiblcto say.
cASIi .1t

M n or Mn hpr-rc snb i,rl_)-rJrlr4, r Nr-IJrr.), etc

TITI-L]S: SctheI927, 1190-205

H c l c k 1 9 5 84, 9 8 - 9( 5 )
DATII: Tuthmosis lll Amentrotop
ll (?)
I-OCATION: SheikhcAbdel euma 'l-t-'.79

f ) n l r r h c t r . r n : r e r . ,l.r . r " , I t l r c
t o l \ r c : l i r . . J n . l t l - ( , l . c o t i l t . ^ l lc
tlris r. J. nl;..d or Ir.,.ur.rrfIc. r.J.
I h c t o n r h u . i . p u h J i : l r r Lhl r \ i r e r
( 1 8 9 1 d )$ i t h f e r v i l l u s t r a r i o n s .

PM 148
Nameunknown. pM(4)(E)
SONS: Nb-n m3tt s! Hwtmllnktcnh pN,tiEi
Namc unkrown p\.1(2)?(4).t (7) i
DAUGH'I-ERS: Nbw-nfrt pM(7)
Name unknown PN,l(,l)
FA'I'HER: Mnw-nftt103 s3b si nsur imy, il,r,,,- piUil)
1\'1O'l HER: Mrlr from CairoSrarue613rG pM(7)
rvifc is reprcsentedonly twice in what sun,ivesof the tomb.
Pl\{(.1)In the forvlingscene,shcstandsbehindher husbandreachingonlv to his
amrpit. IIer lcti arm rcachesaroundhis waist and her right handis raiicti ro touch
h i s s i c l e(.W r e s z i n s k1l 9 1 5 - , ' I a f . 2 5 3 ) .
^ f\ttSl A iargc figure of Mn-llpr is searediacing right rcceivingofferings
l-ronrhis scrrrNb n m3(t. Under his chair squatsa small fc-rnale figure"snclling"a
l o r u s( V i r e y1 8 9 1 d . 3 2 3f i g l ; M o n d p h o r o .E 0 6 1 ) . p N { ( 1 5 7d) e s c ; i b etsh i sf i g i r e
iLsthe \\'ilc of ,\fu-,4pr. Howcver the nane and kinship term are missing urcl theie js
no ce'nrlnlvthat it is his \\,ifewho is represented hcrc.l05
llre only ccrtain representation ofa son is in pN{(S)where sJ.,f Nb-n-mict
o l l c r sa b o u q u eot f A m u n t o h i s p a r e n t s( V i r e y l 8 9 i d , 3 2 3 f i g . 1 ) . T h c r ca r eo r h c r
occllslonstvhcna sonor sotrsareprobablyrepresented.
PNl(2) On lhc left of lhc stelathcrc are thrce re-qisters.In I and Jl a man oifers
lo thc tonlb o$ner in elch. III III a man purifiesthe tomb owner. .lhesemen are
Li t l r c rl l r . .: . r r r r :c, l l , ' r J i l l e r e n \l o n 5
I'Nl(l) In the fowlin.qsccne,a srnallligurc, now missing,stoodon the prow of

the skili rvith a hanclraisedto lln ltpt, cirher facing hirn or tunrilg to iacc him.
Tlis *as possiblya snall figureof his son.
PM(7) Behindthe lhrcc main seatedligurcsof Mn lryr and his parenls,smrlll
mxle a d ltmalc figuressquatonc abovethe othcr (Virey 1891d.328 fig. 5). 'l'hc
nralcfillure. althougltthc narneand kinshiptenn are ntissins,nas proLrablv his son

A daughter, s3t.fmrt.l n"hw-nfrt squatsunderthe nralc figure in l,Nl(7). The

only other survivingscenein which a ciaughter is rcprcscntcdis the forvlingsccne
(PiV(,1)). A smali fenralc ligure scluatsbctween rhe srriding legs Mn-hpr.
holding his left lcg r,"ith her left hand. Thcre is no narncor filiation so t rs not
possiblcto tcll if sheis Nll. rrfr.ror anothcrdauglrrcr. trut sheis ahnostccnainLya
parentsol l,l n !1pr arcrcprcsented onccin thc sun,ivingscencs.
PM(7) The tomb owncr is seatedl'acinslcli. behintlhirrrarc scatcdhi! lalhcr
and nrothcreirherin PositionV or VI. (ibid., 328 fig.5) nameof lhc muthcris
nrissingfrom the lomb but is known lion a statuc. Although thc inrcriprinn is
ciarragcdand lhe nanlc of the woman as wcll as hcr relationshipto Mn hpr is
missinc,this must bc the motberbccauscof her positionin dre group. lf shc had
bccrlthc wife of Mn-lun she *ould havc bccn seatedbetwccnthc trvo nren and
woulclhave beenembracingMn lpr rathcrthan his falher(cf. Casel3 & n.29 lirr
s i n r i l a rg r o u p si n T T . l l . 1 1 0 ,2 7 6 ) . I I o w e v c r a . s t h e y i i r ei n s p c c t i n rgh e f u n c r a r y
outfit,onc \r,ouldhaveexpcctcdthe wil'elo bc prcscltt.
.- 'llrc
fact thar ,11,lpr inhcdtcdhis ritle fror}this frrher probablyaccounrsfor
dre promincncc ofthe parentsil this scene.The falhcr,as rvellasbcingcallcd '',
is accorclcd his full titulary.106 This is a nranin his oilrr romb usuallyonly
r e f e r s t o h i s f a t h e r bhyi s l i t l c s o r b y ' l . l l r ' a l o n c . l 0 r
The promincnccof the wife cannotbc mcasuredby thc infrequencyof ltcr
represcntatien in wirat survivcsof the tomb. ln thc passageand inncr room she
nrighthavcbccn reprerenled in iurynumberof scencs.


Inn-nt-hlt tltlv,nJ M' llv., itlnw n nt'stftrtl n klp

l'tLES: S c t h e1 9 2 78, 8 9 9 i 9
DA'I'L,: TuthmosisIII AmenhotepII
LOCATION: ShcikhcAbd cl-Quma
B I B L I O C R A P I I YP: M 1 7 05

I This imposinr t0mb was

completedandfu11ydecoratcd rvaspublishedbv
but is

V i r e ) , w i t h f e w i l l u s t r a t i o n si n


! rDr
r_ |

, ,'-l ll
PM 16t)

WII.E: Biki n r f t w r t n N b t 3 w yl l k r t - n s w t P N ( 7 ) ( 9 ) ( 1 0 X l l ) ( 1 3 )
(16)PillarsAd Ba Ca Da
Db(18X19)(20)(21 X2r)
(21) (2s)(27)(2EX30)
SONS: I3mw lyd n k3p P\1(11)(20)(21)
Namesmissing P\1(13)I?PillarsDa
DAUGHTERS: Nunesmissin;i (13)?Pillars
AdI?DbI Dd?(27)
N{OTIIER: Tti rs PillarAdll
The wile of Imn-m-|rb is very prominentin his tomb probablybecauseof her
positionas mnct \rrt ns\rt and.ftkrt nswt.
PM(7) Doublesceneaboveffa)sedoor]. Imn-m-l,tbwifi wife offersto Anubis.
They areboth standingin PositionX (MMA T.2579).
PM(9) Wife with followers offers bouquetto king in kiosk. This sccnc
cmphasizesthe importanceol Imrt m fb's wife as it is usualll the tomb owner
himself who performsthis rirc (TTs.1l0, 172,361,56,6,1,etal.). This tomb and
tlat of Pf-rn-!r (Case50). a colleagte of Imn-m-fth's whosewife rvasalso a grcat
Royal Nurse, are thc only Eighteenth Dy.nastytonbs in which this sceneoccurs.
PM(10) Inn-m-l.rb with wifc offcrs on braziersfollou'ed by couple and
attendants.Imn-m-bb and B3,tl arerepresented in PositionX. It is impossibleto
tell who the other couple are (MN{A T.2569).

PM(l I ) Son offers to tomb owner and his wife lmtt-rn-ltD and BJti arc
seatcrlfacingright *BJet in PositionV ( MMA'l'.2570)
PM(l3jII was rcpresentcdalone in this scenewhich is alnost tolally
deslroyed (Virey 1891c, 239).
pirl(f Olf lt, m'lb arld B.lli follow AmenhotepII beforeO'siris They arc
lac;ngleit and BJ,ti itandsbchindher husbancl with her right handat her sidcand
h e r l , i t r n n 3 c r o . \h e r h r e r \ l \ h o l J i n gm . ' n l l \ " ' M \lA 1257')'
PN{(16)lt Wile standing,sucklcsprrnceuhile tmn'n rttd olhers offer
tomb o$ncr'swile'
rL,r.ue.s itvtUe't'.2572). Thi;is the firsi occasionon which thc
iir tt"r.ip".itv as a lioyal Nursc, panakes' with the prince she is suckling' in
offeringsby her husbandto the prince.
Pillar Adl Girl befbre Intn m'hh an<lhis wiie'visitinr:the tonrb'. 1l-ili stand
bchind hcr husband,both lacing leit. with her right llrm rrrourrLl hts shoulder'her
icft hantlclasping his left foreannin PositionXV (MMAT2583)'
Pillar Aill standsbetweenhis nlotherand llis $ilt Thc motherrs
on tt,. i.ii Imn'mJ1b and BJti her lcft arm is at her side hcr hanclclasping
hcr son'srigltt -rttnuiand. IIer right amr is raiscdacrosshcr body' hcr iranrlis on her
s,rn's.igttt ta. r. 83ki standson her right with her right arm aroundhis
.fr""fO"i fft" rest of her llgurc is drmageti. Irnn-mllis right lhoulderscemsthe
conlactpoint lbr the threefigurcs(MMA T 25E3)'
Piliar Ba AJti is seatcdwitll young prince on her lap l/irt '1-lib staods
facing her rvithan ofieringtablebelrviet lmn-m-ftb llashis left arm at his sidc
'-rightiuncl (N'II4A 1"25118)
- is raisedin homageto theprince
tilr;t C" This sceneii similar to the aboveexceptthat lnn'n'hh ollers a
b u e lt o h i s\ \ i l e a n dl h e l o u n g p r i n c er M \ 4 A | 2 5 8 8 \ '
- o r q'pilla,
D lmn'm hL a]ii seatedon a couch facing ieft in Position
completely encircles "t" his shoulderand claspshis lou'crlcfl am'
XVI. Her righi arm
fr" t".-.r a'tt" claspinghcr wrist and holding a lotus bloom with his right
(N{MA T.2590).
Pillar Dbl Imn-nrl1b and B-i,(i are sealedlacing lefi in PosjtionVI Girls
'- daughters. \\'ithnletratsand sistraslandbeforcthern (\4N{A 1'2592)'
piif., O-frlf Bovs with onionsbefbre /ntn m'l.tb .tnd B-itl sealedlacingright
in PositionVl.l08The boysarc possiblysons
Pillar Dbltl A man, possiblya son' *'ith offcring list bcfbre lnn m-l.Lb
BJli seatedfacingright in PositionXVI.
PM(18) Ourir lintel. Doublc sceneof lnlr-nt /t1.)and ll-lti bcfore
- XVII. (MMA T.2588).
pNftfSl Outer lintcl. Double sceneof son before Imn tt'fib and lllli In
on a couch in Posjtion V (l\41\4AT 2576)
--.. scenesihcy are seated
pfrlfigl Iiner lintel Doublesccne,the couplebeforeOsirisand Isis Thcy arc
e D r c i e n l ci dn P o ' i l i o r rX { N I M A - 1. 2 5 ' ) q )
pftl,ZO, lnn n-hh rnd ti-lti are scatedfrcing left jn PositionV Their son
md his wife arescatedbehindthem (l\4MA T 26m)'
pl,ffiLl Imr nrhb and BJAI are scatedfacing right in PositionV Anothcr
u o l ed. a m r l c d ,r r c s e a l c db c h i t r Jl h e mr M M A ' l 2 6 0 1 )
'c o-'i;|tilil;;
irhb tnd BJti offer Io osiris The sccneis very damage d'

only the hcad and sltoulders of B-3,(l surviving. She was standingbehind hcr
husbandwith her handsuprriscdin PositionXVII (MMA 1 .2606).
PM(21) Imn-nrl3b accompanicd by /i-itr spcarshippopotanus.The sccrrcis
very damrgecl.f-iti stlnds behind lnrn,arh/r rcachingto his shouldcr.'l'hercis
no contactbctwcenthe pair (MN{A T.2613).
PM(25) Wife standsbchindhusband.The sccncis vcry clanragcd. only the hcrd
ofthe wife survives. Ihcv irrcshownas thc sarneheil]htand thereu,asprobablvno
contactbetlveenlhc couple (NlMA'1 .26141.
PM(27) lmn-m-llh and his lanily lfowlingl and fishing. lhe sceneis r c11
darraged.On thc right sidc,lacing left is thc fishing scnc. The *,il'eis rcprcscnteil
as smallcrthan her husbandreachinsltis amrpit only. hcr leli arnr rt hcr side and
her nght arm aroundhis waisl. 'l'hc lbwling sccucis damlgeclbut thc \\,ifecanbc
sccnoncemotc behindhcr husband.ller shoulderi! levcLwilh his waist.her right
handis al hcr sideandher lcfi arrnis aroundhis waisl (MN{A T.2605).
PM(28) Banquctand ofl'crin-gs belorc 1nn-nrl]h tutd I3-lki. The figurcsarc
PM(30) sc.l Imn nrl t and B-i*l inspectthe r:ardcn. Thel, arc standing
facins left. Jhcrcis no contactbetwecnthcnr. B-lti'.i lcft arnris at hcr sidcandhei
right arnl is bent ovcr her breast. In her hand sheholds a lotus (positionXVIII)
(Mr\,1A T . 2 6 l E) .
PM(30) sc.2 lnttn-l.tb and BJtl receivcgardcnprocluce.l'hcy arc sealccl in
tbsition V or VI. Thc sccneis verv danragedbut hcr leli hurcl crn be seenon hcr
'lrusband's Ieli shoLrlder.
Inn-n-l t irasrolli of tumruvtlt so he is clcpictcdasan olcl
nlan (N{MA ).
Bccauseof thc incomplctcncss of the is impossiblcrc
eslimatchow mrny sonsthe couplehad. Alrhoughnrenwho mirht possibll,bcsons
appearin a nunrberof sccnes. only onesonis namcdlnd he is namcclt*ice.
PM(11) A son, [rrl n k.]p I-1mw.ofl'crs I boutlLrctto his parcr)ts (NlN,lA
PM(20) f.inrx, and his u'ife arc, selltc'din PosirionXIV or XVI bchind
lnn m-lh and B-j[i. The sccncis damagccl and all onc cxn be cerlaiool'is thather
nght anl is completelyencirclinghjs slnuldcrs and concs down ovcr his brcasr
andhe claspsher wrist wirh his righrhand (N.lNIr\ T.2600).
P N ' l ( 2 1 )A s t h i s s c e n ci s o p p o s i t e
t h c p r c v i o u so n c ,t h c c o u p l ea c c o n r p r n l i n l
Inn-nrl,tb and B-lli xrc plobablv /Jrrx, and his wife (NlMA T.2602).
PM(10) It is possibLe that lhc smallcouplewho follorv /nrr m hb :tnd B.jki
as they oflcr on brazicrswas /-lrrw and his *,ifc. 'fhcir fxces iild rrarre\ are
cxpungcd (N'lN{A'l'.2569).
P M ( 1 3 ) l A n a n , n o w d e s t r o y c do. i f e r s a b o u c l u ctto / r r i r r i r , l D ( M l i l A
H i s n a r n ew a sc r a s e d .S e l h c( 1 9 2 7 . 9 1 6 . 8 ) r c s t o r icts, . \ s l . r mn l r t l \ ' t l
l n n t n r t l r J - l u - l m n l n n - l p f u l u . n . f H u y . I I e n l i g h t b c a s o n o r b r o t h e ro l '
Imn-m-ltlt .
Pillar Da A man,probablya son.olfcrs linento /llllr nt lit irntl B-iti. (l\{lvlA
Pillar DblI boys with onionsbefirrethe couplc.they are possiblvsons.

PiilarDblll A man with an oll'eringlist bcli)rethc couplc lle is possiblya son

PM(l9) Oulerlintel. Doublesceneol sotrb'cforecouple'
PM(21j It is possiblcthrt the !m -priestuith ofitring list belttte Itut nrlllt
and BJtl andanotirercouple,wasa son(Nll\IA 1 2602)'
PM(27) In thc lishingand fowlitrg scenclhe stnallInirlcliSure\t'rndingon the
pror" olil,e boal. facing in the samedrrcctitrnl\ lnn nt'hh wrs probably a son
PNI(28) A man, whosefigurc is destroyed, pcrforrnsthc oflerinq Iist rilual for
lnn nt-hlt and B.iti. IIe is probably t son.
1-jriw whois lrrt,iniswtr lin.l and likc his lather' lirl a LlTr' is prtrtttirletrt tn
le'1tt rrnee thficc with
thc lomb ttc and tris wiit ire clepi'tcL1rl Prohlbl)
Inn-n-l1b and BJti . lIc must havebccntllc clLlc\ls'rtr'rrt'lhcld Jn rrnponant
in fhe serviceo1'theking. As his motherwas I royal nursc,he was a foslcr hrolher
oi iir" kittg * broight up as a conrpurionol the youngprinceashis titIe [r1 rr
L32'impli-s "nA
(Feucht. "t E. 1985). Of thc otherpossiblcreprcscnialrons ol sons'as lro
,r,ulesiurviue. it is impossibleto detenlinewhelherthey wcre Lliffercnlsollsor all
1 6 q. ; 1 1 1rgo n . l n d w h c l h c ro r l t , ' tt h e l u c t c / ? r ' r r tL r l \ o l n ( o l l l (r
Thc samc problcm confronts us whcrc lhe d'rughtcn rrc cotlccmed No nanes
or kinshiptcmr for daughlerssurvivcsin thc tomb / 'fhc
PMi5) A womaniflers r bouquct?to Inn'm-l1b (SchonI'hoto 8297)
inscriptionis illcgiblc. -A it is impossibleto tell whcthcrshcis r daughtcror not'
.'l r ' H l f t : ) t l t g i r l , p r o b a b l y a d a u g h l c r ,i s b e f o r e t h c s e a t c di i g u r c 0 1
ntttlt l.rb. (N4l\{A T.2595).
fNt(tSltt ,4.woman is depictctl rvith a bouquei' 's'it Shc is i/ irlr /?1 /'r'
' jLrle
lr,, ,r.rr, (ipN 30.3) (MMA T.259'l) She is not called / but it is poss
th t shc is a daughterof Imn-m lllt
Pillar Acll A girl is represcnte d bclote lnn'm lh and B')ki Sheis probably
a daughtcr(l\{lvlAT.2583).
i-itt". Three girls with menatsand sislra are bel-orc /rrn-n lh en''1B'1ki
Thcre is also a small-lemalc figurc in front ol lhcrl, wlltl ues nol as high its
InttL tt-l1tt's knee. hcr right hand teachesup 1o touch llis skirl These are
Drobablv daushtcrs (NtNlA'l'.2592).
" P i i i " ; D ; A s r n a l fl i g u r eo f a g i r l . r e ' r e h i n og n l l t t ' t h c u r i ' t ' r 1 / l r r i n r - l r b '
hcr lcft
,,"n,i, iii fro,tt of him facirigthe 'an,i *,,) IJcr right hrntl i' rt her ritle and
holds a n)entl at hci brcast. Slte wcrrrs l riuh rleull.rce .rnd is probably a
- ' ' - p f l f f(\'1N{A
drughrcr )ll T.2.591 )
A s n a l l l c m a l cf i g u r es t l r r r t tb' ( l * L J c rtrh c l c g s" i / r r r rnr r - f r b i n t h c
iishingscene.IIcr right handgraspshii nuht lcg Sltetr ''rh'rlrl) 'r dltttghlcr'
mothcrof the lLlnlbo$ncr appclrsonl) ollceill \hxl suwivr:sol lhe scencs
iD thc ionlb.
Pillar Adll Inrn-nt-lth stancls bet*'eenltis nrother lnd his wilt thc first scenc
of this tvpe to occur in Li-qhtcenth D-vnlstvlrlnrbs moth(-rrtandson lhc lclt
;i.;;r; 1-; ;; /rb and B.iii ller left arn ii at hcr siLlc chspilg her sons rishl hiLnd
,r:iii."rt.t t,grttin" is acrosshcr botJl uith her handon his riShl shoulder"No titles
to tcll how important the.mothcr was in hcr own n'!hl'
sun'iveso iiis irnpossible
lrrt nt'l ls iarhcr is not namcd or reprcsentcd in uhlt survivcs tlf lhe scencs'

Becauseof the damagedslateof the tornbit is impossibleto tcll whar relativeswerc

r c p r c r c n l eidn t h ev : r r i o u r . c c r r ci rsr i r .
There appearto bc closelinks of friendshipand possiblyblood relationship
betweet Imn-m-hb and I3nrw n<!b ol TT.E1. 1'hcy were collcaguesrvho
acconpanied TuthmosisIll on his northem campaigns,being rhe only private
individuals to record that they crosscdthe Euphratcswirh the king in vr 33.]{lt
Their tombsadjoin one anotherand thcreare conlmonnameelcmcntsin both thcir
families. 1,zr m-ljb's sonis called /-lraw. motherof Intn n lrb rvascallerl
Tti-rs and the mothcr of l3mv,nll was called R.ra. lt is possiblcthat their
ololhcrs\,l,ere sistersor cousins.


Ph-swhr ddw nJ fn-nw, itlnw nswt 13y-sr1t

TITLt,S: IIelck 1955,14-59-63

DAI'E: TuthmosisIII - AmenhorcpII
r_oCA't'IoN: SheikhcAbd cl-Quma 1T.E8
Pt\,I179 8l

Only thebadlydarnagcd hall oi

this tomb survives.It rvaspLrbLished
w i t h o u t p l i i t e sb y V i r c y i n 1 8 9 1.
hal] has the sanleplan ils thc
c 0 n t e m p o r a r yt o m b , N o . 8 . 5 , o f

PM 176

WIFE: N, nnct wrt n(t) Nb tJ*) PM(,1X5X6)PillarsBa Ca

Da P1\4(8)
SONS: |nnl ltp ufb PillarsCal Dal
fimnl-rns PillarsCalI Dall
Mu callcd M. lw 2-nw PNI(6)I,illarsCalll(?)
rthnr DaIII(?)
possiblva third son

DAUCH'|F.RS: A girl, possiblya daughter Pillar Ba

ln r!hat remainsoi the scenes, thc wilb of Plr-sw-frr seerrsto have playeda
oromincntrolc in his lolnb,as onc woulclcxpect. SIlervasa Chief RoyalNurseand
l . s u .I t u l s . t ni rn p o n l n tp c r s o n$ i t h . 1 , ' t ep c r s o n ilrilc ' u i t h t h cL i n - : '
P M ( ' 1 ) B o r h V i r e i ( 1 8 9 1 f .2 9 5 ) a n d P o r t e ra n d M o s s ( 1 1 J 0e) r r i n t h e i r
dcscriotiorlof this scel]c''which uDfbltunttclyno lonScrexists' Vircy allcgesthat
t h e o f l e r i n gi s m a c l eb y N l t o P f t - t r l r ' u h r l c P o r t c ru n r l l \ I i r \ sa l l e g ct h a t
P l t . , t t - l t r , r c c o m p l o i e ih y h i r u r i e . o f f e i . . r h o u . l u elt' ) n m e r r h o l e l l l l . ' u e r c r '
II in a
fro,rrthi tc^t it rpperrrsrh.rtit is Nr wllo offers a bouquetto r\mcnhotcp
() sccne in the same position in the tonlb- ol lntn n'hh'
sccnetl'ratis analogous the
pMtgll. Tiere the wife of Imn'm-hlt also a Chicl'Royrl NrLrseollcrs a
bouquctto AnenholePIl.
PN'l(5)Ph-su,lri and Nr offcr on brazicrs.Shc is ol eqr'Lal sizelnil thcy are
' in Position X. (Schott Photo 83l5).
pfuftol Pir-swlir and fNt/ receivebouquetI'rom Mc-ht hn-nlr 2-at n
Inn. 11'rcyare se.rtcrlfacingiight in PositionV or Vl Unlbnunatclythc figurc
Nr is dcstroyed (Schott Photo SS I U).
prfr,,igil Iri Pl-.rv' lr anclNt arescatedon a couchtacingleft in PositionVI
in eachregister.(N'londPhotos.9095and 9108,ScholtPholo flll9)'
Pillar-Callll Pl.rsu''!,tr lrLrd, Nt arc seatcdiacingright in PositjonVl in cach
' (Mond Photos.9091,9099.9105).
pittar Oat-ttt l'lr-sw-frr anclNt are sertcdiircingright in PositionVl (N'lond
'P' h o t o .9 0 9 8 ,S c h o t tP h o t o . 8 3 2 1 ) . 'l'hcy
PN{(8) PLsw-hr and Nt adoreOsjrisin a doublcsccnc are represcnled
in PositionX.
Trvo sonsare nanledin thc tomb but it is possiblcthat threc sonsarc actuallY
nNii;t M(-hw hm'nLr2-nw n Imn offers a bouquetto Pl'sl'!r and Nr
but rs a son
beforc banquetguesti. kinshiplerm is appcnded
,riuaitvoffei" i|l inr" r),pcof sccne,it is possiblcthat Mrr fn, wasa sonol
p.itt,,p, n.',""0 lftcr iis cln.c c,)llcaguc/mr?-'1 hb of'l-f tl5' whosc nir:knamc or
a"a,rnd,t"aa *'"t Mt: ll0
Pillar Bal A man offbrsa bouquetto Plr-sr' lrr and N' llc was
PillarCal A sorl. Inln ],tqt,offcrsbouquetto parcnts
I'illar Call A son lrrut-nlr oflcrs bclbrcparcnts
i'iff"r C"fff A nan. probablva rhird son' possibly 17t:4L| ofiirs a bolrquct
' sn -lrr and Nl.
Piilar Dal-lll As on PillarCa
of tllc le\\'
Daughterscionot seemvery prominentin this tonlb' possiblybccausc
Pillir Ball A girl with a sistrun is rcprcsentcd before Pl sw-lv and Nt She
ir orob.rblt
' u d;u!.ltter'
lo tcll
er ift. ir-fr'" as nevcr conpletcdand so little survives il is irnpr)ssiblc
havc bectt rcprescnled i thc tonlb
rvhatttrenbcrsof the cxtencletliamily "r'ould
Thc nanes of Ph sw lt s are
parcnts unknown

K3-m'hry hn rtlr 3-nw n Inn

]I'I'LES: I l e l c k 1 9 5 5 ,1 5 0 01
DATL,: Tufimosis lll - AnrenhotcpII(l)Lr]
LOCATION: ShcikhcAbd el-Qurma.l-1 . 9li

This tomb \las nevcr conipletcdand onlv t*o
r r l l l . r r c r cd r . o r J r c , :I.h e r , r r -b . ri l r J . . . n : [ . . , 1 .

: o o.5
] L"


WIFE: Hnul-t3tty fukrt-nswtlncytnt lrn, I'NI(1)

'.DAUCI I'I'IiRS: Imn-m ipr imcyt nt Inn PNl(I )
Mv't-nfrt lncyt nt Inn PN{(l)
N,IOTI II]R: Narnemissing mnctwrt nt Nb-t3u1
As only two firm conclusions canbe rcachcdaboul
the family of K3 n
PM(1) sc.J Two daughtersrliih bouquetsfollo*,thcir molher,no\\ missin,t.
(Faknrl 193,1,Pl.2). As thc m-lct,!1r*-sign is femininc and they arc dcscritrecl as
it must have beentheir motherthat tlcy fbllo\\,ed.'fhc three*orncn rvere
probablyofferingbouquetsto K-)
Plr'l(1)sc.2 Behjndthe daushterswereprobabll t\r,orcgisrers.'l'helower one
has disappeared.On the top regisLer, r]lc sametwo daughters are oll'eringbouquets
to theirparents,who areseatedon a couch, PositionV.
Although depictedonebchindthe other,the girls musrhavebcenstandingside
bv side. both hold a bouquetin thcir outstretched riqht hand,lhe left artrl
hangs af thcir sides. fhe forernostand probablythe elder daughtcr, !tnn-m,il!,
holds a sistrumin hcr left hiurdand the seconcidaughterholds a nlcnilt.
fact that daughtersrathcrth;ursonsoffer to thc coupledoesnot ncccssarily
signify that they had no sons. SonscorLlcl very rvellhavc bccn represeliedin olltcr
scenes, which havc sincedisappeared.
The ntotlcr ol K3-n lr,- is not rcpresented in the scencsthxt rcmain
Horvcver,in the scenein rvhichhc adoresOsiris (PN.l(2)),Kl-,n,iu does
expresshis filiation to his mothcr,rvhowas a Chief Royal Nurse,unibrtunatelvher
nane has disappeared.(ibid., 8'1Pl.1). It is possiblethrt sheq'asthe mnct wrt n
Nb-t3wl,Imn-m-ipf, the mother of Kn-inrn. K3 nr l-u1ib.rl is depictcdin thc

tomb of {r-im, (Davies 1930, PI.XXXVIID and his elder daughterbearsthe

namc Imn-m-ipt, possibly after her grardmother. The tombs ol $n'inn (Tf .931
all.d K3-m-|, are ncxt to one another. They llere probably brothers.
Becauseof the extrernelylimited evidenceavailable,it is irnpossibleto tell horv
prominent the wife or rnotherwas iD the tomb. They both held titles which indicated
their closepersonalties to the king, his wife being a and his mothera
v,rt nt Nb-t3wy'.


Rh-mi-rc i/t),-r ni\rt t3 r^

TITI,I]S: Sethe1927,1169-73
DA'I'E: Tuthmosislll - Amenhotep
LOCA'I'ION: SheikhcAbdel-QumaTT.100
BIBLIOGRAPHY:PM 206-7,209 l4


The tomb rvas completed and all the

walls decorated. However, it was
considerablydamagedby enemics and
Arenjsrsasu ell a5by he f a.\dgcuI limr.

PM 208

WIFE: Mryt bkrt n$rt nbt pr (16)r[l

SONS: Mn-!pr-f -snb s! tYp-ntrrp1'n Imn P M ( 9 ) I( 1 6 ) I , I I I
(17)r (21)r
Imn-fttp s! sclJwt-nlr r (16)r-llr

M,) intt' r InL sd-lut-nLr P1\4(

,lll wsrt si 16)rV(20)rr
Kn inm P t \ l (l 7) r
Possibly two others.nan)csnissins.
DAUGH'I'ERS: T.l ltl I im(tr nt Intt (17)r
M-ltL- rt imt ).1nt Inn(l) P M (1 7 ) I
Mw-nrt1 (:') ltntrt nr lrut PI\,I(9 )I I
I.ln*tt-lwtll') PN4(9)rr
Iiour dauqhters( l) unnamcd Pt\,1(
I lt)tv
FA'I'HER: NJr-whn wl:bn lrur (possiblyV i z i c r ) PM(9)ll
MOTI IER: Bt lkrt nswt P1\,1(9)rr(t 6)rV
(I 8)rrr
I]RO'I'IIERS: M n1x, PN,r(9)rr
Nli nrpt anclonc or two othcrs PNr(9)rr
SISTERS: Slt r(:') . Nh ivnt, Itll-ns Pl\,1(9)l I
GRAN DI'A REYI'S:'Jnf x inr I ni,'r l.l t\' PN{(9)r
T-1L-)nt4t nbt-pr Pl\'1(
9 )l
UNCI-IIS: lf sr intt-r nixt 1-ltt PN{(9)r
and six others.
AUNTS: .Ilriw and thrccothers PN{(9)l
COLJSINS: Eight,threenralc,fivc fcmalcchiklrcn
o1 ll'rr and lrrl. PNI(9)I
GRANDPARENTSI: B.lki inn-r nfrLnt Intn PM(9) rr
It nht pr PIll(9) II
GRA^-D-DAUGll'l-ER:lJrrhl-r-irrr auclpossibl_"' othcn.
'fhe 'hkrt-nsut'
rvifc althoughir and $us importantin her own rigltt onll'
appearsin six of the twenty one sccncsin thc tonrb. In thc main.thc scenerrepresenl
the lirnctionsanciadminislrationof the vizicr possiblybccausc/?fr-rrlr1 *as nol
t h c l o g i c a l s u c c c s s oor f t h e p r e v i o u sv i z i e r ,h i s u n c l c l i ' s r s o n o f t h c v i z i c r -
'.1-rrlr'. lt.rl- hld nany of\\hom coLrldhave bcen expeclccllo succccd
hinr. rathcrthan lhe son of a nlinor soll of 'r.i rr1l . Wh1, Rll rri r' succeeclccl his
u n c l ei s n o l c l c a r . 1 1 l
PN{(9) This sccncjustil'icsR[-nLt'r''.; claim to the vizicraie.rcpresentins the
familiesolhis grandfathert.i-rrlw and uncle lirr (Rc8islcrl) and his llthcr iurd
h i n s e l f ( R e g i s t clrl ) . A s o nu , j l h e l a n r i l i c sl r c e t h c s e a l c dl i g u r c so i R l n r l r '
andhis rvifc.whoscIigurcshaveLrnfi)ftunrtcl) disrppeurcd. (Dln ics 1911.PIs.lX&
P N . l ( 1 6 ) l - l l l T h r c c d i l f c r c n t s o n s o f f c r t o R ! . 1 - t t t i - r t a n c lh i s * i f c o n
sLlcccssivc rcgistcrs. lhc couplcarc scatcdon I couc]I.lacinglcii. in l)ositionVl in
eachcase(ibid..Pls.LXXV. LXXVII. LXXXV)
P\t(18)l IV Daughtersoffer sislrulrs to R!1nti r' lrnd his ',vile.who are
s c a t c do n r c o u c h t, ' i i c i n S V l ( i b i d . .I ' l . l - X I l l )
r i g h t ,i n P o s i t i o n
P N l ( 1 8 ) V - V l l l S o n s o f l e r l o l h e c o u p l c ,b u l a l l t h e f i g u r e sh a v c b c c n
P M ( 1 9 ) V I l l X S e a t c dg u e s l ;b e f o r e / l ! - l u i r ' a n d h i s u i t c . w l t o s cl i g u r e s

PN'I(2O)II& lY Rh-mi-rc and Mr,\'t are the recipientsof offcrings from
differentsons. They are seatedon a couch,lacingright, in PositionV[ in eachcase
(ibid., Pls. CIII, CVIII).
PM(21) Niche.Regll ln the panclof the falsedoor stela(l-ouvreC.7,1ibid.,
Pl. CXIV) Rh ml-rc and Mrya arc scatcdon a couch,facingright,jn PositionVl.
On fie side walls of the niche the couple are the recipicntsof ofierings from their
xtn Mn-fipr-rc-snb, they are seatedon a couch.facing left, in PositionVl (ibid..
l'>ls.CXV,LXXlll). On the back wall stooda statueof the pair scatcd.with Mrrl
sittingon her husband's left (ibid., I 1).
It is possiblethat Rh'mi rr had seven sons (PM(17)l) (ibid., Pls.t.XX &
LXXI). In this sceneMn'bpf-rc-srb leadsa file of six men who greet R!-ml-r.r.
Althoughthe nameshavebeenerascd,thatof the lastman s3.f Kn imn survives.It
is unlikely that other male relativeswould take precedcnccovcr a son, so it is
probablethat the five other men are sonsalso. 'ltre namesof flvc sonssurvive in the
PM(91I Mn-lpr-/:-szb probablythe eldestson becauseof his prominencern
the tomb, and the fauniliesofthe viziers '-l-m6r and W.rr, face the tomb owncr and
his wife (ibid..Pl. IX).
PM(9)|I Imn-btp, the next most prominentson,togetherwith the family of
Afr nbn and the childrenof R{r-ml-rt f:tce R!-mi-rr andhis wife. Only two sons
are representedas well as the two main sonsbut as the sceneis reconstructedand the
. - n a m e se r a s e d , i t i s p o s s i b l c t h a t m o r c s o n s w e r e a c t u a l l y d e p i c t e d .
PM(16)I-llI A differentson offers to his parcntson cach of threc rcgisters
RI ni tc a]],dMryt are seatedon a couchfacing left in PositionV[ in eachcase
(ibid.,PJs.LXXV, LXXVII, LXXXV). Thc sonsmust havebeendressecl as priests
astheirfigurcshavcbccncornplctclycxpungcd,probablyby thc Atcnists.
PM(16)lV A sonsappearswith offcringlist bcforc R!-mi-rt: andhis mothcr.
PNI(\11I Mn-lpr-r'-srb lcadsa lilc of six mcn, wllo ofltr bouquctsand grcct
Rltmi-r(. The sixth man is a son so the othersprobablyare too (ibid., Pls. t-XX,
PM(20) Four differentsonsoffer to Rh-tni-r( a his motheron reSistcrsI
a n d t l l a n d t o R b - m i - r c a n d h i s w i t e o n r e g i s l e r sI l a n d I V r i b i d . . P l s . X C V ,
CIll,CVltl).'lhe figuresof the sonshavc onccmorc bcenlotallyexpunged.
PM(211 Mn-!pr'rc-.rnl, ollers to R! mi'r( anrJ.MryI on thc sidc walls of thc
niche(ibid., Pls.LXXIll, CXV). Both figuresof Mn-!1pr-rt:snb arc crascd.
It is difficult to determinehow many daughtcrsR! rar y' had,probablyfour.
PM(9)II Only three daughters, Mwt-nfit(l) and ].lnwr r.iu,_rf :'), arc
represented in this scene,but as the figurcsarc conrpletelyrestoredby Davies( 19,1 1,
l'l.X) it is possiblethat originallytherewere more.
P M ( I 7 ) l E l e v e nw o m e n ,l c d b y s 3 t f I m t , - t t I m n T . l - b t I g r e c t R r - m i - r t .
(ibid., Pls l-XX. LXXI). namesabovethe two fbllowing women are missing,
thc fouflh women is called M3ct-nfrt, lhe kinship term bcing missing. fitih
woman is Jm',rr Imn Hnwt-t-l\r)-,probablynametlafler her mothcr or
aunt. No other names survivc. If the fifih woman and those behind her arc
grand-daughtersor othcr fcmale relations,it is possiblethat the first fi)ur arc

daughters, unlcssM3.t-,y'1 too is a grand-daughter.

PN(18)l-lv Four women probablyhis daughtersoffer sistrunrsto Rh-mi-r(
who is accompanied by Mr1r. Two largerfiguresstandsideby sideon the far side
of thc oflcrinS table and two snallcr figuresstandfacing R!,mi-r. at his knee
( i b i d . ,P l . t . x I l r . ) .
The evidenceseensto indicatethat Rh ni rt: probablyhad lbur drughrers,rhe
eldestof whom was f.i-lrcr. She leadsthe filc of rvomen(PNl(17)) and is rhe
leadingdaughtcrin PIVI(9)II.
The fatherof Rl,.ni-/ js onllrreprcscntcd oncein the tomb.
PN{(9)ll A}i'r'ba andhis witc areseatedon a couch,facinglctt, in PositionV
as part of the cxtendedfamily of Rf7-zrr-r..Thcir sonsand dtughters.the brothcrs
and sistersof Rl-ni-rc, are representcd bchindthcn (ibid.. Pl.X). Alrhoughhe is
only rcpresentedonce,he is namcd on other occltrions.alrvavsas tltc son of thc
The mother ol R[-nti-rc , Br is much more promincnt in the tomb than his
fathcr. She is representcd oncc wirh her husband(PM(9)ll). thrcc tines rvith her
PN'l(16)lV The son, Sr-r'.rr/f:)l ,is representcd u,irh an oft'erin3lisr hefore
Rfi-rni-l and his mother.
PN{(18)III ln thc women'sbrnquetscene.the nlorhcris the only namedfenrale
and the only one seatedon a chair. thc othcr lemale glLestssquaton mats. She is
especiallvhonoured (ibid., Pl.LXlV).
'. PM(20)l & III Rlt ml r. and his modrcrare represented on altc r.rrcrcgi\tcr\
with R&-r?i r. and his llife as the recipicr)tsof offtrings fronr his sons (ibid..
PIs.XCV.CIII).Boih couplcsareseatedin PositionVl.
'ltkrt .rJ)r't'
Bllr position as probablv accountsfor her prontinencein her
son'stomb. llowever shedoesnot play asdominanta role asdrewife *ho rvasalsoa
R|-zri-rc devotedthe shon north willl of thc transvcrse hall. to honouringhis
e r l c n L l . Jl . r m i l y ( i b i d . .P l . . I \ . X ' .
P M ( 9 ) l I I i s p a t c r n a l q r a n d p a r e n t st .h e v i z i e r ( - i n i l x a n d h i s w i f c
T-l-c-l-mltr,are seatcd.on r couch,facingleft, in I'ositionV. Behindthcm sil thcir
sonsiurddaughlers, the unclcsiurdaunts<tf Rlt-nti-rr:.Beneaththemsit his Lrncle the
vizier lVsr and his wife in PositionVllr anil behind them sit their childrcl. thc
cousinsof R! rnl-rc. (ibid.. Pl. IX).
PN'l(9)ll The parents of R!1-mi-rt, his brothcrsand sistcrsand his children
havc rlready beendiscussed.Bchiftl his front of an olhring tablc sit
imt-r nrtt n lrwt 83ki, rnd ltnx f nhtlr 1r. They are seatedur a couchin Position
V (ibid., Pl. X). Their relationshipto Rb-ni-rc is not clcar. lhc) mi!ht hc thc
parcntsof Rl1mi-rc's wifc Mnt but thcy arc niorc likely to bc thc parcntsof his
mother,his matemal grandparcnts. bccauscof thc similarity of thc naIrlcsof hjs
mothcf, Br. and the *ife of B.lki. It t1a(ibid.. l-5).
The four couplesrepresented ou this \\'all are all sertedin I'osition V.115the
custonrarypote ofhusband and wife whereas. R11ni r(' ,rnd.his rvife are shorvn
throughoutthe tomb in PositionVI. This more lbmral position accords$ith thc
whole enphasis of dle tomb ot Rb nti r'i position as vizier. It doesnot inter

cooLoess in their relationshipwhich would appearto be very close,as is evidenced

'snt.fl,nr-f mrt ib.f nbt prf Mryt nEct-brw ' "His wifc bcloved
by ar unusuirltext,
of hjs head,mistressof his house N1eryt justifiedbeingwith him". (PM(18)) (ibid.,
Mryt is not reprcsented with her husbandin any ofhis official dutic' or in any
religious scenes. ln fact apart from funerary ritcs, religious scenessuch as
R!-,lrl r' offeringon brazicrsor adoringthe godsare conspicious by their absence
excepton the lintcl of the niche (Plv1(21)).rlrylt only funclion in dle tomb is asthe
rccipient,with hcr husband,of offeringsfrom thcir sonsald daughtersand as his
consortin banquetscenes.


rV,fi-rnpr probably ddw n.f Kh3 nbl

DA'f E: TuthmosjsIII - AmenholeP
LOCATION: DracAb0cl-NagacTT.140

This tomb is only pafily dccoraledand is

urrprrhlishedI l . i . n o t p o \ c i b l ct o d e t e r m i n c
how the tomb owner ard his family were


PM 248
WIFE: T3wY rI?
SON: Oneor two unnamed. II?
PN{(1) Banquet and offering before tomb owner and wife, whose figures arc
PM(3) Tomb ownerand rvife.
PM(9)I Man offers to tomb owner and wife
PM(9)II Man offers flowers to a couple,possibly tomb owner rurdwife as lhe
scenesflank the remainsoI a stelaand they are on tie west wa1lof the inner room'

The man offering ro the tomb owncr and his wife was probably a son, (pM(9)l)
and the man offering to tie couple (PM(9)II) was either the sameson or anothcrson,
if fte couple was the tomb orvnerand his wifc.


S3-mwt imy r k3wtnt lmn -f m lpts\tt

DATE: TuthmosisI[ - AmenhotepII (?)
I-OCATION: DracAb0 el-Nagac T'I.1,12

This tomb is unpublishcd

and only a ferv scenessun'ive.


PM 248

WIFE: 53t-lmn PM(1)(,1)rr

SONS: Namesunknown PNI(1X,1)r(?)
FA'I'FIER: Mn-t3 in:--r Invt n Imn PM(,1)r
N{OTHER: Dhwty-nfr PM(1)r
PN{(l) Sj-ria/ and SJ, izn are seatedbefore offerings, with small son. It is
i r t r p o : . r h lteo t e l l i n \ \ ' h i c hp , , ( i r i o nl h e ; a r es e a r c J .
PN{(.l)ll Snr-pricst before Sj-ml.r and his wife.
A small son is dcpictedwith .u-nrlr/ and his wifc (pM(l)) and it is possible
Lhatthc rm pricst offering ro them (PM(.1)II)is also a son. The szr-priestofiering to
thc parentsof the tomb orl'ner (PM(4)l) is more likely to be thc tomb orvnerhimiclf
r r t h e r t h a t h i s s o n , l l 6 u n i e s so f c o u r s eh e i s m e r e l ya p r i e s tp e r f o r m i n gd r e
parentsof the tomb owner arc the recilicnts of offeringsfrom a ra priest

or from their son in the rolc of a.rm pricst

T l t c . c . r r el h c o n l y ' c e n c i l l l J l \ u l \ i v e . in *,hich membersof the family are


.l1r4r-i.{'-} wh3 ns*t lrd n k3P

TI'I'LF,S: From tomb

Helck 1955,14668
DATE; TuthmosjsllI - AmenhotepII (?)
LOCATION: Ki6kha 1'f.172

The innermostpan of dle tonb appearsto have

been fully decorated.Sone ualls in thc'ltrehall seemto
have losi their decoralionconplctcl) tomb is
'lhe in anv of the exianl
wife is not represcnted
scenesunlessthe snall unnamedltnalc figurc in the
fishing and fowlirg sceneis the wifc lt is possiblethat
M n1w-iy.w1'swife was representedin some of the


WIFE]: Unnamed PN,l(4)

DAUCIITERl: Unnmcd PM(4)
SON?: Unnamed Pru(1)r (4)(8)(9)(10)
- IJP* PN'l('1)l (l0)
pllC+l The tom'b o\\"neris dcpicted fishing and fowling . The -only member oi
the famiiv prcsent is a smalLunnarncdfemale figurc who standsin front iacing 'fhere
.irl" 1". outer amr hangs at her side and lhe inner ann is raised cioes
noiono.".,o be ary conuct betweenthe two figures (Wrezsinski1915-'Taf 354)'
i;;;;;;; Murs tl'801tcntativel)suggestthatihe small figure is a daughtcrivhile
is the
iviuh"mmed(1966, 146) allcgesit is the nother probablybecausclhe nother
onlv fcmale represented in what rcmains of the scenes in the tomb'
- 'fhree
possibiLitesmust be exploreci.
(ii ,fZri,*--; was ntarried. His wife was rcpresentedon thc deslroyedrvalls

and the small female figure in the fishing and fowling sceneis his wife. The
unnamedman who offersto the tomb owner in scene: etl,flf 1l 1+1r.S1101 and to him
ard his motherPM(10) waspossiblya sonor perhapsdifferentsons. It is unccnain
whether daughtersare representedunJesson tlle dcstroyedtvalls or unlessthe sntall
female figure on the boat is a daughtcrratherthan the wife.
(ll) Mnlw-iy.wy was married bur his wife was excluded from rhe tomb. She
might have died young or beendivorcedfor adulteryor becauseher husbandhacl
tired of her. The motherof thctombouneris rcpresinredwith herson in the inner
room near the shrine. ln this caseit is possibletllar the small female figurc inpM(,l)
was a daughterand the men were sonsor the sameson in all the scenes.
(iii) the third possibiliry is that Mntr-iy.)N) was unmarried,the small fcmale
figure was his mother or his sister. I think it unlikelythat it \\,ashis rrother. His
mother is reprcsented\r'ith him in the inner room. The mcn who offer to him $.ould
lien be brothers or the samebrother
PM(10) A man. destroyed,offcrs to the tomb owner and his mother. 'Ihcv are
seatedon separate chairsfacingright in PosirionVI (l\{l!{A.T.3477).
Whether Mrp-l1.w1 was marriedor not, his motherdoesnot appearto pla!.
the role of a surrogatewife h the tomb.
Until furtherevidencecomesto light, suchas a statucwhich narnesa wifc. I
think there is a strongpossibility ihat MnDy-i.J.W was unmarricd.


Ddi imy-r!3 swthr imntW3st

ITLES: Sethe1927,995-6
DATE: TuthmosisIII - Amenhorep
LOCATION: Kh6kha TT.200
PM 3034

The tomb is very damagedand is unpublished.


PM 292
WIFE: Twy nbt-pr PM(1)r (4)r(s)r(7)
SONS: Unnanled PM(1)r (5)r
DAUGHTERS: l! nwt u'c PM(l)r
M.:'-ptb PM(5)r
The wite is represcntedin a nunbcr of sccncsin this tomb.
PM(l)I sc.l Although the fowling and fishing sccnchas complctcly
disappcarcd,thc wifc was probably representedin it.
PM(l)I sc.2.This sceneis very damaged.Ddi and his *ife are seatedon a
couchfacing left in PositionVl. A smallfemalefigure squatsunderdre couch. No
inscriptionsor namessun,ive (MMA T.3548).
PM(4)I This sccnc is completely desLroyedbut Dli and Jxi)i $crc
represented offering on brazicrs.
PM(5)l A daughterand sonoffer to D/l his wife and anothcrdaughter.Ddi
and Tl1' arefacing right in PositionVl. (MMA T.3545).
Pl\4(7) Ddt and 7 w1 are seatedbefore a banquet. l'hcrc arc no illustrations
of dre scenebut as the marriedcoupleare rcprcscntcdin PositionVI in the other'
scenes,one can infer that they are probably rcpresentedthus in this scene.
Bccauscof damageto the scenesand inscriptions,it is impossiblcto tlctemtine
how malv sonsthc couolehad.
P M ( I ) I s c . 1 I t i s p o s s i b l et h a t o n c o r m o r c sons are representedin the
destroyed family fowling and fishingsccnc.
PM(1)l sc.2 A man, destroyed,oflers to Drll and fw1. He was possiblya
'l'wo 'lhe
PM(5)l men offer flowers to Ddi and Tn1. chief offerer is a
daughter,u'ho makcs thc dircct offering. The two men are standing on a base line
a b o v e r h e d a u g h t e r( M M A T . 3 5 , 1 5 ) . P N { ( 3 0 4 )c a l l t h e m b o t h s o n s w h i l e
Champollion(184,1-79, i, 529) allegesthat one is an attcndant.Imsi Mi rt. The
sceneis very damagedand it is impossibleto determinenow whcthcrtwo sonsor
only one is represented.
1tc daughtersol Ddi are representcd in at lcasttwo scenesand their namcs
PM(1)I sc.1 As with the sons,it is possiblethat one or more daughtcrsare
representedin the destroyed farnily fowling and fishing sccnc.
PM(1)l sc.2 A smallfemalefigurecallcd Hnwr r'' (ibid.,529) squatsunder
the seatof Ddl and Tn-r. Although no kinship term was attributedto her;rs far as
one can tell, shemust have bcen a daughter.As shewas the recipientof offcrings
with her parents,it is possiblelllat shetoo wasdcccased.
PM(5)I The small figure of a girl standsbefore thc scatcdiigures of Drlr and
7w1 . She is sJt.f Mr"t-ptft. She standson thc floor mther than thc mat on which
their couchrests,and is not much higherthan Ddl's knee. Shehandshim a small
bowl with her right hand. Anotherslightlylargerfemalefigurc squalson the mat at
thc side of fn1. er right hand restson hcr raisedleft knee and her left hand is
raised,probablytouching Tw]'s legs (MMA 1'.35,15).It is possiblethat shois
I.lnwt-wc and that she is dcccasccl.If she *'crc not, one would expscl her to
accompany Mr-t pth in of'fcring to her parerlts.
A row of men and one of wontenare represcntcdin two registersbclow the

seatcdfigures of D./i and Tw). As no inscrjplionssurvive it is irnpossiblcto

dctcrminewhetherthey are sonsand daughtersor merelyotherrclativesand guests
at thc banquet.


Nfr-lt1t imy r irrwt',

TITt-ES: From tonlb

DATE: Tuthmosislll - AmenhotepII(?)
LOCATION: D r a cA b u e l N r g a c i \ 1 . r i H
n ill I'1.\.<
B I B L I O G R A P I I YP: M 4 4 89
PLAN: No Plan
The exactpositionof this tonb is unknown- PM hasno plan. Fcrvsccncsarc
klown. Only two sceneshaveany representations of the lamily.
WIFE: Unnamed Fowlingsceneprobably
SON: Mc-hv, Huntingsccncandfishingscene
DAUGIITIIRS: Sn nfr Fishingsceneandpossiblv
T3-wrt Fouling scene
Thc unnimed wife of Nfr-l1t1tis possibly represenledin lhc fowling sccnenor!
in the Louvre (Keimer 1940, Pl.ll.1). A fenralefigure is representedstanding
behind the striding figurc of Ny'-h?. She reachesto his armpit and has hcr lclt xrm
aroundhis waist,her handgraspinghis siclc.This is the usualpositionof the wifc in
this type of scene. In the fishing scenea woman rvho is called '.dr,/ ' occupicsthis
position but therc arc some slight difierencesthat distinguishesher front thc
presunTplive wil'ein the fowling sccnc.
(i) Shc is smallcr,reachinglittle higherthan Afr lrtpt waist.
(ii) Although her right hand is raiscd it appeirrsto be merely parallel to
N/r-ftp's sidc, thcrc is no contactbctrvcenthe t\',o. Thereforelhe daughter's
appearance in this positionin the fishingsceneis no arguncntagainstthc figurc in
the fowling scenebeing the wife. It is howeverunusualfor ths d3L]rhrerrn ha
rcpresented in this positionratherthanthe wife.
The son Mc-ftw is represented at leasttwice in the tomb.
Rcar Wall.l Hc acconrpanics his fathcr on thc hunt. A small malc figure
reachingonly to the kneeof Nfr-l,ltp is shownin a stridingposturein front of him
dra*,inga bow. (Keimer 1940.Pl.lll).
ln the fishing scenea small male figure standsitr front of his father on the pror.v
of thc skiff. Hc rcachesto the knee ol Nfr-ht1t , is facing him and holcis a sparc
spcar. It is not ccnainthat any sonsare rcpresented in the fowling scene.The srnall
unusuallydressedand coiffurcdfigurc on the prow of thc skiff is probablyfemale.
Althoughthe figure has one foot in front of lhe other,a breastprotrudesundcrthc
left arm and the figure must bc 1'cmalc.A small male figure standingbehindthe
groupwith birdsin his handsis probablym attendantratherthana son.

Two daughtersappearin the forvlingandfishingscenes.In thc fonling scenca

small femurlefigure squatsbetweenthe legs of Af-fry, her left hand graspshis left
leg and sheholds a lotus in her right hand. No namessurvive in this scenebut sheis
probablya daughter.Anothcr small femalefigurc standson the prow of thc skiff.
She faces in the samedirection as AFr'&? but tums her head to iook at him. She is
probably a daughteralso. Il the fishing scenetwo daughtcrs,both Damed,are
rcpresenled. Thcy are ,r^.]t./ Sn-fr who standsbehind her father and w]rosc
presencewas discussed abovcand s3tfT3-wrl \\'hosquatson the stemof the skiff.
I lcr torso is depictedfacing forward but her headis tumed away from her father,
shelooks over the stem of the skiff.
is the only information availableabout the famil,vol NJr htp.


Nb-trkmt imy-r clnwty 13w lyd n L3p

TITLES: Seth1e927,997
DATE: Amenhotep II

The tomb is very damaged and



WIFE: R)nu PM(2)(1)

SONS: Umamcd PM(2)(4)
DAUGHTER: Ururamed PM(2)rr
PN{(2)l Banquetsccncwith a man offeringto the tomb owner,his vife and
anothercouple. sceneis very damagcdand the secondcoupleis missingbut
Nb-n-knnand R)lr are seatedfacingleit probablyin I'ositionVI (N{N'IAT.1ll5)
PM(2)II Right sidc:activitiesofthe estatebeforc Nb n'kmt and Rlw sertcd
Iacingleft possiblyin PositionVL (MMAT.l115).
PM(2)II t-eft side: Nb'n-kmt ard family fishing and fowling. ln the iishing
scene Ryw standsbehind her husband. She rcachesonly to his arnpit, her right
arm is around Nb n-kmt's back and her lcft hand is upnised. It appearsto touch

h i ss i d e ( M M A 1 ' . 1 1 1 4 ) .
PM(4) sc.1. Nb-n-kmt, R1w and trvo sonsoffer on braziers. R_1,1r stands
bchind her husbandhands upraisedin PositionXXXIV. 'Ihe sceneis damagecl
(r4MA T.1112).
PM(,l) sc.2. The seatcdcouple is probably Nb n-kmt and R1w. 'l'hey are
seatedfacingrirht in PositionVI (MMA T.11i3).
No sonsare namedas suchin the tomb,but smallmale figuresarc represented
in positions which indicatethat thcy w€re probabiy sons.
PM(2)I nan offering to Nb-n-tzrr and his wife was possiblv a son.
PN'1(2)II In dre fishing scenedre small male figure standingon rhe prow of rhe
skilf facing Nb n kmt and handinghim a small spearwas certrinly I son. He is
rcpresertedtoo in the fowling scenc (N{MA1'.1114).
PM(4) sc.1. Thc t\\,o smallmale figureswho accompanyNb-//-Ant and nrr1,
when tl.teyoffer on braziersmust be sons. One small malc tigure standsin fronr of
his father, facing him with hands raised. 'l'he secondsmall male figure stands
betweenhis parentsfacing dre sameway as thev do (N,{l\{AT.l i 12-3).
The only reprcsentation of a daughteris in the fishingscenc.The scencis \e^
damagedbut betweenNb l-inr's legs thereappearsto be the remainsof a smail
femalcfigure who would probablybe a daughter,ashis wife js reprcs€nted stiinding
bchindhim (MN'IAT.111,1).
Bccauseof the damagednatureof the tomb it is impossiblcto tell what ofier
mcmbers of the fimily were represcntedin it.
.- There was another couple reprcsentedwith ND I tzr and his wifc but their
figuresarc no* missing(PM(2)l). They niight havc beenihe parcntsof the tomb
owaeror his sonandhis wife.


P3-sr hrt pdt hrd n k3p

FakIry1943b,390& 392
DATE: Amenhotep II
LOCATION: SheikhcAbdcl-Quma TT.367

PM416 The tomb was never completedand is

only panl) dccorated.
WIFE: B3lq hmt.f nbt-pt PM(l)(2)(1X5X6)
SON: Umamed PM(2X3)',]
DAUGIITERS: Unnamed PM(2)(4)(s)
FATFIER?: Nb-inn [r1"pQt Owncrof TT.1,15
MO'fl IER?: I, b-btp from thetombof Nb izrn
The wife plays a prominent role in this tomb, being representedwith her
husbandin most of the scencs.Unfortunltclyhcr figurc,togetherwith all the other
fernalefigures,r'as mutilatedduringthe Christianperiod(Fakhry 1943b,393).
PM(l) PJ-sr and his wife offer on brazicrs. As BJ&1's figure is ahnost
dcstroyedone can not be certainof her positionbut her arms are probablvat her
sidcsin PositionX (ibid.,PI.XX).
PM(2) PJ-sr and BJt-t with t*o daughtersand a banquetscene.P-Jsr and
B-lb are seatedon a couchfacingleft in PositionVI (ibid., PI.XXI).
PM(4) PJ-sr pours ointmentfollowedby his daughterand his wife. f-it1i
figure is almostdcstroycdbut shc appcarsto bc standinglacing right with hcr lcli
arm acrossher breastand her right hiindat hcr sideholdinga sistrumiurdflorvcrsin
PositionXXXVlll (ibid., 398, Pl.XlX).
PM(5) PJ-sr with wifc and daughtcrotTcrsa bouquctto AmcnhotcpIl. B-ltl'
standsbehindher husbandholdinga bouquetin her right handand a sistrumin her
lelt hand (ibid., PI.XVII). This is the first occasionin which the rvife acconrprnier
hcr husbandbctbrc thc king. a3k_,-is cspcciallyprivilegcd even though sl'rcdoesnot
appearto hold any titlesin her own right in thc tomb.
PM(6) Double sccneof PJ-rr and B3S, offcring on braziersto Osiris.
figure of B3fi is entirelydestroyed(ibid.. PI.XVI).
Becauseof the lack of inscriptions, it is dilTicultto dctcrmincthe relationshipof
tlle ninor figures to the tomb owner. Ilorveverthc positionthcy occupy and tllc
rolestheyplay do give sonreindication.
PM(2) In the banquetscenc,two figurcsoffer lo PJ-sr and B.lli-r,.A small
figurc of a girl now destroyedstandsbeforethe offcring tablc on the lloor lcvel.
Above her, on a basc linc, stridesthe small figure of a man offcring a boucluct
(ibid., P]. XXI). lt must be assumcdthat they were standingside by side bcforc and BJl1. They rverealmostcertainiya sonanddaughter.
PN'l(3)On a stela.a sarpriestoffcrsto P3-sr. lt is possiblelhathe uas a son.
PJ-sr probablyhad at lcastone son.possiblytrvoor morc.
The daughtcrsof P-i-sr were nrore promincntin thc lolllb than the sons.
althoughthey too werc unnamed.
Pltl(2) Two small fcmale fi-sures,norv destroycd,standal the side of their
:eatedparents.Bccar.rse of their positionthey must bc daughters.A slightly larger
femalefigure standsbeforethe offeringtablc ofltring a bowl to PJ-.r,'. (ibid.,Pl.
XXI). She too must have beena daughter.PJ-sr ancl ts-ltr probablyhaclthrcc two ofthc snall daughlersatc thc rccipientsof offerings
with their parcnts it is possibJethat thcy were deceased. Only one daughter
accompanies the couplein otherscencs.
PM('1) The small dcstroyedfigure of a daughterstandsbctwccn 1'-l rr and
BJtl in this ritlLalscene(ibid..Pl.XlX).
PM(5) A daughtcraccompaniesP-J-.irand B.i&r' bcfbre AmenhotepII. Shc

slandsbehindher motherand is slightly smaller. ln her right hand which restsur

hcr breastslleholds a mirror caseand a \\,hisk (ibid., 396j. Her left ann hangsrt
her siclcand sheholdsa sisrrum (ibid.,Pl.XVn). Sheis cspeciallyprivilegeclairhis
is the first occasionwhen othermentbersof the fanily haveacc<impanicd rhe tonb
owncr beforethc king.
P-i-ir appearsto have had thrcc daughtcrs,one of whom sccmslo havc been
more important than the others, if the femalc figures in pM(.l) and (5) wcre
identical. The prematuredeathof two ol lhe dxughtersor sollleprcstigiousoffice
sheheld couldhaveaccountcdfbr lhc prominenccof one claughter.
The parentsof PJ-sr arc not reprcsentedin \\,hatscencsremain but it is
p r o b a b l et h a t N b - i n r n o w n e r o f T T . l . 1 5( C a s e , 1 1 )w a s r h e f a r h c ro f p - t - r r .
ND-lru lcld the titlc of lry palt and in his tonlb a son p-l-.rr js shorvnoffcring ro
him and his wtfe lch btp.
If iL wcrc the casethat Nh imn and lcl,t-l.ttpwere thc parentsof p-l-s,' thcn hc
alsohad thrcc sisterswho rverereprcsented in his falher'stomb.


Sn nfr h3h-cn niwt rs)-t

TITLES: I I e l c k1 9 5 51, 4 1 7 - 3 8
I lelck1951J, 526
DATE: Amcnhotep II
LOCAI'ION: SheikhcAbdcl-Quma.TT.96
Valleyof thc Kings T..10
PLAN: (Sccnexrpage).

tomb is an impressivclylargetomb with a largcburial chantbcr.Iloth Lhcromb
and thc burial chambcrwere firlly decoralcd.L,rnio unatcly,only thc texis of thc
tomb are published as the scenesare largely dcstroyed. The burial chamber,
horvcvcrhas beenphotographcd and was publishedat lhc cnd of lhe lastcenturyllT
and at the beginningof this century.rrE

'. Lt .'-l t

u -l

PM 196

WIFE (a): Snt n3y mnct-nswtvrt P N { ( 1 X 2 X 7( )8?) ?( e ) ( 1 1 )

(1s)(21,)(22) (23)l
PillarsAbII AcII Dbli Dcll
wrFE (b): Snt rlit mnct-nswt P M ( 1 6 ) r ( 1 7()1?E)(19)rrr
( 2 3 r) ( 2 e ) ( 3 0 X 3 1 )
wlFL, (c): Mt:-t imcjt nt Itnn PM(32X33)(31)(35)(3 6)
Ec Ild FaFb Fc GaGb Cc
SON: Unnamed P M ( 1 5 )(?1 6 ) ?( 2 3 ) ' , 1
PillarsReg.IAa?Abl tsc?
Bd?Dd?(3s)(36)? (39)?
DAUGIITERS: NIwr-nfrt CairoStatue 42126
Nfrt'iry lkrt nsttt Pr,{(9)
Mwt-twf imclt nt Imn PM(25)(27)(2E)
Unnamcd PNI(2,1) PillarsReg.l
Ac BaBb CaCcCdDaDc
GRANDSON: Namenissing sJ n JJt./ PM(22)

FATTIER: I( l1-nrsHw-mcy, im1-r PM(22X23)

gs pr hnL-tlr
MOTIIER: Nbw fukrt-nsu't PM(22)(23)
BROTHER: Imn-n-ipt im!-r ni.\rt L3ty P M (l 2 )
SISTER-in-LAW:Wrt m3ctf hkrt nswt P M (l 2 )
COUPLE(a): Nnw it.Jfm-n1r 2-nw n PM(8)ll
I.h nb GsJ
IJnta,t-ir), mwt.f mrt.f PM(8)rr
COUPLE (b): Nnw
'fir-in hm-n1r2-nw n l,lr Wr PM(21)
lnrJ nht-pr P M (2 l )
wives are representedin the tomb and burial chanbcr rvith Sl ny'. They
are each representedin relativelyclear cut arcasin the tomb and burill chambcr
which allows a degreeof cctainty with regardto thcir order.
Snr-l-iy is represcntedin the hall and passageof thc tomb. Szr-r-lr and
Snt-nfrt are represented in the innerroom of the tomb. Snt-nfrt is reprcscnrerl in
the ante-roomof the burial chambcrand Mr.)t is represcntedonly in the main
burial chamber. Snl- ni1, was probablythc first wife, Sntnfrt thc sccondand
Mnr the third.
As no reprcsentations cxist of rhc scenesin the tomb. it is inrpossibleto
deteminc in which positionsthe figuresweredcpicted.
PM(l) Sr-ry'r with Snt-ai1 offcrson brazicrs.
PM(2)I & Il Sn-nfr a\d Sntn3)).
, PM(7) .t/r rdr. with wife (probably Snr-rr-i-r')ol'ferson braziers.
PM(8)f Sr-ny' and wifc (probablySrr-n-i1) in banquerscenc.
PM(9) Daughteroffers ro Sn-nfr a:rld Snt-n-iy.
PM(1,1)Srt,d) accompanies her husbandin the lowling and fishirrgscene.
PM(15) [Man] offersto .ta-rr+ and S/rr,nj].
PM(21) Banquetscenebeforc 5r-4f and Sar-a3y.
PM(22) Grandsonoffers to Sn,nl)" and Snr-r3_!.
PM(23) Priestoffersto ,ft-1y' and his wife, probably ,!lr-n.11but shccould
possiblybc ,Sr,ntl.
Piliar Abll Acll Sn,n/r and wife, possibly Slr-rd_\,oDeach.
Pillar Dbll DcIl Sn nft and wife, possibly Snl ai1 on each.
PM(16)l Twomenofferto Sn-rf. and Snt-nJrt.
PM(l7) Funeral ceremoniesbeforc Sn r/r and wife. probably Sr, irliI
PM(18) Men canying funeraloutfit to Osiris and Hathorlvith ,!rr-rf. and
Srt-,ry't scatedbeyond.
PM(19)XI IS,-,,/r and Snt-nJrr).
P1\{(23) The wifc $,irh 5'n n/r could possiblybe .Srr-lf.r rarherrhan
PillarsAbll Acll Dbll Dcll The wifc with Sr af. could be Snr,nfir rather
PM(29)(30) On each side of thc doorway, Srr-rfit srandsbchind .5n nf.
adoring. On thc left side,facing right, sheholds a sistrumin her raiseclright irand
and a menatin her hangingleft handin PositionXIX. On the righr,tircinglefr she
holds a sistrum in her raised left hand. Her right hand is raised in an adoring
positionand a menathangsovcr her elbowjoinLin PositionXX (Virey I 89li-1900,
v . 2 0 , 2 1 5f i g . , l : M M A T . 2 5 1 1 ) ,
PM(31) Left thicknesstcxt ol Sn'nfr and wife, probably Srl-n/il, and a
built in block in the soffit depicts Sn-ny' and probably Sr/-rJtl adoring.
PM(32) sc.1 Sn'ry? u'ith Mryr goesforth seethe sundisk" Mryl stands
behind the striding figurc of S|7rt facing left, in Position X exceptthat shc holds a
sjstrumand menatin her lcft hand. Sa-nli is depictedwith rolls of fat implying
that at lbis stagein his life he was an old man. (MMA T.2520)
PM(32) sc.2 They are seatedon a couch facing lcft in PositioDVl (Virey
1898 1900,v.20. llg 7; MMA T.2520).
PM(33)-(34) .h-nf and Mrlt bcforeOsirisand Hatlor. Mrll standsbehind
.Sr-ry'riD PositionXVII (Vircy 1E981900,v.21, 132 fig.l2).
PM(35) A son as a pricstcensesand libatcsbefore Srt-{i and MDr. Thcy
areseatedon scparate chairs,facingright,in I'ositionVI (MMA T.2522).
PM(36) A priest purifies Sn'nJi' and Mryt. Mr)t standsbehind .!'r-t?li,
facing left, her right hand on her brerst holding a menat,her left hand at her side
h o l d i n ga s i s t r u ni n P o s i i i o nX X I ( V i r c y 1 8 9 8 - 1 9 0 0 , v . 2 28 ,4 f i g . l 9 ) .
PM(38) Sr nfr and Mrl't adoreOsiris and Anubis Mrl, standsbehind
Sx-rt in PositionXVII (N{MA 1'.2532).
PM(39) Offeringsbcfore Sa-ry' scaledwith lMrt'l I standingbchind his
chair. are facing lcft, the figure of Mryl is almostdcslroyedbut sufilcient
rcmainsto indicatethather right handrestedon his right shouldcrandher left hand
graspedhis lcft upper arm in Position XXIL
PM(40) Funeralprocession befbrc Sn'nfr and Mr-rr iacin-eright in Position
X X I I ( V i r c y 1 8 9 8 - 1 9 0 0v ,. 2 1 ,1 4 0f i g . l - 5 ) .
PM(,10)III Abydospilgrimage: Sr-ny' and Mr)/ are seatedin a kiosk on a
boat,proccedingto and from Abydos. Thc1,are reprcscrtedin PositionVl (l-arina
1 9 2 9 ,P I . L X X I X ) .
Pillar Ea Mrlr offers ointment?to Sn'nfr in Position XXIII (Virey
l 8 ( r 8l q 0 l ' .r . 2 2 . 8 8 t i g . 2 2 ) .
I'illar F.b Mrrr offersfood to Sn-ny' in PositionXXIII exceptthal a plateol
food replacesthc dish of ointment (ibid.,89 fig.23).
Piilar Ec Mr-r'l offers flowers to Sn nJr and a smrll daughterin Position
XXIV (ibid.. 92 fig.26).
PillarEd .Sn-rft is seatedunderthc i.{d tree.a smallfigurc of Mll squatsat
his sidc.hcr armsencirclinghis lcgsin PositionXXV (ibid.,96 fig.2q).
I'iltar Fa Mrl't offcrs llowers lo S nfr. They stand facing onc anothcr.
cnrbracingone anothcrirt PositionXXVI (ibid., 95 fig.2ll)
Pillar Fb Mr-11 with small daughteroffcrs sistrum to Sn-nlr' ltfr \^t i\u(l
,Sllxli clasphandsin PositionXXVII (ibid., 89. fig.23: MN'lA1'.25'16).
Pillar Fc Mryr ofl'crsmyrrh to Sr rli in PositionXXIII (ibid,90 fig.24).
Pillar Fd Sr-nli is seatedbcforethc trce goddcss.A small figurc of Mrll sils
on a low chair at his side,her anr.tsencirclinghis lcgs in PositionXXXIII (ibid . 96
- MMA T.25.15).
Pillar Ga Mryt offcrsa cup to Sn /y'i. Mn'l standslacingthe seatccl figurco1

S r - r l i , t h e i r a r n s i n P o s i l i o nX X V I I I ( i b i d . ,8 l Jf i g . 2 2 ;I - h o r ca n d H a s s i a1 9 5 , 1 .
Pillar Gb MIrr standsbcforc rhe sealcdligurc of Sn rrfr in PosirionXXIX
(ibid., 94 fig.27.).
P i l l a r G c M r r l o f f e r sc l o t h r c t S n n f r i n P o s i t i o nX X X ( i b i d . . 9 2 f i g . 2 6 :
Pillar Ha Mn1 offersa cup to .5'n-ni in PositionXXXI (ibid..9-5fig.28).
Pillar Ilb Mn,r ofTersa nccklaceto Sn rrli. Ilc cmbracesilcr wirh his left ann
and shetouchesthe heartamuletson his brcastwith bcr right hrnd. I,ositionXXXII
(ibid.. 9.i fig.27; MN4AT.2542).
Pillar IIc Mrrr olfers pectoralsto .la rfi in PosirionXXIII (ibid.. 90 fig.2,l).
situationu,ith regardto the sonsof S,r-rr/i is ot clcar. None of thc male
figurcs that mighl be sons are namcd and in only onc casc is the lcrm 'J-l
m c n t i o n e d( P N 4 ( 3 5 ) . i b i d1. '.l 7f i g . 2 l ) . I r h i n k i r h i g h l vu n l i k c l yt h r t S a r i l i a n d
S r r - n - 1 , rh, a d a n y s o n s . s t a l u cg r o u p ,C a i r o ' 1 2 1 2 6(, l , e g r a i n1 9 0 6 . 7 6n o .
.12126)consistsol Sn-nlr, daughlers.In rhc offeringscencabove
the stela (PM(9)) it is a daughrerwho offcrs to the couple and above thc nichc
(P\4(22)),rvhile Srl,rrlr. ofiers to his parcnts,in a conlplcmentar)sccnc,rt rs a
grandson'sJ /?,,/'.lhe son of h is daughlcr.who oflcrs to Sil-rr/i ancl ,!rrt,-Jr.
whercasone vould expccta son lo havc nade the offering. On the onlv occasion
when a man of'fersto Sa-,fi and .!'4trr-lr, the figure is tlcstrol.cdtvhich could
indicaletiat he was a pricst rvhosefigurc was dcstroleclbv thc Arcnisls.and not
.-necessanly a son.
PM(21) ,,\bovcthc nicheoir lhc lci'tsidc. a priest,dcstro)cd.oflcrs to.!n-rr/i
and his u,ife. is no ua), ol tellingwhelhcrthe rviie rvas ,!rrr-rdr.ot Sntnli.t
or who lhe pricstwas. ln a similarscene.oII thc right, a priestoflcrs to the parents
of , is possiblcthatthis was Sa-ly' himself.
P N ' l ( 1 6 )11w o r r c n o f f e r t o S n - r f a n d 5 l r r l i r l r i s i m p o s s i b lteo l c l l i l r h c y
were sons. I drink ir is possiblethat Srrrrli failcd to produccsons,or at leastsons
who survived.cvcn with his secondwifc. On the rearwcst $ all ofthe chicfccntral
nichc,it is r daughterwho offersto ,tr/-nt (PNI(2,1) and in lirc antc-chamber of lhc
burial chanbcr it is a daughtcrwho accompaniesJr-rfi. tPlvl(25)& (27-18)).
Howeveron thc upperregisterol PillarsAa Ab Bc Bcland makesoffcrinss
to Sr-l/r. I Ie mighl havc bcena son.a grandsonor lLbrother.
Irt thc inner chambcrof the burial chlnrbcr thcrc is one certainrcprc\cut.Ltion
of a sonand lwo possiblcreprese.laliolrs, so onc can surixiselhat .!rrrl)- anc!Mr r r
hadat lcastoneson.
PN'l(35)A pricst.wl'rois unnamedbut dcsignatcd .r-l.t' rhy son,censcsand
libatesbelorc Sn-nJi tnd Mr]r, (ibid.. ll7 fig.2l).
PN{(36) A priest puril'ics Sr,rli and ,l,1nr. lle is probabll thc slnre mur
( i b l d . . t l . lf l g . 1 9 ) .
PM(39) A pricst, with three regislcrsof pricsts. Librtesan oflcring bclirre
Sa ry' antl Mrrt. (Vircy I 89ll-1900.v.2l , I 38 fig. I.1). As thc sccneis on the rvest
wall of thc burial chamber,he is probablya son.
Thesepriestsmay all be the samesonor lwo or thrce'tlil-lr,'rcnt sons.
Sl-rli and Snl n-ir had at lcasttwo daLr!:hters. both kno$n from a sttlLlc

group. (Lcgrain 1906, no.42126 PI.LXXV). They were s3t.J \n{:$ nt lun
Mu'rnJrt and s3t.fn fit.f t1emr(t1.fnufrt-ir'-.Nlir-rr-r is depictcdon the left sidc
ofthcseatand l4\rt-n[rt en the right side ofthe scat. The figurc of Mwt nfrt is
iLlsorepresentcd in the statuegroup,shestandsbctweenthe lcgsof her parcnts This
might imply that sh€is the seniordaughteror it might indicatcthtt sheis dcccased.
In lact she is the only figure represcntcdin the slatucgroup to bc describedas
' m - l t( t ) - h r n ' . t 2 r ' l ' h e r c
i s n o s u r v i v i n g e v i d e n c ct o i n d i c a t et h a t s h e w a s
representcd. in the tomb alLhough it is possiblcthatshewas.
PM(9) In the doublc sceneabove thc stela,only the right half of which is
dcscribed,a daughtcr, hkrt nswt Nrir-ir_r,offersto Sn-nfr and Snl-n3) (Helck
1955, 1423.10). The left half of thc double scenc nrustalso havc represenled a
daughtcr,r'ho waspossiblyMu,l-,t/, oflcringto the couple.
PM(2,1) On thc wcst wall of the main niche a claughtcroffers to Sn-n/r.
Unfbrtunatelynotiringfunher is known and it is impossiblcto rell which daughterit
On a numbcrol sccneson the uppcrrcgisterof thc PillarsAc, Ba, Bb, Ca. Cc.
Cd, Da and Dc, a girl oftersto Sn-ry'r.The only sccnein which a girl is namedis
Cd, wherethe girl is s-lr.,tmrt.f st-ihJ Apr-in,. (Helck 1955,1423.8).Whether
or nof shc was representedin hcr father's tomb. illwr-nJn was depictcd in the tonb
of her unclc Inn m ipt (Casc61 TT.29). Shc rvasrepresented with her fatherand
iscallcd .r-31.,f s t mn(:(t)t21n(t)nb t3w) mrtit.sM.^t Infrt.l (Hclck 19-55.l'140..1).
Bryan(198-5,22) resloresthc namc ,rs Mv't ftvr] . Bryu allegesthat sheoffersto
'.Sn-nJi and Sat n-11.which is notclcarliom the description of the scenein PM(,16).
lf this is the case,howevcr,it is more likely to bc Mr.r,,/ttl thc dau-chter of thepair
utro offerslo thcnl ratherthan Mn.l-rnr', who both Bryan and I agreewasprobably
the daughlerof Sn-nfr and Snt nfit.
In the ante chanrberof the burial chanlbcr anotherdaughler Mg,t-lr'1 is
PM(25) 53t.f wt.f n st,ib.Jlmc)-tnt Imn Mwt-trr\ offers two necklaccsro
Sn-li. (Virey (1898-1900,v.20, fig.2).
PIvl(27)& (28). Sn-nfr and Mut-tu,,- inspectrhe funeralourfit. Mwr-rw-r
standsbchind the seatedfigure of hcr father,her left hand on his left shoulder.hcr
right hand graspinghis uppcrann (ibid.. fig. 3). Hclck (1958,.139(9)) idcnrilics
hcr \yith Mrrt' frt. I lhink this is unlikely. If one of rhc daughcrsof Sn ny' and
Sat a3,r' was to bc rcpresented in the burial chambcr. Ny't-r'r_rwould be thc most
Iikely one.
As Snt-nfrt is the wife rvhoaccompanicsSn-nfi in the antechambcr.I u,orrlci
conriderit more likely that Mr -ln_r was the daughterof Sn nli anJ Snt-nfrt.
Sn-rrrrand Mr-)t too,had at lcasture daughter. possiblytwo.
Pillar Ec. Mr_r, offersflowersto Sn-rfi and a smallunnameddaughtcr.Shc
squlltsnt the sideof S/l-,frt chair with her right handgraspinghis lcg. In hcr lcli
handshcholdsa lotus (Virey 1898-1900, v.22.fig.26).
Pillar Fb. Mr.rl accompanicd by a very small femalefigureol'lcrsr \rsrnrnrl(,
Sr n/r (ibid., fig.23). thc sma)lfigure standsbehind Mn,r, lhere i\ ro contact
One grandsonis reprcscntcd iD tllc tomll.

PM(22) An unnamcdgrandson,a son of onc of Sn nfr's daughters, offersa

bouquctto Sn nJi atd Szr-n-i1. As this is a reciprocalscenewirh that of Sn-tfr
ollering to his parents,thc grandsonperformcdthe rite in place of lhc son lhal
Sn ry'. and Srr-x3) did not ilave.
The parcntsof Sn-ny' are reprcsentedtwicc in the lomb.
PNl(22) Above the left nichc on the $,cstwall o[ thc inner room of lhe lomb.
Sn-rlr consccratesofferings before his parentson the left sidc.
PN'l(23)Above thc right nicheon dre sarncwall, a pricst,$11onight be ,tr /?t,
( r ) l \ e c r a l co5l l i r i r t r \ r o l h c l , r r e n t \ .
Thc brotherof Sn-nlr, the vizier Inn-rn-ipt and hjs wife are alsorepresentcd
in the tomb.
PM(12) Sr-rt offcrsbouquetro Imn-nt ipt andhis wife.
Anothercouple.whoscrclationshipto .1, rt is uIrcertain. arc rcpresenlcd and
nanlcd in the tomb.
PM(8)ll Among the guestsat the banquctare it.f lnrnyr 2 nw n f r nb Gs,-
Nrrn,122and mwt.f nrt.f Hnwt-iry, (Helck 1955, 1433A). As Sn rr/r.t parenrsarc
known to be lcl.t-ms{/u.zr'rt and Nb\.r, 'it.J'' anC, 'mt,t.f ' must havc an
extendcdmeaning hcre. 'l'hey ars either thc parentsin-law or grandparentsof
PM(21) A coupleand two rows of scatedguestsarc representcd before Sl rry'
arrd Srt flt,). The couplc are'.ftm n1r2-nx,n l-lr-vr h\n'a' i\t\d lLmL.l nht pr TiL-ir\..
( i b i d . . 1 , 1 3 3 8 ) . A l t h o u g hn o k i n s h i p t e r m s a r c a t a c h e d t o i h c n r l h c m a n i s
obviouslythe samcman as in PM(ll)ll. but is Tll-ii.-r.anothcrnamelbr flrrn.l-ir-r
er 1s Hnwt-iry the motherof Nnw and Tir lrr his witeI Anothcr altenlativcis
tlrirt N/rn' had two wryes. I,lmrt-o )- ttnd 7 [t ir-y.
IIelck (1955 1433,13-14)suggesrs thar Nnu,and Unytt-ir-y- \\'ererhe marcmal
grrndparcntsof Sn-nfr but in his gcnellogy of thc frmily o[ .!r-rrf and
Imn-m-ipt (Helck 1958,439) hc suggeststhatthqy were lltc parentsof Mn,r or of
Snt-nlit (1b1d.,,124). IIe seemsto have ignorcd Zll-r'rr complctely. Ir is possible
that they wcre the nratemalgrandparents Qf Sn nfr, but more likcly, I think lhat
thcy were thc parentsof Srlr-nir. 1'hey lrc represenlcd only in sccncswith Srrrrfi-
and Snr-aly. Nrw borethe title ol ftn-n1r2 nv' n l.!r nh Gt) ancl .ll-ny' hinrself
was r'ml r lmv,-nt-rn flr wr nb 6r_r. Pcrhapshe inhcritcd the lillc from his
fathcr-in-lawwho rnightnot have had a son lo passthe tille down to. .!rr-rfi then
miSht havebccn promotedin the priesthood.Anotherpossibilityis that Jr-rli as
ovcrseerof pricstsrnarriedthe daughterof lhc olclcrsccondpricst.
)!{any problemsarisc liom the reprcscntatioirs oi lhc 1'amilvin lhe tornb of
.Sr-rrt, not leastthe thrcewives of Sn nfr. This is the first tonb to be encountcrccj
in wllich dle tomb owncr is;rcconrpanicd by threeseparatcrvives. One wiii Mr\I
is represented only in the burial charrbcrand if it had Dot beenexcavatcd,thcrc
would not havebeenany evidcnccofherexistcncc. IIclck (1958.:12,1) makes ,l/n I
the first wifc, but despite Mryl's proninence in thc burial chanrber.I think
S r r l - i r J 1w a st h ef i r s t a n dc h i c f w i f c . I I e l c k i n h i s d i s c u s s i o n o f t h e \ ! i v c s ( . 1 2 . 1 ) a n d
in his genealosyof the fanrily(ib ., .139)only llivcs Sn-rfi trvo u,ivcs. M, \./ and
Snt-nfrt or Sn m ich(l ). He ignotes .llt l-l_1 rvho is rcprcscnredin the tonb and in
the two statuegroupsalreadyrelerredto as well as on a lutrcrarvconc (Daviesancl

Macadam1957,No. 22,1) and canopicjars and vases(llayes 1959,11.146).Sheis

alsorepresented with Sn-ny' in the tomb ofhis brother /rlt m ipt (PM(46)).
In my interpretationof the family, ,Satrr.l1 was thc first wifeby whon.r Sl-nlr
had two daushters,possiblythrcc if Mwt tvi\ was Srr-n-l1t claughter ratirerlhan
Snt frt's. On hcr death he married Srrr,/llil who was possibly the sistcr of
Slr n31,- both have a commonelemcntin their namesand were both Royal
Nurses,a position that seemedto have run in familics. Sn-nfr utd Sr, ,t, possibLy
had one daughter, Mwt-tw)". A propensitytowardsfentalechildren might havc
becncharacteristic ol the family of Srl-n-j_rand Srt-rlit. It is alsopossible,though
there is iro evidencc to supportthe theory, that Sn n/r and Snl-n31 wcrc rclatcd.
They might have been cousins,which could accountfor the similar pdestly titles
held by .ln-rfi and Nrw who might havebeenhis fatherin law and uncle. Mrtl
must havcbccn his thirctwilt. Sheis only represented in the burialchamberthe lasr
part of the tomb to bc excavatedand decorated. Sn rlfr rn one scenewith hcr is
represented as an olderman with rolls offat. (Virey 1898-1900,v.20, frg.1). MDt
it rvould seemfinally providedhim with lhc son hc dcsircd. All of Sr-ry''s wives
wcrc prominentin his tomb as one would expectfron the cxaltcdpositionsheldby
the lirst two and the priestly titlc hcld by Mr-!/.
Sr-nfr's father was a mi') ,Jy,/, his mothcr a hkrt-nsu,t and his first two
wivcs held the title of mnct nswt. His brothcrwasthc vizicr andlre wasgovemorof
Thebcs. His family lbrmed a closeknit circie aroundthe king and must havebecn
cxtrcmelypowerful. In fact it would appearthat despitchis imprcssivc tonb and
.- beautifully dccoratcdburial chamber Sn-nfi, like his brotherlmn-u-ipt who
also had a Thcban tomb (TT.29), might have beenburied in the Valley of the Kings
in an abandonedroyal tomb. is cvidcncethat Sa-ry'r was buried with his first
wife Srr-rJ1 in a tomb originally preparedfor TuthmosisIl.(No.42). (Haycs
1 9 5 7 .I 1 . 1 4 6 ) .
The fact that the two brotherswere accordedthe honour of burial in the Vallcy
of tle Kings dcmonstratcd thc powerind privilegetheyenjoyed.


Imn-m-ipt Qtlw n.f H-ny im)--r ni,,rt L3tJ

TITLES: I I e l c k1 9 5 5 1, ,139
DATE: AmenhotepII
LOCATION: SheikhcAbd el-Quma
and Valley of the Kings T.48
PM 45-,16
I I e l c k1 9 5 8 , 4 3 9 - 4 0


this tomb consistsonly of
half a transversehall and a passage.
seemsneverto havebeenan inner
room. The sceneson sone walls have
completelydisappcarcd. lhe tomb is

WIFE: llrt n8ctf hkrr-nswt PN{(1)

SON: P3-sr !r;^ hbt [mn] PNI(8)
FATIIER: Ich-ms(Hw-ntcy) inry-rgs pr n PN'1(8X10)
'MOTIIER: Nbw lkrt nsut Pr\,r(8)
BROTHER: Sn-nfr lfit,t- c n niwt rrlt PN,r(8)
SISTER lN LAW: Sru n3y mnct wrt nsul PM(8)
Comparatively few scenessurvive in this tomb and from Lhosethat do.
lnm-m-ipt's wilc docsnot appearto play a very prominentrolc in thc bmb dcspitc
her statusas l,trl-nswt.
PM(1) Lett thickness. lmtt m-iot andhis wife ofier inccnseand ointmentto R..
is the only survivingscenein which his wife accompanics 1mn-m-ipt.ln
thc othcr sceneshe is represertedaloneeven in thc bmclrct scene(PM(8)) u'here
other mcmbersof his funily are present. It could be that she died young or wts
excluded from the tomb for some rcason,althoughshe is representedwith her
husbandin the tomb of his brorher(Case60).
Only onc child is represented in the tomb.
PM(S) A son PJ-sr. is representedin the banquetscene. As no rcproductionof
this sceneexists, it is impossibleto know how hc was depictcdor what rolc hc
The parentsand brotherand sistcr-in-lawl2iwere also dcpictcdin this sccnc
and Lhcsameremark appliesto them. Iml zr rptr fatherwas also representedalone
in PI\{(l0).
Wlat remainsof d)c contenlsof thc scencsin this tomb contrastsstronglywith
the scenesin the tomb of Sn-nfr, brotherof [mn-m-ipL (Case60), one of whosc
*,ives is rcprcscntedwith him in nearly all of the scenes.
It would appearthat I n-m-i)t might havebeenburiedin tomb No. 48 jn the
Vclley of the Kings. (Davisand Ay.ton 1908,l8). Al$ough the chambcrwaslarge,

it was undecorated. burialhad bcertrobbedin antiquity,what fragmentsrem.iirl
rvereof poor quality. IIorrevcr there is no way of telling how rich the original
burial was. No tracerernainsof lhe namcof Inn-n-ipt's wife in dircctcontrastto
the burial of his brotherin tomb No. ,10in thc Vallcy of drc Kings, wherethe namc
ol his wife .trrl-nj,y appeared on somcof the vesselsftat survivcdthc pillageof the


f n imn im.,-r pr wr n svt nt Prw nfr

I I e l c k1 9 5 51, 3 8 54 0 8
H c l c k1 9 5 E , 4 7 9 -(870)
wild 1957,233-7
DA'I'E: AInenhotcp ll
LOCATION: SheikhcAbdel Qunra.TT.93
I I e l c k1 9 5 8 , 4 7E90

t I
al il L<J L-r
rr tl
lr I
--r f- ) The tornb of (a imrt was
very largc and inpressivc, but

t" the treacherousnature of the

rock resultedin carly collapseof
ll the roof and other parts of the
>,.,.] tomb. It is vcry ruined.


r,a siaarla 'Ql ,s

"s 'e, '1, It

PM 1E6

WIFE: 't.i
ddt.s imcyt nt Imn Pi\{(1)(2)(6)
PillarsAa Ab Bc Ca?
Gd PM(20X23)(24)
SONS: Unnamed PM(6)(7)PillarsAa?
Abll l BaIl Cbl-ll
Dblll llc I Fci
DAUGIITERS: Namesmissing PillarAbl PM(23X2'1)
FA1'HER: Namemissinginy-r pr[ ] Plr,t(23)?
MO'ftlER: Imn n-ipt mntt nsvl P N ' l ( 7 ) ? i l 6 ) P i l lAacr
BROTIIERS,': K3-m lry-ib-sn lm n1r3-nr n Imn pNI(21
Unnamed pn-c a ln_r PM(2)
Plt-sw-hr idnw n nsw pNI(16)
Most of the_figures of fl-lan rnd his frmill, hrve becn mrliciuuslydcstroyed
which makesit difficult to ascenainin which positionsthey were is
difficult_to know just how promincnt the wife was in tiris tonb becauscof its
PM(1) rhe ourerlintel $n-imn and his wife adoredeirher rhe gods or
caftouches of the king (Davies1930,3), only fragmentsrcmain.
l!n-imn andnorsibl) hi\ ira idorc rhesun r ibiJ.. l).
PM(2) (n-inn with his wife offers"on brazicrs. .lhcy are lccompanieclby
4ttendants who will be discussed later.
_. _-ly!g) Man and guesrsbefore Kri inn an(l his wife. scated(ibicl..44
PillarAa A mar anointsandoffersointmentto {n,lmn andhis rvrfc.
Pillar Abl A Kl,lmr and his wifc.
P i l l a r B c l ( n i m n a n dh i s w i f e a n g l i n g( i b i d . . p l . t _ X l ) . . f h i s r s r h e f i r s l
occurrence of this scene.A fcmalefigurestandsbehindthe scatedfigureol Kn-imn
in PositionXXII. The figureis unnamsdbul is probablvhis wife.
. . P i l l u rC r T h e s c c n eh d 5d i s u p p e r r t 'bdu r . . o r r s i , r i L
ol I $orntn problhll hi.
\\ lIe, en)o13clnl] A/?-tmn
PillarGd ilii wife offcrsoinrmenrro lltt imrt (lbid., pl. LIX B).
PM(20) Accordingto Ponerand N,loss,$n-imn is acconlpanied by his molhcr
and altendants in the fishingandfowling scene.A femalefiguri of cquil sizcstands
behind (r-lnrr facing right, her left hand on his lcft sho-ulclcr and lhc nshr arm
probablyembracinghim, holding his lcft side with her righr hand. (ibid., pl.t l).
Portcrand Mossassumethe womanaccompanying hint is his mothcrbecauscof rhe
survrvingcolumnof inscriptionover hcr head,"m.rI mr.l u,rt.'rr// llr,,. Ilowcver.
this must be considcredin rclation10rhe pre! ieuscoluntn\\ hich rclersto Kt-lnur.
lle is "im'-pr wr n nsnt [Kn-imn] msnmttwrtltlt llr". Davies(36 n.2)icalizes
thal the lacunaof thrcc columnscouldcontainthc nanteof the wife and that shcwas
possiblyher husband'scompanionil this scene.I think Davicswas correctan.lthc
lrgurcaccontpanyir\E Kn-inn in the fishingscenewas his wifc. In mentioninchis
mothcr, ffr-,m// might just have beenemphasizinghis blood relationshipro rhc
(ireat Nurseof the King and hencehis closeness to tle King. A similarattributionoI
filiation is given in PM(12) (ibid., PI.XXXV) but his motheris not rcpresented ir
that sccnc.
PM(23) wo sonsoffcr to threefigures,a man smellinga bouquel,a woman
scatcdbehindhim and a man seatedbchindher. The two latterfigureshavc been
destroyedwhereasthe top hllf ol the first figure survives.This leadsDavies(1930,
48) to suggestthat this figure might not be that of S.n imn. The sccneis uot
complcted,the inscriptionsare missingand the first figurc is partly squaredoff.
From what rcmains of the figurcs the woman appcarslo have her right arm around
thc shoulderof thc tirst figure and hcr lcti hand on her lap holding somethingin
PositionVl. The rcar figure appearsto have his right ann aroundthe shouldcrs01
tlre wonranin front of him (ibid., Pl. LIV). I think thescthreepeopleatc Kn-imn
his wife and his father. Wherethe tomb owncr is rcpresentcd with his parentsit is
alwaysthe fatherwho sits next to thc tomb owner with thc motherin the rcar. (ci
Casel6 & 4ll).
PM(2.1) Men with offerings beforc $.timn and his wiftl On the right
(north) wall (ibid.. Pl.LVl). This scenewill bc discussedwhen thc positionof the
motheris examined.
The nanes of $n-imn's sonshavebeenerascdin the tomb.eitherin maliceor
becausethey containedthe element lt is jnpossiblcto tcll how many sonshc
had but thcre were at leasttwo.
PM(6) A man offcrsa bouquetto (rr-rnr, andhis wife. Only textssurviveof
this scene. They arc not informativebut it is possiblethat the man was a son of
PM(7) A man offersto l{n-imn andhis mothcr?He is possiblya son.
Pillar Aa A man offers ointmcnt to (n /ztl and his wife.
Pillar AbII A man offers a bouquct to (r-iDr, .
Pillar Bal A man offers before (r-izur.
Pillar CbI II A man offerstapersarrda nan offersoinnncntto Kn inn.
Pillar DblI A man offersto Kn-imn.
Pillar Ec Priestoffcrsnatronto lfn-imn.
PillarFc Man wifi bouquet.
The men makingthescofttrings to lfn'imn wereeithcrpriestsor sonsor both
They might have beendif'fercntsonsor thc samcson.
PM(19) Remainsof (n-imn and his son hunting on fool (ibid., Pl.XLVlll).
From the few tracesthal remain,a small ntalc figure standsin lront of Kn-lnn
facing the sameway. drawing a bow as does 6lr imrr.
PM(20) In the fishingscene,thrcemale figuresdescribedby Davies(1930.36)
as aitendantsstand with sparespearsbehind thc skilf containing Iln-inn aj:^d
T3 ddt.s?. Howeverthcy wear rich collarsand braceletsmorc befittingsonsthan is possiblethat they are threeor four sonsof (r-itrr (ibid..Pl LII).
attendantsin PM(12) (ibid., PI.XXXV) do not havc the rich collars and
braccletsof thesemen.
PM(23) sonswith offerings and offering lisl and bouquetare rcprcscnted
beforethrce seatedpeople. Althoughtheir namesarc erasedthcy are both called
'iJl' 'fhis of sons in the tomb (ibid '
is one of the two certainrcpresentations
Pl.l,IV). The forenosl sonwrs priest,the secondsonwas

wLbn IInnl[---] .
PM(24) A priestand a woman\\,jtl a sistrumoffer to Kr imr? andhis mother
(?) on the left wall and two men oftcr to Ka-rnrr arrrlhis * ife (.) on the right wall.
The priest on thc left wall is probablya son and the two mcn en rhe right wall arc
ccrtainlysons. 'Ihe nameand kinshiptelm fbr the llrst man hasbccn erasccj but the
s e c o n d m r n i ss 3 . m f r . ft - 1 . I t i s u t i l i k c l yt h a ta s , , n ! ! o u l d s t i r n d b e h i n d a m a n w h o
wasDota sonin sucha scenein thc shrine (ibid.. Pl. LVI A & B).
It is impossibleto tell how many daughtersKn-imn had. No namcsor kinship
tcms survive.
Pillar AbI A woman ol'fcrs menais,u,andsand sistralo Kn-izri and,T.l ddt.s.
S h cw a sp r o b a h l lt h e i rd i l u g h l e r .
PN{l(23) Two sonsare said to offer to the thrsc peoplein this scene(ibid..
Pl.LlV) but Davics (ibid.,48) saw a shadowysistnrmas evidcncethar a woman,
probablya daughter,fi)llowedthc Iwo sons.
PM(21) On the left wall of the nichea womanholdinga sistruntfollowedthc
priestoffering to Kn-imn and his morhcr(?.).Shc urs ajnrrrsreen.rillv a dau[htcr
c ' f K n -i n n . r i b i d . . P l . l . V l A ) .
The nameof f/l,imrlr tatherdocsnot sun,ivein the tomb but it is Dossible lhat
lrewa\ rcfre\eoleLl in r)nei\ccnc.
PM(23) It is possiblcthar the nran iiearedbehind Kn-imtr(l) ancihis wilt,
might have beenhis tather. If this was not the case,then his llthcr doesnor aDDearro
havc been reprcsentedin the existing scenesin the tunb.
,' motherof Kl r'm,, becauseof her prestigiouspositionas royal nlrrseis
promlncntrn the tomb.
PM(7) Davics suggeststhat a man irddresscslln-inn anclhis mothcr (?).
wilhout any supportingividcnce. The sccneha: ,lrruppeuretl. rr milhr havcbccnhis
nothcr or his wifc who was dcpictedwith (n-imn.
PM(16) {r izn,'r,followed by Ph sw-hr (TT.88), standsbcforc his mothcr
who is nursingthe youngking (ibid.. PI.IX).
Pillar Ac The rcmainsof I!n-imn andhis molher (?). Davics (ibid..5l) is
uncertain$,hetherit is his mothcr who accompanies(n-imn. T\e rcnains of the
lnscriptionmentionhis mother,but might oniy be (ri-rrrrr's attributionof filialion
t0 the royal nursc.
PM(20) Despitethe descriptionof rhe sccneby Porrcrand MossI rhink it is his
wilc, rxther than his mother.nho accompanics(n lnn in the fishing sccncfi)r
reasonsalrcadyadvanced.The only othcroccurrence of the nrotherin a fishingand
fowling scene is in T'l'.109 of Mnu' (Case 39). Unfortunarelvthcre is no
reproductionof that scenc(PM(ll)r which n,r longercr.rsrs.The inscriptionsofthe
scenemust have survivedas the mother is said to have beennamcd,but the only
rcferenceto the text (Sethe1927,980G) hasmany lacunaeand rhc reco struction
doesnot includethe nanteofthe mothcr. Thereforeit is possiblethat the namingof
the motherin that bmb, is of the samckind as in thc bmb of Kz-inr and might
n o l .n e c e s s r r i l yi n. d i c a t leh et c t u r l p r c \ c n ( eo f t h en l o t h c rl n l h e \ c e n c .
The fact that thereare only two casesand one is suspect.must reflecton thc
credibilityof the other.
PN{(2,1) Niche with offerers and otJ'erinssbefore the deceasedand his

nothcr(?) on one wall, and the deceased and his wife (?) on thc olher (ibid., Pls.
LVI A & B). All the figurcsand their nameshave beenexpunged.Davies (ibid..
,19)and Portcr and Moss, who no cioubtfollo* Davics. suggesttentativelythat
l!n imn utd his rnotherate reprcscntcdon the lefi (south)wall (ibid., PI.LVIA)
|n'rd (n-iwrt and his wifc on the right (north wall) (ibid., Pl.l-VIB). Thcir
unccnaintyarisesfrom thc erasureof the figurcsand names. However,it miShtbc
possiblewith othcrevidenceto rcsolvctheproblem.
O[ly one other Thcbantomb of the EighteenlhDynastyhas a niche in whiclt
thc motherand witt are represented with the tomb owncr on oppositcwalls. ('fT
lJ2.Case22). In this tomb the tomb owncr and his nothcr occupy the nofth rvall and
the tomb owncr and his wife thc southwall (Daviesand Glrdincr 1915.PI XXV)
Davies(1930.49) places (n-imn and his wil'e on the north wall "sinccno rvoman
olJcrs". On the south wall, a womair, who, hc suggestsmight be his wifc or
daughler,offers lo F.n imn and his nrother(?). lhis does not seem sufficicnl
reasonto posit the motlreron the southwall cspeciallyas Daviesconccdcsthat lhe
femalefigure offeringto the couplemiglrt be a daughterand not hjs uife. A nlore
cfficientmethodof determiningthe idenlityof thc couplesis to cxanire the way in
which they are represcnted.By studyingthe outlincsof the erasedfiguresand thc
rcmainingfragmentsof scenes, someconclusiclns canbc drau'n.
Thc coupleon thc southwall arc scatedsideby sidc on two chairslacingleft
(ibid., PI.LVIA). Frornthc outlinesof thc erasureit secnrsobviottsthat they werc
scatedin PositionV. the closeandlovingembraccof a man andwif e. couplcon
the no r wall are seatedsideby sideon two chairsfacing right. Thc rcnains of a
lotus flower which the woman holds in hcr right hand can still be sccn rvhiclt
indicatesthat the couplcare seatedin l]remore fomral PositionVI (ibid., PI.LVIB).
No hard and fast rulc can be madewith regardto thcsepositionsas tbe mothcris
kno$n to have been rcprcsenledwith her son in PositionV (Cascs6, 9. l1 & 27)
whilc the wife is oftcn representcdin Position VL Ilowcvcr, u'hen I mlrt is
represented wilh two womcn on oppositcwitlls of his tonlb in PositionsV and Vl, il
is nrorelikely that he is with his wife in PositionV on thc soulh wall and rvith his
nlother in Position VI on thc norih wall. This accordswith thc positioningol
similarscenesin TT. 82.
AlthoughLhemotherplaysa prominentrole in thc tomb.shedoesnot supcrcede 'lhe
the wifc, who is rcpresentedmore often with (n-imn than his mother is.
mothcr'spromincncecan bc atlributedto her statusas a Grelt Royal Nurse'which
resultedin the closeassociation of her sonwith thc king
It is possiblethat somcbrothersor closemale relativcstlf {l-lnur uere alscr
represcntcdin the k)mb.
PM(2) Whcn Kn'imn olfereelon braziershc was followed by his wife rnd
four othcr relations('l). Thescfour $'crc represented in two rcgisters,only traccs
of the top two figuressurvivc,(ibid.,PI.XXXVIII). Thcy arc finr-rt1r [-] nw'n lmnl
K3-m hiy owncr of TT.98 and ,f-ir-r*-'a
lny im,t-r |tmw /llr 1rr'lir'l'whose
nutn. h".t beer erascd. K-1-n-lr1-lD.srr was probablya brotherof ltn-imn fot
rcasonsadvancedby Davies (ibid., 39 n.1.) and becausehis mother was a Grcal
Royal Nursc (Case5t). The idenljtyof the secondmarl is morc douhtful Drvies
(ibid., n.2) proposesMnw owncr ofTT.109 and a tutor of AmenhotepII as well
as N4ayorof This. (Case39). Bryan(1979,119) alsoadoptsthis idenrificarion as ir
fits hcr propositionthat $ni-imn's title of '.!/1lt mr.1-l rsw ' indicatcsthathe rvas
a brothcr of a royal tutor rather than a foster brother of a king. MnI,, a royal tutor
would be a convcnicntbrother. Ilowever, t agrcewiLh Van Siclen (1980, l7-20)
who suggests that the figure might be tltatof the Mayor of This and Overseerof thc
l'rophctsof Onuis Amenhorepof funcrarycone 482 (Daviesand luacadam1957,
no. 482) and possiblyownerof TT.Al9. This man doesnot appearto havebeena
royal tutor and if he is acceptedas thc brorherol Kn-tntn, Br1'.rncannot use
Kn-imn Io funher her theory.
PM(16) Two rncnstandsideby sidc in front of Imn-m-i1ttwitl AmenhotepII
on her knee. One of thcm is (n,iarn and the other appcarsto be Pl,t sw lr owner
of TT.88. Davies (1930, 20) and Portcr anil N,loss'are prcparedro acceptrhis
idcntificationof the secondfigure who is namcdonly in a rough graffito scrarvlcd
under the offering txble. FIe could well be Pl sw-!r but consideringthe other
namesaddcdas graffitito this scene(Davics1930,PI.IX) ir wouldbe aswell to kccp
an open mind. Whetheror not he *as Pl1 sw lr hc probably was a brotherof
Kt1-imr becauseof his positionbeforc (x-i,?xt mothcr.

Mry hm-nt_r
tp! n Imn

TITLES: H e l c k1 9 5 5 ,1 . 1 1 4 - 5
DATE: AmenhoteplI
LOCATION: SheikhcAbd cl-Quma
and usu.pationof
BItsLIOGRAPHY:PI\{ 195,197
L c l e b v r e1 9 2 9 , 2 3 5 - 7
PLAN: (Seenext page).

The tomb wasunfinishedandis very is unpublished.

Becauseso few scenessurviveit is impossiblcto tcll rvhatmembersof Mr:i
family were represented
in the tomb or to assess
the rclativcimportanceof the wife
and the mother.
tr f a l t- :" l t l ,


WIFE: Dy PN'l(l)? Pillar Ac

]T,1OTI Hw-n3)' mnct )trt tt nb t-lv,,j P N l ( 1 )P i l l a rC c
PNI(1) According to PM it is MrJ'-t mother *'ho accompanies hin in Lhis
scene. The two figures are scatcdfacing left, probably in PositionVL (Schott
Photo.8334).Howeverthe inscriptionabovetheirhcadsgivesthe titleof Mr-'- and'
'ms n mnct wrt n nb t3*1
his attributionof filiation to his mother. He is llw-n31-
(IIeick 1955,l57l.l1). lf the inscriptiondcsignated thepersonscatedrvithhim, onc
rvould expect mrt.f mnct u,rt'etc! lt is possiblethat it was his wife seatcd
with him and that her namc was written elscwhcre,e.g. in fiont of her or behind
hcr, andbecauseof damageto thc sccne,it hasdisappeared.
Pillar Ac This scenehasdisappcared.It represcntedMry andhis wife going
f o f t h ' t os e eA m u n ' . I I i s * ' i f c i s n a m e d , D y ' . ( i b i d . ,1 5 7 1 , 1 b ) .
1lis is the only cenainrcprcserltatioo of Mr1'.i wife in whrt sun'ivesof the
tomb decorationalthoughit is possiblethat sheralherthanhis motheraccompanies
him in the biuquetscenePNl(1)asone$'ouklexpect.
No sonsor daughtetsare nancd in the survivingscenesbut lhc lwo men who
offtr to Mrr and his companionin the banquctsccne(PN{(1))cotLldbe sonsas
could the man rvho appearsin PNl(2).
Thc onl)' other mernberof the family to be namedin thc tonlb was the inother
of Mr-v.
PM(1) She is said to accompanyher son in lhis scene.The inscriptionabove
the head of the female figure attributes filiation to his nother rather than
designatingthe figure as'm)rt.f . lt is possiblethat thc figure was indeerlhis
mother.bul il is alsopossibletlat it washis wite.

Pillar Cc ll Mr'_r followed by his mcxherconsccrates oflcrings to r\mcn-Re

Harakhtiand AmenholepII. The publishedlext docs nol includethe namc of the
nother (ibid., 1570 l), howeveras shc rvasa Grcat Royal Nurscand the figurcsare
oilering to thc King as wcll as the God ir is highly likely that it was his moihcrwho
rccompanied him in this scene.
Althoughthe tomb was nevcrcompletedthc sizeof thc transverse llall indicatcs
tl'ratit \\,ouldhavebeenof impressiveproponions.\Vhy it wasnot complctcdis not
knorvnunlessthe rock wasfound to be unsuitablcas rvorkprogressed.It seemslhat
Mry decidedto usurpsomcof the scencsin the earlicrtornbot Ilmw-ntlh (.'l-l'.81
Casc46). Thc factthat Mrl wasa family nure in lhis generation on rhe Marscillc
SlelaNo. 34 of I3mw nllL might have somc significanccin the partialusurpation
altlrough Mry could not have beenIhc son of 13rnx:-ngllras his mothersnamc is
differentfrom that of tbe two wivcs of I-1nn-ngl[tunlessol'course I-]u -ndh hacl
ir lhird unknownwifc.
The usurpedsceneswcre :
PM(8) A stela.
PM( l3) The funeralprocession.
PM(16) Mrf andhis lmotherlusurpingrhe sceneol I-ltnv,ntlh anclhis Irviti.]
inspcctingDclta produce.
Mr1's mother obviouslyplaycd a prontincntrole jn his life. Ilecauseof ltcr
positionas a royal nurse,hcr son was a fosterbrothcrof the king and tirusowcclhis
closcness to his royal ntasterand probablyhis prefermcnt,to his lnotlter'\poiitiLrtlt
: court.
name of Mr{s father is knowrr. IIe was /tn-r?lr tl\ n M tltt (;ht\A
N b p h t l ' - r c . ( G a r d i n c r1 9 1 0 . 9 3 n . 1 . ; t - e f c b v r c1 9 2 9 . 2 3 6 ) . I l o w e v c r n o c l e a r
referenccto the name is given unlessonc assumeslikc Helck 0955, l,1l-5)thal
Gardincrirnpliedthat he was namcd in Mr_"-'Jtomb. Il'rhis is the cascthcreis no
dircctreferenccto it in tltc intbmralionavailableon thc tonrb.

CASI] 6:1

Dlw4^ iml r pr lu-n1r tpyn lntn Mrt

TITLES: H c l c k 1 9 5 - 51.4 1 5 - 6
DA'I'L: AnlenhotcpII
L,OCATION: Sheikh cAbd el Quma TT.,15
B I B I - I O G R A PI IY : P M 8 5 , 8 6
PLAN-: (Sccnextpage).

lhis tomb \r'asnever cornpleted,the

hall having
north bay only of the transverse

t/ / been decoratcdby Dl.lrlt!. Thc tomb \\'as
usurpedin Ramessidetinresand the south
I\.- bay of the hall wasdecorated by the usurper
a-.. Qhwt;"-m-hh. Althoughthc north bly
rctainsthe originalscenes,they rvere,jn the
main. usurpedby meanrof inscriptionsand
,l the figuresaltcredslightlyby way of drcss.


wlFt_: Namemissing Prvr(s)(6)ll(7)r('r)(8)

soN(r) Namemissin-q (7)r(s)rr
DAUGH'I llRS: Namesmissing PI,r(8)r(?)
irlOTIlER: Dh 4^ Pr\4(6)r(7)r(?) (8)Il(',r)
FAT}IER: n_an-ie untrno\!]l Pr\.{(8)rr(?)
Becausethe inscription in practically cvery scenehave been usurpeilit is
to detemrinejust who lhe Ienlalefiguresrepresenl unlessone assumes that
thc)rrepresentreciprocalfiguresto thc usurycdones. Oftcn the figuresare original.
thc usur?ationbeing by inscriptiononly (Davics 1918.PI.IV botton right). Thus
rvhena coupleare called Dl*tty-m-lb and his wife, it is possiblethat dlcy wcre
originally Ol.rx,ryand bis wifc, whosenamcdoesnot survivein the tomb.
PNl(5) IJ,rl'ry', accornpanicd by his wife, offerson braziers. Llis wifc stands
bchindhim with both handsupraisedin PositionXXXIV (ibid.,Pi.ll).
PN'l(6)tlthe originalsceneis of a man offeringa bouquetto a couplescatedin
PositionVL ln Lheusurpedscenc, 2lwn m {rD representshimself olferin; a
l ' , ' u q u ctto h i \ p r r e r l s f i h r d . P
. l.IIl.
are two possibleintcrpretations of the originalscenc.
(.I) t)h\rt)- ofTersa bouquetto his parentsasin tle usurpation.
(2) A sonoffersto Qly,4 andhis wife.
I favourthc secondaltemativc.Of all the Eighteenth Dynastytombsexamincd.
onl! twelvc casesllawith anothcrscvenpossiblecascsoccllr of tlre tomb owncr
offeringto his parents.On the othcrhand over thiny casesof a son offcrinSto tlre
tomb ou'ncrand his rvife occur.\\'ith over twenty cascsof possibleoccurrcnccs.l15
Anothcr rcasonfor reachingthis conclusionis tic differinghlirstylcsof the femalc
figures in the scene. In Reg. I thc molher oI ihe tomb o$ner is shown wilh the
earlicr hairstyle, *hcrcas the female in Rcg. II is shown with the latcr fuller
hlirst-"-le.Pl.3B. In the tomb of R' ms, TT.55, the motherof Rr-nts is shown
with the earlicr hairstylc and thc wife is shown wjth the nc*. fuller hairstlLc
(Davies 19.11.Pls. X. Xt. XVI). Pl.;1.,\.It is probablc,therelore'that when a
femalc representcdwith 2{Drr-r, wcarsthe fuller hairslylesheishis rvife and thc

js lltjs
femalercprescnted with 2l.1w0',wearingthe earlisrhairst)'lc his mothcr'
is his wifc. In PN4(6) his
."."orr, in. earlierconclusionthat rhe w"onanin PM(5)
D{rw,'',. inncg. I and l rvill assune his wile isdepictedwirh
him in Reg.II.
PM(7) -du'ti"" Both regrsters appearlo be in the Ramesside stylc (Davies19'1ll'PLIII)
poin-tsout iibia., S-e.f , Reg -Reg l is probably. IiighteenthDvnrsly
"r modified by thc usurper' while ll is probrbly entirclythe rvorkol
"'' usurper.
by his wifc or his
n""ii. r, is difficult to tell rvhctherl)fwrr vas acconrpanied
"'"";ili'8;l- in the original.
irti tl"n" is original in the main, but the inscriptiotrsitrc mostl!
goddcssfor d)lrit'l'r..
nnnr.rrid. uru.p"tions The uiurpcr substituteda figure of a
his wilt and
f"nlof" co-panion Two womcn. idcniiticdby thc usurperas
"nJnl, gocldess (ibid.. originally rhcy wcre
i"uri,,"r. no* appcar bcforc thc
o f D t { n u f l e r i n gl u l h e i r P l ( n l '
'J ' r o l i . h l y' * o . J a L r p h t e n It wr]uldscemfruitlcss
Bccauseof thi damagedstateoI thc wirll on Lhelcfl .,i..]c'
by his. wife or mothcr' Ilowcver
a ,p".ui*" whether D{irt-r was accompanied
of simjiar.sccnes in othir tombs night throw sone light on ihe
fllvour the motlcr' though' rcltrring to lhc
n.""Uf"n-r.O'""i"t fibid., 5-6) secm k) daulthters sen'ilrgthcir
i*o *o."n otr"nn! to the couple. he dcscribes them lrter as
t-wo other Eighreenth Dynrrsly tonlh\ (T-l s 78 276) clo trvo
p"r",i i. f" ,t"ly 'fT .'\
$'omen ofl.ctto lhe tomb owner and his m..rthe i Lr 78 the $ ife and a:1othcr'
' vascs(Br'rck 1980'
;i;h;;; .i..t or concubineof tl'tc tonb owncr' offcr floral
jz"). rn rr'zrO thc relalionship of thc women is not speciliedand the
t;;i;-i; ;;;;";iithcd. (PN{ 352)' A much more comnron sccneis that of two
ln'I1..56 (PM(5)) andTT'38
oiru'el't",,uff".ing to thg tomb owncr andhis wifc.126
offcr a cup of wine and a necklace as the two women did in
ihe originalscenein this tomb.(Davies19'18'6)'
"*'i'ifli"t-rf*t"f"re' the
that in ihe original scene' [irwt.r and his wilt wcre
'.--'prt,tfgjil of offcrings from thcir two claughters'
Lclriide: scenewas a son of lhc usurper
p r o b r h l l a c c " r n p ' r n i ehJ1 : r f c r r t a l c
o f t e r i n rt , , h i s f a t h L r ' O r i g i n r l l l . / ) l r n n u r s
l"'"pti'ri,"."or.i.' ' i r t , J . i
l i ' i " ' * " " r y \ u g c c s l \i t * r s h , i - , r r t " t h e rl 'L ' t ' c r c r ' I
of lttc son ofiiring lo his
think it was his wifc and the scenewas thc conmlonone
,llr"-";"ely it mighrhave bcen the tomb owncr offering to his parcnts
iide Acouplc are seated on what rvas probably originall'va
PNl(8)ll Righl
inscription ovcr lhc wonan has
.,r".}t, ii"ittg i"fi it PosiLionVI' Untbrtunarclythc ihrt thc sccne
m-l Davies (ibid ' 7) assumcs
fr".. ,it".p.[ uy ,fte wife of 2&rn and his wile
fiat it is Dllu'lr
r*."i..rJa Qhwry anclhis moth;r whercasI think as the srxth
before a table with food l)avics secs this
;;;;;.";.;il"; is $e onrv
;ib&;'D' and his mothcr in the tomb l think thaL?lr'1(6)l
ir lthntt and his mothcr' [n other sccncs he is accompanrcd
ot nt:;,I";"
of rhe problernsassociatecl with the usuryation'it is impossiblcto
arc represcnted in thc tolnb'
aata.-'ina ho* -"ny ,on, and daughletsof Qfiwt-r'
Noneof their namesare known

PM(6)II Possiblya sonofTersro Bfx.4 andhis wife.

I'M(7)l In lhe originalscele!at ]casronc sonpossiblyofferedto Dll|,O and
his wife(?)
PN{(8)II Lefr sidc: Possiblya sonofiercdto D!w,]- andhis wife, unlessit was
Dhwry .himself offcring to his parents. Six small male figures in t\\,o registers
behind the nrain male figurc are describcdas sonsald grancisonsof the usurpir, but
lhcfc is ro way of knowing thcir relationship to Bfwry.
Thcrc is only one rcasonablycertaio rcpresentationof daughtersin the tomb as
Davics(ibid., 5-6) suggesrs tic rwo woncn in pM(7)I wereorigilally men.
PM(8)I In the originalsccnc,two womcn oflercd elrl,ry, accompanied by his
wifc (?). a cup of wine and a collar of bcads. Thcy *ere probablydaughteisof
As far as it is possibleto dctemiine,thc father of Ql;x,ry was not reprcsentedin
what survivesof the originalscenes,unlessthe couplein PN{(8)IIleft sidewerc thc
parcntsof D|twt,t', to uhom he was offering. Howeverso little oI the tomb was
dccoratedby Dhwr,"-fiat it might wcll have becn his intentionto rcprcsenthis
father somewherc in the tqnb.
Thc foregoing discussion demonstrateslhc problenl with regard to the
represcntationof the mother of Q_hrr,r_r in thc tomb. I)avies assunressix
PNl(6)l This is the only ccrtainreprescntation of the motherin the tonb. Shc
is sealedon a couchwith Bl.rwry in PositionVL Thcrc are no indicationsthat she,
than his rvilc, accompaniespflr'tf in any other scencs.
Thus ttrewife is much moreprominentin thc tomb thanthe mother. However,
thc mother is rcprcscntedin a scencwith hcr son,who bcarsthe samenanteas shc
docs. Perhapsthcre u,,asa very closerelationshipb€tweenmother and son.


Nli-rnpt imy r ist n Nb t3v't

TITLES: As above
DATE: ArnenhotepIl (?)
LOCATION: SheikhcAbd cl-Quma TT.43
H e l c k1 9 6 1 a , 9 9 - 1 1 0

Few sccnessurvive in the Lomband members

PNl 6,1 of t}lc f'amilyarerepresentedin oniy two of thcsc.

WIFI]: Narremissing PN{(1)(2)

Unfonunatclybccauscof the paucityof inscriptirDalmatcrialin thc tomb,the
onlYnamcto sun,iveis that of Nri'rl)t.
PM( I ) A7l/ r/r/r/ ltrd his wile are sealcdon \cparille chairs facilg left in
PositioV n . (llelckl96la,Abb.l).
P N l ( 2 ) A t u p t . f o l l o w e db y h i s u i l e o f l t r s o n b r a z i e r s .l l i s w i f e s t a n d s
b c h i n dt h c s t r i d i n gf i g u r co f N l i - r n p t i n P o s i t i o nX ( i b i d . .A b b . . l ) . T h c c o l u m n
rbove lhe fenraleIigurervhichshouldconlainlhe namcof Ali zrll'J wile is vacant
* h i c h l e a d sI I e l c k t o t h e c o n c l u s i o nt h a t , [ i - r n p t w a s n o t n r a n i c d( i b i d . ,1 0 6 )
despitethe representation of a lcrralc figurc in thc sccnc-Hc docsnot cnlargeon this
statcmcntbut I assumcthat thc irnplicatinDis that At /-/r/)tboughta lonlb alrcady
decoratedrlttherlhan havinga tomb dccoratcdto iit his own neccls.Il this rvasthc
casc.onc would cxpcctthe krrb to bc dccorillL'd with typicrl scenes. bul thislomb is
lhe onl)-F-ighteenth l)ynastytomb to containt\r'osccncsof thc tomb o*rcr oflering
a bouquet1()the kins.l18The nonn is one suchscene.ln this ron)b AJtl-ln1]toffcrs
a bouquet10the king seatedin a kiosk (Pl\{('1)ibid.. Abb.2)ud to t$o kingsscalcd
i n a k i o s k ( P N l ( 3 )i b i d . .A b b . 3 ) . I t h i n k i t u n l i k c l yt h a lt h i s w a si t l o m b
built and clecoraled f o r s a l e t o a c a s u a lb u y c r . I f i t * a s d c c o r a t c ctlo t h c
specificatiolso1' Nfr rnltt lhen he nruslhavehlil a rvilt. The figureofhis rviie is
richly rdornedrvith a wide collar,anrlletsand bracclctsin hoth sccnesin which shc
.- in thc brnquetsccnc(PN4(
'xs Othcr membersof the famill arc rcprcscnted 1)) but
there are no inscriptionsit is impossiblcto tcll whcthcr lhc'y \r,crcsons anal
dauglrters or bore otherrclulionshipsto N[r rtq1t.


Nh inn srYsrr'rir.,rr lry r

TITLES: l"rornthe tonrb

Dr\l-E: ArrcnhotepIl ( 1)
I _ O C A 'O N : I)racAbi el Nagac TT.l7
BlllLIOGI{APHY: Pl\'129. I I
P[-AN: lSeencxt Pagc).

tomb uas completelydccorlted bul lire sce es were diLmiLgcd b] lhc
Atcnistsandby the maliceofencnrics.Bccauscof tbe danrageit is oficn impossibLc
to ascertainho$ thc figurcsu,crcrcprcscnle(l.

a _-)

P M3 0

WIFE: T.l-[ ] rtJ'r PNr(2X8)(11)(13)(

SON(?): Nanrenissing PM(2) sc.2(5)(13)(i1)
DAUGH I'ERS(?): [ --].mi-{ PM(3)r(1)
FATIIER: Nb-snr (13)rr
PN,r(3)r (1.1)
l\lO'l'llER: ! nd,btp PN{(3)r&lr(13)rr
RllOl'LIER: Sni PM(5)? (7)
SISTERS: Snh.fwr PM(3)rr
'. NJit (3)rI
GITANDPAREN'fS:Qhu,n^-rtJi it w+:t.f PM(3)IX
I.lpj nf t m(w)tn mvl.f PM(3)XI
P N , l ( 2 )s c . 1 N b - i m n , a c c o m p a n i e cbl y h i s w i f t , o f f e r s o n b r a z i e r s .
(Saive-Sciderbcrgh 195'7,23). As therc is no reproductionof this scene.rr rs
impossibleto be ccrtainin which positionthey rvererepresentcd, probablyposirion
PM(2) sc.2 A man offersa boucluet to N6-irrr andhis *,ife.
PN{(8) Outer lintel, double scene: Nb-lma and his wife adoreAnubis and
Osiris(ibid., 29). On the tiickness, ND-inn andhis wife, facingoutwardadoreRc
PN'l(l1)III A fcmalefigureprobablythatofhis rvife,accompanicsNl inrr on
the AbydosPilgrinage (ibid..Pl XXIV).
PM(13)I A man crased(probablya priesr),offers to Nb-inn and his wifc
( i b i d . ,3 1 ) .
PIU(i4) On the rearrlall of the niche, Nh-imn anrla woman arc scatcd.hcr
nemc is I-3-1 I n&. Shewasprobablyhis wife (ibid.,32).
Nowherein thc tomb is any man callcd 'sJ ' . Ilowever, thcrc arc occrsions
whcn ao urmaned man perfomrs ritcs normally performedby a son.
PM(2) sc.2. A man,possiblya son.offersa boucluctof Arnun to N/r irnr and
his wiie.
PM(5) A priest offers to Nb'imn. The pricst mi-shrbe a son or rhc brorhcr
who of'tersto Nb-imn in PM(7). are traceso[ the brothcr'snanicalrhoushir

m i g h tb e a l a t e ra d d i r i o n( i b i d . .P l . X X V l . 2 ) .
PN{(13)l A lpriesrl wirh offering list and olfcrinss bcfore Nb-rrrn and his
\l ltc.
Pl\l(13)ll A simillrsccle beforc ND i,rur'sparcnls.Ir is possiblcthrr on llcg.
l. a sonor brotherof Nb /rlrr ollcrs to Nr-rm and his wiit and Nl rrrl himseil'
ollers to his parcrtson Rcr.ll.
I'\t(14) On thc lefl w,alla man oflcrs to a couplewho arc probably N,b inn
ancihis wife. man is probablycirhcra son or N, lrrrr's broiher. On the riglrr
u,all,tlrenlan rvhoofl'ersto Nb-imn'sparcntsis probilbly Nb rrur hintself.
N o d a u t h t e r sa r c d e s i g n a t c da s s u c h i n t h c t o m b d u e t o t h e p a u c i t ) . o f
inscriptionalmaterialanddamagcto thosei \criptionsrvhichsun.ivc.
PM(3)l Lcli side: A small nudc fimale figurc standsar rhe sidc ol ND rnrr,.r
p a r c n t s . S h c c a r r i c sa m i r r o r a n d a k o h l - p o t .( i b i d . . p l . X X I ) . S h e n r i g h tb c a
claughterof his parcDtswho dicd in chilclhood,or. shc nri-ghlbc a dtulhtcf ol'

I,M(3)l Itjghr siclc: A girl oltcrswinc to Nh inn. Shc is probabll,his

PN.'l(.l)l-llA girl standsin front of thc scatedl-igureof Nh inn. pourin3u,rle
r n t o a c u p ( i b i d . . P l . X X I t ) . S h e i s p r o b e b l yh i s c l r u - q h r cars S l i v c S i j d c ; b e r g l r
tlcciuces (ibid.. 2,1n.1).
llre parcntsof Nb-inn are promine l in his lornb. Thcy arr lelrcscitc(l three
limcs togelherand his nrotheris rcprcsented alonein tht'banquctsccric.
' PM(3)l Nb lzin oflcrs ro his parcnts.
I ' N l ( 3 ) l l A n t o n g t h c l c m a l e c u c s t si n l h c b a n q u e ls c e n e .o n c w o n t a nt s
cxpeciallyhonoured.Shc sils on a low chairwhile tht' sistcrsof N/r-llui squaron a
mat bchindhcr. Shc is his nrnthcr llnnl-ltttt. (ibid.. I,l.XXl It). It is possiblcrhrl
his falhcru,asrcpresentcd amongthe ntalegucsrson the rcgistcrbelow andthal his
nane hasnol \utvived.
PN'l(l-1)ll lPricstl *ith oflcring list and olltrirlgs befrlrc Nl r'rarr'sparents.
pricstrvasprobably Nl)-ilrr? as lhc oiftrringis lo lt / ' (ibi( XXIX. 2).
- . lN.1(1.1)Right \\'all, a nran. proLrrbly N/l /zr olicrs ro his parcnri (ibicJ..
Nb inrr's brolhcrolt-ersto him in onc scenc,llhcrc hc is nlnted. It is possiblc
tiut in othersccncslhe unnamedntanor pricsl*ho oliiretj to Nb-inar eitheralon0
or rvithhis wifc. u'asalsohis brolhcrratherthanhis son.
PN{(7) IIis brothcrstandsofltrinc I boLr(llrct to thc sclrlcdfirurc ol Nir ilrrr
( i b i d . .P l . r ) .
It is possiblcthal Nb izrr haclno sonsitnd his brothcrpcrl-onnccl Lncruncran
rites lbr hinr.
Two sistcrsof Nh imn arc represcnlcd in the lornb.
P1\1(3)ll are rcprcscnted an)l)ngrhe lcnralcgucstsal lhc brnqu.l (ilrid..
PI.XXI E). Thcv squaton a ntal bcllindthe scatcdligurc of thcir ntorher.
only olhcr relationswhoscnancs survive'arethc matentlllgralLrlJrreItls ol
N6-izu. They too arc represenlcd in thc banquetsccne.
PM(l)lll T h c g r r n d m o t h e ro f N h i n n o f l c r s a c u p o f r v i n c r o h i s
a m o n l tl h cn l a l eg u c s r s(.W r c s z i n k sl i9 l 5 - . T r f . I l 6 ) .
{ r a n d f . l l h e r v, h oi s s c a t e d

namcsof his patenralgrandpiircnts do not su^,ivein thc toinb,which docs
not neccssariiy nean that thcy wcrc not represcnted.
Nb-lrrn's wife playsa promincntrole in his tomb especiallvin ritual scencsof
offering to thc gods. llis parenrsalso seem vcry promincnr. This is thc first
F,ightccnth Dynastytonb in which the parcntsof the tomb ow erare rcpresented as
a coupleon one of thc walls of the nichc. Becauscthcreis no inlbmation aboutthc
titlesof his fathcror mother,thereis no meansofjudging whct-hcrrheirjrnporlJnL.
ln coun circles contributedto thejr prominencein thcir son'stonrb or u,hetheril
lvas lhc depth of his aflection tbr them that motivaleChim to represcntthem so
frcquentlvjn his tomb.

\\ sr-tf t s! nswtlyd n Llp
TI'I LES: Hclck 1955,1,176-80
DATE: AmenhotepIl
LOCATION: ShcikhcAbd el'Qurna T'I.56
Guksch.Sccberund Shedid19E2,4t3417
& Shedid1987

Thc tomb rvas conplcted and fully

decoratedbut is badly damaged.the reccnt
publicarionby Bcinlich Seeberand Shedid
( 1 9 8 7 ) ,l i s t e d i n t h e r e f c r c n c c sa. p p e a r e d
after this thesis was submitted and platc
n^ 'a^",..^-r,ii,.-.' i. r-,.1

Pi!'l 106

WIIII]: l4u t.nfrr t)" P\,r(i )(2)(5X6X7)

I.t.r'rn1tl l.lwt hr
( 1 31 1t 5 ) r & r r ( 1 9 )
SON: Nane rnissing w.b n Plfr PM(5)(7)?
DAUGIITIT-RS: l.lnwl nfrt hkrt nswx P M ( 2 ) ( 5 ) ( 1135 ) r & l l ( ? )
Nbt-tJ\D' PM(5X 1 31 - 5)r&rr(?)
Wsr-l,t3t's*ifc was a priestcssof llathor and rvasrepresented in a numberof
sccnesin his tomb.
PN{(l) Outeriintel, doublescene:lVsr'lr-lrandhis wifc bcforcOsiris.
PM(2) Wsr-b3t, followcd by his *'ife and daughter,libates oflerings.r30
figures are very damaged,but the wife appearsto have ber left arm at her side and
her right hand holds a bouquct.(Schott Photo.5063; Beinlich Seeber& Shedid

1 9 8 7 ,T a f . 3 ) .
PM(5) Two daughtersand a son offcr to l4/sr f-lt and his wife. Thcy arc
scatcdon a couchfacingleft in PositionV. (SchottPhoto.3096;ibid.,'l'al.1)
PM(6) Wrr-l3t with wife offers on braziers. Thcrc is uo rcproduction
availableof tlre wife in the sceneso it is impossiblcto delerminethe positit,nin
which they were represented.(nowseeibid., Taf. 2 whcrc the wife is shown with her
right arm at her side holding a sistrumin hcr hand and with her left ann bent up
holdinga bouquet).
PM(7) A man ollers a bouquctto two scatedwomenbehindwhom are seated
womcn nursingchildren. t$,o womenare eithertwo daughtcrsor the wile and
one daughterprobably 1.ln\\,tnIrt.(SchottPhoto.5071 ; ibid.. l af.6).
PM(13-15)l l{rsr }-it and his family fishing and firwling. ftmalc figures
are depictedin thesescenes,but becauscthc inscriptio s no longer sutvive it is
difficult to tell whether they arc the wife and a daughteror the two daughters.
(Wrcszinski1915-,Taf. 183: Beinlich-Seeber & Shcdid1987,l'af.l3) One figure
standsbchind Wsr-lfit in the positionusuallyoccupiedby the wife in suchsccncs.
However there is no contactbetwecnthis figure and Wsr fdl as onc would cxpect if
she was his wife. The other small female figurc squatsin front of Wrr-lr-il facing
him. In the fowling sceneher handis outstrctched Iowardshis leg without actually
touching it, but in the fishing sceneshetoucheshis lcg witi hcr right hand. Ilowever
she is more likely to be a daughterthan the wifc as the wile has not previously
appearedin tbis position.'lhe standingfigureat the rearmight be the wift.
, PM(13-15)ll Thc tiree women on the entrancewlll werc possiblythe wife
and trvo daughtersof Wsr-13t. lysrpt ^r,d his wife are seatcdlacing right in
PositionV, receivingproduceof tlrc marshlands. (Farina1929,PI.LXXXII) which
lcadsus to supposethat his wife accompanicdhim in the forvling and fishing rcene.
PM(19) A statuegroup of Wsr-|1lt and Mwr-nfrt was placed in thc niche but
no longersurvives.
Only one son secmsto be represented ir the tomb unlcssthe lhreemen with
bouquets(PM(6)(7)) were sonsof l'l/sr-lz-itratherthan attendants.
PM(5) A son accompanies the two daughtersoffering to their parents. llis
'w{b Pth'. (Schott Photo.3095).
nane doesnot survive only the fact that he was a n and Mwt-nfrt had two daughtersonc of rvhom was a llrt-r.iwl.
( H e l c k1 9 5 5 ,1 4 7 8 . 2 0 )
PM(2) It is his daughter Hnwt nfiI who accompanicslVrr {r-it and his wift itr
this rilual scene,not his mothcr. (ibid.. 1478.1320).
PM(5) Two daughtersoffcr a necklaceand cup to thcir parents.(Drioton &
I l a s s i a1 9 - 5 1P, I . 1 9 ) .
PM(13'15)l At leastone and possiblyboth daughtcrsmight be reprcscnted in
tie fowling and fishing scene. The l'emalefigure squatting.facing Wer-illl is
probablyone ofhis daughters.The femalefigure standingbehinclhim ntight be his
wit-cor a seconddaughter.
PN{(13)lt The threewomen depictedon the entrancewall were probablythe
wii'c and two daughtersof lVrr l]-ll. As one would expcct, Hn\4tt-n|it, tr,ccause of
her exalted position is the more prominent of the two daughtcrs. She alonc
rccomDanieshcr Darentsin the ritual scenePM(2) and if one of the two women

rccciving thc bouquct in the Dursingsce e is lfrr-&.lr'! witc therl lhe olher is
probably ,I:/nrrl-dit. Thc samc applieslo the fishing and lirwlirrg scene. lhe
daughters appearmoreprominentin this tomb thin thc so .
coupleswhosenamcsarc knorvn,exceptIbr one of thc mcn. but whosc
relalionshiplo lVsr fi-ir is not clear,are rcprcscntcd in one scene.
PM(4) descriptionof this scenein Poftcrand Moss is inaccurate.It is a
cloublescencandthc dcccased is saidto offer to two couplcs.It is ho\\'evcrtllc sons
oflhe respective couplcswho ofiar to thcnr.(lleinlich-Seeber & Shcclid1987.'l'af.8)
The coupleon thc lcft arc the King's First Ilerald l-Jnu,-n<\lJ orvncrof
and his wife ltkrtnswt lJnv't-nfrt. are offercd to by {,'h n lntrt !t4rlv.
( l l e l c k1 9 5 5 1, . 1 7 9 . 1 1 - 1 6 ) . .
couplcon lhe right are an unknorvnrnrn and his wifc r/.'t-]rrB1f . They
areofferedto by fim-ntr tp1,n I I nn] I I ll -1.r t ll st. t:\l
IJmw-nll1 was possiblythc supcriorol Wtr l.r-lt,onc ol.whosc tilles was
'itlnw n trl,tmw'deputyof lhe Ilcrald. I-lntw nlll was marricdio thc
Uirl rlJlll
I,ln\\,1-nft t but she was unlikely to havc bccn the daughtcrof lVrr-f-lr who rves
probably a gencrationyoungerthnn I-lntv,-ntlh.l12 Although it is unlikely. the
possibilitythxt /-imv, nlh marriedthc much youngerdau-shtcr ol his depulycan
llot be completelydiscountcd.He might havc bccn thc brotherin-hw of il'sr /r-it.
I3mw-nlft might havebccn represented in the tomb bccausehe was the supcnoroi
and possiblya relativeof ly.rr-hlt, who namedhis daughtcIaltcr his patron'srvilc.
On thc othcrhand I-lnv, ndlr andhis wifc nrighthavcbccnthc palentso1 l''rr-ldl
in u,hichcaseone u,ouldexpcctsomerecognitionof thc relalionshipand onc rvoulcl
cxpect lvrr llil himsclf to be offerirg to his prrenlsratherlhan anothcrson \!ho
by implicationwould be a brothcrol ll'sr 173t. 11'sr-fr3lthenmight havc callcd
his claughLer after his mothcr. lVsr is not nlcrllionedin Tl'.8'1 or on lhe
l\{arseilleStcla (see Case46) as a son of I -lnn- nll,t. Ihe son who offcrs to
I3nw-nlft and Hntrt rlit in this sccne,[vl:h n Inn] Mnw might bc rcprcsenled on
lhe stelawherehc is called Mry. Anolhcrpossibilityis thatthc) werethc parcntsol wife.
The identity of dre coupleon lhe right is problematic. Only the name of thc
wife is knou'n. A possiblecandidatcfbr the man is lVsr of T.2l (Case31) who
had a wife called BJtt (altenrativefbrn of li,-tf iB.ll-t) and a daughterMwt-rrtl
who might havc becomethe wilt ol Wlr blt. Il Wst \\'as the son of fpw srtb irs
was proposedin Case3l then hc hacia si{er I,lntrt.|fit. MxY-lfia might havc
namedher daughtcrafter her aunt. (SceAppendix lV for a t'irrthcrcliscussion of
this p o i n t and B e i n l i c h - S c c b c&r S h e d i d1 9 8 7 ,l o l J 1 1 1 f o r t h c i r a n a l y s i o
s f t h e
relationships of the thrcccouples).
A uniquescenein this tontb is that of ll'ontennursingchildren(Schottl)hoto.
5 0 7 1 ;i b i d . ,T a f . 6 ) .
PNI(7)II A man offers a bouquetlo a row of scaledrvomcn The sccncis
damaged.The front two rvomcndo not appcarto haveany chilclrenon th{rirknces.
The womcn are facing lcft, the front wonan has hcr lcft hand on hcr lap and hcr
right hand bent acrossher breast. secondwornanholdsa lotusin her lcft hand
and has her right hand on the front woman'sright shoulder(PositionVI) Ncr
namessurvive but it is possible thxt they were thc two daughtcrs of WJ/-rJl or lhe

wrfe ar,d Hnwt-nfrl. Behind thcm are seatedwonen with children on their knccs.
holding them and are not being suckled. Ir is possiblethat thesearc the children and
thcir nursemaidsof the two womcn in front.
The only otherprcviousoccasionswhcn childrenare shownbcing nursedarc
when the young prince or king is depictedon thc knee of his nurse,in tombs in
rvhich the mother or wife of the tomb owncr is a Roytl Nurse.
RecentlyMannichc(1988)haspublishedsome'losttombs'anddra$s atrcntion
t o a s c e n el n ' l T . A l 1 i n w h i c h n i n e w o m e n a r c r c p r e s e n t endu r s i n gc h i l c l r c n .
(ibid.,5l and Pl.4 illus. 8). thc childrenarc represcntcd on a snall scaleaod nudc,
unlike the childrenin the tomb of lv.rr-t-l/. Nlannicheseesa royal connccrionjn
bodr thesescencs.

Qftwty-msQdwnf Bhwty-nft si nswtimy-rpr-\1r1

TITLES: Helck1955,1'175-6, 160910

..DA1'E: H e l c k1 9 5 8 , 5 1 0 ( 6 )
Aneniotep II
LOCATION: S h e i l i( A b de l - Q u m aT T ( . 1 0 &
1 E
I]IBLIOGRAPHY:P M 2 1 7 - 8, 1 5 7 - 9

PN{208 PM 148

Ql.twry nfr, as hc was commonly called, was thc owner of two tombs in the
Thcban Necropolis. They were both complctcly dug out and the walls fully
dccoratedbut a few sceneswerc not entirelyfinished. They both consistedof a
transversehali and a passageshapcdinner room so were not complementaryas were
thc two tombs<f Sn-n-mwt(CaseI0) and [o sone extcnrthoseof t4lrr (Case20).
Neithcr tonrb is published. T1'.104 appearsto be thc carlierfor reasonsthat \\,ill

cmerge,so it wili bc studiedfint.

WIFII: Ti lJcr bs\t nt Hwt ht' PM(2X5)? (7)(rXe)
SON(',1): D l . t t v t v n, f id t n . [H w J P M { 2 , ? r 5 r/ r . ' { 0 ) "
u"hn lnut
DAUGHTER: Nf't ir)- P M ( 2 ) ( 5 ) ?( 9 X1 1 ) (r 2 )
FATHER(?): Namc unknown PM(7)
MO'r'HER(?): Name unknown PM(7)
The wife of Dlyj"-4fr wasa priestess of athorand is prominentin his tomb.
I{elck (1958, 510(6)) attributestwo wives, to Qlwtt-nfr, this will be discusscd
when TT.liO is exarnincd.
PM(2)l & Il A lmanl offersto Ql*v4 ny', his wifc and daughter.I)hwn-nlr
at\d IJ-hct are seatedon a couchfacinglcft in PositionVI in both rcgistcrs.(MMA
T.2831 ).
PM(5) worran offeringa drink to BIl'ry-rli in his houseis possiblyhis
$'ife but morc probablyhis daughter.(Davics1929.fig. IA).
PM(7) sceneis unfinishcdand damaged.Threc pcopleare seatedon a
couchtacing right (MMA'I.2836. Mackay 1917.Pl.XVl.4). 2llrr,) rfr is seltcd
in front and a man, probably his fathcr sits behind hinl with his left hand on
Qlgwtl-nfr's lefi shoulder. A woman sils at the rcar. D|tu tf -nft is probably
accompaniedby his parcntsin this scenerathcr thitn his wife and father. If the
woman was his wife she would probablybe seatednext to Qirwt-r-{i with thc
lathcrseatedin the rear. (cf. Casel3 & n.29).
PM(9) A Imanl offers to IDhwry fr, his wifcl and daushrer. Thc sceneis
damaged. 2hwry nfr ald, T3-bct were scatcdon a couch lacing left but the upper
part of their bodicsis missing.(MMA 1 .28,14).
PM(ll) [Manl with offerings betore Qftx,tr--nJr his wile and daughter.
Dbu,t!-nJi and his wife arc scatedon a couchfacing right in PosirionVI. (MMA
T . 2 E 4 6) .
PM(12) 7-i ,c, standsbchind pltl,t_r ry' as he adorcsOsiris. Sheis ofequal
sizeand standswith both handsat her sidesin PositiurX. (The tonb orvncrhashis
handsupraisedratherthan holdingbraziers.)(MMA T.28.15).l'hcrc is no contact
belwccnthe two. In the survivinginscriptionsI-l-r(i1 is describedas '.rrr.f 'but on
thc funeraryconesthat decoratcdthc cxterior of the tomb she was callcd 'lr?l.,f.
(Davics& Macadam1951,492).
It is dilTicult to say how many sons Dlu'n-nfr ha<l.
PM(2)l & ll A man,destroyed. offen to plSr'r_y*-rli,
his wife and daughterin
trothregisters.IIe wasprobablya son.
PM(5) In the house,a nlan namcd,but with no kinship tenn, is represented
bchind a woman who of'fers Ql.twty-nfi a drink. I Ie offers a bouquetand is
probablya son. His nameis Dlw1-nfr with thc sccondnanreof llwlJ, probably
to distinguishhim from his father.
PM(?) Imanl who offered to Dl.tu, and his parentswas probably a
PM(9) The Iman] ollering to Q{r}rf- n/r. wife and daughlerrvasprobablya
l']M(I 1) As in PM{9).
It would appearthat Dhwtl nfr and T3-b't only had one daughlerwho is
always represcntedwith them as the rccipicnt of offerings. During the reign of
TuthmosjsIII an increasingtcndencyfor daughtersas well as sonsto ofTerto thcir
parentshas been apparent. The fact that this daughterof D hw-'--nli is always the
rccipientof offeringswith her parentsmight imply that she too is rcpresented as
'n3tt '.
deceased.In PM(2)l sheis describedas brw
PM(2)I & II [n both registersNlil-1ry standsbehindthe couchofher parents.
Her right hand rests on her mothcr'sright shoulderand hcr lcll hand graspshcr
mother'slcli upperarm. Sheis describcdas art..r,r'. (MMA T.2E3J).
PM(5) In the houscsccnc,a lemalefigure oftcrs a drink to the tomb owrlcr.
She is possiblyhis daughter,his wife or a maid servant. Shc is lcss likely to be a
scrvantbecauseof her drcss.Both this figure and thc figure of the daughtcrin
PM(9) (MMA T.2844)havea braidedtop to thcir drcsses.I think it is probablythc
daughterwho givcs her fatler a drink.
PM(g) Nf, lry standsbchindthe couchof her parcnts,both handsat hersidcs.
(MMA T.2844).
PM( 11) The sceneis damaged,but once morc A'fr-iry is representedstanding
behindthe couchof her parents.Hcr righthandhangsat hersidcaDdherlefthandis
bentacrossher breast.(MMA T.2846).
PM(12) Nfrt-ir! joins her parentsin adoringOsiris. This is the ftrst occaston
on which a daughteris represcntcd with her parentsoftcringlo Osjris. Shedocsnot
.-holdany prestigioustitlcs so her presenceis not due to her importantporilion !t
court or in the family. it must lcad to lhe conclusion that she is
represented as deceased.ller figurc is noLas largeas her parcnts.Her headreachcs
her motber'sshouldcr.(MMA T.2845).
The namesof Dh'ttJ-nft's parentsdo not survive in the tomb, but it is possible
that they were representcdin an unfinishedsccnc(PM(7)) as discusscdearlier.
's.f 'Whereasin
In this tomb the only title bomc by Q!w4-llr was nrwr'.
TT.80 he is also dcscribedas imy-r pr-fiq!, so TT.80 is thoughtto be thc laler
tomb. (Davics 1929,236). The tomb is damagedand is unpublished.
WIFE: T3-!(t ls;-tnt l.lwt-hr PM(1X2)'r(3X6X7)
( 9 X1 )
SONS(?): Name unknown PM(3X6)(e)
DAUGH'|ER: Namemissing (11)
ITA'I-HER: Namemissing PM(.1)rr|I
MOI'HER: Namemjssing PM(4)rr|I
SISTER(?); Mr)"t lJs-t nt ].lwl-ltr P M ( 6 ) (I 1 )
It is possible that Qtwry ry'r' had two wives. Thc woman Mr,r'l depicted in
's/rl.,f in the tomb, appcarson a luncrary
PM(6) and PM(l 1) who is describedas
'fnrl.,f (Hari 230). lt is possiblethat thesefuncrarycorl€s
conedescribedas 1983,
dccoraredthe secondtomb. TT.80 of Dllwt,--nfr, although TJ'l?', is represented
as his wife in the tomb. This second*ife appcarsonly in which strengthens
the grounds for thinking this is the later tomb.
PM(l) Nothing remainsof this scenecxcepl part of tllc text of Dhwtl--nfr'
his wifc. the text is not publishcdso iL is impossibleto tell thc nane of his wife if
indeedit survived.
PM(2) This sceneis almostwholly destroyed, but a smallfemalefigurc canbe
sccn standingbchind, Dln'ty-nfr on the boat. Hcr left hand is raisedand touchcsthc
lowcr back of the man.her right hand is probablyaroundhis waist. (Mond photo.
10016;Ilaud 1935,fig. 53). This is the usualpositionfor the wile in suchscenes bul
thc figure is smallerthan usual.PM(158) dcscribethe figure as a girl and Baudas
the wifc. I think it is probablyrhefigureofthe wifc.
PM(3) [Priestl and girl wirh offerings and offcring lisr befbrc e!.wt1 nfr anc)
his wifc. The figure of the wife is completelydestroycd.No inscriprronsurvrves.
( M o n dP h o t o .1 0 0 1 7 - 2 6 )I.t i s i m p o s s i b lteo r e l lw h o r h ew i f e w a so r h o w s h ew a s
PM(6) A man offcring a bouquctro Db*t)- ,fr his wife and sister.Dl1--4-n1,
ll'rd T-1lct are seatedon a couch facing lcft in Position V. (Mond photos.
10078-80,10084-6;Mackay 1924,Pl.lX(3)). A smallfemalefigure srandsbehind
the couch. 73-rc1 was snt.f nht-pr hsft nt Hw,t-hrnbt l\rnt T3-h(t m3ct br\r.
Thcre is evidencethar '.rrl.jf was superscribed over
This will bc discussed
PM(7) On the outer lintcl are the renains of Dhu/l r/r and his wife and on
the lcti thicknessthc two figureswerc also representcd.The figure of D h,,rtJ-nfr
hasdisappeared and only the sketchedfigure of the wife remains.(Baud 1935,fig.
-5,1).She standswith her hands upraisedin Position XVIt. She was probably
. PM(9) A Jpriestlofl'ersto Dlp+,q-,nJr and his wife on r*o regisrers.-fhcy rre
seatedon a couchfacingleft in PositionVl. (Mond Photos.10031-2.100134).
PM(l l) A daughteroffers to DlMtr fr, his wit'e and sisrer. elwtt nfr and,
his wifc are seatedon a couchfacingright in PositionVI. The sisterstandsbehind
the couch.
No male figure is specificallycalled 's-1.,f but this is not surprisingas so few
PM(3) A priest, dcstroyedprobably by rhe Atenists, and a girl offer to
Dl1wtr"n1r and his wife. He was probably a son.
PM(6) The majl, offeringa bouquetto tle tomb owner,his wile and sistcr,was
probablya son.
PM(g) The [priest] who offcrs to,nfiand his wife in both regisrcrswas
probablya son.
Whetherthesewcre differentsonsor thc sameson is impossiblcto say. It is
possiblethat one at leastmight be Dl|w4'-nft ltlw n.f lfwB representedin T'I'.10.1.
Although no daughters are spccifically named in this tonlb, girls are
represcntedin positionswhich secmto indicatethat they $,eredaughters.
PM(3) A girl holdinga sistrumand menatis shownwith a Ipriesrlofferingro
Dl1wt1-nfr and his wife. She is probably a daughter.
PM(.l)lll A girl stands facing two men and a woman, her right arm
outstrctched with sistrum,her lcft handat her sideholdinga menat. Shc might be a
daughteroffering to Db$)ry-nJr and his parentsor shc could conceivabJy be bis
wife offeringto the trio. (SchottPhoto.7033).
PM(11) Daughteroffercto Blp'O-nfr. his wit'eand his sister.
It is not clear whethcr Dhw4-nfr had morc than one daughter,or if any of the
girls represented in this tomb is the samcas Nfrt-ir!:, the daughterof Dlwtt-nJr
and T3-!jct who is represented with them so frequentlyin TT.10.1. NrT in'r
namedoesnot appearin what rentainsof thc inscriptionsof this lomb and shcdoes
not occupy her customaryposition behindthe couch of hcr parentsas she did in
TT.l04. sistcr M_r'r,occupiesthis positionin two scenes.Daughtcrsif such
thcy be (or only one daughtcr)play a more activerolc in the Iatertomb.
It is probablcthat the parentsol I)hwn-nJi arc represented with him in this
tomb asthey were in his earliertomb,but oncemoretheirnamesdo not survivc.
PM(.1)lII In the remainsof a banquctscene,a girl andguestsappearbclbrctwo
meDanda womanseatedon a couchfacingright.(SchottPhob. 7033). The rnenare
seatednext to one anotherwith the womanat lhe rear. The secondman hashis lelt
hand on the shoulderof the foremostman an<ithc woman and the secondman are in
Position V. They must be Bfwr-'--ry'r and his parcnts.
last and most interestingperson to be consicicrcdin this toinb is the
so-called'sister' ol Bl1wl*nft, Mryt.
PM(O A small female figure stanclsbchind thc couch of Qfrl,r_r - r/r and
TJ-Zr't. (SchottPhoto.2121iMond Photo.10084). Iler headis on a lcvcl with the
wife'sbreastand sheobviouslystandsin a subsidiaryposition. Hcr right arm is bent
over her breastholding a menat and her left hand hangs at her side,there is no
contactbetweenher and the couple. She is called 'snr./mrr.f llstt nt flwt-lr nbt
Iwnt Imn] namc missing(LD'l iii, 271).but I Ielck ( 1955, 1.176.13)
'hcr imtyt n[t rcads
nameas Mr1t.
PM( I I ) A daughterolftrs to Dl.t',rt'--nft his wife and his sister. is
probablythe samewomanwho appearswith the couplein PM(6). His sistcrstands
behind the seatedfigurcs of D|rw4^-nft and his wife.
It would seemfrom the evidcncc that Dl]rrr^-nft had two wives. h the earlier
tomb, hc is representedwith a woman T-i f7.t who is describedthroughoutthc tomb
in the survivinginscriptionsrs but who is describedon a funeraryconc as
There is no doubt that she was his first wife. (ln the larer tomb, he is
represented with his wife, who as lar as onc cantcll was still T-?-!cl,but the couple
are accompanicdin two scenesby a woman q'ho bore the sametitle as T.l-bct, hf]l
nt l,lv)t-l:[ nht lwnt , and who is describedas She is not rcprcscntcdat all irr
the earliertomb. Howevcr on anotllcrfuncrarycone sheis describedas If
it is the casetlat Mr],/ was the secondwilc of l)lwt\"-nfr, this rnight bc the first
occasionon which a man is represenied with both wivcs at the samctime.lrr On lll
prcvious occasionsof multiplc rnarriages,the tomb owner seemsto have becn
depictedwith cach wife separately.Howcvcr this docs not nccessarilymcan that
Dhwt-nfr was a polygamist.I think that Mryr waspossiblvthe sisterof T-l-!ti as
they held the samepriestlytitles and probablyoriginatcdfionr Dcndcrahand that
'ir/.,f when 'his
appliedto M11't had,the connotationof sister-in-law'. L3-Jr.l
might have died ar,d Qhwty-nfr might have marriedhis sister-in-law. then
indicatingboth wife and sisterin lau'. (The relationshipof the terms and'hntt'
will be exaninedin depthin the secondpart of the thesis).
ln the banquetsccne,PM(6), the inscriptionof Lhewife l'3 6c, ,n which she
'frat.,f'was ',rr1l (LDT
was designated changedto iii.271; Helck 1955,1476.12),
indeedit survived.
PM(2) sceneis almost wholly destroyed,but a small fenralefigure canbe
seenstandingbchind Dllwty-nfr on the boat. Her leii hand is raiscd and touchesthe
lower back of thc man,her right hand is probablyaroundhis waist. (N{ondPhoto.
10016:Baud 1935,lig.53). is the usualpositionfor the wife in suchscenes but
lhe figure is smallerthanusual.PM(158) describethc figurc as a girl and Baudas
the wife. I think it is probably the figure of the wife.
PM(3) lPriestland girl with offeringsand offeringlist before Ql.w,o-nfr uru)
his wife. The figure of the wif'c is completelydestroyed.No inscriptionsunives.
(Mond Photo.10017-26).lt is impossibleto tell \\'hothe wife was or how shc was
PM(6) A man offering a bouquct to Dltwt,t-nfr his wife and sister. 2&wry Dlr
and IJ-f?tI are seatedon a couch facing left in Position V. (Mond Photos.
10078-80,1001i4-6:Mackay 192,1,Pl.lX(3)). A small femalefigure standsbehind
the couch. B-fict was snt.fnbt-pr lsyt nt llvt lr nbt lwnt 7'3-bctm3ct br\\'.
'lhere '.r,?l.,f 'tr?t./.
is evidencethat was superscribed over This will be discussed
PM(7) On the outerlintel are the remainsof D lwty-nfr and his wif'eand on
the left thickness the two figures wcrc also represented.The figure of Qlptty-nfi
hasdisappcared and only the sketchedfigure of the wil'e remains.(Baud 193-5, fig.
5,1). She standswith her hands upraisedin Position XVII. Shc was probably
, PM(9) A [priestloffersto Dhvr,"-nfr andhis wife on two rcgisters.They are
seatcdon a couchfacinglefr in PositionVL (Mond Photos.10031-2.10043-,1).
PM(l l) A daughterotTerstct Dl,t\tt! 4rr, his wife and sister. Dhwo*-nfr and
his wife are seatedon a couchfacingright in PositionVI. The sisterstandsbehind
thc couch.
No malc figure is specificallycalled but this is not surprisingas so fcw
PM(3) A priest, destroyedprobably by the Atenists, and a girl offer to
Dhwq'-nft and his wife. FIewas probably a son.
PM(6) The mal, offering a bouquetto the tomb owner, his wiie and sister,was
probablya son.
PM(9) lpriestlwho offersto Bfwtr'ry'r and his wit'ein both
probably a son.
Whetherthesewere differentsonsor the sameson is impossibleto say. It is
possiblethat one at leastmight be Dly4^ nfr fulw n.f lJv,i-i representedin TT.10,1.
Although no daughtcrs are specifically nameil in this tomb, girls are
representedin positionswhich seemto indicatcthat thcy were daughters.
PM(3) A girl holdinga sistrumand menatis shownwith a Ipriest]offeringto
Dlwy-nfr and his wife. She is probably a daughter.
PM(4)lll A girl stands facing two mcn and a woman, her right arm
outstretched with sistrum,her left handat hcr sidcholdinga menat. Shemight be a
daughteroffering to Dbta,q,r/r and his parentsor she could conceivablybe his
wife offeringto the trio. (SchottPhoto.7033).
PM(1 1) Daughteroffcrs to B,{rb,r,r--ry?. his wife and his sistcr.
It is not clear whether Dhwty,nft had more than one daughter,or if any of thc
girls representedin this tomb is the same as NJrt it"". the daughterof D[tt;-_ttfr
afid, T3-bct who is rcpresentedwith thcm so frequently in T'f.10,1. Alir_1rr,;s
namedoesnot appearin what remainsof the jnscriprionso[ this tomb an<]ihe docs
not occupy her customaryposition bchind the coJclt ot her shc clid in
TT.104. The sister M)rr occupiesthis positionin two scenjs. Daughtcrsif such
t h c r b e ( o r r r n l yo n ed l u g h l e r ) p l a ]r m o r e, r c t i v (r., ' l ei n I I l r l . , t e tr , , n r b .
It is probablethitt the parentsof phwa^-nfr are rcpresented with him in this
t o m b: r . t h e ) u c r e i n h i 5c a r l i e rt o m b .b u t o n c en l o r eI h e i ; J m c 5d o n n r. r r n . i v e
Pl\{(4)Ill ln the renlainsof a banquetscene.a girl and gucstsappearbefbre two
meDanda womanseatedon a couchfacingright.(Schottphoto.7033). The ncn are
seatedncxt to one anotherwith the womanat the rcar. 'fhe sccondnlan hashis lcft
handon the shoulderof the forenostman and the womanand lhe scconcl man arern
PositionV. They mustbc Qrlr.h-n/r. and his parents.
last and most intcrestingpcrson to be considcredin this tomb is the
so called'sistcr'of Dh\a,t!-nfr, Mr\t.
M!!) A small female figure standsbchind rhe couch of Bf wrl _ny'. and
_^ . f
TJ-lcr. (SchottPhoro.2121; Mond Phoro.1008,11.Herheaciis nI a levcl with rhc
wifc'sbreastand sheobviouslystandsin a subsidiaryposition. Her right arm is bcnt
over her breastholding a menat and her left hand hangsat her side, there is no
contactbctweenher and the couple. Sheiscallcd ',rnrl zirt.f t|sytnt IIwt b nbt
Iwnt imcl,n t I t I m n ] n a m em i s s i n g( L D T i i i , 2 7 l ) , b u r l t ; l c k t i q S j . t + ; e . t : ) ' r e a A s
.-her name as Mr1l.
PM(l 1) A daughteroffers to Dl.t)rty n[t. his wife and his sisrer. This is
probablythe samewomanwho appearswith the couplein pM(6). His sisterstands
bchindthe sertedfiguresof Dh" tl.,J, and hi. u irc.
It would seemfrom the evidcnce thal Dl,trrtl rif had two wivcs. In thc carlier
tomb, hc is rcprcsentedwith a woman 'l'3-gc, *rn is describcdthroughoutthe tomb
in the survivinginscriptionsas 'sr?t./ but who is dcscribedon a fuirerarvconeas
There is no doubt that she was his first wife. (ln the later romh, he i\
rcpresenled with his wife, who as far as one cantell was still TJ ,c1, but the couple
are accompanied in two scenesby a womanwho borethe sametjtle as T.l-b(t. h\t
nt Htrt-l:trnbLltrnt , anclwho is describcdas '.rrr.f. Sheis nor reDresented at all ii)
the earlicrtomb. Howeveron anotherfuncrrry coneshc rs descriLedrs 'llntf . ll
it is the casc lhat MryL was the second wtfe of Qtutt-nfr, this might be the firsl
occasionon which a man is representcd with both wivesal thc sametime.l3l On all
preyious occasionsof multiplc marriages,the tomb owner seemsto have becn
depictedrvith each wife separately.Ilowevcr this doesnot necessarilymean that
DI\t,t-nft wasa polyganrist.I rhinkrhat Mr')/ waspossiblyrhe sisterof 7J-ly'l as
they held the samepriestlytitles and probablyoriginatccliiom Dendcr.rhand rhar
whcn appliedto Mrlt had thc connotationof 'his sistcr-in-law'. 7-l-r.l
might have died and !hw4 -fr nrighrhavc marriedhis sister-inlaw, ',ixt.,f then
indicatingboth wife and sister-inlaw. (The relatioushipof the temls 'snt' and'hmt'
will be examinedin deprhin the secondpart of the Lhesisl.
In thc banquetscene.PM(6), the inscriplionof the wi1'e I3-6c, ]n which she
was designatcd'hmr.,f 'was
changedro 'rDI.,/(LDT iii,271; Hclck 1955,1476.12),

probablywhen Mry-t was madehis wife, so that her statusshouldnot be lesstiran

that of TJ-&'/. ly When Mryt is depictedin the sceneclosestto the back, wcst rva1l,
of the tomb, PM(1i), her statusseemsto havc chit'lgcd.Sheis represented as equal
in sLature to Dl|wty-nfr ard bis wife and althoughshestandsbchindthe couchher
left hand is on thc wife's left shoulder. Thcrc is contactbctwccn lhe threeperso s.
A puzzling featureof the banquctsccne,PM(6), is the presenceof a \!oman
guestwho 1s 'snt.fmrt.f n st ib.f hs)'tnt l.lh,t-hrnbl lwrr Photo.7029),
rvhosenamc is missingbut whom Davies (1925b, 5 n.1.)idcntifies
as Mnrl. Davies
presumes ratshe is atrue sisterwhom Dlwty nfr latermarriedandplaccdbchind
his chair. woman might be idcnticalwith the wonan behinddre chair but is
more likeiy to be !lilrf,-nt'.t sislerin law dranhis sister.
I think rvhere Mr-"-l was concemed has the connotationof wife and
s i s t c r - i nl a w .
If $,ould be tempting to infer that Ql.twq^-ttfr built the sccondtomb for himself
and his secondwile Mryt especiallyin light of the funeraryconewith their namcs
on it. Howcvcr Mnt playsa subsidirryrole in the tomb so this is unlikcly to have
bccn the case.


Sv m-nittt wb3 nswt wcb cw;-

Llclck 1955,1,14952
DATE: AmenhotepII
LOCATION: SheikhcAbd el-Quma 1T.92

This wasan impressivetomb. It wasfully

clecoratedthough some of the sccnes$ere
unfinished. Nlany oI the sccncs are now
missing. Thosercmainingare damagcd.The
tomb is unpublishcd.


WIFE: K-lt hs)-tt l-lwt hr(?) PM(rX3X4X9)(r 1X12)

( 1,1)(
r-5x 16)( 17Xr8)
SONS Namesmissing P M ( 3 X elXXr1 2 )l (s xl 7 )
DAUGI ITERS 'l: Namesmissing P M ( 3r)l() (l 2 ) ( 1 8 )
FATHER: I3mw nfr 13tyc n Nfrwsl- PM(3)rr(?X1 s)rr(?)(1 7)
N{OTIII]R: Mt r-t Imctt n(t) Bhwt.u- PM(3)r(t)(1 5)rr('rx I 7)
SISTER: 7'3-wn PM(1)rr IV
wife of Sw-m-niw,twas very prominentin hjs tomb.
PM(1)l S|1,-rn-zlwr with his wil'e olfcrs on brazicrs.They lace left jn Posirion
X, thcre is no contact. She is hmt.f nbt-pr hs\t lt Htrt-ltr(?) (Mond photos.
2 0 1 56 , 2 0 2 4 - 5 ) .
P M ( l ) l l - l V . B a n q u e ts c e n ea n d g i r l o f f e r i l r gt o S w - mn i w . t a n d h i i w i l c
seatedfacing left in Position XI (SchorrPhoto. 89.16). Ttre girl is sntf nrt.J
73-wrt. (Helck 1955,1,150.17). IIer statuswill be discusscd later.
PM(3)l Stn priestolfcrs to Sw-tn-ntwL and his wilc *ho are scatcdorra couch
facinglcfi in PositionVL A snall fcmalefigurestandsat lhe sidcof the couch.Thc
wife is l1mt.fnbt-pr hslt nt Hwt-lt(? ) K-l1. (Mond Phoros.2036-7, 2013.20,1-5).
PM(4) Sn,-nr-,rix.', and his wife adorc Osiris. tlis wifc staodsbchind
Sv-n-niwt facing right. Ile hasboth handsraisecl.Shehas her right han<lraised,
h e r l e f th a n dh a n g sa t h c r s i d e ( i h i d , 2 1 5 4 - 5 , 2 1 6 ? - t ) .
PM(9) Man with artcndants (skctched) oflcrs to Sx,z,riwl andhis wilc.
. PM(l i ) fishing and fowling sccneis unfinishcd. In lhc fishins scenc,
f a c i n gI e f t ,h i s w i f e s t a n d b
s c h i n du n d c rh i s u p r a i s e ad m . I l e r r i g h t a r m i s r a i s c d t o
touchhis sideand hcr left arm hangsat her sidc. In the fowling sceneltcinl right.
shc standsbchindher husbandwith her lcft arm aroundhis waistand her right hand
raiscdto touchhis side (Capart1942,Pl. -515).
PM(12) Sw m-niv,t with his family receivcsproduceof the marshlands.
Sw-m-niwt and fJ/ arc scatedon a couch facing right in PositionVL (Mond
PM(14)lV AbydosPilgrimage.Sw-m-niwt and K-Jl are seatedin a shrineon
l h o r t u i c e ri n P o i i r i o V n . r M , ' n dP h o t n . 2 0 1 r , )
PM(15)I lN{anl with offeringsand offcring Iist betorc SN,nr rriwr and (.ir
seatcdon a couchfacing left in PositionVI. A smallmale nudc figure sta.dsal thc
sideof the couch.(jbid.,2000-I , 2009-l0).
Pltl(16) Ritesbefbretwo mummics,one of whom wasprobably K-lr.
P M ( 1 7 ) B r n q u e ts c e n cw i t h l m a n l o f f c r i n g I o S x ' u - n i n ' t a n d h i s q i f c .
(Muhamntcd1966,PI.28). Sv,-nt-niwtand his \'"ifi are seatedon scparatechairs,
lacingriSht in PositionVI.
PN{(18) Nichc. outer linlel. Sv,-m-niw.tand his wite kneeling,acloreAnubis.
Thcy both havethcir handsraisedin adorarion.(l\,londPhoto.209l,209l).
P N l ( 1 8 )S i d e W a l l s . u n f i n i s h c c l .G i r l o l l c r s t o S l r r / , r ? l i 1 i lh i s w i l t r n d
daughter.Thc coupleare scatedon a couchfacingleii in PositjonV (ibid..206,15,
In thc fe$ inscriptions\r,hercher namc sun,ives.K-ll is ahvaysreferredto as
bnt.f .
As so few inscriptionssurvive,it is not surprisingthat thc narncsol sonsand

theirrelatiorshipto the tomb ownerare

PM(3)I A priestoffersto Sw_m_niwt,
hii wife and child. He wasprobabtya

;;; ";; "r,,:ffi
PM(3)lI A man ol'fersa bo
- or,,,*ir:.,,"
'parentsof Sw-m-niwtthenthem ll : :HiI Jiliil :ill]: :Jjr,:.;r.J
M;il ;i;;;j;;tliii":JijTiil',,ji
P M ( l l ) T h es m a l n fi,;,,;!,l'.*,.
l u d em a on
r o $t i n t 5 c e n cw. a \n r o b r h l v ,. ,r , " ' t , 1 l g ' . i : . : l l ? u ' " g t h cp r o * .o f t h c' k i f f i r rr h e
iu,_r,.,inl'i;:i;;i;;li":il:liiiT r,,5
PM(12) Stt-n-niwr
and his"fanily ;.;i;;;;",1r;; of rhe marshlancis.A
smallmale figure standsin front ol s\r-m-rirrt
facinghim, his left arm at hls srde
andhisrighrhandonhisfather's knec.1N,r,,,,a ntoiJr.-zoiio.')iji_:1. H" *",
certainlya son.
PM(15)l A rnan wirh offeringsand_offcring
lisr belbre ^Sr,rl n,h,l and his
Il".rvas- probahly . s,,n.,1116. .1.1. ,h;.;;.ii;;;;r'"
tr!rureh . i s l e f t . r r n r l r h i s s i d e h i s r i g h t "f ,'ri,"unuo._"1.
a r m r a i s c dt o t o u c h h i , , r , o t t
2000-1,,2009- l0). IIe wasccnaiirlya son,possiblyrepresenred
as deccascd. ".1ilid..
A nran offers tc, ieatcd cbuplc.'rr."*".
c. fN.{(1.5)tt,
Jtr t t-''t','t and his wife or Sw-m-niw,t i;iir", - oltcring t<r
ofl.eringro hi, p;;";i;*' ".,
^-,^ lL']ltl .A p"rr rty uy,t e"rr,i"nirlr'rri.rr
mal. ex.pungeLl r" r.r.*rl;
- ' ' oressed
f \ r l e s t . . , t t enh S u n n t n ta n dh i su i r i . i t e asa
. ornU"rli,i."'
I. r suh_scea nen .r r no t f c r r, o r t r " . . q u",a, ,,r,i , , i . " i .i i s r r * , . " . ]
terratcf igurcsundcrthe seated r l r r ( e\ , 1 . : rr r !
ftgurcsor's,,_nir;;;; ;;i;'ill;irJ'(Muhanmed
1 9 6 6 - . P 1 . 2l3r ,i s p o s r i h l reh a tr h
t"rr anddaughters of rhccoupleand
co.rdrnclcare rhat Sv,m-rriwt n"o:il;:tr:i",
llTllrtty, ir is possible rharSw m-niu,thadrhrecclaughters.
,ffa(3). A-.priest is depictcd befores, ;-;;.;';i;;i;;-anct
smalt femalefigureis reoiesented a smarrchitcl.A
ar thesidc ii" *te,, r"g
uith her ri;ht hrntj. llei shoultiers arc lcvelwith "i,#.;;;;;l;i;iig
ifr. ."*|' ,."r."iUond l)horos.
2045). Shc is cenarnlya daughrcr anciis possiblyrcprcsenred
,1i:-,.L1;rna, as
PM(I I ) In thefishjngantjlow|ng 5ccne,
a smallfcmalefigure . .squats
, , , bctween
r l ) cl e t . . o r p r - a t q . / S
. " hheo t , l t. i , ' r n . * " , j
.\h t.gii t;ii;;r:..:"
P M ( 1 t ) A s m a l lf e m a l cf i g u r es q u a t us n d e r t h e
rccerr c o u c ho f h ''e r p' a r e n tw
s ho
e nrodJccol rhenr.rr.hlandr. Strciua.1rnf,.rt,ty a-.1";;;i.'..
PM(t8) On thesidcwa s of rhe.niche g"f
offersro S'lrm-niwr |is witt andda!ghtcr.'f, ,i"f-p"r,I"frl'
i,r" il'iy oflering
'r'his bringers,
" f, ir"i g,.t ,ua, a
or possibly.she is idenricalw|.h-.snt.f T.)-wri ,ulro,,ff".r'r,,,i,. .urp,. ur
It. rranqucr scene(pM(r)r-rv). 'fhe
rmarifcmrlefigure 'i,"]
,qruiii";'n;',;" ,i,b ur,ir.
rvrlewasprobablya daughter.Her reFt_hand
,"rr, r"".irri. .,grr,rr.nai.
h:"nother'sleg Photos. zoes "-."
i, :ijo?-ii' ir"i, po.r,,"t
snersreprescnled asdeceased .(Mond
andis thesarrrc fernalc chjiclasis clepictcO,rn Pllf]]lf.
PN{(3)II A man with ollcring bringers offersa bouquctto a couple. lr couldbe

a - s o no l f c r i n gt o S w m - t l i w ta n d h i s w i f e a 5 o r l h c r e g i s t e r a b o v e . o r . ) i . 1 , r l _ r 1 u
offeringto his parents.
PM(15)II A man oftersto a seatcdcouple. 'lhc samcremarkappiiesas to the
scenclbove (PM(3)ll.
PM(17)l ll It is possiblethat thc couplc representcd here arc lhe parcnrsor
Sw-m-niwt. The] arc the most prominentcouplein the bancluctscenc. They arc
sealedon a couchiacing lcft in PositionVI. IloweYcrthey arc not relcrred10its
ant'mw,tJ' and there is no record of SN-m-rr'rr./ attributingfilialion to
ISmw nfr. He doesnot seemto be includedamonglhe sonsof /Jrrr,-rifr listeilon
the graffito at Aswan. (Pctrie 18E8.PI.IX n.2,15)althoughsorncof thc namesarc
vcry damagcdand Sw-mniw,t couldwcll havcbccnmentioned.
I I e l c k ( 1 9 5 5 ,1 , 1 - 5 (5.,1 4 5 )p) u b l i s h eas L c i d e nS l a r u cy. 1 6 , < t fu
-. l t r r t - n trry t tn
Dlt.u'ty__wr_diwm pr (mnu, I3mw,nfr anc). his wile rrrl x.r(lI llnri n(t1 pllltt
M._r elck's refercnceis inaccuratcas l_eiclcnV.16 is a Stela and rror a sraruc
( B o e s c r1 9 1 1 ,v . 6 n . l 9 ) . T h e n a m co f l h c r r a n i s a l s os p e l tc i i l f e r e n t li y. c .I n v , _ n l i . .
Thc title held by the owner of the stelais differcnt from thosehcld by I-tnt*,-nli,
the allcged fathcr of Sw-zr rlwl, who is imy-r lnw n1r n eln+ it nb llnut
(TT.92) (llelck 19-5-5,1451.18); imy r llmw-n1rut tliu, nt pr Dl.tyLtJon Fritish
MuscurnslatueNr.l7ll2. (ibid., 1.153.16)and s:\ lttf-nLr n [l;n,t|. ,b ]l,,r,rn
(ibid., 1.1-54.5) on the sanlcstatue./-inrw-ay'.'.r main litle oi ft-irr.-.r I r$.1,irl does
not appearon the stela. 'l'hcnameof his wil'c is alsocliffcrent.On rhe stclathe \\ jlc
is sntJ wr ltnrt n Bftwtt MLt. ll Imw nfr ofthe Lciden stela is idcnrrcatwrth
'l-1tnw-nfr then 13aw. ,/r must have hatl two wivcs,
hnt.f .in{:\t nt Dl.t\tt} lIr\t,
probablythc motherof Sw nt-niv,t, ancla secondwife, snt x,r(t1l1nrtn(t)Bttxn.
My opinion is lhat therc is not sufllcientcvidenceto idcntify 1zr[,li of the
Leidcn stela with l-)nw-nJr ftJty--t:n Nfrw.s,-, ho.,vcveras rhey both htd
conncctroDs with Ilermopolis it is possiblelhat rhcy were rclated. The farhcroi
I-)mw-nfr is known from lhc British MuseumSrarut(llclck 1955.1,153. l0) hc too
was 4J 1_r,-.n NlrwsJ. Sw m-niwt did uot bear any titlcs linkinc hirr with
Ilennopolisas I.1mwnfr, his wilc and lathcr.did. ll hc $as thc son ol'/-inil rli.
hc probablywas not the eldcstson. Hc fbundhisnichein thc serviceof theking.
A wonrancalled sntJ mrt.f 'l J-\rt.t is rcpresenlcd in the lonlb.
P M ( 1 ) I I , I V A g i r l , s a r . , nf t r t . f T - l u , r t ( e l c k 1 9 5 5 . l ' 1 5 0 . 1 7 o ) i f e r st o
Sv'-nt-ttiwtand his wifc, K-lr. Shc mustcithe. be thc sister of .!l -nr nrxy rt5 or a
secondminor wifi or concubine. is alwaysrclcrrcdto as ll,zt.f anctntustbc
cousidered his true wifc.
If it wcre not litr the lact that 7J y,r1 offersto .!ir z riiut lncl K-t/ it rvouLd
havc been tcmptingto have identified .vttJ I.l ttt uilh lrrrr/ K.i/, borh nanrcs
inlplying grcatnessof size or hcight. However. 7lj-lrt rlouid nol have been
dcpictedoffcring to hcrselfso thcy must have beentwo separatewitnten. perhaps
Sw-m-niul had a predilcctionfor tall wontcn. It is possiblethal 7-l-rrr/ u,asthe
sislcr of {-it. .rr1.,f thus having thc connotationof'sistcr-in Iaw' anclpossiblv
sccondwife. Sw-r, ni\rt and'l-l-wrt are not rcpresentcd togelhcrin tne lolnb as
far as it is possiblcto tell.


t: ,',-c cASe9 70 fq 86
' rr I t,.
3^ccs {14 -roa cq


Rt: -ms Qdvt n.f c3my whmw tpy nswt

'l l l t-hs:
DA'I'E: Amenhotep Il (?)
I-OCATION: SheikhcAbdel Quma fi'.9'1

Thc tomb was either unfinishedor st-r

badly damagedthat onl! a feu'damaged
scenessurvive. It is not publishcd.


PM 196

II]R: Sn(t)-[nf/t] nbt pl PNl(2)
BRO'fHER: In-llrt-m.r wcb wdnw n Imn PM(1)
In the few scenesthat survive, R'-ras is not represented u'ith his wife. No
childrenare namedin the survivingscenes.However,his motheranda brotherare
representedin the tomb.
PN{(2) rcgistersof offering bringers are depictedbefore R'-.ns and his
mother,who arc scatedfacingrighl in PosilionVl (SchottPhoto,E332).
PM(1) A brotherof Rcms is amongthe offedng bringerswho accompany
Rc-m.ras hc offerson braziers.(Helck 1955,1464.20).
Theseare the only membersof thc family who arc rcprcscnted in the remajns
of dre tomb of ,tc-ns. little survivesthat it would bc unwiscb dra\.v
any conclusionswith regardto the marital stalusof R'-ms from the fact that no
rcprcscntations of a wife and childrcn are found in thcscsccnes,while ]ris rnolher
and brother are rcpresentedwith him. It is possiblethat his \\"ifc and children
aooeared elsewhercin the tomb.
fact that he might not have beenmarriedcan not be discountcd.

C A S E7 1

Imn-m-l3t hm-n1rtpl- n ltur

TITLL,S: I I e l c k1 9 5 5 ,1 4 0 8l-' 1
DA'I'E: AmcnhotepII ('l)
LOC]ATION: ShcikhcAbd cl-Quma
Gebelel Silsila Sluinc25
l - e l e b v r ci 9 2 9 , 2 1 7 - 9


PM I86

The tomb lvas of nodest sizc and *as is very

badly damagccl,the texts only rcrnainingin many cases As u'as thi: clse rvith
I.lpvi-snb,a previousIIigh Priestof Anrun (Case9). thc tomb of Inn m'l3t yiek)s
no infomrarionabouthis fanlil)' Like !/prr'-snbhe hada shrin'rat GebclcLSilsilain
rvhichsomemenbersof his tanily werereprcsented
WIFE: Mlnt nbt pr Nonh and SouthWall
SON: fim l m)rslt vrb [n lntn] NorrhWall
FATtlllR: Dln't1- ltp tny'r n
1bw [pr Imn]
On thc nonh wall oI the shrine, Inn-n pt andhis wili are seltedon a coucll
facing right in I'osition V. (Caninos 1963' P] 6l). l-hey arc seate(lb'lbre iLn
offcrirg A nlan stands facirtg them he is 1.r-rl/ rnrJ utb [n lmn]
'umnl m')r sbt.
br-rrhe-southwall Imn-n-h-lL and M-lal-r-are scatedon a couchbeforean

offering tablc and offering list, facing lcft in PositionV. In both thesesccneshis
wife is hmt.f mrt.f n st'ib.f nbL-prMlmr. (ibid., P1.65).
Imn-m-l.t3t had at leastone son but it is impossiblcto tell how many othcr
childrcn he had. On the north wall two registersof guestsare rcprcsentcd.Fivc
seatedmale figures are represented on the top registerand six squattingfen]ale
figures on thc sccond rcgistcr. are no tcxts to thc sccneso the relationshipof
thc figures to the tomb owner can not be determined. On ihc soutr wall two malc
and three femalc figurcs are depictedunder the offering list. It is possiblethat they
rcprcscnted the childrenof Inn nr lft.
The father ol Imn-m-l'3t is known only by narnefrom the attributionof
ijliation in the tomb. From a band of inscriptionborderingthc cciling, Imn-m-1.6t
was ir n s3bu,cbimy"r lb)Nn pr Imn Dbwr-r-hry(Gardiner1910,90). IIelck (1955,
's-lb '.
1412.17) leavesout the Thc namc of his motheris not known. If it rvas
mentionedin thc tomb,it hasnot survived.
One would have expectedthe parentsof Imn-m-l1t3tto be represented in the
shrineat Cebelel Silsila. ln shrines12, 15 and23 (Cases9 & 33) thetomb owneris
representedwith his motircr on thc nonh waLland with his father on the south wall.
The plrrentswerc morc prominent ir theseshrinesthan the wife.
The most inrportantinscriptionto survivein the tomb is the autobiographical
s t e l a( G a r d i n c r1 9 1 0 ,P 1 . 1 , 9 2 - 9 7 )w h i c h i s i n t h e f o r m o f a ' t e a c h i n g t o h i s

cASIt 72

Hc imr-r k3t n st c3

TITLES: From the tomb

DATE: Amenhotepll - AmcnhotepItr 136
LOCATION: Deir cl l\'lcdina
Vandierd'Abbadiei939, 1E
Bierbrier 1982.

The undecorated burial chamberof H' was loutid

t t a c t .T l r c . t i n c ' . r n * h i h
* i t h t } r ef u n e n r rcyq u i p m e ni n
the family wcrc represented, were containcdin a small
singlc-chrmberedchapelwhich is very damaged.
I ll2

WIFE: l\4nt .rnt.fnbt-pr PNr(1X2)(3)

SONS: Iun-[m-ipt] slm-cl m t t3 PM(1X3)
NtltJ-t-3nh Pr\,r(2)
tt., q h ntut n,qr t!f;1_u14 I
DAUGI]'I'L,R: Mryt lLs* n(t) Imn rc nbt-pr PN{( rX2)?
F'ATHER(?): Nli-lr6/ in1 r Llt m.stt:.1 PM(3)
NIOTIIIiR('}): T-1wiwn (l ) PN{(3)
PM( I ) //. and his wife Mrl l arc scatcdon a couchfacing leli. Thc sceneis
damagecl and Mr_tt'.sright arrr is missing.her left handtouchesfl.r's left shouldcr
in a new position,PositionXXXV (Vandierd'Abbadie1939,Pl. lV).
PN{(2) d' accompanied by his rvife and childrcnoffersto Osiris-Onnophris.
Mnt is cqual in statureto llcr husband.FIcrinncr right amr hangsat her sitleancl
hcr lefi arm is bent acnrssher breasl.hcr handholding flowcrs in PositionXXXVI
( i b i d . .P l . v l l t )
PM(3) Ir is possiblethat the Turin StclaNo. 162 (ibid.,pl. XI) carnefrornthis
rvall. If this wasthecasethen Mryr is seatedwith hcr husbandin PosilionVI. Thev
arc the recipienlsof offerings iron a son.
Two sonsarenamcdin thechapel.
PM(l) A son oficrs a bird and a flower to ll( and Mrlt. IIe is [s-i/./ nrrl
s1!u-c\m st 4 Intn[-m-ipt] probablythc samesoriwiro ollcrs to his parentson the
stcla(No.l62 (Music dc Turin), ibid.,PI.XI). IIe wasprobablyrheeldesrson.
PM(2) A smallmale Iigurc dcscribedas Is3.fl Nlt.f-r.]-nh standsbctweenhis
parentsas they offer to Osiris-Onnophris.His lcfi amr hangsat his side,his right is
bentup acrosshis breast.In his handhe holdsa flower. It is possiblethatthis is thc
sameson Nll who offersto his parentson threeof thc ten boxeslound in the burial
chamber(Schirparelli1921-1, fig. 109,l2).
PM(3) Assumingthe Turin Stclacamefrom lhis wall, a sonot.fersto 6/.r and
Mr.r'r. A small male figure standsat rhc sideof the parcnts'chair,his handrcaches
up to touchhis mother'skncc. It is possiblethata dcccased child is dcpictedhere. A
metal situlaof a son firr,[il \ich mAt ns\t \Mt r:nli!) w.rstounJ in thc burial
chamber(ibid., fig.158). This son is not represented in rvhatrcnuins of lhe sccncs
in the chapel.
Ar aid, Mnt ilad at lcastonedaughler.
Pl\'t(l) Afigureof agirl is shownbendimgover !., sheappearstobefasreninl
or adjustinghis coLlar. intimatesceneis very unusual. She is Is3t] f nor.l'
nbt-prMrv. As sheis rbr-pr shcwaspossiblea maried dauithterof /1i'r.
PM(2) A femalefigurc standsbchind Mnl and f1. whcn he offersto Osiris.
Hcr nameis missing. Shecouldbc the daughler Mryt or a scconddaughter.Her
figure is not quitc as largclts her nrother'sand shestancls on llte floor ratherthtn on
thc mat as the others(k).
A couple*ho might be thc parcnts,a brotherandhis wilc. or a sonandhis rvife
are depictedon thc lcli ol thc stclaspace.
PM(3) A man andhis w,il'carescatcdon a couchfacinltright in PositionVI. Ile
is inrr-r Lll NJi !b.,/ and shc is sntf nht-pr T-l-r,;xl (:)) (Vandicf
d ' A b b a d i e1 9 1 9 ,P l . l l l ) .
Untortunately no kinship lerrns arc spccificd, but there must be a closc

relationshipwith the tomb owner becauseof the positionoi the couplcon the wesi
wall of the chapeland as pan of thc surroundof rhe stcla. Vandicr(ibid., 17) is of
the opinion that bccauseno rclationshiprvas specified,therc was nonc and thal
Nft-hb.f was merely a colleague. Ilowevcr this doesnol necessarilyfollow. tr
might have been a matterof shotagc of inscriplionalspaceand the fact ihat the
relationshipwas self evidentto the peopleconcemed.Ap ftb,f bcarsthe sametide
as t1. and possiblypreceeded or succeeded him in officc. Among the finds in thc
burial chamberwas a gamingboardofferedby Bnr mrt sdm'c\n Inrn to his fafter
trfr ftb,/ and his mothcr,(Schiaparelli19247, figs.159-62), howeverrhisis no hclp
in solving the problem of the relarionshbipof Nfr-ftb,f tct lc.
A'l'heban tonb of the time of Seti I (T'I.-51)belongsto Wsr-h_1r ldw nJ'
Nlr-iibfi Thcrc is no ovidenceto suggestany link with the family of llc but the iacl
that NJ'r-hb.f was an altcmativeor secondnamefor lVsr-hjt might suggesrthJr
Wsr-ft3r the son of Hc and Nfr-hb.J *,ere identical. Ho!\"everthe titles are
completelydifferent,so thistoo is a deadend.
Schiaparelli,from the funerarypapyms,believesthatthe namc of the fatherof
Hc rvas Fou, or Foui (?) (Vandierd'Abbadie1939,17 n.1).


Kn-imn h3t,^-cn niyrt rs t-t

TITLES: I l e l c k 1 9 5 8 , 5 2 5( 5 )
DATE: PM = Dynasty Eighteenr37
AmenhotepII - TuthmosisIV
I-OCATION: DracAb0 el-Nagac T1'.162
H e l c k1 9 5 8 , 5 2 5( 5 )

* o - Ill'-u
-[6 The tomb is very danaged and is now
5t , i n a i c e . s i b l eO
. n l y f r a g m c n tos f s c c n c .r c n r J i n .
12 4 | many ol thcm merely restorationsby Davies
lrSl (Davics1963,1.1-18, Pls.XV-XX).

( r6 2 )

WIFE: Mwt-tv, imcyt nt lmn PM(r)r (3)1&rr(6)(7)

SONS; DllLwrl-ms llrd n k3p PM(3)II sc.l(8)
Imn-m-wi3 wcb n Imnt PM(7)r (8)
Namcsmissing PM(l)r? (6)(7)r

DAUGIITERS: Namesmissing P M ( 1 ) l( 3 ) l l s c . 2( 6 ) ( 8 )
FATIIER(?): Imn m wi.-l wcb n Imnt PM(sXri)'l
MOTHER: Namcmissing PM(s)(,3)?
Becauseof the very damagedstateof the tomb little infomlation rbout the
lamily of (z-imn is available.
(n-imn's wtfe is represented inmost ofthe survivingsccncs.
PM(l)l (n-imn, accompaniedby his wife and four womcn with sistraand
flowcrs.offerson brazicrs.Thcrc is no illuslrationol this sccnc.
PM(3)l lfn-imn and his wife are seatedon separatechairs facing right,
probably in PositionV. Onlv fragmentsof the figures rcrnainand thcy arc not
reproducedbut Davies(1963,15) saysthat thcy arc almostduplicatcdin tl'rcsccnc
b e l o w . P M ( 3 ) l ls c . l .
PM(3)ll sc.1 (n-imn a:i,dM--l-tn,) are seatedon separatechairs facing right
in PositionV (ibid., PI.XVIA). are lhe recipientsof offeringsfrom a son.
Mrrt!-tb,! is nbt-pr lmI:ytnt |mnl'.
PM(3)ll sc.2 Kn-imn followed by his wife, otlcring-bringcrsand womcn
relatives.offerson brazicrs.This sccncis not illustratcd.
PM(6) The sceneis damaged, it is not reproduced.All that sur.rivcsis thc
descriptionof Davies(ibid., l6). (n-imn is fbllowcdby his wilt, a sonandpossibly
lhreedJughler\a. he offcrs to O.iri..
PM(7)I Two mummies are reprcscntcdin thc funcrary scene. of
Kl izl and his wile (ibid..Pl.XlX).
PM(1)ll Kn-imn and his wife are seatedin PositionV, in a kiosk on a boat
retumingfrom Abydos (ibid., PI.XVIII).
It is possible that $n-imtl married the daughterof Sn-nJi (Case60) rvho rvas
h3t)f n niwt rsl,t duringthe reignof AmenhotepII and possiblythe predecessor of
Kn imn in this post. Sn-xt had a drughter nt Inn Mul-tw1-. Mtrr-ttr)'
was not as corrrmona nafircas was Mrrl-xtl for insturce,and I think it highly likely
that Sr-/y'r' was the father-in-lawof Kn imn. An analysisof the family of Sn-nJi
sccmcdto indicatethathe hadno survivingsonsby his first two wives. S, ,/r had
at leastone son by this third wife, this son might have beentoo young to succccd
him. thereforehis son in law (n lmn couldhavesucceeded to the postof Mayorof
the southemcity.l:18
Kl-izr had at lcastone sonandpossiblymore.
l'M(l)l It is impossiblcto say whcthcrthc thrccnlcn who offer to Sn imr are
s o n so r n o t .
PM(3)II sc.l A son dressedas a priestoffersto (r inzr and his witc. Hc is
lyl n Llp Q|rwt,"-ms.(ibid., PI.XVI).
PM(6) A nan probablya son follows (n imn andhis wife as thcy otler to
Osiris. Hc in tum is lbllowcd by thrccwonlco,probablydaughters (ibid., 16).
PN{(7)l In the sceneof funeraryritesthe nunmy of (n-imn )s held up by u
nranand that of his wife by a woman,probablya son and claughter (ibid.. PI.XIX).
A fragrnentaryirrscriptionabove the man indicatesthat he is a'w'h n Imn' but
pcrhapstiis shouldhave read 'wtb n Imn(t)'. Hc might b€ identicalwith the priest
rrprcsentedin PM(E). s3.fmrJ wt:hn lmnt lmn-n v,i3. Whetheror not he was
Inn-rn-u' would expecthim to be a sonas hc holds lhe mummy of {n-imn.

PM(E)I A mouming man is representedwho, from thc ll agmentarlr

inscription.might be Dhu't)-mssonol K/?-izr?(ibid., PI.XIX).
PN'l(8)lI sceneon this registcrposcsa problcm. A nrandressecl as r pricst
appearsto be offeringto il groupcursislillgol a nranwith the samenameandtitlc as
himsclf,tying somc son of decorationaroundthc ncck of a ntan accompanied by a
r.lonran.The couplearc not {r-irlr anclhis wife and it is not clcitrwhcthcrthc nra
describcci as s3 f rn f w,cb n Imrt lnn-m-wi3 is tilc son ol' the man or the sonof
(n-intn. Tct complicaternattersfurtherthe recipicntof tltcserites was alsonamed
vcb n Imti |mnl-m-*'i3. It is possiblclhal he wa\ the filther ol fr-irrn bcing
ofl'crcdto by his grandsonand namcsakc. thc sonol lln imn.
It is possiblerhal Kn inn hrd thrcc or lbur claughtersalthoughno namcs
sLlnr' Lvc.
PN,l(1)ll"ourwonlenwith sistlxanclflou'crsare represented witlt {r-trnir ancl
his rvif'c*fien he ot'ferson brazicrs. wcrc possibly daughters.
PM(3)ll sc.2 Somervoncn. tlcscribedby Davies(ibid.. 15) as l'emalerelatives
lollow Kn-imn ud his wilt when they offer on brazicrs. probablyinclude
PM(.6)Kn-imn andhis wile follorr,edby a son('l) andthrccwomenwi[h sistra
o1lcrto Osiris. Theseu,ornenarc probablydaughters.
PM(s) A woman holds thc mummy of MH, /B,l', she rvas probitblya
11is not clearfrom thc tombjust who werethe parentsof (r-ir?n.
Pl\.j(5) On both thicknesses oi the entranccto thc passage,{, ir?, meetshis
parents(ibid., l5). Thcrc arc no illustrationsofthcsc sccncsonly lhe descriptionof
Davics(ibid.. l5) which is confusing.Dcscribinglhe lcli thicknesssheallcgeslhat
the owner is reccivcdby his father(?). IIis wifc is behindhim with a bouquctil hcr
left hand. It is rot clearwhetherit is Kl-iarrr'.i wife that is mernt or his fltltcr's.
On the right thickness (x-ilurfl) is receivedby his rttothcr(?).On this thickncss
neitherhis wil'enor his falherarementioncdandno problenlexists.
Revertingto thc lcft entrance,eithcr the lather greets (fl-lr?x and his wife,
ulro must be tacing right. or his parcntsgrccl Kn imn so that thc colLple,i.e.his
parcrrts,would be facingleft. I think that thc fathergreetsKtt-inur a:ndhiswilcon
thc left thicknessand his mothergrccts lln imn aloncon the right thickncssn'hcre
the open door would limit thc spacc. It is possiblc,lhough.that (n inr, and his
wife are grccledby his parcnlson the left tltickncss.C-'ommcrlting on a frltgment
( i b i d . , P I . X X n o . 9 ) ,P l . 4 B D a v i e s( i b i d . . l 8 ) a t t r i b u t c si t t o t h e l c f t d r i c k n e s s
"rvhcrc (ri /nra and his wife greethis pilrct'lls".She rcfcrs to a sinrilarscencin
'1T.,19 by his parentsin a sintilarposition
wherethc tomb owner Nr-llrl, is -itreetcd
i n t h e t o n r b . ( D a v i e s 1 9 3 3 , P I . X X X I X ) . I ) a v i e s a s s u m e st h a t t h c t r a g n l e n t
reprcscntsthe parentsol (n'imn, possiblybecauscof lhe whitc hair of lhe man. 'rs-rl'
thfbfiunately all that remainsof thc nameand titlcs ol the man is thc word
which leadsDaviesto thc conclusionthal {r lrtrl's fathcrwas also rln'l
r.r-)r'.If this was thc case,the tlleory that $n-imn was the son-in law of his
prcdecessor in office, Sn-r,i and that thc wrh n Imnt lmn-m w/.i was his father'
rvould not bc tenable. However,as can be seenfiom (ibid., PI.XXXIX) in this
situationthe parentsof K,'r-imn would bc facing lcft and not right and thus thc

coupledepictcdon fragmentno. 9 are mostprobably(n-imn andhis wife andthe

is part of his title. Therefore his father was not nccessarily 'l13ty-cn niut
r s l t a n dc o u l dw e l l h l e h c e n l m n m * i 3 1 P V q x l l l l .
Accordingto Bryan (1985,22 and n.30) rhe interpretation of the sccneof rhc
thicknessmust bc correcred.The fragment(Davies1963,pl.XX no. 9) belongsto
PM(8) nther than PM(5). However, this does not afiect the conclusionsihad
rcachedbut tendsto confinn them.

cn sE74
Inn htp-s3-s hm-n1r2-nw n Imn

TITI-ES: Sedrc1927,1207-16
DATE: TuthmosisIV
LOCATION: SheikhcAbdel Quma TT.75

The tomb is very damaged

and the fcrv surviving scenes
appearto be largelyrestorations
by Davies(1923b).

PM 148

WIFE: R3y !1krtnswt imcJt nt Imn PM(4XsX6)(e)

SONS: Mn hpr-f -snb PM(1)
Namemissing P M ( 1 ) ( 8 )sI c . 1( 9 )
DAT]GH'I'ERS: Mwt nfrt imcyt nt Imn PM(6)
flnwt-t3w.t Imcyt nt Imn PM(6)
f31 nt Imn PM(6)
Narnemissing PM(a)(s)(8)Isc.1
FATI IE,R: Possiblycalled S not represented in tomb.ll9
N,IO'I-HER PJ-.J ntx representedin tomb
GRANDSON: Namemissing. P M ()r
PM(,1) Banquctt*fore Imn-l1tps-i-s, his wife and daughrer(Davies 1923b,
I l1/

PI.IV). Pl.sA. Despiteher prestigioustitles, R31' plays a subsidiarytole in this

scene. Usually in this type of scene,the wife is scatedat thc side of hcr husband.
cmbracinghim in PositionV or VI. Sheis usuallyeqDalin sizeto hcr husbrurd.R-lr
horveveris seatedon a small chairbehindher husbandand is much smallcrirt size
Thcrc is no contactbetwecnthe two, they are scatedin PositionXXXVII A small
femalc figure squatsat the side of R.i1's chair.
s and his
PM(-5)I In an offering sceneat the right side of the stcla. 1mn-frr7r-s-i
wife reccive a menat from I girl. They are seatedon a couch, facing lcft, in Position
V (ibid.,PI.XV). R-3-vis equalin sizeto hcr husband.
PM(6) RJ-r and threi daughtcrsreceivcthe proccssionto lhe templc (ibid,
Pl.XIV). R-lr iolds a sistrumin her raisedright hand as do the daughlers ln her
left handsheholdsa flowerwhile thc daughters hold menats
PM(9) A priest offcrs to larrr-fitp-s3-sand RJ-v seatedon a couch tacing riSllt
in Posirionvl iitia., pt.xVt). goth R-l-vand Imn'lyp sJ-.r areequalin size.
Imn-l,ttp-s3-sappearsto have had at leasttwo sonspossiblymore.
PM(i) lnra-bt|-sj r with his sonsand attcndantsinspectsthc workshopsof
Amun (ibid., Pl.VIi & X). Only fragmentsof the scencremainso it is difficult tcr
dcremlinehow many sonswerc representcd. On the lower register(ibid, Pl Vll) a
man called Mn lpr-rc-snb is representedlle was probablya son unless'like the
n.ranfollowing him, hc was a grandsott.Unfortunatclythe kinshipterm i\ nlissing
Thc man preccedinghim is a sonwhosenameis missing.and tracesof enotherman
- anotherson is reprcsentedin front of him
' PM(S)I sc.1 It is possiblethat the priestbeforethe boothin this funcrarysccne
is a sonas well as thc priestin a similarsceneor registcrll (ibid.,PI XVII)
PM(9) The priest offering cloth and perhapsa brazicr to /mrr {rtp-s-i-s and his
wifc wai probabiya son (ibid., PI.XVI). All the figuresof the priestshave been
completeli expunged,perhapsby the Atcnistsor possiblyby enemicsof thc tomb
ownir, whosefigureis alsocxpungcdthroughoutlhe tonlb.
Thcre were at leastthree and possibly four daughtersin thc family
Pl\'1(,1)A small female figure, unnamed,squatsat the side of her mother'schair
in the banquetsccne. Shc holds a lotus in her left hand and her right hand rcslson
her leg (ibid., Pl.lV).
e-llt1S)e gi offets a menatand sistrumto Imn-l1tp-s3-sscated.wirh his wile
in a sceneat thtside of thc stela(ibid.,PI XV). Sheis probablya daughtcr'
PM(6) Three daughters,named,ail priestesses of Amun standhehind their
motheras ihe receivesthc procession of men They hold sistrain their raisedright
halds and their left handshold mcnatsat theirsidcs(ibid..PI.XIV)'
PM(8)l sc.1 It is possiblethat the two mourningwomen behindthc pnest rn
both registerswere daughters.
As"faras onc can till. the parcntsol Invt'l,xp's3-swere not represented in the
tomb. The namc of his father possibly survivcsin thc namc of his son (cf n l39)
and the mother's name in the attribution of filiation in the shrine where
Imn-fttp's-3-s is n nbtpt PJ-c3' (ibid , PI XVI). This is an unusualnametor a
womanand is the only occurrence citedby Ranke(RPN 102 1I ) for this as a female
One srandsonjs representcd in the tomb. FIebringsup the rcar of a file of sons

who accompanyImn-L1tp-s3-s on his inspectionofthe workshops. llis nameis

missingbut he is a sj/,f, the soDof onc of his daughters.It is possiblcthar
Mn lpr-rc-snb who precedeshim is also a grandsonratherthan a son (ibid..


Nht wnwfi n Imn si

TITLES: Helck1955,1602-6
DATE: Tuthmosis IV (?)
LOCATION: ShcikhcAbdel-Quma
BIBI-IOGRAPHY:P M 9 9 - 1 0 2

Only the transversehall of this modest

tomb was decorated.

PM 90

WIFE: Tjwy Imcytnt Im (2)(3)(a)(5)

SONS: Inn]-n-ipt PM(3)rII-rv
Namesmissing (s)il(6)
DAUGIITERS: Namesmissing PM(6)
The wife of Nlr is very prominent ir hjs tomb, appearhg in every scene.
PN'l(l) sc.l Nrt with his wife pours ointmeni on offerirgs. TJw) stands
behind her husband,her right hand bent acrosshcr breastholds a menat,her left
handhangsat her side,ir it sheholdsa sistmm.PositionXXXVlll (Maspcro1891,
477, f\g.3.)
PM(2) N&t ard T3wy arc seatedon a couch facing right in Position Vl on the
panelof the falsedoor (Davies1917,Pl.VIII).
PM(3)I-II Two men offcr to N&/ and his wife. Only the legs of the men
remain, the figures of Nlr and T3wy are completelydestroyed(ibid., Pi.XV).
PM(3)III-IV A son offers a bouquetto his parents. They are seatedon a couch
facing left. The sceneis damagedonly the legs remaining but they were probably

seatedin PositionV or VI (ibid.,PI.XV).

PM(4) N&/ followedby his wife. poursointmenton ollerings. figureol
his wif'e was not completedbut she was probably standjngin PositionXXXVIII
(Maspcro1891.483, fig.5).
PM(S)I Offering bringersbefore Nl3t and 7llr,-r, who are seatedon a couch
lacingright in PositionVI (Daviesl9l?, PI.XIII). The figuresand the inscription.r
abovethem are merelysketched.
PM(5)ll Priestsoffer to a couple who are probably Nlt and I-iu-r'.
Althoughthe figuresexhibitnroredetailthanthosein PM(5)I. the inscriptionshave
not beenfilled in. couplcare seatcdon scparatcchairsfacingright in Position
v l ( i b i d . .P l . x l l r ) .
PM(6)I Nr, andhis wife receiveofferingsof fbw). They arescatedon a couch
lacing right in PositionVL In anotherscene Nll and his family arc fishing and
fowling (ibid., Pl.XXII). IJis wife standsbehindhim in the skifTwith her inncr;rmr
aroundhis waist in both the fishing lurdfowling scene.
PM(6)ll N/rl and his wifc rcccivcthc produceof the rnarsh)ands.They are
seatedin a kiosk on a couchfacingdght in PositionV.
name of only one son survivesin thc tomb but othcr men, who might be
sonsoffer to Nfit ar.d T3wy.
PM(3)l-II Twomen offerto Nlr andhis wifc in thc banquctscene.Only their
lcgs remain,they might havc bcen sonsof the couple.
P M ( 3 ) I I I - I V A m a n o f f ' e r sb o u q u c t st o N l t a n d f 3 w 1 . H e i s s - i . s
Innl-m-ipt. Although he appearsbefore both parentsthe son is specifically called
's.i.s' (ibid.,
Pl. XV). I do not think there is room for Ihe plural signsto signif),
He might bc so callcclto emphasizethat he is N/r's son by'-r.. Possible
Nrt had a son or sonsby iurothcrwomaD. Anothcr possibility is that he was L3w-r's
sonby an earliermarriage.Howeverl donotthink ifthis wasthe cirsethathe Fould
be depictedoflcringto N[1.
PM(5)ll In this offering scenea large fi-qure,entirely expunged,offcrs to il
couple, probably Nlr and his wife. He was probablyrepresented as a pricstancl
rvasprobablya son. His figure was destroyedby fic Atenists.He might havebeen
Imn-m-ipt ()r perhapsa sccondson.
PM(6)l In the 'owling scene,the srnallnudct)gurcof a boy standson the pro*
of the boat. His stridingfigurefacesforwardbut his hcad is tumedback to facehis
The only scenein which daughters sccmto be represented is in thc fowling and
fishingscene (ibid.,PI.XXII).
PM(6)I In the fbwling and fishing scenesa small femalc figure, uho is
probablya daughtcr,squatsbetweenthe stridinglegsof .\&/. It is impossibleto tcll
if she is the samedaughtcrin both cases.ln the fishing sccnca smallnudefemale
figure standson the prow of the boat, her head is tumcd towards Nfrr and her lefi
handreachesup to touchhim. Shetoo is probablya daughter.
Bccausethe tomb was not complctclydecoratedand the guestsat lhe banquct
were not named,thore is no funher infonnation about the family of N!1.

psr-k1 rr-snb .\I hsb\rit"snwtlxp-nlr lmn]
TITLES: Ilelck 19.5-5,
I 617-,10
DATE: TuthmosisIV
LOCATION: Sheikh cAbd el Quma 'tT.38

Only the transvcrse

hall of this tomb was

PM 44

SONS: Mn-fipr t{ pNttTr

Nh_hbf (?) r' pM(2)
.. Nfr-hbf s"s pM(2y3)I
trmn.htpl(?) si mniw pMi2iilit (?) (1
[Nb-sn]y lry mnt[n Imn] pM(4)t (6)II
DAUGHTERS: Nbt-t3wy nbt-pr pM(1X6)
M,>-,. pN{(6)
Namemissing pM(2)
Qsr-k3-rc-snb's wife appearsin most of the scenesin his tomb.
PM(l) Left thickness,psr-L3-l,sab andhis wife adoring,with a hymn ro Re.
No illustrationof the sceneexistsbut the couplewere probibly represented in a
positionsimilarto PosirionXVtr.
PM(2) Dsr 6-r.-snb followed by his wife and sonspours incenseon offcrings
(Davies 1963, Pl.I). lsr,it3-rc-snb and W3s!-rnpr are srandingin positiJn
PM(.l)t Two sons-and a daughterbefore the romb owner and his wife. They
are seatedon separatechairsfacing left in position Vl.
PM,(4)U Sons and daughters(?) offer to rheir parentsseatedas on the register
above(ibid., PI.UI).
PM(5) 2sr'Li-rc-snb with his wife offers on braziersin position XXXIX.
The figure ofhis wife is or y sketchedand ir is difficult to rell wherhersners meanr
to bc holding anythingin her right hand(ibid.,pl.lV).
_ PM(6)I Two daughtersoff'era necklaceand wine to theirparents. The sceneis
lg_nagedand the figure of lV3l-rnpt has now completelydisappearecl(ibid.,
Pl.V). Howeverin an earlierpublication(Scheill89lb, pl.II) sufficientremainsof
her figure to iodicate that the couple were seatedon a couch facing right in position

PM(6)ll A sonoffersto Dsr-ld tc-snb and W3l-rnpt seatedin'sntl' PositionVI'
In other,scenes where the inscriptions sl.n'ive' W3a!-rnpt is called but in
'fnt.l' (Davies1963,Pl Vlt).
this scene she is called
Dsr-ld-rc-snb seemsto havc had a nurnberoI sons,possibly five -
PM(2) Sonsattend Qsr-L1-r(-snhand his wife in a ritual scene The eldcstson
Mn hpr follows his parentsand is of equal size. Thesethrec are followed by thrcc
io*i'of tigr.rt.t, ttt. topmost of which rcpresentsthree small male figures, all sonso1'
the uouolJ(Davies 196-1,Pl.ll. Thc natmeof the first has beenclestroycd only his
r i r l e ' s i m a r w s u r v i v e s .D a v i e s( i b i d . , 3 ) r e s t o r ehsi s n a m ea s I l m n - h 4 t ] T h e
'Nfr-&h,/ This miAhtbe a scrib'rlcrror but it is not
othertwo have the samcname
(ibid ' 3 &
unusualfor two brothersto bearthe s:lmenxme. I hrve follu$ed Dlvies
n.2) in this, althoughhe represents one of thescsonsas N/r-nb,f on two occlsions
(ibid., Pls.l & Il).'schcil (tsqlu, srg) calls bolh sons .[i-r6l'-and Rankc (RPN
i91.6.1giu". lhis rcferencefor the name Nf a&.,f but not fol Nfr^\ttJt
ptvi(3)l Dsr-Lt-rtt-srb is shownsupc,"vising the mcasuringofthe fields Heis
tbllo*'ed by mniu,Nfr-hb.f probably one of his sons although,.in the earhcrscene
'sj' andhis brother 'nrrrlw'. (ibid ' Pl ll)'
' 'pfr,lt+)f was called
Two sonsanda claughter ofter to lheir parents The sonsare !ry'mrw
In Imn Nh-sn]1 ald another son whose nameis missing(ibid ' PI III)'
PM(1)ll This sceneis very clantaged and largelyresbred A son (destroycd)
offers a flower to his parcnts.followedby a row of four mcn and a row of women'
Although no nanes suruive the four men wcre probably the othcr fbur sonsof
'r-3f ztrinl rcmaius
Qsr-k3i'.-snb. tn front oithe seconcl man in the rou'
PM(6)II The expungeclfigure ot'feringto D,tr /i.l-r' snb and l\3rl'rnpt is
thcir son Nb srr (Scteiit8qt6, IIe was probablyreprescnted as a pricst
which would accountfor the completeerasurcof his ligurc.
whosc namcs
Qsr-k3-rc-snb probably had thrce daughters.only two of
surv lve.
PM(2) As wcll as his wife and four sons'threedaughtersprobablyfollowcd
Qsr-k3-r'-snb in this ritual scene. unnarncdwomen standon fhe lowest
rcgisterbehind the thrce main fjgures in this ritual scenc'
PM('l)I A claughterNbl-t3w-r..follows two sonsin oflering lo their parcnts
PM(4)ll ln this very damageciscencfive sonsoffer to lheir parents On a
to*"i r.!iit.t arc the rcmainsoit*o *o-"tt with room for anothcrfigurc in thc-
patch oI wall between thcm. are probably thc thrcc daughlers ol
Dsr-k3 -rc -snb.
PM(6)I In the banquetscenc,two daugbtcrsoffcr a nccklaceand.winclo tlleir
Darentti.They are N,i-13[l the eldcsi claughtcra:nd M11-r(: Nbt-t-]wr is
iefened t , , a s n h t - f r ' u l l r c h m i g h t i n d i c a l ct l t a l' h e u r s I r n l t t i e d r r o r l t r no r
misht merelyindicatethat shesupen'isedhcr fathcr'shtrusehold orrthc deathof hcr
rnoiherif her mothcr predeceascd her father'
The parentsof Qst k3-r':'srth arc not rcprescnted in the tonb - perhapsthey
if it had been decoratcd
nighr' have bcen depicteclin thc inncr chamber
Dsr-k3 rc-sni was thc steward of the Second Pricst of Amun lmn-ltp s3's

(Case7,1,TT.75) in whoseremb he is dcpicredfulfilling his rlutics(Davies1923b,

Pl.vI& Pt.vrrI).


!3.nw-nt J.i4,r)r,rimy r mlsc

TITLES: Sethc1927,1002l8
Brack1917 ,97 99
DATE: PM = Tuthmosis fV
Cartouches in tomb= Tutlurosis
lll - Tuthmosis
LOCA'I'ION: SheikhcAbde1-QumrTT.7,1
B r a c k1 9 7 71, 1 0 - tl

O n l y t h e t r a n s v e r s ch a l l o f t h c t o m b
remains. It was fully decoratcdbut thc sccncs
are very damaged.

PM 136

WIFE: Mwtiry Lkrt nswt'sm\t P r v l ( 1 X 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 7 ) (28) ) ( 1

nt Dhwrj nb tlmn\t
SONS: I.l3t-4' si PM(3)
DAUGHTER: Namcmrssing PM(3)
BROTHER: c3 imtt
Mru-lrl is quite prominent in thc tomb as befits her titlcs.
PM(1) Left thickness, and his wife aclorine.Shesrandsbehindher
husbardwith a sistrun ir her raisedrighr h3nd,her jefr hlnd hold\ a mcnatar hcr
side. Her figure is smallerthan that of her husband,the top of her headreaching
only to his shoulderIn PosirionXL (Brack 1977,23Abb.1).
PM(2) T3.nw-nl with wife offers on braziers. A smallerficurc of his wife
standsbehindhim in PositionXXXIX. er,ccprrhrr sheholLlrI bird in hcr righLhand
at her side and flowers in hcr left hand srrerchedacrossher body (ibid., Taf;l 20a).
PM(3) Two men and a woman offer to !3.w-a1 ancl Mill irr. She is scated
behindher husbandonasmall chair ir PosirionXXXVII (ibitl..Tafcl 2la). Thereis
no contactbctwcenthe couple.
PM('7) L3.nw-nl with wife offerson braziers.The figuresof the couplearc
completelydestroyed,but the sceneis a syrnmetricalscenewirh that on the othcr side

of thc doorway(PM(2)).
PM(8), with wife adoring. offers on braziers They are standingin
PositionXXXIV cxceptthatthe wife is smallcrthanher husband.(ibid.,Tafcl 20b).
PM(12) On the lintel of the inner doorway, TJ.nw'n,- adoresOsiris. The
lintel is damagedbut fJ.nw rt-l must have beenaccompanied by his wife, whosc
namecanbe secnbehindhin (ibid.. Tafcl4'1a).
Dcspite Mwl-ir)t title of and her priestlytitlesand the lact that
sheis representedin a number of sccneswith her husband,the tcndencyin tllis tomb
is to relegateher to a subsidiaryposition. ln every sccncshe is portrayedsmaller
than hcr husband.The onLyoccasionon which she is dcpictedequalin sizeto hcr
husbandis on a stela,probably from the tomb, rtow in Turin l\{useum('l'urin
Museum Nr.16,1,1, Brack 1977.Tafel 45c). At lhe lop of the slela,sllc and her
husbandin PositionXVII adoreOsiris. On the secondregister,thcy are seatedin
Position V, the recipientsof ofTeringsfrom lheir son.
!J.nw-nl appearsto havehad al leasttwo sons
PM(3) Two men, probably sons, and a woman offcr to f.i.rrl'-n1 and
Mirt-ir). One son,dressedas a priest,offcrs a bouquctto the couplcand the othcr
sonstandingon the registerabovealsooffersa boutluet(ibid , 1'afel2la). The scene
is damagedand no namessurvivc. However,tlle namesof trvosonsarc known from
other s0urccs.
PM(12) One son Nb wclw dedicatedthc door posts A smallkncclingfigurc
Nbttc iw is dcpictedat the bottomofcachjamb with his handsraisedin adoration
(ibid.,Tafcl '15a& b).
Anothcr son,possiblythe eldcst,ofiers to his parentson the Turin slela llc
standsbcfore them dressedas a priest,possiblythe sameson rvho offers io them
similarlyanircdin PM(3). He is rI H-ir'f,.
Only one daughteris representcdin what suryivesof the scenesin tlle tomb.
PM(3) A fcmale figure standsbchind thc son offering to f.i.'lr''nr and
M!r/-iry. Shc wasprobablya daughtcrbut only her legsarc still visiblc andno namc
t-l-lnrrr known
thc only othcr memberof his farnily known is his brothcr -ri
from two osiraka (Fundc 5/'1 and 5/5) found in the forecourt of the tomb (ibid '
Ta1'e ln 5.1a& 55a).
Among thc finds from Burial Chamber2' was a jug with the name of wr riftrl
lnn lltp n $ nnw, (ibld.,68). As this wasprobablythe burial chamberof Mwt i^
(ibid.. 80i who front her titles (rYm'-tl l:ot'ib
nt Dll\|'l) h H ttltur n(t) N"tttnJ:.,,''-l)
IJ,ryru,) probablyoriginatedfrom Ilermopolis, it is possiblethat /mll &{2 was lhe
iatherof Mla, i r-\'.
!3.nw nl did not bcar any titles penainingto Hermopolis,but on the inncr
jambsof the entrance,the offetingtcxtsmentionThoth and Nchemcawat amongthe
othergodsso it is possiblcthat l-l.rtw ni' too had links with Hermopolrs


Tnw-n3 !3w bw im|-r y wr

TITI-ES: Helck1955,1577-81
H e l c k1 9 5 8 , 4 8 2 ( 1 1 )
DATE: Tuthmosis IV
LOCATION: SheikhcAbdel-QunraTT.?6

The tomb was fully constructcd but

only thc north bav of the transverse hiill
appearsto havcbeendecorared.All thc
figures in the tomb seem to hlvr'
sufferedfrom themaliceo[ encrniesso rr
i s i m p o s s i b l et o t e l l h o r v t h c c o u p i e s
w e r e r c f r (\ ( n t e d . T h q t o m h i '

T*b 75

PM 148

WIFE: Nbt-t3w\ PM(3) PillarBa Bb Cb Da

SONS(?): Unnamed Plvl(3)

PARENTS: Unnamed PM(1)r
IN-LAW: UrLnzLmed PM(4)rr
The wife is representedin fivc of the surviving scenes.
PM(3) the sceneis very darnaged. A man offers a bouquct to liin, n-l and
possiblyto his wife. (Mlv{,{T.2i02). The figurcsof the seatedman andwomanhave
becnerasedbut a smallchairrcmainsat tbe sidcof his chair. As the tendcncvseenrs
to be developingfor the wife to be seatedon a smallchairat the sidcof her husband
(cf.Case60 and later T'fs.78,261, 139),it is probablyrhe wife who was seatedby
her husbandratherthana daughterwho would havebecnoccupyingthis po)rrionin
Pillar Ba fnn -rll andhis wifb haveboth b€enerasedso itis impossiblero tell
how they rvere represented.The wife's figure secmsto be smallcr than that of her
husbandand therewasprobablyno contact(MNIA'I',2108left).
Pillar Bb Figureserasedexceptfor wifc's legs. Sheis irnl.,fmrl.,fNr, /-lrr).
(MMA r.2106).
Pillar Cb Figuresare completclydesrroyed (N{MA T.210?).
Pillar Da Figuresarecompletelydesrroycd(MMA T.2109).
Bccauseof the Iew damagedscencsthat surviveit is impossibleto teil whcther
any sonsof !lw-ri-l are representedin tlte tomb.
PM(3) A nan wbo might bc a son,offers a bouquetof Amun to lrrrr,,n3 and
Nrt t-1lr,,).
His hgure is not erased.only his facc(MMA T.2102)
The parentsof !nw-n3 are reprcsentedjn the tomb.
PM(4)l His tather and nother are seatedfacing right on scparatechairsbefore
a table oI food. Their figures and nantesare erasedbut 'lr.,f' and 'mwt.,f' can still
be rcad (MN{A T.2103).
Plt'l(,4)UAno&er couplc whosefiguresand nameshave also becn erasedare
seatedbelow thc puents of !nw-n3. They were 'it.s im)-r mnmnt[---] ' and his
wife, the parcntsof Nbt t3wy. (MIIA T.2103).
PM(4)III Two wom€n are seatedon the ground. It is impossiblcto tell \\,11ether
thcy are daughtersof lnw-n3 or sistersofhim or his wifc.
This is the only infonnationaboutthe family of !nw-n3 that can be gleaned
from his tomb.
On a scribc'spalette(BM No.5512,Glanville1932,57,Pl. VX.3) ofthe tnrl-r
' pr wr Mry rc, 'Lnw-n3 is describedas
sI n imt-r pr wr n s)rt Inx.-n-i. As
frw n3 cvcntuallybecame im1-rpr wr r rr'lrt himself,this must havebeenat an
earlierstageof his career.He probablysucceedcdMry--l in this post. As thereis
no infbrmation avajlable about the family ol Mry-rc and his tomb is nol knorvn,
thcrc is no way ofkrowing if fzw |Ll was relatedto him by blood or mlrriugc.


Nb-sny bm-nll tD) n In hrt

TITLES: Daviesand Macadam1957,F.C.298

DATE: TutlLmosisIV (?)
LOCATION: SheikhcAbd el-Quma TT.108
Only the transverschall survivesand eithcr
only thc southbay was decorated, or thcscsccncs
are all that survive.
The tomb is unpublished.

PM 220

wllrE: Sn-snh fLrt ns'atltmttt rt lnn P M 0) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( s ) r

SON: Unnamcd PI\r(3)(5)r'l (5)rr'l
l)AL CIITERS: UDnarned PM(5 )rr'l
GRANDSON: r.t r '.i,fSrr1 / P1\{(3
Nl sr_r"s wife was a 'Itr1 lrrl ' and a '{mt .\'tnt lmn ' tnd as one woulcl
cxpcct,is represented in four of the five survivingscencs.
PNI(l) Outcr lintcl. cloublescenc: N, srrr anclhis wiie adore Osiris and
Anubis. .Sn-.ub standsbehindher husbancl, in both scenesin a positionsimilarkr
I'osilionXXXIX cxccprrharher righrhandis raiscdin acloration (NllvlA1.2999).
PM(2) N, Jr_,-with .tr?-.r/rboffers on braziers.-Srrsrrb standsbchird her
husbandfacing leit in PositionXXXVIII. The tops ol-rhc ligurcs are missingbul
sufficientremains1ocnablconeto judge lhe posilionin rvhichthcl u erereprescnlcd
(MN{A T.3000).
i']M(3) This sceneis badlydartagccl.ND-srrr rd his wife areseatcdon a couch
lacing left in PosilionVI. A smallmrle ficure slandsbcsjdc Nb-.vrr rvithhis hand
on his knee(MMA 1'.3(X)l).
PM(-5)l A man,deslroycd.olltrs to ND-sn_iand his *,ife. 'lhcy arc seatcdon a
couchfucingleft but their figurcs,too, arc missing(Ml\,lA 1'.30046).
l\4enwho arc probablysonsofler to lhc tontbowncr lrIrdhis rr ife in sontcof thc
PM(3) A son, unnanlcd.offcrs to ND sn_r'.his rvilt and grandson(\41\1A
. PM(s)l A man, destroycci. olflrs to Nl .\lr and his rvilt. Ilc is probablya
son. Hc night be the samesonas jn Plvl(3)ora diilerentson(NlMA 'l'.3(X)-5 ).
Pl\'l(5)lt Mcn with bouquelsbeibrc a scalcclcouplccould possiblybe soDsof
lb ral or night mcrelybe allendants (NIMA'l'.1001-6).
Thereis no cvidcnccthatanv daughters of .\'6-.irtl arc represented in lhe lonrb.
Hou,ever.somc worrcn (sketched)offcr lo llrc scatcdcouplc in P1\1(5)ll.Thcv
might be claughtcrs.
Thc parclts of N.b-vr_r' might be rcprcscntcd in thc tomb.
PN'l(s)ll A couplescatcd(tn scparrtcclr,,r'sfacinc left in PositiorlVI coulclbc
lhe parentsof Nb srrr or mitht bc Nl-srrl hirlself ancihis *,ile. tJniortutatcl.v no
A grandsonof Nb-rrr1 acconrpanics him in onescene.
PN'l(3)A snrallnakedchild standsat thc siclcof N/r-irr-r.'r lers. IIis right hancl
Icstson his grandllthcr'skncc,his lcfi handhangsat his side(lvlN1AT.-3001 ). He is
callcd .i! ll.!.i1.!t1- /. Nll .rn nlusthavehad at lcaslonc son. Pcrhaps
lhe grandson$,asthc child ol thc son who ollcrcd to N/r-Jll antl his *ife in this
CASl] 80

Helck 1955,1607
DATI]: utllnlosislV (?)
LOCATION: DracAb0 cl-NagacTT.l6-5

This is a small single chambcrtomb. It

was fully decoratedbut is very damagcdiLnd
Davies(1913) did not think the sccnes\\'ortlr

PN{ 30
WIFII: i nt imnt ldr n.s K3y [s1t nt ll\tx-Hr PM(2)(1)(5)(6)
'- SONS: Unnamcd PN{(3)?(1)(5)l
DAUGIITERS: Unnimcd (6)?
wifc is reprcscnted in most of the scenesin thc tornb.
PNI(2)I rows ofguestsbefore Nhnr-cw3yandhis wife. They are seatecl
on scparatcchairsfacingleft in PositionVI (Baud193-5, fig.87).
PM(2)ll Nftnr-cw3-landhis wife areseatedasinthc registerabove.
PM(4) The tomb owncr and his frmily are fishing and fowling. Litrle of the
scenesremains,but from the sun,ivinginscriptionit is obviousthat his wift s x)d
behind Nirn 'y,J_r in both thcscactivites(Davies 1913,PI.XXXIX; Baud 1935,
PN{(5)I A son (?) offersa bouquctto Nhm-cw3y andhis family. Nln .rJ_r
andhis wife are seatedfacingright on a couchin PositionVl, a sonand daughtcrsit
on lorverchairsbesidedrem(Davies1913,40).
PM(5)II Nltn cwJl andhis wife are seatedin a kiosk. His wile is scatcdon lL
lorv chair at his side. FIerheadreachesonly to his breast.IIis righLarm is arountl
her neck and his right handholds a flower which shesmells. Shc graspshis wrist
with her right hand. Her left hand restson his kree in PositionXLL Baud (1935,
183) callshcr "sa fillc" but becauseof her sizeand thc intimatccontactbctwccnthc
figures, therecal be no doubt tlat shr:was his wifc.
PM(6) Priestsperfbrm thc'openingof the mouth'ccremonyon a rnalcand a
female mummy. female mummy must be that of the tomb owner's uifc (Davies
No sonsare namcdin the tomb but it is possiblethat somemalefiguresin thrcc
sceneswere sons.
PM(3) men offer a libation and cloth to Nrm-cn3"-. l1 is possiblcthal

they were so0s.

PM(,l) In the fowling scenea smalimalc figurestandsin front of Nl1nt,cw3y.
Hc tums his headback to look at his father(I3au<i 193-5,
PM(5)I A son and daughtersit on low chairsat the sidc of their parentswhile
anotherman offersa bouquct. Hc is probabiya son. It would sccrnfrom this sccne
L h a tN r r r t - ' w J \ h l d a t l e r . t t w , r . o r r . .
No daughtcrsare named in the tomb but fcmale figurcs, *to rlere in al]
probabilitydaughters, are dcpictedin threescenes.
PM(4) In the fishing sccnc,a smallfenale figure squatsbetrveenNltm-cw-lt's
Iegs. Shereachesback *,ith her lefr handto grasphis left le-q(ibid.,pl.XXi).
PM(s)I A daughtersitson a low chairat the sidcof her parents.
PM(6) three girls standbeforc a table of offerings. lt is possibiethar thcy
rvercdaughters. Nftm-.w.11night havehad thrcedaughters at lcasr.
|.lo other mcmbers of the family appearto havc beenreprc-\cntcdin the tomb.

C A S E8 I
Sbkhrp h3r^'c, i [rry] [n] n Sbk
Helck1955.1-582 5
DATII: Tuthmosis IV
LOCATION: SheikhcAbdel'Quma TT.63
tlelck 1958,469(9)
Charles1960,1 26
W a l l e1 9 6 3 , 7 7 - l l 5
Robin1 s 982,55-56

The tomb was rever completely

decorated. It is very damagedand is

PM 12,1

WIFI]: nlt) ht.f

Mryt mnctn(t) s3t-ns\rt PM(lX2)(ll-12)
(!!$)wrt l3nrtn(t)SbkSdtthkrt nswl (13)(16)(17)
SONS: Pj-sr llr)^c ninShk PM(17)
Unnamed PM(l X2)
FA1'HER: Mnw imy-r sl3u,n^
SISTER: UG)(?) snt.fmrt,f PM(17)
Although she bearsprestigioustitles, the wile of Sbk-lxp doesnot play as
prominenta role in his tomb as onc would expect.1'heernphasis irl the tomb seems
to be on the oflicial activilies of Sbl-ftq as is often the casewith high ollicials.
PM(l) Thicknesses(sketched).Left thickncss, Shk-htp \vith his wile and a
smallson. Thereare no reproductiorsof the inscriptions, if any,or of thc skctches.
C)nthe right thicknessis a woman with a sistrum,possiblyhis wife.
I'M(2) A man, deslroyed,offers to Sbl-&Ip and his wife.
PM(l l)IV Sbk-l,ttpa]ndhis wife arc scatedundera canopyon a boat on the
AbydosPilgrimage.The figuresaredamagedandthe scenchasalmostdisappeared,
but sheappearsto b(rseatedbehindhim (MMA 1.278,15).
PM(13)l Sbt-Irry,destroyed, andhis wife beforeIOsirisand Anubisl. His wife
standsbehind him holding a sistrumand a menatin hcr raisedhandsin PositionXLII
(MMA T.2781).
PM(l3)II Sbt-htp arld Mryt arc seatedon separatechairs facing left in
PositionXXXVll, exceptthat sheis of equal sizeto her husband. There is no contlcl
.-bctweenthe couple. Sheholds a menxtin her left hand and a sistrum loopedover
her left ann.(MMA T.2780).
PM(16) Sbt-l'rtp and his wife standby the lake. She standsbehindhim and
there is no contact. On both sidesof thc lake Sb,t-rlp and his wife are sealedbefbrc
the tree-goddess.Sbt-trp sits on a folding stool and a small figure of Mryr sits on a
smallchair in a similarpositionto PositionXXXIII exceptthathereshc sitsmore to
the rearof her husband(MMA T.2773).
PM( l7) His son P-t-s,'offersa bouquetof Amun to Sbk-lrp and Mryt who
is scatedbehind her husbandwith the princess @.j on her knee. The sceneis
almost cornpletely destroyed aParl from thc inscriplion ovcr lhe figures (MMA
T.2115-6,Zi'tg).'Urtts iitl". *"." n,t'r nlt) 13t-n.,ntnlrt lt.f (Ti'3-)wrt hnrt
n(t) Shk!(lO hkrtnswt. The questionof whethcrshe was the wife or motherof
Sb,t-frp will be discussedwhcn his parentsare considered.
Sbk illp hadat leastone sonandpossiblymore.
PM(l) A smallsonaccompanies his parentson the lcfi thickness.This child is
PM(2) A lmanl offersto Sb&-tf qndhis wife. He is probablyr son.
PM(17) A sonP3-sr l1m'n1rShkS,l4 ltt4'' a i r Shk oifers ro Sbk-l4t and
Mry't nursing (TlcI) . He was probably their eldest son but it is impossibleto tell
whetherhe is identicalto the son in PM(l) and the man in P1\{(2).Threero$'sol
offering bringersare represented behirrd it is possiblcthat someof then]
might be sons although no kinship terms are attachcdlo their names Howevcr the
two last figures on the top row are scribesof his houseboldcalled Sbt-flp and
P-l sr. lao They might be sonsbut ifnot thcy must ccrtainlybe relatedin \omc uly

to Sbk-lltp,perhapsnephewswho werctrken into his service(MMA T.2?75).

Becauscof the damagedstatcof the is impossiblcto deterninewhcther
Sbt-lrp had any daughtcrs.
PM(17) Three women are scatedin a row, behincithe damagedfigure o1 a
nan, under the figures of Sbk-hLp, (Ii-T) anct M,._rr (MMA1.27*). Ir js
possiblethatmore than one man was representcd, but tltc figureshavedisappeared.
This is the position in which one would expcct to find sons and diuchters
represcnted.The only kinship term attachedto thc wonlen is '.rx/.f , atrched ru rhe
middle figure. Unfortunatelythc inscriplronin fronr t,f the lirit fcnraleligure is
damaged.What is left reads 1---/1r.,f f st-tnt IIm I (?)nbt-l1rHtp-ti. h ir p,,srihle
that it could be restoredas 's3t.fmryt.J hs)-t' and,that Htp-ti might be I daughtcrof
Sb,(-illp,perhapsin view of the 'nbl-pr', a is alsopossiblethaL
she was the wife of the man behind whom she sits. If hc \!as a son or brothcrof
Sbk-htp,I,ltp-timight be a daughter-in-law orasister in-law. The sccondwonan is
snt.fmrt.f AF) (?) or [---]!,!fm3ct-,r|r,. She misht havebccn a sisrcrof SDi-lrp
or pcrhapseven a previouswife or favouredconcubincwho died,dcpendingon the
connotationof ',rnt'. 'fhe third woman is an enigrna,she has no kinship ternt
attachcdto lrer name and no spacelbr one. She is ftn)l n/ l-l\rt-Hr (l) bt-pt.
Nbu-m-? ddt n.sI [---J . With the evidenceavailab]cit is impossibleto tell wherhcr
shc was a daughteror sisterof Sr,t-&?.
parentsef Sbk-htp are not represented in what scencsremain,but his
latheris known from thc inscriptionon the wcstend ol the nonh wall of the Dassaee
' wlrcre Sbt-ftt2 rs s3 im)--r s(!3wtJMnw 14l and from a statueof .!bk-lrp
1 0 9 0 ,B o r c h a r d lt9 1 l - 3 6 , i v , 5 l ) . t h e q u e s r i o n o fr h c i d c n r i r yo f t h e p a r e n r o sr
5hl-lltp hrs bcenconfuscdby rwo furlherstluc:\ of .r Si,t-hr|.l^in- a j.,., I r.r{,r,
u h o u . r s i r n r . i h l r t t - ) - ' : K J f w a n d m r n n l t l , r M , ) r r R i r i r n\ r . l l t r l i : H c l i . k
1 9 5 5 ,1 5 8 6 ) .a n d ( M a r s c i l l es r a r u cN o . 7 , N a v i l l e 1 8 7 0 ,1 0 7 t 2 ) . T h e B e r l i na n d
Marscillestatuesare undoubtedlyof the samenlan but it is tioubtfulwhetherthcv
belongto SDt-lrrp ofTT.63. Thereis no consensus ofopinion amonqs.holurson
this poilt.la2 Apan from Charles.Helck rnd Robinsmo.i scholarsi,le-ntifvrhc two
men, suggestingdiffcrentsolutionsfor thc problemsof the diffcrcnt namesol the
lathersand completelyignoringthcir differenttitles. However,Charlcsand Robins
are the only scholarswho rcalisc that mnct n(t) s3t sr n(t) ltt f Qllllv,rt
n(t) Shk Sdtyfkrt nswtMryt wasrhe wife of Sbk,hrp of TT.63 not his moticr.
The wife of the im_l-rsl3wt,t Mnu is unknown, bur shc musr hlr e hld some
connectionwith the Faiyum becauseher son bore the nameand titlcs of Sobekas did
his uilt and his son. Mlx. himselfdid not bearany tirlesconnectinghim with rhat
,1"-".tt, Jh"1 Mrlt wasthe wife of Sht-lr4r wrr clerrll .icmonsrrrrcJ by L€psius
(lsiljl, Ms 301 (middle)) where he recorded's J mryt.f LkrL nsh)t wrt htlrt n(t)
ShkS&t Mr,L ' from TT.63. Parr of the inscription 'snt| mrt.f llkrt ns$l w.rt --:
c a ns l i l l b e r e a d( M M A T . 2 7 8 1 ) .
Shk-lLtp a:ndMr,),t lived and exercisedrheir otlices during the reign of
-l'uthnosis 'lhus
lV.raa rhs princessshenursedwas the daughterof luthmosislV
nol lhc nother of IV as somescholarsallege.la5
F r o m a s t a t u ea c q u i r e db y t h e M u \ a e sR o y r u r c l ' { r t e t d ' H l \ t . r i r e ,B r u s s c l s ,
(Capan 1918& Walle 1963).it would appearrhar Shk-htp was rhc rurorof onc of


ll,.,-tr-nll.t nn \ n J-''tt\\l lmtt lJtP

.fI.fI-ES: H e l c k1 9 5 5 .1 5 7 2 - 6
DATI]: TutitnosisIV 'l'f
LOCATION. Sheikh cAbd el Quma 6'1
PI-AN: 'lhis
tomb is vcry clarragedand has not
been publjshecl. fhl
tlk3-i-nhh d o n o t a p p c a r t o h a v e b e en
i'.-.r"niia in rhc tomb, apart lrorn his wifc
* i o * " , r e p r e s c n t c do n t h e . t l L i c k n e s s e s '
f r o mt l ' c
l l o u c v c r , . r 't i c o n l t s c t l l c ts u r v i ri n s
i n n , . tr o o n tl t e t h e I e m l i n ' , ' f I ' l o u h l e
it is possible thai his
nn iire ti"ref of the niche.
*ir" lrtirat." ^ight have becn represcnted
(64) inthe""J inncrroom if ii was everdecorated
PM 12,1

Lifu"oo' ilfl:rTT",,T,,r,,'l'r.
. iYi]ig::
scenesin thc body
in thc remaining
The rvife oi I.lk3-r nl.rhi' not "i'"tt'lttO
acroring isno
"'n"o'J,il','"ili:'ll[*::ffi:",'l$Ti]'''T,Tti. his
in thetombis the
ont i, tn." rhevoung
"'**it,t1T:"H;::-T:;'H:'i"TfJ;11.. isrhe
*tL5ill:\T::lt l.J-un oI thedeceasetl'
of Amunto the-rrther
off"t' a bouquet
i",1.,.r","ni.' rH^J
""n' n"rir'i*l-,tJX,.r;iilJX?l
milo bring' a bouquel lo | -ttnt'

"''!"'i'iiii[i]ilr:-:::.1 r*f;:: ayoun

PM(7) HF r- lrh rlrttr Pnn( :lJ:li1'Jlil;,"
D r i n c eo n h i \ k n e e{ L D i i i ' 6 9 u ) - -

1""r.:1I,ru:l;;t$t ff;:;irtltfl''"1

doeshe call him 'il,f '.

- !!F-.|:t\,,,is so prominentin this tonrbtharIjabachi(1961,70)assicnsrne romo
to HJ:.l-ri'r ratherlhln HkJ-r-ntth. I aFrce\\rlh l-rrnd\.n (lq7b. v; tl.:r rhc romb
1 5u l l k e l yl o b e l o n 8l o f l L J - r J w i r r _irc w o f t h e l u n c r a ^c o n ( 5o f H ( J _ rn l l f o r r r r J
thereh, the.reading.of I!(3-r,llft nrme within rhi doorwry and the facr, not
mentionedby Frandsen,thar rhc ceiling texrsbelongto (llL.1-r-nhh(Flelck19-55,
1574;LD iii, 69a).
Irrandsen( 1976,5 ) agreeswith Habachi(196i,, 69) rhar.m.226, the o\l.nerof
which was unknown, belonged to flLl-riw alrhoughpaft of rhe argumenrfor his
ownership dependson a graffito from Aswan in which pa.t of the nainc and trtle is
lffceitJg & fig.5).Thisromb;sdate
!n1tac111961,67 d tothcreignof Amenhorcp
III ard I find itdifficulrro believethat flLl-rJw, who held office is rhe tutorotrhe
son of AmenhotcpII during that monarch'sreign, should wail until thc reign o[
AmenhotepIII ro build ard decoratehis ronrb.t$ lr is possihJe r,hatl,/Ll rirw built
two tombs,an earlierone that has nor beenfoundand T'f.216 as a irier tomb. Hc
would not be settinga precedent. (cf. Cases10,20, 3g & 6g). Unlcssrhis wasso, it
would be a caseof tle son'stomb being earlierthan the father's.
The other altemative is that tle figure in the Aswan graffito *.as not H kJ -r,sv,
irnd that the ownership of T1.226 is srill in doubt.
. . T:.9u.._ol Hlf ,r-nl1h's mother is known only from a shawabtifigure founcl
in the Valley ofthe Kings and now in Cairo (46536). Shewas callc<l Mrr.
-1. No childrenof l;lk3-r-nhhare krown from his tomb or fiom any ciocurnent oI


LIpw imy-rnivit t3ry

TI'I'LES: Helck 1955,1576-7

DATE: TuLhmosisIV
LOCAl'ION: Sheikh cAbd el-Quma TI'.66

The tomb i, very poorly pre:encd anJ rie

I r g u r e so I H p u a n , Jh i s w i f e a p p e r rr o h a r e
beendamagedby encmies.

Pll{ 124

WII.'E: Rn-n3y nt fimnl PM(rX3)(7Xe)? (10)
SONS: Nfr-ltb.f wcb n Imn PM(7)
Namesmissing PM(3)(9)
flpw's wifc is rcprcsented in a numberof scenesin the tomb. Ilowever.the
very damagedstate of thc tomb makcs it difficult to dctcrminc whcthcr shc is
dcpictedin a sceneor not.
PM(l ) The descriptionof this scenehasbeenanendedto read ldeceased and
wifel ratherthan ltwo womenl. Thc scencno longcr existsapaItfrom a fragmcnt
(Davies 1963, PI.IX top left). It is impossiblc to say how thc couplc wcrc
PM(3)l-tl H2wt wife accompanies him in the receptionof funeraryoilerings
(ibid., ll).la7Hrw and Rn-nJr areso damagedthatthey arenot shownon theplate
illustratingwhat remainsof the scenc(ibid.,PI.XII).
PM(1) IIpw andhis wife havedisappeared from this scene.all thatremainsof
thcir prcscnceis the text which was abovethem (ibid., PI.XI). indicatesthat
,t/pw was accompaniedby his wife.
PM(9) Of the fishing and fowling sceneIittle remainsbut apparentlya male
figure stoodin front of Apw on the prow of the boat in the fowiing scene(ibid..
l3). If the family was reprcscntcdin the scene,then his wife was probably
represented as well.
PM(10) ln the niche are two uninscribedstatuesof l/Ivr and Rrr a11..
The only other personwhosc namc survivcsin thc rcmb is a son Nli-lrb f, It is
pos.iblethatmore*ran one ion *as repre5enteLl in th( rL,rnh.
PM(3) Priestsandbutchersbefore IJpu, and Rn, destroyed.Itispossible
thatone or more ofthesepriestswere sonsof flpw (ibid., ll, PI.XII).
PM(7) A son, wchn Imn Nfr fb.,f offersto flpn and Rr-n3f (ibid., 12).
PM(9) In what remainsof the fowling scenea male figure,probablya son,
standson the prow of the boat(ibid., l3).
11any daughtcrsor the parentsof {/2w were representedin the tomb. evidcnce
of it no longersurvives.


U3t-+^ imy-rpr n fimt-n1r

si lshw k3wn llmt-ntrnt Inn

TITLES: As above
DATD: TuthmosisIV
LOCA'I'ION: DracAbi el-Nagac TT.l51
B I B L I O G R A P H Y :P M 2 6 1 - 2
PLAN: (Seenextpage).

The tomb was not completedand is not

published. The few scenesthat have been
publishedare either unfinishedor danraged
and arc in thc main i.rclevant to this study.

PM 256
WIFE: NfrL-ir,"- PM(1)r(3)(,1)r
SONS'I: Names missing PM(1)II(6)I
FATHER: Nb nJi hsbw Liw n lmtnyr PN{(4)r
MOTHER: Mn PM(.1)r
.- Thc wife aooearsin a numb€r of scenesin the tomb.
PM(1)I Thi sceneis unfinished.H3t ry Td his wilt are vaguelysketchecl.
Nlrt-ir) is standingbehind her husbandher left arm at her side,her right arLn
raised.They are adoringa divility (Baud 1935, PLXXVtr, 171).
PM(3) t/.tt-rr-, with his wife, offers on braziersand a sun,iving text on the lett
indicatcsa vanishedsceneof offerings to lIt-ry ald his \\,ife.
PM(4)ll A man offersto H-lt tl and his wife seatedon a couchfacingleft in
PositionV (Bryan 1985,Pl.3).
PM(6)I sc.1-3 In three scencsa pricst offers cloth, torchesand offeringsto
flJl ry and his rvifc. As the sceneis not reproducedany*here it is impossiblcto say
what fie offerings in sc.3 were.
PM(6)l sc.4 1/3t-ry,and his wife are adoring.
As none of thesescenesare reproduced,exceptlhe first one, it is not possibleto
say in which position the mauied couple are represented.
No sonsor daughtersof flJt-r,"-are namedin the tomb,houeverit is possiblc
that a son or sonsperlorm some of the rites for the tomb owner and his wife.
PM(,l)II A man, probably a son, oflers to flJr'4, ard bis wifc.
PM(6)I The priest who offers to Fl3rty and Ny'r-iry in ttuee scenesmight be
a son,perhapsthe sameman as in PM(,l)II or possiblythree diffcrent sons.
The parentsof fl3try are representedat lcastonce in the tomb.
PM(4)I The parentsare seatedwith offcringsbefore them. This is all fie
infomation available about the parcnts except that they must have been named as
Poner and Moss rcport their nmcs (PM 261) but give no referenceto the sourceo1
their information.


Hv\ !3w rn43t[n Inn]

TITLES: As abovefrom the tomb
DATE: TuthmosisIV - AmenhotepIJI (?)
Usurpedin early NineteenthD\.nasty
I-OCATION: Sheiki cAbd el Quma

This snull tornb was usurpedin Ramessidc

times possjblyby a descendantof the tomb
o $ n e r . I n I h c n r . r i n .t h e u . u r p : l t i n n\ \ , 1 '
restrictedto the noni bay of the hall which the
The tomb is unpubJished.

PM 90
'WIFE: '1
3-nhrwn-s,- nbtpr PM(i)(3)(4)r
SONS: Unnamed PM(2)r
CRANDSON: Ilnswy wcb ms wtlnw n lTnsw PM(3)
PM(l) flw1 and his wifc, are adoring on the fiicknesses. On the left thickness
his wiie standswith her left arm at her sideholdinga menator sistrum(?) and with
hcr right ann bcnt, hand on breast,holding something,similar to PositionXXVIII
(Schon Photos.3062 & 8213).
PM(3) A paintedstelawith two offering sceneson eachside.
Top right: sketchedfigurc of a pricst offers to ryn-a and his wifc scatcdon
separatechairs facing right in Position VI. (Hermann 19,10,PI.l0a. erroneously
Bottom right: A man offering to ryE) and his wife, seatedin Position Vl as
above(ibid.. Pl.10b).
Top left: This sceneis complctcly dcstroycd.
Bottom left: A priest or relative offcrs an onion to ,fwy and his wife, seated
on scparatcchairsfacingIeft in PositionV (SchottPhcto.3065).
PM(,l)I Kn-rJ, the usurper,offers to flw.r- and his wife.
I1lry appearsto have had at leasttwo sons.
PM(2)I Two male moumersfollow the sarcophagus.They arc unnamedbut
's3.,f'. (Davies1925b,PI.XXXD.
are borh called
PM(3) At the bottom of the stela, a sccnedepicts female moumers and
offerings before a couple inaccuratelycallcd his son Haswl and his wife by Porter
and Moss. This coupleare seatedon separatcchairsfacingleft in PositionVI and
are actually thc grandsonof flw.1-,and his wife. The mar is s3 n s3t.fscn!1rn.f[--]

uld h:t. yif_" pt.38; Baud 1935,

{.r,{yl. Ir nbt,pr Nfrt-irJ (Muhammed 1966,
PI.IXA). Baud (ibid.,9E)refersto themenoneouslyas the deccasecl ancjhis wife.
From the evidencc of this inscription, lhr) must havc hacl at least one
The griLndson o-f lJwy, llnswy, rs uell as beingnamedrfrer the god Khonsu,
w a s a l s o a p r i e s to f K h o n s u , w c b m s w d n w n
fniu lHelck 1961b:61). It i;
possible therefore that Kn-r3 who completed the tomb for hinself and is
ofl'cring to f/wy andhis wife (PM(4)I) wis a son or descenclanr of IInnvy. Kn-r3,
too! was a priest of Khonsu (ibid., 61) and the usurpationrvasiot a malicious
appropriation of existingscenes.


tr[nn3 imy-r 3hwt n Nb-t3ury

TITLES: I Ielck1955,i607-9
DATE: Tuthmosisry
LOCATION: Sheikh cAbdel-Quma TT.69
P M 1 3 4 - 51. 3 7 , 9

The tomb was completed and fuily

decorated.Althoughmany of the scenesard
parts of scenes have been reproduccd in
numerouspublications,the tomb has not been
t h e s u b j e c t o f a c o m p r e h e n s i v et o m b
publication. A superficialdescriptionof the
tomb wasgivenby Campbell(1910)

PM 136

WIFE: lJnwt,t3wy lmcyt nt Imn PM(I )(2X3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

SONS; S si hsbwit n lmn PM(5)(13)rr
Hc \4[b PM(5)(13)r
Namesmissing PM(3)(5X6)(12)

DAUGHI'ERS: ftmnl-m-wsht l.rsytnt l.lwtfir Pr\{(2)

llkrt ^wt
Nhm-t lts)-tnt Imn PM(2)
K3sy PM(2)(s)
Namesmissing PM(rX13)
Mla.i's wife is prominentin the tomb appearingin most of thc sccncs.
PM(l ) On the thicknesses,Mnn3 wrtl'this wife and daughterare adoring.
Thereis no reproductjonof this scene.
PM(2)Ill-lv Daughtersholding sistra before Mari-i and his wife. Both
Campbell(1910,86)and Porterand Mossmentiononly Mln3. seateil,receivinghis
daughtcrs, howevcr,his wife alsoaccornpauried him. A smallfemalefigureis seated
on a low chairat the sideo[ Mnn3. H is right arm is aroundhcr ncck in PositionXLI
aMMA T.771).
PM(3) Mani with his wife and two attendants, adoresOsiris. They are facing
right. Hrlr^tjn:) standsbehind MD8 in Position XXXVlll.
PM(4)I Mnn3 and his wifc arc scatcdon scparatcchairsfacingright in eiiher
PositionIl or VIII. Her left arm encirclcsthe shouldcrsof her husbandand aooears
te reston his right rrm. is impossibleto tell whethcrhir'right
hand claspshis right upperarm or her own lefi wrist. Mln3's left arm is missing
(Mr!{A T.779).
PM(,1)ll The namesof this coupleare missing. Thcy are seatedon separale
chairsfacingright in PositionV. Campbell(ibid.,ll8) assumes thatthis couple,too,
.-are Mrtn3 and his wife. It is probablythat thcy arc, althoughthcy rnight be the
parentsof MiLl.
PM(5)sc.1 Mnrd offcrson brazicrsfollowcdbyhis wifc, sonsanddaughtcrs.
Ilis wife, equal in size to her husband,standsbehindhim facing right in Position
xxxvrIl (MMAT.800). 'lhey
PM(5) sc.2 A man offersabouquetto Mnld ardhiswifc. areseatedon
separate chairsfacingright in PositionVl (MMn T.768).
PM(6) A stelawith dciticsin thc top rcgistcr.
Rcg.ll couplesseatedback to back in PositionVl. Both couplesare
probably Mrni and his wife.
Reg.lll Mrn-i and his wife adoring.followed by a pricst possiblya son.
On thc top, at eachsideof the stela,a figureof Mna3 standswith handsraiscd.
adoringard at thc bortomon eachsidea similarfigureof his n'ifc.
PM('7)I Mnn-l andhis wife with man ollcring bouquclto themandtwo rows of
guests.MnnJ and //rwr-l.jwy are scatcden scparate chairsfacingright in Positio
VI. IIis wife holds a sistrumin her right hand.(M1\{A T.802, Maspero1912.152.
fig. 2E8). Guestsincludctwo couplcsscaledon separalechairsin PositionV and
VL Unfonunatcl) there are no inscriptionsby which to identify thcm (MN{A
T.803). At the far end, Mnn3 andhis wife standfacin-rright befbrer building.
I.lnvt t3\,,')holdsa sistnLrranda mcnatin her left her sicic.Thc topsof thc
figureshavedisappeared(lt'll\{A T.ll0,1).
PM(1)II M nn3 and his wite are seatedfacing right in PositionV (MMA
and at ihe far cnd they sit facing lclt in PositionVl (N41\'1AT.ll0'1).

PM(8) Left thickness. Mnn-l antlhis wifc leave thc tomb for the Vallcy
F t s t i v a l( C a m p b e l1l 9 1 0 , 9 39 4 ) .
PN{(l l)I A mummiformfigurc of his wil'c rccompanieslhat of Mr,r-l in the
AbydosPilgrimage(l\,lMA T.792).
PM(12) Mard ard his family fishingand towling. ln thc fishingsccnefacing
. ^
lcfi his wilt standsbchind Mnn3, her right handaroundhis chcstandhcr lcli hanil
holdinga lotusbloom andbuds. (Campbell1910,plateoppositeI,.10.1).Thc tlgure
ofthe wife is largerIhanusual. lnthe fo$,lingsceneshcstandsbchind Mnni both
handsraisedin adoration.
PM(13) Sonsand daughters offer to M n-l ard his wilc on two rcgi\ters.
R.g,l Mnn-l and IJnwt-t3wy are seatcdon separatechairslacing right in
_ .
PositionV (MMA T.790). A man and womanoflcr ro thenr.
Reg.ll Mnn-i and his wife arc seatedas above. A rnan.cicstroyed, anritwo
\r,omenolfer to them.
PM(1,1) The nichc containsa damageddouble stalucof Mrl-j ud his wjfc.
Ir is possiblethat Mn i marrieda daughterof Imn htp-s3-sownerol TT.75
(Case74). O:oeof Imn-l|tp's daughters wascalled. IJtlwt-t3w\ andwasa lm.rtrrl
1mr, the namc and title of MnnS's wife. This, coupledwith rhe fact rhJrhis sun.
probablyhis cldestson,wascalledS possibJyaftcr gny,1 7-ly,,|rs grandfather makcs
this relationship plausible.
The wifc of MnnJ was very proninent in his tomb. Shcbore lhe titlc ' .(nl{t1,r
/nil'and in two sccncs,PM(.l)l and PM(5) sc.2,a scribc'soutfit is dcpictedundcr
.-her seatinfcrringthat shewas skilledin the litcrarl ens (Bryan 1985,2i, pls.6&7).
Mrul had at lcasttwo sons,who are naned iir dte (omb_
PM(3) Two alendantsfollow Mnal andhis wife as thcy adoreOsiris. Thcsc
men standoD two registersbehindthe couplc. The nan on the lop rcgister,whosc
nameis unfortunatelymissing,is probablya son. IIis clolhingis djffcrcntfrom that
of the offcriDgbringcron the lower regislerand he canics a bouquctin eachhand.
PM(5) sc.1 A row of men and a row of women follow Mnr3 and his rlife
offering on braziers(M1\4A 1'.800-l). A numberof mcn are reprcscnted but only
the first two are named.Thc first rnanis his sonS and the secondis //. (Campbeil
1 9 1 0 , 9 1 ) .I t i s p o s s i b l teh a tt h c s et \ \ ' oa r cr h eo n l y s o n s , r fM a n . t i n l l t i ss c e n ea n c l
thrt the othcrmen areattcndants.
PM(5) sc.2 A man, probablya son offers a bouquetto Mnl.l and his *ile.
the inscriptionabovethe shavcnheadol'thc mun wasncverfilled in.
P N { ( 6 )O n t h e t h i r dr e g i s t e r o f t h e s t e l aa. m a nf o l l o r v sM n r j a n c l h i s w i f e a s
they adorc an object now destroyed.On the oppositeside trvo male figurcsalso
adorethe sane object. Thcsefigureswereprobablysonsof Mrrrl..
PN{(12) In the fishing scenea smallmale figurestancls on the prow of the boat
facingthe samcdirectionas 14nn3. In the lbwling scenca sirnilarfigurc srnndson
the prow but his headis tumed back towards ML'r3. Thescfiguresrcprcscntthe
sonsol Mrn.J.
PM(13)I A man and a wlman offer to Mrrn-i and his wife. 'ltre man is s.3f'
y,.b 11. and hc makesan offeringtwice. for 'rr./ ' and 'mwt.f '.
PM(13)II A mar, cxpunged,and tq,owomenol.lcrto Mrn.i andhis u'ife. 'fhe

lnan is J-i.,f n,".,fS.

two arethe only sonswhoscnanes survivein the tomb. lt is possiblethat
ftey arethe only sonsof MrrJ..
daughters of Mrt3 werenot aspromincntin thc lonb as onewouldexpect
consideringtheir titJesand the tcndcncylbr daughtersto play a more intporlanlrole
in the tomb in thc lattcrhajf of the EighteenthDynasty.
PM(1) An unnameddaughteris represented with her pilrcntsoir the thickness
of the entrancc.No reproduction of thc sceneexists.
PM(2)lll IV Three d.rughtcrsare representcd bcfore their parents. Thc first
trvo ligures arc largerthan the third. All are richly drcssccland the first two wcar
claboratehead-dresscs and carry sistra. Thc lcadingdaughteris .rjt f mrtJ l.tsytnt
IJv,t lr lkrt nswtrnrt nb.sInnl-t1-wsbl. Shewas un<loubtcdly the eldestdaughtcr.
The sccondfigure is that of Nlln., also a priestessand possibly a U.r,''/ but not
specificallycalledso. Shewcarsthe crown of thc princesses which sccmsto be the
prcrogativett[ the ftkrt-nswt (seenote 20). tirst daughtcrholds a sislrumin
herraisedright hand,which Mrn-l rcachesout andtouchcswith his lefl hand. Ilc
seconddaughterholds a sistrumon her breastwith hcr right hand. Sheis dcscribed
'n3t:t '
as lnt and it is possiblethat shc is alreadydeceascd.Thcserlameso f thcsc
rwo daughtersdo not sun'ive elsewhercin the tomb. Thc snlalLfigure of thc third
daughtcrK-iry' followsbchind(Ml\{A T.771).
I'M(5) sc.1 MrrJ andhis wifc arc acconrpanied by a row ol men andwomcrl
in this rilual scene (MMA 1-.800).At icastcight womenarc rcprcscnted but only
.-the first thrcc arc named as drughtcrs. In general, thcy hold sistra up in thcir nghl
handsand bouquetsiir their left hands. nameof the lirst woman is damagcd,
s3t.fmrt.f nht-pr \mcyt nt flnnl 1---l n-l only surviving. might be the full
name,or it might only be the end of a namc. Eitherway it indicatcsthal lhe first
wonran $,as nol ltkrt-nswt !lnnl-n-ws!1t. second*onlan is s3t.fmrtJ nbtpr
Imjt nt finnl namc missing. The third woman is s3t.fnrt.[ K3sv. As they both
'nbt-pr ' it is possiblc that the first two womcn arethe $ ivesof thc
bearthe epithct
men below whom they are depictedratherthan true daughtcrsof Mrtrl-l and lhal
s-il.f here has the extcndedconnotationof daughterin-larv. K-isl might bc lhc
only truc daughterof MrzJ depictedin this scene.the wivcs of hcr elderbrothcrs
takingprecedcnccover her.
PM(l3)l A nlan and a woman ofler to Mrrr3 and his wife Thc man is i-i./
*ib fl' and the woman,unnamed,is probrblya daughtcr(MNIA T.790).
PM(13)ll A man,expunged. and two uomcn ofler to MrnJ andhis wife lllc
man is .r3./.Sand the rvomenareprobablytwo daughters.
The parcntsof Mnn.l do not seemto havc beennancd or rcpresented in thc
tomb unlessthc unnanedcouplcin PM(4)ll arethc parcntsof Mntr-l


€rc^e-6: ch3€9 8l +e a3
f^crs 716 7o 2s{


llr-m-hb si nswt si nfrw

T'I'I'LES; Helck 1955,1589-97

B r a c kI 9 8 0 ,8 l
DATE: Tutllnosislll - Amenloteplll 148
LOCA'I'ION: SheikhcAbd el-Quma

The scenesin thc transvcrschall are very
damagedbut those il thc passageare bctter
prcsen'ed. 11tepillared inncr room was not
dccorated. Thc torDbo\r'ncr aod his farnily
wcre the victims of maliciouserenlies. Thcir
facesarc alwayserascdand their figuresoiten
totally destroycd.

PM 1.1t
\\rIFE: I1w.t nt Imn PNr(
l x2x3xs)(6xe)rv
(1 0 xl 2 ) (l 3 )
SON(?): Unnamed PM(3)rr (10)(13)
DAUGIITER(?): Unnamed PM(6)r
MO'fHER: 3st nbrpr PM(2X6)
BROTIIERS: Imn-m-LJt l,trymg3 n lmf PM(4)rV
Imn-ltp PM(1)rV
Namemissing PN,I(1)IV
\\TIFE: tl'anremissing PN(2X6)ll(?)
The wife of tlr-m-hb isyery prominentin the tomb,bcingrcprcscntedeleven
t i m es .
PN,l(1) This scenehas almost cornplctcli disappcared,howevcr from what
remainsof the inscription,it is clear Ihat I t_w), accornpanicdllr m lLb wltct
offcrcd on brazicrs.(Brack 1980,23, Taf.28). Becausethe figuresare dcstroycd,it
2i l

is tell hou,thel wererepresented. exccptthat 11w,,1.- stoodbehindher

nuiD:lndand lhere\ t\ no conlacttKt\\eclltheaouple.
The_coupledescribedby pM as rhe deceased and his wife are actually
. .PltltZl
the deceasedand his mother. (Brack 1980,24,Taf.29a)_The two much smaller
female figuresoffering to them, whom pM describeas two girls are actuallv
u i l i ' a n d a n o r h c r . ' f h e l e r t l i n gf i g u r e i s s l i p , h r l yl a r g e rr h a i rr h c . e c o r r d
a n . Li .
o b \ l o u s l yt h e s e n i o ro l t h e t $ o . S h c i : : n t . An h t _ p t - _ l m l r t _ h r - u .U n i o f l u n a l c l )
her nanreis missing,but shewas \\ ithourdoubr /1w1. ihe * iti of u r m-ltb.
secondwoman is snt [.k-- ] mlct hr\t and was mosl probahlya minoi wife
concubincrathcr than the sisterof l,!r-n-t|b. As both women arc reprcsented
.Hr-m-lb and his mother the inferencccould be that they were
contcmporaryuives. /{v,,r,beingrhechief wife and mistrcssof the household..lhe
trct that theytre both descrihedas'tttlct hnt ' strengthens tltc premise.lf on)yone
was so calledit could be assumedthat they were suiccssivewives. Although
are dcpictedone behind the other in-realitythey would bc standingside by side.
ltey are.similarlydressedandboth offer laige golclbowls to l.lr_m-ib. They seem
to hitve almostcqual status.
PM(3)ll On the lower registcrof the damagedstela,the remainsoi a seatcd
couplecan be seen(ibid..Taf.52b). The man wai without doubt m-hb antl
womar wasprobablyhis wife 1!w). A mrn uhosc figurehls disappeered olferedrct
, |lllgiSl fM only menrionsthe missing llr-m,hb as offering on
_braziers,Brack (ibid.,26) stateslhathis wife accompanied him. iraces olherwhjte
dresscan still be seen(ibid.,Taf.33).
PM(6)l On rhe lcfi are seareda couple, probably H,,-m lb and his wif.c. A
girl, probablya daughter,offers a bowl in lir-r, l,b. epan rhe knees
armsof the_ man, the figuresare destroyedso it is impossibleto tell how they were
represcnted (ibid., Taf.32a).
PM(6)II I,lr m-hb andhis motherare seatcdfacing right. A small prjncess.
I m.n-m-ipt sits on rhe lap of t l r m-l1h. Shc faceshim ani wih hcr righr hand holds
a lotus to his nose (ibid.. 1'af.36a). Two women stand bcfore tliis group in a
reciprocalsceneto PM(2). The foremostfigure nbt pr Itwy (ibid., Taig5)-offcrs
a_large gold bowl to IJr n-hb. Behind 14r,_rstandsanothcrwoman,Brack(ibid.,
291suggests that sheis possiblya daughterbut I seeno reasonwhy sheshouldnot bc
lhc samcwoman who is depictcdbehind /4r:r. in pM(2). The iwo wornenarc ot
equalsize,thcir clothcsareol cqualrichnessand bothhold larcc [old bowls. In this
scene_.they are represented as equalrn sizel,) the serrcdfigur$ i.e. rhc headsof rhe
firur fitures arc level-
PM(,9)IY Hr-m-hh and /lyl are seatedin positionV in a shrincon a boat
going to and rcruminglrom Abydos(ibid.,Taf.88).
PM(101 lJr-m-ftb and his wife are thc rccipientsof offcringsfronr a pricsr.
cxpunged. Unfortunatelythe sccneis very damaged,the figure of r m-ib has
completclydisappeared all thatcanbe seenis the iowcr pan of a snrallscatedfigure
at the side of Hr-u fib'.s chair (ibid., 'l'af.-55b).Brack (ibid.. 47) alteceslhai his
wife is scatedunderhim but I do not think this is the case.1I*-) is seat;Jol d lL,\\
chair in front of her own small oflerirrgrable ,ijjcd with ftod an<iI think it more

likely that she is seatedar the sidc of her husbandschair rather tiran uDderit.
Unfortunatel),rhe top half of her iigure has disappearcdso it is not possibleto
detemrinewheLherher figure is contplctclyunderthc seatand whctherlherc is any
contilctbetwccnthe couple. 'lhis is theonly cxampleso far cncounlercd ol the smail
figureof the wife with her own srnalloilcring tablc. positionXLIII.
PM(12) Hr-nt-hb and /lr,_r. inspecl funcrary rites. They arc searedon
separatcchairs facing right in PositionVI. Thcy arc equal in size (Brack 19g0.
_ PM(13) ln thc fi)wlingsccnea femalcficure.rvhichhasbccnhackedour.squat\
at tlre stcm of thc skiff and holds Hr-n-hlis Ieli 1eg (ibid..Taf.67a).'the \\ifc is
not usuallydepictedin tlis positionbut as $e llgureand lhc inscriptionaboveit witlr
the name have been expungcd.the figure is probablythar of [n.r ralherthan a
daughter.The small male figurc on the prorv.probablya son has not sufllrcd the
samefatc asthe adultfigures.
In the fishing sccnethe snlall fenalc iigure squxtson lhc prow of thc skifi
probrbly lacing Hr,m-lit as he spcarslish. The figurc is probabiyrhatofhis wifc
fbr the sarnereasoDsas abovc.
The posirionof lhc wite in tiris tomb rvith respecllo thxt of thc nother will bc
discusscd $llen lhc mother'spositionis considered.
No sonsarc namedin thc tomb but tlterearc somesccncsin uhich malcfigures.
$ho might be sons,arc represented.
PN4(3)ll sceneon the stelais very ciamagcd.l1r-lr-llD anil his u,.ifearc
. seatcdbefore olferings. A man. pcrhaps 'lhe
a pricst. $as probirbl)roliering ro rhcnr
alrhoughihe ligurehasclisappearcd. nrar nlight havebccna son.
PM(10) ln this ofllring sccnewirh olLring lisr.a man ofiers10 l1r,rr 116and
his wile. His figure has beenconpletely expungcd(ibid., l'al.-55b).Ir is possible
thathe was a priestand alsothc sonof l.!r-n-lLh as it is usuallvthe sonof the tomb
ownerwllo is reprcscnted in this tvpeof scenc.
PNl(13) In rhetbwling scenca snrallnakcdnralefiiturc with the lock of vouth
ttandson thc prow of thc skiff in front ol l1r n Ib. I Ie tunrsback ro tlcc Hr-ar-lr/,
and is probablya son (ibid..Tal.67a).
Il somc or all of thcscfigurcsrcprcsenlsonsol {/r lr lb, bccauseno namcs
are attachedlo thcm it is intpossiblelo tcll ifthe! rvcrcall the sanrcson or ifthere
\ \ e r cm r t r et h J oo n ( s o n
A similar problernexists\\'ith reglrcito daughlcrsof the couplc. No fentalc
figurc is namcdor designiltcd as a daughrcr.
PL'l(6)l A fcmalefigurc otiers a bowl ro a couplc.desrroved(ibid..Taf.j2a).
couplcare probably l,lr n lb andhis wii'c and the fernalcoflcring to lhcrn is
possiblya daughter(ibid..211).The olhcr altemalivcis rhxrthe couplearc l/r'-m-hfi
and his nolhcr and the woman offcring to them is his wile. Iloucvcr on the t\!o
occasionswhe:|.lJr-n-hlt anclhis molher wcre thc recipientsof oiferinss 'NI(2)
and (6)lI). t$'o woiren oflcr to thcm ro lhis sccneis ntorr likclv to be the daughtcr
n f f .r i n gt o h c r p i r r e r l s .
PNl(6)ll hr lhis sccnetwo rlomcn offer to IJr-nt-l1lt and his rnothcr(ibid..
Taf.32a).Brack (ibid..29) suggesls tharrhc $1)mal \!ho Iollo\r's/1lr is possiblva
daughtcf.This is a possibilitybut altcfltativel)sherni-ght be thc santetvonrarr $ho is
rcpresertedwith /llrl beforc flr-rn l6 and his mother in the rcciprocalscenc
moftcr ol flr-nrl.b is represented in only two of the sccnesin the lonlb,in
bolhtllcscscenessheaccompiuries her son.
PM(2) Hr-m-hlt and his mothcrare seatedon scparate chairsfacinglefi. Their
fi-qureshavc been erasedbut from the oullinc it can be deducedthat they werc
probablyseatedin PositionVL Their figurcsare much larscrthan thoseof the two
rvomcnwho olfer to them.
PM(6)l The sceneis badly danraged and the columnsof inscriplionsarc blank
(ibid..Tai32a). Ihcrc is no way of rcllingwhetherrhc coupleis Hr-nr-hb andhis
moiher as PN4tentativcl),suggest.or Hr-m-hb andhis wifc as Brack (1980.28)
assurncs.I tend lo arrce rvith Brack that thcy are more likcly to be antlhis
PY\6)II llr-n-hh is seatedon a stooltircingright with a youngprincesson his
knee. His mothcris represented scatcdon a high back chair slighlly to thc rcar,but
in realityshewould be at his side. Shegraspshis right uppcrarm wilh her lcfi hand
andholdsa lotusandbudsin her right hand. The princessis seatcdfacing {/r nr ,/rb,
her lclt handtouches-l.rr'.ilclt handand with hcr ri*ht handsheholdsa lotusto lhc
noseof ltr-n-l.tlt.
It is possiblethatthc sccDeis intendedto showthlt .js/ washoldingher flowers
to tllc noseof the princess.thuscomplctinga circleof contactwhich nlight indictte
somc conneclionor close relationshipbetweenthe thrcc (ibid.. Taf.36a.).Brack
-(ibid., 82) seesthe nrotltcr as representedlargcr than her son. This would be
unusualin the son'sown tontb cven il shewcrc a Dcrsonol imDonanccin her own
ght. The fact thatsheis scatedon a hrgherch;rirrihile he. rn lhis in\rJnce,is seated
on a tbldingmilitary comnrander's licld stool,which is lower.might accountfor lhc
diflerencc in size of the two figurcs. The mother of lJr-m-hh undoubtcdl),
posscssedimpo ance and prcstige. Unfortunatclyno titles of hers appcarin the
tonrb. Howcver,becauseof hcr promincncein the tomb and hcr rich goldjeu,ellcry.
it is possiblethat shehcld a title suchas '!irl rrswl' or 'mnct-nswl. Hr nt l1b is
describcdas'hs,"pr(,t)m 4t ftsr' ','a favouredone !\'ho camcionh from the body
ol a lavouredone' (ibid..Talcln29a &72b).llrack (ibid.,lt2)assumesrhis refersro
his father and claims that all lhat is known of his father is that he $,as 'lr_!' 1'11)
Horvever,this phrasecould alsobe interpretedas a rcfcrenccto his morher,'ll.!)f t/'
'lrst '
bcing read for the firsl cspeciallyas the phraseoccursin the sccnewhere
l!r-m'lh is seatcdwith his mother.(PNl(2).ibid.. l'af.29a).If shchad bcena nurse
ol thc princess. one*,ould havccxpcctcd-lsl ratherthan Hr ll1ftb to havehcld thc
princcss.Ilelck (1q39.61)statesthatTuthmosisIV promotedHr-ri-r, to be tutor
ol his daughtcr.probablyon thc basisof this scenebecause norvheredoeshc hold lhc
tille of mrd-).r-lrrsn1. If m hb wastutor of tlrcprincsss,his mothcrwrruldtlr:
1oo old to bc ltcr wet-nurse. The mother of n fD certainly occupicsa
privilegedpositionin his tomb. His fathcris not rcpresentcd in any of the sun,iving
sccnesin the tomb nor is his namementioned. which enhances the significancc of thc
mothcr. Howeverthe motheris not as prominentas the wife. appearingonly lrvice
in the tomb whereashis rvife appearseleventimes. lhe mothcris rcprcscnlcdonly
on thc cast rvall of the oLLtcr hall. It is his wife alonewho acconrpilnics irim in thc

passageaird is his chief consodin the tomb-

It is possiblethat the fathcr of llr-n hLt *,as represented or namcd in one of the
scenesdratno bnger survives.(see note 149)
brothers of m fib are rcpresentedin the tomb.
PM(4)IV Three brothcrsfollow llr-n-lb in his homageto rtrcking (ibid.,
1'af.38a). The namc and figure of the first brother have been erasedpossiblv
bccausehe was a priest. 'l'hesecondbrotherwas 'chiefof tirc \-ubiantroopsof IIis
M a j e s t y ' a n d b o t h b r o r h e r sw e a r l a r g e g o l d e a r i n g sa n d h a v e t h c h a i r s t y l eo f
Nubians (ibid., 33). It is possiblethar there was Nubian blood in thc family of
llr-m hb, h.rsnother too wearslargc gold earings. [Jnfonunatel]as the ligure of
flr-m-lb rs erascdthroughoutthc tomb it is not possiblero say whetherhc was
rcpresented with Nubiantraits.
lastmembcrof Hr,n hh's family to be considered is the urnamedrvonar
who is represcntedin one and possiblyt\!'o scencsin the tornb.
PN{(2) This womanacconpanics1p1 in offeringbowls to 1/r,nrlrb andhis
mother. Her statushasalreadybeendiscussed.It is possiblethat sheu'asa second
wife or mistressof l.Ir-n hb but thc possibilil) tharshewas l sisrerof flr-n-{rb
cannol be ignorcd. Both $'omenare callcd'Jrr ' but ir is irnpossible to tell whelher
has )e sameconnotation in bothcases-Thcreis no reasonwhv it shouldnot.
PN{(6)II 14r,} and anothcrwomrn olfcr to /// rlr ft/r holdin^'. princcss.ancl
his mothcr. There is no nameor kinship dcsignationfor thc secondwonan rvho
might be a daughtcror the samewomanwho is reprcscnred with /Irrr in the similar
I t i s p o s s i b l et h a t I J r - m - l b h a d t w o w i v e s p o s s i b l yi n a p o l y g a m o u s
relationship, 141 bcing the seniorwifc andnistressofhis household.


Nb-imn y3w, sr.;tn wi3 swtMry-Umnl

TITLES: H e l c k1 9 - 5 51,6 1 8 - 2 9
DA'l E: Tuthnosis [V , Amenhotep III
I-OCATION: SheikhcAbd el Quma TT.90

tomb was never complctcd
b e y o n d t h c t r a n s v e r s eh a l l .
entrilnceto the paSsage rvasammcnded
to fbrn the niche.

PM 176

WIVES: (a)' P M (l ) ( 2 )
(b) ry P M (l ) ( 5 ) ( 6 X 7 ) ( E )
SONS: $c-m-w3st 13wsryt Pr\4(2)(sX6)
lmn-ms ltrl-M$w hr W3.rt(?) PM(1)(2)(s)(6)
Dl1wtl-ms L3w s4-t PM(2)?(6)
Sn rli 1-)wsryt PM(6)
Imn m'ipt w'h n lmn Statue
83ki (?) !3v, sryt PM(6)
ND-snl PM(s)
T,,rr l3).- :ir)-ttt [mnt ni\t,t PM(6)
DAUGHTERS: Sgrt-tJx.'_r bkrt'nswt PM(1)(6)
WrL PM(2)(6)
I v,1 PM(s)(6)
M\Nt- frt PM(2)
N bt-t3w\ PM(2)
NfrL-ir)- PM(2)
Unnamed PM(6)
NIrt-[--] !t3t s3.f PM(6)
S-l/-rf .rjr .rJtl PM(6)
BROTHER(?): Iri llry Ml3tt, lr innt W3st t50 PM(,1)(6)rI
b imn had two wivcs both of whom were rcpresentcdin tie tomb. As with
previous cases, it is impossible to tell with certainty whether they were
contemporaryor successivewives and, if the latter, which was the first wife. was represcntcdonly in two scenesin thc south bay while T-r was
representedin four scenesin the nonh bay and in one scenein the southbay.
PM(l) Nb-irnn is followed by two womcn and a daughter(Davies 1923b.
'lhe 'l.he
Pl.XXll). sceneis very damaged. figurc of Nb imn has disappcarcd but
hc rvas probably offering on braziers. t,ittle remainsof the figures of thc lwo
woncn, but they appearto be of equalsizeand wcre probablythe figurcsof the two
u'ives of Nb-lrzn. Unfoftunatcly it is impossibleto tcll which was the leadingfigure
and thus the first or senior of the wives. This is the first casein which a tonb owner
with two wivesis shormaccompanied by bothwivesat once.l5l
PM(2) Two daughtersoffer to Nb-imn and Sn-snb.tvt,wiLh three registersol
gucstsand musiciansand the small figure of a daughteruDdertheir chair (ibid.,
PI.XXIII). Nb-imn andhis wife arc scatedon a couch facing left in PositionV.
Davics(ibid.,27)suggcsts that Sn-snh.tu'wasthe youngerwifc.
PM(5) Nb-rnn olTeringon braziersis followcd by his other wife T1 anda
daughtcr 1wy who standsbetweenher parents. Three or ntore sonsn'ith ol'lerings
standbehindI) in threercgisters.T1 is shownslightlysmallerthanhcr husband'
standingin PositionXXXVIII (ibid.,PI.XX).
PM(6) A daughteroffcrs to her parents,seated.with two other daughters 'lhey
(ibid., P1.XXI). The figuresof Nh-imn and 71 are largely reconstructed.
are seatedon separatechairs facing right in Position VL This is the reciprocalscene
to PM(2) in the southbay.
PM(?) The stelais vcry damaged,(ibid., PI.XXXV). In the botronlrighr side
sccnc, Nb lm,,r and his wifc are seatedfacing right in PositionV. They reccivc
offeringsfrom a priest,destroyed.Althoughthe inscriptionis dcstroyed,thc u,ife
was probably fr as shealone is rcpresentedin tiis pad of thc tomb.
PM(8) Nb-laa sitson a srooloutsidchis house.accompanied bv his wile 7\,
a n L rl n o l h e ru o m r r nt i b i d . .P L X X X I I I ) . T l r c r r r m et r t r l r co r h c ru o r i r r i . n r i s : i r r t
and Davies(ibid., 30) assumes thal shc is Nb-/zrn's is nr,rporsiblero
tcll which daughter.
T1 is also represented with Nb-r'nrn on a fiaement of lintcl probablyliom
over the niche (ibid., 22). T-r is the more pronincnt of rhe two wives and was
probably the first and senior wife. Most of the namedchildrel aoocarin scenesu,ith
A'b izrr and I-y. Shc is alsothe objecrof unusu.rllllrvi:h pt,t',". Sheis 'snt.fnrt.f
iltrt bit nht sfurn[3t ib n sn.snbt-;tr 7.- '. 'his wife, his beloved,cxcc]lenrof
qualities,good of counsel,equalin mind to her brother(husband)'.Shemust have
beenhighly regardcdby her husband.If. as Daviesbelievcs(ibid.,28). snc wasne
older wifc, and as numcroussonsand daugh{ers -pur arc reDresentcd with Nb lnlr anti
Ty', Nb-imn would havehad no rcu.onro hcr .rsidein favrrurof u youngcrrvife
for the purposeof procrcatingprogcny. It is unlikcly thereforcthat Nb imn. Tt
rnd lived in a polygamousrelationship. Nb lnrr probablytook a
secondwife on the deathof
A numbcrof sonsarc represented in the tomb. All of them problibll bein,lrhc
.- sonsof Nb imn and Ty. Those sons that are reprcscntedwith ND-r'ml ancl
Sn-snh:w (PM(2)) have alrcadyheen representeil wrrh ivh-/r//r rncl Tr. If 7r,
wasthe first wife, they nust havebeenhcr sons.
PM( l) A small male figure follows Nb,lmrr, his wives and daughterin this
ritual scene. He is .r-3.,f ,!r_,- MdJw hr lilsr unfonunatcly his nanlc hrs been
destroycd(ibid., Pl.XXII). Hc might lhcrcfore be /nrn-ms whose narre was
dcstroyedbecauseo[ the 'lmn ' elemcntor he ntight be tlte man who is represented
ln two othcr scenes , ftry M!]w hr imnt IW.lritl'hi, (ibid.,Pls.XXI & XXVII). but
PM(2) The banquetsceoebclirre ND /nra and .lt-srr6.ry, is vcry damaged.
Little rcmainsof the figuresof the sonson the upperrcgisteronly tracesot'the first
son d.-m-lt'-lJ, and parts of the nanes of the others. 'l-hcrc was probably roon for
aboutslx sons.
PM(4) If ,l74Ma!3wl7rW3st'lri wrs a son,thcnhe is represcntcd in this scene
prostratcat the headof the rroops (ibid.,PI.XXVII).
PM(-5) At lcastfour sons\!cre represented with oficringsbehind ND-lrnrr,Ir
and tlteir daughtcras Nb inrn offers on brazicrs. 'ltrc namesof threc, Prlr-nr.i.
ll( rn-wist and Nb-snl survivc. The founh wasprobablylnra rn.r (ibici.,PI.XX).
PN'l(6)Eight sonsarereprescntcd amonglhe guestsin thc banquetscencbcforc
Nb-imn and 71. Oncc more the sceneis vcry damaged and wc have to rely on
cxrlicr copviststo supply someof thc namcs. All the sonsappcarto bear the lillc
!-ir'.rrlr including lnin-ms *,ho in PM(1) possibJyhcld rhe rirle l1n MQ-lwlv
l!'-ist (ibid., Pls.XX & XXI: Wilkinson MSS 1821-,v. 95). The eichth son was
I . l n . r r r l a i m n t n i u t f r r p o ' s i h l 1 t h c \ J l n e n l J l u h , , . , . l u r r c r l r y - c o n e us c r c
drscovered in the courtyardhavingprobablvfallcn front
(Davies1923b.21;Davies& Nlacaciam the lomb abovc Nb inu,s.
lg-5i. No.57).iii,,irii'o,,,ir"" iio,"r",-.r.un.
was l.ti'r M?-jrr,,rarherrhan lJrr' .r/.lt. bur as lnrrr_m.,
possibiy borc Lotl ritles, ir is
possibte rhar rw,r did as weit. Nt_tzrr
hi;r;if onn,n".
altenraliveis that hrr-Ml3tt,Tw.r of thc funery
.o,r. ,"r., ,fr"-iriir.,
Ltf Nb-inn
atter whonl he namedone ol his sons, The par;nts
ol. ,1,,1--,llrr, .f
llrther complicarionarisesiiom th-el.trctthar ,l.ri .' aiirr',
o"a aie uariarionsof
thesanenrme,(RpN 379.13.:r81.26
& 28)ihus iLrr'r*,'rrtt
be rhesanre tr).M!1-Jtl
man.Howevcri"." tn"diii.e."nt
ol lhe names, I rhink it unlikclv *,it;ng
Anofter son D,.b n lmi (n) nswt-tJwt |mn-m-ipt
-. - is known irom a sntall
stltYary grol]p (ibid., 21). LIis narneis not known frlnr
rhe romb. Ilou,.ever,
,ti,rpp;,;;;.;.,, rcsult
of rhc

$heR ilJil:l],'.:l
t c c o m p r r i c Jr h c i rp . r r c r r rr.h. c yr . c r e. , v e r , h r . l o , r " O
^tl)('y f,i ,Lal,,,.,",..
Both hands^hang at hcr hci right hantishchordsa sistrum
and in her refthand
a nenar. On her head she *,carsa-goki .",*n,
-n-ipt ,1,";rur-ioirr"i*i,. ,,y t,.ln""r.
tn in rhe tomb ol Hr-m-hh' (Crsc sit.
(casc.86). She bcarsthe titlc or' il;;;;,,ers or Mar-i
fifut-nsw.t ana ie, ";ii;_"
e*atre,i'iiatuifi 'l-caas
."t,..r.d in rr.,
prominencein the tomb, hcr nnmc ls sgrl
r-;,r,".- nr;-.;;';;; a file ot
offcring bringcrsis represcnrcd on a much smalcr scalereachingonlv to lhc mcnat
held in the handof hi; sistcr(ibid.,pI.XXIII).
PM(2) Two daurhterssrandhefore.Ni inn
and, (ibid.,pt.XXIII).
Tlrc leading tiaughreioffers a rich gord bowl.
sh" ill .iji.t )t',:t.i n st-it.1t1
Nrt-r-if'). Davies(ibid..27) assumes-she is tlc eldcrdaughte;,;,i;;;,
o.f l' presumabry a daughter
becauseshepraystir" r"oaingtor. in irri .....""i1o*"u..,
she play r ,rrint
s rhe lcadingrole in rhi.ssienc becausc-shc is the da;ghr;r ; N b_imn and Borh Nirl-rjlr), and Mu,t-nfrt. whose
srnallfig'uie-isJcplcteOat tLc
,r/'r'l,r chrir*ereprobably:thedaugltersoi;?;;;
1 .Urcy
d . : . :arc
:,t], nor il Sn,
reprc\entedrn JnJ,scencs with 7_r. Davies(ibid.,2g) alsoassumcs
.lttr, rhe seconddaughteiollcrin-qto ib-intn n,rj'S.rl rrilr, *r, ,".,.
daughter.but I think shc was the daulhter ,rt ii
iir,'Url ni. iirr, *,r" 1,.
p o s s i b l yh i s e l d c s d
t a u g h t e (r c. f .p M 1 6 ; 1 . r i u
tschindthc oflcring sccne.threcrows of banquelin-q guestswcre clcpictccl. The
are alnost.complctelydestroyed. On rlie-sccondrow
pernitpsirvc women. Onlv one namc is still visiblc, are rraces ot
that of NJiL_ir,-, ' --
there is kinsbip term bui she was probably a daugiu". of ,lrd
-no izrr,.
_ lM(5 | A smrll figure .,1 sJr.f lwy standsbeirvcenh.,, Nb imn l\nC,
rr rvhite A'h-trra oftrr" on bruziirs tir,ia.,pf.iij jfl"'li'n5JrJ'p.oIll,u"n,,n,,r"
scencthan her brothers.
PY!9) Daughrersonce morc play a leadingrole in
. - this sce,reof a banquel
before .ND-izraand 7.,'. (ibid.,pl.XXIi. A rrn"ffi"nruf"
li,,r. i.,.it"A nn u rnrrff

chair at the side of Iy. She is umamcd. ln front of Nb_inr is seatcil

da^ughter llrl-zswt Sgrt-t3wyin an honouredpositionandwearingthe gold crown.
Off'ering to her is arother daughter Wrt. lvri was probably rhc eiclestdaughter
Nb imn._and..Iy.Dcspite Sgr,/dw],s exaltedsratu.s and honouredpositionin the
Wrl rcrualJyrepresented on a largerscalethanshejs. tyrl ilso offercclro
:::1e, .is
1r, im4 and nrs ourerwlte tn-snb.tu)togetherwith their daughterN6r dw-}. .fhe
, r r J l edra u g h r e r/.w 1 . u h o p l a l e da p r o m i n e nprr n i n p \ 1 i 5 1i s
, " . r " J o n n t o r ,, " . r ,
behrndrh€ sLandingfigure of lVrr. Other daughtersare probably among tic
gucsts.although,becauseof the damagedstite of rhe scene,f"* ,,^.".
Early copiesof some hieraticnamesiidicare thar r.t/./ ?3+r;1 scr.redth"
ladiesand at the end of the row of sevcnor ei-chtladiei were trvo granrjdaughtcrs;
s3_tn s3.f Nfrt.or Nfrt-[---], possibly Ny't iry namcd after her fa-tlers srsrcr,
s3tn s3t.f 53-ti3.
ln a sub-scencthree men are rapresentedin front of the seatedfigure
Nb-imn. The leading man is of cqual size to Nb_imn and Davies (rbjd..
, 29)
suggcststhat he might be his brothcr. Unfortunately the inscription in front
of thc
and no kinship rcrm survives.He is probably'hn Me3w
T,1".ir..dl.u,g.d ltr inttt
rnc mrn who rs reprcrenrcdprostrarein pN,t(4). No kinship term is!-t lr:to hrs
anacned name in Lhxtscenceither so therc is no evidenceto supportthe
suggestionthat he was the brother of ND-tma, he might *.eU have bcen a son.
This tomb is unique in that it showsthe tomb iwncr togetherwith two
. wives
ard throughoutthe tomb the daughtersare more proninent thin the sons,all
but one
of rvhom seemedto have followed their fathcr inio militarr- service.


Dl1wry-msfulw n.f P3-ry \1rys!t3 m hn Inpw

TITLES: Hegazy & Tosi1983,8
DATE: Tuthmosis fV to Amenhotep
III (?)r53
LOCATION: Kh6kha1T. 295
Hegazy & Tosi1983,7

Only the outer hall of the tomb was

decorated. Thc walls ard thcir scenesare very
damaged. The tomb ormer probably had two
wives not four as Hegazyand Tosi (1983, 8)

PM ]70

WIVE,S: (a)NTir-iD snt.fnbtpr PM(1)r (2X3)l(?)

\b) Rnwtt Imclt nt Imn PM(l )rr(2)(3)rr
h$t nt M\rt
SONS: IJ*y sm nt pr nfr PM(1)r&rr(2)(3)rr
unnamed PM(r)r(6)r(?)
DAUGHTER: 4 tt-A)db PM(1)r&rr(3)rr
FATHER/ Sn ntr slt nswt (s)(?)
l\4Ol'HER/ Sn n-icl1 PM(3)r(4)r (.5
SISTER/AtJN'l': T3-wrt PM(,1)III
HER DAUGHTER: Mlrr'rr'l Plt'I(il)l
f A I H E RO R l l n a l h r r t H t f l imy-r,inwty PM(4)rr (s)r
FA'|HER-IN-LAW: n n1r-nJt'
\lO lHtR OR I I J J rn . t l u i - J PM(,1)Il (s)r
HUSBAND OF T-l-wrr: M(-11u, PM(,1)Il
SISTF-R: [T]3-nr or[K]-1 nr PM(s)r
NIECE(?): Iui3 PM(s)r
- UNNAMED.MAN: s-3n s3t.fn(t) s3t.f (smm pr nfr PM(3)l (6)l
FATIIER of RrB11:'. P3-ry'imt-r[pr]-imnt PM(6)rr
MOTHER of Rrrrt: : -i-r/ Pn{(6)rI
The altemative relatiollshipsabove dependon *,hether one acccptsthat .lr-rllr'
'and Sn-m-ic11were the parentsor thc grandparentso'i
1-tterelationshipsin this tomb arc so complicatedthat I find it neccssaryto
departfrom the usual procedureof consideringeach membcr ol thc tamily and
analysingtheir representation in the scenesin which drey appear. lnstcad.I shall
dcalwith the bmb sceneby scene,analysingthc rclationships within eachscenein an
attcmptto arriveat a possiblefamil)' structurc.
PM(\)l IDh\rtf-msJ and his wtfe snt.Inrt f Nfi r in' are sealedon separate
chairs,facing lcft, in PositionV. A smalldaughterr-it.,fnrrr.,fHrbt wdb is seated
on a low red stool at the side of ,\?t lr,y whosethigh she toucheswitl hcr right
hand. A son offers to them. He offers to Dtwt.i' and is s-i.rr ltrt sit3 m hn
Irrpwv:r-m3wnprny' sJ sl-ix.ry ny llwt trlc /irw (Hegazy&Tosi 1983.P1..1)tlc
was obviousiy the son of pl1r,ry-m.i md Nlil-try. Two rows of guestsat a banquet
arc rcprcscntcd bchind Hw1, thc top row men and the bottom row women. The
first man on thc top row is s3.Jmrf mltib n nnrt m pr nfr sm n ct .ipsssi nswt
1---l. It would appearthereforethat 2&wr_r-mJand Ny't-lry had at least two sons
and one daughtcr. Thc inscriptionsabovc thc other banquctguestsare no longer
Jegibleso it is impossibleto tell whethcrthcy were sons and dirughtersor other
relalives.The columnswerepossiblyneverfilled in.
PM(1)II On *re lower register, DhwD' ms alld snt.fnn.t.fnbt pr Rn[wtt] arc
scatedon separatechairs,facing left. in PositionV. Thcy are the rccipientsoI
offerings from s3.f mrf sm m pr nfr s! .tg!-lu,t1n1r Hr.1 and s-)t.fmrt j n st ib.f
I.lnwt-wdb (ibid., PL.4). Assuning 1-lw] is thc samc son represcntedin rhe upper
register,althoughhis titlesdill'cr slightlyfron thosein the uppcrregister,thc same
two childrenof Dfuwl"-msare depictcdin both scencs.
According to thesescenes,Dl]\rtr'-ms had two wives. Ntr-ir_\, was lhc mother
of ,!w_r,,and l.ln\a)t-\rdb. In the sccnewilh Afra-i,'_1,, ''
'.d 'rct-erring {u,1 is called
whercasin the scenewith Rrnlr hc is called f only to Bl0r'4 zrs. It
is most likcly that Rnwlr wasthe first wifc who possiblydied prematurclyperhaps
in childbirthand that Dl.irtJ-ms lhen married Ntl-ir,\ who borehim two childrin
urd u'ashis lifctimecompanionand chief*,it'c. In favourofrhis inlerprctation isthe
f:rctthat lilr), bearsmore prestigiou\lirlc\ in Lheupperrcsisreruliich impliesits
laterdatingand f,lnwt-wQbis apparcntlyrepresented as deceased as shcis receiring
the 'fttp-di-nswt' offeringstogetherwitb her parentswhereasin thc lou er regisrer
slrc is besidehcr brother.offering a bouquctto Dh\|'\-m.t and hjs flrst wife. If
Rnwff had beenthe secondwili. shediil not tppearto havc bome her husbandanv
c h i i L l r c ar r. t h e c h i i J r c nu h o o l f c r t o D , t l l n - m . \ i r r r d/ ? a q l w c r e t h e c h i l J r e 'or i

PM(2) Bhwty-ns and sntf m .f nht-pr NJrt io- are rcpresentedon the panel
01 thc false steladoor (ibid., 17 & Pl.3) which addsrvcishtto rhe Drcmisethat shc
.- was his chief wifc. They are seatcdfacint right in eiLheiPosrtion V or VL A man
offcrs to a couplc on two registcrson each sidc of the false door stela. The sccncson
the right side are too damagedto yicld any iirfomlation. On the lop rcgisteron the
1e11. the couple arc Dhwt r-nrr and s/t/.1mrtJ nbL-pr ,ffrr-iry,. On 1e lower
registcr 2rltr f--rir is accompanicd by snt-fmrt.f nht-\rrRrwrr. Beth couplesarc
.c.rredfrcing ieft in Po,ilion \ l.
In the sccnesat the sides,Ny'r-'D, and RIwa are equallyprominentbul it is
Afr-iry who is represented with Qfu'4-ms in the panel on the falsedoor stcla.
makiDgher thc more importantof the two wivcs. 'lhe man offeringto the couples
on thc upperregisteron both sidesofthe doorrvasprobablythc son Hi1). The nian
offeringto the coupleson the lorverregistersis dresseddifferentlvbut might alio be
dw-l or elseanotherson.
On the top rcgisterabove thc doo., three people adore Osiris and possibly
Hathor. They are D_l1wt,--mt and probablyhis son and his son'srvifc. The sonjs
probably fln|r, but the nameof his wifc is unknown.
PM(3)l This is a scenethat prcs€ntsproblems. AccordinSto Pl\, depicrsa
ntan whosefigure is dcstroyedand relativcswith offeringsand ofltring lisr bcfore
parentsof thc deceased.Ilegazy (1983,22) allegesthat lhe couplcarethe deceased
andhis wife.
On tlreright of the scene.a couplearc dcpictedseatedon separate chairs.facin-Q
left in PositionV. Unfbrtunatelylheir namcsdo not sun,ive,rncrcly somc of the
titles of the man. After the honorillc titles he is sl-l'1,4, bit\ l,trr-tp m pr,mQJt .ri
ll.rlr,/1---l (ibid.. Pl.5). Thesetitlesdo not appl) ro Qllwty ns bur lhey archeld by
.ln-z1r (ibid., PJ.7) aod as the offcring is made for the L) n sI n,wt ftrt-l1btl.try,tp
Sn-,Ir, thc inltrcncc must be that the couple representedin the scenewere Sr-l1r
and his wife rn-m-it h who are also represented in PM(.l). Whetheror not thcy
werethe patentsol Bly'ty-nLsas PM allcge,still hasto be established. The figure
of the man who offers to thc couplc has bccn cxpungcdprobablyby the Atenist
inconoclastsbecausehe was dressedas a sz-priest. IIis name is missingbul his
rclationship te Sn-nLr was s-i n s-3rr1't; sJt,f and he was snt m pr nfr. ll Sn-tt1r
was the father of Qhw4' ms, this would t}e a cascol thc tomb owner'sgreat nephew
ofiering to the tomb owncr'sparents. I think it unlikely that 2l).r,rl ms rvould
have represented the grandsonof his sisteroffcring to his parcntsin his own tomb
especiall_v- as he probably had grandsonsof his own. Evcn if hc had been the
grandsonof Dftwt_r-msi.e.his relationship to Sn-r1r had been .iJ r dr nr r-i./, this
rvould still be the first caseso far encountered of the grandsonof thc tomb o.rncr
offcring to the parentsof the tomb owner.l54 Whether he was the great nepheu or
grandsonof Qfrwty ms lhis would be a caseof the parentsof thc tomb owner
receivingofferingsfrom their greatgrandson,a scenenot previouslyclepictcdin
any tomb.
is u possibleexplanationfor this scene.Ilegazy (ibid.,22) commcntson
the dilferencebetweenthe hieroglyphsin this inscriptionand those previously
exantined(c.f. Pl. 9a & 9c). Thcy were probablyexecuteclby a differentscribe
either when the tomb was being decoratedor at a later timc. I think thcy wcrc I latcr
additionas thcrc is anrpleevidencethat the tomb,althoughdecorated, wasnot fully
inscribed. ln this scenethe offering list is not inscribedand it is possiblethat
Dllwty-ms's great-nephew.finding the columns blank also decidedto add his
dcdicationto his great-grandfathcr. I do not know why hc shouldhavc dcdicatcdthc
sceneto his great-grandfather ratherthanhis greatuncle.the tomb owner.unlessit
was that Sa-nlr was the senioranceslorrepresentcd in the tomb. Howeverif as I
bclicvc. thc scencwas uninscribcdthcrc is no.eason to supposethat thc scated
couplcwas originallymcant to rcprcscnt Sl nlr and his wifc. The sceneson the
right handsideof registersI and II are practicJllyduplicatcsol one anotherand it is
possible that they were originally mcant to rcprcscDt fl ir'-'- as a rnr-pritst
periorming the offering list ritual for DhA'tJ ns and A])t-ir-r, on thc uppcr
registerand Dbvo-ns and Rnl1,rlon lhe lower register.Both couplesare seated
in PositionV.
PM(3)ll On tJleleft sideof the lower rcgistcra coupleare seatedfacingright
in PositionV. A snrallfigure of a girl is scatcdon a krw rcd stoolal the sideof the
couple. Shc is .r-t1f Unfbrtunatclyher name and the namesof all the figurcs
rcprcscnlcdin both sceneson the registerare missing. The erascdfigurc of a priest
standsbefore the three and from the surviving wavy blue line over them, he is
performing a ritual libation. IIe was probably flw-r' libating for !.iiwrr-nr.r.
Nfrt-iry,nnd Hnw,t-u,dh.On the right side the expungcd figure of a priest.
probablyflw1 , olfersto a coupleseatcdon scparate chairs,facingleti in PositionV.
is the offeringlist ritual and thc coupleareprobably Qlrwty--ms andRrx'tr, as
the coupleabovcwcre probablyoriginaliyDlr'{r'-zrs and N,6t lrr.
PN'l(4)This sceneposcsa numberof is dividedinto tu'o registers.
the upper onc much largerthan the lowcr one. The upperrcgistcrconsistsol two
scenes:on thc lcft a man whosefigure is erasedoffcrs to a couplewith a small boy at
th-cirside,and on the right the tomb owner ollers on braziers(ibid., pl. 7). Thc size
of the rcgisteris probablygovemedby the size oI rhis figuie and the size of thc
figures in the other scencdoesnot necessarilyreflect thcir in:rpoftancerclative to the
figurcsin the lower register.
PM(4)I sc.1. A coupleare seatedon separate chairsfacing right in positionV.
They are Sz-t1r and Sn m-ich. A small male figurc standsatihe-side of Srr_nrir,4
holdinga lotusflower and rwo budsalofi in his righr hand.his lefr handhangsar his
side. He was probably a young sonor grundsonof the couplcalthough rhereis no
contactbetweenhim and Sn-m-iI:h. A small malc figure siandsundir the oflering
lable facing Sn-t1r, proftering a bowl. He was probablya servant. The erased
figure of a man, probably dressed,as a priest, oifers to S/l nlr a\d Sn-ntich.
Unfortunatelyhis nameis destroyedbut part of his titlcs survivc. IIe was s.l.f/__l/
t1y nJ pr .fr hr! tp m hn (npwl. The tirles suggestthar hc pnrb.rbtj
D b\'.t.y-ms._. A. daughterand grand-daughtcrof .!rrlnlr were also reprc.cnteb
standirrgbchind"the couple. They are depictcdon thc adjoiningwall (ibid.. pl. 2).
are s! nrut uht-pr T-1-[\"^r]ta;d s3t.sMtrt aftr. Itls possiblethat thc
s m r l l m r l e f r g u r ea t t h es i d eo f S f r - l ? - i , l$r r . a , o n o l f l r , . r r .
PM(.l)II On the ief'tsidea coupJearc seatedon a couchfacinAright in positjon
V-1. A man followed by a woman and threcoftering berrcr.. offers io the couple.
The inscriptionis damagedar rfie crucialpoinr but accordingro Hcgazy(ibid.. 14)
dre couplc are the im1'-r inwn n [ntr-nfr] Htp and hnt.f ntr].J[--1 rld(t)r., t.i3..
llowever thc damageto the inscriptionbefore ,lrl2,couid indiCatcthat thc nameof
.the nan might havetren Imn-htp. The man of fering to thcm is lJ.rrr,,nDr/r.ry'r lrl
Qhwty-ms, the owner of thc tomb.
In thesctwo scenesthe tomb owncr claims to be thc ,.r.t.,f ,
of two couples. The
problemarisesbecauseof the ovcrsimplification of ancientEgvptiankinihip terms
and the extendedmeaningof thc few terms that arc usedas discus.sed in pan Il of thc
thesis. Neithercoupleare referredto as 'il,f '(tr 'm\rt.f '.
Two 3l1e.rn11;ye'5 rrc possiblc.
(D One coupleare the parcntsof ettwtl- rns and thc other couplearc rhe
parcntsof one of his wives, possiblyhis seniorwifc N/r^ir"r,, ,rj.,f in rhis
caschavingthe conootation'his son,in-law'.Il this was thc clse, Sn_t1r ancl
.Sr zr-i.ft would probably bc his parcnrsand llmll ltp ctr fltp and lwr3 his
parents-in-law as a woman,probablyhis wilc, joins him in offeringto them.
(ii) Onc coupleare the parcntsof Arrr /,r m.r and thc other cJuple are his
grandparents, 's-i.,f' 'his grand5o1,.l55
thenhavingthe corurotations of
I lavour the secondhypothesisus it sc.m\ to otTerr solution ro most of thc
problems that arise in the tomb.
I believe it is possible that S'r-/ilr anr|Sn-m-icl.t werc the maternal
grandparcntsof plrw4,-ms and that IImnl-btp and /wj-J were his Darents. Ifthis
wirsthe caseand if his father'sname!\as Imn lltp rtttherrhln /ft7,, his son ntight
well have been called after his grandfatheras flw,y was a connronJy uiecl
diminutiveor pct name lor Imn-ltp. It is more likely that Sn-n1r ancl Sn-m,itlt
arc the grandparentsas Sn-m-ith is dressedin the straightdressoI rhc earlier
EighteenthDynastyand the earlierhairsryle. Her hair or uiq fJIl\ over the front
and back of her shoulderand her uppcr arm and shoulderarc completelyvisible
(ibid.,Pl.8b) whercasthe shouldersofall the otherwomcn depictedin the tomb are their hair and they wear the fine pleatcdover-dressof thc laterperiod.
Sn-n1r is also represented in the carlier stylc with a bare uppertorso.witliout the
slrirt wom b), the other men. Therefore Sn-ngr and Sn-m-it:I areof an earlier
gencrationthan Dhv't!-ms and his parentsand of all the other couplesin thc tomb.
ll Sn-nyr was the grandfarhetof Qllwty-ms then tlle s.t a s-ir n(t) s-jr./ who
dedicatedthe usurpcdsceneto Sl a1r (ibid.,Pl. 5) would have beenthc nephewof
Qltwty-ms. would be feasiblechronologicallyas thc scenemLrsthave bccn
inscribedbeforethc offeringfigure wascrasedb) rhc Atenisr\. If eln.4-rrs livecl
inlo thc reign of AmenhotepIII, by thc time his grandsonor great-nephcw was an
adull,it could well havebeenafterthe Atenistdestruction.
ThereforeI assumethat Sn-n1r and Sn-m icl were thc grandparcntsof
Dl]..t)'- yl, ihcir daughter 1w,/3 bcing his morher and rhat Arra,O--m.,probably
lbllorved by AIrl-iry is dcpictedoltcring to his parentsin thc left scenc
P1\{(4)II The couplc on the right side of the lower registerare seatedon a
couch facing left. The wife is seatedin Po'itron Il hut thihusbanclrcachesout
towardsthc ofTerings with his right handandholdsa lotusin his leli hand. 'fhcv are
Mc I,tw tnd l,tmt.fnbt-pr I-l-wrt probably the daughterwho is representcdbehinrl
5a r1r and Sn-m-i.ft in PM(4)l (ibid., Pl.2). Thus on thc low;r rcgisterbelow
Sn-n1r and Sn-m-ic11, two of their daughtersarc representcd with thclr husbands.
It is intcrestingto note lhat both womcn are 'lrnrl.f ' of their husbandsrathe,tharl
u h i c h i s t h ec u s t o m l r rl ye r m f o r \ \ i f e r t r h i r t i n r e
PM(5)l plurl-rns herecalled P3-ry fbllowedby a man. two womcn and a
small girl, adoresOsiris (ibid.. Pl 2). Most of rhc figure of the man fbllowing
PJ-ry, is destroyedandhis nameandtitleshavecomplctclydisappcared.Flowever.
thc wonan lbllowing the man is 'n\tt.f nbIt-pr][---] '. themotherof ettn,tl-ns
callcd PJ-r), so the inferenceis that the man was thc father of Atrrr)_m.r.
Unfbrtunately, as is so oftenthc case,thc namesoIboth parentsarc missing.
was not so, thcre would bc no doubtsaboutIhc parentageof Dhu,t)rz.. Ho*eue,
my assumptionis that the miln is 1/rrr/- l.ttp ot Hrp the father of Alrrro //rs and the
woman is his molhcr 1r'l-]. Bchind the figure of his ntotheris that of an adult
fernalefigure, s-)t.s mrt.snht-[pr][71.]-nrtTil ) or IK]3-nr lKjt) Berweenrhcnr
is a smallfemalefigure f.i-irl.r 1y,8. Sheis mosrprobablyrhcdaughrerof lZl.j lrr.
in front of whonr shc standsrather rhan of thc morher of Dh)4:t,r-msbchind rvhont
she stands. 1I/3-nr reachcsout with her left hand to touch hcr mother. while
strc'tching her right hand towardsthc hcad of the small girl. 'lhc small 1w,rJ*,as
probably named after her grandntother. /I/.i nr u-il5 therel.Jr.rhc sister of
Ql.ttt4-ms andher daughter,lnrJ washis nicce.
Behind this group of figures are dcpictedl\\,o figures facing in the oppositc
dircction. Thcy are the daughterof Sn-n!r, T3 [vr]t andher daughterMxr rfir
alrcadl'mentionedas belongingto PM('1)lsc.1. This addsweight to rrryargurncnr
that .lr-nlr and .!/t-lt-t.ii were not the parentsof Dhw.ty--ns.If the parentsof
Ql.nr4-ms depictedbchind him adoringOsirjs had bcen Sr D1r aruJ.Sttm-ich,
thcre *ould havc beenno reasonvhy 7-i wrl and her daughtershouldnot have
beenfacingthe othcr rvaybehindher prrentsa\ rhc oth.r daughrerrncl her daughtcr
$crc. The fact lharthcy werenot implicsthaithey $,ercnot pan of thc family group
ef Dhnt!-ms but ratherof thc family group of Sr?-'lr xnd Sr_rr on the
adjoining wall and therefore that thc father and mother of llrlr,/,f ln.r werc not
5a'l1r and.Sl m-icl . T3-r+'rtwas thusrhe auntol Arrn. asrrot his sistcr.
On this uppcrregistcr,tuo srnrilarscene* frc" ro lrcc ( (r.
,_ ,PN{(6)I "re The
On the lcft, a couplearc seatedfacingright in positionVI. namcof thc man has
beencrased,but his tjtles and the lact that he is sealedwith snt.fnbt_[pr] nrtJ n
st ih f Nfrt in leavc little doubt that he was err,/_\ llr_r.A snralll'emalcfigurc iits
at thc.sideof N/rl-in,. the figurc offeringthe ljbarionritual 10this grouphasbcen
comp.letel)-_destroyed. It was probablv that ofa pricst and rracesrcma-inoi /JJ
fl so
possibly flw_l performedthe libationfirr his parentsand sister. .Ihe sccncon thc
nght is prrcticllly r mirror-imugcof rhc olreon the lelt and originally might hlvc
ocfrcred /:lr11'1.\ -rl,( rnd ty'lr'l-//r.rn a doublesccnewith the lcft hancl
p_ossiblyQlrwry ns ard, Rnwtt in a matchinc scencro thc left hand sccne.
Ilowever becausea small girl silting on a srnallrcd stool is rcpresentcd wilh lhe
couplc,.theyare probably Dlu,4, zi,i and N/.r iry rs rhey are dc?icted*.ith a small
girl and Qllr,ry-ms and R,y,ff are nor. It would appcir that tiris sccnetoo. like
P M ( 3 ) 1 ,w a s r e d e d i c a r e d b y r h e s a m c m a n w h o r c d e c l i c a t epc M j (J)l to his
great-grandparents. The hieroglyphsin the inscriptionro this scenearc similar to
fiose in PM(3)l and differ markedlyfrom thoseol the inscriptionto the lcft hand
scene.In this scenePM(6)l howevcrthepricstIibatingthc couplcis s-).fscn!
:;mm [pr nJi], whosenameis missing.Thus thc couplcwho are the rccipientiof hii
ritual arc his parents. s! ut stm pr nfr hr,- tp m hn lipw [ --] 1nd :nt ttht pt
I Tpl,.
._Unlortunately the nameof the man is missing,it appearsto iravcbeencrasecl as was
thatofhiswife. Hegazy& Tosi (ibid.,23) restorethe nameo f the wii.cas
fp,r ancl
suggestthat shc was the third of the four wivcs ol DhtrD.-ms.The tirlesofthe nran
do infer that Dbwo-ms and one of his wivcs were represcntecl hcre bul I think thc
name of the wifc was erasedat the sanretime as that of Ahrrt-r rrs and thc nantc of
the mother ofthe usurperwas substituted, probablythe's-jt'tt(t) s3t.f' t)f Sn Lr-
whosesonhe was.
PM(6)II This registeris very damaged.On rhe righrhandsidea fcmalefigure
offered-toa seatedcouplewho havesincedisappearcd.SItcis s,1[t].fimtt,tntImn
I,tDt nt Mwt,one of the wives of Bllir.t1,nr,i. She ollers to hci parents lnl r
[ . - - - l i n n t P . l n a n d h m t . ln . t . ] . i r i h i J . .p l h r . I l e r : r z 1& T o . i , i b i . l . .R , r c L . c
that J.rt was a sccondarywife of Qfiwo-ms probablybecauscthenantcofthc man
P-i-n is identicalwith thc secondnanreof [lr,vi-nri. llo*ercr. lhey rcstorethc
title of P-l-r-- as'imy-rpr lmnl' a Urlcwhich rr nor hch! by elr|ri_ni.i. Thc tlvo
mcn do not hoid any tillcs in commonand areunlikelyto be iclcnricai.I rhink p-i_n
and Jrt were thc parentsof Rx|lt/, the wil'c of Dljrrtt,-rts. Becauscof the name
tlreybearin conrmo-n, it is possiblcthat P-J-r_r, ancl dtlu,n.fp.l_ry *erc
blood relations. P-3-r'-r was possiblythe matemalor patcrnaluncle of
who would thenhavebecnmaniedto his crossor parallclcousin. lf p-i ^, wasthe
brothcr of thc motherof Dhu,tt m:. accordingto my inter?rctationof the fantily
relationships, hc would havebcen a son of ,!r-nll and .Sxlmit:h and Dh*t\- t$
would havemarriedhis cross-cousin.l56
The sceneon fte left side is also very damagcd. A couplearc scatedfacin-e
right, probably in PositionV. Two men and a womln are bringing oilerings to

them but it is possiblethat anotherfigure,perhapsthe main ofi'eringfigure,night

also have becn represented beforethem. From the illustrationofthe scene(ibid..
Pl.6),it is impossibleto identify the couple,but Hcgazy& Tosi (ibid.,25) disccm
traces of Ntr-tr_f 'J namc and presumelhc couple to be Dl,twt r--msand N/rl-ir_r,
rvhoarc seatedin PositionV. 11'lhisis thc case,then thc two men and thc woman
offering to them are presumablytheir two sonsand their daughter. On the othcr
hand the couplc might be the parentsof Ny'.r-iry. who off'ersro thcm, followcd by
her childreD,as Rnlr'Ir offersto her parentson the right.

Sn-ntr = +Sn m-lch

ML-hw *l\ri3 Imn htp (Htp)


*M *n,1,,
., = -ii,-,,, -,,,,,,
Il",, *Hnut-wlb *1u.d

. Either Mrrtnfrt or Dlwtrms had a sistcr lp_r, mother of the ,(rj
i3t.f of Sn-n1r.The flaw in this hypothctica]genealogyis thrr rvhereas thc parents
of Riru..1 are reprcscntedin the tomb, the parentsol thc more promincntwife,
,\Til-i i do not scemto be unlessthe coupleon thc lcft of PN,l(6)llarc hcr parenls.
AD altcrnativehypothcsisbasedon thc prcmisethat Sr-rr1r was the lhtherof
l2irill-r'-nsleadsto the following tcnealogy.

' l ; *3rr
P.l 11 Sn nlr -*Sn-hl-i.h alw.i3 = lnn-ltp llltlt)

*Rn\1lt * Nlit-ir) *
Qhnltl -ms wrt = M|-liLt, *7.]-nr
ul[cd P3-n

r 11,^,!,11,
ll alwi-l
hvpothesisrcsults in the three couplcs P-j-n, and .i.rt. Sr?-rll iLnd
5rr nr lcfr and lvti3 and Imrt /14,(Hqrl bcing of the samegencraliondcspiredre fact
rhat ,5/r/rI,. a , Sn-m-i(lt are dressed1na morc antiquatedcostuntcrhilnfte other
trvo coupJes.Horvevcrkr confuscthe issue,lhe wives of P.i-r,r,and InrL lltp arc
'ltnt 'sirl.l '
referredto as rathcrthan
f'lrnrt./'.while which was in commonuse at this tintc
having superccdcd '.!lt.jf'.
the wife of Srrnl4 was callcd Becausethc
secondnane, P-l-ry'.of Dh*|-nts was the santeas that ofhis father in law. il js
possiblethal P3-ry was the brother ofeither Sn nlr ar Sn-rn icf. It is irnpossiblc
to tell which, but he was norc likely to be the brotherol Strn,i;h ts rhe mothers
h r o t h e r 'dsr u g h r e w
r r s r n u c c e p r a bbl er i d ef o r h c r r o n .
If this hypothesisis correct,then l3-wrr or TJ nr, the daughtcrsof Sn-nE
must have had a daughter I?)- who was the mother of the son who redcdicatedtwo
scenesin the tomb. However the chronologicalproblcm arisesof the Atcnist
destructionof the offering figures in PN{(3)l & pM(6)I. Ifhc was rhe grear-nephc.,\,.
of Db\rr)*-ms it is possiblethat he could not havc had the scenesinscridedbefoie the
Atenistdestructionand wasunlikcly to havedonethe work post Atcnistdestrucrion
\\.ithoutrcstoringthc figure of the oflering priesrrvift *fro- tre ii iJ.,irifi"a. mi,
altemativehas been includedbecauscboth Porter & Moss and Ilerazy & Tosi
bclieve that Sn-n1r ax1 Sn-m i.[ were the parentsof el1v.,tyzrs. I
favour the position that Sr-nr" and Sn-rz l.f were thc grandparcntsol Dhv,n ms
as this interprctationseemsto provide answcrsto all the problens arrsingin the
As I have indicated, I do not be]ieve that Dl.twtJ,ms had four *,ives. LIis tu,o
rvives were Nfrt-iry ard Rr"//. Whercas Nfrl-lr1 had the dominant rolc in the
tomb and was the motherof his childrcn, Rzri.rt was by no mcansexcludecl, bcing
almost a-sprominent as Ntl-ir-). If Rrir.l rvasthe fiist rvife of Bl.rw4,-nrs, sh-
rvasobviouslyremembcredwith affectionby him. possiblyher prominencctn the
tomb was due to her blood relationship to Dhwn ms.


Inn m-ipt imy-rpr nbwpr ld imy-r c!4wty

TI'I'LES: From Tomb

Davics& lr{acadam1957,F.C. 60, 1E6
DATE: IV (?)r5?
LOCATION: Qumct Muraci TT.276

tomb is very darnagedonly
the transvcrse
hall survives.The toml)
\i as possibly nevcr complctciy
decorated. It is unpublished.

PM 176
WIl"h: IJ rtut-twnw I']lvl(I lsc.l( lX2)l (.1)
soN(i): Unnamed r('t)(.1)
P1\,1(2)J (?)(9)rr('t
DAUGHTIIR(11: [-]nname d I'N'l(1)sc.l(9)l(l)
I:A'1'IJER: N&"' PM(2)rr (9)
\{0TI II]R: It:lt-lttp P l \ l (I ) s c . I ( 9) l & l l
I'Nl(l) sc.l. 'l'wo woo)cntre reprcscnted b,:lbrethe deceasccl anil ltis mother
rvltoscfi-{urcsarc destroycd.No tcproductionofthis sccneexists. ln onlv oneolncr
tomb do t\\,orvonrenappcarbeforcthe tomb owncr andhis molher.i.c. TT.7l(.C.L"r
87. scencappearson the santcwall ol-the tonrb as this scenc(tsastu,all
South). lhc w,ometrin u'crcthc wile of thc orvncr.and possiblyhis concubinc
or nrinor secondrvife or his sister. lr) .l rcciproc.ilscenei0 lltar r,rntbon the lllsl
u,all - North, thc two wotrcn werc titc wilt and anotherwhont Brack (1980,29)
sugllestsrnighrbe a claughler.As thereis no rcitsonto slrpposeIltat Inn n il)t lt..rrl
lrvo is probablcthat lhc two wonlcn wcre ei$cr his wile and daughteror
his wilc anclhis sister,given that rhc dauglttcrreprescntcd in I,NJ(g)lur,: errhcrhr"
(iaughtcror the dlughtcr of his ntother.
P\1(2)l Intt nt ipt .r.ndhis nifc are scatedbclbre oft'crings. As thcre r\ rto
r c p r o d u c t i o no i t h i s s c e n ea v a i l l b l c i t i s i m p o s s i b l ct o t c l l h o r v thev wcrc
f)l\{(.1) /zur nriltt a:ntlllnt,t ivnv' arc scalcdon a c o u c hl i t c i n s l c l - ti n
I'osition V or VI, darnagcprccluclcsany certlinlv. ((_'OIP J r o t o2.9 6 E 1 .A p r i c s r
\ ! l r o i s p r , , h : r h l.)r . o r r . , , l - r etro. l h c r r r .
.- Sub sccne. Ofltritrg bringerslncl a priestollcring a bouquctarc rcprcscoled
bclbre a couplc seatecl on a couch Iacing lefl. Ihc uppcr figuresof thc couplerrc
cornplete l)'dcstroyed.Thcy wcre possihlyhrml 7/ and his wifc.
Ilecauscof clamagcto the lomb, it is inrpossiblcto tell $hcthcr llnttt tvnv
ruppears in any othersccncsin the tonlb. Il the fanrilvfishingand lorvling\cenewrLs
d c p i i t ,J i r rl l r ct o r t h .i l r r nl n r t r ' L..ur r r i r e . .
inscripljon\in the lomb arc badlydantagcci. tror',he.cdocsthc kinshiptenn
IoI son srLn,ive. howcvcr nre ate ilcpiclcclfullilling the rrllesnorntallvpcrlornred
by sons.
l'NI(2)ll A friest censcsirndIibatesto a couplc. lhis pncstrIrightbc u son.
PiV(.1)A nlan circ'sscd in thc leopardskin ol a pri!'slperlirrmslhc ofierinl lisr
ritual fitr hrrr-n-i7rl lLlrdhis wifc. I Ie rvasllmost ccrtainlya son u]lfortunately his
l'rcc and the columnsof inscriptjonlllat containc(lhis narneappenrlo llavc bccn
m a l i c i o u s ldyc s t r o y e d(.C O I P h o t o2. 9 6 8 ) .
P\"1(9.)llA priestwith ofltrine bringersbt l'ore Imn-n iTrrand his parcnls\!irs
probablya son.
It is impossiblelo tcll wltetherthcscwcrc all thc samesonor dillcrcnrsons.
Sinrilarproblc'rnsexist with regardro thc dau-qhler of thc tomb owner. One
cannotbc ccftainthathc hadany dtughters.
PNI(1) sc.l . Onc of the two woncn who are rcpretentedbcforc lnn nt iltt
andhis nrolhcrrvaspossiblya ilaughtcrof his. If so,shewould bc thc sccondwomxn
reprcscntcd.IIis wife wouldhc in liont.
l'M(9)t is the only olher survivingsccncin which a daughtcrnrightbc
rcprcscntcLi. The sceneis danraged but thc hcadan(lshouldcrsof e girl clln 11'scrn

bchindthe scatcdfiguresal I lt-n r2r and his nothcr. \\rh.iher ir is the dxughtcl
t:f ltnn nt-ipt or of his mothcr is irnpossiblcto sa1.\\rhcrhershebc daughteror
sistcrofthc lomb olvner,shc standsrlilh hcr armsat hcr side,hcr headrcachesas
I t : l r l . t r r .: l t U l , hr so I l l r c : , : r r L
ll i . ' u r , .
Thc perentsol Inn-m-ipt play a prominentrole in his tontb. As rvcll ls
appcrflnlt togellrerwith hitn in 0nc sccne,they arc also rcprcsented\\ith hinl
i n d i vi d u a i l y .
P\1f1))ll Apriestoffers to //llr?ntipt andhis parcnrs.'lhev arc scutcdlicinr
righl orr nhat appearsto be onc'long couch. (Phoro.b1 l)r Spalinrer)l,l.5B. lh.
toml)o*rcr is scetcditr front holdinga lonr:stafi in his l.ft handirndhi: pirrenl\ilr.l
scltcdbchindhirn in PositionV.
Pirl(2)ll 1\\'o nlen tre scatedlr a food tlhle. 'l'hc1art probebll lnn-nt iltt
lutl his fitthcr.lis
i Iis nrothcrappcarsor two occasions aloncwith her son.
P \ ' 1 ( l )s c . 1 . t r o $ o n t e nl r c d c p i c t e db c f o r ct h e t o m bo \ \ n e ra n chl i s n t o t h r , r
now dcstroVcd.
I'l\l(9)l /rrn m ipt ar.,Jhis nrotherarc sealedfacinr right in positionV, rhc
poscusLrally associltcdtvitha husbandandu,ile.
flnfortunatclyno litlcs of the filllrcror ntolhcr sun ive so it is not possiblcto
jucl:c rvhetherthcir pronrinencc in ihe tonrbis duc to lh.if olficitl or socialstanrliirg
or lvhelhcrit $,as ditc to a ptnicnllrll cioseanclloving rclalionship\\ ith thcir :Lrn.
It is impossibleto tcll also ivhcrhcr lnrrr-n-i2r o\ed his importarlroffic.s to
.-his positirrnat citurt as a !rr1l LiTr or rvhctherhe o., dtcm lo thc positiol ol itnc
ol both of his parcntsanclthcir closcncss to the king.
I Io*cver the prontinence of thc nrothcrtlid not seentto thrcale lhc\txtusofihe
$'ife or usurphcr positionirl thc tollrb.

C A S E9 I

II' nt w3.rt w.b !)sr-k3-y'

D a v i e s& M a c a d a r1n9 5 1 , 1 . C . 2 1 2
DA'l E: PNl = D] nasryX\rlll]s')
l-OCA-tION: 'l-l'.261
DracAbri cl Nagac
B IBI.lOGl{APIIY: I'N{ 1.1.1
B a u d1 9 6 7 . 2 12 E .P l . l l
l-liissnrlll tomb wasnevcrcomplctcd.One
scenealonesurvivesand lhe o\\'nerof thc lomb
is kno* n only from a funcrlry concas thereare
no textsin tllc lonrb.
Pt\t l-r-i

WIFE: Unnarned PM(1)

The only membersof the fanily depictedin the onc scenein this tomb are
I;l':-mw3st andhis wile .
I'M(1) His wife squatsat the sidc of hcr husbancl s chair in poslrronXXV
cxceptthat Ihcreis Do coniactbetwecndre couplein this scenc.(Bauti1967,pl. ll).
Hcr dressand coiffure conforrn to the stylc of tic earlicr IiighteenthDynasty.
Baud (1967, 22) quesrionswhetherthis is the wife or daughteiof rhe romb
owncr becauseof hcr infcrior positioll. IJowevcr,sincethc reign'ofAmenhotcplI
therehavebccn somccasesof snrallfiguresol tic u ile squaLrinjorsc;rted at the side
o f . a l a r g ef i g u r e o f t h e h u s b a n d . l!hl l e r e f t r r c T t h i n l L h r tr h c f r s u r ei s t h a t o f
IIc m-u,.3st'swife ratherthanhis daushter.


Nbt J3)" htp n Inn

tTt_ES: Fronl tomb
DAT[,: Arnenhoteplll (?)r5r
i-oCATIoN: Dracr\bil el Nagac T'I.161

tomb consistsof a longitudinalroom
or passagcand an inner roont which wts not
decoratcd. The tomb is not propcrly
p u b l i s h c d ,a s u m m a r ya c c o u n ro n l y b e i n g

PM 272

wtf,!,: 73 l.tmt lrsytnt l.lwt l.u PM(2)(3)r&

r (ti l )
(5)I,U&rrr(6)t&rr (7)
SONS: Imn-r-nhl1 PM(2)r3)r,rrr
tl{: f3 )"-htpn Inn PN,r(2)(i)r.irr
Hwy'nfr k3ryn fttp-n1r PN{(2)(3)r,rrr(6)r
P3'rhny f3y,firpn Imn PM(2X3)r,rrr
Wsr kJrJn htp-nLrn lnnl Pllt(2)(])r,rrr

DAUGH'I ERS: It lt ms PN,I(2)(3)I.II.III

N,4zrf-r rr'r PNl(2)(])r.r
A/[ t rr,r. (2)(3
r)r\'r )t. .rrr
!---l btt) P N (t ) ( l ) t , tI . I
FA'llll.-R: Cix,rl, r-l/rLln. n lt4)-ntttl ltln l)i\4((r)ll
l\IO'lllL.R: K-lt, PN,l(6 )tI
G R A N D F A ' IH E R ( l ) :R - y L l r t n l t t t n t r n l r n n Pl\1(6)ll
CiRANDI\{O'lllllR: B-iti Pl\,l(6lt I
wifc is verv pronincnt in this tomb. shc accontpanic\her ]rusbandin
almostall the scencs.
P 1 \ { ( l ) & ( 2 ) I 3 - l . t n t a n t lt h c i r c h i l d r e na c c o n r p r n vN / r r r s h e o f i e r so n
bfaziers.Shc standswilh borh hxndsraiscdin PositionXXXI\r. (Wcrbroucliar van
d c W a l l c 1 9 2 9P . i .l r c i n g p . . ) ) .
P\'l(3)l Nrl and 7-?,lrrrrare lhc rccipicnlsol oilerinrs lroln rheir sols tnd
( i r u g h t e r s .l h c y a r c s c a t c coln s e p a r a rceh i i i r sl u c i n gI c l t i n P o s i l i o nV I ( i b i d . ,I , l .
l n c i n gp . 9 ) .
PNI(3)ll Nlr/ anil 7-l-lrnrl rre scal!'don scparat.'chrirsfucinqlcll jn Posirio:t
VI rcccivingofteringsIront thcir daulhtcr whilc two sntlll ligurcsstandat tltc si(jc
o l t h c i rc h a i r s( i b i d . .P l . l l c i l g p 9 ) .
I)N'l(.l) Nrt aitl I.l-l.trrtt rclunl lo rhc tonrb. 7-l l]rrl srrnds bchind hcr
husband.her lell anr at her sidc.hcr right ann bclt on her brell\r.holdins a lolusin
h c rh u i i i n P o s i t i o X n V I I I ( S c h o lP r h o l o s1. 7 2 8 .6 0 1 - 5 ) .
, PN,'l(5)lA1 lhc right end ol.lht' sccnc. Nht tlrl I .)-lLnLrafc scalcdon scprmtc
chrirs lacing richt in PositionVL A pricstpcrlbrnlslhc ofliring list r.itualbclbrc
thenr. At the leltend ol rhc scene NlJl ttntl 'l.lllnt adoreOsiris. 'Thevslirn(lin
PositionXVII exccpt thxi 7-l {rnrt clocsnot have a sisttuntIoopcrlovcr hcr nrnt
(Wcrbrouck& van dc Wrlle lc)29.Pl. lrcing p.8).
P1\{(5)llAt thc lcft N&t olfcrsa bouquctto Alubis and T-l {rlrr standsbchinrl
r l i l h b o t h h a n c l sr a j s c ciln a d o r a t i o n1 i b i d . .P l f a c i n gp . l i ) . I n r h c n r i d d l eo t l h c
rclister Nr1 and T.l l.tnt lrc scatcdin shrincson boetsgoing to and rclLrnring
front .\h1tlor.
PN{(-5)lll Nr/ ,rntl 7'.}-ltnt ol-lcrbouqLrdsand rciorc rhe \\Icsl!'rnso(ldcss.
7-i-l,rartstancis *ith bolh hanclsraiscd.
P M ( 6 ) l N 0 1 o f l e r sa b o u t l u ctto O s i r i s . a t h o r r 6ar n dA h m o s cN c l l e r a r y* h i [ '
1-i {rrrr standsbchinclrvith amrsraiscd(ibid..Pl. lacinr p.8).
I ' N , l ( 6 ) l lS o n f l r ' r - a l ) p e r l b n u :o l l er i n g l i s t f i l u l l l i r N 0 t u l t l l . l h n t .
a r es c a t c do n s c p a r a tceh a i r sl n c i u gr i s h l i n P o s i l i o D V l . I l c h i n rl h c s o . t $ o
couplcsarc sealedon two re!istcn-
PN'l(7) l-el1of d,rrrway.stela*ilh cjoublcsccnL- ol Nfrt iu1(l7-J-flr,t ldorins
O\iris. a r es t a n d i n g i n P o s i t i o nX V l l ( i b i d . .I ) 1 l. l c i n s p . L 7 ) . l l c l o \ \ l h c \ l c l l
and on thc oppositesiclcol lhe doola\u\'. i\01 lrs a pricsl \\ith u squlrtirrglcnralc
l n o u r n c rb e h i n i l .s l a n c l b 'lhc
s c [ o r ca n o i l i r i n g l l i b l c i n I ) o : i t i o nX l - l V . lcrtralc
nloumcr was prohably 7.1 {inrt.
lrron lhc cvidcnccofthc lonlb. Nlrt appcarsto hllvc ltitd livc sonsall ol*hont
are rameci.
I'N,l(2) lhc livc sonsaccontpanv theirparcntsi thc ofli'r'inson braziersrilrnl.

A snrall male fiSurc standsin front ol-his nrothcrtvhile jbur largcr nralc iigurcs
s t a n db e h i n dt h e i rn t o l h c ro n t h e l l f n c r , , 1L $ r ,r e ! i \ l c r \ . ' l h c s cl o i r r l i g u r c sa r ea r r
c a l l e d ' . ! J . r ' w h i l et h c s r n a l l e lri g u r c i n l r o n l o l r h c n r o l h c ri s c r l l c t j r - j . . rr.r r . s
I n t n - r - n l 1 l . t . l. i o w c v c r i n t h i s c a s cI d o n o t t h i n k t h i s i n t p l i e sa n y ( j i f l ' e r e n ci cn
rclationshiptiom that of thc orhersorlsas this son is callcd ',r.l.l 'as arc rhe olhcr
sonsiD thc sceneon lhc bottqn registcrin PM(-l). Ill this x row offivc sor)s
he is lhe hst one uhich probablyindicateslhat he \!as lhe 'l-his
accounti'or his positionclo\c lo his inolhcr ilnd his desigltalioltof .r.lj ir) pNl(2) "-ounscsl.
( i b i d . ,P l . f a c i n gp . 9 ) .
P I r ' 1 ( 3 ) lS o n sa n t l c l a u g h t c rosf l e r b o u q u c t st o r h c i r p a r c n l s . ' l l r e l e a d i n s
o l l c r c r i s h i s s o n f l w r - r f i l o l l o w c db y t w o d a l r g l r l c rasn r ir h e nb y h i s s o n / / ' .
smallermalc liitures. tll his sons.are folloilcd by thrcc srnrllcr unnlmcd
l e u i a l cf i g u r e s . d i f i c r e n c ei n s i z c o l t h c l i g u r c si s p r o b a b l vl o t s i g n i i i c a n l
bciDginfluenccdbv rhe slopeol-thc roof. 1he son /1rrr rli is actuallyrcpresentcd
t w i c c .o n c c o f l e r i n gt o h i s p a r e n l sa n d a s c c o n dl i n r c b c h i n d / / r r i n t h c l i l e o f
b r n t h c r .T. 1 r ), o u n g e \5l , , n/ r ? r / , r { r { /l 5n , , tl r c \ c r t i I II I I | \ . . ( | I ( : .
PM(3)lll The five sonsof Nrt ilrc scalcdin a rorv on low stools. A woman
ollers a drink to the forcmostson ,/.1
PI4(6)ll son {/yr-nf dressedas a fricst perlbrnlsthc oflcrinc Iist dluxl
lirr his parcnts(ibid.. I,l. facingp.81.
The trio most pronrincntsons\!ere f. and {/x,r./rli. Ir is dilficull lo dccidc
which of thctrl was the cldcst. In scencswhcre thcy lrc rcprc\enlcdsitting or
'.stlrnding together(PM(2)l & (3)lll /1r is rhc lcadingiigLrre,bur ir is {/x.r./ili \\,ho
seemsrrosr promincnt in offering to theirparcnts(PN,l(3)l& ((r)ll). perhapshis
titie of Lir.r'r lLtp'nlr lmn conferrecl a hilher priesrlvsrarLrs thitnthe lillc of l/r'
who u as liltir4.r ri /rrrr. Two of thc sonsbore lhis litlc and two borc lhc trtle (,1
Llr,- n fttp-n1rrt Imn. fifth son lnrr-r-'lrlr clid not bcxr an! tillcs. possibl)
bccauscof his youth.
1l.tclbur daughtersof Nll are quircprominenlin the tomb.
PM(2)ll They standin a row with ofl'eringsbchindthcir morhcrin the offerine
o n b r a z i e r sr i t u a l . a r c a l l c a l l c d ' . r - l l . r' b u l a s t h e v a r e c a l l c d ' . r - i t / '
e l s c w h c r ei n t h e l o m b , I d o n o t l h i n l r l r m l l i u \ r h J l r h c l r r i r c h c r t h i i c l r e nb y a
previoLrs could indicatclhat lhcv and thc snlall \on rvcrehcr children
s p c c i f i c a l l yi t N & t h a r .al n o t h e ru i l e - , ' r h . i . jc h i l , l r e nb r u r r t , r h cNr o n r a ni r l t h c
h n u ' c l r n j Jh, u l t l r e r ei . n o . \ r J c ( ( . t , , l t l l i , .
PNl(3)l 1wo dauglrters.lIfi-nts aw) N{rnrr1ur. Iirllor,v{/x.r rrfi *ho olfcrs
to their pitrents. must havc bcctrthe two cldcstdilughl.rsas thcy trc allvays
firsl and sccondin any row ol li)ur daughters.1(ll-rlJ was lhe eldcstils shc was
llwavs loremostamon-ethe daughtcrsand shc ollers to hcr parcntsin the bancluet
sccnc(PI,l(3)ll). Behindall thc sonson thc uppcrrcgi\tcr are rhe fisuresof thrcc
unnamcd rvomen. probably daughters. This rvould appcitr io nrean thal filc
daughterswcrc rcprcscnted in this scenc. Flotveverone of the clnuslllcrs couldhavc
bccn rcprcsentcdtwice as was Hwl-nJr. r\s thc f-igulcsrvcrc is
irnpossible to be cenainwho thcy \\'ere.
PM(3)II ln the banquetsccncthe eldesldauglltcf /. {/-r1r olfers to hcr prrcnls
u'hoare accompanied by t*,o snrallnudc ftmale fi-fureswho stan(lirt thc sidcof thcir

chairs(ibid.,Pl. facingp.9). Thc snall nudefigurc standingb1,the chairof 73_lurt

isthatofl- /,hrp and rtrefigureby the chairof Nfr is thafoi ATir-in.. Theserivo
are always shown at tht: rear of the file ol daughlcrsaDd wcrc probably the
PM(3)lll The four daughtersof Nll squaton a nratbchindlhe scatcdfigures
The parentsof N&/ arc represented oncc in the tonlb not t\\,iccas portcr anci
. -PM{6)Il Thc p.rrenrs of A'fil look on ashis sonperlbrmsthe ol'tcringlist riturl
trrr ,V!l rnJ T-l-l,tnr. \\cy Jre seatcdon separate chairsfacinglclt in positionVI
and are,c-alledr't.,fLiry n Imn lltp-n1r t61Gtr-rtr antJ snt.f nrtJ st-ih.l'
nht pr K3\)nLlct-bt.r,. No significanccshould bc attaahcdro the faci that ,(-i was
called Gn-rw ratherthan 'mrrtJ' ofNht as Nr1 artribulcsfilialion 1()
his parentsand is 'a.t z KJf ' (PM(3)I, ibid.. pl. iacing p.9; so K.i_r.musr havc
bcenhis birth-motherandnot his step-mothcr.
The coupleseatedon the lowcr registerin the samepositionas Gy,-rw and
K.l-y arc the it.f k3ry n Inn l.rtp-n1rRr and srr.,/ B-ili., possibly eirher rhc
grandparents of Nlt or his parents-in-law. the parentsof l3_tntt. .lhcy might bc
his grandparents, as the man bearsthe sametitlc as his father *,ho miehihavc
followed.hisfather'sprofession,or thcy might be his wife's parcnts,Nfti having
marricdthe daughterof a collcagueof his fathcr.
Altlough his parentsarc only represcnted once in thc tomb, hc doesaltribute
._liliationto tlem (PM(3)l). IIe claimsto havebecn 'lr , s-lDkln, n ltt1t,n1r Itnn
Ow-rvtms n K3y '. secmsespcciallyhonouredin this sccnc.rhe of'fbrings to
the couple arc for thc 'Ll ' of Nr, and uniqucly for the 'Lj n nbt-pr.t3-l1ntt
m - J c t - h r w ' . U s u a l l yi t i s o n l y t h e ' L i ' o l t h c t o n t b o w n e r t h a t i s m e n r r o n e d .
occasionallythe offering is for 'L3.4 ' (plural)bur nor spccificallyfor the Lj ' of
the rvifc ls in this case.


/l rrl ut b n lll t Inn im,-r ,yhnw

t_ES: F r o n t o r n bi n c l u d i n gB N 41 9 1 I 7 0 . V I L 6 a n dP l . V I I .
S c h c i l1 8 9 1 c , 5 8 910
DAl'E: AncnhotepIII rs
LOCATION: SheilihcAbd el-Quma l-T.139
Only the right hend bay of thc inncr roonr
i : J c e o r u t e d .l h L t , ' n r bi . r c r r L l r n c c d l r
was publishcdrt the end of thc last centurv
( S c h e i1l 8 9 1 c , 5 8910 ) .

P\t 2,18

WIFII: Hn\rt-nIrt PNl(l)(3)r(,1)r&rv

SONS: Pt[-ms lnl n k3p PNl(1)r2)(3)r (6)ll
Imn-lttp wcb n Imn PM(1)? ( 3 ) r( 5 ) ( 6 ) u
., lrsr lt3t lrd n k3p I (6)ll
unnamed PN,r(s)(6)rr
D,AUGHTERS: unnamed !,trt-aswt PNr(1)
urulamcd Prv{(3)r(1)r('r)(5)
Possiblytwo more PM(6)r&II
FATFIER: Sr1- vf h n PtlLn lwt hr Prvr(3)II
MO'I'HER: unnameo PIr,l(3)r
The wife plays a promincnt role in the tomb, bcing rcpresentedwith bcr
hrr'l.rnJ in nrostul theexlrnl s(ene5
Pivl(I ) PJ'14 , followedby his wifc and children,poursointmenr on offcrings
(lvIMA 'l'.13.15).P3-rr1 and l.lnwt nftt are standingin PositionXXXVII1.
PM(3)l A son oftersa bouquetto P3-iry and Hni.t-nfrt seatedfacingright in
P o s i t i o nI I ( M M A T . I 3 , 1 7 ) .
PNl(,l)l P.]-irt and his rvife adoreOsiris. They arc standingin PositionX[-V
PM('l)IV P-l-irl ard Hlrnrt-frt are seaiedtogetheroir boatsgourgto and
comingfrom Abydos. They are probablyseatedin PositionV.
PN{(5.1Outerlintei,doublcscene,their son Imn ltp with bouquetand a pricst
wirh familv offer to P-l-iry and l!nwt-nfrt (MMA T.135,1). Only the headsof tJre
couplesuNive in both scenes.
PM(6)I Two womenand a girl before P-l iry andl.lnwt ,t7 (NIN{AT.1355).
Unfortunatelv the figures of the husband and wife have almost completell

Pl\4(6)ll A son dres-rcd as a priestpcrforrnslhc otlcring Iist ritual lir p-l i.r
tntd flnwt-nlit. A srnallfigureof l.lnv hlJ|t is seatccl on a srirallchairat thc sidcol
her husband'schair in PositionXLI ( CXXXIV).
wifc is called 'rrr.,f' or 'nht pr' throLrghout rhc ton1b.
It-ispossiblethat P.i in had four sons,$e nanresol only threeurc knovun.
PM(l) sons,depictedonc abovcthc other,accornpanvlhcir parcntsiutd
sittcr in thc ritual sceneon the lcft thickness(M\4A .I..I31j). ihc lorvcrf.igurcis;f ftrd _nk3pPtl.rmsltht, n.f N-)n-3.I'hc nanrcof lhc son on the uppcrrcgrsLer
is dcstroyedbut it is probablethat he was lnn-l.tt1t.r,,ltotoltether\,",itht,rl.t,
verv prontincntin the tonrb.
PM(2) scencno longer cxists.but frltnients inclucjc l,rlr_ar,r.uith a
PI\'113)lTbcir sort r'cb, Inut l.Lntn1rn pth t l.!*t-l,tt ltrt-ttt ll:.].stlntrt-ltrp
, ' l 1 . r sJ b o u ( l , r et lt r l r i s p l r c n t s .T l r es i c r r en J . L n i , r ; . .h,Li t l r , ; n rw h : r tr e n r . , l l \
obvlous thot other sonsand the daughtersof thc c.irupleuere rcprescntecl bchintl
Inn-htp, the sonson rhetop lcd by pl! rrr.iandrhc daughrcrs on tie bollon (N,l\lA
l l:17).
PM(5) Linlel, doublcscenc.On thc Ieft side lrtn,lltp ollcrs a bouqucrlo his
prrenls. On thc right an unnameilsondrcssedasa prit,srpiobabll ptlr-lrs. and
daughlcrsoffcr ro rhcir parcnrs(N{MA T.l 35,1).
I ' l \ l ( 6 ) l . T u o $ o r n e nr n d . r r : i r l o l l l r l o a c o u p l e .p r o b a b l l ,l , . j i n a n d h i s
w rtc. ticnlnd lhc,,ttercr\ ilre scrtcdli)ur mcn on thc uppcrrceislcrlind Iirur wotncn
on thc lower. The narneswcre ncverinscribecl.I Iowcvcrlhc ilcn \\,efcpossiltlylhc
s o n so i P - i r r y ( M N { A1 . 1 3 5 - 5 7 .
PN{(6)tl Thc son Pll-ms tlressccl asa pricsrpcrli)nls the olliring list fi)mrula
1or his parcnts. Behindhis figure are reprisentcilfirur sons in an uipcr ro* antl
lour daughtcrsin a lower row. The sonsarc plft_rrs, llrr_Lll and the
nanrcof the lastsonis missing.
Whenevcrsonsand daughlcrsare rcprescntcdin ofierinl scencs,firur lcnralc
figures are depicted ro PJ-lri. probibly had four tlauihters whosc nlnics
unlirnunatclydo not survive.
l ' N I ( l ) L e f t t h i c k r e s s .A s m a l ll i g u r e o f a - q i r lu c a r i n gt h e h e a d _ d r e os ls. a
.n,sxt'-slandstlcrweenher ptrcnts in rhis riluil rcene. Iicr lcli hancihangsat
ar]dher ri8hr arm is brnr ovcr hcr brcrsr probablyholling a lotus |\,lMA
ll15).. Unlirrtunatclyhcr nantc is no longer lcgible,..ihis is tlie onry scencrn
$hich a daughlcrof P-l-tn. is ponraycdas a '!trt rrsul nevcnheless lt ts cvtdcft
l h i l l o n c o l - t h e i r d r u g h t e r sw a s c l o s e l yc o n n c c t c cwj i t h t h e c o l l r i w h i c h i : n o t
surpnsrngas two of thcir sonshcld thc titlc 'fird n L]p, (scenolc 20).
PM(l]l 'fwo-regr.slerr of figurcswerc rcpresentcd bchindrhe son offc,ringro
/'-l rrl anil his rvilc. The sceneis verv damagidbut lrom Ihe survivin-qin",_ripiiol
lhc sons ol P-J-lr-r. ll'ere rcprescntccion the uppcr regislcr anci prcbabll- the
,llulhtcrs rlcrc reprcsen(cd on thc lower onc (l\jiVA-T.i31i).
P1\l('1)lT_rvo rorvs ol oflirjns brirtilerslbllow p-l-lr.y and I.lD\rt_nJrt\\nc)
, 'lhe
rudrrrc Osiris, first tlgurc on thc upperrcgisteris il woman.probablyone o1rhe
d.lLrthlrrsol- P-i rrr. It is possiblelhtt sonlcof the male ofllring bringer.s are sons
lrurils lhr'rcarc no inscriptions it is inrpossiblc to rcll (Ml\j l .1119).

Pl\4(5) Lintel, righl side. A solrdrcssedas a pricstand twe daughtersofl.erto

. .
l h c i rl : ) a r c n t sL.l n f o r t u n a t e l y t h c n a m e s n o l o n g c r s u r v i v c ( M [ , { A . 1 . . ] j - 5 . 1 ) .
PM(6)l Tu,o largcfemalefigurcsand onc smallcrone ar.creprescnted bcfbrea
coupic.nowde.stroyed but probably 1'-i ir_r.and his wilc ltc icmalc fisurcs are
prrbabll daughtcrsol P.l lrr. Behind them are scatcdlbur fernalcfigLrrcsllso
possiblythe four claughters ol P.l n1 (N,lMAT.l355).
PM(6)ll Firur-fenalesarc squattingon a mal behind the offtring figure of
,, ,
Pr{r-rts and undcrthe scatedligure ol thc four sonsoi p.i in,. They o." protatrty
his (huehlers.
The parenlsol P.i lr-r are rcpresented oncein the tontb.
PN{(l)ll P.l lrr pcrlormsthe ofltrinq list ritual lirr his parenlswho are seatecl
on separatcchairr lacinr right in PosirionV. 1,-i ir.r is calicd ,r.-i ' so tirc]/are
obviouslyhis parcntsalthough S|y is not callcd 'ir.,f, ancl l,-l-r.1,,.rmolheris nol
crlled 'mwr.f '
but snt.Jnht-pr (ol Sn, ). Unionunatelyhei nlmc is ntissine.
Althoughhcr hairstyleconfbmrsto thatol the peri i, hcr tlreis is the narrowshcrth
rvilh shouldcrstrapsof the carlicrperiodralhcrrhanthc lullcr tjresswirh the plcated
cxpeol the olhcr fenalc fisurcsin rhc romb(Lhote& Ilassia19-5:1. p1.,10).
With t$o sonsbearingthc title'lx./ r Li2 'anda daughlcrthat o1 llrr nsr,t'.
it rvould appcarthat the I'lmily of P.i lrr had closc coiucctionswith thc court
ccrlainlyls far rs theirchildrenwcrc conccmed.Allhoughhis wiic /1rlu_rr.t wrLs
vcr) prominentin the lomb, noneof hcr titles,if anv, sun,iveso it ii inrpossiblcro
tcll rvhclhcrshchlcl any closeconncctionwilh tllc coun hcrscll'.


Th(] oversimplifiedtcrminologyof the kinshipsystcmin AncientEgyPtmakes

it dil-ficultat timcsto determinewho-was-whoin the extendedfamily structure.Thc
kinship terminologywas purely descriptivebut its sintplicitydoesnot imply thi,Lt rt
rvasby any meansa'primitive' system. On thc conlrary,so-callcd
societiesusually had a highly dcvclopedkinship terrrinology
signifyingthe importanccattachcdto fie knowledgcof an individual'splacein the
scl'rcrne of things. Thc Ancient Egyptians,even as earlv as thc O1(lKingdom.had
obviouslymoveda long way from thattype of socicty.
Ovcr the centuriesthc effect of changcsirt social conditionsresultcdin a
cleteriorationin lhe importanceof certain rclationshipsand thcir disappearancc
's.l 'his
fron the terminology,e.g. l smsn.', eldestson',a lcmr so comnlorli the
Okt Kingdom (Kanawati 1976a) appears 1ohavealrnostcompletelydisappeared by
lhe lightccnth Dynasty,cxccptin the royal family. One casc only (in Casc 6)
occurring in common families early in the dynasty and this at El-Kab. The
implicationof this changewill be disctLssed in the appropriale place.
As thc trcnd towardsthc smalier Iamily unit ratherthan thc large extendcd
lanrily beconcs nore iroticerblc,as it doesin thc EjghteenthDyrlasly,so the trcnd
towardslessspecifickinshiptennsbecomesapptirent.Sincethe eviclencc is basedon
the familiesof the upperand middle urban-dwcllingclasses,rvhcrethe break-upol'
f'lrlilics occurredearlicr Lhanit did in thc rural areas.thc treirdcan bc sccn$hen
oDccomparesthc family as represcntcd in the early'I'hcbantombsand the tonrbsol
l.-l-Kabwith the family as representcdin lhe Iatcr EighteeothDynasty
tornbs.Five gerlcrations were depictcdin the tomb of P-i h1' (Ei-Kab 3' Case2'1).
This clenronslrates that the inportanccattachedto the extcndedfanrily in thc social
lifc of Ancient Egypt was still evidenlin the early prrt of the F.ightccnth Dynasty
t-rtcr, with rare exceptions(Cases52, 60. 66, 89, 92). it was mainly thc nuclear
lirmily, r'ith possibly the addition of the tomb o\tner's parenls. \'"ho wcre
rcprcsented in thc tomb. 'll'
In the EighteenthDynastytombsfive elcmentarykinshiptcrmswerc uscd:
'rlr'r,1' (mother), '.rJ/sJl' (son/daughtcr),'rr,1.r/1r' (brother/sistcr'and -
'l1mt (wife). '/1.1-r"(husband)doesnot seemlo
laterin thc dynasty- wifc) ancl
occurin the EighteenthDynastytombs. By compoundinglheseelcmenlarykinsilip
of his mother- his rnaternalgrandmothcr).'s-J r r.Jl /rr .!-lt./' (son of the daughter
o f h i s d a u g h t c= r h i s g r c a tg r a n d s o n ) , ' s nn n w t . f ( b r o t h c ro f h i s m o t h e r= h i s
n r l t e m a l L r n c l e ) .M a t i e ( 1 9 5 , 1T. a b J cI ) l i s t s f o r l y n i n c k i n s h i pt c r m s 'm e n y o 1 '
\\tich do not appearto bc in use in thc EighteenttL Dyoasty Possiblybccauseot
limitalions of ipace, thesc conpound terms are rarely uscd in the t<rnrhsand so
p a r t i c u l a r l y i m p o r t a n t f o r a n u n d e r s t a n d i n go f A n c i e n l E g ) p t i a n f a I n i l y
iclationshipsis the rccoSnitionof the extendeduse of the basic kinship lcmrs
'it'and m i g h t c o n c e am l o r cc o m p l c x
t F r a n k e 1 9 8 6l 0. 3 l ) . B a s i ct c r m sl i k e
rclationships for reasonsol spaccor custom. " c r r '
follorvinsextendcdneaningslor thebasickinshiplennsappeltrin thc mosl

recentpublicationon tlle subject(Framkcl9116,1033).

mwt . mother,mothcr'smothcr,(mothcr-inla$,?);
it . fathcr, father'st'ather,mother'sfathcr,
-rJ : son,son'sson,son'sson'sson,claughtcr's son,
son in-law;
.iJ, : daughtcr,daughtcr's daughtcr.son'sclaughter.
stl : brolier, mother'sbrother, fathcr'sbrother,
snt : sistcr,motler's sister,fathcr'ssister.
mothcr'ssister'sdaLlghter, sistcr'sdaughtcr,
brother'sdaughtcrand sister-in-law.
Most of the cvidenceon which rcsearchinto kinshiptermsis bascdbelongsro
lhc it is possiblethat furtherextcndetlmeaningsapplicdii the
EighteenthDynasty. Certainly at Deir cl-Medina in the Ncw Kingoom. ,rl117
appcarsto havebeenthe normalu ord for cousin(Willems 1983,159).
The eftect of the usc of extendcdratherthan compoundkinship tcnns in the
lLrmbsis to mrke identificationof some membersof the family difficult if nol
inrpossible, espccia)lyas thcreis no mcansof idcntifyingthcm with crossrefcrcnce
to othcr membcrsof tbe farnily. As a resultsomcof the conclusionsrcachedin the
- . c r . e\ t u J i c sa r co f n c r c \ j i t ) s p c c u l , r l i \ e .



ln all ages,the family has beenthc basjcunit of humansociety. Thc nuclear

family consistsof the husband,wifc andtheir children.lhc cxtendecl farnilyof lincar
rclrtions such as grandparentsand grandchildrenand collateral or nonlrncar
relationssuchasbrothers.sisterr,aunts,uncles,nieccs,nephewsand cousius.
Thc necessaryprerequisitcfor foundinga family is thc union of a man and a
womanand thusthe most importantrclationshipis thatof 'manand wife'.
Ll the EighteenthDynastv,the maiDsourceof irrfbmralionon a rvoman'srole in
the lamily was to be found in her represcntarion in thc tomb of her husband.'ltc
lomb at lhis timc was a fantily tonlb and there is no cvi<iencefor women having
tombs of thcir own. Ihis raisesthe problemof thc divorcedwornan. Ilvcn il shi
hlrdlhe mcansto establishher own t{)mb,shedocsnot appearto havedonc so. The
only conclusionthat canbe reachcdis that shewasburiedin thc tomb ol hcr father.
unlessshere-manicdand was intcrredwilh hcr sccondhusbancl.
The tomb owncr assumedthc dominantrolc in the lonrb llnd alrnostrll the
rcpresentations and textswcrc orientedtowardshim.
The husband and wifc were represcntedin at lclst forty five different

posrtrons.some of which differedonly slightly from one another. Many of these

positionsoccur in onlv one or two tombs. (PositionsI, III, IV, VII-lX, XI-XVI,
XVIII-XXXIII, XXXV XXXVI, XL, XLII-XLV). whereas othcrs were nore
common. In the majorityof thescpositionsthc wife is clcpictedequal in sizeto hcr
hushrnLl.The mo:trcolnmonposirionsucrc Position.V lnd Vl.
PositionV seemsto reprcsentthe ideal image of the loving relationshipbenvccn
husband and wife, althouch on occasion othcr members of the Irmily were
rcpresented with the tomb owner in this position. 'l'hc mother of thc tomb owncr
was representcd wirh him in PosirionV in Cases6, 9,li(!J.2j.90 and thc iarherin
Casesf. i7. The father of the tomb owncr and his motller werc rcpresenledin
PositionV in Casel7 Case62, the tomb owner,his wife and faihcrwereall
lhreereprescnted in PositionV. As tr woman otherthan lhc wife only occunedtn
four or. possibly,fivc casesin PositionV. rhispositroncrn be u\cli wiih a clegrccof
certaintyas a critcrion for postulatingthc representation of husbandand wifc if
inscriptionalevidenceis missing.
PositionVI wasa more fomtal position.which lirst appeared in useearlyin the
rci{n of Tufimosis III and which was commonthereafler. especiallyin the reignsof
ArnenhotepII and TuthmosisIV.
Becauscof the damagedstatcof the tombs and bccausenanv of them wcrc
unfinished,it is difficult at tintesto deremlrncthe significrnceot rhr'roleplaycdby
the wilt in the tomb of her husband.However,duringthe courscofthe Eighteentlt
Dynastv,a changcfrom a passiverole 1cra more activerole canbe discemcd. From
tlrcbcgirrningof the dynastyto thc reignof TuthmosisIII, sheis mainlv seenscared
Nilh hcr husbandas thc recipientof oflerrngs fronr sorrsnr-pncri, and as his
companionin banquctscenes. When ritual scencsare depictcd in lnesc carrrer
tombs, thc tomb owner was represenlcddtone Jd,)rrngrhi g,rds or offering on
b r a z i e r (sC a s e s1 , 7 , 8 , 1 2 , 1 3 ,1 6 , 1 7 , 1 9 , 2 0 ) . D u r i n gt h e r e i g no f T u t h n o s i si l l , a
trendcanbe seentowitrdslhc wife takinga more activepan in thc ritual sccnes.She
standsbehindher husbandas he "gocsforth".ofltrs on brazicrs.poursoiIrtmentand
a d o r c st h e " G o d so f L h eD e a d " .( C a s e 2 s 2.21,25,26,29.32,35.36)T . o w a r d sr h c
end of the reign of TuthmosisIII and durinA thc remaindcrof the ocriod under
c o n s i d e r a t i o nr,i t u a l s c e n e sa r c m u c h m u i " c o n r n t o na n d t h c w i f e u s u a l l v
accompanied hcr husband,oftel joincd alsoby thcir children(Cases,159] $ irh te$
cxceptions).It would be temptingto seethis dcvelopmeDr as a trend towardslhe
greaterinciependencc of women or a greaterappreciaiionof their a result
of lhe twcnty yearrcign of a woman,I Iatshepsut, on the throncof Iigypt
$o othertypesof scenesin which the *,ifc is conrmonlyrcpresented with her
h r r ' h , , r rtdh r u u ; h , ' ulth e p c r i o Ji i r e :
(1) '[he jounrcy to and fion Ab,vdos,in which sheis rcpresented scatedwith
hcr husbandin a kiosk on a boatard
(2) the fishingand Iowling scene,in *l'rich the couplcare usuallyrepresented
with someof theirchildren.
I t i s n o t s u r p r i s i n gt h a t s h c a n d h e r h u s b a n da r e p i c t u r c dr o g e t h e irn t h c
tuncraryscenes.or lhat shc lnd their childrcnare shorvnparticipatingin thc lcisure
pursuitsof thc knnb owner.
[-esscommonscenesin whichthe wift is shownacconrpanying her husbanilarc:
(l ) spearingthe hippopotrmus
(2) huntingon tbot in d)c dcsert
(3) angling
scenein which thc tomb o$,Derspcarsthe hippopotamusis a rilual scene
rathcrthana sccnedepictinga sportingactivitv(SiiveSilderbcrghI g-53 ). l'hi\ scenc
appcarsin tcn tombs,all from thc reignsol' Hatshepsut and J utl)nosisIII (-lTs.19.
5 3 , 8 2 , 8 5 , 2 3 , 1 2 5 ,1 - 5 51, 6 , 1 , 3 . 1&2 C . t l ) . I n o n l y t h r e co f l h e s c r o n r b sc i o e sr h c
w i f e a c c o m p a nhyc r h u s b a n c( lT. T s . 3 91. 2 3& 8 5 1 i . e .C a r e s1 9 . . 1 0 & . 1 9T. h e w i v e s
of two of thesemen held imporranttirlcsin theirorvnrichr,which couldaccountlir.
tlrcir presenccin this scene. lhc wife ol' Pw-i.n rc ('I'T.j9) hcld the tillc tl1 '(/r1!ll
/rlr', a uniquetitle fi)r the wifc of a commonerin thc liightecnthDynastyand lhc
wrle of Inn-nthb ('l-1'.135) was a 'nncL v,rt rr ,.ru? The ntrDc ot lhc wifc of
Irnn-ntlrlt ('l'T.123)is knorvnbut, as shebearsno li1lesin rhc tomb. it is diilicult to
luccounllbr her appcarance in thc scene.
areonly two sun iving depictionsoI t]tc witc hcr husbanrl
as hc bunrson foot in rhe dcscn:Casc22 (TT.82) and Casc29 (l'1..2.11).In bolh
lhcsctombstltc wives arc very prontincnl,in Case29 thc $,ili is associated witll her
husbandin everv sceneand in Case22 in nrosl sccncs. lhc Iact theselwo
cascs,thewifc is depictcdwith her husbandhunting.doesnot necessarily signilvthat
shcactuallyaccompanied him on whatmLlslhavcbeenhis most ruggcdpasiinrc.On
thc otherhand,thereis no rearon10supposethat Ancicnt L.gyptdid noi prodLrcL, il\
.-sharcof athleticoutdoorwomcn. who ntight havc plrticipatcdin lhe rnoreariiuous
of thcir husbands.
A uniquesccneofthc husbandand!',ile togctherin a lcisurelypastinreoccursrn
Case62 (TT.93).whcrc the wifc stancls bchind her hustrand,who lishes rvitira rod
undcr consideration.
.- There was one sphercin which thc husbandwas rarely accontpaniccl by his
wile. In only two cascswas the wift associatccl with hcr husbandin his oll'icial
dutics. In Cascs7 and 23, the wife and other membcrsof lhc lamily rcconrplnied
thc tomb owner when hc inspectedlbrcien tributc. In Cases7 and 19. thc husband
and wife inspectcdproduccof the estatc. As /nrrl (Casc7) was Oversee,r or rnc
Granaryo[ Amun and P\\)-im-rt:(Casc19) was Sccondl)rophctof Amun
such,\r'asprobablyrcsponsiblcfbr the estatcsof the 'l cmple,thescmillhr also bc
casesof the wifc accompanying her husbandin thepcrformanceol-hisduries.Othcr
scencs,in which thc couplereccivcdproduceof the Delta(Cascs1.1,19,26, 2ll, :10.
.16,69& 75) and gamc(Case27), wereassociated more with the sponingactiyitesoi
the husbanclthan with his ofTicial lil'c.
Thc cmphasisin the tombsof someof thc highcstofficills was on thcir official
l i f e r a t h e r t h a n t h e i r p r i v a t c l i f e ( C a s e s 9 . 5 2 . 6 1&,l7i 21 ). .8 1
l u , o o f r h e s reo n b s .
1 ' T . 6 7( C a s e9 ) a n d ' l - l ' . 9 7( C a s e7 i ) b e l o n g c dt o I I i c h I ' r i c s t so i A r n u n . N o
mcmbcrsof lheir families werc rcpresenledin thcir Thebantonbs. only in thcir
shrinesat Gcbcl el Silsila. In thc tombsof thc viziers(/.r zrr-rr' (TT.100.Case52.1
a n d I m t l n i p t ( T T . 2 9 C a s e6 1 ) . t h c o f f i c i a l l i f c o f t h e l o r n b o w n e r l o o k
prcccdcnceand lhcir wivcs were nol as prontinentin thc krnb as one would expect
considcrinsfhal thry both borc thc ritle ol' llkrt rttt'. In thc romb of Rlt ni rt:.
Itc lud his u,iie are sh,lwnthroullhoulin thc more fbmral l'ositionVI. in accordancc
$ith thc cmphasison his cxrltcd positionasvizier.\!hich penreatesthe tonlb.
tornb ol lmn-nt-i1tt contrastssbarplywitlt that of his brother ,!a-ry'),
Mayor of thc SouthemCily ( l-l'.96.Case6()).whosc threc wivcs wcrc dcpicted
with hirn in mostof the scenesil his tomb anddccorutcdburialchanrber.
In tlre tornbof ,\bk lltp ('l-I.63. Casc1ll). his wifc was depicted*,ith hinr in
lhoul a third ol the sccncs.which doesrot accord* ilh hcr positionas Nurscol thc
Kilg's I)aughlcranclChici ol thc l larinrof lhe god Sobckol Shcdly. flor,vcver, she
is shownin one scerewilil thc ) oun! princesson her kncc.
tomb of thc Ro1'aiTutor {/&-i r nhl.t ('l'1.64.Casc 82) mainly fcrrurcs
sccnesol hinrsell-and his latllcr.anolhcrRo\al Tutor. * ilh lheir chargcs.or in rituul
sccncs.{1Ll r irfrli'r wilc was rcprcscnlcd onh-on thc enlrancethicknc\s.tlol ill thc
boclvoi thc tonrb.
lhe wivcs il1thrcctollbs iLppellr to hllvebeenespeciallyfavourccl.
( l ) ' l h c r v i l c o l I t n n - t u - l . t 1 (1T T . l J 5 .C a s e : 1 9 )w t s r e p r e s e n t ew di t h h c r
husbandand AnrcnhotcpII whcn thcv appcarccl bcforc Osiris. Shc is aiso
c l c p i c t c do l l e r i n ga b o u q u e t o t h c K i n g . t h c f i r s l o c c l \ i o n o n w h i c h l
wonlan perlomls thit cerenrony. IIl thrcc olhcr scclcs in llle tomb. her
husbandis depictedoflerinr to his wifc as shc \ucklcs thc youn! lr in(r.
oflcrirtgswcrc probirblyto h(mourthe prince.but the wile. becruseol
.- lrer position. was a co rccipicnt. lrnn nt l,th't rvilc rvas a (ircat Royal
Nurse.rvhichprobablyaccountsfor thc cxtraorclinarv honourpeid to hcr
in hcr husbancl's tonrb.
(2) 'lhc wii'c ol!r (TT.lllJ.Case50) is also rccordc(lan exc.ptional
honour in hcr husband'slornb. Shc loo is dcpictcdolfcring r bl)uquctto
A n r e n h o t c pl l . I ' o r t c r& N l o s s( l E 0 ) \ \ r o n g l y i r t l r i b u l ct h c o l f u r i r g t o
Plr sx,frr and his wife but it was the wile alonewho ofleredthe bolr.llrcl.
t-ike thc wilt of lnn m lth. sh!'toowrs a Creal Royal Nursc.
( 3 1 I D t h c t o m b o f P - J - s r ( ' l - l ' . 3 6 7C . a s c5 9 ) . / ' - i s r i s r c ' p r e s e n t e d .
accompanicdb1'his rvile anciclaughter. ollcring a bouquctlo Anrcnhole'p
II. is the onlv occasionon rllrich thc wilt arcl claughtcr rirc inclutic'd
in the lomb orvner'soflering to the King. Iinforlunatcly althoLrghlhc
namcof P-J-.'/r.\ wifc is knou,n.shcbcarsno litlcs in thc tornb. Irilhcrsh!'
too borea prestigioLls titlc likc (ircet Royal NurscoI this is an isolatcdcase
o f f a r n i l yt o g e t h e n r cisnse r o l a l r i t u a l :1 ' - l - r ro u t o f l a n r i l yl o v e .i n c l u d c , l
his rvilt antldaughtcrin thc sccnc.
K i r r g w i l h l l h o n l t h e r v i v e so f t h c s ct h r e c n l c n w c r e r s \ ( ) c i ; r t c l(vl a \
A r l r c h o l e p I l i n e a c h c a s e .I t i s l i o m h i s r c i s na l o i e l l u l l h c t i l l c n D r r l a . r x t o t
'rttttt '
t *rL rt Nh-tJu\' c{n bc allribuiedto the wivesol-tonlbo$irersarrdthelrorll\
in lhree lombs (TT.lis.its & 9(rl, wo of .SarrrD's wilcs (l"l'.96) werc Ro\rrl
Nrrr-scs. but thcy wcrc not reprc\r'nledrvith thc king at all. It is possiblcthlt thc
',r'ivcsoi-sonreotherof1icirlshcld this tille but it hasnot sun'ivedrn lhe lorlb.
I n t h er c i g no f T u t l t n r o s iI sV . a t r c t r di s s c c n\ \ l r i c hn l i g h ta f p c a r1 od i n r i r r i \ l h

statusof lhe wife. In a numberof cascs.rathcrthan bcing rcprcscntcdas cqual in

sizc to hcr husband,shc was dcpictcdas ll snlallfigurc, scntctlon a krrvchair at thc
s i d eo f h e r h u s b a n d( C a s e 6 s 0 , 7 8 , 8 0 . 8 1 . 8 6 , 8 7 , 9 1 & 9 3 ) . ( N I l ; c x c c p l i o n a l li yn
TT.7.1(Casc77) thc wifc of !-l.lw n. rlho is a rtsut'. was represenled as
s m r l l e r t h a n h e r h u s b a n di n a l l l h e s u r v i v i n gs c e n e si n t h e t o m b . ) I h e f i r s t
occurrenceof this tvpe of sccncrvas during thc rcign of Ancnholep II. on lrro
pilltrs in the burial chamberof .!l rli (TT.96,Case60). Thesenvo scenescrnnot
be usedto infer a changeir the slalusol'wonlcn al this limc. becausethc) werelhe
only cxamplesof this type of scenein lhe reig ol Aneirhotep II and. in all othcr
sccncsin which thc wivcs of "!r- r/r rvcrcrcprcscntcd. thcy \\'crcL'qualirl sizc lo
Srrr/r. Ihe occurrences of this type of scencbecanrenruchnroreprevalenlin thc
reigll of IV. IIowever,the rvile *as represenled lrsa snlrll figurc scatcd
on a snall chairat the sicleof, or bchincj.hcr husbandin onJyonc survivin! sccncin
e a c h o f t h e t o n r b si n w h i c ht h c s c c n co c c u r r c d , i n a l l o l h c rs c c n c s h ei s c q u a ii l
sizcto hcr husband.
The evidenceis thus insufficientto postulatea dirninutionof the strtus of
women at this time. Thcre is no confonnitf in thc typc of sccncin which thc rvifc
u'asreprcscntcd as a smallfigurc,so no conciusioncanbc dra* n.
ln abouta quancr of lhc tonlbscxamincci.thc wilc was rcprcscnledin some
sceneswithout her husbandat her side. The sccncsin *tich shcaloncollcrcalto lhc
kjng and was thc rccipicnt. wilh thc princc she nursed.of offerings fronr her
husbancl. havc alrcaclytr,:cnconsiclcrc(I. ln tllc majorit,v- ol sccncsin rvhichthc u,ifc
was represenledalone she *,as rcprcsenle'din an inlcrior role. offc'ringto her
trusband(CasesI , 3,1.,17.51. 60. 62) or to her husbandand his nrother1(,'ases 9. ll7
& 90). In Casc6. thc olly \Lrrvivingrcprcscntrtion ol' lhc u ili in the lonrbrvrs as a
m0umcr at hcr husband'sfuneral.
idcal statelirr a rnan in Ancicnt Iigypt was thc marricdstltc. ADi. in his
iDstructioll,cxhoned his son to rrllrry young ancihavc ctrildrcn((ilrdincr 1935,I,
5 0 ; P a p y r u sC h e s t e rl l e a t t yV , v e r s o2 . 6 - l l ) . a s d i d A n k h s h e s h o n q( C . lanville
1 9 5 5 ,I I l i n e 7 ) . N e v e r t h e l e stsh.e r ea r e a n u m b e r o f i o m b si n w h i c hn o q i v c s o r
c h i l d r e nu , c r cr c p r c s c n t cidn t h e s u r v i v i n gs c c n c s( C a s c s1 0 . l l , 1 8 . 2 7 ,3 8 & 7 0 ) .
fact, togcthcrwith llctors alrcacil,cJiscusscd in thc individualcasesin Pan I.
lcads 1<rthe conclusionlhat. thesenren night have becn unmarricd.dcspitcthc
naturaldesireof every nran lbr a son lo perpetuatchis namc. Ilo*,cvcr ltclusc ol
the danagedstateof the tombs.onc can neverbc itbsolulelycerlri| lhrl lhesenr.n
did not havewivesanr.lchilclren.
A crsc in point is Rt-nr.i (Casc70). $'llosctonrb$as citherrlollulll decorlted
or wrs so bldly damageclthat onl)r lour sccncsfronr parl ol lhe orth ba) of the
l r a n s v e r s eh a l l s u r v i v e . I l e n r i g h t w c l l h r v c i n t c n c l e ct ol f e p f e s c r )hl i s w i f e
sonrcwhcre in his lofirbiuld it cannolbe assumcdthathc $as unntlrried.
There is no conscnsusof opinion rmong scholrrsaboutihc mirritalstatusol
S r r a z x t ( C a s el 0 ) . I l i s i s a p a r t i c u l r r c a s cI .I i s p o s i t i o na st u v o u r i t o
nrighthavenradeit impolitic1i)rlrirn to nlarr).
If u'c'ignorc R' nrr and Sn-n-ntvt. firur mcn rcmain rvho might havc bccn
unnrarriecl. althoughit is possiblcLh.rLMn-lpr-r(tnh (Casc38) llas marriedand
thathis wile was excludedfrom his tombs.
Althoughthe AncientEgyptiansbelicvcdthat nrarriagcand family life wasthc
idcal state,this docsnot precludcthc possibilitythat therewcrc men who chosenot
to naffy. Therc is no reasonto supposelhat Egyptiansocietydid not havc its share
ol mcn who were honloscxuals. fact that threeor litur men out of ninety-lhrcc
wercnot manied is not beyondLheboundsofpossibility. The puzzlingaspectis that
thcsemen all lived duringthe reignsof Hatshepsut 'l'uthmosis
and III and wererct
spreadthroughoutthe wholepcriodunderconsidcralioll.
It is arguablcthat ir1the tombs in whjch no wivcs are representcd, the wif'c
might have been excludcdfor some rclson. ln the four casesrnentioncdabove.
( C a s e s1 1 , 1 U , 2 7 & 3 8 ) a d d i t i o n afl a c t o r sw c r c t a k e ni n t o c o n s i d e r a t i ownh c n
concludingthat the knnb owner was probablynot married,althoughCasc3ll might
possiblvhavebeena cascof wite exclusion.
A rrumberof reasonscould have led to a wife being cxcluded from her
husband's tonlb: carly death.inlenility, incompatibilityand adultery. lhc lastthree
reasonswcrc causefor divorcc,but in thesecircumstances one would expectthe
tomb owner k) rcmarryand represcnt his secondwifc in his tomb.
arc a numberof cascsin which Lherearc somegroundsfbr believingthlt
wivcs might havc bcen excludedfrom their husbands'tombs (Cases6, 22. 33, 39,
4 6 ,5 5 ,6 l ) .
It is possiblcthitt Inn-m r-ir ('l-T.li2),Case22) might have had two wires,
onlv one of whom was represented in his tomb. Anothcr possiblewifc is known
from a statue(Berlin 2316). She was probably his firsL wifc, who eithsr died
p;enlaturclyor was set aside in favour .rf his niice. whu lhus becanlehis sccond
wife. lt is his niece who is rcpresentedwith him throughoutthc k)mb, the olher
woman,if shewaslris wife. w:rsexcludedfrom thc krnb.
I-1mw-nllt(TT.84,Case.16)is rcpresented with two wiveson a stela(Marseille
StclaNo.34). Ile is alsorcpresented wilh onc of thesewivesinthctomb of Wsr-[3t
(TT.56). ln his owr tomb, he is rcprcscnredwith a wifc in six scenes,but
unlbrtunatelythe namc of thc woman in thescsccnei does not survivc_ It is not
possibleIo krow whetherboth wivcs were represenlcd in the tomb or only onc. No
conclusioncrn be reachedon thc exclusionof eithcfwifl fiom the tomb.
In thc El-Kab tomb of Rrini (Case6) aLthouqhnumcrousmembersol his
farrily arerepresented in his tomb.includingmrnr sonrrnd tuo dau!hters,his wilc
is only rcprcsented in one scenc,as a mournerat his funeral. Rzni is represenled
u,ith his motherratherlhan with his wife in the shrine. IIis wilc did nor predecease
hinl, so thcremust havebeensomeothcrrcasonfbr her absenccfrom thc tomb. As
I?arri is thoughtto havc had thirteensons,someof whom ntighthavebeenby olhcr
\,"omcn,and two dilughtersit is unlikcly that his wife was castasidcas infcrtilc or
that the mardage rvas cunailcd for any reason. ln this caseit could bc that the
importanceof the molherovershadowcd thc wite. This will be discusscdwhcn thc
positionof thc mothcris considered.
ln 1T.87 ol Mnw-nbt (Case33) the only survivingreprcscntation of his wife
is doubtlui. The tomb is very damagedand it couldbc argucdthat shenrighl havc
beenrepresented in someof lhe missingsccncs.Howcvcr.hcr absencein somcof

thc rcmaining scenesin rlhich shc should havc bccn rcprcscnlcd rvith her hLLshand
could lcad to lhe coJrclusionthat shc had bcen cxcluded fronr the lonrtr altogctltcr.
Mrrr*n,/u alclneis leatured in the ollcring list litual anclthc bancluct.sccncsin *tich
lhc lonrb owner is usuall)-accompanicd bl iris uiic. Mrx rrlt had childr!'n ar\l his
u,ilc is known liorr a statuc,su his mxriltl slittusis not in question. llis *itc was not
r c p r c s c n t e ci ln h i s s h r i n e a l G e b c l c l S i l s i l a c i t h c r . t h o u s h t h i s i s n o l n e c c c s r r i l l
s i g n i i i c a n t .a s l h c p a r c n t s w c r c u s u a l l v m o f c . f f o n r i n ! ' n l i n t h r ' s cs h r i n e sl l l i r n t h c
$ llc.
No lirrn conclusions can be drr$n fronr thc inlirrnlrlion avlilltblt'lir
ol Mrrl ((iase J()). bccallseol clnnragcto thc sccrcs anrl irscliptions iud bccauscof'
l h c d i l l i r c l l i n t c r p r c t l t i o n o f t h c s c e n e sb r V i r e ' r ( l l { 8 7 & l 8 q l b ) i u t c lP o r t e r &
l\loss. According to Poficr & \,'lossno !\ ilc wa\ rcprcsc lcd iI] thc tolIb. ,ly'a11\\as
x c c o n r p a n i e db y h i s n l o l h c r i r ) s o n r es c c n c sa n d b o t h h c a n d h i s n t o l h c r u c l c t h c
recipicnts oi ollcrings liom a so or sons. Mrlrr nrust have'hlcl lr r,,ilc
who was excludcd lrom lhc l(nrb. Vircy on thc othcr hrnd allctcs that ,4trx uas
ecconrplnied by his rvili itt thc scenesin $hich a lcnrille i\ reprcscntcclrvith ,l/rrrr.
IInli)dunilleIy, becauscof clanugc lo thc inscriptions. it i: inrpOssiblcto rc\olvc this
problcnr. cxrly clue utigltt bc rhc prescncc of l\\'o sllluc i:rtrups. onc of lrvo
slatucs and thc other ol lbrrr slaluc's.irr thc lontb. Bolh thc\c group\ ilrc dilrlagcd
a n c ll h c i d c n t i l l o l l h c l i g u r c s i s u n k n o u n . I I o * c v c r . i n i t l l o l h , - ' rc a s c sw l l c t c l w o
l i g L r c s a r e r c p r c s c n t c ( 1t .h c l h a v c l L l w l l s b c c l o l l l r e l o n r b o i . r ' n c rl n d h i s r v i l i
(( itscs 22. 10. ,11.-52.(r7. iil & S6). I'hc clidcncc is not so ccnain li)r thc group o1'
.- lirun in (lasc 7 thcl uclc thc iomb owncr. his rvilc and his parents.bLrtin Cascs 25.
l1 & .1.1rll lhal is cerlaio i\ thl[ thc! wcrc thc tonb o!\ncr. his \'"ilL-and rnolhcr
couplc. possiblv his parcnts. llict thlt these (wo :llllue !roLlp\ wcrL'f lilcecli11thc
lonltr docs nol ncccssrrilv nr!-an lhtl Ihc wili uls rcpr!:scnlc(iitr thc tomb. it onlv
melns that lhc intcttlion wrs to reprcsenther with hcr hushltnd whc'n lhc lorDb rvas
conslruclcd. Wllcn thc lomb rvas dcco(rtcd. the d.cision nrighl hule bccn rrradclo
cxclude hcr. I Iowcr'cr. lire'cvider)cetlrut she r,"ascxclLrdcdis notconclusivc.
C a s c- 5 - i5T T . l 7 2 ) i s l n o t h e r c r l r n p l c o l a t c r r r r lbl o n r $ h i c h t h r :u i f i ' n r i g h t h l v t '
b c c n c x c l u d c c l . I ' h c r c i s r t o u , i l c r c p r e s c n t c di n l h c c \ t i l n t s c c n c s . I n n r o s l o l l h c
\ c e r c s t h c l o m b o | n c r i s s c a t c db v h i n i s e l l a d i : t h c s o l e r c c i p i r - ' rot l o l l i ' r i n g s . I n
o n e s c c n c h c l n c l h i s n l o l h c r r c c c i \ c o l l c r i n g s l r o n r r n l l n . l h c D l c r )\ \ l r o o l l r r l o
thc tornb o\,"ncr in sonre sccnc: nright br'a son or son\ luirl 1hc snltli lcnrllc ligurc in
t l r c l i s h i n g a n c ll i r r l l i n g s c r n c m i g h t b e I d l r r g h l c r . I l l h i s * t ' r c t h c c u s c .t l r r r rt l r r
tomb owncr nlusl h \e bcen nrarricd and his *ilc exclutled llom lhc tonlb.
A l l c r n a t i v c l y ,h c n t i g h t h l l c b c c r t u n n i u r r i c da r ( l l l r r n r e r rr r l r o o l l c r l o h i n r \ \ ' o u l d
bc brothefs or thc samc blothcr. small Ii'nralc ligurc in rhc lishing nnd Iir*ling
sccnc \\'ould then bc il sistcr or his nrothcr.
In TT.29 (Case 6l)1he \\'iie. dcsprtc rhc frct rhxt shc borc rhe ritlc ol
ns'/|t'. is onlv rcprcscntcd in onc rccnc. rl llle crtfaDcc ol lhc tor b. ln lhc 1e$
sccncsthirt sun'ivc in thc rcI]rri:riI)shiill-0f llrc lrirnsvcr\!' hnll. lhc' cnrphasi: is o lhc
l o n r b o \ v n c r a r ) Lhl i s d u t i c \ a s r i z i c ' r . O n e ' c o u l d s L r p p o s t ' t h i lhl i s \ \ , i t i n i i g h t h a r e
bccn rcprcsented on lhc drnlallcal or nrissing u,rlls o1-lhr:lornb. Io\\e\('r sha is llol
r c p r c s c n t c di n t h c p i l s s i l g eo f l h e 'l o n r b . * h c r c s o m r s c c n c ss i l r ! i v c . I n t h c b l n q L r c t

scenc. tlle torllb o$,ner and his relativcs arc rcprcscnted.bul his wilt is not
m e n l i o r l c d .S h e i s . h o w c v e r .r e p r c s c n t cud, i t h h c r h u s b a n di l l t h c t o m b o i h i s
In Casc ll2 (T'1.6.1)as in Ca\c 61. lhc wile i\ only clcpictcci ()lr rhc cntritncc
thickncsses: how, thi\ tol-ub.allolher scenesporlraythc olficial duticsol the
tonlb owner and his tulher.and ritual scc cs. It rvouldbc unr,"iseto inlir that the
!vifebad bcendelibcratclyexcludccllirr somenrisdcmcrnour.
S o m c o f l h e s cc a s c so l ' w i l c c x c l u s i o nn' r i g h tb e q u c s t i o n a b l b eu, t t h c r ea r c
possiblvothcr caseswhich arc obscurcdby the lonlb o!\rer's decisionro rcl)rcsenl
,lnly onc wife, probablvhis his rornb(c.1.Casc22).
rvo of the mostimportanttopicsto lx: considercd arc:
( I ) Multiplc narriagesantlthc inciclence of polygamy.
(2) The degre'cot kinship in ntarriageanclthc usc of ',/trlr'illtl.l '.rlt' to
(I) Ihe conscnsus ol-opinioDantongscltolarsjs a gcncralrule.nrlrriagc
ir) AncieDtl;-ryptrvasrlonogarnousoutsidelhc rolal llutrilv (Pcstnlan1961.3, .6.
6 2 :S i n r p s o n 1 9 7 . 11, 0 0 ,n . 2 :A l l a n r1 9 7 5 ,1 1 6 67 ) . l h a t i s n o rl o s a v .h o \ e v c r .r h a l
polyganrlrvasproscriLrc'cl. Both K!ina\\'ati(1976b)arrdSimpson(197.1)havctirund
possiblccxamplesof polyranrv in thc OId Kingciomand rhe Nliddlc Kinrdonr ar)(i
P e c tq u o t e st n c x a r r l p l ei n t h c l a t c N e * , K i l g c i o n r( P e ! ' l l c l 3 0 .1 5 67 ) . s c c a l s o
Goodwin ( I 1.l73. '101lirr anothcrcxampletirr this pcriod.
The evidcnccin the Coffin Tcxrs lor rhc acccpribililyol morc tha| one $,ile is
q q u i v o c a al n d s h o u l cnl o t b e u s c da s g r o u n d sl i t r a s s u m i n gt h a l l h c p r t c t i c eo f
polyganrywas contnonplace.'l'hccnumcrarion, oi thc larnily in Spcll 1,1(r includes
l l n t w fr ( d e B u c k 1 9 3 5 , , 1 7 l l ,. 1 1 . 1169. 2& 2 0 5 ) .b u r a s l h i s w o r d i s a s s o c i a l cwdi r l r
'l-i\ 'his
'1,/' = ntcn' on two of thcscoccasions(ibid.. liif). 192)the trrnslation.his
rvonren'is prefcrablc.lo 'his wivcs'. 'l'hc wolcl fttL-1.1n\\.t.l' = his concubincs
appearsfour times(ibid.. I 83, 193& 205) and il is obviorLs lhat I nrxn'sconcubincs
$crc considercd part of his family, at lcastin the \ticldle Kingdont.
area numberof cascsof pluralitvol * ivcs in lhc I.-i.{htcculh Dynaty.but
uirether thcscarc casesol polvganryor ntcrely clscs \\lr(.renten havc rcntarricd
alter thc dcath ofor divorce lirrn a prcviousrife is dill . ulr ro detennine. In titc
caseswhcrc more lhatl one rvifc is rcprcscnlcdin lhe l, is unlikclv thatone ol'
the rviveswas divorccdas a rnanwould nol rcprcscnta di\i)fce(lwlte iir his ton)b.
Casc I7 is the earlicstcascin wirich rc lonlb orlncl is rcprcscntedwith trvo
u,ivesin his tomb. but there are a nultrbcrof cascsin \hiclt. althouth thc tomb
owncr is only representcd u,ilh one r'"ifc in his tonrb.thcrclrc groundsfirr believinr
thatthe lomb owncr or a nralerelativenrighthavchad rrorc lhanonc wilc or at lcasl
cirildrenb1 a womlurolhcr thanhis u ife.
Lr thc tomb of fll [-r' ( l-l'.15, Casc I ). althoullhon]v one rvomln is callccl
is rcasonto suppose.from a slela,that 7ii-,(r, had childrenby other
women.possiblyby a cousinwho night havebeena minor u ilc anclalnrcstccrtainly
b y * o m e n o f h i s h o u s e h o l dw. h o . l b r w a n t o f a b e ( e r * o r d , I r v i l l r c f e r t o a s

S h e m u s t h a v e b e e nc i t h e r a h a l f - s i s t c rs, i s l e r - i n - l a wo r c o u s i no f
i/r),. Ifa
half-sister,thcn flr1's fathermust havc had two wives. Sincethc motherof this
womanwas called 'nbtpr' shewas unlikelyto havebccn a concubine.r('5 Thereis
no way of telling whethcrrhe fatherof 1111,remarriedaftcr rhe dealhof 1/r1,,.t.
motheror if /1ry wasthe sonofa secondwife or whethcrhis fathcr hndtwo wiue"
at d)e sametime. IIe was unlikelyto havedivorccd ,t/r,r,r.rnothcr,as drr would
not have reprcsented the daughterof a woman,r,ho hail supplantcdhis'niother,in
nls tomb.
It is possibletbar rhe brorherof Rrrl (L.l-Kab7. Case 6) had four wives
albgether. He is only reprcsented with one wife, tnnJ nbt pr ltl|,. in his brorhcr's
tomb. Three other women, all called 'ftmt;f ' arc representedjir a row unclerthe
seatcdfigures of Sbk-htp and his wife 1d_r,.'l'hey do not appearto havc bccn
concubinesas they wcre called 'hmt.J'. Sbkhtp probablytook thcsethrcc minor
wlvcs rn an attemptto begctsons,but in vain. IIe appearslo have dicd lcavingtcn
daughtersandhis brother Rarl succeedcd him as Covemorof lll Kab.
It is unlikelythat Sbl-&/p divorced1dr, sinceshewasreprescnted with hirn in
the tomb in a more prominentpositionthan rhe olhcr \\,omcnellled ,ftrzl.f'. She
wascallcd'lbr-pr', whercasnoncof the orherswcre so callcd. It is possiblcrhJr /,1)
died and that .Sb,tl?rp remanied,but it is impossibleto say whctherhis luur wircs
came one after tie other or whetherhc hlrj t\\o or more wive) ,rt lh( samettnle. I
think it likely rhatrhiswasa caseofpolygamy.
Therc is reasonto supposethat R.-mr. the fatherof Sn-n,mv,t (Casel0t,
'. might
have had two wives and possibly children by women of his household.
I13t- fTI was Lhewife of R.-nzs and morhcr of Sz-n-nnr. A potsherclfound in one
of the tombs of Sn-n-mwt (Tl.11) mentionsan unnamedntan who was ntsn nbt or
B-Jfuir n Rc-ms', perhapshe was Nb-m.r, a brotheror half-brotlterol' Sr a_ruir.
whosenanc doesnot surviveil eitherof his tombs.With thc parentsof Sn n nN!
were buried thrcewomen and threechildren,probablyminor wives or concubjnes
of Rc ms and their children. lt is impossibleto tcll whelllcrone of thesewomcn
was B-itr or not. If the R. m.r mentionedon the potshcredwas the father of
Sn-nmwt, he must havehad two wives,as B-itl wasc;llcd 'nbtpr'. He is unlikcly
to have remarricdon thc deathof H3t-nht, as shewas olderlhan he was whenshe
died-,andte.probablypredeceased her. It is possible.howcvcr, that H-lt-nfrt, thc
nlother of Sn-n m\tL and the brothersand sisterswho were rcprcsentecl in his
tonrbs,was thc secondwife of Rl-mr, whom hc married on the deaih of B-ifu.
The evidcncewould seemto suggestthat /cl?-as, callcd ..i rn1h.(TT.g3. Casc
l-5).had at lcastone sorr, a womanothcrthanhis wife T-1c3-ng,.
In Ihc_tomb of R!-mi r. and in Shrine 17 at Gebcl el Silsila, hjs family group
tncludessix sons.1zi-r,s tltc ownerofTT.228. who isnot includetlamongihi soris
of '-l nr1n,,claintsto have been 'lr z im!-r nirrt !3r^ c.l,nLlw'.T\rc namc of his
rnother is missing but he was probably a son of .-J mll, by a minor wil'c or
concubine.Unfonunatelythcreis no supponingevidencefrom any othersourcc.
ln the tombsof l(l.r-ms(El,Kab 5, Casc4) and, (El,Kab 3, Casc2,1),a
nrirn, 1f rrr, is reprcsentecl with two differentwivcs_ In thc tomb of I(h-ms. he
wrs depictedwirh his wife S-Jl-rml, t}le dau-qhter of I( h ns andin rhe h)mbof
PJ-,4rr. with his wil'c Krn, also probablya daughtcrol l(h-ms. lt would appeirr
that on the deathof his first rvifc, /t' rrl rnanied hcr sisler.his sisterin law '.tJ..i The
childrenof ltf-rri an<1, Km rcpresented in thc lomb of P-l-lrtl' wcre cillled
and to indicatethat they were thc childrenof Krr ratllcr lhan the carlicr
Iloth Imn-m-h3t (Case22) and l-1m-nlh (Case46) werc rcpresenled with
onc wil'eonly in thcir lombs, but fronr other sourccs il is prob;rblc thrt thcy each had
arothcrwife, who appcars1ohavebccnexcludedfron the lonrb.
Dlwq ns (Case68) wrs thc owner of two tonlbsin the Thcbannecropolis'
TTs.10,1&80. In the earliertomb ('l-l'.l0,l)he was representcd with a uife T-l-r'r,
'snll nbt-pr' Lhroughout 'rmtf
who rvascalled the tonrbbut or a funcrarycone
ln most scenesthcy wereaccornpanied by theirdaughter, who oticn stoodbehindthc
chair on which her parcntswere teated.lrt his latertontb ('l-f.80) Ofrir'lt-ms is
also reprcscntedwith his wile 7-i-r'1. but lheir daughtcrno longeroccupiesher
customarypositiontrhinil the chairof her parents.'lhispositionis occupiedin trvo
'Jrrr.,f.Ilo$'cvcr,shetoo is caiicd
scenesby a woman, Mryf, who is callctl {rnll'
on a funcrarycore probablyfrom $is tomb. Mt-rt is not represenlcd alonewith
Ql.twtl-nts as man anclwile but there is no'lhis doubt that shc was his rvile anclprobably
his sister-in-law. as discussccl in Case68. is one cascwhereonc caninfer *ith
reasonable certaintythat T-l-&cawasthc first wife and Mryl ihe second.Although
both womcn are reprcscnted togetllcrwilh Dh\rl\--n$, it shouldnot be assumed
thrt this $'as a cascof polygarny. 'srr./',
Becausein Case68 a wonan who is called but is not representcd wilh
the tomb owner as his wife in the tomb, proves to be his wi[e, the positionof drc
womalr ?-Jnrl in Case69 musl be questioncd.It is possiblclhat this is anothercasc
of a minor or secondwifc or concubincof the tonlb owner' Pcrhapsthat is why the
h c r l r o n ri l m i r t o ru i f c o r c n n e u h i n c .
In two reciprocalscenesin the hall of'l-l .7ll (Casc87), two womenoflercdto
f/r',,rr-fD and his nlolher. Thcy werehis wile and citherhis sistcror a seconcl wile
or concubine.Bolh womcn were rcpresentcd as if their statusu/ascqual,although
onl)' one of thcnt, 1lw-r, was repr€scntcd with 'l liD as his wife when the
'srt.t flr
*omcn lvete dcpictedtogelher. shc was /tlrt tr"' indicatingthat shewrs thc
mistrcssofhis is possiblcthatthe sccondwomanwasa minor wife and
thrt this wasa caseof polygantY.
Thereare only five tombsin which more than one wifc is represclltcd with thc
tomb owner (TTs.l 27, 39, 96, 8ti, 295;Cascs17, l9' 60.8E & ll9).
In Casesl7 & 19,onc rvife is much morc prominentthanthc othcrin thc tomb'
In both casesthis wiic was probablylllc sccondwife ln Case l7 lhe firsl or less
oromincntwitt was reprcsented oncc,in thc innerroonl of lhe tomb' and wascalled
:l;Lntt was
f nbt-pr'. Thc sicond wife u'as rcpresentcdlhroughoulthe tomb and
iallc,J snt.fnbt-pr', possibly bccause shc was his sister in-larv ltt thc Innerroom
she.uuscaile,l "lmt.f snt.f probablylo estlblish hcr statusrciativc 1o the first
In Case l9 Lhesccoirdwilt was also morc promincntthan tbe first lt secms

unlikelythat the first wife had children. Eitltcrshc clieclprcmaturclyancl Pu -irr-r'r

rcmarricdor this could havc bccn one of thc rarc clscs ol-polv-gunlv.Ilowcvcr
Pw-in-/ it; unlikcly to havchad two wivcs at onccrs both * ivesare rcferredlo ar
nht pr'in the tomb. Sincelhe) were bolh inislressof the hoLrsehold'. thel
lnust havc followcd onc aficr thc olhcr. is rcasonto bclicve lliitl /'u r,r r{
might havc had a third minor wifc or pcrhapsx coucubinc. In thc fishirtqsce c. rl
Icnlale llgurc stoodbehindhini io the boal io the positionusuallyassigncdto thc
rvifc. She lvas [ ] n-l(:tl?rv . As /'n rr? rr represente(l t\!o wlvcs ln
his tomb,one wouldexpectone ol themto havebecndcpictcclin this sccnc.Thc usc
o1 f' nrightindicatea minor wite or the wonlan'snrmc
contlinsthe elenrent /'{r. as does Ptt. l,'r rr]s molhcr' is possiblcthal shcwlis
his sistcr.
Casc60 ('l-1.96) is uniquein that thrccrvivesarerepresenled in the tomb.
thircirvilt is represented only in the decorltedburial unusualf-cature in
EighleenthDynasty tombs. One coukl conjccturcthat the burial charnbcr\\as
dccoratedin ordcr to allorv for thc rcprcsentalionol the third \\'ifc. irs thc tomb
might havc bccn alrcadyfully dccoratcd.Bccauseof the areasin u'hich eachrvilc
rvasrepresented, one can be reasonablyccnain ol tllc ordcr in which thcy bccamc
the wivesof S'r-ry'i.Thcrc is no rcasonto supposcthat S, ri/i $'asa polyganri\li,rs
a l l t h r c cw i v c s w c r e c a l l e d l r i s p o s s i b l et h a th i s i i r s t l w o u i r e s u c r c
sisrcrs.neitherof whom presentecl him with a son. Ilowevcr, hc did havc a sonby'
his third wifc. cvicicnccsccmsto suggcslthat ,la ,/r wrisltcluall) buriedwith
Iis first wile a lonrbin lhe Valleyof Kingsrathertlun in IrisThcbantonrb*'ith all
thrcc wivcs. Anothcr cxplanationcould bc lhat his'T'hebitn lomb wrs robbcdand
soureof thc gravegoodsrvereabandoneci in the royal lomb.
A uniclucsceneis portrayedin l-l'.90 (Case88). where the tomb o*ner is
l b l l o w e db y h i s t w o u i v e s a n d a d a u g h t eirn w h a t r l a s p r o b a b l ya r i t u a l s c c n e .
Llnli)rtunxlcly,thc sccncis vcry damagcd.littlc remainsof the figuresof the lrvo
worncnand oo inscriptionsurvives,so it is inrpossible to dctcmrincu'hich*ilc uas
dcpicledin the leadbehinil Nb lrnn. Iloth wives werereferrcdto .ts nl lr'.
in Ihc sccncsin rvhichthcy wcrc represcntcd individuallywith Nb izn. Thcrc was
no rcasonto supposetherelbrethat this was a cascof polyganty.Nb lnrrr probebll
rc-nrarried on thc dcathof his first wifc rvho.if I anl conecl in mv assumptions. borc
hiru bolh sonsanr.ldaughtersand was rcwlrded,\\,ith hvish praiscin hcr husband's
I n C a s ef i 9 ( ' f f . 2 9 5 ) l h e t w o w i v e s o f Q l l x l r - n r s l r c a l n r o s e l q u a l l )a s
pronrinentxs onc rnothcr, oltcn being replesented. with the tomb o\\'ncr.on lhe
'.iarl ribt
sarre \\alL. but on difl'crcntregislers. lloth rviveswere callcd fr'. lhus
$ c r c a t d i f i c r c n tt i m c s t h c m i s t r c s so l h i s h o u s e h o l csl .o p , l r w t y - n r r p r o b a b l y
('nlarric(ialler lhe deathol his lirst rvilc. Nfit-ir r sccmslo havebeenmarginally-
nrrrrc'inrportantthan 1?rn1l bcing reprcsclttcd with Qlrx lr-ra.r on the panclof lhe
lulsr'clour.Sht'uas probablythe motherol his chilclrcn. It is possiblcthxt Ri?wt/
*us hi: lirst wile. rvhodied uithout havingbome any children. Shc is rcmerl)bcred
N ith afli'ction in his torlb. even being reprcscntcd ofltrirtg to her parents,bccausc
shc*us probltblvrelrttcdby bloodto 2lvlrr -nr.i.

(2) A discussion on thc dcgreesof kinshipin marriageamongcofirmoncrs in the

l:ighlccnthDynastymust startwith brothcr-sister marrilrge. lhere is no doLtbtthat
b r o l h e rs i s t e rr n a r r i a g c sd i d o c c u r w i t h i n t h c r o v a l f a m i l y . c s p e c i a l l yi n l h e
Eighlccolhl)ynasry. As a conscqucnccol this. coupleciwith the lacr rhrt, al lhis
pcriod. the !!ord '.r/lt',meaning 'sisler'. cane 10 be used as ln allenlativclbr
rncaningwil'e. carlier Egypilogists ( list in tcnrl' 195.1,24. n.l ) acceptctlrhc
c x i s l c n c co f b r o l h c r s i s t c r n r a r r i a g c s* ' i t h o u t c n q u i r i n g t o o t l c e p l y i n t o t h c
cvidclcc. Ccrnj,(195,1)dcmonstratcd tilat thcrc\!as very littlc cvidcnr:c() slrlrl)orL
lhe conceptionof brother sister nlarriage.wilh no exarnplcsin the Eightccnth
Dynasty.IIorveverCharles(1960.25) still mrintaincdthat cltnslcs lLmillcsnoblcs.
lgs nrariagcscntrc frcrc ct socursonl friqucnts". Nlorc rcccntschollrs agrcc\\ith
Ccrn! that tlrereis no clcar cut cvidcncclbr marriagcbctwccnfull brotherrnd lull
s i s t e (r N { i d d l e t o1n9 6 2 , 6 0 6A; l l a n r1 9 7 5 .1 1 6 ' 1V: e m L r s1 9 7 6 .l { ) 9 ) .
LJnlortunately. it is seldomlhal suchan urequivocalexampleus Clemi ( 195'1.
2 . 1q . )u o t e s . o c c u r s . ' l h e p a r e n t s o I t h e l o m b o w n e r a n d t h e p a r c n t s o l h i s w i t c ( v l . r / )
arc rarcly both rcprcscntcdin his tonrb. [n l'lct. thercis onLyonc ccrtaincascin tl]e
tombsstudicd(Casc89. .295),in wllicll onc of thc lwo $ ivcs ol-thc lomb orvncr.
callcd is shownoflering1oirer parents,who are nanred.Their nanresdifter
fronrthoseof the parentsof the tomb owner. Thereforeshewasnot his rister.
I l o w e v e r a s y s t e m a t ircn a l y s i so f t h c c v o l u t i o na n c iu s c o f l h c t c r n l ' r / r t l o
i n c j i c a t cw i f e ' i n p l a c eo f m i g h t h e l p l o a l l a va n y I i n g c r i n gd o u b t st h e r e
n r i g h tb e o n t h e s u b j c c t .O n e I a c l l h a t n u s l o o t b c l o s t s i g h to l ' i s t h c c x l c n d c d
p c a n i n go f k i n s h i p t c r m s . I n m o s td i s c u s s i o nosn t h c q u c s t i o no f ' . i a t ' m c a n i n g
'w-jlt'. 'srt'. 'sisicr'. 'sister'-in-law'
is takcnlo mcan whcrcasit can also signily ancl
nlost imporlanibmbs for thc investigution inlo lhc evolutionol-lhe useof
rrt./' ,to sigrlity wife' arethe earliesttombsin rvhichthis phenomenon occurs.
Cem! (ibid.. 28) believeslhat thr:earliestuseof lo reterto it wife nas
duringthe independent reignof TLrthmosis III in thc tomb of Nir-inrr (TT.2,1.Case
26). I Ioweverit was usedin this scnsealsoin the tonrb ttl Sn-n-i(h (TT.127,Casc
17) which there is reasonto bclicvc was probably clecorrledduring the reign of
Flatshepsut (sccn.16)and so rvaspossiblyearlicrtllan thc lonrbof Ni) rrrr. In fact.
thc tonlLrof "lr-rr-i(ll might bc crucialin our undcrslancling oi the cvolulioriof lhe
'srr' 'fhis
rvortl for uiic. i s t h c c a r l i c s tt o n r b i n w h i c h t h e t o n r b o u ' n c ri s
rcprcscntcd with two rvivcs. Hc is depictedrviththemindividualll'.
.Sn-slD,probablyhis first wifc, was rcprcscnlcdin the inner room onlv. hcrc
shc was callccl n h t p r ' . I I i s s e c o n dw i t t . I l i - s r r b , u a s r e p r e s e n t e d
'int.l tlbl?r cxceplin tltc inner
throughoutthc turb. but was alwaysrcltrrctl 1oas
roon. $,hcrc she wls callcd tnt.f rrDrpr 1-h|oughoullhe loiDb. the
positionsin which Tti-snl.rancl .5rrni i'rir uere reprcscntccl ancllhe lypesof sccncs
in which thcy wcrc rcpresented togethcr.lcavc no cloublthal 7ll Jr, was the wilc
'Jtlf '.
cf Sn n i( I,r eventhoughshc was rcfcncd to as IbcLicvcthat 7il rrrb was
thc sistcrof .ln ni r(,/r'sfirst rvife and that on her death.hc mrrricd Iti-.tnh.'Snt['
in this context ncant sisterio la$' and noi secondrvile or concubincancl this stagcof the developmcntoi lltc tcmt did not necessarily nrcanhis
wilt'. In the inner roont, where both wives were rcprcsentedon oppositcwalls.
.lr-snlr was 'hmt.f nbt pr' and Tri-snb, 'bmtj snt.J/rrt /7r.'. 'lhis is the only
occasionon which shewascallcd 'linrll', probablyto indicateher equalityof status
with the flrst wife. t'actthat she was called 'l1nt.f snt.f ' could be used to
postulate a brother-sistermarriagc, but I do not bclicve that 'rr1' has the
connotationof 'sister'inthis casc. It is possible,howevcr.that,as this tomb bclorgs
to thc transitionalperiod when ',rtt.,f' wasfirstusedof a tvifc, thcre \!as some
scribal confusionand since Ttl,snl was reterredto elsewhcrcits 'snt.l ubt-nr'-
snt.f nbt-pr' was writtcn for 'l.tntf zbl-pr'. Nevertheless,I bilieve rhrr
'lmtJ '
snt.f was intendedand that it was meanl to distinguishtwo wivcs. onc of
whon aswell asbeinghis wife, washis sisterjnlaw.
In the tomb of Nb-imn (T1.21.Casc26) only one wife was rcprcsenred. The
tonrbwas badly damaged,but. on two occasions, the wifc, was referredto as '.irlt./
mrtl nbt pr', on both occasionsin a funcrarycontexl. Shc was also called ',4zrr I
nbt-pr'. As far as it is possiblcto tell, thereis no qucstionof a secondwif-e.but it is
probablethat Nb-lzrr marriedhis cousin,thus ',rf?t./in this contcxtcouldhavethe
extendednleaningof 'his cousin'.
W-llJ(T.22, Case36) hadonly onewifc, as far as it is possibleto relll shewas
'sr?t,/f' '.
called and.'hmt.f As her nameis unkno$,n,as are the nantcsof ;rnyof lhe
parents,it is impossibleto tell iI thcrc was any fanily rclationshipbetwccn lt3,
andhiswife. The smallltmale figure squattingbctweenthe legsofthc tomb owner
in thc fbwling scencwas called 'sntf nbt-pr',whethershewas a minor uife or part
._of lhe usurpationof the tontb cannot be determincd.
' 'lltc
wife of Mcy flT.130, Case451was c le<) 'snt.fnbt-pr' rhroughoutthe
tomb. There is no rcasonto believethat M.f had more than one wifc. Ilis *'ii'e
played a very prominentrole in the tontb and, as she did not appcarto bear;rny
importanttitlcs, it is possiblethat hcr prominencewas duc to a lamily relationship
betwecnher andher husband;possiblyshewasl'riscousin.
A case which could havc made a valuablc contribution to thc cotpus of
informatiouon this topic, if only the kinship lemls on the MarseilleSlclallad bcen Case46. I3mw-nlh (TT.84) had rwo wives. Althougha wile is
reprcsentcdwith him iD a numbcr of scenesin the tonb. becauseof danragchcr
name is unknown. Howevcr lJmr-,1ft is represcntcd with his wife snt.fmrt.f
bt pr lfkrt-ns$,tI.lnwt-nfrt in the tolnb of Wrr,ll-lr (TT.56). On the l\,larseille
Stela 1-lmn,-l{ft is represented with lLmtJnht-prI,lnvt rr79 r on onc sidcand on the
otlrerwith snt.f nbt-pr fl-l. It is possiblcthat HJ was his secondwifc and his
sister-inlaw. Five couplcswererepresented on this Stcla,tu'o on the right andthree
on lhe left. \r'ivesof the two nlen on thc right u'erecalled 'hnrr./' whilc thc
wives of the thrce nelr on the left werc callccl '.rr?1-/ '.
informationis available,the significrnccoi thrs pJttefrris incornprehensible.lhc
fact that Hnwt-nfr, herself is called in thc latcr tornb of tfsr-f-il is
irrelevantto this discussionsincc '.rn/.l'
was the common temr for wifc at that
The three wives of Sn n& (1-1.96,Case60) u'ereall called.'snr..fnht-pr'.
flrst two wiveswerepossiblysistcrsard it is alsopossiblethatthey $ere cousins

of Sr-rli. Howeverthcrc is no reasonto supposcthat the lhird wife rvasrclatcdto

.!n-rf or his previouswivcs.
'snl.,f indicate wif'cof thc
During the reign of AmenhotepII, the usc of to
tonb owner becomesmorc commonand, by thc rcign of IV, it is uscd
exclusivcly,with 1cwexceptions.
'snl' was
I belicvcthat in lhe earliesttombsin which usedto describethe wife
'l.rrnr', rathet indicatca
of thc tomb owner,it was not usedas a synonymfor but to
specialrclationship,- of sister-in-larv ot cousin. bet$.'ccn thc tomb owner and his
wifc. ln Casc19, I'u,-im-/: rcpresented two wivcs in his tonrb,both of $hom werc
'lrzrr.,f': ',r/?t.f' his secondwifc liottt
dcsignatcd thus. wasirot usedto distirtguish
his first. h Cases26. 36 & 45. aldroughonly one u'ife was reprcscntcd in the tonrb,
',\r/.,f'. 'rrr.,f'
shc was callcd ThcrcforeI do not bclicvc lhal was intcnclcdtcr
inclicatea seconci *'ifc, alLhoughit might havebeenuscdto inclicatethe relationship
(sistcr-in-lawor cousin)of a secondwife to hcr husbandwhen more than(tlc \\'ile
wasrepresentcd in lhe tomb.
During the reignsof III and AmcmhotepII, whcn only one wile was
n t h e t o m b s h ew l s r c f e n e dL o a s ' h m t . J ' a n d ' s a l . , f a t d i f f e r c n t
r e p r e s e n t ei d
'hnLt.f '.\rt.,f
times. The typcsof scenesin which shewas called and respectivcly
havc bccn carefully examined,bul unfortunltelyno patten emerges. Thc tcmls
seemto have bccn usedindiscriminatcly;even in identicaldoublescenesthe tomb
'lmt.f in 'srt.,f in
o*ncr's wifc might be callcd onc and the othcr (Cascs'19.

.- An intcrcstingfact to emcrgcis lhat,in somccascs(52.60,61, 66 & lJ9)'ft,ttl'. whcrc

the wife was called the nothcr, as &e wite of the lathcr,uas called
In Case52, thc wives belongingto four couplcs.all ol earliergenerations than the
'hntll' \\"hilctlle tomb o\\'ner'swile was
tomb orvnerand his wife. were all called
'lmtf ' 's/lr.,f'.
called and
I bclievethat,havingoriginatedin thc rcign of Ilalshcpsut- TulhmosisIII rs thc
designationof a sistcr-in-lawor cousinwho was also thc wife of the tomb owner,
'wile /''. evcntually, thc rcign of TuthmosisIV. becamctllc commonterm for
At no time duringthis perioddid it imply that thc wile was the sistcr01her
Having establishedthat therc is no evidenccal this time for brolher sister
marriitgcs,there does appearto bc some groundsfor inferring thaf il was not
uncomnon for a man to marry his sistcr-inlaw. i.c-his wife'ssistcr,on the deathof
his wife (Cases11.24, 46 & 60). Becauseof the lack of filiation to parentsandlhe
very generrlkinshipterrns- whcreindeedthcy areprescnt- this practicccouldhave
bccn more widcsprcadthan the cvidenceleadsone to stlpposc.
Thc sanleis probablytrue of cousinntarriagcs L-eviStrruss(1969, l'l) said
that marriagcto a crosscousinis prefcrableto mtrriagc to a parallclcousio. Both
typcsof marriagewcrc possiblein AncientEgypt with crosscousinmiLnirgcbeing
preferrcd. A man'scrosscousinwould be the daughterof his nlo6er's brothcror
his tather'ssister. IIis parallejcousinwas the daughterofhismother'ssisterorhis
Therearc a numberof probableor possiblccaseso f cousin marriage( I . I 5, 17.

1 , 9 2. 2 , 2 6 , 2 1 i .3 , 1 ,6 0 & 8 9 ) . t J n f o f l u n a t e ltyh c o n l v g r o u n d si n
m o s rc a s c st o r
p , ' \ t u l l t i n g - . c o u srrnnl r r i : , r r c!r1 r cn a n l c s o , r ' c l e n c n t i t i n a n t e sc o n l m o nt o b o t h
r l l n l l e s t i o w c v e r .t h e r a . l r eo c c a s i o n w s h e r co l h c r f a c t o r st e n d t o s u p f o n l h e
hypothesis. In Casc 22 rhereare three possiblecascsot c,luii,r-n-.riag"
:n tlre
lanily, supponedby rhe reprcsentarion .f rclationson both siclesot trrc larnirv as
\ \ L l ll \ n J l l ) r ' \ t n ( , , n r n t ( lJL , o n r rl O l h , i n u h i i l r t h Cu i t . . p l . r r .
r rcr)
r u l cr l t h , , , u grhh c h r . . r nn , , p r r . \ t i r r , , utsr r l ( . \h. . r p r , , r r i n c r c e ' . , , u l . i t , e n r , . r r , i r r , . r r t
, r u , r. " t _ t , , , , . t
r c l J l r ( | n \ n l l sl o h e r h u \ b r n d . I n C a s cE 9 . t h e f i r s t w i f e o f t h e t o n r b
irtmostas promlncntas his secondwife lnd rnotherof his chilciren. problbll. l)eciLuse
shewasa cousinof herhusband.
Onc casein which thcreis no doubtof the wife'srelationshipto her hushancl
Case22 (1'l .li2). The wife of Inn-n l.t3t.BJlt rvas '.r-t,.rrr/',. rlr"
dlurhlcr ot
his si.!ler- Ihi-s is the only examplc of a man marrying his niecc
in lllc lontbs
and it is unlikc)y ro havc been a comnronprr-ctice,alrhoLrgtr C;ardincr
( 1 9 1 1 , 5 0 - 5 1m ) e n t i o n st w o c a s e si n r h eo n e l a m i l y
i n i h c T . w c n t i e tDh v n a s t v .. l h e
filct that.B-1fuwas probablythc secondn.ifeantl*a,.eicrrsr.1r,i
's-tt bl;-hcrrclatronship
.frr'1 throu-qhout
'll'r1/ '' . rhc tornb.exccprin rhc inncr roonr wrrcreshe was callcd
s'pports nry hypothesisthat in thc 'ery carlicsroccurrc'ce's of srr. rvhcrc
it wasprobablyusedofa secotrdwife. it wasusedin ils extenclcd scnselo tn(llcate tllc
rclationshipof this womanto thc tontbowncr,c.f.Casc17.


As an tntegrll part of thc nuclcir lamily, scxrsand ciaughlcrs wcre rcpresente(l

with their parentsin the lombr. In nosl of the scenesi. r,hich rher,i
paflicipalc,they are rcprescntedas adults.cven if shown on a
'lhere srrrallerscalethan
thelr parcnts. are.however,aboutthiny tombs in which small chtldrcnarc
rcprcsentcd(Cascsl. 2. 5. 6, 19, 21. 2.1ctc). Thc,yare olicn reprcsentcd nuclcancl
play a passiverolc in the scencsin \\,,hich titey are dcpicted. Babicsas sucharc not
reprcserlcdin anl of thc tombsexanrinecj. unlcsssnrill nudcfigurcsslandingat lhe
sjdeor underthe seatsol thcir parcntr\\.cremcanlto rcprcscnlbabics.
If we iitnorethc scenesin which thc Ro)ralNursci hold thcir chargcson their
kncc\. scrnesol ntothcrshllding (ltildrenor babicsare ver).unconlnon..fuo cnscs
, , n l ) l l ] \ e h . e n ( l i \ c o \ ( . r . J .l 0 ( . 1 . r 6 7 . i l \ ( c a . $ l t i ( l t i . . l c . , r r h c , t
!l\ \\,.trran
nursingchildren".showswomcn rvith childrenon their knees. .l-hcscchildrcn
'Ihe arc
rlmosl as largc as lhc t!onten holding lhcm. childrel are all temalc. and.
althoughnude,arc firlly fornredand look likc adults. Thev are not being sucklcd.
Thc onlr-orherexampleof a womannursing a chilclis in thc tonrbof llln;l (fI.69.
C a s c 8 6 ) . A p e a s a n lw o m a n i n t h c f i e l d h o l d s a b a b v r v r a p p c di n I s h a * . I
(MckhilarianI 95:1,Platcon p.79).Sincethis rhesiswassubmitrerj.'Manniche ( lglig)
haspubJished 'lost 'l-l
a tomb'. .A I I in which nine womenarc depictcdnursingsmall
nudechildren,shesecsa royal cornccion in this sccneanclthatin.lT.-56.
_IJccause of the high incidenceof infant nlorlality in tlre ancicnl wono, one
$ould expectsomechildrento be represenlcd asdeceased and(listinguishcd in sontc

wa)' from thosethal arc not 'I1]ercare a numhr of cascs\\ltere smtll childrenare
rcpresenlcdwith lheir parentsin a funerarycontext,as thc recipicntsof o1'Icrings
and thc ofteringlist rirual.pcrfbmredby orhersonsand/ordaughicrs(Cascs2g. 36.
. 1 3 , . 1 65.9 . 6 8 , 6 9 & 8 9 ) . I n t h c s es c e n c sr,h e ' d e c c a s c d ' c h i l d racrnet l w a l , sf a c i n r
lhc siuncway as thc parentsandlhercis contactbctweenthcn an(ltheparcnts.
In Case36, whcrc two sntalldaughtcrsrrc depictcdllcsidethcir parents.scatcd
bcforean offtrine lable as the recipicntsof thc offtrjng list ritull periirnnedb1,.an
xdull sL)n.a small nakcdmalc figure stanclsunder thc table.Iacing the group.and
ollering a lotus bloom to thc tomb owncr. I Ie is thus dil'ltrentiatedfront thc other
s lall childrenaild w;rsrcprcscnted as a living cbild.
lu Case68. the daughtcr,who is alwaysreprcscntedwjlh ltcr the
recipicntof funcrarvofferings,is describcdas 'rr-l(l &r.r'.as tre hcrparcnts_
In CaselJ1.a snlall son is reprcscnted with his par..'nts on the lltickncssol thc
cntry. eilher gorng1bflhor enlerin!:thc lonrb.
In Case89. a smalldaughteris scatcdby hcr.parcnrs 'purified'
as lhey arc by a
Banquctscenesin which smallchildrcnare represcntcd tvilh tJrcirparenlshavc
rol bccn considered,as il could be argucdthxl lhe snall chilclrt'nwcrc in a lantilv
lfirup rvilh their pltrcnts.whilc oldcr childrcn$cre shor,"r: u,ith the banrlucr:uc,rtr
or ol-ltringto the parcnts.
I lhilk thc conlextin r,"hichsomcchildrcnrvcrcreprcsentcd in fulcran, scenes
docsjndicatethatthc intentionwasto reprcscnt dtemasdccersed.
._ A common sccnc in rvhich small childrcn arc oltcu t.cpresenlccl is thc sccnc
\\,hichdepictsthc lomb owncr an(lltis famill, tishingand lbrvlin!: hcrc. smallnudc
rralc and fenralcfitures arc sontetimcsdcpictedon tllc papvrusskilf ivith thcir
parcnts(Cascs28,,+9,75, lt6 & 87). 'fhcv are probablyreprelcntcdin niorc clscs
but orvrngt(r the darnaged stateof sonrcot is inrpossiblc to dctcminc
\\hcthcror nol thcy were prcscnt.
( a )S O N S
obligationsoi a sor wcre to causchis lalhcr'snlnre to livc. i.e.lo nri ntrlll
his lonrb ancilo ofltr thc necessarysacril-iceslirr hint on listival days. I)ircct
cvidencefor thc sotr'sparticipatioitir lhc construclionand dccorationoi his fathcrs
tonrtlis vcrv scarce.One clsc only is knou,nin rvhichlhc lontb owner spccilicallv
n l c n t i o n \l h o s c\ \ ' h oc o n \ l r u c t c dh i s t o n t b ( C a s c2 2 1 . I n n , n t l r - l t t h c o r v n c ro f
TT.t 2. gavc r feastlor lhosc*to u orl ecl,rn hi\ fotnh. llrc lcu.ltrirli!rlrc was !-j/
Itp L,1*t l.t ts [, / "his son,,rhosupcrvisedthc \\'orkson thir ton]b . This
n a s p r o b a b l vh i s e l d e s sl o n , I n t n n l , t t- i ( D a v i c s& ( i u r t l i n t ' 1 r 9 1 5 .P l . V l l l ) .
In Clsc,1. lllc ltrandsonof I(l]-nt: r-l hltvc constructed hi\
grilndllithcfs tomb poisiblvttcausc his sonshlci prccicceased hinr.
I'-videnccfirr a son pt'rlorntingofltrincs lirr his parcnls.aboundsin thc tontbs
i n $ h i c h I h t ' l l r n i l l ' a r cr e p r e s e n l ct ndd i n $ h i c h t h e ' \ c . - r l cssu n i v c . [ , ' n f o r l Ll rl c l l .
thc inscriptionsfor thcrc sccnesare ol-tcndcstroled.but. ri'herethcrc is evidence
lhitl r lonlb orvncrheil sons.and a ntan is ofteringlo thc tomb orvncrand his *ilc.
lhll nriln is alnrostccdainlVa son. Oftcn l]lc ligLlreoi the ntln offcringto th. tontb
o*ter anclhis u ilc hasbecnerpungedby thc Atcnistsbecause he *as clressccl in thc
leopardskin of a priest,but he alsowasprobablya son. Sonswerealsopromirrcntrn
the banquetscenes,oftcn offeringto thcir parentswith banquerguestsbchinclrhcm,
but oflen too, reprcsertecl as guestsat lhe banquet.lcasei UZ,++, 6l . gg & 92).
Although guestsarc represented in banquetsin the majority of tombs.the cohLmns
for the inscriptionsabovethcm are oftenempty,havinr ncverbeenfilled in. so ir is
ditTicultto tell how many sonsarereprcsentedamongthc guests.
From the rcign of III onwards,sonspanicipatcin ritual sccneswilh
their p a r e n r s(,C a s e s , b , x 6 , X X .c ) 2& 9 l ) . l h c s c e n e si n
2 . 1 .3 7 , 4 5 , 4 9 , 5 8 , 7 . 1 7
which they accompanythc tomb o$'ncr or both parentsjn the insDcctionof lhc work
o f t h e c s t a t e a, r c f a r l e s sc o n r m o n (. C i i s e \2 1 . h , ) , 7 , 1 , 7 r , 1 .l C u . e 4 g . t h c s o n
accompanies his fathcrand grandparents as theyinspectthe funerarycquipmentand
in Case{J5sonsare reprcsented followingthc sarcophagus.
Sons are also shown offering to their maternalgrandparents (CasesI & ll9)
and to thcir patemalgrandparcnts, (Cascs20. 73 & 90). 'fhcy also olfcr to thcir
fathcrand his moder, (Cases6. 9. 22, -lq,52. 5-5,ol & 6lt .irrrithcrr tatherand his
parents,(Cases16,68 & 90).
Sonsalso accompanied t h e i r p a r c n t si n t h c i r l e i s u r cp u r s u i l s . T h e y a r c
r c p r e s e n t ei nd m o s to f r h e s c c n e o s f f i s h i n ga n df b w l i n g( C a s C 1 s 9 .2 3 , l x , 1 8 , 4 , r .
57, 58, 62, 69, ?5, 80. 83. 86 & E7),often holclinga sparcspearlbr their farhcrs.
Thcrc are only two survivingreprcscntations of lhe son wilh hjs farhcr.huntingon
foot in the descn.(Cases57 & 62). Howeveras this is a pursuitin which ole would
cxpecta sonto panicip te, thercmust bc olhercaseswhich havcnot sun,ivcd.
.- There_ arc not many instancesof sonsand their wivcs represcnted togctltcrir
otherthanbanquetsccnes.In Case9, two sonsanclthcir wivcs standunclcrtie seatcd
figuresof Hpu, rzb and his mother:in Case49, a sonandhis wife areshownseatccl
behindhis parents;and,in Case89. a sonanclhis wife accornDanv lhc tomb owncras
h e u d o r c .O s i r i s .
. One intercstingfacct of family relationshipsin thc EighteenthDynastyis thc
disappcarance of the temr, and thus,pcrhapsthe concept.ol'the'eldesl son'. 'lhe
tenn '.r-J.,f .iriJle' occursonly once:in Case6, in thc tomb ol Rl,l at Ill Kab. I
believcit was uscdin this caseto justify Rarl's succession lo the govemorship of lrl
Kab on the deathof his eldcr brother,he thenbccuning the 'cklcstson'ancllcir to
dle tilic. The term doesnot survivein anl of rhe-l-hch.rir,rrnh,consrdered.'jtat is
not lo say that onc cannotdistinguishIhc cldestson iD a fainily. The son u,ltois
consistentlydcpictedand namedfirst in a row of sonsand/oris the ntostprrrrninent
son in thc perfornlanceof ofltrings and ritualsfor his parents,must bc the eldcst
son. It couldbe that,with thc cmcrgenceof a new socialordcr,bascdnot on a fcutlal
type of societybut on one which was dontinatcdby lhe burcaucrac)andthc military.
t h e c o n c e pot f t h e ' e l d c s t s o n l o s l i t s i r n p o r l a n c cA. b i l i t y w a sp r i z c da D o v co n c s
p l . , c ei n t h c t , r m i l l h i c r r r Lh 1 .
It is possiblethat lhc idea of thc cldcst son as thc heir of his fatherhad also
chansed,resultiDgin a morc cquitabledistriburionofpropcrty and<lutics.A will ol'
t h c R o y a l T u l o r , . t , l . 1 - r i r , s u r v i v c sf r o m y r . 2 1 o f ' l ' u r h n r o s i sI I I ( S e t h c1 9 2 7 ,
1066-70) in which he leavcshis propcrtyto his u,ile and children. -l'hc stclaon
$hich the rr,ill was inscribedis very ciarnaged, but it would seemthat .S/?.i-,lrlcll

his propertyto his wife for her lifetime and. aftcr her death,ir rvas to be <iivicleci
bel$-ccnhis son_and thrce daughters.Thcrc is no melrlionof the son betngtnorc
privilegcdthandre daughters.

Ar rhe bcginning_of the EighteenthDynasty,claughters playcda passiverolc in
th. t,,nrbs{)flhcir farhers.bting representcd standingor.quaiting ln rows behind
llr. \on\. the reignoi'futhmosis lll therewas a trcnAtowardsa morc
rc.til:,participrtiol iD rhc offeringsro their pareorsand in ritual scenes,coinciciing
$ r l l ) t h e m o r c i l c l i \ er o l c , ) l t h c \ \ i f c i 0 r h c t u . i ls . r n e \ . D a u I h t ( r \ . l r e\ c c n
offering to thcir parentsin Caseslo. 20, 14, -tl. 12, -16,17 rncl, iiom rhen on, in
most of the cases. They participatedwith thcir parcntsin ritual scenessuch
n r^i1ry.r1_d pouringoinrnrcnron offeringsin Cases24, 36. 45, 59. 67,
i {fc1ye^i .!1aql
/-1. /r'. xo, xx, d( Lr-{rnd wcre tssociatedwith thcir parcntsin adoringOsiris in
Cases68,72,73 & 93. ln Case59. thedaughrerhad rhc disrinclionol.accompanying
her parentswhen they appeareclbelbre the ling.
t-ike their mother and brothers.drughreisJrc refrescnredrcc,)mpanyingthe
lomb owner in his pursuirsof fishing and fbwling. they are clcpictedsrandi;gin
flrnt oJ or behind rhe rtriding figurc of thcir father,or elsc squattinqbctweenhis
legs.(('.15s5 -12.-17.4,1. 4R.4e,5rr,57, 58. 69, 75, & g0). Thcy'arealio reprcsenled
with thcir parentsreccivingthe produceof the Dclta (Case69) and re.^ervrng game
.- There arc sLlmecascsin which thc daughtersol the
tomb owncr secn to lakc
prbccclcnce over thc sons.(Cascs24. 32, -5-6. 67, gg). 1lrc clses are so tew and
wid.esprcadover the pcriod that it cannotbc said lo indicatc a lrenil. hl t$,o cascs(67
& ll8), the claughters bear the titlc '!1krt-nswl, which probablyaccountsfor thcir
pronincnce in the tombs. In Case 24, the eldcst dairghteris callctl 's3r.,fwrt,,
possiblybccausesheonly becamcso on the deathof hcr elclersister.Thisistheonlv
occurrcnceof this designationthat survivesin thc tombs underconsiderrtion.A.s
thc eldestdaughtershc seentsto takc prececlcnce ovcr the sonsin this tomb. lhc
reasonlor this is not obvious. It couldbe thatthc sonswcre the off.spring of a minor
wilc. but thcreis no evidcncefor a secondwifc in the tomb. It coulcialsobe thatrhe
sonswcretoo you.g to takeaDactivcrole in tlte sccncs.
. _Thedaughterin 1-T.8(Case72) is reprcsenlccl in a uniquescene.Shc leansovcr
hcr fathcrand appears1obe fastcninga collararoundhis neik.
ln a country in rvhichchildrenwere !u highl) prizetl,ir ir nor rurprisingthat
fcn of thc marricdtomb ownerswere .cp."seurcdwlthout childrcn. Barrcnness ut
a wife must oflen have rcsultedin a secondman-iage. pclssiblyalicr the clivorceof
the first wif-e.This would be dilficult (o detect,as the cLiwrrceci wife *,asu'likciv to
havc been representcdin thc tomb. Ankhshcshonqin his Instmclionsqp.13rriish
N{useurr10508.[-ichthciml980, 170)adviseshis soonot to abanc]on a *ornan ofhis
householdrvhen she has not concciveda child. but the laking of a scconclwife
w i l h o u tc a s t i n go f 1 l h e l i r s t w i f e , r r , r , u l a
d l r o b c , l i i l i c u f tr o d e l c e r .W l l c r et w o o r
nore wivcs are rcpresented in the tomb. it is rrrcly possiblelo bc cenainif they arc
c o D l ( t p u r . i r \u i \ C \ u r t ) o l ,

are a fervcasesin which it is doublful \\,hcthcrchildrcnarc rcprcsctc(l
in lhc lomb- If thcy are not, it could itldicatelhat thc tomb owncr andlris $.i1eucre
c h i l d l e s(sC a s c 7 s . 1 7 . 3 5 , 6 3& 8 2 1 .
/rai of'l-f.El (Casc7) lived to a ripe old asc !ur(1 onc u,oulclcxpcohirrrlo hrve,
hld children. His tontb is damagedbut appearslo have bcen fully ciecorated. so
thcreare no blank wails on which sonsand daughlcrsniight lravcbsc rcprcs!,ntcd.
At his prrents,brothersanclsistersandevenhis rviie'ssistcrsarc rcprcsclL,clin the
lonlb. it is unlikely lhat his chilclrcnwoulclhave becu onrnrillccj. if ire huclhatl lrnv.
I Iis brotherpcrlitnns lhc firneraryollcrings lirr hinr. sQonc nrustconelutl..rh.rLhc
a n d h i s r v i l t w e r e c h i l d l c s s .I t i s p o s s i b l co. f c o u r s c .t h a l h c h r d c h i l r l r c nb 1 t h c
''ronrcnof his houschold.who \\'crenot rcpre\cnlcdin his
One cannotbe cenainwhelhcr Sn nr lr{r, (Casc'l7). cvcl lLllcrt\\o nrlrri-trcs.
had anv children. The nantcsof his *,ives,tatht'r.ntothcr.grandntolhcran(lb()lhcr
sur-\'ive in thc tomb,but no sols lnd daughtcrsarc ntnlcd. lljs brolhcrollcr: lo hint
a n d o n e o f h i s w i v c s o n l h c l i n l e l o l t h c i n n c r r o o n t . I l o w c v e r .t h c r c t r c s o n t c
unnamcdrrrcnand $,(nnenrvhoollcr to 5l rr r.l rnd ltis tlili. anclthcsccoulcibr,
s o n sa n d d a u i t h t e r s T . h e e v i d e n c ci s i n c o n c l u s i vlcn d . r v h i l ei t i s p o s s i b l ct h a r
. \ r ,r i i ' l r * . ' r c h r l L l l , .irt'i.s h t l l o r r c l r n . . ( n : r i r .
Althoughdte nantcsoI his wife. nrolhcr.nunrerousbrolhcrsan(il!,v,,\istersof
s r s t c r si n , l a w s u r v i v ci n t h e t o m b o f K x ( T ' L 5 9 .C a s c3 5 ) t h c n t n t c so l - s o s o r
d a u s h t c rds o n o t . I l o w c v c r ,i t i s p o s s i b l e t l t a tt h c p r i e s tw h o o l l e r st o K r r a n dh i s
q iii couklhavcbeena son-
._ cvidcnccibr childlcssness in rlre tornb of ,t:l^ ('l-I'.95.a'rsc 6l ) is also
i n c o n c l u s i v cA . l t h o u g hn o s o n so r c i a u g h l c rasr c n a t n c d \. o l i l l l c s u f v i v c so l l h c
lomb decorationthal it would bc unw,isclo dfx$ an\ i fercnccs.Mcn. rcpr!,scntcd
in tu o sccnesoffcringto the tomb owner.coukl wcll lt suns.
dccorationof rhe romb ol I.lLl -r-n|.fi (]-l'.6.1.Cascll2) is (lcvote(lro llrc
pofirayalof thc relationshipol rhc tomb o\\'nerand his lathcr to thc llo,v-al lrrnrily.
Thcl' were bolh tutorsof royal sons. Evcnthe wili ol I,lLl r-nhlt is nol rcptcseolcd
i n r v h a ts u r v i v c so f t h c d c i o r a t i o ns. h c i s r e p r c s c n t ei rl li ; , o n t h i c k n c s s cosi t h c
cnlfy. lt is ot surprising.lhcrcforc.tltat no soltsor daughlcrsiire rcfrrsclttcdin
thc sun iving scenes.I lowevcr.sor)tc\\:tlls lrc blank.lhc sccncshevinl c(xlplrrcly
drsappcarcd and it is possiblelhal llrcy $ere rcprescnted on rhcscwalls.
cviclcncclirr childlcssness is in nlostcasesinconclusivc.Ite orrrvcxanrprc
niich coulii possiblyslanciu1tto closeexantinatioD is thalol Clasc7. Ilrrwcver.rrvcr
s u c ha l o n g p c r i o col f t i m e . l h c r e m u s t h a v eb c c n c a s c \o l c o L r p l ews h o c i i dn o l
p r o d u c ei s s u ca n d i n w t i c h t h e h u s b a n dd i d n o t p u t h i s w i l c a s i d ci n l l r , o u r . o l '
a n o l l l c r . C a r d i n e r( 1 9 ' 1 0 . 2 32 9 ) m e n l i o n sa c x s c .r l l h c e n d o l - t h c l w c n t i e l h
Dvnastv.ol-achildlcsscouplcwhosehusbanci aclopts hjs rl,ilcas lt daLlghlc. lo elsure
that shewill inheril his propeny. Shc in tum, aftcr his dcalh.iidoplcdlhreechil(lrcn
of a ienlalcshvc thatsheandhcr husbrndhad boulht. I hcsechildrcnhatlcvidcntlv
Lrccnthc childrcnol hcr husbandand the tlavc andhrd bcenbroughtuy'hr rh..u itc
as hcr own children. Shc adopteclthem to en\ure thcir lcgill right to their lilthcr's
pfopclt! afterher(lcath. Thii is lur cxantpleol-a rnanwhose*,il'ecliclnot bcar-hint
an).childrcn.but who had childfcnby onc o1thc womcnof his housrrholcl. rvhonrhc

did not rnakehis seconcl


parcntsof the tonrbo\vner,as lhc most importantcleitcnt ol.the
llmily. ucre ircquentlyrepresentcd in his tomb. Bolh parcnlswere rcprescnted tn
n l r ) - r u o k , n t b sr t ) d t h e n t , , r h e ar l o n ci n a l u f l h c r e l e v c n . A l l o w i n g t b r b a d l y
damagcdrombsin which the sccnesdcpictinglhe parentsnright have becn lost.
woLrldappearthat thc tomb owncrexprcssed his lovi for his piicnts by reprcser)ling
lhcm in his romb,as rheyhadprobablydcpicledhin) in rhejrr.
As one rvouldexpcct,the l)?cs of sccnesin which tJrcparentsol-thetonlb owncr
wcre most frcquentlydcpictcdwerc thoscin *tich thcir sonoi.teredto lhcnr(Cases
l . I 9 . 2 1 . 2 2 , 2 4 . 2 8 , 3 2 - 3 1 . 3 l i , 5 , 1 , 6 0 . 6 l6l 9 . . 9 3 ) .a n db a n t l u esrc c n e(sC l s e s
6. I6.
13.2,1.30. 17. 68. 69). In somcof thc banqLrct sccncs.thcy wcrc reprcsenlcd anlons
thc guests.whilc in othcrsthcy $erc reprcscntcdin a p<isitiono1-honourrvilh thc
tonrborvncrand his wifc (Cascj7). or \ilh the lurb owneralone(Casesl(r
.lhc\ & 6g).
a s - t h c r e c i p i e n l so f o f f c r i n g s .f a c i n g r h c b J n L l u e t rlso recerved
offcrings from lhc children of thcrr iorr r(-rscs 2o,llrr, rlr) iurdirl one casethc
brother of thc tomb owner oflercd to thcir parcnts(Cases.16). .l.hey\r,crealso
rcprcscntecl with lhcir sonand his wilc inspcctingproduccr)f thL,csrale(Crse7) anrl
wilh their son inspectingthc funcrarv ccluipmcnt(Casc .1t). In Crsc E9
lqllowcd their son as he aclorcdOsiris. 'lhe parentsof the lomb ow,ncr*crc .Llso
rcpresentcd in thc statucgroupsin thc shrincsanciinncr roontsof somctontbs: wlth
thc tonrb o*ner and his wife (Cascs7. 2-5,31. .1.1). or with thc tonrb o\lncr atoor
( C a s c1s 1 .1 8 .3 3 ) .
As wcll as being represcntedas a couple.tlte lathcr anclrrolhcr werc Doll
represcntcd individuallywith their son.cspcciallyin thc shrincsat Gcbelcl Silsila.
u.lrcre.the tr,rnbuwner $J\ reprr-.:en1cd seatccl with his nrotltcror)thc nodh walland
h r ! l J t h e r ) nt h e\ t , u r hw i L l tl C c b c le l S i l s i l aS h r i n e1 5 .C a s cg , a n dS h r i n e 2 si & 12.
In two caseswherc no wifc was rcpresentcdil the lortrb.lhc torlo olvncrs
fatherand rDothervvcrcreprcscnted wilh him reparalcly(Casesl0 & 2/). In Casc
10 thcy werc represcnted with sr-r-nrnr on ihc pariclsofthe lalsc cloorsol his
t o m b a n db u r i a lc h a m b cw r h e r eo r i i i n . r r i lul \ . \ r t c $ o u l (hl l r c a c c r l r r r o . L nhi iendr .
U s u a l l yt h e p a r c n t ta s a c o u p l c\ \ e r c , , n l ) r c l t . e \ c n L co(nl L c o r l \ t . l c cl n l h c
tomb, as a gestureor lbmtality to dcnronstratethcir signilicanccin the llntilv
structure a n d ,t h e a f l c c t i o ror f s o n l i r r h i s p a r e n t sb, L r t o. C c a s i o n a l lal ,s. r. n I ' 1 . l 7
(Case66). the parcntsarc promincntin tircir son'sronrb -lhis is the i-irsr
Dl nastytomtrin rvhichthe parcntsof lhc tonrbowncrarc rcpresentctl as a corrpleon
tllc $alls of the nichc. The rclson ii)r this is uot inr'eciiatervobvious.bccarscor lhc
lack ol infirrmationaboutthe slltus of his parenls.Sincclijs lathcr is only rctcrrecl
t o a s ' l - J ' a n d n o t b y l n y o l h e rt i t l e s ,i t i s i n t p o s s i b l lco s a y w h c l h ! , r , \ . r r D
succccdcd hirn in his officc.

(a) IrA'IHER
Becauscit was generallyto his father thal a man lookcd for his posirionin
societyand in thc hierarchyof the militar--v. bureaucratic or priestlyprofcssions. ollc
would expecta sonto honourhis iathcr in his tomb,and so it is lhal. in sometombs,
the fath€rappcarsto be nrorepromilcnl lhan the nothcr (Casesl3. l7,20.'16,61).
Unfortunately,bccauseat this timc thc tomb owner gcncrallyreferredto his fathcr
as andhis narne,it is oftcn impossibleto lcll whetherhe succccdcd lo the litle
'lllc 1ohis fathcr'stitlc
and officc of his fatheror not. son seemsio havc succeeded
in elevenof the cascsin which the titlesof ihc falherareknou'n(Cascs6. 20. 22, 25.
33. 37, 48, 62, 72, 82 & E,1).
ln Case20, the vizicr li'sr succeedcd his llthcr, but was not succccded by any
ofhis sons. IIe vas tbllowcil in office eithcrby his brother.,$i-xlar. and thenhis
ncphcrv,Rl nrl r'. or elsedircctlyby his ncphcw, R!-rnr ,'. lire sonof Ayi-rt1rr.
In Casc22, Inn m'lIJt inhcritctl his father'stitlc but i heritedhis main titlc
from his father-in-law.
In Case,18, M n-fupr bote the sametitlc as his father.blrt in thc tomb of his
frther (Casc33) he bore a diflircnt tille, demonstrating that hc did not srLccccd to
his father'stitlc and office until aftcrihc dcathof his tathcr.
ln cascs*,herethe titlcs of lhc falherarc knorvnbul lhey difler fronl tlloseof
his tomb oB, might indicatelhatthe tomb owncr wasnot lhe eldcstsonand
so had not, inhcritcdhis father'sofficc, or that he had choscnto lirllow a clifltrent
calling from that ofhis fnthcr.e.g. CaseI whcre thc soo holds a morc frt\lr'llou\
tirlethaDhis fathcr;Case9 whercthc sonadvancedto be FIighI'ricstof Amun whiic
his fatherwasonly a Third Lcctor Priest;Casel2 wtere Nl) irn did not inhcrithis
father'stitlc of Stewardof the Lord of the l-ands,1ontentionjust a fcrv.
The fact thittthe falherwas rcicrrcclto only as andhis thc tomb
of his sort,clocsnot necessarily imply lhathe did not hold any somcscholars
allege.(Lansing& Hayes1937.16 & 18; Siive-Sdderln-rgh 1957.321
's-lir' 'dignitary of unkno*'rt rank' and
Faulkner (F. 209) translates as
G a r d i n c r( G S L - . E 1 7a)s ' d i g n i t a r y ' o r ' w o r t h yI' n . t h e O l d K i n g d o n s - i b ' h a dt h e
m c a n i n gj u d g e ' ( 7 j v i c 1 9 1 6 , 1 0 1D ; m r a n& G r a p o w1 9 2 6 - 3 1 . ' 1 2 1 ) .
An in-dcpthcxaminationol thc way in which the temr is uscdin the F-ighleenth
Dynastymight leadto a bettcrunderstanding of its meaningat tiris1ime. A numbcr
of interestingpointscnterge:
L When attributingfiliationto his lather.lhc torrrbowneroficn uscdthc fonn
'ir ' Ntme
z s-ib Name',andhc offcredto his fathcr.rvhorvas
'.1-i6' when it q,asused.rvasalwaysusedby a son ol his father.ncvcrby a
fathcr of his son i.e. ncver .r.1/.lNanre'.nor ol a nan referring to
3 . I t w a su s u a l l yu s e dq ' i t h o u o l t h e rt i t l c s( C a s e s3 , 7 . 1 0 . 1 3 , 1 6 . 1 7 . 1 9 c t c )
which has led somc schoiarsto concludelhrt a man is called ls an
honorary titlc whenhc ilasno othertitlc. '.t-lb' is
4. There arc, however. a number of casesrvhercthc designalion
f o l l o w e db y o t h e rt i t l e s( C l s c s9 . 2 2 ,1 8 . 7 1 . 9 2 )
5. Therearc two cascswhcretirefitthcris called s.ib' in his sons torllbbut has

-fhese titleson his own statues (Cascs33 & 3,1).
pointsmust leadto the conclusionthat ,sjb, in
the [,ighteenthDynasty
rvasnot an honorary title for a man who had no olher
litle_ AnotiiermeaniDgntuit
bc found for ir.
The argumentcould bc uscdthat when 's.ib' *.as used
beforea tirle it hasthe
nreaning 'senior'(F.209) and al some pcriods it might havc
had tiris nreanilg;
horvevcr,_three piecesol'evidcncewoulclsccm to dis-provcthis for
iLsuse tn rne
l:i8hreendr Dynarrl.;nd nrilht give a clueto the significinceofthe lcmr at
q: this timc.
r. Lase rn Ine tomb ot hrs son. /1pn, is callcd
[ry._,bt -]-nwn llmnl tt
/p/,.rx,l. While on his own staluche was callcd hnt 3_nw n 1tmn1
derunstfatingthat 's-16, was nor part of his titlc. 1-reclesilnarion,senior
third lector'doesnot ntakescnse.
2. Case,18:in the tomb of his son, I,lnx, nht is called ,$6
s.i,sw.ttm) r .tntrtJ
etc.(SelhcI 927, I l8 l.l6) rvhilein his dwn tomb (Case33) his trrtes
'.iJD'(ibid., '.i3b, do nor
include l l78-9) so doc511y1 indicarea seniorro1,atscriUc
in Lhiscase.
ll. Care 30: in his own Ior.trtt.IcLms IIx, m1 bearsa nunber
of titles. ir?r_r
pr I.tmtnlr elc. yet in the romboI iris s(rn Imn_m-ipt,
is referred rc as s-lb imjh.t, im!-r pr ,if,ili
flmt n1r etc. f f..f is thc vital
cl u e .
If rveacceptthat '.rJb'uscdalonewas.notuscdasa spccifictitle
suchas judgc,
or an honoraryepithet such ils ,dignitary' or ,csquire,,
tfran*" trl*t find some
nrexnilrgibr.rr. I believerh.itit,l a.ifu.,iruf .e",e.e,i.e
:,ther of a son to,
n r so c J oI i l t n e r!.l h r c hr \ w h y i t i s n e v c r u s c d o f t h e s o n b y h i s f a t h e r a n d n e v e r u s e d
rr) J nrJrit\ l.lrl r'l hl. oun titulary. At Ihij llmeit lrad
n n . i g n i l j ( 3 n c ca sr r i t l e .i l
\ \ J \ a l . ) m ro r J d ( r r e \ s . r m i l nr r )h i sJ e c e r s e ld, r t h c r .I n
f i e r i , n t e r ti n u h i c h i t u r s
usedin the romb, i.e. 'ir n s3b' tod 'it.f s3b', I do nor rhink
'the rlrui ii-r.qu,r", nuy
translationothcr than revcredone, or somethingsinlilar_ It lor" no .a,ot,nu
to a nran'ssocialstatus.
It is possiblerhartrrefather'stitlcs were not listcdin the to'b
of hrs son so as
not to detractfrom the distinctionofthe son. The tomb owncrmust
be seento be the
most imponantman in his own tomb.

(b) N{o]}tER
In some lonrbs,the role of the mother scens more imponantthan
thal ol the
wilc. - at times shecven seemsto take thc placcof the wif.e. The
tomb owneralso
iiequently altributesfiliation t. his mothei akrne. on thc basis
oi this evrocncc.
(r). a matnarchalsocietyin which thc motherwasthe heacl
ofthc farnilyancl
(ii) matrilinealdcscent.i.e.desccntthroughthe femaleline.
I hopeto showthatthis wasnot theclre in-theFighrccnrhD).n.{st,v, rlrhoughthc
royxl-marriagcs of ihis peritxlarc useda\ ln argumcnitor this t1,pe.,ltsocrcly.
pronrincnce of the motherin sometombswas clernonsirated by lhe nuntbcr
of tirncs she was rcprescnted.with her son, indcpendcntlyof thc,faihcr.
Ol thc
tombs examined,the motherwas reprcsenlcdwith her tontb owncr sol) tn

( C a s l : s6 . 9 . 1 0 . 1 I . I 7 . 1 2 . 2 7 . 3 1 . 1 8 . 3 9 . ' 1 6 .1 9 . 5 2 . 5 5 . 6 2 . 6 1 . 6 ' 1 .7 0 . 8 7 . 9 0 ) a n d
o n h c r o u , n i r l h r e e ( C - ' i l s c5s2 . 6 2 . 6 ( r ) . I n i i l t e c n o 1 - t h c c a s e s w h c r e s h e w a s
rclrcscntcd rvith hcr son. lhcy \!e'rc scatcd logcthcr beli)fc a tai-'lcof oflerings or
$cre th,.:rccipicnts ol olferinss l-ronl a soll or llrotl]cr ()1thc tonb owncr (Cascs 6'
1 0 . I l . 1 2 . .3 1 . 3 8 . 3 9 . . 1 ( r 5. 2 . 5 - 5 .6 2 . 6 1 . 6 - 1 7 . 0 . 9 0 1 I n o n e c a s c .t h e w i f e a n c ls o n
ol lh. t(Dlb owncr ollcred t o h i l a n ( lh i s r l l o t h c r( C l t s c ( ) ) a n di n C ' a s c s8 7 & 9 0 t h c
\\i1c urd anothcr rvomen oflcred lo thcnl. nlother possibl)' ioine(i hcr son
i n s p c c t i n gl r i b u t c f r o t t t N u b i a i C a s e l 7 ) l r t d r v a s r c p r c s e n l c r$i i t h h i m i n s p e c t i n g
l i r r i c r a r yl i t . : s ( C r s c 2 7 ) . I n C a s c l 7 s h c a c c o n r p l n i c d h c r s o n o n t h c A b l d o s
P i l g r i r n r t g ca n , : ii n ( ' a s c { r 3 . i n a u l t i t l u e s c c t l c .l h c t o l l l b o w n e r . l b l l o u c c i b l h i s
rrolhcr. oll.'rcd to Alnurr ilnd Attrctlhctlcpll
l n l h c t h r c c c r \ c s i D $ h i c h s h c \ \ a s r c p r c s c r l l e ($l i l l l o u l c i t h c r h L l s b l n do r s o n .
\hc $ ils dcpiclc(j 1\rice in banqucl sccncs irl x positio ol- horrour anlong the womcrl
(('ascs 52. (r(r)anLlin (lasc 62. lhc lolllb owncr al)d a ntltr' * lto trlighl be a brothcr.
irrc rcpfcscnlc'dbcli)fc the ntothcr \\ilh a loung prirtcc on hcr knee ln lhrcc cascs
(il. 2+, l2). lllc nrothcr $lts fcPrcscrllcd\\'ith thc lolnb or'"ncr and his wile iD a triflc
slallucg!-oupin thc irtrtcrrooln ol lhe lolnb.
Irithc cascs in u,hich both nlolhcrlLIrd lalher arc reprcscnlc'clin thc lonlb. on
s o n r co c c a : i o t i st h c n r o t h c r \ f r s n r l ) r cp r o n l i n c l l l t l l l n l h c I a t h e r ( ( l l l s e s ' 1 9 5
. 2.61.
( r 1 . 6 1 . 8 7 ) . I n l h r c c o l l h c s e c l l s e sl h c r e a s o nl i l r t l l i s i s o b v i o L t sl.h q m o t h c r e i t h e f
'llkrt 'ntntl 'lhe
b c i r r st h c l i l l e n . s x t ( C a s e5 l ) o r 5 \ \ ' t ' ( C a s c s6 2 . 6 1 ) . r c a s o nl o r
t l l c r n o l h c r\ p r o r n i n e n c ci r r l h c o l l l c r l h r c a c a s c si s o b s c u r c ' .l l c c a u s e ' o id l m i t ! e 1 o
thc sceD!'\or 1hc Llnlirti:hc(l\titte ol lhc lorrlb. i1 is possiblc tltat lhc llllhcr lDighl hilvc
ircn as prrl rincnt ii\ lhc ltrolher.
hr C'ltsc-19.tllc nrolhcr is only reprcsclitctlorlce itr *ltal sun'ives of thc scenes'
but this is a uniquc sccnc in \r'hich thc lonlb owller is rcprcscntcclslanding bcl*'een
h i s m o t h c r l t n r l h i s w i l l . N o t i t l e o l - l h c n l o l h c r s u r v i ! ! ' s a l l d i l i s p o s s i b l el i l a t l h e
llilhcr too rnighl havc bccrt rcprcscr)lcdin sonte'ol-lhe danll!.cd \ccncs.
C'lse (r-1:I (lisrigrcc wilh t)avics (19-1ii)wilh rcgrrd to the pronlincncc ofthc
motltcr in this lonlb l bclicvc thcrc is olli)' onc ccnain rcprcsclllillion ol the nlolllcr
rvith hcr torrtb o\\'ner son. lllhcr dot's not ltppcar to bc rcprcsentctl in the
s u r v i r , i n gs c c t t e s .l l o u c v c r . d a n l a ! c a n d u s L t r p l t i o tnt r a k . ' i t d i i l i c u l t l o d c t e r n t i r l c
$ h c t h c r t l r c l o n t b o \ \ n c r i n t c n d c r l o r c p l e s c n lh i s l i l l h c r o f l l ( 1 1 .
ln Cltsc 8? 1l)c nrolhcr *llr tcprcscnled r'"ith hcr srln in t\\o sccncs. \\hilc thc
l i l l l l c r w r \ n o t r c p r e s c l l l c do r n x l l l c d i n l l l l y o l l h c s t t ^ ' i ! i t l g s c c n c s J t i s p o s s i b l c
rhlrl hc nlighl hrtric hccn rcDrt\cnlcd or nltnted in dlltlitgcd sccnes l'bc mothcr ts
rot irs y,(rurincnt as tlle \\ilc irl thc tollll) c\ccpl lhal iti thc lwo sccncs-irtrlhiclt shc
, r l s r J p r c s c n t c t lr v i l h h c l s o n t h c w i l c p l i l l e ( l a s r . r b s i d i a rtyo l t " . ' l ' h r : r c a r c t l o
h c r l l p p c a r m c ci t t l h e s c s c c n c s
' r rnci st hl i g i o r t sl i t l c s l l l a c l t c ( l t o l l l c n l o l h c r l o e r p l a i n
ircr son but hcr tlressanrl j c * c l l c r l a r c v c r t r i c h i n ' - l i c a t i n gr l c r l l h l n t l
inqronarcc' in hcr o*r right. ltc'r son clcscribcclIliniscll-as {ifI lrlr'i 'l l l'ts\(t) '
Iluc,ulctl o e \\ho cltnre Ironl lhc l)odt of ll 1a\'ourr'dollc
It \\oul(l tppcrr lhat il lhc nlotllcr is nlore proniincni thlin lhe frllherin the
t o r l b . h c r p r c c n t i n e n c c l l r i r r i r t h c f a l h c r c e n p r o b a b l v b c l t t r i h r r l ' r ' ll o h c r
(li'l nol
p c r s o D i t tl l i s t i l 1 c t i o nl n t i p o s i t i o n l l c o u n l l o $ c v e r . ) l c r p r c s t i t i o u s l i l l e s

rcsultin her prominenceovcr the rvifc in lhcselontbs.

ltrcre arc onlv scvencasesin whicb thc n()ther $as rcprcscnte(l \ritlt hcr son
but no wtves !!cre reprcsenlcdin lhc survivingsccncs.()r in *ltich lhc ntolhcr\\a\
morc proninenrrhanrhc wife (Cases(r, i l. 27. lli, 39. 55. 70j.
In Clse 6. I belicvethe molhcrof Rrrl rl.asinrporrantLrecause il rvasljlrougl
h i s m o t l l e r ,t h c c h i e l o r l e g i r i m a t w
e i f e o 1 h i s l a t h e i ,r h r t h e i n h e r i l c dh i : ,r i t l c i r
C o v c r n o ro f E l K a b p r e s u m a b l yo n l h c d e a t ho f h i s c l c l e rb r o t h c f . l l l e r c w c r e
_othersonsby othcr women in the househol(1. irut his $,asthc legilinllrtc
chinr to the titic.
ln four casesit is possiblethat lhc tunrb orvners.rvho vucrerepres!,ntcd $ilh
. .
l h c i r m o t h c r si n t h e i rl o m b s .w c r eu n m a r r i c (dC a s c sI l . 2 7 ,J g . 7 0 ) .. l t r f c eo t t h c s c
r n c n( C a s e s1 1 . 2 1 , 7 0 )r v e r cm i l i t a r yn r e n . I n C . l s el l . L l a n t t g pc r c v e n t o s n cl l . ( r n
clctcnniningin which positionlhc tonrlro$ ncr rn,l his nr,,Lhclir.ic ruprcser)lco. DLrl
thc scenesin uhich the nxrtherw;rstlefrelcr!wcrc \uelcs lt \\ ltt(h onc !v(JUtrl expecl
to lind the wife. nother thercfirredid. to sonree}.rcnt.lirllill lhc rotc ol ir
surrogatewiie, as shecli<lalsoin (lase27. So lilrlc sun,iviesol lhc sccnc\in Casc
70 that it would be unwiseto draw definiteconclusions abitultltetDrritalstrlusol lhc
tonb owrer. Howevcr,althoughno represcntatiotls sul.rivcil1 lhc tvijc 0r chilclrcl].
thc mothcr_aodb_rother are representcdi thc tornb. As onc *.oulu !,xprcl lltc
represcntations of thc wifc and children lo be ntore nLlnterous tltan lhose ol.tltc
rnotherand brotherand thercli)remorc likcly lo survi\.r,dartragc. it is ltossiblcthtt
no rvife or childrenncre rcprcsenleci in lhc tonrb.
, Case38 is a problemlomb. Tltc owncrwasnol I ntililaryntiL ltul li fligh pricst
o f A m u n .N o r v i f e w a s r e p r c s c t t e d i n h i r l , r n r b s , u r r l c : s . . r s l ) l v r e r ( D . L r i e s d l ) a
1933)suggests, the smallfcrnalefiture reprcscnled thf!-etintesu.der a chalrwasa
'belittlcd 'llre
wife'. qucstionthat ariscsis whcthcrthc lcnralcrvho llll-ills thc role
ol surrogatewile in this tomb was lltc nrothcr or thc gftlndrnolher0l-lhc toorb
oulcr. Mrr-lipr r.-srD was theowncrof trvo tombs.irincjthcr ol rvhichis therc
mentionof wife or children. 'lhe probabilityis rhathc was unrDarric,j.lrven il the
lcnale companionof the lomb owncr wus his molhcr rirtherlhan his grandnrolhr,r.
shedid not supplanihis wife, but actedas thc sunosatervilc and consoriol her son.
There arc two cascsin which thc ntothcr was reprcsentcdwith hcr son bul.
althou-eh childrenwerc depicledin the lonb. thc rvifc docsnol apperrto havctlccn
rcpresentcd. Thescarepossiblccasesof wife cxclusion.
C a s e3 9 : T h i s i s a p r o b l e mc a s c s, i n c co p i n i o l sd i l l e r l t s1 0w h e l l t c ri l $ t s l l l c
nlothcr or thc wife who was rcprcsenlecl in lhis tontb. lhcrc sccrnsno \!a\ ol
resolvingthe problem. lf Poncr & Mossarc corre'ct. thcn lhis $,ilspr.oblhll .r c.,,c
of rvifeexclusion( cf. n.89).
Case-{-5:In most of thc scencs.the lolnb o\,,.ner was rcprcscntcd alo c. In lhc
only sceDein *hich hc was reprcscnteduith a lintalc iigurc, it u.a: his ntothcr.
Annorryrnous men.who ntight bc sonsor brothcrs,olcr to thc tolnb o!\ ncr. Irither
he was unmarriedor he was ntanied and his *ife uas cxcluclccl ir<tnrthe tontb. In
cithercasethe molherdocsnot seemto play thc rolc oi-a surrogaleuilr'.
evidencefronr the privatc tombs of the ljightccnth l)y:rastv does nol
supponthc contentionthat the inothcrwas ntorc imporlanttlliln the \\ ilc in hcr sons

household. A man's wife was the 'n6t-pr', thc seniorwonan in hls llousehold.
Wherc the mother was prominentin her son'stomb, there wcre altvavssoccific
rt'asons \ h) lhrswasso.
AlthoughRobins(1979,199)allegesthar,by rhe Ncw Kingdom,rhc cuslornof
addingthe filiation formula had largelydisappearcci, in the Eifhreenthl)vr1asty, al
least,there were numcrouscasesof thc tomb owner attributlnafiliatio; to 6oih
parents,(e.9.Cases9, 10, 11,24.26- -1,+ 'lherc
rnJ others). weri rlro a numbcrof
cascsof the tomb owner or membcrsot his family artributinsfilialion ro thcir
m o t h e r sa L o n e ( C a s e sl , 2 , i l , 6 , 3 8 . - l S . 5 1 ,b ] , 6 3 . 7 i 1 . l n l o u r - o l ' r h e scea s c s( 3 g .
51, 62, 63) the motherswere GreatRoyal Nurses.or. Case3ll. a fosrer
sisterof the king. ln Cases1 & 2, it was a matrerof rhi tombirrvner(Cascl) or his
father (Case2) having children by morc than one woman and lhus rhe nccd to
tomb ownerhimsclf in Casc2 wishcdto establishthathis mothcrwas Ihc legitimarc
wife of his father. In Casc .1, /.lr-ms and his fathcr attributcfiliation to their
mothers,not necessarily throughcuskrn but possiblyto establishtheir lcgitimacyin
the lamily structurc.The only occasionwhen filiation is attributedto thi motherin
Casc 6, it is the brotherof the tomb owner, who is called ,Sbt-lr2 tts n It:lt-nts.
/.fi-ms was also the mother of the tomb owner Rzni. This esiatlished Rnri's
relationshipto his elder brother,whom hc succeedcdas Govenrorof lll Kab. In
Cases39 & 74, the reasonsfor attributionof filiation to the mothersaloneis not
obvious;howcver,it is possiblethat the fathcrsof thcsemen had chiltirenbv other
_ !\ omcn.
In most of the caseswherefiliation wasattributedto the molhcr alone.rcasons
otherthan the necessityb establishmatrilinealdcscentin a matriarchalsocietvcan
be.found. Apafi from wishingto claim relationshipb a motherwith l pre\tigri)u\
litle, the maill purposeof att butingfiliation to his iathcr's'nbt-pr,wastoestablish
his positionin the family structure.It wasthe nameof his motherwhich inclicated a
man's.position in the family if there were children by secondar;,wives or
concubincs, cenainrightsmay haveaccrucdto him as his mother'ssorr.
Matrilincal desccnt,likc the matriarchalsocielv.had no sisnificancern thc
L i p l r t e e n tDhy n a . r y


As well as his own parents,the tomb owner sometimcsreprescDted the parents

of his wife in his tomb. Thereare four ccrtainoccunenccs(Cases22.2,1,7i& ll9)
andlive possibleoccurrenccs (Cascsl, ,12,60, 73 & 92).
It is not surprisingthat Im ,m-h3t (Casc22) reprcsented thc Darentsofhis
w i f e i n h i s t o m b ,s i n c ch e m a r r i e dh i s n i e c e .r h c r j a u g h t cor f h i s s i i t e r ,w h o h l d
probablynarried a cousin. The fathcrof his wife was,thus,his ta ter in-larv.his
brotlrer-in-lawand probablyhis cousin. Inn-m-h-lt inhcritedhis chief titlc fronr
his llther in-law. In thc scenein which /mr nr ldr oflers to the seniormembers
of his llnrily. while his parcnrsare called 'il and 'nwr.f. rheparenrsofhis wife

a r e n o l a ( \ o r d c da r r ) k i n . h i p r e m t : . l l e r l . , l h e ri . j u \ r r e f c r r . , tl o h 1 l r i r r r i l i c r . r l
t r l l c \a n d l r e rm o l l l e ri \ c a l l c d l l n L i n h !p r .
In thc.tombof P3 by (Casei+), tire parenrsof his wif-eand therrfamily are
rcpresentcdbefore /,3-hr1 and his wife. 'fhey arc called 'it.f n hnt.f and. itrtt.f
n fimt.f .
parents-in-lawsol !nw-n3 (Casc78) u,crc representccl on a retisrcr
underhisown parents.The lather-in-law,whosenameis missing,wascalled irts,
In Case89. onc of thc wivcs ut Allh,t\ m,r olferr fo l)cr pJrentswho were
probablyrelatedto him by blood. Iler ltther was probablyan unile of
The parents,have no kinship tcnns attrchedto thelr namjs merely the tilles of the
latheran<l 'lntf
for his wife (c.f. Crsc.22!{hcre flhcr irr h* urs probablyalso
cousinol the tomb owner). The wiie ollcnng Iu rhecoulle is called iJl.rr.
In Case I there are no kinship terms to provc thit the parcntsin_law wcre
represented in the tomb, but it is possiblcthat thc eldest,t,, of the tomb owncr rs
shownofiering b his mother'sparentson thc stela. They $,ereprobablyrelatedto
dretomb orvner his father-in-law waspossiblyalsohis uncle.
. Case 42 is unique in that it conr.rirrr the onll menrr,,nol 'ir? lo jndicarea
relationshipby marriage(c.f. notc 92). I believcthar in.f Grg,t-)wy and lqmt.f
Sn(.i)-hry wcre probablythc parentsof thc tomb owner,swife. Thii couplewere
represcnted in the banquetsccne.
. , In Case60 a coupleare rcpresentcd in the banquetsccne.1.hcyare called 'il,f
d'jd'mwt.f ,_but.werenot thc parentsof Sl-{i.'fhe extcndeduse ol the kinship
terms could indicarethat they were either thc grandparentsof Sr_n/r orhis
parcntsln-law. As they were reprcsentcd only in scencswith .!a dr anclhis rvile
5 n t . a J r . l l h . i n kt h c y u e r c p r o b r h l l t l r ep r r e i r t r( , t S , r / - x . , 1r n J p o " . i h l ) i J m i l i , i l
r e l t l l u l \ o l S l - n , & .i l h e a n J 5 a r - n J I w c r r c o u 5 is .
C a s e7 3 : A c c o r d i n gr o B r y a n1 t u x 5 .2 2 1r r i s p o s s i h l e l h i r r S r - r l / a n dh i s w i f t
were represenled in dre tomb of their son-in lrw. Kz ima. Horvever,d\ the mother
of Kn-imn's.\\ife,Mwt-Inl, wasprobably Srt-rlil, who was a 'txt(t nswr tne
trace of the title 'im._)l ' that Bryan rccogniscdon thc fragmcnt, was more likely to
indicateMnr,nrt herselfratherthanher mother. Istill b;lieve thatthe couprewas
probably Kn-ir?/l and Mwt-nv,- ratherthanhis parents-inlaw.
In Case.92it is impossibleto tell whetherthc couplescatedunderthe parentsof
. .
Nl3t were his grandparents or his parents-irr-law.'lhe kinship term ,it./' for the
man could mean grandfathcror father-in-lawin its cxtendcdsenscand thcre is no
otherevidenceto resolvethe problern.
From the evidencewe havc, even allowing for damageto the tombs and
uninscribedbanquetsccnes,il doesnot appearto havebccn custo,rr".yfor a man 1()
represent hjs parcnts-in-larv in his tomb. ln two of thc four certaincases.fhercwas
a family relationship with the in-lawsand in two of the livc possiblecases,a possiblc
family rclationship.It couldbe thc casethat a man on)y rcpresented the pa;cntsof
his wife in his tomb if they rvercrelatedto hin by bloorj.
As a man belongcdto the kiDshipgroupsof his fatherand mothcrbut not to that
of his wife, he was unlikely to inherit titles fronr his farher-inlaw. unlessthe
father-in-lawwas of the samekinshipgroup. Thereare rarc caseswhercthe tomb

o\lner appcarsto havesuccccded his fatherinlaw in oilice_

,, -Casc22: Imn inheritedhis chief titlc frorn his lnther-in-luw, lt:JL,ms
I.lmlw. Tlrc only known offspringof 1tlr-rl.i was his daughterg-iAr. the wile ol'
Inn-m-111t.lf he hadno sons,onc woulcicxpecthis rille lo go ro a brothcr,lo kccp il
*,ithin his fanrily kinship group. 'l'hcreis a couplc scatcilbehind thc parcntiof
/.ir-rrs, who are 'sn f ancl ', t.f trn' bur they \crc probably the iisrer ancl
brollrer-in-lawof l( 11.-ms. so pcrhapshc had no brother. li this uis the casc.there
wasno reasonll,hyhis officeshouldnot pasrto his son in-larv.who wasalsonor onlv
his brotherin law but, more intporlantly.iLlmostcerlainlv his cousin. .l.hcrctUrc
his officeandtitle wou)dnot havepasscdout of his kinshipgroup.
. .ln Case60, it is possiblethar Sa,rrf. mishr have inhc;itedrhc pricsrlytitlc of
his fatherin-law ( l), if so.he rosero grcrterhiighrs in rhc priesrhooj. Onihcorhcr
hand. he might alreaclyhave hcld thc hi{her ritlc and mirht havc marriecllire
daughterof his infcrior. If this man \\,arlhc farirerin-hw of }-rifr, hc might also
havcbcena blood relatiur_
Case73: K/l im, might have succeedecl his fathcr-in-lawSr-lri. If this rvas
thc case,it was probablybecauscSn nft had no son olclcnoughlo fill his ofiice.
There is no surviving evidcncethat 5l ry'i tnd Kn-inrt r,".creielateti by blood.
The fact rhat thc casesin which a tomb orvlcr inherits the ol'ficc of his
lnther in,law are so rare.only onc certaincasebeing recorclccl. anclin this cascthe
fiither-in-lawwas probablya relationby blood as will as by marria-re. provcslhal,
under ordinary circumstanccs,a man would nol inhcrit his of-ficl from his
l n t h c ri n - l a w .


_Asmcmb€rsofthe llunily with a very closerelrtionshipto thc tontbowrcr, onc

would expcct his brodrersto be represenleci in his tomb, at lcast in thc tilmily
bancluetscene. Unfortunatelythc banquctscenesare ofien uninscribcdand it i.s
inrpossibleto determincthe idcntity ol thc figurcs in lhcm. Ilowcvcr, rvhercrhc
nlmcs ol thc guestsdo sunive, brothers.and ollen thcir wives. are reprcscntcd
(Cases6. I l, 22, 2.1.15, .1,1, 61). hr rhesecascstheyplay passivcrolcs,but in Casc7
lhc brothcrof thc tomb owner has an activerole perfornringthe offering,with the
bancluet guertssearcdbehindhim. In TT.81 (Case7). ahhoughrhc tomb ownerwas
nurried. thcre wcrc no childrenrcprcscnted in the tornband his brothcrperlbnrcrJ
thc luneraryofleringsfor him andhi\ wite. It wa\ the clLstunfor the brotherof thc
lonrb o\\'1lerto perlbrm the lunc.arv ofltrings. if thc lonrb owncr had no sonsto
pcrlorm the oft'erings. bt'causehc was unnrarried(Cases10. I J). or if the marriagc
r i a sc h i l c l l c s( sC ' a s e7s. l 7 ) o r , p o s s i b l y i f u r o n l y s o n h adciJe da sx c h i l d( C a s c : 1 6 ) .
Brolhcrswere reprcsentecl occasionallv in othertypesof scenesin a few lombs,
u:,u.lll\Ihafc !\Jr J ra.l\onf,r therercfrr.:,L.nt.rtinn.
In lwo casesthcy weredcpictedin the fishingandfbwling sccncs(Casesl l and
l-1). In Case l1 the lomb o\vner was probably unmarriedand in Casc 14 it is
fossibledlatthe lontb owncrdid not haveanv sons.

ln Casc 23. the brothcr was rcpresentcd twicc, with thc tomb ewner and his
small son as they inspectedforeigncrsbrinring produceand with rhe lomb owncr
andhis wife as they inspcctedthedelivcrvof taies. Itmighi havebccnrhalhc wasir
closecollcagueof his brotherin his duticsor thc youth oi the sonmacicit neecsslry
lor the tomb owner to iDvolvchis brotherin his al'lairs.perhapshc lookeclafterhis
brothcr'sestatewhilc his brotherwasawayon campaignswirh ihe king.
In Case70. the brotheraccompanicd the tomb owner as hc offerJcjon braziers.
wife u,asusuallyrepreseoted in this scene.but thcrcis a possibilitythal rhctomb
o\!rer was unnarried,althoughthe damagedstatcof thc tomb makesthis ul]cenain.
ln Case87, threebrothen followcd the tomb owner whcn he appearedbefore
the king. reasonjn this cascis nol obvious.but could be rclatediothe nrothcr,s
positionr.i.ii ll-r the king.
inltrencethat can be drawnfronr this evidcnceis that whcn the brotherof
dre lorrb owncr playcdan activerolc in his tomb.hc was usuallyaclingthe pafi of a
son for thc tomb owner who had no sonor whoseson was too youngti pc*omr his
own duties. Keepingin mind that somcof the men describeclis,ra7 in the tomb
miqht bearotherrclationships to thetomb owirerwithin the extcndedmcaningof rhe
tcrn, thosetiratplayedan acliverole were n)oreJikclyto be true or lilll brothcrsof
the tomb owncr.

Uniike the brothersof the tomb owner,t!ho sometimes pla),edan activerolc nl
the lomb. thc sistersgenerallyplaycda passiverolc with ve11, feiv cxceplions.They
rverem rnly rcpresentcd in thc banquctscenes(Cascsj , 1l.20. ZZ.2+. 66) or clsi
below thc seatedfiguresof the tomb owrcr and his wife (Casell l), the tomb owner
iud his mother(Caseg) or the parcntsol thc tonb o$,ner(Case6). Inthreecasesir
is.pos,sible.thatLhesislerwas represenred in thc fishingand fowling scenc(Casesl l,
19.36) ,md in Case10,two sistcrsof thc tonrbowncr arc rcpresent-cd rvithhim at the
botton of the falsccloor. A womanclescribcd '.r?1.1'
as standsbehjndthe seatof the
tomb ou,nerand his wifc and is the recipicntwith thcm of offeringsfrorn a rJaughter
in Case68. Ona funenry cone she was describcdas 'lLnr.J'.so was probaily a
sccondwife. In Case28 a sistersquatsbehindtwo mcn who off'crto thc tomb o*rcr
and his rvile. In a uniquescene,the tomb owncr offersto his sislcrand her husband
(Case22). I lis sisterwasalsohis motherin law, which accountslirr the honourpaicl
h cr .
ln only two caresdoesthe sistcrplay an activc role il] hcr brotirer'stomb. ln
Case89 shcfollowsher brothcrandhcr parentsas they honourOsirisand in Clsc 69
a sistertlllcrs lo thc tomb owncrandhis wife.
In Casc[J7a woolan callcd 'snr' acconpanicsthe wife ol thc tomb orl,nerin
offering to him and his mothcr. She was possibly a mjnor wife or concublne.
rlthough,as it was the motherand her son rhey werc offeringto, it is alsopossible
that shewas tiretomb owner'ssister.
h is possiblethat,in sone of the forcgoingcases,thc wonrcnclcscribed 'vrr
as f'

were actuallyconcubines,or minor or secondwivcs of the tomb owner ratherthan

sisters. This is demonstratedin Casc 68, where a woman called 'sntf ' was
represerltcd standingbchind the chair of the tomb o*,ner and his wifc. She *as
identifiedas his sister,PM(6) &(l l), but the fonuitousdiscoveryof a furrerarycrxre
establishcs the fact that she was the wifc. 'hmt.f', of the tomb owncr. 'Snt.f in
this casc probably had the extendcdmeaningof sisterin law. polygamy is not
impJiedin this case. Shc probablybecamethe secondwife on the dcathof the lomb
owners tlrst wlle.
This misesthe questionof how nany otherwomencalled'rr/.1' and accepted
as sistcrs,were actuallysecondwivcs or possiblyconcubinesof the tomb,7
Unfofiunately this is the only caseaboutwhich one can be ccrtajn.neverthclessother
possiblecasesmustbe cxmined.
Casc 9: a squattingfigure of a woman describedas 'Jrr.,f is represcntcd in
front of the standingfiguresof thc sonsancldaughtersof thc tomb owncr. As one
would expect thc sons and daughtersto pt"cede thc si\tcr an(l as no brother is
representcd,althoughat least two brothersarc known, from other ls
possiblcdratthis womtn wasnot a sisterbut was a concubincor secondwifc of rhe
tomb owncr.
In two cases(19,36) a femalc figure describcdas 'u/./' is depicledin rhe
fishing(Case19) and fowling (Case36) scenesin positionsusuallyoccupiedby the
wife or daughter. lt is possiblethal thcy were secondwives or concubinesof the
tonb ownersconccmcd. In Case19, Pw-in r( had two wives,bul th( pronrinenl
.-femalc figure in thc fishing sceneis thar of a third worn|.l sn( .f) I(:h-[- .
In 1-1.82(Case22) the tomb owner rcpresentsthe lamjlv of the Vizicr Wrr
(Case20). Among them is includedu wonrrncrlled .rnr.fNJit-in tc.l.Cascl5). If
shc was the sisterof lVsr, shewould havebeena daughterof thc Vizier 'J-n rr1,.
l l o u e r c r s l r ei s r r o ti n r ' l u , l eudm o n gh i s d . r u g l r r ei r .r h i q f r n t i l ) g r , , u p r . , n , ,i ,
probablethat shewas not a sisterof lVsr. SItewas reprcscntedat tl.rccnd of a row of
squattingsonsanddaughters of lilsr andwaspossiblyI milrorwifc or coircubinc.
f a m i l y o f l m n - m - 1 3 t , t h e o w n c r o f ' l ' 1 ' . 8 2( C a s e2 2 ) , a l s o p o s e sa
problem. In the banquetscene(PM(12)ll) a woDran, snt.f nrt.f Ilmn1 m v,snr
m3ct-!rv, is representcd in front of thc k)mb owner'snvo claughters and thcy are
followed by a tumber ol womcrrcalled '.il]r.l'.The statusol thc first womannlusl
be diffcrcnt from those at thc reltr. L.ither shc took precedenceovcr the daughters
becauseshewas I nrinorwife or concubine,or sht:was a true sislcrand thoseat the
rearwere concubinesor sisters-in-laws. Shemight alsohavetakenprcccdcnce over
thc othersbecauseshc was represeltedas deceased.'lhe leading 'Jat./' rnJ rhc
daughtershave 'art.,f' addcdto their kinshiptcms, while rhe olher rvomencalled
have not. This would seen to infer a Iessclose rclationship,perhapsof
sislers-in-law,- the wives of thc men under whom tltey are seated,or concubines.
womencalled 'sJt.,f' wererepresentcd on a stelaat Gebclel Silsila,but not in
the'l'hebantomb. It is possiblethat they werc daughtcrsin law or elscdaughters of
Imn r',-lt3t by a woman or wonten otller than his wife.
ln Case28, a woman callcd '.v?/f' squalsbehindthe standingfigurcsof rwo
men who offer to the tomb owner and hiri wife. She miJththavc bcen a sisreror a

In Case69. a woman describedas'snt.f mrt.f ' ollcrs to the tomb owner and
Usually it was the son or daughterrvho pcrlbrmcd this offering. Sincethc tontb
ou'ner probably had sons and daughters,there is no rcasonwhv a sistershould
perlbmr thc offtring. Perhaps,thereforehcr statuswas that of a secondwifc or
In Case 87, two womcD ofTer bowls to the tontb owner and his mother.
Althoughhcr namc is missing,the leadingwomanwas almostcertainlyhis wife shc
was refcrrcdto as 'J/rl./iaDt pr' whilc thc \roman accompanyingher was callcd
She was possiblya minor wife or concubinc.but, as the wonrenare offering
to thc tomb owner and his mother,thc possibilitvthat it was actuallyhis sistcrwho
acconlpanicd his wife in the offeringcannotbc ignorcd.
The relationship '.1rt' is thc most confusingone in the EighreenthDynasty
tombsbccauseof the numberof dilfcrcntmcaningsattachcdto it. A'sar'couldbe
a sister,sister-in-law,aunt, cousin,niece.concubineor wife. Unlonunatclyit is
generallyimpossiblcto dctcrminewhich relationship is intended.

patemaland matemalgrandparcnts of thc tomb owncr were occasionally
represented in his tomb (Cases22, 2,1,38?,52. 66, E9l, 92?).
ln Casc 22, the patemaland matemal grandparcnts of thc tomb o\\,'nerwere
represenled,togetherwith thc paternalgrandparentsof his wile. 'lhe probablc
bloodrclationshipbctweenthe parentsof Imn m l.t3t$,ouldaccoult lbr both setsof
grandparcntsbcing representedin the tomb, alrd the blood rclationshipbetwecn
himself and his wife's parelts would accountlor her patcmal {randpilrentsbeing
In his tomb (Case24), P-i ,r1 represen{eda very cxtcndcd family. IIis
nalcmal grandparcnts and the sistersof his grandmother, as rvell as their children,
wcrc rcprescntcd.The emphasisseemsto be placedon the imponanceo[his mother
and hcr sidc of thc family. His patemallrandparcntswcrc not reprcsenied in his
tomb.dcspitethe presligiouspositionhis fatheroccupiedas a tutor to the sonsof lhe
king. As P-j-lr.] hcld the office of Govemor of El-Krb and his tomb was at
El-Kab,it was perhapsthe links of his mother'sfamily rviththe regionthat *'ere the
n r o r ci m p o f l : r ni tn f l u c n , c , ' nl r i . il i t e .
Case38 poscsa problcm. It is not ccrtainwhethcrthe couplcreprcscntcd twicc
in the tomb were his parentsor his matemaLgrandparents. If thev $ere his parents.
then the $'oman with whom he is representedthroughout the tomb was his
llrandmothcr,and his grandtathcr\\,asnot rcprcscnlcdin thc tomb. If the couple
were his matenralgrarldparents and the womal actirg as a surrogatewife was his
rnother,theirthey were represe.tedbecausethey were the parentsof his nother. a
GreatRoyal Nurse.
I n t h c t o m b o f R [ t - m i - r c , ( C a s e5 2 ) b o t h t h e p a t e m a l a n d m a t e r n a l

grandparents were rcpresented.His patemalgrandfatherwas the Vizier '-i rilw.

Ilis motler was a nswl' and sinceshe was inrportantin her oun riglrt.her
parentswere represented in the tomb of her son.
matemal grandparents of the tomb owner rverc rcprcscntcdin Casc66.
The granclmother offersa cup of winc to hcr husband,scatcdamongLhernaleguesls.
No titlesare attributedto his it is not possibleto infcr thathcr irnpurTJncc
contributedto the representation of hcr parcntsin the tomb of her son,althoughshe
doesoccupya positionolhonour in thebanquctsccnc.It is possiblcthatlhc palcmal
grandparents, too, ['ere rcprcscntcd in the tomb but their imagesno Ioncer:urrive.
Casc89 is a problen tomb,but howeverone interprctsthc sccrlcs.lhe palenral
grandparents of the tornbowncr wcrc probablyrepresenled in the lomb.
In Case92. a couplewho werepossiblythe patcrnalSrandparcnts of the tonrb
owncr were represented seatedbelow his parents.Both mcn wcrc callcd and
buth borc thc samctillc. One of the nlen was his fatherancithc othcrpossiblyhis
The grandparents of the tomb owner were not comnonly represenledin his
tomb. ln the f'ew certain caseswherc thcy arc, rcasonssuch as close blood
relationshipson both sidcs of thc family (Case 22) or the importanccof thc
grandparcntsin thc tomb owner'ssuccession to importantolficcs (Cascs2,1,52)
seemto.justifythcir inclusion in the tomb.


The kinship terms and namesof grandchildrcnrarcly sumve in the tombs.

nainly becauseof tbe uninscribedbanquct sccncs.this being u,hereone *ould
gcnerallyexpcctto find them represented with other relatives. llowcvcr thcrc are
occasionswhen they are rcprescntcdin othcr sccncsplaying a nrore ilctive rolc.
grudsons morc comnlonlythan granddaughters, becauseof thc greatcrvarjetvol
rolesthey played.
Two grandsonswere prominentin the tomb of It:f-rns al Hl Kab. (Case.1).
bccauscthey were responsible of thc lomb.
for the construction
Grandsonsjoined the childrcn of thc tomb ou,nerwhen thcy oilcrcd to hinr
nursing thc young prince (Case24) and joincd thc sonsof the tomb owncr who
accompanied their fatherashe inspcctcdthc workshopsof the templc(Casc7,1).
ln Case60, the grandsonof the tomb owncr.the sorlof his daughtcf,ollcrcd 10
his grandparents,$,hohad no sons. In this casehe playedtirepart of a sonoffering
to hls parents.
The smallnudefigurc of a grandsonslandsat the sidcol thc tomb owner'schair
(Case79). lle miglrthavcbccnrepresented asdeceascd.
A granddaughter of Pw-im-r c (Casel9) is aiso rcprcscnlcdin this position
andthe samccommentapplies.In thc banquclscelleofCase Ell,two granddaughters
were represented at lhe end of a row of wonten:one was the daughterof a sol and
thc otherof a daughter.
A nroreactiverole is playcd by fie granddaughters in lhe lomb of R['rni'r(:
2 tI

(Case52), where they arc rcpresented behind his sonsand claughtcrs. $'elcoming
him on his retum from acclaimingAmenhotcpII.
In general,unlcssthey were includcdamongthe guestsat thc banquel,or had
somespecialfunctionin the tomb. grandchildrenwere not rcprcsented in the tonlb
of their grandfather.
There arc vcry few caseswhere largc extendedfamilics were representecl
in the
tonlbs. |amilies which covereda numbcrof generation\,and thcir lateralrclations,
suchas aurts and unclesandticir children,wcrc represented in Cascs22, 2'1.52. In
each of thesccasesspecialfactorswere involved. Thcsc casescannotbc usedas
justifjcationfbr concludingthat thc Anci(]ntligyptianspractisedancestorworship
Thereis no evidencefor anccstorcullsas suchin thc casesexamincd.


It is obviousfrom the studyof thcsctonrbs.thal thc rcpresenlation of thc family

in the scencson the wallsof thc tomb can,by itscll,presentonly r supcrlicialpicturc
of the ramificationsof Lhestructureol tlte fanily in Ancicnt lrgypt in thc Eighteenih
Dynasty; sometines,howcvcr. by some happy acciclent,othcr cvidcrlceinay b,i
lound.suchas a staluc(Case22), a Stcla(Case.16). or a litncrarycone(Casc68). to
lill out the picturc. Without this cxtra evidencc. thc fact that thcsc thrcc toinb
ow-ncrs had more thanone wjfe would not havebeenkno$'n. How nlanvnlorc caset
o l ' n r u l t i p l er n a r r i a g em
s ightbe concealcd b y t h e l o s s o f c r u c i a ls u p p l c m c n t a r y
As well as bcing superficial,the representation ol the family in lhe tomb was
i d e a l i s t i c . A p a f t f r o n l a f e w r a r c c a s e s(. C a s c s1 3 . 4 9 & 6 0 ) o l d a g e w l s n o t
portraycd;the lomb owDcr and his wifc and even his parents\l'ere dcpicledas
etemallyyourtg,with no blcntishesor dist'igurements, in kccpingwith thc canonsot
ln the sameway. the lomb is t(nallydevoidof any positivecvidcnceof failurcin
thc Dcrsonalrelationships of thc tontbowner,ncgativecYidcnce.suchas thepossiblc
cxciusionof a wilt from the tomb, being all Lhatis available lt is vcry difficult
thereforeto judSethe incidcnceof divorccal this pcriod. F-vidcnce lbr divorccancl
divorcesettlcmcnlsis well documented for laterpcriods(Pestman1961.513-79) and
divorcesnlustsurelyhrvc occurredin the F-ighiecnth Dynastytoo The inciclcnce of
clivorcervasprobablylirlited by economicconsidcrllions.Divorcccould bc a very
expcnsivccxerciset'or a nlan lvllo rcputliatedhis $iie $'ithouljLrstcaLrsc.Sincea
divorcedrvorlan wls unlikely to bc rcpresentcd itt her ex-ltusband's tomb. lllereis
no way of determirlingwhetllcr,in tombs irt u'iricholtL,v- one wilc u'as replcscnled.
she *as the first ancionly wit'c of the tonlb orvncr' Sinrilarll. althou-rhthcre is
ampleeviclcncefor the secondand eventhird nrarriages of thc tonrbo\\'ncr,thercis
no rvry of tclling il thc uoman rcprcsented as his wifc hld beenmanied prcviousll'
's.l 'r-lt
It is possiblethat $llere childrenlvcrercllrred to as r' or s', this impliccl
that they wcrc.herchildrenby a previousnrarriiige,but I think it is nrorc likely to
indicatc that thcy were her childrcn by hcr husband.the tomb owncr. and tltat
rclatirg them to thcir mothcr dislinguishedthclr frorn orherchildrenof rhc lonrb
owner, in the household. 'lhe reprcsentatioll of only one wifc in the tomb could
conceala rnultiplemarriageand it is possiblcthal rnultiplenarriages werc rllore
\ ' , , r n m otnh . u t h ee v i d c n c oe I t l l ct o n r b ri r n f l i e d .
. In conlrastto thc 'feudally'based societyof the Middlc Kincdom,rhe lcodcncv
in the EightcenthDynasty was towards smallcr, independentsocial unit.. The
household c o n s i s t e db.a s i c a l l l ,o.l t h c n u c l e a tr r m i l l . A s r h e l r i r h r c c n l hD y n a s l y
progressed, therewas lessspccialization 'Ihe
of kinshiptenns. sirnplc,basickinship
terms were used morc and more. often in their extendcdsense.which causcs
confusionfbr scholars,but this,obviously,\\,asall that was conridcredrccessaryar
the timc. Ilowcver, the useof spccificlemts by contpoundingthe basictunDswrth
the additionof gcnitiveswas evidcncedal El-Kab (Case2,1),a Drovincrltcentrc.
Thc.tomb owner, PJ-ln, wished tt, cmpharizc the irnf,rrtlntlc lf his mother's
falitf b1 rcpresenting her relarivesin his romb,riving thim rhcir specilickinship
labels. Frankc(1983),whose thesison kinship tcrminologyis bascdon evidcnce
liomlhe Middle Kingdom,includesrhc rombof pj-try in liis exarrples(ibid..25).
Becausethe ideal family represenled in most tombsconsisredol the husband.
rvile and children, thc assumptionhas been that ntoootamy was the llorm.
Monogamyprobablydid dontinaterhe \rci.rl sccncfor cc,,nonricicrsons.but it was
not neccssarilymonogarnyas we think of it todav. There rvcrc problbly manv
._instances of deep,loving relationships bctweenman and rvife ar clcnionstratcci in thc
'lettcr of a man to his
dead wifc (Guilmot 1973).but thcrc t!.ercprobablyothcr
lurstanccs of mcn who had sexual relationswith thc rvomcnof their householcls.
especiallyin the wealthierclasscs.Somc of thescwomcl mighl bccorrreravourecr
mislrcsses or concubincs.Cardiner(|940,II 29) dt,cumenrs the clsc of a chilcllcss
couple,in which the husbanddid not repudiatchis wilc, bor the implicalionis thalhe
had three.children by one ofhis slaves.A loving marriagccxistedsictcby si<1c with
a n o n g o i n g r e l a t i o n s h i pw i t h a c o n c u b i n e ,p r c s u m a b l yI i ) r t h e p u r p o s eo f
p r o c r e a t i n gc h i l d r c n . 1 m [ - r a i - i r ( C a s e7 l ) i n h i s t c a c h i n I f o r h i s c h i ] d r c n
( G a r d i n c r1 9 1 0 , 9 2 )d e n i e dh a v i n gs c r . u . rkl n , r w l e d ! eo l r h e . c r r r n r g i r l s i n h i s
lather'shousehold.Sucha dcnialwas prcsunrablynecessilatecj by lhc facrthal rhis
was common practice. This practicc\tas also dcniedbv lhe man jn a le[er to his
dead wife. (Guilmot 1973; trans. Pcsrrn.rn.lqbl, _5-t) 'l'hc !\or(l used herc for
in the house'.with whonrhc had no intcrcourse,was '.rtt,_In the N,li.ldie
Kingdom Coffin Texts thc institutionof concubinagewas acceptcdas the norm.
concubinesbeing mentioncdlirur timcs as part of a man'st:rrnily in thc spell for
unitrnga man rvith his funily in rhc Afrer*orld (De Ituck 1935-47,Spell 1,16).The
rvord uscd here for concubincswas 'n1-rrnr'. a tcnn not uscclin the Eighteeolh
Dynastytombs, 'srrr' possiblvbeing usedinsrcad. It is possiblcthat conCubinage
was not as conlnon rn thc L,ighteenlhDynastyas it was in the houscholdsof thc
lords of the Middlc Kingdom,but, nevenhclcss, it was a factorlltat mustbe
consideredin the organization of thc family.
Whcn consideringthe incidenccofpolygamy we are faccdwith theproblemof
detenniningwhether multiple marriageswcrc scrial marriagcsor contcmporary
marriagesand with the evidcnceavailable,this is very difficult to do. In all the
casescotrsidered, therearc only two which appcarto bc probablecasesof polygamy
Cascs6 & 87. Polygamywasan expensive exerciseand tvasnot reallynecessary as
the masterof the householdhad accessto thc l'cmalcscrvantsor slavcs.Thereis no
doubtthat frequentlya householdconsistedof childrcnotherthanthoseof tlreman
and his lcgitimatewife. In Case6, Sbk htlt, the brotherof the tomb owncr Rrl?r
took more than one wife in a vain elfort to obtaina lcgitimatcnalc hcir to succccd
him. It woukl appcarthat polygamywas rarein Ancientllgypt but might havebeen
nlorc prcvclantthanthc cvideDcesuggests.
Despitethe relativeindcpendcncc of womcnin Ancientllgypt,societywasmale
dominatedand thc tomb was very much the man'slonb. No tombsof fcmalcsarc
known from this period. Althoughthe family wcrc rcprcsented in the tomb, while
the leisurepursuitsof the man were ponraycd,thc wif'c was ncvcr shoun seuing.
readinSor painting,thc sortsof occupations suitablefor a Iadyof leisure,the wiie oi
a rvcalthyand influentialman. Ilowever, there is evidencein the tombs for thc
litcracyof noblc womcn in the EighteeDth Dynasty. (Cases46. 73. 86: Bryan 1985.
20-22). Thc scribalkits depictedunderthe chairsof the wivesof theselomb owners
did not imply that they worked as scribes,but rathcr that thcy wcrc capablcof
writing, readingand paintingfor their own amuscment.Thc deity of writing wls
after all a goddess,Slf-ll. Howcvcr.thcy were nevershownin the perfomranceof
._ According to Davies (1925b,,1).cvcrl tllc bcst lovcclrviie had only indirect
participutionin the funeraryblessings:cvcn thou{h shc $,rs at hcr husband'sside.
boon r,,'asassuredto hirn pcrsonally". llowever, I believelhal lhc evidence
shows a greaterparticipationof the wife in the offerings than Davics rcalizcd.
arc, it is true, only two sun,ivingexampleof the funeraryoffcring clcdicatcd
spccificallyto the wife (CasesI & 92), but fiere are caseswhcrc thc oiicring was
madc to a man and rvife in the plural fomr 'r Li.1r' (Cases22, 38,49, 52. 92).
sevencaseswould not be sufficientto refute Davies.but in the majority of
tonrbslhe oflering is usuallyof thc form Ll n plus Titlcs and Nanlc of tomb
owncr. and l.ttttJlsntJ plus Titlcs and Name'. The fact that is usedin thc
singulardocs not inply that the of'feringappliesonly to rhc tomb owncr, as thc
singularform of was used also with a plural suffix pronoun.viz: ,(.i.1rr'.
Prcsumably.whcn his wife was reprcscnted \\'ith thc iomb owncr as co-rccipicntol-
thc funcrary offcrings, in mosl cascs,lhey wcre addressedto her;rs $ell as her
Allan (1977. 106) puts forrvardthc suggeslionthat lhe useof the lemrs
(sistcr)fbr rvifc and 'sa' (brothcr)for husbandin the New Kingdonr imitatcsthc
n a t u r a rl e l a t i o n s h iopf k i n s h i pi n t h c i n s t i t u t i o no f n l a r i a g e .I r r a n k e( 1 9 8 3 .3 1 0 )
'J/r' '.vrt'
wondersif the useof and lbr a spouseindicalesthat on mariagc a pcrson
'.vrl receives
entcrsa kinsmanlikcrclationshipand that a wrft rvho is callcd the
statusand rolc of a
This might havcbeenthe casetowardsthe end of thc EightccnthDynaslyandin
thc RaDresside I'eriod, but thc carly and middle IrighteenthD)'nast)'.thc period
exarnincdin this thcsis,wasvery much a triutsitional pcriodin the uscof lhesctcmts.
To the best of my knowledge, 'sri' for husbandoccursonly oncc in thc tombs
exanrined(Case88), in the unusualcxpressionof regardof the husbandfirr his r,,,it'c
This occurrcncewasat tltc end ol'thc periodundcrcxarnination when ,,rnl,had.lo a
largeextcnt,replaced '{rnrt' as thc renn Ibr wiii. It is possiblethar '.int' startcd
oul as a tclrrtspecifyingthe relationship of sistcr-in-lawor cousinbctwcenthe lornb
ownerand his wife - possiblyhis secondwife and thatwith customand usagc.this
tcnn came to have lhe connotationof 'sister-wifc',indicatinga deprhof fceling
transccndingthe physical. Pcrhapsthc use of '.rrt' for wil'c ilttroduccdll mora
romanticelementinto the relationshippossiblyat a time wtrcltthe love clcmcnt,as
opposedte purely socirl or politicalfactors.was being alloweda grcaterdegrccof
irrl'luencc over thc choiceof a partner. It cnuld bc lhal 'ltnt' rvitli its nore lirrnral
connolationsof 'woman' and 'wifc' (F.168-9) *,as thoushl ol'rs too \til'l rnd
lbmral for the loving rclationsh ip of I husbanci rnd \\'ii'car rhisperioci.Onthcothcr
hand,the use of '.!/r1' (sistcr) as a fonn of adclrcss of a ntln fbr his rvjli could
indicatea modcstyanda reluctance to strcssthephysici,Ll aspcctof the relationthipol
maniagc. In the love poetry (Lichtheim 1976. 182-93),the lcrms l/i' and 'rrt'.
translatcd 'brolher' 'sistcr',
tnd were uscdconsistcntlyin rcfcrringlo lllc loved
one beforemnrriageanddid not indicrtethe rclationshipol u husbancl and rvilt.
Childrcnwere clcarlyloved in AncientEgyptiar socicrya d this is reflectccj io
their rcpresentationin the tomb. 'lhc
chief rolc of thc sons was lo pcrlbmr thc
Iuncraruofferingsfor their parents.Thc texts nltnifest tllis f-celingof the parctrts
- lbr thcir childrenand tlre expectations
.- ofthe fathcrwith recardto liii cltilclren.Irr
Casc22, two offcringswishcsilluslratclhis:
(i) rr.t s.l n nl.rh|,tn:1lt
May you makeprotcctionlor your childrenforeverand cver (ScrhcI927.
10 6 4 .t 6 - 1 7 ) .
(ii'1 rn.k w3ft n r mswt.k4t
May your namcendurein the mouthof your childrcnforevel.
Unfortunatelybccauseof thc natureof thc cvidence,thcre is no inibmration
lrur the tombson the practiceof adoptionin lhc EighreenthDynasty.Thcrc canbe
no doubt thai it was practicedespcciallyby childlesscouplcs(Cardincr 19,10)io
Sincea man'sprope(y was generallydividedequallyarnonghis children,thc
daughtcrshaving thc sane rightsas the sons,it wai desirablcthat thc propcrtywas
kept in lhc farnill,'. was probablyachieveilby cousinnrarriagcs,rvirictrwcrc
probablymorc cominonthan the evidenccof the sinlplilicd kinshipsvstem.uould
The importanceof lhe ntother in hcr son's fanlil]' at the beginningof the
Eighteenlhf)ynastywas on thc politicalplanc ratherthan thc socialplanc. In the
royal lamily. the Quccn N{otherwas an importantfigure.but, in thc privatefamily.
thc motherof thc tomb owner cliclnot plav a promincnlrole in his tomb. Bcli)rcthe
r c i g n o f T u t h m o s i sI I I , e v e n t h c m o t h e r o f a n u n m a r r i c dn t a n d l o n o t s c e m
prominentin the tomb ofhcrson. Whatcvcrher positionin his houschold,shewls
not representcdas a surrogatcwife in the tomb of her bachclorson eally in lhe

dynasty. is no cvidencein rhc rombs of rhe Ei-qhreenrh Dvnasty tor a
m l l r i l r , h l l t c n d c n , .lyn r o n gt h e u p p c rr l a \ . c \ e r c n i f o n ec r r u l dp , , . t u l . r t e
rrlbr rhc
r o ) i r l i t t n r l ){ R e d l , ' r d1 q 6 7f.' 5 & t o j . n e i l h c r . r rteh e r cr n }
trounit\ rhi kirrgo r
that matrilincaldescentwas nore importantthan patrilinci I -dcscent in Egvplia;
societyat this time.
rcign of TuthmosisIII hcraldcda pcriod of changein thc stalusot women
in lhc tombs. ln the tombsofhis reign,rhe wumen.borh'rrlt
t o t a k ea m u c h n l o r ea c t i v er o l e i n r i l u r l u n d o c r i n g s r e n c"nJ \. Wrth no specific
tcxlual evidencc, it is difficult to account lor this irenci: il could
be that thc
importa^ncc of rhc royal womenar rhr begiming of rhc d_r-nastf, .,,inii,rutingiu rlr"
reign of Harshcpsu,finally filterd throughan<I" influer,."a rli .iriui-u, nou_n,y.,
\\'omen,or it could bc thal the almosl eontinuousmilttJr\ ciutrptisns
ot thc sole
r e i g no f T u t h m o s i sI I I n c c e s s i t a t eudo m c n ' sp l l y i n g n , o r " . , c i , u J - . u t " , u
af-fairs and this was rcflectcdin thcir role in the tomb. "
is no doubt that the rcprescntationof the iamily in the lombs tvas
intendedto shorva closeand loving rclationshpthat fonned tlie basis
ol the stable
socialorderwhich rvasa leatureof AncientEityptiancivilisation..lhe
wifc werc normallyporlrayedin a closeand Iovingembracc.position
V. in u,hich
the wile cmbracedhcr husband,who satin a morc firmralposc,in kccping
with his
in rhc tlDtily rr)d In society. I niorc relaxecjaltrtudc,
lrositi,'n the
lru\hJnrL clnbr:lte\thr u ifc irlso,rn an unusuallyloving pose(Cases.13,49, ll0, g6.
93). 'lhe
slrong family senseof the Ancic;r Eg),;;ans ivas rcllcctcd in the
representationof a man's tanrily in his tornb anii it transccncled
dealh in his
erprcsseddesircto bc reunitedwith his fanrily in thc Aftcrw-orltj(De Buck 1937,17.
Spclls l3l-J4(r). Thc Colfin Tcxt spcl|, irrci,t Mirl,lle Kinldom oriqin, bul rhere
no reasonto supposethat family bontl. wcre loosenedh1 ilerth in ile lrighteenrh


1. V a n d e r s l e y e(n1 9 1 1 , 2 2 6 , 2 2 8 ) . H e l c k ( 1 9 5 8 ,1 l E ' 9 ) d a t e sT r i - l ! t o t h c
beginningof thc EighteenthDynastybut in I Ielck ( 1975,522) hc is placcdin
lhe reign of Ahmose. Wcgncr (1933,100)rnistakenlyplacesthe tomb at thc
c n J o f t h el : i g h t e e r r D
t l r1 r r r . t l
'fhis 's3
2. is probably an cxamplcof the useof extendedkinshiptcms. and
' ' 'son'
bcing uscd to indicaterelationshipsothcr than those of ancl
'daughter'.Where a more or lcss cqual nunrberof'sons' and 'daughtcrsarc
rcpresented in rows, the rvomcnttlorv thc nler. il is possiblcthat tltis is an
altemativemcthod of rcprcsentingmarriedcottplcsin circuntstances rvherc
the men and womenarc scgrcgated in a socialgathcring. someof
the mcn mighl be sons in-larvand somc of tht' u,omendaughters-in-larv or
l. n a m c i s r e c o r d e db y L e g r r i n ( i n C a r n a v o n& C a n e r 1 9 1 2 .1 5 ) b u t
o m i t t c db y D a v i e s( 1 9 2 5 aP, L I V . l - 5n . 5 ) .
.1. 's.i-rswr'
The titlc doesnot meanthat 7)l-la was the son of the king as thc
nanlcsof his commonerparentsarc known. One of his sonsancllwo of iris
brothersalso hekl thc titlc. 77i-nr-rc.possibll'Irisbrothcrsincehis fLrnerary
statue \r,aslound togetherwith thosc o[ 7ri tr's parentsby Ncwberry
( I 912 ), eitherprecccdcdhinl or succeeded him rs (l ovcrnorof l'hebesbul did
n o 1a p p e l r t o h o l d t h e t i t l e s - J - r r . i u ,S . . i - r s ( l l e l c k 1 9 5 8 .5 2 1 ( 3 ) )w a s
t 'n
h3+^-cn niwt t-$l ancl s.J-rswtrnrr-r !-isrr rrl xY. Thc initrcrlccbcing lhat
thc Govcmorof wasalsorcsponsiblc for Nubiaat the bcginningol lhc
EighteerlhDynasty. I Iowcvcraftcr Sn.i r.! the ol]iccs sccn to split and the
'l'hebes 's.i
Govcmorof no longerborc thc title of as{'t' or the rcsponsibility
for Nubia. The usc of a s a l i n k w i t h t h c r u l c r b c c o l n c st h e
prerogaliveofthe Vicerov of Kush. king nti-qhthavc uscd thc litle to
bind thc Viccroy closer10the throneandensurchis lo]-ally.
5. Thc nurscof QucenAhmoseNefenrri (ibid., Pl. Il).
6. Not Pl.V as in Tylor & Critlith ( I 89-1.8. n.3).
1. lcll-nts, whosclifc spannedlhreereigns,probablylived to a ripc olclagc.
ii. l'hereis inilependent cvidcnccfor N/,il as wifc of Rrrtt lncl lbr r\y' li4r as
thc son ol Rnni. Nfr {rlp rvascmploycdas a "scriber'"horcckonswork "at
the templeof I Iatshepsut at Dcir cl Bahri. I Ie t\"as of the lvlal'orol
El-Kab,Reneny,andbornof the ladyof the houscl.\ehi'.(Wcote 198'1. '18-9).
9. I havedistinguishcd the father of Rrrni as Sbt l.ttpll tntLl lhc -qrandlalher (?)
of Rlri as ,SDt-litp/ to avoidconfusionirl lhe discussion.
L{). SceAppendixII for unmcndedgenealog}'.
11. S c c K a n a w a t i( 1 9 7 6 b ,1 4 9 6 0 ) a n d ( 1 9 7 7 . 1 2 39 ) f o r p o s s i b l cc a s c so l '
polygamyin thc Old Kingdomand Sinlpsorr( 197.1,1(X)-5)lbr a discussion of
poll'gamyin thc N'lidclle Kingdom.
12. 1dr would only takc precedence ovcr prcvittusrvivesif thcy prcdcceased her
or wcrc divorced or shc borc hin a son ancltllc1 clid nol or sllc borc hinl
childrenandthey did not. Shewasprobablyhis first u'ile.
13. T y l o r , d c s c r i b i n gP l . V l , j o i o s i n t h e f r x g n l c n tf r o m P I . X I V a n d r e a d s

"Renni,justified.who renewslifc, reveredlord, bom of the lady of the

Ahmose." (ibid.,9). 'lhis filiarior ro thc morheraloneis cluesiionable as rr
r' is usedon the fragmentratherlhln 'rn-r
n as elscu.heie. The frlgrnenr
doe-snot completelytill the gap. the missingpieceprobablybcarsthc name
ofthe fatlrer as rvcll, rcading ir n [luthcr's naue msd nht-it lch-ms.
1 . 1 . There are at lcasrtwo men scakrdhehinJ rhe wives in rhe badil damaged
banquet sccne (PM(5-6)), (ibid., Pl. VII). One of them. whoie narners
nrissirrg,is called !1nm(s).f,&e other is [!tnms] s3u,Ms. In thc funeral
procession(ibid., Pl. Xl), the man leading rhe processionin the Dlaceof
Ir',nourrrrfronl ol the daltghters and r.rife of Rrnr. ir llrrrJr ri, \Jrl i,
the temr [rriz.r,usuallytranslated'triend, is discur"scd ar lenrrh bv Matic
(1954, 62-66) who favours a degreeof kinship br mrniagi rarherthan
blood. Ihc useof thc temt in this tonb is not spccificenoughto distinguish
the two ncn as rclativesrather than friends. Flowevcrthe position thcy
occupybehindthe minor wivcs and closeto the sistersas well ai the position
Ms occupiesin the funeral procession,leadsto thc conclusionthat there
couldbc somedcgreeof kinshipinvolvedin the useof the term in the tomb.
t 5 . Sce the articleof AnthonySpalinger(Rdl- 1980.95-l l6) for the connccrion
b,et,yeen thc royal houseand the govcmorsol El-Kab in DynastyXIII ancl
XVII. It is possiblethatthcrewas a similarconnection at theLceinninsof the
EighteenthDynasty. The name Srt-try) io comm,)nin rhii ronrbcould
indicatesonreconncctionwith Dlnasty XUI.
1 6 . l hey probably rich and powerful cnough to supporta muhiplicity of
wivcs. Kanawati(1976b,159)scesthe possibleconnection bctweenpolygamy
and financialmeans.
1 7 . Amenemhct.high-priestof Amun in a teachingto his children,spokeof his
obedienceto his thlherin a sortof 'negativeconfession'.Amone the thingshe
did not do was 'n rh.i hmt n(t) pr.f n sd3m.i m-c wb31r.,f'. 'ikncw not thc
handmaidof his house,I lay not with his maidservant'. (Gardincr.I 910.Tafel
I, 92). The fact rhat he felt it nccessary to deny performingtheseactscould
indicafethattheymight havebeenconmon pracrrce.
t 8 . \ o t h c r J r u ! h l e r ': r r i n P M rI b l ) .
1 9 . Anenhotep[ - TuthmosisIII (Scthe1927,53-62).
t0. seemsto be no consensusof opinion with rcgardto the statusof women
k n o w na s ' ! i r l - l s x , / ' . E r m a n& G r a p o w( 1 9 2 63 1 , V . l l l , 4 0 1 , 6 ) d e f i n c c l
thc title as that of a womanwho appearsto havebebngedto thc royalharcm.
F a u l k n e (r 1 9 6 2 , 2 0 5 )t r a n s l a t etdh c t i r l er r ' K i n g ' s C t r n c u h i n e ' a nCr la r r j i n c r
{ l 0 7 l . . 5 R 7 ) i tK. i n g . ( ) r n J m e n. tl i l l eo l a r , , 1 . q
r lo n c u h r n e .
Nord (1970. l2), who confincdher argurnentanclcxamolesto the Olcrarru
Middle Kingdons, did not believe r-hatthe womcn were hrrmer harcrn
inmrtes. Hclck (1939.70)on the otherhand.believedthatthescu,omenwerc
lbund in thc royal harcm. Ile statcdthat thcy camc from a snall circle and
rvere prizcd more for their bcauty than their birth. Hc called thenr
and I agreewith Drenkhahn( 19'7 6, 6j ) tharthis would hc the besr
term 10use. lt docsnot neccssarilyimpJya sexualrelationshipwith thc king
as doesbut u,ouldcovcr all the womenaltachcdin somccap.r.irl

10the court.srLch as ladies-inwailingto thc quL'cnarldprincesscs. highest
ol-iicialsof thc statc such as vizien and thc higbcr ranks ot pricsthoocl and
niilitary lcadcrswcrc nunlbcredamongthcir husbancls, and thcir sonswere
e r l r u s l e dw i t h t h eh i g h e sol f f i c c so f s t a t c( l l e l c k I 9 3 9 . 7 0n o t e s8 1 0 ,& 7 1
n o t c sI 5 ) . 'l'hcbart
Of morc thiln twclty womcn with this lillc in the lonlbs,only livc
\\erc daughlcrs of the tomb owner. the daughtcrsof 5t1 /l/i ('1"1.96).
!!sr [lr (TT.-56),Mrra-l (TT.691.Nb-inrrr ('1f.90) and P.l in (TT.l39).
tllL'rcst\\'crc their wivcs artdmolhers. rcprcscntations of thc daughters
ol Mnn-l Nh-intn and 1'-J-irr in lhe tombsol thcir fathersadd significantly
'llLrt-nsvtt 'lhel
to the interprctalionol lhc lille are dcpictedwelrinr:
elaborategold crorv:r; (Wreszinki I 9l-5 . i. Pl.25a;Davies 1923b.Pls.XXI
& XXII. Nll\,14 .11.15) \'"hichelse*hcrc arc \\'orn by frincesscs(Brack
1980.'faf3 . ( r a& Q u i b c l l1 9 0 1 tc.h a i rN o . - 5 l l l l . P l s .X X X V I I I - X l - l l l ) . 1 1
is only the claughtcrsrvho bear the titlc,tltat $'ear lhc cro\\'ns. Wives anrl
Dlotherswilh the titlc \\,lloarc perhapsno longerpcrformingthcir lunclionr
'l'hc 'bacigc
at courl do not. crownsare a of officc'. Thesegirls alsoappcared
to bc especiallyhonourcdin thc tonrbsof thcir lathers.(cf. Cascs116,88 &
93).Thescdxughtcrsof nricldlc-rankolficials werc probrbly laken into the
royal harcrnas rttcndlnls anil companionsfor the king's claughlers.On thc
s i c l c so f t h c c h a i ro f S i t a m u n d. a u g h t eor f A m c n h o t L 'lpl l ( i b i d . .c h a i rN o .
5 11 1 1 )f o u r m a i d e n si n c r o \ ! n sr r c s l l o w n .n o l c o t t c u b i n cosi l h e k i n g .b u l
',/.!lrl-r.ttl'/, in lhe
lttcndarls of the princcss. Il is lcmpling 1()scc lhe
Llightccnthl) the lcrnalc equivalcnt of thc drl ri Lip.' Two ol the
'llrt rrrxl '.
sonsof P.l-ln (Casc93). whosedauglttcrworc lhe crown of a
'lnl '
bore lhe title of n Llp indicrting the closeconnectionof this family
with tllc court. Whateverhcr iunctioo at couri hcr intintacvwith thc rol'al
furily cnhancccl the honourand pfcstigcol-her family ancinladeher cligblc
for an advantagcousmarriate. Il is Ixrt incortceivable.of coursc,that a
bcautiflrlyoung girl arnongthc atlendantsol'lhe cluccnor princesses uould
'catch '
the eyc'of thc king anilthe tcm ltrt arxl u o u l d t h L ' rbl e c o n l c
\ ) ' , | | o n r o u$ \i l l r ' R , ,i )l l ( , , r l j l r b i r l \
l. is a reconstruction.Ilelck. probabJ.v follouing Sethe.alsoaltribute\rhis
t i t l c l o h e r ( l l e l c k1 9 5 3 , 5 2 . 1 H a sd u b i o u s .
) . o w c v e r i tm u s tb c l r e a t e d
22. 'lrr ' in somccascsis probablyuscdin its cxlcndedmcrning.
ll. is the earlicstmcntionol the tillc d\\'.lt ttlt nI /rln (Gilon. & l-eclant
1916.192) anLlthe onll occurrcoceof it in thc tsightecnthL)),naslypri\.Ltc
tombs. contnronpriestll titlcs lbr womenclulingthis period\vcrc irlrrrl
'|.ts\t was usuallv
]tt ltlui anC, nt H\\'t lr'. lhe titlc ol l\\'.lt tllt t lrlr'
held by qucensor princcsscs cspeciallf in thc ll)ircl InterlncdiatcI'erodancl
thc l \\'cltv filth ud sixth l)ynastics.
l-+ c . f . C i c b ccl l S i l s i l aS h r i n el 7 ( C a m i n o s1 9 6 1 .I ' l s . ' 1 6 . ' 1 7w)h c r cl h e s o n so l
(-l-rltll and li/sr arc rcprcscntcdslandinsin a ro* undcrthe sealecl iiglures
of thcir parents. lltcy face in thc sanrc clirection as their parents and arc
stritling. In both cascs,a row of daughlers.slxndinglecl logcther.Iacelhcm
I n T T . 1 0 0 t h c o f f s p r i n go I l ] t e s a m ct w o v i z i c r sa r c r c p t c s e n t ckdn c e l i n g

behindthe seatcdfi.curcsol their parcnls.sonson the top row ancldluqhters

on the boltom (Davies 1943,I'l.lX). In T1 . E2. lhe oflspring of lfrr arc
repreientedin onc row knccJingbeforethcir parcnts.lhe sonsin liont and thc
d a u g h t e r sb c h i n d ( D a v i e s& G a r d i n c r .1 9 1 5 .P l . l l l ) . 1 h c o l t r p r r n r n i
lnn-rn-l.t-it are represenledknccling in a row. \ons in lront ol daughters
(ibid., Pls.XVtll. XXI). In TT.lUl, the offsprinr of Rlj-ni rrr are dcpicrcd
standing,sonsstridingin the top row and the daughtersand grand-clauqhlcrs
standingfcet togetherin the bottonrrow (Davics 1943,l.XX. LXXI). They
a r c a l s o d c p i c t e dk n e e l i n gi n l w o r o w s , s o n sa b o v cd a u g h t c r sa s a r e t h q
offspringof his Iather N/r-wbr in the top regi\ler(ibid., Pl.X).
25. I hopc, by a systematicanalysisof thc usc of the iernrs 'rlrr.t,'.v?1./ k)
provc or disprovelhis statencnl. i.c. providc a more specificdatc litr the
i n t r o d u c t i oonf ' . ! / r r-' ' w i f i .
16. l-hetext on r potshcrdfronr the tomb ol' ,tr-r-//ir1,1is for a person*tosc
n a m c i s l o s t . w h o w a s " b o r n o f t h c h o u s c m i s t r e sIsl o k e l . . . b c s o t r c,n, 1
Ra-mosc". As Sr-r-nrx.?'snolher was IJ-lt-nJit tl\is nruslbe anothcrwili
or concubincif R(r-ms ancl Sn-n-mwt's llithcr are idenlical. 11is quitc
possiblethal Rrrnir had morc than one wile. .Sl rr rrrr is unlikcly to havc
rcprcscntcda secoDdwife ofhis fathcr'sin his tomb. Ir is possiblcthat s,.l
N6-rnr was his half-brother. In the burial of R.r-r and 1/-Jr,r?r1(PM I
Part ii, 669 70; Lansing& Haycs J937, I 2 3i1).thcrc arc two poor coffins
containingthrcc \\,omenand threechildrcn (ibid., 31). Coffin III co taincd
._ trvo young womenand two smallchildren,the tw,ochilcircnwrappcdto-qether
' with one of the women. Coffin IV containeda third $,omrn and an inlanl
child. Thcscwomcn wereprobablypan of Rr-m.i'stamily or houscholcl anrl
it is possiblethat they wcrc coucubincsor maidservanlsald thcir chlldren
bclongcdto R(r-rr.r.Someof the scarabswom by thcscu,omenwereof good
quality. Onc bore the nameand lille of tlatshcpsutas quccnand one,lhal of
her mother Ah nose, quccnol TuthmosisI; a caseof an heirioomscarabon
the fingerof one of the $,omcnin a poor cofiin.
27. Nd two women andthe cleceased as I'N'l(21)and Hcrmanrl(19,10.20)allege.
l\{y thanksto Dr Yvonne Harpur'for hcr painstakinllctTortsin checkingthis
ior me.
28. c.f. similar group of threestatucsin thc tomb of P-i-f,Ll nin ('l-1.3,13.Casc
18),who alsoappearsto bc unmarricd.
29. TTs.110,79,276.
3(1. S e eT T s .5 6 ,6 6 , 6 9 ,8 2 . 1 2 3 ,1 . 1 5 .
i L lhis is thc only tomb in rvhichthc latheraccompanies his tomb o*,rer sor on
the cntranccthickDcss.ln the tombs$4rerethe tomb orvneris accompanied by
anothermemberof his family (by his wife; l'l's 3.15.2,1.84. 91. 29. 7,1.etcl
b v h i s n o t h c r , 4 8 : b y h i s f a m i l y , 1 3 9 :b y h i s w i f c a n d d a u g h t c r . 6 9b: y h i s
wifc and son.63) thesepersonsfollorv hinr and arc o[cqual sizc, uith thc
'l'T. ,18,
cxceplion of children. ln the only case in which the nrother
accompanics hcr son on thc cntranccthickncss.shc standsbehindhim and is
probablyequalin size.(S:iveScjderbergh l9-57,l'jls.l-l & l. B).
This sceneis uDiqucin thrccrcspccts.

(l) The fatheraccompanies his son.

(2) He standsin l'ront of the tomb owner ratherthan bchind him.
(3) He is representedsmallcr tlan his son.
It is possiblethathis ligure wasplacedthcrcas an aftenhought, its positionirrg
dictating the size of the figurc. Howcvcr thc figure is carefully drawn even to
the wrinkles of age on the torso. As the inscriptionis damagedand partly
erased,one cannotdeterminewhetherit was addcdin latcr or not. althoughit
does seemto differ from thc hicrogllphs in the main inscription.
One would expectthe fatherto have beenequal in size to his son.
32 The nameof the owner of this tomb has beenerascdthrough-outthe tomb.
Howevcr it is probablethat the tomb owner is idenLicalwilh InDt-l:tt[)lhc
author of SehelGraffito No. 1,10(Habachi1957,92) c.f. Siive-Siiderbergh
( I 9 5 7 ,1 n o t e1 . )
t3. The nalne of the wifc of the krmb oq,'nerno longer survivesin lhe tomb, but is
presentin the SehelGraffito(Habachi1957,97tig.4 & PI.XVII A).
'.J-mIw '
.l-1. Becauseof the commonelement in their names,thereis probably
a blood relationshipbetwccn 1.,ii-m.rand his wife. Iler namecoulclindicatc
that sheis the daughterof c3-mlr, possiblyan uncleof 1.f-zrs. This could
make her his cousin. Perhapsanothcrcascof cross-cousinmarriage.
3-5. The wife of Icll-ms flw-mcy bcarsthe title only in the tornbsof hcr sons,
TTs. 29 & 96 and not in the tomb of her husband.
36. PM tentativcly date this tomb to the rcign of Tuthmosis III. Ilowever,
althoughno canouchessurvive in the tomb, there is lrequcnt usc of the fernrle
third pcrsonsingularsuffix-pronounon lhc grcatstclawhen rel'erringto the
r u l e r . ( S e t h e1 9 2 1 , 5 0 2 . 1 2 ,1 6 ; 5 0 3 . 1 . , 1 :5 0 5 . 1 : l ) . ' l ' h i s u g g e s t tsh a t t h e
constructionof thc tomb commencedduring the reign of Hatsllepsut cvcn if
Sn-m l'f alsoheld officc duringthe reignofTuthmosisIII.
31. (a) and (b) serveonly to distinguisheachof the two wivcs,it docsnot indicate
seniority in any way
38. This cxample is not quoted by Cem! (1954, 23 29) who comes to the
conclusionthat cosanguineous maniagesamongprivatcindividuaisalthough
possiblcwerc not common. He doesnot mentionany possiblecasesin the
EighteenthDynasty. Among the reasonswhy earlierEgyptologists (ibid.,2,1
n.1) acceptedbrother/sistermaniages as self-evident, was the tendency
which startedin the EighteenthDynasty, to use '.!n/.jf' sister'to
designate wife' (ibid., 24).
'l'he '.rnb'
19. common elemert ir their names seemsto adclweight to this
argument. Comparealso the caseof ltf-rri who probably married two
sisters,the daughters of lcl-ms s3 lb3n-3.(EI Kab tombs3 & 5).
.10. Sec Rcdford(1967,68-69)for thc significanccof thc lunarcult at thc cnd of
lhe Seventeenthand beginningof the EighteenthDynasty.
+1. Somc doubtexistsaboutthe datingof this tomb (Guksch1978,42 n.1,1.1 &
1.15). Porterand Moss (.110)assignit to thc early EighteenthDynastyand
Fakhry(19,17.38)datesit to the reignof Tuthnosislll. Latcr Guksch(1982,
199) conresto thc conclusionthat the tomb was decoratedlate in thc sole reign
of TuthmosisIII, betweenycar 44 and year49. Howeveritwould sccmthat

P-)l1k3-nn fBriJJ was in ofTiccduringthe rcign of lJatshepsut (Haycs1960.

34 3-5;Siivc-siiderbergh 1961,5,1). If this was tlle case,I think it unlikely
that he would delaythe construction ofhis tomb for so long. Guksch(1971i,
43) baseshis conclusionon nine criterja.all of which apply duringtllc reign
of Tuthmosis III. howcver five of thc ninc also apply during the period
Ilatshepsut-'l'uthmosisIII. statuesin the shrinehavc bc'crtignoredby
Guksch as a critcrion lor dating thc tomb. They arc so similar to the stiltucsin
thc tomb of Dw3.wy-nhh (TT.l25), that they must bc contemporary.
. 125is datcdto the reignof Hatshepsut.
,i2. The similar staiucgroupsare not thc only link betwcen Dw3.w1'-nhlttrrtd
Bnl-l A damagedstelafrom I 897, 28i Stewart1976.Pl.l5)
bclongs to !r grcat Steward Dw3u,-t -nl,th (altemative foml of',r-nl.ilt)
who has a father Bri-l and a mother Ms*.ti. I believe that this mall is
identicalwith the owner ofTT.125 (seeCasc 11). Ihe fact that his fatheris
called Bnl.l indicatesa furtherlink with the owncr ol this lomb. As l believe
Dn3.wy-ntth and BnLl ldv, n.f P3 lLLl-mn to be contemporaries and as
1?al-l (T'l'.343) does not appearto have a wif'c and son, thc two B/ll.J.! arc
probablynot identicalbut it is a possibilit),lhal cannotbc overlooked.The
problemof the nameof Dw'-J.w-t-r!l.r's morherhas beendealtwith in Case
,11. l n f i . s 2 . 1( 8 ) , 5 2( 6 ) , 5 6 ( 1 3 - 1 5 ) ,8 4 ( 1 6 ) , 9 2( 1 2 ) ,) 2 3 ( 7 ) .
1,1 Pn /nr-rrr rcfersto his fathcras s-lb Pwi-j on a statue(Kairo. 9l0. Sethc
1921, 522.6).
.15. Pw im r('s parcntswere s.i and mrcl \rrt I s)rt] antl L.lpwsnb's werc
!1ry-l,tbt 3-nw n lmn and &krt-rrwt.
+o. In the few earlier lombs whcrc the wife accrlmpanieshcr husbandin the
fishingand tbwling sceneshc standsbehindhim in Casc5 but squatsbctween
h i s l e g si n C a s e s7 & 1 ? . l n l a t e rt o m b s C , a s e s2 1 i , 3 2 3, 7 , 4 ' 1 , 4 84' 9 c l c .s h e
standsbehind her husband.
,1?. Although malesdo not wear anklets,the femalcsin this tomb do nol always
rr,,earanklets either. The figure is striding, which would secm to imply that il
was male,exceptthat the femalegrandchildwith the anklets(ibid.' PI LXIV)
is also striding. Possiblythc draughtsmcndrew two sirnilar figures for
symmetryand thcnput ankletson the one to indicatethc femalecharaclenstlc.
,18. PM ddtcs both tombs lo the rcign of Tuthmosis IIl. However in the
installationof l{Jr as co-vizicrin the earlicr tonb TT l 3l ' thc datc of the
installrtionis year5 of Tuthmosistll which equaisyear5 ol Halshepsut.
19. Nfr-htp was probablythe owner of TT.122
50. Someconfusionexistswith regardto the nameof the ownerof T1'.122.
PM(235) attributesthe tomb to lAmcn]-hotp while noting that Gardiner&
Weigall (1913) attributedil to Neferhotcp. Gardincr (l)avics & CrrJincr
1915,33) is unablcto solvethe problem.
Two facts that emergcare:

(l) thc owner bearsthe title imy-r \nc n [lnn].

(2) he is the brothcrof the vizier lVsr and thusthe sonof ihe vrzler
.-l -mtr.
of Wrr
A brother, the int!-r In(:n [lnn] Nlr knt'wn lrotn lhe tornh
(ibid., 33) and from the tonrh of R/.l-nri-r' ' TT ll)l).whcre he bearstne
,itlr..i) nt, ) ,i ,t /mn. The problemariics lrom thc re'tding')l the
c3 mlw's in Shrini 17 at Gebel e I Silsila (Caminos 1963' Pl 46).
ii,ii i,rn oi '.r
in",.fona mariin the file of
..j-mlw sonsis .!-l.jf illr),r in( tt [ -]-l.trp.
erased thrQughotlt lhe shrinc- the tendcncy
tsaa*r" tt" no-a of lmr hasbeen
read the name as llorveYcr' if this is thc casc' roolll
has becn to [lmn]'htp
t*o occurrencisol ihc name of /ntr' i e im1-r in( n
must be allowedfor'l'herc
clocs not ippcar ro be sutftcient,room for lhis
Jiin trnnl trtp. 'ry'i sign
Carelcsserasurcof the name01lhe god /'r' proh'rbl1cuusedthc- 'llre
namc oJ
;.Gt;; io ,tt" ,tu." Nfr'ltp rLtbe cratcd :tt the \JIr)e trme
Int\-'r !n( Nt'r]-t1tp who rvas lhe owner of
this son was, therelorc, [tmn
1 l. 122.
ot nrs
5l . Cf. n.48. As Ny' llrp was a brothcrof Wsr hc was a contemporarv
before thc publication of the tomb of /l&-'ri rrr.b-\'
- CorJin.. tfSril writing
Ou"i".t nr't943, tends t-o tbllow Newberry (1900) Ne*berry's accountoftbe
a m i l vo f R h - m l - r t ( i b i d . ,1 4 - l 6 l i s i n i l c c u r r l eH e s c p r r ' t t et'hi c t w o n t m e s
t-i mnr'' ^ i - rmakes
' n 6 -and '. him rrrtut\\'o trrel iLndconrplctellignoresthc
;;tgfi,;;: o t t h i r d s o n o l R ! - m i - r ' r h e c l a i m si s
"Amcnemhat,superlntendent of thc storchouseof r\mcn" llelck (1958'
,1358)aisonames im\'r ltntnlntnImn-m idr rvhosewil'e is-A'!-"lt 'asonc
.i tfr"'*t. i1 mi-r' justifyinghis attributiurwirh 1-l s l00 & 122 asthc
iource. "i cannot be ulci as euidenccas nowhere in the tonrb is
of the
ii" i nl, calledfie sonof R!-zi r' Dcrpircl curclulc\iuninalion
and scenes in Daries's puhlicatr'rn of Rll nri't.''' Iunrb (Davres
md thc
1943),no mentionof a sonof Rf1-nri rr ilh the nunret'f /
Rli'ni'r' h'td u st'n with this.titlc bLrthis
title imt'r It[ n Imn canbe fbu-n']
(ibid.' Pls XXXVlll, LXVII) There is no justificiiiionfor
;;;" ;"t Mrr'lmn
the claim that m'lylt was tlle son of Rr-'ri ri
'\rl/, lhis marris callc'l rnrr'J (Davies&
:f- iVrrif" ,f-t,rp is designaled
c r . i i n . . ' 1 d i 5 , 3 3 ) , r i t r i c h c o u t i n t e r n c o n p ' t t('l-trlr( t i u n S e cC l s e l 5 f o r a
dJ ,1r Li-r' to l.lowevcr'in thc
discussionofthe rclationshipof
inscriptiononih" ,"toii'i regi\rer of thc tnrilv before wsr
l i r l a s r | 4 r r n 1 , 1 J 1 i i r c a dh r . G a r d i n t r t s n n L t l M n l L
p r . "i
iitii.. ' ' l ' ! t p i ' l ' t r ' i i G : t r.dl 'itr r e r 'rsc a d i n gi s
i r , i . . f o r t . ' T h i s m i g h t t r a u "t i e n 'sr
''f isuscd
corrcct. lfthis idcntificationis correctihcn thc conventioiral
'-i-1pr LJ r'. However, he is not reprcsented rLnong thc sonsof rJ zirn.
It is pJssibletiat he was a half-brotheror cousinof Wsr'
will bc discussccl tn
S+ ftti'qr"ttion of nlorethanone wile is very complcxarxl
rhe was divorccd
in the tonb if she died very carly in the nrlrii'rge 'rr il
her husb'rnd had rrred Lrf hcr' Lrr bccituscol somc
bccituscshc uas barrcn.
disurace. 'r'lJ'
55 fl wherc onc of Sn-n lrif'.r two wivcs is refcrredto as

(possiblyindicatinga f:unily re)ationship ',int'

ratherthanthe lateruseof as
form 'ftmr'). 's/lt
an altemative of Shc is callcd /' throughoutthe tomb,
exceptfi)r the innerroom wheresheis 'hnrt snt.f
56. Davies(1915.6) claims /nr-m-r,sfil is absenrfrom the Gebelel Silsilastcla,
but this is rot so. Griffiths (1889,97) namcsthc sonsof /mr-rz-ft.1/on the
secondrcgister. Among them is a s3tJ Imnl-m ir..ifrl,u4richis probablya
mistakefor lhere is no other evidencelbr a daughlerol this namc
and no rcasonwhy a prcviouslyunknown daughtershouldbe represented
amongthe sons.
57. Wheretrue sonsand daughtersare represented. they are depictedseparately,
the sonsfirst and thenthe daughters(ibid., Pls.XVIII & XXI). The iact that
this couplc arc scrtcd togcthcrin PositionV nusl indicalc that thcy rrc a
married couple. The samecommentappliesto the '.ir.,f Jlr.,f ' couples
(ibid., Pls. V & Vl c.f. Pls. XV & XVI). Comparealso Case9. n.2.1.'lhc
'-d 'rr,f-rlr/./'
rlesigrations f-.lJL,f' and indicatetheir relationships to the
tomb orvncrand not to eachothcr.Ccrny (195.1,2tt)is incorrcctin the belicf
'.r/r/f 'his ,,r'ife' 'his 'Slt'
that in this casemeans and possibJy sistcr'. was
not usedin this tonlb for
58. Iwl andI\r|--nfrt are both unusualnames(RPN 16.13;16.16). \!hich could
indicatethe closerelationship of motherand daughter.The only reference of
Rankcto a'1n.],' is rc thc il, -rft 2l,tu'!)^ ddt n.s ltr\.possiblythc wifc of thc
H i g h P r i c s to f A m u n M r r , - n r n 1 l . ( L e g r a i n1 9 0 1 1 , 5 6 - 7i)n t h c r c i g n o f
Ahmose. Sheappearsto havebeenofroyalblood.
59. Nol Salweret(rjr-ll,rt ) as in Davics & Gardincr(191-5,l). ltLc thal
remainsabovethe name Ll-u,r, belongslo 1d.l/r./,r, "called" andis nol part
of the nanle.
60. As well as the tillc irr)-rlr n I-i4, passcddown to him b)' his lathcr-in-law.
Inn-m-l,t3t also inhcritcdthc titlc ol hry-nrv, n 1,irr from thc prtcrnal
grandfatherof his wife.
61. In a similar scenein the tomb ol Px, lr? rrr (Case 19, PI\I(S9)l sc.2.).the
smallfcmaleligurc in thc samcpositiouis thc wile o1' Pu'int rc.
62. AlthoughPoncr& Mossgivc n vcry gcncraldarclirr P3-lrrr, it is possiblcto
be more specitic.His grandfather,It l ns s3 lh3n3.from the autobiography
jn his tomb (El Kab 5), was activeduringthe reignsof Ahmoseto Tuthmrrsi:
l, which would placehis grandsonin the reignsof Hatshcpsut andTuthmL':'j\
IIt more probablyin the reign of III as his rvife accompanics hinl
offering on brazjers(ibid.. Pl. VIII), a scenewhich docs not sccnlto occur
'lulhmosis ' l ' y l o r( 1 E 9 , 1 . 2 )
b e f o r et h e r e i g no f lll. d a t e st h c e x c c u t i o o
nf t h c
tomb to the beginningof the reignof TuthrnosisIIl.
63. Nb-inn hcld olTiccundcr TuthmosisII and TuthmosisIII accordingto his
autobiographical stela(Bouriant 1li1{7.96). It is possiblcthat the nrne of
TuthmosisII might have repircedthe expungcdnrmc of Hatshcpsut, who is
not mentiQned oDthe stcla.
64. This phraseis ambiguousand could inply thal his fatherthe wasbom
of a noble*oman.

65 This_title was-very uDusualin the Eighteenth Dynasty. Accortiing ro

Blackman(1918,148)ir was nor knowrroutsidelhe Old Kingdomexccpifor
archaisticinscriptionsof the XXVIth Dynasty. Shoner(19j0. 59) saysthlt
this is the first occurrenceof it in thc long intcrvening dvnasries,but
Sr-, nwl alsoborc this tirle on rhe coffin in his firsr lonb (Aelck, 195g.,174,
.177)and he wasprobablyearlierin date tharl Ich ms. In the Old Kingclorn
l h i s t i t l e q a r h e l db 1 p e r s o n s . ,l th e h i g h e . lr a n k .r o m eo l $ h o n r $ c r c k r n l ] .
s o n s( S h o f l e rl.u i 0 . 5 q ) .
Feuchtin her rccentarticle (1985, 3ll-48) concludesthar vouns mcn of all
ranks could bclong ro drc insrirutionol 'lyrJt n Llp' Tlil prihrhll Iivcrl
and werc educatedwithin ftc coufi and retainedthc title whcn dtey grcw up.
61. In Case7 whcrefour statuesalsooccur in the shrinc.the tonb ownerandhis
wife are on the left andhis fathcrantlmotheron thc right as vicwed from the
6u. The inscriptionon thc leli thickness(LD iii. 9c) implies rhar'l'uthmosisI is
living. But as .r!.t/ is the form used it is pr,rhrblerhiLtrhe Drcnomenof
llatshepsut originally occupied the .orrouihc ancl urs rephcccj by the
prenomenof TuthmosisI afterthc deathof Hatshepsut.The caftoucheis not
part of the t\tle of Imn-htp. Illscrvherelhc prenomenof TuthmosisI in a
cartoucheis alwayspan of the ritlcof tnn-ftrp lnd would not hxveneedcdto
be altercd. I considerthat this tomb probably belongcdto lhe reign ol'
TuthmosisIIl. Supportingcvidencefor this is the appcarance of Imn-ntps
wile wirh him in the libarionsccneon lhc righr lhickness(pNI(l )). Thc wife
docsnot appearin suchscenestrfbre the rcign of TuthmosisIII. It is possible
that constructionof the tomb stanedin the reign of I Iatshcpsut.
69. It is actuallythe westwall in this shrine. lhis is rhe onl) ihrjne in *hich thc
entrancefacesnorth, in all the othcr shrinesthe entrancefacescast. I havc
kept the usualorienrarion as doesGriffirh ( 1889.100).
70. c.f. Casei 9. Pw-ira y' alsomanicd the daughterof his boss.
1t. PNl date the tomb to Early Dynast) Eightec-n, hur H rr, the brorhcrof Kn
was the scribe of th(] r'm_r, r inwt! Mn\r-nht in the years 3l 34 of Tuthmosis
III (PapyrusLouvre3326:Vircy 189Ic. 312),which places Kr iD rharrergr
1). T!: Io-b was partly usurpedby Mn-[lrnn] s-l nst|t lt]1\'?l accordingro
PM(37). while Mond ( 1905,75) allegesthat usurpedthe lomb oa rhe
royal son Mry-1l/Dri. I think Mry--intnwts probablythe usurper.
73. PM(37) suggcststhat thc figure offtring on br,rziersnrighi be lhxr of a
brother. If this was thc case,it would be tbe only occurrence of the brotherof
the dcceasedoffcring on braziersin his brother'sbmb. I tirink it hichlv
unlikely. Unfbrtunately,the inscriprionaboverhc figure is illegible,whi(ir
makesit impossibleto delerminewho thc figure is. I haveno doubtthat lt rs
the tomb owner W3!.
71. Not from the reign of TuthmosisI as Nlackayclaims (192,1.ill ). Mackav
givcs the exampleof TT.21 tbr the reign of TuthmosisI (ibjd., n.2). I rhini
this tomb is wrongly datedand actualLy bckrngsto the rcign of 'l'ulhmosisIII
sce Case31. Mackay docs not ntentionthe occupantsoi 'l'l'.20 as wearing
gaments of rippledcloth.
75. Scholarsseemto differ aboutthe identityof Ahmoselnhapi'shusband(Hrrris
& Wente, 1980. 124), horvever.she must have belongedto thc cnd of thc
SeventeenthDynasty or the beginningof the F-ighteenthDynasty.
76. c.f. CaseI ('l-l'.15)in which a sccncrcp.esents QueenAhrnose-Nefenary and
her nurse Ttl-lrnt who wasprobablyan ancestress of ?li',{r' (Davis,1925a,
'lhe 'Tti'
Pl. ll). element is alsopresentin the family ol Imn m h-lt. His
mothcrwas TLi-m-nlt. This could indicatesomeconnectionwith tirelamily
ol Tri'l], in which thc is very prominent.
77. femininelbrm of hm.f indicatcsthathc scncd underHatshepsut.
78. M will bc usedfor Mn-hpr-rc-snb throughoutthis case1o savc constant
repetitionof this longname.
79. T T s . 1 5 . 3 4 5 .3 9 . 1 2 2 . 8 2 e
. tc.
80. A variationfor the name ?-i-i"r/. (RPN 357.2425).
8l . l.acau1909.CG 34080.
82. He is rcprcscntcdin the obelisk ercctionscenefrom Deir el Bahri (Scthc
1927. 517).
83. V i r e y 1 8 9 1 b& V i r e y 1 8 8 7 .
81. M nu, and his wife (Virey 1887,30).
85. Mnw and his wifc (ibid.,32).
116. ComparePM(20) in fie tomb of Kr-lar (Davies 1930,Pl. LtA) whcrc.
althoughthe mothcr is namcd,it was probablythe wile who accompanied
.- (n-i.nn in the fishing scene. Aftcr thc titlcs and nrme of {l lmn follows his
filiation to his mother, ms n mnct vtrt ldL-ntr and threeerased columnsof
text. One of thesewould have been sufficientfor the name of his mothcr.
leavingtwo columnsfor the nane of his wiie. If the woman accontpanying
him in the sccncwts meantto be his mother,one would cxpccta labellingof
the figure as mwt.f mnct wrt etc., rather than an afTirmationof filiation.
Confirmation of this hypothesisis found elsewherein thc tomb where
$n-imn rs seatcdalonc whilc the inscriptionabovehin) ascribesfiliarionk)
his motherafterhis titlesandname(ibid..Pl. XXXV), as it doesin scene(20).
87. this dependson whcthcr thc wifc is inclucie<iin the lamily and rvhetherPl\{
derive this statementfrom inscriptiononly or from some evidcncc lbr a
female figure in the sceneitself.
illi. Only four otherEighteenthDynastytombshave four statuesin Lheirnicheor
chapcl(TT.21, 81, 318, 342). Howevcr,in only 1-t'.81is it cefilin that the
statucsarc thoscof the tomb owner,his wifc and parcnts. In TT.21 & 318,
the tomb owner and his wife are represcnted. it is the identity of the other
couple,whetherparentsor brotherand sister-in-law,which is in doubt. In
TT.342, althoughfour statuesare shown in the plan (P1\{400). they are not
mentionedin the dcscriptionof the scenesand so are uselessas sourcesof
89. A wife night have beenexcludedfrom the tonb of her husbandif shedied
very early in the marrige. is unlikcly to bt: the causein this cascas thc
couplehad a leasttwo sons. Divorce is a more likcly rcason. Either Mnr'
might havetired of his wifc andcasther off, or shemight havecommitteddre

. i r ru l a J u l r e r a y n J b e e nd i v , ' r c c d
Howcver Lt ls
9(]. Porter & Moss assignthe tomb Io the EightccnthDynasly '1T ^
possiblethrt Nb-trni uas the fathtr of P'l-sr orvnero1 367 \\'hoscNed
llr""fr"i"p fL Thts *ould placc \b-inrrr in thc early yearsof
( F a k h r v1 9 4 3 . 3 7 5 - 6 ) .
9 i . buui"r'tfqf:, +Zl suggests the reignofTuthmosisIII as thc datcoithe ronib
in Case
fr", ,i"ti, ,ft", ,tt*" ii"not much ev-idenccto go on c f plan of lomb
'11rvhichis very similar.
r)). l V a r A ( t S O g , 6 9 - ? 0 1. o r n . t t o t h e c o n c l u s i o nl h a t C r 8 l ' l r ' l i s t h c
b r o t h e r - i nl a w o f 7 r . l a s D a v i e s( 1 9 1 3 .4 2 & n ' 2 ) t c n t a t i v e l y 'his
t i s c h e r( 1 9 7 6 , 1 9o) n t h c o t h e r h a n d d t s r g r c c s\ \ ' i r hW a r d ' t n d l u r oun
f , , * i . t - i o t o * ' t o , t h e t r a n s l a t i o no t l u g r e e s i t h F i s c h c rt h r r l h e
i;;;;'pii"'r abovc the wifc reads tnr-f.S " i r a / 'lt fr4r rrther rhrn,l-tn.LI | 'i'11'
l,fr7. ii"tt. (1983. 149) also agrees *irh Fttilt"' 'tud concludcs th'LI
'falher-inlaw'in this case
9 1 . Not ft.i andhis wife as Ward (1969.69)allegcs'
Grcenlecs( I 923, I 3l ) datcsthc tomb to thc niddle of the Eightccnth
95. V i r c y l t t 8 6 , 3 2 - 4 6a n d V i r e y l l l 9 l a , 3 3 7 6 1
9 6 . M r s o e r o1 8 9 0 .1 2 0 - 1
rvill hc
9 1 . r r"i.i: rssi, t+rg.l t-lz. The rclationshipof ivsr lt-lr to 1Jmw-n<'&
discussed in the studyof his tonb ('1T56). 'lmtf
'snlrf ' rsrherthan ' as shc is on the Marscilie
9lJ. Snc is p.obaUtvcalled
lf el" o. Jr. iL-q3urc the use ,.1 .ial./ for wili wrrsmorc u irltsf rc:rdttr
the time of AmcnhotcpII and thcrew:ls 11!) neccssitl'to distingui'lther lrom
tllc Dr(,brblesecondu iic {/.1
of Br!an
i wistr to Ltranf Dr. Anthony Spalingerfor bringing thc article
(1985)to my attention.UnfortunatclyI rcceivcd it afler thc crsc studres wcre
completcd.I have,howcrer, incorpoiated referenccs to it whcrc applicablc'
100. C o n i n- r; ;rJetihi .c' .f ,a, t h c r :n f f l P ' r - r r / ' r ' f T t ' 7 i r t t d l m t t n t - l l l t. ' l T R 2 ' * l r ' ' l r e
'J;l n l r r IT ' l \ 7
t i r i e si n t h et ' - r n t bosl t l r c i rs r r n \ r' r n d V ' r'r']''
23) ancl Sll(t)-rry' (TT99) who arc irr lhcir
IGebcl el SilsilaShrine
sons'tonlbs bul have other titl(]s elsewhcre'
101 . Thcre is no eviclencefor two'rnr,f' rvivcsof the tomb o$ner' so thc cascwhcrea
sccondwifc might be called doesnol arisc
'hntJ in ritual sccnesand
1112. ifr*"-i" p"ii"- the wife bcing called
in scenesof everydaylife suchasbanquctscenct'or vlcc versa'
"" "f "srr'l
L 0 l . Owner of T'l'.87.
I 0-1. B o r c h a r d1t 9 11 3 6 ) ,i i . N o . 6 l 3
.fh. represenled
105. onlv ottt"t t,,.6 so far in which thc wifc is said to havc becn
r"A*'"ii o n w h i c-l}te h i h e t o m b o w n e r i s s e a t c d i s l'T l l2 of
-r' rah .r8 r' c,' incr'-lertcr ol the nrme' ol lhe l\\ o mLn i'
M n-hpt lCase
thc'mrll fr-nralc
l " , r i i " i " * H o * c r . , t h . r " i s n o i t l s c r i p t i o n carl i d c t l c ef o r
iio"iltlitt* ,ri. wife in either case so any eonclu'tt'nt nttrst he 'rroidctlutrtil
ali the clseJhave been considered.
'r'lb' inlplics thal a man hasno
1 0 6 . en againstthe allegationthat
specific"."u-"n, title notiven that of rI. c f. Case l0'

10?. o n l yi n T T . A l 0 . 8 l . 7 l & 3 6 5 ,1 1 .l l 0 , 1 2 7 . 6 79 9 , 8 ' 1c t a l .
'.ijb' + 'l-T.67.
titlcs. 39, 82.
108. The sccncis damagedand it is possiblcthat Inn-n-hh andhis wife areseated
in PositionXVI althoughunlikeJy,as in this posilionthe wife'sinnershoulclcr
is furthcr behind thc man'sshouldcr,which enroaches on hcr shoulderstrap
in this positionc.f. MMA't'.2590 urd 2592Reg.tll
I}t). I m n - m - h b i n h i s t o m b ( S e t h c1 9 2 7 ,E 9 1 . 1 1 a ) nd l3mw-ndh on a statuc.
C C G .N o . 5 9 1 9 0 ( H a y e s1 9 3 3 6, - 7 ) .
I 10. ln 1-1.85(Case,19)it is a son who oflcrs in lhis scencwhich occursin lhe
sarr,tc position on the samewall.
ll1. l f a s H e l c k ( 1 9 5 5 ,l 5 0 l ) a n dD a v i e s( 1 9 3 0 . 3 9 s) u n n i s c .K - ln ' l r ) " ' i b - s nw a s
a brotherof $n-imn (,T1.93\,thenhe was a contemporary of AmenhotcpIl.
ll2. Dunham ( 1 9 2 9 ,1 6 , 1 - 5 ) d i s c u s s
a es st a l u e t t(eB o s t o n
2 9 . 7 2 8o
) f amancalled
Nfr wbn in the dressof a vizier with thc titles tra-r-rrilt, lil-f eic lt is
possiblcthat this $'asthe fatherof R{i'ntl r'. Dunhamsuggests thatlle rnighl
lrirve occupied the vizierate for a short period bctwcen lt'.t/ irr.d R! ni rc
himself. If it was the casctha1Rb-mi-rt: succeeded his latheras vizicr' one
rvonclers u'hy N/r u'bn doesnotbearthe title of vizier in his son'stomb altd
why Rfu-mi-rcemphasizcs his reiationshipro c-]'mt-)r.]le attributesfiliation
lo ncl r ltn Nfr-wbn s3 int,t'r niwt '-l-n1w. (Davies 19'13.PI XXIV'
XL,(2)) but clsewhere rcfers lo i1f imJ-r nii'r !-lr-r c-l-'lln' (ibid.
PI.XVI.(2)) and to himself as sJ 1/a-t I ni\rt t-lDI r'-l-tr!w (ibid.' Pl.
'lt.f ' 'r-l '
. CXII,(3); Newbcrry 1900, Pl. XVIII). ' d c s c e n dand nlust havc the
1 ' a n c e s t o ra' n d a n t ' ' g r a n d f a t h c ra' n d
e x t e n d c dm e a n i n g o f o r
'grandson'.Davics(19,13,101) thinksit probablethat thc vizier Nfr-wbn of
the Bostonstatuewas the fathcr of Rr-l41-r' and that his title of vizicr u'as
suppresscd in thistombbecause hc wasappointcdby I Iatshcpsut.
I li. Ai rcstoredby Davies. Insufficienttraccsremainto bc certainof Lheposition
in which thcy \r'ereseatcdbut Davics assumccl that they wcre seatedin the
samc position as the couple above.
l1'1. Both nameshavc the plural breadsign GSL X1 & 2 in conlmon.which is
very unusual.
115. The figuresof 'J-nrlu' and his wife arc almoslintact'but tllc figuresof ll'sr
and hii wife havebccn almosttotally rcstoredby Davies,with iustificationI
think, to matchthoseof t-nly' and his wife (ibid . Pl.lX). Sufficienttraces
of B.lti and his wifc remain,cspeciallythe lefi alm o[ the wile to justify the
restorationof PositionV. and N/r-xbrr and his rvi[ehavcbcenalmosttotally
rcstoredto match.
I 16. ln the cascsalreadysludied,the only ccnain exampleofa sonofferingto lhe
parentsof his fatheris on thc Greroblc Stelaof ll'rr possiblyfronl his lomb
iCasc 20). Tllcre is a caseof a priest.possibLya son, offering lo lhe tonlb
owner and his parcnts(Cascl6) and of a man,possiblca son' offcriogto thc
romb ot'ncr, his wife and his parents(Case37). On thc otherh'n'l Iherearc
numerouscascsof tltc tonrborvneroffcringtohis parents.(Casesl,9. l9' 21'
22. 2,1.28. ctc.)
l17. B y V i r e y 1 8 9 8- 1 9 0 0 .

I 18. By Campbell1908.
119. This is ihe first occunenccof this epithet, applicd to drc offspring 01 a
commoner in the EighteenthDynasly thlt I have encountered. ll is not
applied to Mwt nfrt and this is thc only occasion it is applied to ,Vrt ir'-t''
Without more evidenceit is impossiblcto assesslhe implicationof ils useor
whetherit implies a differencein statushtwcen MA't'nfrt and Nfrt i). I
think it is unlikelyto imply that Afi'l-il} was a truc daughterof 'la tli and
Mn.t-rfil was not,bccauseof the positionoccupiedby Mwl rfil in lhe statuc
120. On a statuegroupof Sn'nJi and Srl-ai1 in thc BritishMr.rscunr No.lll (BN{
191170, Pt.viii, P l . V l l l ) t h e o n l y d a u g h t c rr e p r e s e n l e i
d s s3tf mrtI
N,ir lr-,.-on the right side of the scat The left side of thc ssatis nol nlcnlioned
possiblybecauseit is uninscribed or damaged.Pcrhapswhenthis statrcgroup
was carved, Nlit-iry was the only survivingdaughter' 'snt
l2l . I am nol entircly convincedthat thc epithet mn'(t) ,f/) r?/)lJwJ mcans
'sistcr 'fbstcr
of the royal nursc', rather than sister of the lord ol the two
lands'. (Bryan 19'79,111 23). Of the fbur examples quotcd by Bryan
((n-imn, Nbt-t3,Sn-n-mwt and M\rt nfrt) two of thcm had molherswho
w:creroyal nursesand therefore Kr-llr?, was a fostcr btother Md M\^'t-nlrt
a fostcrsister,of the king. Nbt-t-l waspossiblythe daughterof a royal nursc
(sccCase38). Thereis no uncquivocalcvidencethatany of lhesethrcchada
b r o t h c ro r s i s t c rw h o w a s a r o y a l t u t o r o r r o y a l n u r s c . S / l - , ] ' ' ? n 1 i s J
diflerentcasc. is no evidcncethat llis mothcrwas a royal nurscbut his
brothcr Sn.l-m, is known to hlvc beena royal 1utor. Howevcrit is peculiar
that Sr a-mttl shouldcall himsclf brotherof a royal tutor whcn he hirnsell'
was a royal tutor.
1 2 2 . R P N2 0 6 . 1 0 .
123. Porter and Moss (PM(8)) allege that Sr-r/r and his wife ^1" l?'lr are
included among the rclativeswho accompany Inn m-ipt. ho*cver' thc
inscriptionin the scencnames Sn fr ard s-lt.fsnt mntLn nb t3nt-mrt il s
[Mwt nfrt] m3c(t1'[trr+,. The rcferenccquotedby PM (Newberry1900'60)
ior the namc of Srlail could be ambiguousand might refer to tht: lomb 01
54 rt/t ratherthanthat of Imn-m'ipt. As no rcproductionof thc scenecxlsls'
it is impossibleto resolvethis problcm exccptto say that 'Sr-'fr and his
daughtcrwerepresentandpossiblySrrl-/LJ)wasas well-
1 2 , 1 . C a s i s l , 1 9 , 2 i ) . 2 1 , 2 2 , t 4 , 2 8 , 3 2 , 3 ' 7 , 6 0 , 6 6 , 9 3 a n d i n s t a n c ews h c r et h e
personoffering fie bouquetis missing and designated-lmanlor when thc
personoffering is a pricsi and could possiblybe thc lonrb owner 'r\ il Prie\t'
C a s c s3 5 , 3 t i , 4 2 ,5 ' 1 . 6 46, 9 .1 t 9 .
t j 5 . T T , . l 7 q ,2 J ,X 2 , . l q I. X .e l c .
1 2 6 . T ' I ' s . 3 ' 1 5 , 6110. 0 . 9 8 , 5 6 , 3 C 8 '4 ,C 6 .
ll7. Davics allegcs that thc mothcr accompaniesthe man becauseduring her
lifetine sheivasthe hcadofllcr son'shousehold llc seesno slightlo thewile
in this nor any proof in her non-existcnce. (Davies19'18'5) Aslhaveshown'
the motherniight not havc been nearly as proninent in the lomb as Davies
surmiscs.Thc positionofthc mothcrrvill bc studicdin Pt'll of thislhesrs'

l2tl. 'lhc scenesin T'l'.91are completelydiffererlt.

119. is no inscriptionalevidencefor Mu,t nfrt as a Royal Concubincas
designatedby PM(111). lt was hcr daughtcr Hnwt_nfrt who bore the ritlc
t-nsttt' (Helck 19.55,1478.20).
130. Itwas thc datghter I.lnwt-nfr1who acconlpaniedWsr-l.t3tandhiswifein
this scene,not the motheras Porterand Moss allege(ibid., 1.17g.13 20) cf.
scenein TT.69 wherethc daughtcrof Mrn-i alsoa ltrr,zswr accompalies
her parcntsin a ritual scene.
l 3 l . K c e s ( 1 9 5 3 ,l ? ) r c a d s W s 1 ' s t i r l c a s l I i g h p r i e s to f M o n r u .t _ o r do t . f h c b e s
and allegeshe is the son of Wsr leir.
132. K^ees (ibid.,S17)rhinks l.lnwr.nJirrhe\.\ifeot!11.wxs fic daughler
of llir. which if lVrr was the son of Wsr-lt3t as hc illeges. would make
her the grand-daughterof f-lr and lcss likely to be the wife of
I-lmv.nd| who was possiblya gcnerationolderthan W.rr
133. However if the lunerarycone with Mr,)l's namc on it ai 'farll ' hatl not
bccn found, it rvould have bcen assumedtlltl Mr"-\.I wis the sistero[
Dl1ut,t-4fr . Thereforcother caseswherc the 'sistcr'oi thc tomb owner is
depictedin an unusualor prominentpositionin the tomb will be rc_cxamincd
in detailin PartII of the thcsi..
1 3 . 1 . D a v i c s ( 1 9 2 5 b , 5 n . l ) i s i n c o r r c c ti n h i s a s s e r ( i o n
t h a t ' s c n e t ' w a sl a t e r
changedto it was the otherway around_
135. Assumingthat l-lmw-rfr was the falhcr of Su,-rn-nit,t,13-wrl as a srster
., of Sw-nt,nivt and a daughterof 1.izry,r/r should bc representcdtmong the
. sevcndaughterso( 13my:rt (Petrie 188E,pl.lx.24-5). Her nanlc rs nol
listed therc.unless 7.J-u,r/ was a secondnamc and shewas known by anothcr
i 36. Somepiccesoflunerary equipnenl found in the burial chamberof IJc bcar
the cartoucheof AmenhotepII somethat of TuthmosisIV and otherslhat of
AmenhotcpIII, indicatingthar he lived and excrcisedhis office duringrhese
rcigns. Howeverfrom rhe drcssof the figuresin thc chapel,it would appear
to havc bcen decoratedtowardsthe cnd of thc rcign of 'l-uthmosislV oi the
beginningof the reignof AmenhorcpIII.
137. Porterand Moss darelhis tomb to rhe llightccnrhDynasty,but ir mighr bc
possibleto obtaina closcrdaring. Helck (1958,-525(5)) tentarivelysurgesrs
the reign of Hatshepsut but this dateis too early. The dressof the rvomcnis
not the.simplcstraightdressof thc carly liighteenthDynlsry but tllc plealed
dressof tlre laler rcigns. lf, as l proposc, Krr lnt marrieclthc dauthterof
Sa-r/r (TT.96) thcn he would have held office latcr in the riign nt
AnrenhotepII or in rhe reign of 'lulhmosis IV probably as succcssorof
Sn nfr.
I -l8. I am gratificdto filrd thrt Bryan( 191i-5, 2 I ) rcachesthe sanlcconclusron.
lJ9. Sce Davies(1923b.'1) fi)r a discussionof dte mcaningof '.r-l-.r'and ii)r rhe
narneof lnrrr-litp-.d .i.
l-10. Charlcs (1960, 2-5)proposesa hypothericalgenealogyof rhe tamil)r of
Sbt l;t2. Among the sonsof Shk-hrp he lisrs Qlrx,lr', rvho might be thc tp\ I(:l;tDhwtt rvholeadsdre file of thrcc oflicials of the houschold

r\.ho might alsobe sonsof Sbt,l4r (MMA'l'.2775).

1,11. Probablythe owncr of Shrinc5 Cebel el Silsila (Selhe1927. 102?8). The
Thebantomb of Mnw is not known but a funeraryconc exists(Davies&
Nlacadam1957,No.499)so hc ntusthavebccnbLrried 'lllcbcs.
112. (l) Spicgelberg(1921i,115)allegesrharall rhrcc staruesbelongto Sbt &rp
of TT.63 and that his mothcr'sname was Mrrt an(l K-lpu, was thc
sccondnlune of Mr[j.
(2) Capan (1938,ll3-86)claimsrharrhe srarucsand the ronrbbclons10thc
sameman whoscmotherwas Mrrt and whoscttther was Mnv,-k-1pu.
( T h e n a m e K - i p u , i s g c n e r . r l l vc o n t p l c r e L$ li r h l h c d c . r g n a t i o no i a
d i vi n i t y ) .
(3) IIelck (1958.352) statcsrhar Sbt irp of TT.63 and Cairo SlarueI0.10
is not to bc identifiedwith Sbk,htpol thc Berlin and MarscilleStrrucs.
Ilut nevefthelesshe confuscsthe tornb owner'swi1'cwilh his molhcr.
ThereforeHelck'sgenealogyof the family is inconecl.
(,1) Charlcs(1960,25) in his hypothcricalgenealo{ydistinituishcs bctwcen
the two Slr,t!rp.r, suggestingthar Shk htp ol'rhc Bcrlin and Marscille
Statueswas the grandsonof Sbk htp of TT.63. his rnother Mrr.t
being the daughterof the tomb owner Sbt-lir|, namedafrcr her mother
Mrl, wifc of Sbk lyp. Charlesalso proposesthat K32n, nrighthavc
bccn a son of Shk-htp and that his daughtcrMr_r,lmarricdhcr brother
K.lpr,L,.Charies,erroneouslyallegesthat brothersislermtrriJge\ ucrc
frequentin noble familics when in fact they $erc vcry
will be shown in Pan lt of the thesis. Thcre is no evidcncc1()supporr
thc theorythat K.trrn was thc son ol Shk-htp ofT'L63. Whctherhe
was the son or son,in-law of Sbk-l|tp raisesthc problem of two
c o n t e m p ae s w h o a r e b o t h h 3 t y t : n i , P J - s r s o no f S b k - l . t t pa f i
K-3pw. PerhapsP.i-sr, thc only sonot Sbk-htp. died prematurclyand
the titlc passedto his brother,inlaw, thc husbandof his sister Mn,r.
(-5) Walle (1963,71) rclucranrlydistinguishesber$,ccnrhc two .ti(-rrl,i
but assumcsthatthe mothcrsof both werecallcd Mnt.
(6) Helck despitehis earlicr rr:ertion |.1958,159(R))rharlhc nurseof rhe
s-il-aswr@!), ,Mr_rlwas the ntotherof SDl /rr2. latcr considersher
the wife of Sbk-l|tp (.1982,25).
(7) Robins (1982, 55-6) Rightly disringuishcsberweenlhc rwo .SDtllrr.l
and their fathcrs.pointing out the completediscrcpancyin their lilles.
Sherccognises that Mrtl u'asthe wile of .!b,(-lr4r.nol his mothcr.
1 13. Howcver a contemporary and namesakcof Mrir,, the lt3tl'( nfnr Mnu, of
TT.109 had a son called Sbl-zs. I t s e e n r sc o - i n c i d c n t a rl h t t l \ r , o
contemporaries callcd Mxw shouldboth havesonswith thc'rir('elenrentin
thcir names. Sbt,nl.i was ltm n1rNt and did not appearlo havc any titles
connectinghim with the Fayyunt. Perhapsthc im)-r sd.iwl,1Man and
c 'wereconnectcdby blood and by marriagc,
l-)4 n l ny M n\r their wives
pcrhapssisters,originatingfrom the Fayyum.
ll-1. The menatheld by Mrl r (PM( I 3)ll) bearsthc prenomenof TurhnrosisIV

lJ5. H c l c k ( 1 9 5 8 ,3 5 2 ; 1 9 8 2 .2 5 ) ; K e e s( 1 9 5 3 .N 5 1 ) W a l l e ( 1 9 6 3 .8 , 1 ) . C a p a n
( 1918.ll5) whilc allcgin-rthat Mrt, was thc wife ol Mrru' . who cxcrcised
his oflice during lhc rcign of TuthnrosisIll. sccmsro imply thal lhe princcss
shenursedwasthc dilushterof TuthmosisIV.
l - + 6 . D a v i c s( 1 9 2 3 c ,J 3 3 )a n d N $ v b c r r y( 1 9 2 E . 8 28 3 ) a r r r i b u t tch i s t o m br o r h e
reign of AmcnhotcpIIL
1.17. According to PM(l) it is thc tomb owncr alone who is thc rccipicntof the
olfcrings,but l)avies(1961.l l) in her descriptiorlol lhc sccnemakesit clear
thathis wii'ewasalsorepresented in thc sccnc.
lJ8. IJr-n-ltb'.r life spanncdfour reigns but his tomb *'as probabJydecoralcd
during the reignof TLrthnrosis IV.
1.19. Brack ( I 980, 82) assurrcsthat bccauseIlr nr h.b tloesnot rncnrionhis flthcr
i n h i s t o m b t h a t h e w l r si l l e g i t r r n l t cr r n . .l ! r , ln o t , r r i g i n J t el r o n l a i a n t i l yo l
o l l i c i a l r a n k . I n t h i s a s s u n l p t i o nB, r a c k i g n o r e st h e m a s s i v ea r n o u n to l '
ilanrage1othc bmb (ibid..Taf.27)and thc possibilitvthfi l/r.-r?-/rr'.ifather
wasmcntioncdor rcpresented on one oI thc damagedwalls.
150. frt is describetlas 'htr M(j3)t ll-1st ' in l,lV(:l) (Davies l92lb. Pl.
XXVII)and M d . ] w lb i m n tI W . ] s t l' i n P M ( 6 ) l l( i b i d . .P I .X X I ) .
| 5l . ID thc tomb of n l,tb (Casc117). trvo women,one of vvhomwas his wiic
and the other possiblya wifc, offer to |.lr n l.tb a:rclhis mother (PM(2)).
Howcycr is only reprcscntccl with one wile in sceneslhroughoutthc
tonrb. ln other loolbs (Cascs17.19,& 60), lhe tootb o\,,ncris rcprescnrcd
, scparatclywith eachof his wivcs who are ncverrepresenled logelhcr.
l-52. I ftel that the fact thal Nbr-r-ly,,iancl lfrl are distinguishcdb1,dilfercnr
suflix pronounsmusthavesomesignificance.Nbt,t-lx_r'is .rJl-t' and *'hile
this only significsthat shc is Nb-lzn's daughtcras thc sulTixis masculincand
singular.I think it is meanl to cliffcrcntiatclx'tweenher and il'rr who is
and to indicatea differentrelationshipIo Nb-tm aDd .Sr-J/rb.rlr.I
realisc that 'ts Mwl nfrt is 's-lr/' this would tcnd to cairccl out the
d i s t i n c t i o nb, u t i t i s n o t n e c c s s a r iyn h c r c a s ea s h e r p o s i l i o nm a k e sh e r
'lhc ' '.r-ll-lr'
rclationshipto the coupleself evident. usc of or lor
Nrl-l.trr-f wou]d have nrade(he dislinctionnorc convincinli. Ilowevcr thc
l'actthat two daughtcrsoffer to the coupleand o:re is callecl '.r-t/.l and thc
other must signify a dilfcrenccin thcir rclationshipto Nb irrrr an(l
'r.lrl'., otherwisethev would both be called
153. On stylistic g r o u n d s . (
l l e g a z v& ' l ' o s i 1 9 8 32. 6 ) d a l el h c l o n r bt o t h cp c r i o do l
T u t h m o s i sI V a n d A m e n h o t e pI I I r v i t h p r e f e r e n c et o l h e e a r l i e rr e i g n .
althoughat the beginningof thc sectionon dating thcy lavourcd thc lalcr
r cr 8 n .
l-.:-1. Of the approximatelynineteenoccasionswhen the parenlsof lhe lonrbowncr
were the recipientsof ofteringsin their son'stomb. in iiliccn cascsil wirs
probably thcir son thc tomb owncr, who pcrfomrcd the olfcrin! (Cas!'s
1 , 1 7 , 1 9 . . 2 1 . 2 2 . c r ci n. )o. n t ' o r p o s s i b l y1 $ ' oc a s e si t w a sh i s s o n ,( C a s c s2 0 .
73?),in one casetwo of his daughters(Case20). anciin onc caschrs blothcr
(Case,16) but neverhis grandsonor grcrt-ncphcw.
1 5 5 . T h c r c i s a p r e c e d e n cIeb r l h i s . R , n i r ' c a l l e dh i r n s c l lt h c I ol his

grandfather, thc vizier (r.l-alx,.(seeCasc521.

156. l\4ariagc to a cross-cousinis preltrablc to mtrriage to a parallelcousin.
157. Porter& l\{osstcntativelydatethc tonib ro tltc'rcign o1 IV but thc
drcssanclhairstyleol lhc womcl depictedin the tonrbinrplv ln carlicrpcriocl.
I would datcit Do lalerthanthe rcign of ArncnhotcpII andperhtpsasearlyas
l h e r e i g no f I I I f b r a n u m b e ro f r c a s o n s .I n P N I ( 9 ) 1 l.h n n i p l
$'carsthe rippledganneoldcscrjbcdby \lackay (1924.,11)which i: nor worn
in lombs aftcr thc rcigDof Amcnholepll. N,lackav docsnot nrcntionT'f.276
as onc of the t(nnbsin which the gannentis wonl. Wcgner(1933,11.1)dates
t h i s t o i r b t o t h c r r a D s i t i o np c r i o d o f T u t h m o s i s I I I A m c n h o t c pI I
enumeralinglhe sccncsthat lcad him ro this conclusion.ln particularI think
lhc sccneoi hunting in a chariol strcngthcnsthc trquDtcntas it tendsto be
reprcscntcdin tombsonly during the reign ol"l'uthnrosis I and Ancnhotep
l l . ( T T s 2 1 , 8 4 . 1 2 3 , 3 4 2 . 5 6& , 1 2 7 6 ) . A l s o t h e n a m e o f l h e m o r h c r o fr h e
tomb owner, lt:Ehtp is c(nrmon in lhe first hrlf ol lhc lrightccntllDynasty
rathcrthrn the latterhalf.
158. tomb owner and his flthcr are also sealecltog!'lhcrin 'l-l's 71.151.20&
E.1(Cascs10.27 & .16).
1 5 9 . A l t h o u s hP o r t e r& N l o s so n l y d a t cl h i s r o n r hl o l h c I . - i r h l c c n l D h v n a s r ) i. t
shouldbc possibleto arriveat a nrorecxrct datc. Baud ( 1967,2'1)dalesil lo
the rcign of'l uthmosisIV on artisticgroundsu'hcrcasWeener( 1933.I I,1&
1,12d ) a t e si t t o t h e t r a n s i l i o np c r i o c oi f l l l A m e n h o l c pI I . I
I - a v o utrh e e l r l i e r d a t eb c c a u s eo l t h c d f e s sa n d h a i r s t y l er l l - t h e* i l c o i
I I t : - n tu . l s t ( B a u d1 9 6 7 ,P l . l l ) . p o s i r i o ri $ , h i c hr h c w i t c i s d e p i c t e d .
squallingat thc siclcof hcr husband's chairis dcpictcciin only one othertonrb.
that of Sll Ir' ('l-1.96) in thc rcign of Ancnhotep II.
1 6 0 . T T s . 9 6 . 1 6 5 , 6 3 , 6 9& .78 1 3 9( C a s c 6 s 0 . 8 0 . 1 1 1 . 8 6&. 8973 ) .
I 6l . Porter& Moss tcntativel! date lhis lomb to lhc rcign ol AmenhorcpIII but
Wegncr (1933. 120) after comparincthc lvpc anclstylc ol sccncsrvifi cjated
tombs,datesit to thc rcign oi TutlinrosisIV. a datingwhich l accclr hcnlr tt,
inclusionin this thesis.
162. The codcless is lot namedandcouldconceivrblybe lsis as sheembraccs Osids
in a rvifclylashion. Indeed,lrpsiLrs(t-D I iii. 2,1II nanlL's thc dicticsas Osiris
ancllsis. Ilorvcvcrsheis nrorelikclt to bc IIlthor. who *as a funerarl ilcitl
an(l protectress of the Thebannccrnpr,lis LI.Llhor r\ rcfrr-scntc,.t nuch more
frcquentlyin lteban lonrbsthanis I:is.
16-1. Tlre'title shoulclrcacl l1t1tn1rn lnn ratherthan lhc othcr rr,ayaround.
a cascof honorifictransposition pcrhapsrllhcr thanan crror.
16,1. l'ortcr & N.loss datc tlrc tunb lo thc rcign ol Amenhotcplll probablybccausc
of tbc lintcl on rvhichthc dcccascdadorcsthc carlouchcsol Anrcnhotc-p III
( B \ ' l l 9 l l 7 0 .V I I . 6 & P I . . V I I ) .W e g n e (r 1 9 3 3 1. 1 0& 1 2 3 )d a t c sl h c t o m b
t o t h e r e i g no f l V c l a i n r i n gt h a tl h e t o r n bd o e sn o t c o n l l i na r o l a l
cartouchewhich rvoulcldale it. is lot allogelllL'rtruc. Il the lintcl
ilentiooedabovcis fronrlhis tonrbas it probrbly i\. lh!'n lhe lonrtrclidconlain
c a r t o u c h ew s h i c h c o u l d b e u s e t ll o d a t c i t t o l h e r c i g n o f A n r e n h o t e lpl l .
Ilowever thc main decorationof the tomb miSht have beencxccutedduring
the reign of TutltrnosisIV and so I include it in this thesisand dateit to the end
'Iuthmosis - Amenhotcplll.
of thc rcign of lV
165. The title'nht pr implies that shewas the seniorw1)manin an independent
household(Lansing& tlaycs 1937, l6)J Liiddeckens(1960,3) definesthe
title as legal wife in a valid maniage,Ceml' (1957, 53) as ss oi the
housc'and later thc cquivalentof marriedwoman c.f. Pcstman(1961, 11,
n.l). Franke(1983,138-9)believes the titlc belongedonlyto the legalwilc
; a v i e s1 9 3 3 . 2 1 2 3 D a v i c s 1 9 ' 1 8 , 5 .
1 6 6 . M u r r a y 1 9 6 3 , 6 8 - 7 l i S c o t t 1 9 4 , 1 , 2D
Davics is not consistilntin his discussionof the position of fte mother u.t i. vir
thc wife. In (1933, 21 23) he talked of a wif'c "whom the prescnceof her
mothcr-in law reducedalmostto a nonentity",whilc in (1948.5) hc slated
that the prominenceof the motherof the tomb owner is no sliShtb tie wife
Perhapsin thc meantimehe had changedhis mind.
161. was a tenn uscd for women in thc house\,ith whom the tomb o$'ncr
might havehad sexualrclations(Pestman1961, 54 urd n.6).

In lhc tunb of l(l,t-nls. two nrcn othcr than thc o$ncr play promincnt roles.
I he) are //ri irt si ktlx t n lntn and 1'-l hrl s.rr{r1x t n /nrr .
1'hc prominence of P.l ,/ir-r is duc 1o lhe lacl lhal hc urdertook lhe cL)nilructiorl
0 f t h c l o r n b ( S c l h c 1 9 2 7 . 1 2 8 ( . 1 9 ) l l ) .I I c i s r r s - J t . f a n c lr e l c r s t o r h c t o m b
orvrtcr./11 ,i.r. as'i1 /rxt./ L J n f o f i u n r t e l y h. c c i o c sn o t g i v c t h c n a m e o l h i s
molhcl..possiblv becausehc rcfcrs lo hcr cl\c$hcfc in lhc tonrb bv namc (PNj( 1)ll ).
O n t h e W e s t W a l l . t h c r D o s ts r r n l l i c . t l \ \ . r l l r ' l l l l c t I n r h . r l t ' c ( L l yo p p o s i t et h e
cntrrncc, P-J frn is rcprcscntcd in two rcsistcrs (PI\'l(3)). In thc uppcr. hc oflers to
/r l.rlr.r nnd his rvilt /7rx. and again rcfcr\ to hinrscll as .i-l rr r-it I (t-D iii. l2il).
Irr tlr. lo$cr rcgisier hc olfcrs lo his parenls ItJ rri ,tr\rlhis rvili. Lrrlbrlunltcll. no
f c p r c s c n t r t i o no f l h e s c c n eo r i c x l h r s b c e n p u b l i s h e d - I l o \ r ' e v e r ,i l i s p r o b t b l ! ' t h t t
/l1 r'r'".t w '- . J.Jl rrrrr. rvls his niotllr'r ar)d lhcfclbrc lhc duug)ler o1 /'11-rirr.
qucstio| ol' l,lri irv is rol \o clcar clrt. On thc rvcst cnd ol lhc South Wall
l r . l r l s o a p p c a r si n t w o r c g i s l c r s ( P N { ( 2 ) ) . I n t h c u p p c r r c g i s t c r h c o f l c r s t o h i s
lathcr and mothcr, //-rrl and S-lt rlrn (t-l)l iv.50). wtich nlrke: hirn thc lull
b.ollrcr ol l'-J-l!r-r'irnd lhc grrndson ol It l.t-ntr.
p r o b l e n ra r i s c si n t l l c l o r v c r r c g i s t e ru h c r g l ' - 3 - f r r r o l l c r s t o { / r l - i l r l n d
lris u'ilt. nhosc namc is losl. rclson 1or 1'-i lur olliring lo his parcrtslurd
grandparcnts is obvious bu1 the reason for oflering 1o his brothef ill hi\
'-. !fantllalhcr's lonrb is nrorc obscurc- Io lrct. a closc cxan:ination of this sccnc scanrs
to posc xnother problenr. l'.i {rn'r ol'ltring is a Ll a ir.i nrxr.l r-Jl rr*.ri lrlxr l
Ittut l'-i ltn (l.l)'l' iv. 50) 1'l's)roulclpcrhaps rcad .!-J..\rr ). 1ir. thc Ka oi nry falher
a l r l ar l r v r l r o l h c rt h c i r ' l s o n l t - l ' l i r B u t 1 / r l i i r ' r v a s / ) - i , r \ ' r b r o t h ! - r .n o l h i s
lrthcll r\ possiblc c\planatiol ioi,t.t i." tt,.,i /'-J-lrrr r rrrL,tlrci.J.'r rlrir. tlierl at his
b i r t l r o r r , " h c nh c r v e s a s n r a l l c h i l d l n d h i s e k l e r t r r o t h e r a n r l h i s * i f e l c t c c l l s
l i ) \ t e r p i r r c n t \ t o t h c y o L l n ! l 1 ' - l - l r r . A s i m i l a r c r s e o c c u r si n l h c l i l ! ' r a r ] l a l c o i
l h c l w o l ] r o t h c r s ' .w h c r c t h c v o u n l e r b f o l h c r l i v c d w i t h h i s c l d c r b r o l h c r a o d h i \
i i i l i l i k e a s o n ( l - i c h l h c i n r1 9 7 6 .v . l l , 2 ( 1 3 ) .
llrcory is supponeciin thc tonrb of thc l13lr I n Nhh P-1/rn (F.l Krb T.3)
uhcrc /flri is shorv:r u,ith r \\'onran crllcd .(rr. r',lto is lartl rr6t-pr ('l1lor &
C l f i l f i l h 1 8 9 - 1l.) l . V I I ) . l l i s f i l s t u i f c n r L r sht a v c d i c d u n d h c r c n r a f r i e d . I t l - r r i u t < \
(lr arc rcprcscntccl in a lo*cr rcl:istcr undcr /'{r lrs an,:l /pu r(zr nas the
nrothcr oI lhc {rJ4-r'P-l-/;r'r. bul lorvhcrc is shc spcci[iculll callcd lhc daurhtcr ol'
/(lr-irrs. Ilorvclcr. thc position of ltl-rrL aotl Krrr bclou /'/r-lrr anclhis *iic docs
givc sornc grounds lbr sulposing lhill Krr nlighl hc thc dlushtcr el /ifr-rrrr. As
l t l ' t r i ' \ t ) l n l | r- e l r t i o n s h i pt o / ( l . ra l . r , t h a t \ \ c k n o w o l . r v a s s o n - i n - l a $ l h r o L l l r hh i s
f i r s l w i l t . 1 t i s u n l i k e l y l h l l 1 ' - l l l l r r l o L r l dr c p r c s c n tl h c p u r e n l \ i n l u u o f h i :
l l l h c r . b v r n c a r l i c r n r a r - r i a g ei n. h i s l o n r b .u n l c s st h c r c \ \ ' l \ a l s o s o n r . o i h . r l i n k . I 1
i s p o s s i b l ct h r t w h c n 5 - l t - l l r r r d i e d . / t / l r - r i n t a r r i c chLc r s i s l ! ' r . A r ? .
( l r i l - f i r h ( 1 8 9 1 . 2 3 1 a s s u n r e st h a t / 1 | i - r r , \ n n c i h i s u i i c n f L ' l l l c n l l t c r n a l
grandparentsoflhe ir.i/J-' P-l-lilr. nlainly. I tllir)k. on th. prcnrise lhll ir \\ils the
{ 1 . i l r - r / ' - l l a , r w h o d e c o r a t e ttl h c t o m b o l / r l - n r r . a l t h o u l l r e a r l i e r t i b i d . . - 5 th c
ncknowlerlgesthat it could have bcen tllc brolhcr ol thc flltr ' * lh llle \anle nilnre.
who constructcd thc tonlb. In frcl. Criffilh (ihid.. 2.1) spcciiically stlttcs that \r'r'

knorv lhrm thc tonlb o[ /'l-nJ thrt he was l]re ntatemalllratrdtalhcrof /'-l fr^.
This is not so. Nowherc in the tomb are Km or lh!' h-ltv t P.l-hrt mcrltiooed.
(lriilith is jumping to the conclusionthal l'.i-lrr-r. who conslructedlhe lonrb of
/(rfr,rs. rvasthe fr.ltr'-. P-i-,^ anclthereforchc rvas .r-lr-ilf of /rl-nrr, his
mothcr. Km, beingthe daughtcrol ltlt nts.
B o t h t h e r i P . i - l l r r ( i b i d . ,P l . l l l & V I ) r n d l l r i - i ^ (ibid..I'l.VIl) arc
pj-or,r'. 'll)cy
represented in thc tomb of the h.ltt--" both bearthc titlc .ti andbolh
ale calledsnl. but it is obviousthatthey are only half-brothers o1lire 18tyt 1'-1'rrr.
family rclationships of the owncr ol'fotrb 3 at cl Kab will bc discusscd in firll
in Case2,1.
I.lri-irt-, its the eldestgrundsonol f ir zrr. is represcntccl in the prenlier
p o s i t i o nb c h i n d/ ( { r - r i s i n t h e u p p c rr e g i s t cor l t h eb a n q u esl c c n c( i b i d . P
. I.VIII).
ll sccnlscertainthrt it was thc hall brolherollhc l.Ll
t\'-( P-l llr\. the riP-i-lr/r
rvhois represented in thc tomb of /'ll nrr. so this iurb cannotbe usedto provclhat
/r'l nr,r'was thc matemal grandfatherof the l-irr t /'J lul . I loq'cvcr'.it is probable
that Kr7?.the mother of the /,r-lrr'r P.l-&r-r. was also a daughterof 1r'l;-lrs.
Thc ri PJ-frr_'.and his brothcr. flrr-irr, as senior granclsonsof the first
marriagcof Itl-rri to S.ll-inn. thc cldcr dtughler of /{ir-nr.i. luliilled the filial
obligationsand constructcd his tonlb.

Genealogyof lrrli-rrs.I:1 Kab'l'.5


Bih-l = +I h-in-l

ItJrni :'Km rtl,r'.Jl


Hri in
n lmtj n Imn NIJb
l l l - K a bT . 3


. |+ + * ' : F::
d F:





l ir
i ol'I *o-:1

l6a i\A
: -:. r -\ " ..E I
I ! a . -<.
.-: i I i.
i .:5 :' -l:.-i.
': G;. <I g 2 2
. ;
Qr s- a-

It is dilficult to reconcilethe appcaranceand thc reality of 5rt a nwl'.r
rcJationship with his Iather,cspeciallyrvhcnlacedrvith thc evidenccof his lather's
burial. Filial piety requircsthat a son causehis frither'snanie to livc. i.e thai hc
nraintainshis fathcr'stonb and offersthe nccessary sacrificcs.ln Srt rt-rnrt s tontb
and burial chamber,thereis the appcarance of a closeand allcctionalerelatiollsllip
bct$,ccn .tr-r-mwl and his falher.morc so lhan wilh lli\ mother' is llot
anxlogouswith thc realityreflcctedin his parents'burial.
L a n s i n g& H a y e s( 1 9 3 7 ,l 2 3 4 ) g i v c a d e t a i l c dd c s c r i p t i o n o f l h e b u r i a lo l
,\n-n-tnwt's pareDts. most striking fcllure of thc burial was the ertrenlc
poverty of the father'sinlennnentanclthe cilrnparaliverichncssof thc mother's.
Cn-" to the conclusion(ibid.,22) that /?u-rrr was loo poor to own cven lhe
csscrrtiai items of funerarycquipnrentand thal lhe stylc of a man'sburial dependcd
not ur the filial picty of his children,but on thc slateof his prosperityat lhe rinleol
his death(ibid., 1tt).
It is not lruc that the burjal of Rc-ms was t{)tllly impove.ishcd.Althoughthe
coffin of Rc-nrr wasmediocre,the facc,lhroatandcarswerc covcredu'ith'gold r.lD'. a
A c c o r d i n gt o L a n s i n g& H a y e s( i b i d . , l ( r ) . R i - n s w a s m c r c l ya
commoner probably a peasant.insiSnificantand cxccssively poor, rrnlikc the
nother. who becauscof her richcr burial, nlusl have bccn a lady of meansin hcr
orvn right. surmisethal R' ,1.t and [l-]t'nJrt died lnd wcre buricd at the
sanictime (ibid., 3l ).
I cannotacceptthat, if this were thc case. Sn'n-m||l would have htrriedhis
fatilerand motherin sucha disparatefashion Otherrcasonsfor this unusualburial
nlustbe fbund. '
fact that Sn-n-mv't referrcdto his father simply as .tJ/l docs not
ncccssarilyimply thathc wasan insjgnificant nobody,who held no olherfitlcs.
's-lb ' in his shrincrt Gebel
c.f. (i) Miw'nt:t who rct'crs to his father as
el Sil;ila (No.23),whilc a statucof a man, who was probablythe
fttthcrof Mn*'nht, bearsothet titlcs
' r . 1 , ' i n h i s t o m b .T T 9 9 , b u t
( 2 ) S n i - n f r w h o r c f e r st o h i s f a t h e ra s
accordshinr his full titleson a statuc.
The dcscriptionof the hcld of Rc-ms as beingof "thc irltellecturltype" (ibid .
l8), contradictsthe poor pcasantxna8e.
I think, it was a cascof two scparate burialsanciHayes'hinrself'lilterconleslo
the conclusionthat R'-nr predcccased his wife (Hayes 1957.78) ln lhe eulicr
accountof t h c b u r i a l l
, - a n s i n g
& l h y e s ( 1 9 3 7 '1 7 & n l 5 ) a s s u m ct h a t b o t h p a r e n t s
rvcrc elderly aid that they ciicdand were buricd at thc siinletinlc. Ilowcver. thc
evidencedoes allow a differcnt interprctatioll. Although described as
Rri-r?shad long, wavy. darkbrown hair (ibid.. l8), whtle I.l3t-nfrt had sparscgrcy
hair (ibid.,20). It would scemthat F/.tl-lli? wasolclcrlhun rtc mr rvhenshcdied'
pu.ribly sorn. ycars aftcr R'-mr. It could eciually wcll be suggestedlhat
n'nu't s fathir died and u'asburied'probablywith apPropriate splendourby his
son. Whcn l,l3t-nfrt d\ed antl o'as tti be buricd in hcr husband'storDb it \\'as

dlscovered that thc tomb of Rtn.i hadbeenrobbcd. Sr_r-rl[,r thcn ho]lo!\,.ed

a chamberin the cliff lacebclow his own torrb and reburietlhis father
the occupantsof colfins Ill and IV, \vith H-lL-nJi.t.
The lact thattltecoffin of R(-ms coritained onlv a disjoinretlskclelnnpackcdin
a mass ol mud and gravcl $ith not one single objccr irl it. rcnds lo contlrnl
n'hberl dreory. lr roujd al.i,-r irnply thal the Jbjectsof pcrsonaladonrmcDr and rhe
runcrrr) ')njeclswerc x $onh t.rkiug,as not a singleobjectu,aslcfi
I do not think that the clain that Rr-n.l. wai so piror that he wai buriecl
lbsolutelyno luncrarygoodscanbc considerc,d. Evcnihc poorcstol-bunalsconlarn
iI pot or sonlebeads. The wome ir coffins III and lV, Jepenriants of thc ianrily.
possiblvminor wivcs or maidscrvarts/c.'cubinesof R{-arr, hacr
scarabs.of inferiorquality for thc most part. llowcver two ol-ihe scarabs.
the namcs01 Haishcpsutllnd hcr morherAhrnose. \\crc of gooclqualit_r,. (ibid.. I I ).
so it is unlikelythat R. m.i woulclhrve trcn buried.oriririrlll,. *irh untn,ng.
accepl\lhis inr(rpr irrion,thercjs no reason'tosupposcrhltt S/?l?,mr.t
I l L d r i l l l ( Ol o l u l l l l l h e o h l l c a l l ( ) \ o l l l o v i n c 5 l l n I l l h i \ l : r l l l c ri tlreIirrl in.t:rncc,
thoughone might wonderwhy a man of sucl importuce anclsubsiallc
woutd bc
contcnt to re inter a fathcr. whom hc profcssedto love. in such an ill_provicietl
II anncr.


PM dateTT.21 to the rcign of'l uthmosisI becauseof the frcqucntoccurrence

ol thc prcnomcnof that king in the tomb. Howcvcr, all bul one ol'the surviving
occurrences of the prenomcnarc as porl of the litle of li,sr, i.c. ' intt-r ytr ' ctt
tnL\t rr u t u (T-niiII-a( '.
I It can nol bc assunlcdthat hc was rhe srewardof
ihrlr,,sisI ls D.rv[s t l9 ] Jl t .,u""cst.,as it wasrot the cuslonl10givc thc namc
of thc king in the steward'stitle. Usuallythc king's stewardwas 'tnl r pr rl 4,rr1 '
(llclck 1958, 113 811. Sn n nwt \\as'im)-r pr n hmt-n!! (n-fr-'r11ri''-l' but
r l)r rr'r n ns:(l .
The survivingoccasionwhenthc prcnomenoccursoutsicle the title of ly.v is as
trJ:[pr:R-( | np , unplyingrhlrrthe king was dcatl. (Davics1913.27)takesrhis
r,' -itr rfllr rfrl Lrngwrr"dcl,j"uhrn the tomb wascompletedard lhal lhe tonb could
not be latcrthiulthc rcign of Hatshepsut.
I thirtk,howcvcr,that lt/.tr lived drLringthe reignof l uthmosisIIl. or pcrhlps
H tshcpsutat the earliest.and thal he was an ol'licial ol thc funcrary cult of
Ishall offer otherevidencewhich tcndsto confirn this hypolhesis.
lfsr and his daughterwear ripplcdgamrents(ibid., Pls.XXV XXVIII).
gamrenlsappcarin othcr Thebantombs (T'fs. 11,21,19.80, 8.1.85. 86, 155. 179.
200,251.262)(Mackay192.1,4l). Noncof thcscturbs wascarlierthanIllttshepsirt
uthnrosislll or latcrthan AmenhotepII.
chariot is usedfor huoting in this tomb (PM(10)) and in six olher tombs
( T T s . 5 6 . 7 2 . 8 , 11,2 3 . 2 1 6 . 3 4 2 )n, o n eo f w h i c h i s e a r l i e trh a n ' l i r t h n o s iIsI I .
lThe parcntagcof Wsr is unknown. Four statucsappcarin the shrineof his
tomb,liroseof W.rr and his wife and anothercouplewho *,crc probablyhis parents
or possiblyhis brothcrand his wife. This secondrnanappearsto $,eiLrthe dressof a
v i z i e r( i b i d . , 2 1 ) .
If his fatherwas a vizier therearetwo possibilities.
11) l.!pu,snb, if ildeed he wasa vizicr (LouvreStatue,Sethe1921,112), is
l possiblecandidate. tombs of IJpu-snlt antl lt/.rr arc closc to one
airotheraDd flpu..srrbhad sonswho werc pr-icsts of the funerarvclLltof
1 ' u t h n o s i sI ( H c l c k 1 9 5 1 i ,. 1 3 5 ) . l t s r is not knownas a so of
I.lpu,-snh,but no mcmbcrsof thc lamily of Hp$-snb are represented
in his lomb. Soms mcmbcrsarc rcprcscntcdin his shrincat Gcbcl cl
Silsila (No.l5), which is very damaged. ll'sr'.r name misht nol have
survived.Tomb o\!nersdo not alwaysrcprcscntall mcmbcrsof thcjf
familiesin their tombsor shrincs.
It is possiblethl.l l.lprr snb wasthe latherof Wsr wtich rvouldplace
W.rr in fic rcign of III.
(2) l'hc other possibilityeitheras iither or brotheroi llsl is the vizicr
/ . l r - t r r c a l l e d. J - a l w , f l t h e r o f t h e v i z i e r l l . r r . 1 . f r - r r . i . l i k e
llpw snb had a sonwho wasa priestol lhe funerarycult of
I (llelck 1958.435). ff I(h /r.r \r'asthc fathcrof lfsr. of'l-l'.21 thcn
l{'sr was thc broLhcroi thc vizicr lisr who was rlso called /rix }1,.rr
possiblylo distinguishhim fron his brodrerWrr'. lf 1(ft m,i was the
brotherof l4/sr, then Wrr would be the unclc of thc vizicr ly.!r. Both

of theserelationships coutdpllce him in lhe reilrrr)l Iuthm.o\isIIL

Another possible relationship that would also place him in thc reign of
Tuthmosis Ill, is with tysr-r-?t (T'l'.56)
An unknownman andhis wife P1k) lBJkIl rre represented ln lll,rstomo ln a
offered to by s3 ,'n h^'n!' tp1'' I
t-.-- Wrl
aoubl...""n", U"ing .W3't ,tHelckl955'
nfrt ar'
i+ll1 *trite ttte o"thercouple, I3mu nih and lris uifc llkt! n\rt,lln\41
(ibid- 1479) lt is possible th'rt and
nft..a to U" [wcb n Imn]'Mryw
'fir*i-rir'"*tt, ./J'r]t-ndl
th. p.r.nt. oi 14s,r'h3t althoughthire is no er idencefor this
ir* i"#u tji,U'Cn.gqoron Marseille No -14rndthrt Itvr'']andB-Jlr
*"r. iir" "f ,t oi ||.,,r'i wife' *ho was called Mwr nJit lVsr had a
""rt a n d a d a u g h t ecr a l l e d l v ' l u n
t f r t l h e c o i n c i d e t r cocl - t h el * o t r l m e s
.,,ti"a Ajtt
ill \\'hlchbuntlngln a
could be significant.The fact that thrce oi lhe sevenlolnbs
to ('fT.2l.) l'1n*.nlh r-fl' R4).{tnd ly'sr-l.Li'
.f,rr.iit iEpi""O belonged .
ii i co-incidcnie and possibly stgnilics a close reLtiurtship hciweenthe
fiT -iOi
tomb owncts.
B3kt and
It is possiblethat Wsr was thc man representedwith his rvife
Wsr'l3t lVrr would
I lnn-ndi and his wife in the doublescene in rhe tonb of
woultl hlve lived during the rcign of
thus be; contemporaryof lJnrw-nll1 and
TuthmosisII l.

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