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Hydroxyl group has two reactive covalent bonds.

The En of oxygen is higher than carbon

and hydrogen. As a result the covalent bonds are polar so that oxygen has more electron
rich so the oxygen is partially negative both the carbon and and hydrogen are electrophilic.
stronger acid than alkanes by 1030 times. The most reactive site is the in an alcohol molecule
is the hydroxyl group. Hydroxyl can make hydrogen bonds with each other generally.
The hydroxyl group since polar wants to dissolve in water but carbon chain wants to resist it, so
pentanol or higher are insoluble in water, butanol is moderately soluble.

methanol has the boiling point 65 C while methane boils at -161 C. Higher melting points.

Alcohols boiling points are generally higher than comparable hydrocarbons and ethers.

Ethanol is product of enzymes converting starch into sugars which are converted into ethanols.

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