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Third Sunday

of Lent Building a World of Justice

March 27, 2011
ur world thirsts for justice. In Mexico, injustice often affects the poorest. That was
the case for Jacinta, Teresa and Alberta, three women unjustly imprisoned for
allegedly having kidnapped policemen.
The Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez Human Rights Centre defended the three women
and proved that their
fundamental human
rights had been violated.
Now free, these three
women can no longer
remain indifferent to the
injustices suffered by too
many Mexicans.

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request your copy
of the 2011 Share
Lent Magazine
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“Sir, give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty.”
John 4.15

Fill our hearts

Loving Creator, you have made us in your image
and we yearn for the healing of all your people.
Fill our hearts with the fire of your love
and our minds with a thirst for justice.
Embolden us to cry out against oppression,
empower us to ensure clean water for all Creation,
and enrich us with your presence in water
so that all Creation may feel your touch and be healed.
We ask this in the name of our crucified,
risen Lord, our liberator and redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Adapted from a prayer by Annabel Shilson-Thomas, UK,
in We Dare to Say, edited by Sylvia Skrepichuk
and Michel Côté, Novalis, 2007.


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