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I did the laundry yesterday. (Eu lavei a roupa ontem.)

I had the laundry done yesterday. (Eu mandei lavar a roupa ontem.)

Quando não é a própria pessoa que faz a ação, usa-se o verbo "have" na sentença.

Ex: He has his car washed every week.

Pessoa (para quem algo é feito) = He

Verbo Have = has

Objeto da oração = his car

Past Participle = washed

Ex: Joe will have the food delivered tomorrow.

Pessoa (para quem algo é feito) = Joe

Verbo Have = will have

Objeto da oração = the food

Past Participle = delivered


1. As formas interrogativa e negativa dessas orações são feitas com "do / does" (Simple
Present) / "did" (Simple Past).

Ex: They had their house painted.

Did they have their house painted?

They didn't have their house painted.

2. O verbo "get" aparece no lugar de "have" às vezes.

Ex: I got the classroom cleaned this afternoon.

"It + to take"

I swept the floor in one hour. = It took me one hour to sweep the floor.

(Eu varri o chão em uma hora.) = (Me levou uma hora para varrer o chão.)

It takes me three hours to walk home.

Sujeito = It

Verbo take = takes

Pessoa = me

Tempo = three hours

Verbo no infinitivo = to walk

Estas construções podem ser usadas no presente, passado, futuro.


Formação Exemplo Uso Acompanhado

I was walking
You were driving
Para expressar Normalmente de
He was sleeping
ações que advérbios de
was / were + She was skating
estavam tempo passado
gerúndio It was raining
acontecendo no (yesterday,
We were typing
passado last night, etc.)
You were singing
They were dancing
Ex: Lucy was sleeping when the telephone rang last night.


O "Past Perfect Tense" é formado por "had" + Particípio Passado. Quanto à forma do
Particípio Passado, os verbos podem ser regulares ou irregulares.
Infinitive Past Past Participle Past Perfect

to sell sold sold I had sold

to do did done You had done
to fall fell fallen He had fallen
to talk talked talked She had talked
to sleep slept slept It had slept
to give gave given We had given
to take took taken You had taken
to buy bought bought They had bought

O "Past Perfect Tense" expressa ações passadas, acabadas, que aconteceram antes de
uma outra ação passada (verbo no "simple past").

Ex: The children ate everything she had cooked.

He had fallen off his horse twice before he got home.


"Go in" = entrar

Ex: I can't go in the building because I forgot my keys.

"Walk into" = entrar

Ex: I opened the door and walked into the room.

"Get out" = sair

Ex: He got out of the car and walked home.

"Look out" = olhar para fora

Ex: Jeniffer looked out the window at the beautiful landscape.

"Get on" = subir

Ex: Paul got on the bus.

"Get off" = descer

Ex: He got off at the next stop.

"Fall off" = cair de

Ex: Sally fell off the horse and broke her leg.

"Go up" = subir

Ex: The prices are going up daily.

"Look up" = olhar para cima

Ex: Joe looked up at the bright red sun.

"Fall down" = cair

Ex: The leaves fall down from the trees, in Autumn.

"Lie down" = deitar-se

Ex: He told her to lie down and get some rest.

"Run away" = fugir

Ex: The little girl ran away from home.

"Drive away" = afastar-se de carro

Ex: They drove away as fast as they could.

"Go back" = voltar

Ex: They went back to pick him up.

"Look around" = olhar ao redor

Ex: He looked around, there was nobody there.

"Turn around" = dar a volta

Ex: We turned around when we realized we were going the wrong way.

"Climb over" = escalar, transpor

Ex: He climbed over the gate as if he had done that all his life.

"Pick up" = pegar

Ex: Your eraser is on the floor. I'll pick it up for you.

"Put down" = largar

Ex: Put that book down and help me with the groceries please.

"Bring back" = trazer de volta

Ex: I'll lend you my CD player, but you must bring it back.

"Take back" = levar de volta

Ex: I realized I had gotten the wrong keys, so I took them back.

"Give back" = devolver

Ex: Lucy gave Tom's things back to him.

"Put back" = colocar de volta onde encontrou

Ex: You may use the scissors as long as you put them back in the drawer afterwards.


"Put on" = colocar

Ex: I'm running today, so I'll put my sneakers on.

I'm running today, so I'll put on my sneakers.


Simple Conditional: Would ('d) + Infinitivo sem "to"

Forma Completa Tradução

I would be I'd be Eu seria / estaria

You would be You'd be Tu serias / estarias
He would be He'd be Ele seria / estaria
She would be She'd be Ela seria / estaria
Ele / ela (neutro)
It would be It'd be
seria / estaria
We would be We'd be Nós seríamos / estaríamos
You would be You'd be Vós seríeis / estaríeis
They would be They'd be Eles seriam / estariam
Conditional Perfect: would have + particípio passado
Forma Completa Forma Abreviada Tradução

I would have been I'd have been Eu teria sido / estado

You would have been You'd have been Tu terias sido / estado
He would have been He'd have been Ele teria sido / estado
She would have been She'd have been Ela teria sido / estado
Ele / ela (neutro)
It would have been It'd have been
teria sido / estado
We would have been We'd have been Nós teríamos sido / estado
You would have been You'd have been Vós teríeis sido / estado
They would have been They'd have been Eles teriam sido / estado

As Sentenças Condicionais

As sentenças condicionais são formadas por duas orações: oração principal e oração
subordinada introduzida pelas conjunções condicionais "if" (se) e "unless" (a menos que).

Ex: She will go to the party if you invite her.

Oração principal = She will go to the party

Oração subordinada = if you invite her

He won't do this for you unless you pay him.

Oração principal = He won't do this for you

Oração subordinada = unless you pay him

Tipos de sentenças condicionais

1. Oração principal (simple future) + oração subordinada (simple present)

Ex: They will travel if the tickets are cheap.

2. Oração principal (simple conditional) + oração subordinada (simple past)

Ex: We would call her if we knew her phone number.

Observação: O passado do verbo "to be" só possui a forma "were" nas sentenças

Ex: I would cancel that appointment if I were you.

3. Oração principal (conditional perfect) + oração subordinada (past perfect)

Ex: I would have helped you if I had known you were in trouble.


"Used to" - para expressar um hábito / costume, no passado.

Ex: I used to play soccer when I was a boy.

Para falar de uma situação no passado que já não é mais verdade.

Ex: I used to live in the country when I was a child.

A forma negativa de "used to" é: "Did... use to...?"

Ex: Did you use to go to work by car?

A forma negativa de "used to" é: "...didn't use to...".

Ex: I didn't use to smoke ten years ago.


O Verbo Passivo

Observe estes exemplos:

Voz ativa: People admire Van Gogh's paintings.(Simple present)

Voz passiva: Van Gogh's works are admired.

(are = simple present / admired = particípio passado)

Voz ativa: She made that cake.(Simple past)

Voz passiva: That cake was made.

(was = simple past / made = particípio passado)

Na voz passiva o verbo "to be" vai para o mesmo tempo do verbo principal da voz ativa. O
verbo principal fica sempre no particípio passado.

Tabela dos tempos verbais ativos e voz passiva equivalente:

Tempo Verbal Voz Ativa Voz Passiva

to be (are / is)
Simple Present do / does
Past Participle (done)
Simple Past did was / were done
Present Continuous are / is doing are / is being done
Present Perfect has / have done has / have been done
Past Perfect had done had been done
Simple Future will do will be done
Conditional would do would be done
Infinitive to do to be done
Gerund doing being done

Quando uma preposição fizer parte do verbo, ela deve permanecer na voz passiva.
Observe estes exemplos:

Voz ativa: I will take care of the child.

Voz passiva: The child will be taken care of.

Voz ativa: We have to build up our self esteem.

Voz passiva: Our self esteem has to be built up.

Na voz passiva, o advérbio de modo é colocado imediatamente antes do verbo no

particípio passado.

Voz ativa: The teacher taught the lesson very well.

Voz passiva: The class was very well taught.

(Very well = advérbio de modo)

O Sujeito Passivo

O objeto da voz ativa torna-se o sujeito da voz passiva. O sujeito da voz ativa torna-se o
agente da voz passiva. O agente da voz passiva, quando mencionado, é sempre precedido
de "by".

Voz ativa: Oscar Wilde wrote this story.

Voz passiva: This story was written by Oscar Wilde.

Voz ativa: The rain destroyed that neighborhood.

Voz passiva: That neighborhood was destroyed by the rain.

Voz ativa: He has given his mother a blouse.

Voz passiva: 1. A blouse has been given to his mother.

Voz passiva: 2. His mother has been given a blouse.

Quando a sentença na voz ativa tiver dois objetos, (o direto e o indireto), é possível, em
teoria, duas formas de voz passiva. O primeiro exemplo de voz passiva é possível, mas
não é muito comum. O segundo exemplo de voz passiva é a forma mais utilizada, (o
objeto indireto torna-se o sujeito da passiva).

O Agente da Voz Passiva

A voz passiva é usada quando queremos enfatizar o que foi feito e não quem fez. Por isso
o agente da passiva não deve ser mencionado, a não ser que ele tenha importância para o
sentido total da sentença.


Voz ativa: Someone broke the mug.

Voz passiva: The mug was broken by someone.

Neste caso, o agente não tem nenhuma importância para o sentido total da sentença e
deve ser omitido.

Voz ativa: The storm has damaged the house.

Voz passiva: The house has been damaged by the storm.

Neste caso, devemos mencionar o agente pois, com ele, a sentença fica com o sentido

A Voz Passiva Impessoal

(Infinitivo depois de verbos na voz passiva)

Ex: He is said to be very handsome.

He is thought to have been very rich.

Quando encontrarmos verbos tais como: know, consider, think, believe, understand, find,
say, tell), na voz passiva, esta será formada de outra maneira. Observe:

Voz ativa: People consider that she is very smart.

Oração principal: People consider

Oração subordinada: she is very smart.

Voz passiva: She is considered that to be very smart.

Neste tipo de voz passiva:

1. o sujeito da oração subordinada torna-se o sujeito da passiva.

2. o verbo da oração principal é colocado na forma passiva.

3. "that" é eliminado

4. O verbo da oração subordinada é colocado no infinitivo com "to".

Mudanças do verbo da oração subordinada:

Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Infinitive
Simple Present
(to + infinitivo)
Perfect Infinitive
Simple Past
(to have + particípio passado)

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