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Ten Ways to Run a Startup like

Genghis Khan
Presented by Kevin Hale
April 18, 2007
Big Things with Small Teams
Technology Mashups
Word of Mouth Marketing
1. Expose yourself
to harsh conditions.
Less Hardware
Less Features
Less Money
Practice in Stress
Practice Disagreeing
Do Things People Hate
2. Be a nomad.
Huns, Scythians, Bulgars,
Magyars, Mamluks, Tatars,
Manchus, Mongols

Barbarians, Pirates
Nomads Don’t Wander
Nomad Sedentary
Mobile Settled
Tents Buildings
Offensive Defensive
Resourceful Wasteful
Hunters Gatherers
Protein Carbs
Who are they afraid of?
Martha Stewart’s Smores
The Value of Hunger
3. Loot efficiently
Profit per X
Strip Away & Mesaure
4. Say No to Infantry
Infantry, Calvary, Archers
Happy fun story time.
5. Get the people talking.
6. Do not fight the
enemy by their rules.
Appropriate the best
people and skills for
your war machine.
8. Build bridges.
9. Inspire fierce loyalty.
Customers’ Customers
10. Remember the lesson
of the many headed snake.
Joel on Software

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