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Experimental design and analysis

Midterm report

Example of data analysis using Anova procedure and

Multiple comparisons test: Effect of beta-carotenoid source
on ornamental fish coloration

Presenter: Salam Sawadogo


Professor:Sha Miao
Data background information
Data and statement used
Output 1
Output 2
Multiple means comparisons
o Tukey’s multiple test
o Orthogonal contrast
Background information
 Betacarotene is a carotenoid(pigment) found in plant and
some animal

 Itsantioxidant capacity,its colorfulness>>>>>used as a

dietary supplement for human and animals(aquaculture)

 Inthis study, two carotenoid sources:

 Astaxanthin
 Beta-carotene

 Purpose: investigate the effect of the two carotenoids on the

fish body pigmentation
What are my factors?
 Typeof carotenoids
 Concentration of carotenoids
Data and SAS statement
data ornfish; input trt $ rep af bf; cards;
c 1 3.570 0.113
proc print data=ornfish;
c 2 3.398 0.101 proc print;
c 3 3.480 0.106 proc ANOVA;
A8 1 19.205 0.100
A8 2 17.269 0.100
class trt;
A8 3 16.858 0.110 model af bf=trt;
A16 1 24.135 0.153 means trt/tukey;
A16 2 25.690 0.149
proc mean var af bf;
A16 3 14.678 0.107
B8 1 3.087 0.091 run;
B8 2 3.902 0.123
B8 3 3.608 0.118
B16 1 3.809 0.101
B16 2 2.798 0.085
B16 3 3.925 0.095
H8 1 17.321 0.110
H8 2 26.035 0.179
H8 3 19.854 0.164
H16 1 23.572 0.180
H16 2 23.593 0.159
H16 3 19.751 0.185
 ;
Data print
The ANOVA Procedure

Dependent Variable: af

Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Model 6 1549.168011 258.194669 28.85 <.0001

Error 14 125.276917 8.948351

Corrected Total 20 1674.444929

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE af Mean

0.925183 22.47243 2.991379 13.31133

Source DF Anova SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

trt 6 1549.168011 258.194669 28.85 <. 0001

Output 1
After feeding
Output 2
The SAS System 14:13 Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5

The ANOVA Procedure

Dependent Variable: bf

Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Model 6 0.01579124 0.00263187 7.12 0.0012

Error 14 0.00517600 0.00036971

Corrected Total 20 0.02096724

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE bf Mean

0.753139 15.35896 0.019228 0.125190

Source DF Anova SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

trt 6 0.01579124 0.00263187 7.12 0.0012

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