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; Script Name: Hosebomber's 0-100 Arms Lore Script

; Author: Hosebomber
; Version: 1.2
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with:
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
; Revision Date: 2-07-06
; Public Release: 4-04-05
; Global Variables Used: N/A
; Purpose: Raise Arms Lore from 0-GM.
;Version Change 1.2
;Added SE and ML items Thanks to Eden13
;Version Change 1.1
;Added Skinning Knife
;Fixed slight bug of not counting gain off first lore attepmt to the
; "gains this cycle"
;Menu clean-up... (Showing N/A until first attempt is complete)
;Open bags containing multiple Items onto your screen.
;The more Items the better... I personally used 750 Daggers which I GMed off of.
;This script will use all craftable Non-SE items. (except clothing of course)
;Daggers, Butcher Knives, and Skinning Knives are perfered.
;If you fail to gain in a cycle the script will stop and tell you to get new ite
;Arms lore is target based (like poisoning) and you must gain before being able
; gain off prior items.
;After opening all of your bags press play and wait to GM.
;Props to CEO... used part of his coding for menu display
;All craftable items and hats
;Do you want the script to hide you? (1 = yes / 0 = no)
set %hide 1
;Set your delay here (default is 17) may be slightly higher if you lag.
set %delay 17
;*** Config section ends here - Do not edit past this line ***
set %cycles 0
set %attempts 0
set #menubutton n/a
set %starttime #SCNT
chooseSkill Arms
set %start #skill
set %skill #skill
set %cyclegains 0
if #skillLock = locked
Display OK Your Arms Lore is locked.$
+Please Set your Skill to raise and restart the script.$
if #skillLock = down
Display OK Your Arms Lore is pointed down.$
+Please Set your Skill to raise and restart the script.$
gosub showLoreMenu
ignoreitem reset
goto Main_Loop
gosub Hide
gosub Lore
gosub skill_update
gosub menu_update
goto Main_Loop
sub Lore
finditem %Target
if #findkind = -1
set %cycles %cycles + 1
goto CycleReset
ignoreitem #findid
set #ltargetid #findid
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 13 4
event macro 22
wait %delay
set %attempts %attempts + 1
if %cyclegains = 0
Display OK You can't gain anymore from these targets.$
+Restock with new ones and press play.$
set %cyclegains 0
ignoreitem reset
goto Main_Loop
sub menu_update
if #menubutton = hide
set %hide 1
if #menubutton = Stop
menu clear
menu Font Align Left
menu Font Size 28
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Red
menu Font Transparent #true
menu text status 25 15 Script Halted!
menu Font Align Right
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Lime
menu Font BGColor InfoText
menu delete current
menu Text current 115 25 %skill
menu delete Attempts
menu Font Color Red
menu Text Attempts 260 5 %attempts
menu delete Cycles
menu Font Color Lime
menu Text Cycles 260 45 %cycles
menu delete CycleGains
menu Text CycleGains 260 25 %cyclegains

sub skill_update
chooseSkill Arms
if #skill > %skill
set %cyclegains %cyclegains + 1
menu window color red
wait 5
menu window color black
if #skill = 1000
gosub GM
set %skill #skill
set %totalgains %skill - %start

sub Hide
if %hide = 1
if h in #charstatus
EVENT macro 13 21
wait 12s
gosub Hide
sub GM
menu clear
menu Font Size 26
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Red
menu Font Transparent #true
menu text status 50 15 Woot GM!!!
set %c1 #random % 255
set %c2 #random % 255
set %c3 #random % 255
menu window color %c1 , %c2 , %c3
wait 2
menu window color black
wait 2
menu delete status
goto GM_Loop
;--------- EasyUO Menu Designer Code Begin ---------
sub showLoreMenu
menu Clear
menu Window Title Hosebomber's Armslore
menu Window Color Black
menu Window Size 278 70
menu Font Transparent #true
menu Font Align Right
menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
menu Font Size 8
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color Lime
menu Font Align Left
menu Font BGColor InfoText
menu Text Startlabel 5 5 Starting Skill
menu Text Currentlabel 5 25 Current Skill
menu Text CyclesThrough 125 45 Cycles Completed:
menu Font Color Red
menu Text TotalAttempts 125 5 Total Attempts:
menu Font Color Lime
menu Font Align Right
menu Text start 115 5 %start
menu Text current 115 25 %skill
menu Font Align Left
menu Text Attempts 260 5 %attempts
menu Text Cycles 260 45 %cycles
menu Font BGColor Black
menu Text Gainsthiscycle 125 25 Gains This Cycle:
menu Text CycleGains 260 25 %cyclegains
menu Font Style bu
menu Font BGColor InfoText
menu Button hide 5 45 60 20 Hide
menu Font Style b
menu Font Color WindowText
menu Font BGColor Red
menu Button Stop 75 45 20 20 S
;menu HideEUO
menu Show 730 25
;--------- EasyUO Menu Designer Code End ---------

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