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Scientific Report

Purpose: Science can explain how landscapes change

Title: Mixing oil and water

Part Draft Writing Organization

Part Scientific Question: What happens when water mixes with
1 oil? Wonder
Scien Hypothesis: We think that the oil is thick and will make the What is your
tific water get higher and overfill the cup. Water is attracted water scientific
Ques and oil is attracted to oil. This means they might not mix question?
tion together. We think the reason that the water and oil might not Hypothes
mix is because the oil is very, very thick and will not mix. is
What is your

Part Last year there was a huge oil spill in the gulf of Mexico
2 and floated all the way to the USA. Millions of liters were
Intr spilled into the ocean. The oil was thick and black and
odu floated on the surface. We wonder about why oil and
ctio water do not mix.
What are you
n doing and why?

2 • Small soft drink bottle
Mat • Water
erial • Food colouring
s • 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
What do you
• Dish washing liquid or detergent need to do the
Part Step 1: Put water in to the cup.
Met Step 2: Add 2 drops of food colouring.
Step 3: Pour about two table spoons of the coloured
water along with the 2 tablespoons of cooking oil into the What do you
same soft drink bottle. need to do?

Step 4: Screw the lid on tight and shake the bottle as

hard as you can.

Once you have done this you can add some liquid or
detergent and this will change the outcome of the
Part The oil went to the top of the water and made a
4 second level – the food colouring mixed with the
Con water and made it a strong and dark blue.
clus What happened?
ion The detergent (dish washing liquid) went to the What do you

bottom of it all and made it a third level. This was fun. now know?
Our hypotheses was wrong we thought it would mix Was your
Why or why not?

Websites we have visited:


Hair is good at absorbing oil – but animal hair does not affect it at
all – but human hair does they used some human hair form the bar
bra’s shop to dry up the oil in America.
Oil does not mix with water because oil likes to be with the
minerals of oil and water like to be with the minerals of water.

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